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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1907)
fi ,,' . s- 10 DAILY CAPITAL SOVnXAL, SALEM, OREGON, BATUIWAV, JANUARY 20, 1007. i GOOD I Goods )c7fleifei6&$i GOOD Goods TODAY IS THE LAST DAY To&y Is JYor Last Oppodtmtty to Take Advantage of Oar WORLD of WHITE and Annual CLEARANCE SALE a 1 . 1 - - . . t. A . ata aa l aa a f aa aaraa K M It 1 Ml(ltla'l faff 1 I M 1 Aa M t t -. Hanltl. f .1 aa aa TWO UajB lllftl mcailB mucil lO JOU in biiviiihb. wmi; uuiu uuuuiranu uiiiit uccuo uiiu uuiv 1'iuuuiu UC" cordlngly. There's tlmo for you to no tno Bamo. THIS SALE ENDS THIS EVENING . . ' - .. Sfckig Lingerie Waists Nowcot fashions for spring wonr. Whilo HngerJo wnlsts, short Blouves, fancy loco nnd cmbrold orcd fronts, trimmed collars and cuffs. So vnricd an assortment, uoh desirable, nttrnctlva stylos nnd materials Hint every ono can find Just what thoy want nnd at npecinl prices, Ei'I W III Si J I VH ll m aW I I I lHaaaV MM HONTHIY STYtt COOK Mlt Newest EmWofcferies Or 8UHPWKLVO VAIA7K. In no class or merchandise Is tli advantage of this etoro's con miction moro apparent tlmn in cmbroldarlcs. Wo chooso our pat torns'from nil patterns. Wo des ignate Just miclt combination- nn ozporlonco linn taught us boat moot your needs. This pnttorn Is flier tod for that cloth, thnt design for embroidering somo othor ma terial. It Im tho dlfforonco be tween tho rendy nindo nnd tho niado-to-order. Anyono who tins glvon Iho least nttontlon to thn embroidery values suppllod by this storo will npprcclnlo this flno bowing of nowost Ideas. NOW ON SALE HERE Wo havo secured tho agency for TIIU LAJJlKH IIOJIK JOUHNAL PATTKHNB. IJccauso thoy nro tho beet tit nny prlco. Lending storoB throughout tho United Stales, ns woll as our selves, havo thoroughly Invostlgntod tho mnny clnlms of superiority tnnda by tho mnnufncttirors of theso pnt turns tin (I find thorn founded on fact TIIU LAWKS' HO.MI3 JOUIt.VAI. I'ATTKHNH. nro tho olmplcst tho most nccurnto nnd tho best nindo patterns nn tho mnrkot. Tho frco Uuldo-Ohnrt Is ono of their Rtrongost points. If you wnnt a pattern nt nny tlmn nnd It Is ImpofiBlblo for you to cotno to (ho store, boar In mind thnt n lot tor wjll get tho mi tno quick, prompt attention as n personal vIhII no mat tor wJmt you want by mnll, you will rooelvo prompt, courteous nnd on re fill attention. Tho Monthly Hljlo Hook will Ihi given free lo nil who mil. Men' Clothes Of Qaalfty At Less Prices IS RH.M.VAXT WAV. it's clearing out tlmo for nil win- tor clothing. Our win tor is over. but you havo tlirco months yet uf wlntor wearing, nnd It la to your ndvantngo to innko tho most of this opportunity of saving money. Kvory gnrmont roprosonts the highest typo of tailoring. Materi als nro tho bust to bo had at any thing nonr tho prlco. Colors nro Just whot you want nnd prices for today and tomorrow nro reduced. Lot us lit you out nt onco. CLKARANCK THICKS. to attend the funeral of Rev. Thornp- 80n . Mrs. T. C. AbramB, of Cottage Grove, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. McCIellan, leu mis nioriuuB for Turner. Walter Wlnslow refcrecd a game of basketball between tho Portland Y. M. C. A. nnd the Dallas colloge In Portland last night. inhn WnlHnc. the Lincoln hop raiser, was In the city on business yesterday. He reports tho hop busi ngs to bo oulot in his section. MIbs Cowghill, who has been. visit ing her aunt. Mrs. Holland, loft this morning for her homo In Seattle, whoro she will nttond school. OREGON GOAT SHOW Award of the Judges Now For First Fine Publisnea The eighth annual Oregon Angora Goat show hold nt Dallas in this tt-itn .Tnnnnrv 9. 