Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 29, 1907, FIRST EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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" Off With the Old, On With the New "
Spring fashions ami Tabrics arc uppermost in every woman's mind. Not a great
many signs to be sttn out of doors, we'H admit, but within this store Spring stocks are
htewmg forth, for we always like to be first m showing new goods.
A took through this store now wM show you many pretty new things.
Muslin Underwear
Unusually favorable conditions
Alilctl n In tho securing, nnd re
nulled In our gutting thorn nt
nrlccn which are extraordinary
low, considering tho high prices
thdt aro now ruling tlio cotton
market. Such dainty, womanly,
underwear such generous ful
ness is ovldont throughout -nnd
withal such astonishingly low
prices, Figure out for yourself
tho present cost of muslin tho
tlmo It would tnko you to mnko
tho gnrmont yourself, and sct
what flno rallies wo havo.
(lotrns, Drawer, Hklrt, Corset
Covers, Chemise, etc
In regular and out sites.
Shirt Waists
Undoubtedly tho finest hIiowIiik
of now style walsta to bo shown In
this city. Every ono n lionuty.
Well ninilo anil prlcos nro unusu
ally low for such good qunlltlos.
Many havo choson tholr sumiuor
supply of wnlsts. Thoro' still n
host in cIiooho from. All sixes
from 32 to 40.
Weekly Bargain Bpeclnl No. .117.
Beginning to morrow morning
nt H'.no wo offer rich
CoulMlng of Niipple, Wnler
Bottle, Hugnr iiml Creameni,
Kpoon Holder, Ollvo DInIicn,
Plaques, Ktc. Every nrtlclo n
gem of llin riitirrVi nrt nnd skill.
Our uiiiiNiially low prices on llile
ward Iiiim Hindu quite n lioxt of
friends, For tomorrow only.
No telephone orders received.
None sold until HiilO.
Our Own
Thoy nro the ombroldorlos you
J Want right now nnd lator. Mado
of Cambric, NalnBaok, Swiss ana
Madorla. Tho best valuos nnd
prettlost pnttorns over showln this
city. Thoro Is such it host to
chooso from that you can not holp
but find something you want.
Accompanying tho shlpmont of
ombrotdorlos was a full lino of
tho newest
Vnlcsirloiiiiet), Torchon, Allover,
Net and Kmlirolderlei.
Tho price, In ovory InBtanco, Is
lower than you'd oxpect to pay for
tho quality.
Distinguished Clothing
This clothing stock of ours
will meet your requirements. If
It lu stylo wo havo it. If It is
flno work wo havo It. If It Is a
eertnln fabric wo havo It. If It
Is quality,, coupled with low prices
get It here. Clothes mado by
America's foromost munufnetur
ers. which insure correct stylo
nnd wnrkmniishlp they nro here.
I Goods
Hwh fr Yaw OaweMeratJoa
Hv the Old Typewrite
Mado new by Martin A Hobor, ex
IMHrt repairmen. Will bo In tho city a
afcert tlmo only, U'ovo orders at
Kllto Cafe. Phono 103. at
! HI Market
That's what Farlrngtou & Van
Patton have, and they nro prepared
to supply you with anything you
want In groceries and meats. This
Is tho first effort In Salem to ettnb
Hah a combined meat nnd general
provision market, and llio apprecia
tion shown by the public Is very grat
ifying to tho proprietors.
Tho River
Tho river li at tho Mont mark
mid Is rising quite rniddly, owing to ,
tho rnlna nnd warm weather melting
tho snow In tho tiiquntnlns.
A Marv Huiokt
When you want a eotufiirtnuta
smoke step around to W. 11. Ullson's
stand, next to the 8ali Htute lluukj
and be more than (donned.
Hour for Japan
Tho Ralem flour mills will beKlu
today to prepare a oarw of 1W.00O
iwcks of Hoar, whlefc will be ml to
sVotw Vuur Ticket
And rewr aliens fur the Hay!
.Male Quartet concert to bo given un
der tho auspices of tho 1). P. 0. Elks
In their new hall, Wcdnosdny even
ing, January 30th, at tho Capital
dni; store,
Ititgiui Is the Mini
When you feel that you wnnt tho
host In tho urocery line, remembor
IliiKiin, the Court street grocor, ex
cels all for quality, as well as In
good service nnd close prlcos.
The Klks Always
lluvo something good In store for
tho public, and mo It Is with tho con
cert that tho lloyal Malo Quartet
will give Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 30th, In tho Klks' now hall. Tick
ets on sale nt tho Cnpltaldrug store.
