Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1907, FIRST EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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    SSSSJ '"5rwr wr
lag- -if-1 Tg"
"Off With the Old, On With the New"
- j ..n'o msrirl
Spring Fashions and Fabrics arc uppermost in every wu wm ....-- .
ivi-t. Vr, .,, ;re f nincy to ho cppn niifr of dnnrs. we II admit, DUE
within this store spring stocks are blossoming forth, for we always me to
t r t f ,!- - rtAAIc
ie Tirsc in snowing ntsw su,UU3'
A look througn now win snow you many preuy new uimss
y in
Ha A MxMA A-
i -vii r " - n-Msa i. i
'i ' . - -s.. ,
Manning Wodnesduy morning at 8:30 wo offer rloJi
i I
1-1, .
Now stylus Jn oiji snperb,, col
lection of diil nt y unci u!'kuiiL ulilrt
wftlitH inndo by (Ho anions
J mnmto ut ? im&
Ko umu to attempt descriptions.
Hoo them ns thuy nro. Hutidrods
of newest frofttfrtnR tfi ohffflso
from. You'll llko tho variety, 1Kb
slylos mid llio llttlo prices nttncli
cd to ono, ns you tiro Hiiro to Itnd
JtiHt what you wnut nhd nt Juir
what you want to pay.
Tlu newest nro dtillrnto nrtlcltn
of wnr tlint cntinot lio enrolled
for ilnlntlnujn; mndo of sheer
lawns mid finest llnuns, ulsu it
flno showing of tlioHO dulnty Jap
id I it in tionutiful orfuct.
Yon ihould boo our stock bc
foro deciding
hkcoxd vunm.
CotiBlaJfng of Nnpplos, Water Dottles, 8ngar and
HOI dor's, pllVO Dishes, Placodes, Kto. Every nrtlcle
jw'sjirt rtiid skill. Our unusually low price on this
quiloin host -of friends, For Wednesday only
Creamers, Spoon
a tram oftli cut-
wnro lina mado
" i
No lolnphoneTrdenTrocelvod. None sold until 8:30 Wednosdny.
spring style
Ladles' shoes
Men's mlvnnco
shiK's co m I im in.
uxpvctvd this wuok
NVwwt, Nnhliliiit Htylc.
, Embroideries
Our Own
Tlioy nro tlio oinliroldorls you
want rluht now and lator. Mndo
Of Cnmlirlc, Xalnsook, Hwlss and
Mndorla. Tlio host. valuon and
lirottlost vnluos ovor shown In this
city. Tlioro U such a host to
(ihooso from Hint you cuu not Imlp
hut ilnd Homethtiii: you wnnt.
AcoumpnuyliiK tlio uhlpmunt of
oinhroldorloa whm a full lino of
tlio nowcul
Viili'iit'li'iiiu-M, Ton lion, (Mhirr,
NcIm mid KiiitirolilcrlcM,
Tlio prlco, In overy lnstnnco, Is
lower thnn youM expuct to jiny for
tlio quality.
Wo havo Just Itmtallod a. complete nBsortmont of thoso pnttorns now
on snlo In our pattern dopiirtmuut.
(Initio flmrt tvlth liich I'nttcnt Hlylo ItiMik Km..
Muslin Underwear
UniiBiially favorable conditions!
aided us In tlio securing, nnd re i
uultod In our getting tlioin nt
prices which nro oxtrnordlnnry I
.IrfOr'cOflHiaMltW ilfB lifRir iirlcc
that nro now rulliig tlio cotton
rnnffcet.. Such ilalnty, womanly,
tiiidorwonr-ysiigli genorous ful
n ww Is MvldoiiL throuKhotio nnd
wltlinl such nutonlHliliib'ly low
prlowi. l-'luure out for yourself
tlio prosont coHt of muslin tlio
tlmo It would tnko you to rnnko
the eurniout yoursolf, nnd nee
whnt fine vnluos wo havo.
(Joiuih, JtnuvorH, Hklrts, Cornel
In rosulnr nnd out fllrort.
I $ mFt t wlllt
1 J 1 " " ,.H iff
v 'fir
i m r --
Lit .( - . , kTiil
'J R 1
I 1 1 rw .V. C . :DfA mi
' ift z m i '7.,n m
Ml l f fim V ttl m
k ',M ,&hv m
I 'fit 1 mm
yip w i
.Cecelia Wily, of Portland, reiuirou
'to their homo yesterday, nfter v!b1-.
ing Miss Helen Calbreath, of this
Mrs. Alfred Thayer, wife ofibnq of
the itar reporters of the Salem
Statesman, loft' Saturday' night for
her former home in san?rruuciBuu,
to .-enialn rn til 'warm weniher.
