(' n;y'- ,w5prr"a'-r ?WQ ffi r- rr x-r?', 'jf7rrT&r- yi-.,. '.n-ginvisprgpr.- ' fq-'jr''. .'pr .-riiFIP FAIR AND COOLER JOURNAL FIRST EDITION, 8 tV yt.x second edition; i p. m. jOMH"1 "" CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALKM, ORBOON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1007. NO. St. ifwmPFW1 Im - tmwmm Hf - THAW JURORS GAURDED The Family Disagree ment May Hurt Case Slow Progress in Selection of Men to Try the. Case KflW York, Jan. 20. Tho Thaw Jur ors are carefully guarded, but sub jected to no particular hardship. Seventeen rooms and a private din ing room have been engaged for them at tho Broadway Contral hotel. All publications aro censured am! clipped of all reference to the case. All letters to jurors are reau ucioro ther are Given to tho members. Counsel Hartrldge, In Thaw's de fense, denies all stories of a disa greement In tho Thaw family, as re mit of apparent coldnoss between tho mother and wlfo of tho defendant. Gosslpers were busy yesterday with utorlcs of an estrangement, and ' there Is speculation ns to tho effect upon, the chances of the prisoner. The prisoner's wife, mother and brother, Joalnh, wero called early to i the Tombs this morning and re mained until nearly 1 o'clock this itteraoon. Following tho family council, Thaw talked to A. E. Pcn- bodr one of his counsel, ns a result of which Peabody mado n formal de nial of any estrangement between the members of tho families. It la generally believed Mao McKcnzio Is the cause of tho coolness. Evelyn is refusing to glvo up her friend's com panionship, as tho husband's family desires. Thaw Will PJcml Insanity. Defendant Thaw protested to coun icl ithnst tho presence of tho nlion- Ists engaged by tho stato to watch every act of tho prisoner during tho selection of tho jury. It 1b under stood Jerome has decided that the defense is going to plead emotional Insanity, and has placed specialists to watch the prisoner closely under tho ordcnl. Prosecution in Tlinw Cnse. District ..Attorney Jerome and his assistant, Garvin, spent most of tho day examining stnto's witnesses In tho district attorney's office. Jerome occupied tho timo with Drs. McDon nld, Flynt and Mnbon, the insanity experts retained. Garvin examined tho lay witnesses, Including Howard MISSQURIAN WANTS FIVE MILLION Epidemic of Sleeping Sickness on Pacific Coast Washington, Jan. 26. If a bill I I Sunday closing In Washington, D. C. Tho senator did not attempt to ex plain why thoro should bo such inter est three thousand miles away In a question thnt Is of purely local Im port to tho District of Columbia. Almost at tho samo timo resolutions wore' presented by tho chnmbor of commerce of Spokane, AVash., In fn vor of Increasing tho salaries of moni pors of congress to $8000 n year. (Those resolutions wore sont by tele graph and wero referred to commit tee. Louis D. Doswcll, of Illinois, secre- mirouuceu in tne nouso tins wcck uy tary of tho Uppor Mississippi River Nesblt. Tho latter, In conversation, Representative Shartel of Missouri. Improvement association, this week tntrtti a ant1 tin fit I tits a 1 la alttM Is ' . s"' .. !. .. i . . n. . i. is noted upon favorably, Peter Ale- " "eon appearing ueiuru mo nouse M411an, of Plereco City, Mo., will bo ! committee on rlvora and harbors In tho richer by $5,000,000. Tho bill '" nort to securo from congress nn calls uuon tho sporrttnrv of tho troas- annual appropriation for tho im- ury to pay that sum to Mr. McMillan provoment of tho Fathers of Wnters in settlement of tho clnlm ho has fllort from Its mouth to Minneapolis, against tho govarnmont for royalties , While primarily Mr. Uoswoll's offorts for tho use of nn invention. Somo j nro directed toward securing an np- yenrs ngo the MIssourlan patontcd