Hi cry Voiiiik Man
Bhould take his host slrl to hoar
tliH Koyal Malo Quartet, whloh ap
pear tinder the nusploes of tho II. I'.
O. Illks Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 30th. Tlukets and neats reserved
nt the Capital drtiK store.
New Itlevtrlr Supply Store
K. C. Gamble and L. F. Hyde
have recently opened an oleotrlu sup
ply house nt No. 34$ Liberty street,
under the linn name of Humble &
Hyde. They will oarry n full Jlne ef
eleetrte good.
Ilrtir the Ho)ul
Male Qrtt, whUh aifHars at the
Hlks hall Wwlniwday vh1hi: Jan
uary 9lh.
condomn right of way for new locks
but not to condemn the present locks
The question of water ownership
Is an Important one, since, even If the
atato should acquire tho present
locks tho electric company, possessing
tho water, might not supply all the
water needed for navigation nt low
Btagos of the river. It is the opln on
of tho United States ofllclnls that the
electric company cannot take water
needed for navigation uses, oyen
though it claims the solo ownership
of all the water power.
Millions Aro Involved.
The Portland Journal has this:
(Dy Ropresontatlvo B. F. Jones,
who Introduced in tho, state legisla
ture tho bill for the opening of the
Willamette river).
Many of the cltizotiB of Oregon,
particularly those who havo come In
to the state during the past 10 years,
do not know that the locks at Oregon
City, now owned, It Is said, chloiiy
by John D. Rockefeller, woro built
mainly with the people's money, In
fact with money that rqnlly bolongs
lo the public school chlldron of Oro-
, The company thnt holJs the koy to
the Kreat Wlllnmotto valley turns It
In tho locks only whon tho fnrmor
nnd producors plank down a goodly
portion of the prodtH thoy hnvo
earned by honost toll. It is said this
great corporation has absorbed all
tho llttlo concorns In nnd around
Portlnnd, and has secured nil tho
good things tlio stroot car linos, tho
water power In tho Clackamas rlvor,
nil tho electric and powor plants nt
Oregon City, as well as n lion on ov
ery bushel of grnln, potatoes, npplos
and on each pound of hops or piece
of luiriber. In fact, on ovorythlng
grown or mnniifacturod by tho hnnd
of man and the will of Cod, for they
claim the water that fnllB from tho
clouds, especially If it ImppoiiR to
fall In the Willamette river or Its
. : o
Kugrne, where he will holp start tho
Willamette gas plant, of thnt placo.
Loulo camo up last evening, nni, ow
ing to tho rccont storm demolishing
tho trolley wires, ho was compolled
to walk from Vancouver to Portlnnd.
Ho Bald that It was tho least enjoy
able wnlk ho over oxnorlonccd.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kurtx loft this '"'"'"B ongrossed bills. S. U. No.
morning Tor Hosobiirc to visit tho oa- o affoot rt'cord tU1 ot ,andB r
lntter's mother, Mrs. 11. C. Ageo, who (,ceon,-,(l 1'ursons. was unnoted.
Is seriously III. A message from tho house stntcd
Mrs. Heed, of Tumor, was In tho ",Ml U0l,y l,na ,ll8Bca ,l J,nt n"'
Semite Tuesday Morning,
When tho senate met nt 10 o'clock
this morning It took up tho third
city today.
lul asking congress to chnngo tho
Mrs. I. 8. Forrost loft this nmrnlne constitution to have senators oloctod
for n visit to her dniichtor In Tur. ' ,,lro,!t vo- motion of W. A
Theron Lyons, of Portlnnd, spon
Sunday with his pnreuts, nnd has re
turned to his wurk He Is n trusted
employe in tho druic store ot tho
l.uue Drug Company.
MIm Kittle llarbord returned to
day, accompanied by lmr father. M.
(1. llarbord. of Fort Worth, Toxas.
who was stricken down on the way to
Millar this wont to commlttoo of ro-
olutlons with Instructions to Insort
president and vlce-proeldent.
S. 11. No. 78, Coshow, declaring
marriage and divorces mad In sis
tor stntos, valid, enacted.
S. H. No. 83, Malarkoy, relating to
tlio Incorporation of educational In
stitutions. Unacted.
Dy unanimous consent senate ret-
.. -m ...iImk. rf tin.
H. J. M. , "elleI ol -""-' "
nurveyed lands.
Standing Committee Kcports.
Committee on Judiciary reports
hack H B. 18, Newell, prohlbltlns
gbling and poo. selling at state
fair grounds. Report adopted.