T'i'rnn Lyon, nf tor jlsltlng rola
tlVt j i- id fdenflS hero, has retilrned
to 1.1; work In .Portland. He .was
fornir-h- drug clerk of:the J. Haher
Jy drug store hero, and Is at present
with a Portland firm.
'- . - '.'
Distinguished Clothing
This clothing stock of ours will
meet your roqulromonts. If It Is
stylowo hnvo It. If It is fine
work wo havo It. If It Is a cer
tain fabric wo have It. IT It It,
quality coupled with low prices--Kt't
It here Clothes mndo by
America's foremos manufactur
ers, which limun-B correct stylo
nnd workmnnBhlp-tlipy nro here.
A OotlejUon of luntortunt Por
grsphs for Your Oonnldcrotlun
Ni'mt Atxilrttrfrr Hcr
Mr. W. Q. lloyor, n new membor
of tlio Holeiu AUstruct & Kntid Co..
)ms urrlvoU In Ha I mil with his family
j accomplished and popular reporter
on the Portland ToleKrnm, was mar
ried lust Btiturdny In Portluiul to
MIm Krnostlno Couuhrun, ulio u
iiiuiuliur of tlio Tolojtrnm stuff. Mr.
Ktruitbortt wuno to Hulom diirlnw tlio
first wtmk or the leulslntlve hwmIbii
for the TelttKrniu.
Is Out of DrtiiKct
Mrs. J. II. Hcntt.
who Is nt the
from Mlniii-otn nnd has nssiunod his L J-' ".T '. W" . nl "'"
.r..ti;. ... .r..,.,v t ., ..v ,HttUm' "Pltl. IihvIiik undorKonu a
j w .serious nporatlon, Is roportod vory
moh Improvod today, and ontlroly
tiiim i.iin,.MP. imiyii . t of daM(w.t
itcports ironi i no tmrrounniim at
trlotM slvo tnformstlon that the re
cont rold spoils havo dnmncvd the
eiock of potaiws In some iilnw.
1'Vniturt'H Collar Hone ,
T I) Join's whllo eiiKnued In hnul
ItiK hops from IiIh farm at Mission
Uottom was thrown from his wagon
nnd shsIii1 a fracture of his col
lar Iran. He was bniHulit to Salem
Saturday hIkIiI and at present Is rest
In c oitslly.
HtHdjIiiR WtMirni
. Jloy UUJvWt.fQ.ilM WAMrs.
C. P. ilUJiop. Is In ho vast stmWliiK
k) mfcnifttCLtuw i o(iii) uijtidjl In
SH)tno of tho bUx faoturles. "
Tho VlilUisrinonla mid Plrt MfcUw
fhUst ohMroU choir under the dh--tlon
of Profwwr It. A. ijerltaKO'ill
Blttt the canUts. "The How MalJnn"
t the c-hureli about the first of
W. P. WnmlHir MarrU
W, P. Ktraabore, well.kuown.
On the wor4 of one of the wisest
jiklui)phni of tho ase, you tuny set
Ij down u tho truth ttut n. man
n botttr afford the most economlo
1 of extravAcaticIc thn tbo most
trtv&i;ant of mtmoutrt
Pit tin Udh
Miss lluininul, of Portland, will
ho In Bftlam. nt Mrs Iirown's board
Ins houso, at the comur of Liberty
and Ohemeketit vtreuts, where she
will be yrupared to nt ladles with cor
sets, and will have a oomulote llnu
of Indltw' furnUUlHu koo1s. Unusual
nbntMMi and slsee of eorsete made to
order. Call Tuesday between 11:30
a. rn. nnd X:20 p. m.
"WIktm Holls tho Onuull,,
ProfoMtK II. a Tillman will Rtve
his iMture, "Where Holts the Ore
kh In the eUMe! tk WtlMimeue
UMlverilty Tutmlay evenlns.
IVnlttittLtry ltntortlinuoiit
Tho Inmates of Ue state ntnlte.
ttary will kIv an imtertalmnent at
the urison Wednesday ovonlng boRln-
umr at 7 o'oleoV.