10 and 11, has prov- nnonu scnuui. u.. - --. . Mr. and .Mrs. X. 0. Doyer, of Wa- ed the bannor one or nil uregon An dona, Minn., arrived recently in this I city, whoro thoy will reside. Mrs. ' Uoyer is a sister of Dr. Bean. o XHU FITXKKAL WIllKCTOIt. Mr. .1. AV. Hollfii Opent Umlci'tiikini- I'nrlniH on Court Street. MmIIa Tho finest nnd most bonutlful un derwear of nny shown In this city, mndo of tho finest sheerest cnm brla nml nainsook, exquisitely trimmed All -lies, Including tho oxtrn. or out-sscs In nil garment KI'KCIAL I'ltlCIM. Today Stamp Patterns Tho slmploHt nnd most satisfactory method of stnmplng yot broiiKht out. easily nnd quickly trnnBforred to mn- torlnls, fliltclilng nnd guide chart accompanying each pattern, suoh ns Nlimlow nnd I-Yrticli Kylct. Knibroldery for Pillows, WnlstH, Kdglng., VmliTwi'itr, Clilltlrvti'M WncN, Collego J.inlilein-, llnDi, Ktr. IH HKMNANT WAV. Hlmrt leiigtliN of mONoiiublo nnd l. penibiblo khhN, nil kind today only ni. Good Shoes At a Fraction of Their Real Worth Wo know wo hnvo tho host shoos to bo hnd nt anything nenr tho rogtilnr prlceB wo ask, nnd wo wnnt you to know It ns do luin tiruus oi Htuom ioik. You enn lost tho merits of thoso shoos now nt no gront cost. Ilrokon lots oro being disposed of nt tho following low prices: Ladles' Patont iTonthor Illuoher cut Hogular $3 valuo q -. Clearnnoo Prlco Ip I .j Ilrokon linos of tho fatuous Pin greo ahocfl for women. Hegulnr 13.50 valuos jj. .-, Clcnrancoi Prlco J&Z?D A clean-up on men's shoes. Patont, viol, box calf; nil leathers untl Insts. . . Cloarnnco prlco PX-.& J Mr. J. W. Dollon. an accompllshod mortician, has ononod up a funoral director's ostabllghfiiont on Court street in tho Wagiior block. Mr Ilullen has eighteon yonrs practical experience in tho undertaking busi ness In coast cities, including Los An geles and San Francisco and come to Salem becausu ho likes tho Oro- gon climate and ndmlros this as a homo city. Ho will bo assisted in his work by Mrs. Dollon, who as woll as. her husband Is a practical ombalmer. gora oxlilult3 ana in met was me largoet and host show of Angora goats that has boon held In tho en tire country since tho world's fair. Nearly 200 superior animals were on oxhibition nnd bruodors were In attendance from all oror tho statu and from various parts of tho north west. Thh uhoft will go Into tho history of Angora husbnndnry In Or- ogon as one roflecting great credit unon the committee having its man ngoment In charge, tho committee be ing U. S. Grant, II. D. Fonton, W. A. Ayree, James Hiddoll, C. W. McBee and .1. J. Itonsoner, all progressive Angora iroat breeders of Polk coun- ty. I Angorn husbandry in Orogon ranks well In Iniportnnco with nil other live stock pursuits. Tho stato ranks 'second, if not first in number of An ago First and thJrT? &'Sons; second, u a -i Sweepstakes ttL ?H any atro pi.