Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1907, FIRST EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Sent events or
" 7Tbythc Daily Jurna' or ",c P"blic Schools : '. j
0fl1 MttllM" r.4-M-t-l-J"l-l- f .,4-i-t-t-MH.4.4--...
j ,. yf t, Oliver, oi nuou
"1.1 to dig the Panama canal
r' t.i'.i.. tin accepted.
II PrDau" . ..., nf the
In Africa, are In
r . rtv of natives oi
iar6 " .
ngo Free siau-,
passed In Kansas
Panama canal commission, says Pan
ama Is as healthy aa any part of the
United States.
The Hague congress to promote In
ternational , peace by arbitration In
stead of wars is to be held in June.
Owing to Increasing scarcity of
codfish on tho const of New Found
land, 1000 families havo moved to
tho United States.
An electric light has been Invented
that has 45 times tho power of tho
carbon incandoscent lamp now In
Tho now English ambassador' to
our country says there is a very
warm feollns of friendship between
his government and ours.
Queen Helena of Italy is studying
. ,. ho
4VS iu, - , th.ltreH
Lmst basebaii, ""-"
I ... niirnrnln in nrotcst-
llittonajoin. ." Tonn,ioBn .
calnst aiiowuiB i. -
Z to the public schools.
Coal is being brought from Albcr-
to Portland.
h, commerce of unoou.
Increased to nennj ,,-
.past year.
L.nt Northern nnd Union
"- . nnoni,,i tholri vuv;u" " "l "
i. rnllroaus iiu'i i"-- I ,.,i .,!.,.,
,uv.-- . . uuuvi u itwiiuun imiiuui
in lines, and bupph -i
hrf to towns on tue uruuu .
itnaro ueeu --
f,nuary 26 was tho IStli birtimny
,he German emperor ana wo ii
ithdar of lils so". Pr,nco Augustus
Luary 26 tho 118th anniversary
(the settiemetu oi mo uh.j " j-
I . -ii- M.nrt nnlnhrnrni.
IT. AUSirnilil. o vv.v-".. mlvnntnnn nf vnim nffiw nf n fMa aul
'hue Alfonso has issued a decree, aor,ntlon to Tho .Tom.nnl for n-iinni
undine the sessions of parlla- j .,, T ,?,, fmim, ..,, p. ,.,
at and appointed a now prim Events department very valuablo In
tuter There will bo an election , B0Vcnth and eghtu Brwlo work nml
j to choose n new parliament. j encloso ono dollnr for tho pnpop nt
m k t. (-..H.-uu Tlnnlfln . ... - . .
brancn or uio aoumum x umuv yor special rnto to tonchors of 25
item Is being built into Klamath ccntB a month.
111. Very truly yours,
Thw P. Shonts, chairman of tlm VORA STORY.
An oxtrn session of congress may
bo called to consider revision of the
tariff laws.
Appreciated lu AVoodburn.
Woodburn, Ore, Jnn.2G.
Editor Tho Dally Capital Journal,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sir: Somo tlmo ago I toel:
For Chic's Release.
Attorneys McMnhon and McDovItt,
nf Pnrflnnil ltni'n fllml nn nnnnnl t.i
..... mi . . I - . v....m, ..i.ivi .tit .... ii'l'wl ,t
ror a jieuiuru puiivr ui luuiwnf
tho Rimromo court nn .Tmlirn fJnlln
reach Salem Monday morning is; .... ....
Illy too swift.
he iejlslaturo sits 3 days and
latest 3 Vx days. In reality it has
la In session about 18 hours only
i of HS hours each week.
way's decision on tho habeas corpus
proceeding In tho caso of Chic Hough
ton, whom tho governor ordered back
to tho penitentiary to servo an uncx
pircd term after ho had broken his
an People are Noted for Their Love of Fair Piny. So True Is
That It Hay Be Said To Be a National Trait of Character.
i ttho strikes another a foul blow, or maliciously tries to injuro him
si, or in his socinl standing is detested and abhorred. Tho Ameri
are jfot generally slow to manifest tlieif disapproval of such unfair
no an opportunity is afforded.