CVm Home Hick
Ywmw PQl!cman JiOih j. iui-
er tiu heme' 'frout liny 0lt sltk.
as son nt tie recovers ho w-Hl mura
to Ue att.
Mi-olhiK lairKcly AttciuliHl
The evniiKvllstlo revival meetliiKs
that aro In prouroes at the First
Prosbyterlan church, under the lend
orshlji of Messrs, SteaU nnd Hopny.
nro drawing laruo crowds, nnd croat
liig a grent deal of Interest. A splen
did itUAr has bovn orcnnliqd, ami
tho musical features are very attrac
tive. SnirniKo Minting.
Thera vrin b u women's sufTrese
mentlnK at the W. C. T. U. hall, our
nar of Perry and Cuinmwttal stretds.
n Tuesday, the STth, at !: o'thiek
vexymwr invited to lw prnMHt. lly
ordor of the BuperlHttttdMt of the
suffrage deiiartmont.
OolnK to HikmI lther.
Mr. and Mrs. Iru Haiutlton and
Mr. and Mrs. Sum Adeluh left this
mernlug for Hood Ulvor, where
Mewira Hamilton and Adolpli will enr
kbk In the confectionery business.
Hoth yMUB Men and their wtvtw r,
well knwn In Salem, ami iWVe for
their new home with the but wifci
of their many frled, .
up front
PoUontHl m Doc
H Is trra6ant wonotny to wrtrLT. i nlrwnt k.Inmw4
r-'" m hwhuiui irtsa setter.
yr vi bUwm if tlioy are at
tmir utM to you.
W show iou whether thrr
, and It win rost you netht& te
itett mi I fcwlj Hf T " lt u
lilvitii MattonH
ThriM of the fonr ahUdrn af
ChAfle Peawe have ned a petition
In the oouau court asklne for the
UolHtWdHt f Charles II. llewy Sh
administrator of the ostatu.
WmIIowa CVmuty Htiri.s
Wallows county's sutomeut of ux
penses was Al4 with the swntfary
of stte this aiorntm- ahowlur th
total Mai(n of that couuty for the
year im, luiv of roads aud
highways, mas $85,ioe.44 i
To Talk Tatln.
Ch. P. strain, the aeMesor of
UnwUll eawnty, who has become an
exrHsrt oh matters of county reven.
nes. hi 1 the ty U' apoear before
the corauiuwv on KMeement and tax
ation this evening. During the past
fsp yar the amount of ta n,.i.i
In his eouatr ha ra. ..
with a raise of from stisana
III8.90A for tho tour years preed.
. mo uroixinilUee of the tx
etw to grow n more VoraioM. .n.
tttt doe not setm to be conflned
to Marlon county.
H. II. Dee went to Portland tmlnv
A. l Drown went to Jefferson this
Arthur 0. Iloschen left this morn
ing for Portluiul.
.11. W. Wlprut wont to Portland'
this morning on huslneee.
Oeorge Hudoluh left this morning
for Jefferson on busluees.
Fre.1 Lugg vlnltel hta family in
this oily over Sunday.
Jefferson Myers onme
Portland this morning. '
V. A. Holmes went to
this morning on business.
Hev. Q. 0. Oliver came down from
Jefferson this morning.
Dr. w. T. Williamson, of Portland.
Is In the city on business.
Mrs. A. MeQIU hn return! r.m
vlsiung friend In Portland.
A. King Wilson, a well-known PorJ
land atturaey. Is la the olty.
Mrs. Kay Otlbart ... .
from a brief rlelt In Portland.
Prank Harriett returned this morn
Ing from a tUlt (n Portland.
Mlse Dlanche llmwn has roturatKl
from a vUlt at the reform school.
Orten Koby and brother left this
morning for Anmsville on business.
Mrs. Kred Watraiu auA u,
ofjoreei Oro a, VkUUg la tb,i
I.w Wood, of am, te lB lk
visiting friends ami transaotlug busl-
:Jil r- ctt"". f Albany. i8
HlI?yU l0 Pwttand
-". " m over-Sunday
Itolllnps Lors.
