FS5I lVtvT ( What pounuu. ;i OPINION... jj .i nn.l supreme mw 10 ;, nranle ot Oregon muai rtieh ie.01' L,, fho lonlBlaturci .- ntlfl IiniH """ - x . itlier tnrob - it , r:; -.native, i law ?. ' Lnoirer to RECALL, a uib- or "npaitiipul pud- l10'SE....,,ivT -East Orcgonlnn. 111 ... iii..ulniiii. OH"") ""' division lights from sever- r..rlct n eastern Oregon will a'f't, "out before the legislature l:h2ln Of these the Hood ,hl' mo "ment will be the hardest ' Jl I : through. Then i,roUa ." - ,., neiit linnilnont from KU Ornnt. whose people want ;,rrtl.o..Bl. the struggle will .. r nun locality we have tho infclopf contingent praying for the nation of Jefferson county, tho tor- Wasco county, lying between the Debutes and John Day rivers, nutl , portion of Wheeler and Crook to round It out, Tins is . f,-atcd, as Wasco cannot nfford to low cvcrthlns nt ono blow. If the Cwade county movement cornea up first, then farewell to Jefferson coun tr for many years. justly, tho west-endors wnnt to bo frJ from the mythical "Prinovllle rlnR" and to have a llttlo county of ihtlr own. Strong opposition will bo met with In this movement, for Crook county does not want to lose tin lrrlcnted district so recently re i aimed - Piinevlllc Review. I'nkP Mining Schemes. If there Is strength In unity tho wild cat nilnins promotors should suffer ns the result of tho Introduc tion of tlirio bills In tho senate to day, cacli bolus exactly like tho others, and all designed to put tho fti'J eattcrs out of business. Tho threo bills were: Sbnnto bill No. 2i, br Hart; No. :ir by Illnghnm, and No 47 bv CoBhou'. Tho bills nro net only alike In their purposo nnd provision, but are Idonttcnl to tho litter Whatever olso It does, tho jcra'e evidently Intends to "llx" tho mining Mock sellers good nnd pleu tr Baker City Demoorat. Will S.iw Wimfl. For once in the history of tho ititeat least In lato yoars, tho legis lature Is thou hit; signs of realizing what It was sent to Siiloin for. As I'Tlan Will Keep Koher. The ordained dlsnppoaranco of the n3 funding dlsgrnco known as House Dill No, 101" tho boggarly sjbicrfugc for recklosa drinking nt h vrrv state house ltolf, Is nnothor 'nn-nt that will eontrlbuto to a ' u, - industrious, fruitful sosslon, and b nil this is added, tho linpora ' v d-ninnd of the people for somo nnd honest results. Astorlnn. Lied on Fulton. Sc'i-ctnry Hitchcock condosconds o admit that r. s. Sonntor Pulton its bpcn shaincrully Hod nbout. in -h toned ' Washington circles, as Has by Colliers, Cosmopolitan, icd klndrul blackmallors. concern db his complicity In tho Woyor "fusr timber land donls. CoiuiuIb ionrr Lcti-.n, 0f Indian affairs, has janmrd to Hitchcock roports of "r l'ZWatu.n hi tha oxchanco of """ or th. Klamatli Indian rosor i'"'ii whuh Ui-atly e.xhonorutes Mr. "oa f'oiuanvpersonnllntorost In JoIUUv W(, beHovej h0W(JV0r w wa n.att.r of personal Intoroat J' Fu"n "ml hiu friends; "ono worn , iiro Which;" tho suits 2.Sa1a(l'' ,lbe! ml hlackmnil would br Mgoroiuly prosocutod. SWman County Observor. Wants Two Deputies. onkialdwn l, ever trying to still , r r':' n " Public ptirso. There we Or. , attorney gonornl for JJ.0 Kva tr"& has Introduced a J '' kicuiaturo giving him i l""wt 800and ?2400 a dn. ?' "ffll'al "0W ,mS 80 1,tU it m. . .n"1 ne tnclayr in twon- iSJ, "v Wh0 he ,s- Andho t. sa-idi,. two doputlos on the ' I ,iKf.A oU8rdi & Tln-y All Do It. orido",' '"' Gus8n,,oln. of Co! ist,iVr V 8,,r,r,sd that any ausc h l',,1fc,Irr'"d or outraged , aiU,t" havInc lm,d th0 Mn i-xWn of th0 l0g8,atora lH.7" ' h,n to the 'J thaT. Eenhelm, Inforr wi i hfour" not brlly "f eL Wn foowed by f ?,,; "',nBto kow the opln ds rHloW-wiiator8. Astoria Pi4USlIJko0,,,lIo. SSi!oarLtI,)unbar 8aya h0 ls 1 il hUJt an 0PatIon. " standlns