H 11 60, Burns, executions or as
signments, transfers or conveyances
Unfavorable. Recommitted for
H. U. 272, Holt (request) amend
ing 3Utlon 2673.
II 11. 273, Barrett, Washington,
to regulate salary county judge of
Washington county.
H. B. 274, Vawior (request) to
rogulato deposits of state funds.
II. B. 275, Bevoridgo, (request) to
nmond code.
H. B. 276, Bevoridgo, (request) to
prescribe number of trial Jurors.
II. B. 277, Bevoridgo (request)
rolatlng to Judgment debtor.
H. B. 278 Buetgeu (roquost) to
amend codo.
II. B. 279, Barrett Umatilla, to cx
tond portage road.
II. B. 280, Merrlman, to incorpor
ate Merrill.
H. B. 2S1, Chase, to nmond flec
tions 75 and 78, relntlnu; to roads.
SeContl Bending of House UIIIh.
II. B. 73, substituted by Perkins,
brnnding of fruits. Third reading.
II. B. 161, Newell, creating state
library commission. Public llbrnrles.
II. II. 162, Newell, rolatlng to
wntor powers. Irrigation.
II. B. 163, Fnrrell, sales ot ma
chinery. Revision of laws.
II. B. 161, Jonos of Polk nnd Lin
coln, protecting oystors. Fisheries.
II. B. 63, Bnrrott Umntllln, rogu
lntlng drlvlnc animals In streets. Re
port fnvorablo with nmondmonts.
II. B. S3, Froemnn, to euro de
fects In deeds. Favorable.
H. B. 8-1, Freoman. Fnvorablo.
II. B. 79, King, ccmmlttoo on oloc
tlona. Fnvorablo.
II, I). 4C, Bnrrott, Washington, ng
rlculture. Favorable.
Judge Sears Cannot Collect
Extra Fees From County
Under Decision
. -.
ifT"" ""
Snved tfom. nn Opcratin.. .
Jlox of flic JTninldr'iioA!
You Cnn TW i, vl
"I. cannot help writing ,
about your wonderful euro
When 1 wrote to you for! tJ
was thinking of g0lnK yr
Operation, But I thoLlfr
give your remedies a trial i
happy Hint I did for I nm' M
only used half a box t J,?!
"L:.;:::" ""t!..1'
U'V 'yv- iuu juur X&ai. 1 fl.v
v'u 1'uuuu my name twr
Bulletin pnrer for 1 am Vi fjl
. U.UIUU torpa. use hit,
the best way you know hn J
Ing you for your good advice
v.v..,. w.ui,..,vo x-uric, Jlarin. t
racks, U.S. N. Training statio.,
Francisco, Cnl. ,!
AVhnt should Induco this r J
uuu" ""U,"U lo write us hn
manner If not gratitude for u
umuu ui u uiseaso which had i
tured him for fifteen year.?
Forto was positively unknown to.
uuui no wiuiu lor mo sampljotJ
vYuiiuuiiiu ruiucuy.
Possibly you too are driven a
"" """ J'"s ana
thought nn operation the onb ,
Let us urge you before going ion
expense nnu siiiroring and submia
10 hub Humiliation, write m
for tho freo trlnl package of i
I'yramitl Pile Cure. Its action!
meuiaio nnu roller Is sure, Thero
tntion of Its makers Is a maul
of Its freedom from harmful l
uionts. Tiioro is nothing a it
ncniing, soothing elements i
worn upon tlio fevered tissues, b
now llfo to tho bowel and malil
action pninlosa nnd natural.
Tho snmplo wo send you
exactly tho Bnmo remedy as Jon 1
at any druggists nt CO cent port
bond todny and seo what woifa
results this sample will brine
costs nothing to try. PiramMi
Co., 7S Pyramid Bldg , Mln
In the first opinion rendered by
Justlco Knkln, of tho supremo court,
hu holds that tho omergency clause,
as ombodled In tho net providing for
additional fees from tho county court
of Multnomah to Judges of tho circuit
court does not como within tho moan
ing of tho Inltlntivo and roforundum
ninendmont to tho constitution, nnd
thnt tho domurror of tho Multnomah
county court to tho comnlalnt of
AM ftmmipanltutmt of their
Hut don't niUUUa dofwtlre
or aon-ultabo )ei for moUiut
or duKt wn Ihem, If your (uHh are
not th sact kind yy pmU wear,
they will do mow harm than Kthl.
IVthtip you would do well to tl
on ui, anyhow, and And out whether
om feav tho mtlllT len or t.