n i"pniuiu iur mo .uississuiiir, nu ia reports snid ho thinks his stater is making a great mistake in bringing Mny McKonzlo into court. Ho thinks McKenzlo Is conning Evelyn. Miss McKcnzio Is under subpoena to tes tify for the stntb, and will bo called to the stand ns Boon ns the Introduc tion of evidence begins. ' o Champion Wins Suit. Nevnda City, Cal., Jan. 2C. Tho jury In tho mining suit, Champion vs. Home Mining Company, rendered n vordict this morning, awarding the Champion Co. $25,000 damages and costs. Tho Champion Co. sued for $100,000, and proved that ore to tho value of $83,000 had been takon from disputed ground. The Cham pion Company is satisfied, and will not appeal. ' o Legislators in California. Sacramento, Cal., Jnn. 2C. A constitutional amendment providing for direct primaries has been ordered out of committee today, with recom mendation that It bo passqd. Tho ways and means committee began n thorough Investigation of tho affairs of tho stato printer's ofllco. A bill wns introduced permitting tho con solidation of tho county iuBurnnco companies. devlco for locking armor pinto to warships by means of n koy or keyB Tho United States navy has utilized this method In putting armor on tho IT. S. S. Oregon and ovory battleship and armored cruiser built since then is said to havo "had her plates fitted with tho McMillan patent. Not only nn nrdent ndvocato of n widespread policy of devolopmont of tho water ways of tho ontlro country. Ho Is be ing lent valuable, spport by Congress man Itnnsdell, of Loulslnnn, presi dent of the National Itlvers nnd Har bors congress. "Why should this country, with its tho navy of this country has adopted j vast1 area of rich land waiting only tho device, but tho battleships of the Japanese nnd Russian navies also nre snid to have taken it up. Thoro docs not seem to bo any question taB to validity of Mr. McMllllnn's claim, but it Is doubtful if tho Shartel measure will pass nt this session becnuso of tho rush of business. .to ho tilled in order to yield great qunntitles of crnln nnd other pro ducts, not dominate tho world com morclnlly, said Mr. Iloswoll. "Wo havo tho brains, tho land, nnd 'the capital, and yot wo stand by and let Germany mnko croat inronds Into tho commorco of th6 world which wo After n four days Bosslon, tho most j Bhould control. This country can important business convention ovor hold In this country hna onded its de liberations horo and adjourned. It wns tho nntionnl convention of the dominate tho world commercially, but w must Improvo our wutorwnya, just ns Gormnny has done. All tho natural advantages nro with us; wo foreign commorco of tho U;iItod should not waste them." 4-fi i n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 in-i 1 1 1 n mh i n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 ih-h-h- Horned In a Mill. Dover, N. H.,"Jnn. 2G. After tho Codies mills flro ilromon discovered'! tho charred remains of 1C operatives ,f on tho lourtn iloor of mill No. l. All but threo bodies wore recovered. cm ) p n u w. J JVlu Am fm IR u In l"i Mt mm mm SIM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE POWERFUL BARGAINS NOW ON SALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT EVEHYHODV KNOWS THE "WONDERFUL SUCCESS THE CniCA CO STORK HAS LDE IN A PEW YEARS. WE ARE OUT FOR 1007 TO IJEAT ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS WITH MOUNTAINS OP JKW GOODS liOVGIIT FROM THE HEST MANUFACTURERS u AMERICA. OUR MOTTO IS NOW, AND ALWAYS WILL HE, "QUICK SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS." WE OFFER DURING THIS SALE RELIABLE GOODS AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN' IIY ANY HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 15000 worth of now Spring DreM Goods Just