j of this disposition is tho fact tlint although base, false nnd ma
Jft upon Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, and his widely celebrated Family
ue sometimes injured the sale of these meritorious remedies for a
lien such unjust assaults have been met and their falsehoods corn
ed, a natural reaction has followed and their sale has been fully
mUjfJhe. Ladiei' Home Journal, nt Philadelphia, which. In 101)4,
iiy.mailcTtiiiMy IhIm), alaiulproiis and jllli'lon Article. aUncTim;
Jp Jjjaj; I-'"'A' t'reription" the well-known cure for tonianTI
Uuyg nml oistressing ailinenlrf-nr. fierce hrmipht suit in tliff
-l,',g'.U,'ehtate ol fsew York .against the- tntWliPhpra of tlinF n.n.l'.i-1
uni'ii tin ifiiririr inn iiifiiritnitr w.i.n. tnw
I Jortnr f lir.
rt not for enontj-ti tn pr"ny jccompense 1)
iniuyu'ccdope hjm While he and liia "l-TTMirl
CQMinlPtely vindlcaleil "ani
n iil)stinnh;iT
r. Pierce lor
orite l'featTii
noun ri
fill Inlfnr nimnrlv i i ii. ...i ... ..ik.ka.-
r-llll n wlj.L.-l I' . 111 i ' i ! . . ' i ii '
" "'! mi"i ,i'"ir-,,i F'lt' Mi''ilm rons and
A"JPntiqn(Ml nnner had nlleeed it rrn.ininpii. v.i
It irnrti i ..km .!.! I..- .. ' ."' ..n. . r . . ' . ',l .'r .. .
r. l'iorro I in a
-TT. 1 I i -r-n ! 1 ' T I "' . 1
iiii,i-ii ioru new tun IrilFtiMr Ihnt tlierehv. Ii
ie mnv
1J zi iAJ"- i.i.t-i.i'l. .init iiih nr iiiiiv
nil en tl n t e rnmtiniiMilirm lor tin. r.ront iImiii.
ip.wns mnde to Hiifferliv 'rcaiion' of ' (lie hnf-e falsehoods nubiisliea
iLntid lTb business; " -11 1
In Chronic Nasal Catarrh, It is well to
cleanse- thcjms-aKci two or thrco times a
day with Vr. Huffe'a Catarrh It n.cdy
fluid, whilo iiorslstiiiR in the usu of tho
"(JoHIou Mculcul DUfovery " for Its blood
cleansing and spoeiTc curative effects
upon tho dlsened iniicousnionibrnnes, Jt
w ill euro n very largo per cent, of all ensps,
even after they have reached the ulcera
tive, or chronic btago, and no vmtler if
linrnimls of thousanas of
r tbls blessed country of
o been cured of obstinate
"m throiiBh tho tiso of l)r,
"" and It is only natural
1 eshi uldrNo up and speak
riitj rwttv freely w,en Dr.
w meduinea aro so uujustly
u,i Pat,Ients of nr- PIo-co
J"l In almost evorv hamlet
M Ugo, and In tho farm--v
iu,llcs cottages In every
"f,r."' this Kreat country,
ttude prompts such iwopfo
., ,1e,e.na I?r- l,'e" ami
Is. ""Just and ma-
storM l.c!inM ha, bocn n
fZElnV ov,or tI country
M?itlt.he,,r 8a,10 continues
Htantial and most grntl-
J t remedies of more than
. " v uuuiirtiniv
r1onn.Hipurpos5t ng ft
' .'V'0 edy for ono
1?.: ?erangoments. IrrecS.
uiui aiwrders peculiar to
;W1. jet gently act-
nr. tonic and stremrthenlnir
n 5.V ?hat "as caused
, "vr "ertionof any kind.
ih.SiVn wm bo found
ihuildinff up the strength,
vLra!Un5 1 womb, retro.
Cfe0tiliolher "VS
vork ft l0S' "'ting or fa
aa55h2rt',t makM
ubj,,a2?ngQot appll-
W u8?8 marvelous
. WnlnSSand hea,lnS
J l. . MBlUg mucous mnm.
"aJaaffSt.SSW lts rea
how mom yatra' sinndlnu tliqi mat; be.
It Is equally efficacious In affections of tho
mucous lining of tho larynx, bronchia and
respiratory organs In general, thus curing
bronchitis, laryngitis and other affections
giving riso to onsunaie, nnng-on-cougiis.
it is not so good in acute congus
Nor must the "lioldoi
Discovery "bo expected to work miracles.
not so aood In acute couir
buddpn colds, as In 'tho lingering, chronic
r must tho "uoiucn -Medical
It will not euro consumption In Its
advanced stages no medicine will do
that, but for all obstinate hang-on-coughs
duo to larynglal or bronchial Irritation
and kindred affections, of tho throat
which, If neglected or badly treated, aro
likely to lead up to consumption, tho
"Discovery "can bo relied upon to produce
the best curative results.