Log rolling Is tho principal busi
no88 of the fefnte loglslntnre.T-Albany,
Democrat. , . . -3 ,
.Tncf Hn Snnip-t.'' 5 VJi
It U the business of the -Unlte3
States covernment toinnkd tliorver,
navigable nt Ore2on City' ?just ns
nun h n ' n' th mouth of tho Columbia.-
Albany' Democrat. "
Maiij'Toaisrr.nfiis. ; ; ;
A Kood muny foolish bflTs have
Iipi-ii Intradured. which men. of only
nvornge 8ensV.duuht to knowcnnnot
pa---. Mbnny Democrat.
This Is I'nlcJiuL, j '
One of the Orogonlan 'cui'tors has
Just been telllns the university stu
dents how to make a modern news-
pnper. Now sonic ouo;buouiu ivjusper
the snnie Information Into tho cars
of the Orcganfhn manaj;Lulont,. Eu-.
gene Guard.
All Hut Two.
The present legislature, seems to
be determined to cut off two normal
schools those of Ashland nnd Drain,
thus giving Oregon two Ilrst-clnss In
stitutions, ono nt Monmouth nnd on
nt Weston. If this Is dono tho legls
Intuie can afford to deal liberally,
with tho rcmalnic two schools aqd
give them every facility for mooting
tlio keen demands mndo upon thorn..
Hast Oregonlnn.
Tlio Salary flrnh.
An advance of tho salaries of con
grossmen and gonators from $5000
to $7000 por yenr has been voted
by tho houso. It will doubtless bo-
concurred In by tho sonate, nnd ho
como tho lnw.In his two years torn,
on Orogon congrossmnn receives
$10,000 salary, $2100 clork ' allow
ance $1400 mileage, $250 In BtnmpB
nnd possibly othor perquisites. Of
tho 2 1 months In ono term, ho spends
about nine nt Washington In tho
service of his district, a sorvlco which
costs the govommont moro thnn $14,
000. Corvallls Tlmos.
Pnrtljinxhlp Dead.
During tho past few days there
hns been wldesproad editorial com
ment on tho lato Gonernl Robt. 13.
Lee. tho great lender of tho Confed
ornto nrmloaln tho Civil wnr, tho
100th nnnlvorsnry of his birth hnvlng
Just been obuorved In numerous
pincee uiroughout tho country. Al
most without oxcoption thoso editor
ials have been tilled with prnjso of
tho remarkable kindness nnd per
sonalities, ns WOll nn tlin irnl ...Ml
Uiry gonlus of Gonoral Loo. Genonrnl !
rrouoncK u. Grant, son of tho late
Gonernl U. S. Grant, contributes n
similar article to tho currant !nn n
Colllor's, In which Genornl Leo Is ac
corded tho highest prniso for his
clinrmlng personality and hf vt.
ordinary military ability and londor-
Shlp. All tlllH K0O8 tn ilmw M,n ..
orn of bitter partisanship is past and
'I j.tirsonui worth Is moro than
ovor being accorded Its duo recogni
tion. Itosoburg Rovlow.
Just ns Much Good.
Tho legislator who holps prevent
bad legislation does ns much fnr ,i
constituents as If he introiinri i
of worthies bills. Albany Dorao
erat. IUt Half tlio Tlmo.
At the ond of thn flmt t. ...
I he Oregon legislature will havo been
w Wg as niany daya as In session.
Albany Horald.
Will Help Some.
Perhaps, Mr. Dryan In his talk on
ho Initiative and referendum before
tia Oroenn 1a..iuii ...
sood, Porhaoa It ,,," om?
. A. "u" uawn.on
uaitGrcnunfv w, .
tf. Aim in.ji. . .
ft fat Bator County are
it and thaUhpy have d J!ll
selves oil , tho subject!,.";
Mooro desired nhd ther.?
coruingly.-Bnkor city n0
' OC course Speaker DaveV i, Jl
.dVmm,tlee3nlps. tJIS
Haines dldninn i.,t..j. '!
. '.. iiuinir
In the dqalr Mr.
naing De3
HodBon defeated candldatet!!
.., ,.. , ily c . ,.
l& Ah8,. . J
'wui .il a u. iinri t.n. M. .ma
tntlonishlhitlrf hii"ti...'. ltle0i
- ' enea so id.
people can elect speaker an;i
aoni- oi inc-senato -Alban
HO Is ft Dcmorrn,
Tho state board can i.o .' .
Tippolnt-.the men who hav .t
illrt 1ROO ointn'o ..-. "
InsanoJ asylum, or can safely
luui-iiiimuiiB OI tnc SChnnl f.,
Iiiobody but tho governor knoJ
toselect a board of railroad Ji
m. '" VVU
sioners. xno governor Is a
cr,at. renaiton Tribune.
r " "Tfobotlv OMiJi.