-. Dtt u Grant; second. Wm Hj "uukus i.. n ...."ii Vlllo; OP. T. Boothby ? , "uiisioij. DAVEV DENIES CHA!M sVlalsmi porate interests iji "ctungl.oniin.,i tees In an Interview i,. Speaker Davey, of tho h thnt lio lio.i -.... .... wil Til II llllll.llnir la no m'nx.nnn . ,u uiiu ,,.,py io, cia uiuijuiiui , -- - - ---- knows, now nnd convonlent. tho nar-'sora goats and production of mohair llors havo boen hnndsomoly fitted nnd ,n tno United States, tho annual clip furnished nnd tho stock of caskota and funeral goods Is as flno as wa; over brought to this city. o Comliirteil Hllnil Pig. Henry Cnrinody, of Gates, was sen tenced In the circuit court this af ternoon for selling liquor without a license. He wan convicted cm twn from Its Hocks of Angora running hr vnluo woll toward $150,000, while the valuo of their yearly Increaso approxlmntos $350,000, thus fully a half million of dollars of now wealth Is nddod annually to tho yield of Ore gon farms from Angorn goats. Oro gon mohair ranks with the host In tho oastom markets and commands tho highest markot prices. The An- ptinrtfAa nnt fit tlia l.a ,ir.... ....... - n" '.. iliv mob UUUIISU MilB-"w -.a..wMv ......iiui M IVUOi XIIU J1IJ lined $.100 nnd ordered to bo kont In Boras of tho state arc of n particular Jail until the flno Is paid not to ox- i ,y W0'I hrod typo, tho foundation Half Price CITY NEWS A OoUff.'tloit of iHHKirtnnt 1'nrtf Wh for Vour Consldorntloti iwlM""WaaaaamaBla1MaaaaaaMaMaaM-.-.- . ""B-BBaaaaaaa-B- WnfatiNl nt Oiir Twonty-flve men to eut white flr cord wood. Tho Ohtu. K. Hpnudltig Louelng Co. 1-21-31 1'tnwl for HwrthhiK Frank Johnson wn nrr)sel by Murslul atlisoit yostordny uftemgon for rldlna bloyolo In tho prworlbed district on Iho sidewalk, for rldluit t(Mi fast nml for riding i whf with out boll. Ho wm flnod $3.10 Uv Kworder Moors. loncwl lo servo n threo-yonr sentence In tho Btnto ponitontlary. gave boiul yostorduy for $2000 for his roIeaBe, pending bin appeal to tho .mirU.... COUrt. J. II. DiivIiIhiiii nt lH.....i nnd li. MoCormlak. of Astoria, ure i nc sureties. At tho Aiulltorliim IMnk There will be two Hosslonu tonight, ono from 7t30 to 10 nnd nnoihor rum iu m ia. AdmlsilQn, iooj sknUm, Jlo, I'lirtliiiiil V. .11. A. I,os to Dallas. Tho Dallas basketball team -was successful lost night in defeating tho team of the Portltiml Y. m n a r.. the second time by a score of 23 to iu. fust and ncciimtt iiuiui,.n . the game for DhIIiih. u-hini. ...n.i their fifth straight victory. ceed 150 days and on the second charge ho recolved a lino of $100 together with 30 days Imprisonment nnd to bo kept In Jnll until tho lino is paid not to dxcoed 50 days. Car mody Is an old offender, and has boon In the circuit court dlvors tlmos. -o stock bolng tho thoroughbred coats Introduced fjomo yonrs ago nnd direct ly trnconblo to tho first American Im portations. j A lorgoly attended meeting of An gorn brooders was hold nt tho Dallas I court houso on tho ovenlne of tho .10tli nt which Interesting papors and Tioga Dmv Don't foreut hnll Saturday Host of iuusIq. MHcrtl Xnilrtv-. Tho funvinl of tho late Frauien M Putimtu, which, was announced to be hflld from th Bnlem UnderiakliiK Company' parlors nt S . in. Friday, January 3tih, will h held today Ht S u. w., the arrHHBttiueiits having own cnsnuwi. H4lry (IUr JUmuI JIH (1. Bloy, who w wnvlot. h! l the Ootobor trw of tho circuit rour of riot at Hi. Puni, u.t hop .ilcklng time, nud who hn bwn son- tho party at Tioga awning this week. Peorloss orchestra. 