around the DAILY CAM 1 I l !! the Newspapers of tlio Oregon Country Sny About Current Af fairs of Government. corridors yesterdny, with his hands In his pockets, absolutely looking forlorn and forsaken. To thoso who know him. as so many people do in Oregon, as a very busy man, lt pre sented a singular spectacle to see hjm unoccupied. T. T. Qeer In East Oregonlan. Round Up Mavericks. Tho inauguration of tho governor on Tuesday was a very tame affair, in point of numbers present, ac counted for by tho fact that lt was merely n re-lnausuratlon nnd noth ing usual was expected. After the governor had been escorted to the spenker's stand, a committee was ap pointed to wait upon nnd bring In the other stnto offlcers. This required somo times, ns tho commltteo had to go to tho ofllco of ench of them and havo what one of the committee, who, by tho way of courso from nn eastern Oregon county, "a round up of tho mavericks." Pcdloton Tri bune. Anent Mr. llniley. The stnto board of health Is going to try to loglslnto Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey out of office, and transfer his duties nnd emolu ments, especially tho latter, to the poltlcnl branch of tho medical fra ternity. Tho people will not stand for this If they know lt. They re elected J. W. Bailey by an over whelming vote to enforce the pure food laws, becauso they know him to bo a courageous, conscientious, nnd thoroughly efficient officer, who Is n terror to tho makers of adulterated foods both at homo nnd abroad. Thanks to his extraordinary nctlvlty and relentless warfare on ndultcratcd foods, ho is known to every promi nent manufacturer of foodstuffs in tho United States. Tho dairyman whose best cow is tho pump has no uso for Bnlloy, and would welcome tho chnngo proposed by tho medics. or any chnngo that would tnko Bnlloy off his track. Wo hopo tho legislature will not nttempt any fool legislation of this sort, but in this particular In stance let well alone. Fossil Jour nal. Nipped In tho Ilml. Tho effort of tho Democratic pn pors to Inject politics into tho pro posed railroad commission by Insist ing thnt lt shall bo appointed by a Democratic uovornor, should bo nip ped in tho bud by conferring thnt authority on tho stnto board. Tho railroad commission should bo kept ubovo a moro partisan level. Pen dleton Tribune. Disappointment Awnfts Ilim. A number of peoplo at Salem ngrce with tho statement that disappoint ment comes to him that goes to the logislnturo. Albany Herald. Ono Good Itcsult. If tho direct primary law novor did any other thing that is specially commondablo, its withdrawal of the senatorial election from tho business of tho legislature would forovor Jus tify Its adoption. Imngino, It you can and lt will bo easy tho schem ing that would bo going on at Salem now if that body had to select a son ntorl Pendleton Tribune. o How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chil blains," writes John Kemp, East Otlsflold, Mc. "I apply BuckJon's Ar nlca Salvo. Havo also used lt for salt rheum with oxcollont results." Guaranteed to euro fovor sores, Indo lent ulcors, pIleB, burns, wounds, frost bites and akin diseases; 25c at J. C. Perry's drug store. o Perils of Churchging. Maude Tom Is a Btrnngo fellow. Ho proposed to mo In church last Sunday during tho sermon.' Belle Aro you suro he wasn't tnlklng In his sleep, dear? Boston Transcript. . o The flight Name. Mr. August Sherpo, the popular overseer of the poor at Fort Madison, la., says: "Dr. Kings's New Life Pills aro rightly named; they ace moro agreeably, do moro good aner make ono fool better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to cure bilious ness and constipation; 25c at J. C. Perry's drug store. IJobhlo's Way. Mother Why, Bobble, what do you moan by making tho baby eat that yeast cake? Bobble Boo-boo, ho swallowed ray 50-cent piece, and I'm trying o raise tho dough. Cornell Widow. o ... It's a good old world after all, If you havo no friends or money. In the river you can fall; Marriages are quite common and, More peoplo there will be. Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale at Dr. Stone's store. TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SNAPSHOTS OF STYLES. Kton and Bolero JnckcU Still Kciffa. All Orer Drnldvd Coata Verr Smurt. Let no woman delude herself Into believing that tho bolero and Eton have been deposed. They aro echoed In the hip Jackets, and ono sees them also made short or waist length,, ac cording to fancy. Tho solo novelty Is In the disposition of tho trimming or In tho cut. Tho trimming does not vnry widely from straps of cloth or A BTUKNINQ WINTUll HAT. braid, yet these are cleverly manipu lated so ns to present entirely new ef fects. Narrow braids, llko soutache, aro stitched so as to stand out from the cloth. Tills Is more effective than when sewed on flat to tho material. Many Jackets aro braided all ovor front, back nnd sleeves, with only tho plain collar and cuffs to give relief. This work Is expensive, so there Is llttlo danger of Its becoming common place. Moire Russian pony skin comes In Eton nnd bolero Jackets, besides semi fitting nnd box coat models In plain effects with vests or elaborately trim med with braid. Veils are about as important as hatu, for Just now the head Is swathed In a flimsy lace scarf or a chiffon or net veiling, preferably hanging from tho hat In tho middle of tho back. Tho modish hat Illustrated Is of black silk beaver. About tho crown Is a band of silver braid, and tho green feathers aro caught with a cabochon of silver. JUDIO OHOLLET. FORECAST OF FASHION. Fancy l'lim Funtcu Lour Veil Wide Meahvd Net Dreanra Smart. Tho newest Fronch veils aro extra long and aro worn flouting from the brim of tho hat and fulling In grace ful cuscades down tho back. Fancy ornaments resembling big safety pins Bet with colored stones accompany ev ery well arranged veil. Dresses In wide meshed not In vari ous colors worn over a foundation of A debutante's aowN. white silk or Batln make charming deraltollets for theater or restaurant dinner wear. The net is often op pllqued with large colored flowers cut out of Bilk or ribbon and edged all xouud with the narrowest gold cord. In lieu of these uppllcutlons a Greek key pattern or some kind of Egyptian ieslgn is arranged at the bottom of the skirt. An applique of leaves carried out In taffeta silk Is a new gown trimming The veins aro defined with tiny pinch ed up tucks and tho leaf outlined In tinsel. Pale yellow cloth Is making charm ing restauraut and evening frocks. They are Inset with handsome lace. All kinds of spangled passementerie are used, and sequin covered nppllquei ire among the new things. Very attractive Is the debutante's nel gown seen In the Illustration. The full klrt has a dainty trimming at the bot tom of tiny net quillings and Irish In Mrtlon. The same trimming forms Vartba oa U baby bodice. The slevi urn tttact taA pvJfed. pi 1 vvfl i ' I'll itvI! Vi i Mi allDL mm ill If r r "VVi mil hv'v'M'1 ' " 'V' "' ir '11 ' ' I W " .. 'I 11 ('. m .V 1 wn4' - W JULl'll i lir 'i .J VWJ. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1007. THE NEW FOR nINU AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES ..... PREVENTS PNEUMONIA CONSUMPTION "Two years ago a severe cold settled on ray lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tcnn. PRICE 60o Ik J. C. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR 17111 treat you with OrlonUl hoxbi and euro any diseaso without oporatloo or pain. Dr. Kutn is known evorywhoro in Salem, and baa curod many promlnont peoplo hero. Ha has llvod in Salem for 20 yeras, and can bo trusted. He nsos many modicinoa unknown to white dootors, and with them can eure catarrh, nothma, lung troubles, rheu matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dla oaaofl. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. nil reraedief euro prlvato diseases whon everything else falla. Ho ha hundroda of testi monial, and gives consultation free. Prico for medicine very moderate. Persona in the country can write for blank. Bend stamp. If yon want somo extra fino toa, gut lt from us. DS, KUM BOW WO CO., 107 South High street, Salem, Oregon Satisfactory Growth. There is satisfactory growth in patronage at the Commercial Street Market of F. A. KURTZ No. 277. People have learned that the meats, fresh and cured, are relia ble, and that everytliing is clean. OREGON STATE BANK Jeffcfson, Oregon Capital $25,000 Bert facilities known to sellable banking offered patrons. Jefferson 1 a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good hak, aad good people. Come and see us. Oregon State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President H. J. CAMPBELL, Cashier W OF DR. KING'S DISCOVERY COUGHS GOLDS SOLD AND GUARANTEED PERRY'S DRUG STORE WHHtMIHHMIIIIIIllllMHHMIIIIMMNIWMM' wnr a lyien Ate well Uffessec If They Have Their Clothes Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera House MERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. HARPER tSk Tho Aristocrnt among tho hlsklos of the Old School Without n lieer. For Bulu by A. HCHKKIMKIt. Kyirlui tonne ouelit to bo ground .trlotly to order, lltady-sround itock leniea no more tit than would ready made false teeth. The Munaell Op tlcal Co, grinds each lens specially for each eye. Our workshops have all the latest, modern and expensive machinery known to the Optical craft. Our employe are expert. If we nt your glasses they will be ex actly right. Consultation costs you nothing. Uooklot, with valuable infor mation about the human eye. FHEB. MujseUOph'calG NACUUW MAT&WAIM.OTS.I'OHTLAHD BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store Prices Absolutely Lowest Buiitbe y;ltoK!dYMHartArnBcl aM$) expert WPm WORK - CURES AND SI.OO BY jM wi - 4 -m 4 m DR. STONE'S DP.UO BXOEB Docs n strictly cash business, owes no ono, nnd no ono owos It; carries large tuouk; rholvus, countora and ahorr caioo nro loaded with drugs, tuodlolnos, notion,B toilet articlos, wlnos and liquors of all kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stone ia a logulnr gradunte in mcdlclno nnd has had many years of oxporlonco In tno practice Consulta tions ajo froo. IVoscriptlons are froo, nnd only regular prlocs for modiclne, Dr. Stono can be found nt his drug ttoro, Snlein, Oregon, from 0 In the morning until 0 nt night it WOMEN " miilttw lli.berilne islva what uvery woman i.i'MM dwiilriw porfttct cOmpHxlor. 1 1 brliiK tbat anft smooth. fi Ifur tint to tno ol)k that ) tt voutltfulnei. It wtll bring bojutj i.i limn who lark It: It will ro'uln ii for those who Hlrmtily kmm II it will enable you to sui-i-emfully ouibui tht ruvRKe at weather nnd time Don't i1oubi-!on't nntue Just try Itobertlne. Your drugKUt will give you a free sample. All druif vihIh keep rtobertlie Fo Sale 1G0 acres, GO In cultivation, on main road, G inlloa from Salem: moro than onouuh wood to pay for It. Price, 20 por aero, 11200 cash, balanoo 9400 por yoar at G por cent. COO aoroB, 100 !u cultivation, 2G in hops, good buildings. A lino stock farm. Prico, $15 por aero. If you aro looking for sotuothlns good bco DERBY & WILLSON OiSuQTC3XiXA. Bears tLe j4 M d Yw Hail AlwJ Bott i Mnii ii SMjlJi 8itliiliri il i -in inn " u S.AJ JL' tBrfA.- A t