W'll m hontvit with you a't
Kurd ti htf HiherwUtf nd
We Doa't Charge
for Otir Advfce
a N. Mu.rtkHr (Pat) u In tho
(rl Abranw lft fur PtrtUad thto
D. K. Furry luft HiU ihm-mIhk te
Mr. and Mm. It. F. Trry wAnt t
PortUnd teday.
XI I). Ioaay, of JeftrB, 1 la
tho lty oa hunlne,
J. A. MlwtKHl left this HwrHlnc
for vlt tu lortland.
Mn. A. M. Cauhhu wna awhc the
lrtlaHd-lMmud pasHr thl mrn
MM. F. FriUiou. attr vUltlne
Sm friU. hat rturntt to her
homo n lHfftiAMd.
It. Conway Utt this Btornlac for
(Irvat 7Kita, MonU vrhwru ho wilt r-
K. UihUb4 left thU marnlnc for
OervttU to ina out a tok of bixhU
ft wwh ho U IntWMtod.
MIm Hunter, who has own vUIttnj;
Mr. ltw Grbr, of thU city, re-
mrai to wn lortlad tak
"W( H,,
Salem. Ho routed nt Cheyenne awhllo.0,l,t,on No- 1C Slchol, was lakon up. Judgo Alfrqd F. Soars should hnvo
boon sustnlnod nnd the Judgment on
terod to tho contrnry by Judgo Thos.
A. McBrlde Is-revoraod.
This Is nn action brought by Judgo
Sears to recover $1000 extra snlnry
from the Multnomah county court,
for servlcoa. undor n spocinl act of
tho legislature, and It Is of ospoclal
Interest nt this tlmo, bocauso tho
validity of omorgoncy clauso to bills
for legislation, ns proscribed by tho
Initiative and roforondum amend
went Is brought squarely up for de
cision, and Is fully uphold by tho
The emergency clause of tho net in
que-rtlan was drafted In nccordnnce
with section 2S, nrtlclo 4. of the rnn.
Ututlon, nnd thoro was a ouoatinn
of the suillelency of tho omergency.
ami then camo on to Salem to re-
cuperato tu n hoapltnl.
It. M. Cllbert loft todny for a two
months' visit In Los Auceles.
J. Dutteuhoefer loft for San Fran
cisco thl Hiiiorulntj on bustneiw. He
will then leave for an oxtended bust
nes strip In the Wait.
V. I). UabrleUou left this Hiuralng
on buslneiM to tho upper valley towns
Curl Hliiklu, the actor, left thle
liioriiltiK for Hverett, Washington.
Mrs. 11. Aohford hue been lulled to
Auitwvtlie by the lllneite of her moth
er, Mr. Von llehren.
(Coutlaued from page one.)
" MJv"Ti'hr-r'wiiM-rLrcfcrvron-ri,-(.
Htateil that the eut of halldlHt; new
looks, aooonllHK to oae project,
would be M 14,008. or. aewrdlng to
HuetUw project. 54I1.MO. both wlth
eut rluht of way. At the preeent
lime the covurntuent enclnoom lu
PortUad. undor Coleaei Uoeeeler. oe
tlHtato that new looks would cost be
tween ItSQ.eeo nud $689,880. with
out right ot way, on account of the
advanced cost of labor aad material.
That the, rluht of way cwt for new
looks would greatly swell ike total
coat of bnlWIni: a new waterway, )
Should the state ooadeam the
preeeat IwAs, hawovor. there u ren
ea to Welleve Uiat U eeald cet ioa.
mIoo of a boat waterway over tho
iaiu eoustaerably oheaper than by
trying to fore the owaem of the
preat looks to aelt them, by threat
i coBuuQunic new locks on the east
tide ot the river.
Tho bill of lUpreeentattve Jone.
of Polk couaty. approprUtiag $too.
0h0 for free locks at Orejoa City.
Konoiution asks that seorotnrv of
stuto furnish statement of amount
collected for Oregon by Captain John
Million, and amount duo him bo fur
nished. Heforred to commlttoo on
Senator M. A. Mlllor Introduood S
J. M. No. i, asking congress be nie-morlall-ed
to Increase the pensions
of. Indian War Veterans. Heforred
to resolutions committee.
Special eommlttee reported rec
ommending S. U. io.'.. relatlnc to
boundry line of Umatilla, do imes.
Oumtwtttee oa etluoatlon reeonu
mended that reeolutlou relntlng to
UKt-Woek cowwiaeton do jmm. Adopt
This oomailUee reeoHimended that
O. II. IS (10 HOt MU. A.l.u.tu.1
inil ,V. Mn..u i. ,
The committee ou eilncatlon r-o-Ztl . ",aa inal ",nM th
.....i.. ...rZ .! wwon rec-' referendum amondmnnt hii, -i..
hills were latro-
McClala, who
UHl come aw In the house Wdw
receatb" 1 notaiue at io ,-.wv . . . .