Tho "Golden Medical Discovery" is,
from Its tonic and specific curative con
trol over mucous surfaces, especially
efllcaclous In curing indigestion, dysnop
sla, weak stomach and"Llver Complaint,"
or biliousness. Even ulceration of the
stomach and bowels has in thousands of
cases been cured by it; also obstinate
chronic diarrhea.
In addition to all tho foregoing, not the
least valuablo of tho man olouily efllca
clous properties possessed by tho " Discov
ery" Is tho unequalcd regulating and
StrcntrthenlntrnlWt.fivertr.il liv It over the
j heart's action. 1 1 has mado some w onder-
iu cures oi very pronounced alvuiar ana
other affections of that organ.
lite rtaon why "Golden Medical Dis
covery" cures so wldo a rango of dlMjases
Is made plain ki a booklet sent frco on
reqiicstmalled to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
KY. If Interested, send for it.
The powerful altcrativoor blood purify
ing properties possessed by the "Discov
ery will naturally suggest Its u?o for tho
euro of blotches, pimples, eruptions; as
edioma, salt-rheum, and other skin affec
tions In all of which it has made remark
able cures; a!o hi scrofulous sores and old,
open ulcers, or eating sores. To heal the
latter, use Dr. Pierce AH-Healing Sahe
aa a .local application, while taking the
Golden. Medical Discovery" to correct
tho blood and cleaiise the system. A box
win be mailed to any addra on receipt of
fifty-four cewts in itaaipa. If your drug-
flst don't have It in stock, addraw Dr.
tercf , aa above.
tti; r. i -" mr. t w
a BUB B I . ' J E
ring afn b
First, that almost every operation
In our hospitals, performed upon
women, becomes necessary because
of neglect of such symptoms as
Backache, Irregularities, Displace
ments. Pain in tho side, Drain
Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepless
Second, that Lydla E. Pinhham's
Vegetable Compound, mado from
native roots nnd horbs, has cured
mora cases of femalo ills than any
other one medicine known. It reg
ulates, strengthens nnd restores women's health and Is Invaluable In
preparing women for child-birth and during tho period of Change
of Life.
Third, tho great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on
fllo at tho Plnkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.. many of which aro from
timo to timo being published by special permission, give absoluto evi
dence of the valuo of Lydla E, Pinhham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs.
Pinkham's advice.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
For moro than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints, such as
Dragging Sensations, Weak Hack, Falling and Displacements, In
flammation and Ulceration, and Organic Dlsca&cs, and it dissolves
nnd expols Tumors at an early stage.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness aro invited to
write Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. for advice. She is tho Mrs. Plnklutm who
has been advising sick women frco of charge for moro than twenty
years, and before that sho assisted her mother-m-iaw, Xiyiua u,. i'lnic-
ham In advising. Thus alio Is especially well qualiUcd to guiuc sick
women back to health. Wrlto today, don't wait until too late.
Enormous List of Appropriations Asked
For By the Legislature
Tho people will bo Intorostcd In
knowing, ns n preliminary ostlmato,
that tho legislature Is asking for only
about flvo million dollnrs of tho tax
payers. They may ask for moro.
Tho Orogonlnn Sundny prints thlb
Bummnry of appropriations necessary
nnd propesed:
Ordinary Expenses.