received in every wncelrable style and make. They certainly beautiful dainty PWdi, stripes and plain shade. Nootner house in Salem can Bhow Joa cce yard of those beautiful " the lino is confined ox tely to the Chicago Store. e and look through and set t!e Pand assortment the large of Dress Goods ever shown m ono houao in Salem. Thoy expensive when you con- tteir beauty and high claw ,UJ, all double wiat. Price -H9c, 66c. 69c, 7Bc, SCc and Domestics and Wash Goods Wo show a magnificent stock and at prices that defy competition 1000 yards standard Calicos, yard 4c. 1000 yards Oatlng Elannela, yd 6c 600 yards fine India Linen, yard 7o. 1000 yards of aew Dress Lineas j.nat roooivod, ia colors and the natural Bhadaa, as sale priod.- KJ O Xi w VS. WILLAMETTE v VARSITY GYM. 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT FIRST COLLEGIATE GAME States, tlfirty-flvo states wero official ly represented by delegates appointed by tho govornor of onch, nnd tho to tal number of dologatcs nrosont wns closo to 1200, nonrly 200 national uutiu urHiiiu.uiioiiH uuihk ruproHUiinui In this body of mon. A groat mim bor of topics touching on mothods for tho upbuilding of tho country's forolgn commorco wero discussed, nnd nmong thoso embodied In reso lutions nsking for legislation nt the hands of congress wero tho introduc tion of n reciprocity program In tho shnpo of maximum and minimum tar COTTON MILLS BURNED GERMAN SOCIALISTS LOSE Von Buelow Wins Great Victory For Colonial Policy Dorlln, Jan. 2G. Tho gov(ornmont has won a duilnlto victory in tho gen eral election hold yesterday for n now relchstng. Tho Liberal, Radical and Conservative parties, supporting Prlnco von Duolow's colonial policy, havo won nt least 20 scats. Moro Important for tho government than tho success of Its colonial pinna, how ever, la tho smashing dofent admin istered to tho Socialists, who will loso 17 or 18 scats. Tliis Is tho first election slnco 1S87 that the Socialists havo not In creased tholr representation In tho relchstng by from II vo to 20 Beats. They havo lost especially In sovernl largo cities, among tho places being Ilreslau, Hallo, Magdeburg, Loipalg nnd Koonlgsburg. Clericals Hold Their Own, Tho Cloricnl Center pnrty holda aj inoat all of its former 100 sonts, hav ing lost ono or two of tho Poles In Sllealn. Thorb Is a possibility, how- TALK ABOUT CHARTER Then Take Up the Question of Various Kinds of Paving For wnnt of a Quorum thor.o waa nothing accomplished Inst njght nt tho mooting of'tho city cquucll, called especially to take up tho revision of tho charter. Mayor Rodgers wna vory anxious to have tho work of revision started,' nnd will nsk for a committee or resolution on which n conforenco with citizens nnd business mon can bo hnd, so ns to havo nit intorcsts represented, Thoro waa thou Informal dlscuBsipu of tho paving iittuutlon, nnd many good ideas wero brought out by tho different members. Tho Bontimont seems to bo nlmost unnulmoua for paving. Tho mo'mbors of tho council who Btnnd for tho progress of the Capital City say It will take years to overcome nil tho objections thntNnro rnlsod by a few mon, who havo made fortunes nt Salem by lighting Im provements. ' Alderman Stole has returned from two days spout nt Portlnnd, whoro he ovor, that ro-ballotlngs in tho undo- Bnys tho mayor and business mon cldod districts may loso ono or two moro sonts to tho Coutor pnrty. Tho Cousorvativos have won six aonts, two from tho Antl-Sumltua, two from tho National Llbornla nnd two from tho Socialists. Ho-ballotlng probably will bo nec essary In 175 constituencies, bo that completo returns will not bo In be foro Fobrunry Oth. Certain districts In uppor Ilavarin aro snowbound, nnd havo not boon heard from, but thoy nro considered Bnfo for