Itauted it VmuurM w. - w i.l i . .... . -'- " pceii
mi Ukmtr Seu, Stfamu.,., ;uuu-rr, .7i,,SfiS
ommended that S. 11. 79, relating to
uumpuiwiry edaeatloM, do
The followlag
duoed and read:
S. 11. HT, Kay. to ataead oede re
lating to the feee of the see-.un.
S, n. US. Smith of Umatilla, to
create oounu of Caseade.
Tho followie; uaie vrere read for
tlie eeooad time:
S- HI. ifalarkey, relating to
competitive Woadlag on neb-llo lm
proveweat. Was referred to oem
rulttee aa muWwi oacporatioas.
WU (UOIIOB OC M. A. Millar ..-..
.ll... "WUUIU
House TueMUy Morning.
II. R., Holt, to laerease ui. .
rural null carrier to m
H. U.. SO. Wilson, to IneroMa num.
ber of rucmeere oa a,ment aad
taxation eowmltteo from five to sov.
en. Favorable report,
H. R. 25, COBBittco to InTeetlrate
public perpetual ft-aa-h!.- r-t-
able report adopted.
fluoa an omorgonoy ns bolng "necos
ary for tho immediate preservation
of the public peace, henlth or safety"
without furthor osoeptlona tho omor
gonoy clause was Insufficient.
Holding tho court was in error in
Uniting tho effect of tho evidence of
the dangerous and dosporate charac
tr of tho deceased to tho question as
to who was tho assailant or aggres
or la tho difficulty Chief jU8uC0
Bear, reyersod tho Judgment ot Judge
. L. llradshaw. Ib th . ,., .f
State vs. Joseph Thompson, and or
al r the defendant
Defendant was cov,cted of
uor in the seeond deirro . i.
Alex. Qoerleke hv .t.hi,i.. .' . " .b
necomber u. 1904. iu".!:
WiJ affirmed. OrMnlon by j
JutlW Moora B deo,ed -JW
The Royal Male Quartet -
lias a reputation ns enterf,'
and will appear In tho Elks' neil
Wednesdny evening, January IH
TIcketB on salo at tho Capllil i
o .
M'ifon ix).si:s point.
Hoiiwj Votjs Down Resolatki
flivo Multnoiiuui More Cosh
- teeslilps.
With tho rondlng of report! olfl
commlttco on resolutions, reportil
Btnndlng committees on several I
referred, Introduction nnd first i
Ing of nlno houso bills, and
roadlng nnd roforonco to conn
of 73 hillB, tho houso cleared
dosk nt 12 o'clock, sharp, this boa!
Ing nnd took recess until 3 p. i
Tho only transaction of Imports
wnB tho voting down of a resolati
by Wilson, of Multnomah, to laeW
two of tho Multnomah hou9
gatoff tipon tho committee oa i
monta nnd taxation,
Von Cannot AfTonl
To miss hearing tho enterttls-
glvon by tho Royal Male Q
which Is slvon under tho auspkt"
tho B. p. o. Elks Wednesday i
Ing, Janunry 30th.
lMensant Surprise Part. l
A pleasant aurprlso party wul
on JSllzaboth Holdemnn bybtr!
friends at hor homo on Liberty
Saturday afternoon.
Tho nftornoon wna Bpcnt la i
and music, after which light i
mentft worn nnrvpil ;l
Thoso n resent were Toe Jf
Bernico Powell, Althca Esca.
onco Esch, Dorthea Buckner,
Newberry, Gabo Johns, Irene i
Florence Balno, Helon Ne-
SlUaboth Hnldoman and the
Ponald Wilson. Eucene Mc
lorman Vleaco, Leo Hoyt, L
loyt and Gordon Powell.
Thaw Marder Case.
Tho Ico Rtnnn hns out th? '
Crnnh llnnn nut nf lmsfnCSS. '
Inst night nlno Jurors had !
en In tho Thaw case.
Over Ladd & Busa'a Bank, 9-
Nocwkii Utatott Ffee
PranV VnraJUh. ReIJ '
naiM uk wm Tirown . 0
139 Coaaraerelal street.
llMHim.lrL.i T.-r.llnnabl0
droasmaklag, reasonable I
Mrs. Muawy, of Portia- ,
at 3&s i7tM ireu ".'
Jy:v,'AesiJiiU: ,