Agricultural societies . .? 50,000
Capitol building 55,000
Blind school 2(5,000
Muto school 03,000
Charltablo Institutions... 70,000
Soldiers' homo : . 24,000
Reform school 00,000
Ponltontiary 125,000
Fisheries 12,000
Insano nsylum 700,000
Indian War votorans .... 10,000
Attornoy-gonornl's olllco. 21,000
Circuit judges 110,000
Tho appropriation to ostnbllsli a
?300,000 Institution for tho feoblo
minded, with from 300 to C00 in
mates Is an appropriation to give
this stnto a wholo lot of bad adver
tising, of which wo already havo too
Tho appropriation for tho state
12c Outing Flannel, yd fc
10c Outing Flannel, yd 4 8o
9c Outing Flannel yd v. . . , .,....,.. TJfic
25c Child's VnlBtB, now, each lJ5c
25c Misses' Hebo, now, pnlr. , JJ5c
3 pair's Children's Hoavy Iloso for 25e
3 pairs Ladles' Hoavy Cray Iloso for 25c
Ladles' $1.00 Wrappors tttte
12 c Shirting, now, yd .' $c
25c Turkish Towels, now onch s.. . Wo
ISc Turkish Towols, now, each l-Ufce
Ladles' $1.00 Union Suits, now (10c
36-lnch CUrtnln scrim IJfic
Toweling , ttfic
$3.00 Hawos Stiff lints, rublocked, onch $1.00
$1.00 Bedspreads, now le
$1.25 Laco Curtains, pair K,o
Sco our tablo assortments at . lc,(!c, no and 10c
-,.. i
university will bo lucronsed to $125,
000 por annum, n quartor of a million
each biennial term an institution
that could ho mado Bolf-Bitpportlng.
Tho peoplo aro watching tho wholo
process of looting tho Btato troaaury
by tho unmo culled politics, and nro
propnrlng to tnko a hand themsolves.
Thoro will bo a Btrict tabulation on
all tho grafts.
Thoro will bo a day of reckoning,
nnd taxpayers aro propnrlng to mnko
a campnlgn on onch Individual Itom
of monoy that Is takon by tho loglH
laturo grab-all.
Cured of Lung Trouble.
"It Is now olovon yoarB Blnco I hnd
a narrow oscapo from consumption,"
writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business
man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run
down In weight to 13G pounds, and
coughing was constant both by day
and by night. Finally I bognn tak
ing Dr. King's Now DlBcovory, and
continuod this for about six months,
whon my cough nnd lung trouhlo
woro ontlroly gono and I was restored
to my normal weight, 170 poundB."
Thousands of poraona healed ovory
year. Guaranteed nt J. 0. Peary's
drug storo; ROc nnd $1.00. Trial
bottlo frco.
99tMHfWfBW9MMtWWW99999W9 k t MMiHIIII
Stato department 220,000
District nttornoys . . ,
Stnto library
Supremo court
Loglslntlvo assembly .
National guard
Printing and binding
Printing doflcioncy . . .
Total $1,950,000
Other Appropriations.
Oregon City looks $ -100,000
Stnto nld for roads 500,000
Stato unlvorslty 250,000
Agricultural collego .... 125,000
Weston Normal 70,000
Monmouth normal 110,000
Drain normal 40,000
Ashland normal 50,000
Portago road , 00,000
Armories 100,000
Home for feoblo minded.. 1C0.000
Juto mill 250.000
Seattlo exposition 150,000
35c EACH!
f I I M I I I I it I I H I I U I HffH t-H"MH
Jamestown exposition . .
Railroad commission . . .
Muto school .-buildings. . .
Hydrographlo and topo
graphic surveys
Scalp bounties
Grounds for capltol
Tax commission
Dank examiner
Stato accountant ,
Deputy fish wardens . . . .
Fish ward on 'a clerk
Cheeso Inspector
Sheep inspector
John Mullan
New codes
Library commission
Fish patrol boats
Doard of charities ......
Mining Inspector ......
18,000 ,
8,000 ,
5,000 ,
10,000 i
Out Annual Shipment of
Has justjawlved and will sell the all
wool 2-ply tfgs, 11-4 yards loog and
I yard wide, bound at both ends for 35c
each o 3 fo $I.00j 3-ply 45c each
oi 3 fo $i.25.
IIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIlllIlllilllimillllHIlllH i H i I I 1 I Hi I I IH I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1'
Total $2,G47,500
Ordinary expenses 1,950,000
Grand total . . $4,597,500
Tho only appropriation beforo tho
legislature today that Is calculated
to benefit tho producer is tho Jonos
bill for free locks and canal at Ore
gon City. All tho rqst are to burden
the producer.
An appropratlon to do something
to establish tho flax industry in Ore
gon, to establish the manufacture of
juto bagging, to securo immigration
to develop tho state, such appropria
tions are not considered seriously.
I i i n 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n n 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 n i i
Don't foixet Our Great Carpet Sale s
Still On. Only Four More Days.
IllllHIHMtlllllltttTrt " mniiiiiiimitiiiminHnminmniii