'"ThoroVorfalnly can be tofti,
iiu.o uujutuun in uio It ElsUlaTr
iiiBwniH.vo aettieinior kr
prohibit iBsuanco of llauor llS
nersonHiconvicted of selllne nw
mlnorsAor violating SunrUn
law or pornilttlug minors to fti
saloons. Woodburn lndenMi
. .The: pverweenlng gcnerosltTi
i j. i V4JI
Ijrusiuuni. oi uio senalft .,.
BpcuK.er oi .tno house, In airi
tnreo-iourtiiB or the comnii
chnlrmunslilps in the Orepoa let
tui-o-fto mon from that county
n corrolatlvo clement of rutn
ity'uppif tho motropolitan countin
contdrs" tho critical Interest rL
Btato upon that delegation, Mi
uubnuu-'iL't'iHiniion anaii erenfa
oltlior to tho urntlflcatlon nr .
Iiolntmqnt of tho people at tan
will tlio monsuro of creditor!
fall to tho cty of Portland.-!
lllrtlulay Huniri,
A BiirprlBo party was clven
day-evening, January 26th, la I
of Miss' Vldti McMillan's fo
blrthdny. A vory pleasant
wnB Bpent In gnmea mid plaji
viun wn8 tno recipient of
nlco gifts. Ono especially mr
book of Whlttlor's Birthday
by flvo of hor Bchool mntcs. LI;
freshments woro served. Thow
ent wore: Emma Mlntoo,
Miller, Katlo Wise, Vlda McVl
Edna fait. Lllllo aieuzs, Jkvk
nold, Vorn McMillan, Lulu
Madge Arnold, Vern Wslllat
Wright, Johnlo Leets, Cllftoa &
Floyd Dnvlfl, Lester Watwn,
Browor Wilbor McCracken,
Irish, Mark Elliott. Claud HAL
ry Morris, Clnro Vlbbert, Liu
urnckon, Itussol Cooly.
Teachers' Contest.
Tho votlnc contest of the i
Bakory Is progressing nicely
closo next summer, and th i
enst to dato aro as follews:
Miss Mollen
Miss Kramer . ,
MIbs Glcason
Miss Savngb
Miss Pliolo
Miss Flschor
Miss KraiiBO
Amy Mirtln .
Miss Mnrlatto
Mrs. L. Wonlger '
Miss Swafford
Miss Stllwell ,...
Miss Lonn Miller
MIbs Bean
Miss Lick mii
Miss Belllngor
Over Ladd & Bush's Bank,!
Frank Morcdlth, RetlM-
OflHee with W. Browa '
129 Commercial street
visit here.
Mr. aa4 Mw. c n n.w.
land today. "
Mrs. Cornell has tiU ,.. .
Mt IVaneea llou-, ..
ovorvSu..!... .... .."" """ an
Tm; :lr,:w Mla atiTa
'"" 5r-.3:JaV -'vnutway ttait with relsii .
r.i.j'j"? "" c
.- . uuuosious to the neonlft
the referendum win h . "uP.e?.pI?!
-v.uuUCU. ino iatjattvo will bi
Invoked. Albany Herald,
A Grtnt Ahsct.
Ami!" J0nn,nB8 Bfyan a ono of
America's greatest assets. Ho hi
18 creat mo. Astoria BudgeF
ut Will Ho?
A IJti .
..v .-innowtuon.
For itent. Tho store ro
Omtrt atrant nprlinled Df
1nrva nlfnf PohrUHrf !"
Wnirnn- Rifl PnttftCe stf
" " K
It looks nnn. til.. ..
to preveT "erawaa noth-
northern part of Gran7Un ot th
1 Ql Grant county to
YVnutfsrl in liuv Heavy '
'weight li00 pounds af
- i. " , lis
J. uonner, wiiiami"" -
Vim Kiu x fivi and 9
. ..l m itllA tS
nouse, wiin uum
with each, woll locxlf f
Salem. Good bargaw,
Scheneflold, 21st and
Lost Onld filled WfitCB,
Kllnger Grand theatre J
street, on ueow " m
ment 1,147,0-16. " -
rr.A ..MlJ Of CS"!.
baivu uu ,- ."aal
xuinttiitt at Jouri' j
..t- ir, .