1-25.21 Personals ,',,,0,m l0l"' ,''N ilottors woro rend. Socretnry Fulton, The Jury In tho Corlty vs. 13. nnd of the American Angora Goat Breed George Owens case yostordny ro- ors' association, prosontod n nnnor turned a Judgmont for $30 In favor on "Thn Vnin r r 1...... ... of tho plaintiff, Atto'rnoy Corby and ' Ancora HiiHlin.uirv i ,i,ii. nEainit h. Ow-im. the defendant Intorostlng flgnros rolntlng to tho George Owons being acquitted. Tho Angorn Industry nnd to tho breeders' complaint asked for $500, which association wore given '-'nt It was ,,i forth as duo tho! W. A. Ayros road nn Interesting Plllllltlff for legal SerV COS lHirfon,,,,,! nnnnr n. ..n- . .... . '"b fur i.' n...n..., r, ' uj'unB .iionnir Tor he M&rjr Owona Mnxy: I imiuiuvji, i. iiiii ll n iinn..r..i w v .uv .ii.Liiii inn iirnr Ailinluistrntof Appolnti'tl. In tho matter or the oetnte of John Morly, deceated. Oeoru xtnriav i,. been nppolutwl by the probnte court iw ndmlnlstmtor. The wtitlon sets forth Hint the reel nd nerBonni t,.... orty of tho estate are of the nratmbl wine or so i bo. thnt ho had any into, i. : fare of tho pronose.1 i,.i s. !:rdTJ.hy 3 V ' ,, ,,,i:K80n. other t., tho ordlnnry legislator..... was actuated by no mbtiTe,, v..u iu uuora uio best torn m..,,,, vuaaiuiQ rrnm .i. point of nil Interests coace uio nnmtng or tho ler80I!ntl cuiiuuuieo on lrrlcatlon, hi that ho had or ever hurt ..." toward this or nny nth.. V nnd had, aa charged by mo. menus ot tho bill, framed tb, mitteo with tho intention o! ing noout its defeat. "I know nothing, except hnvo read, about the bin " Davey," and I shall have i over nnd study out tho eirti provisions very carefully Id, will bo qualified to ivr. .. Intelligent opinion upon It it J truo tnat I loft Mr Pcrklnn commlttoo purposely, but a i tuo earnest request of the fri tlln .... ...... . ... V..U "iiusuiu who nrevaiici to do it. nnd I selected blitcM Mr. Kubli, in his stead. It has been intimated or la cd that my plnclnc Mr t M. .!.... I. . -miiiiiiuiiiuii, was uonewlta.i doientlng the measure. HhJ enemy to tho bill, I do nolle but It is truo thnt I nlnccdkli the committee nt tho earnest! tatlon of uonlo hit ests bPc wlio hnvo consldorablo txplu vested In privato Eastern tl irrigation projects, and It lis. thnu right that they short' equal roiirosontntlon. I tho snmo Judgment and ra in tho solcctlon of the mite nn or tho Important cos nnd tho chnreo that I wan Demnnds." William Itlddoli rnrnrrmi to "Preparing Goats for tho Show Im. """Jll. iiiiiB." and H. L. Nnylor envo sonio . 1 ' v"""vul ur 0lurr timely .- f ,lf 80m? b8t motives looklns to thi Olmstoud wont to ylbany to Itny Gilbert went to Portland AililrvM to TluHiloglnn Hw.,l)r. II. 1). Kimball, den of ho olRO of theology of Wlllnmotte University, leoturo! to tho studonu yeetenlay on ilu, iilnu.r.i.....i.i. 81n." ' ECONOMY vs. EXTRAVAGANCE On tno word or one of tho wut philosophers ot the a, you may set H down tho truththit a nun a better rort the most wonouilo l or fXtUYSKunde than the mot xtrftvsgtnt of coBomee It Is ottravsssut ronoiny to wear your old Klawe If they am .,i ,. etly sultwl to you. W cn show you whether they r, and It wilt cost you nothing to kftow. Two S-wloii At the Auditorium fikntlug Hnk tanUhU from T:30 to JQ nd 10 t l- Admission, I0o sknl., sic. Col. day. .Mrs today. Attorney Itlolmrdson left this morn Ing for Portland. Nov. Father Monroe left this morn lug fur Brooke. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dormi. n u. Hlng In Portland. Harry Hutch loft lent uvdni.... .... u visit In Portland. Marlntg,. I,lnniM, iSMw, County Clerk Alton this morning iHiieil n mnrrlngo Ucoiiho to Istiue Van Danalguo. of St. phi. n..,i . and Clara Zorn, aged 21, with H. P.' jiinio acting as wltneee. Ho Was Found Shot. New York. Jan 2C. Dr. Charlos Imot Townsend was fatally Uiot this mornhig by a burglar, at tho i eosiue or ins wife, according to the iiiwrjr oi t tie no lice. Althrkiii.l. I.. view of tho .. inn . . '. mk. n 4 . o..... . : " . '"v "'" oi unanea -.-. .. ,. .orwooanas returnod ' ' ,,pr' Hl" rl0d nud neighbor. In n from a visit In Sllverton. Nr wy. nroin(M nolIo ' '"' Mr. Hllinbmh Lnrah id ..,o..,.f 'lilctans. Snler later -nu f...i -. -......v tq ltaiiii7i. . . .u.iiiu IHUri ...... ,,,.. A Chimney -'lri. ThO rOOf or tho Colloua nt M...i CAUght flro ywtnlnr from a dofoc- tlvo tlup, and thrwioned for n tlmo . uuiiaine. An iilsmi wan sent In d tho fire department rtspondlng promptly oon oxtlngulshist the '7 nu ' tfe0 1 nro that 04 tlOMll rODOrtihl In IK ww . .. blW.. during the p few rwulilng from thi .. .i... Mm. """" ,,u,"Ttt SiKlnl Wnnro Tonight (SatimlHvl m w..k... ..... North ifclem. Hverybody Invited. . f. Dlaiel-T, manager. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE md Ukrfy$USdmly WillnmHio lWcnt ZrnUh. Th Wlllameiia lini.-..Mi,.. ..... wUH!ih enlths,a baskiall team composed of eiru i .. r- of tho Marshall. WolU lUrd." wiw Co., last night In Porthimt i.. a scoroof l,to s. The 'varsity girls, it was Mid. ouuii-..! i.i-.... ttnu In ba.kt h-vi.. ...... . k... .. . . . .. nuu in . ft feiatoacd gam for tho' uiado relatives In Sllverton.. Btato Prlntor and Jkiw. Willis Dun Iway left today for Portland. Judgo Cake, of Portland, was h. th city yesterday on buslnm. Itev. and Mrs. William Itobluson went to Albany to attend tho funoral Henry Hubbard, ih.. t.n, .... .... - .. ..u, iiiau, lull his morning for a famine, trip down tho valley. Ml Martha MurrL. . Turner this wornlug. after a visit In mis ciiy. Mrs. J. A. ItoborU Ufi iv.i . ig for Anmsvllle. whoro aho will iu riuaiivtHi. MIm Minnie AohenUaoh i- ... morning for Albuv. v-i,. .i. visit her parents. -" of the lato Hov. R J. Thon(u. O. Koemnle. of St. Pm i. ..... city on buslnou. Mr. and Mr j. n jBn uong the Portlami.h.,u.i .... stngrs tlUs morning Mr. and Mrs, Woo- n0mM worw awontr tho nu- fur Portland this morning. .rauon uy. Wao U ono or the rvpntfentntlre elerk. ... .. : .: home in Owson aty 4t vnlnR. .::.:5.9-i"tpv. cood lowing, terlan church, went to Albany SJf IU Hla llfUUlllnto 11 . . flnanclnl aecretar)' of H. H. Hogers the Standard Oil mngnnto. It is rumored that tho Countess of Wmouth will return to Huropo nnd naa taken nassacA n .. i.i ltothUaf,ornoon.beoaM8he,r loggerhwd, wttk the other members of the family. She U ,, ... songer list of the Knlserln August" Victoria, which sails today. Ttddy TlirvatiMi, t wi..i.. Washington. Jan. Se.-Tho PreeN Jiont received a delegation of okta- iiu Mm. i novnr m.oi . . . . of the railroads, but ,.nTL ..' I"8n4 or tho oktah. " :u...iraw" mortify that Instruw. Vl UUon w.u . . ' ."TV luat il- . w .wvurw jmk right- I shall 1)1 Ml) UlLI At the fawiiy reeida Mr ll m lU lU "WM or Mr. and M. UfayW( II . - . K LfVlm.ll IIIII II 1111 I at a nw breeilem. A most Intorosting ' ot 'J "T talk wna Hat... ...I . , "l iniO. ""- ..-iviicii iu iroiii i. j wii. i .,.. ' -. iiumson, editor of of the Orogon Agri culturalist and Rural Northwest, of Portland, Oregon. Letters woro road from PhJio Oiden, A. Li iIam,ton Ms8 v,o,ft Hudgot (a California owner or 2000 Angoras) and othor dlstnnt breeder unnble to nttond iho mi.. ...w Mivvvilll, IIHU OIIUW. Tho procoedlncs of Mia ...... and account of tho show will bo pub Ished 1 pamphlot form for free dls ribution. Anyono Intorosted dosir- hig a copy mnv riikiim i... .. flrenains tho soorotnry, John W. Ful- . ui JtOIOIin. Moiitnnn. Tho awards inmi. .. . . . the various classes follew: 190? p . r" bef0r0 Mnrch 15. Ilu 7lrSt' 80COnd anJ thl-J. Wd Jell & Sons, Monmouth. Ore 190Dr!d8. br,n nfter 'March ", n&Sons; third. W. a! aZ' wallas. Does, ono year niii cn- . "itbW.Wm.RWdo,, Si"0"0 , two years old First U q. Grant. Dallas; ., . ,.. U' if w.j.w.ra.rd:r,u;vAm's Wo7ZHnrl!!a-F,rst.W.J. Son,. 7..., T? wm- 'ddell ft J ., "u,u . a. Ayros. Firw a Tta m and ve Grove. U Nay,or' prest Impartial lefltli WnltoMWst. James B. West, of Bentoaf aged 34. nnd Alma Walter, oIS ago 21. with John W. Foes acting ns witness, o ..MONEY TO LOJ THOMAS K. I Oror Lndd & Rush's Bank,! Norwich Union Fire Insttraace Frank Moredith, Reside Office, with Wm. Brown" 129 Commercial stroet. NEW TODJ Wnnted A boy to worktl man bakery. CheinekeUi Btroet. j"j Itooms for Kent. Furn!mj unfurnished rooms of . P Inquire at 415 Court tr. -t The funeral wirvlcas wer hi i n.. artornoon at 2:30 T .T?d.lhU etery. lf v,w 2S5t5xr Joll i Son,. """ wm- BU- J&? -s M- n S. Grant.- h ,', ' , u"ai; M. U. Dock., one ,ir tSd? i? ' & Sn8' it q r . 0,d"F'r8t and third Buck! l J ' ": Rea80r, Dallas, a MoB. n .7Bars oW-Flnt. I --. m, For Muln:H nrroa of CB frnnrl Qynn llltIRA ADA mithnlMlnirR. irood 0rcsll well; 10 ncres ot hopl three-aunrters ot ft lino. lor,. I nil III CUltlf win i.A .iiviHmi if deslr1 In twn lots. Address W. A-' 370 Court street. Salem. Stnr, Attention1 ,,n.a AllilAMV W.tffOfl V UUIDU UUIIICIJ ' - rliann Will tnkO 0 trado, lorn. S27 BroadwV. Bucks, fnm. ..! . . "diwrS1'?.0!-- second. n e ''" "wi & Sens: XoUco Fhotograpbers IniiN T7n ell InnSWCr tlona on photography jot rency.. Address poston Salem, Oregon. Bttfitk Ti tolMi I . w. urant. Sweepstakes n .... . c& ..v. UC3l aoo or aay