tho Center party. When It hecamo ovldont nt a lato hour last night that tho government hnd won, Immense crowds streamed from tho neighborhood of tho nowa pnper o dices toward tho palnco livthcj Wllhelmstrnsso of Chancellor von Houlow. Tho peoplo ninsaod In front of tho hulldln:; and' sang "Hell dlr. gonornlly .favor tho bltullthlc pave ment, nnd thnt thoro hna not been n foot of so-called bituminous macad am laid In thnt oily, or nnywhoro oIho that he can learn of. DR. THOMPSON IS DEAD. Prominent Oregon MinUtcr Phkm'.h ' Awny at Home of IIIh Daugh ter In Alluiiiy. Dover, N. H. Jnn. 2C. Tho Co chco Mnnufncturlng Company's plant waa destroyed by tiro this morning. Loss half a million. Threo to live hundred employes woro rescued. Iff, compensation to steamship lines Somo Bay thoy stumbled ovor pros Muslins k Silks D, Silks, yard, 49c, c,c aud 75c, 66 Black Silks, yard ."!! U.25. All kinds md Makas also Whlto CambrlM, loag cloth Pw saa Lawns, ShImm, et., at llttla prleea. Fia MaaXM, yard, 64c, 7M,c, 8 1-Je, 19a. Ladies' Suits. Now la your time to buy. This season's fine Earaieats going at halt price. $15.00 Swell Suite, bow J9.50. 1000 yards 3-iack wide Embrold- eriea, yard 3c. Hundreds of euch bargains all over our establishment. Ladies' $2.25 Dress Shoes per pair, U.49. !58FAlTgT GHOWINQ 1TORK. ?CEY0Y BROS. Conor fif Cmmtr dal iad Cwirt Strnts for enrrying tho malls, greater cour tosy to Chinese ndmitted to tho coun try, uniform bills of lading, and pro sorvntlon of forests. A vory strong resolution was adopted, uring on tho national government tho necessity for tho improvement of waterways a9 a means of providing oxtondod trans portation facilities and of regulating railroad abusos. Many of tho speech es In tho convention placed emphnsis upon tho importance of maintaining uudlstrubed tho present economic mothods of production, and regretted tho restrictions thnt somo states scorn anxious to placo upon Industrial in terests. It was pointed out most especially that It could not hold in tho face of tho enactment of these re straining laws. A business of tho futuro, such as Is foreign trade, it was contonded, demands pormanoncy and tho only wny In which this coun try can meet tho cheaper labor abroad is by tho exerciso of economics of production and distribution, such as can ho found only In largo combina tions. Presldont Schurman, of Cor nell, and others among tho speak ers, described tho present anti-trust hystorla and deplored tho popular dictum that "awollon fortunes are stolen fortunes." Congress Is convinced that thoro Is no epidemic of the "sleeping sick ness" on tho coast. Although that section of tho country has Ha own troubles as witness tho floods in Washington and Oregon and the earthquake and flro In California nevertheless tho Pacific slope Is will ing to help out tho aspiring fn other sections of this mighty country. Sen ator Perkins, of California, thi? week presented a petition signed by citizens of San Diego, Mountain View, Los Angeles, and Glendale against trnto bodies ns thoy fled to safety. Firemen wero unablo to reach tho Insldo of tho building. If omploycn wero overcomo by smoko thoy must havo perished. FOUR FAMOUS BROTHERS PlttBfloJd, Mass., Jan. 2C. Rev. Dr. Honry M. Plold, aged 84, tho last of tho famous Field brothers, Cyrus W., who laid tho Atlantic cablo; Stephen J., jiwtico of. tho Unltod States supremo court, and David Dudley, -tho lawyor, died this morn ing. lupeT FOUND GUILTY Dr. 11. J. ThompHou, the votorimi Prcsbytorlnn minister, died at tho homo of hiu daughter, Mrs, William Fortmlllor,; In,. Albany, Wednesday, Ynornlng, after a brief- Illness of pnou i monln. Tho uows of his death Avas a Hurprlso to tho people of nil "West- I m Slogorkrnn." (Hull to theo, with orn 0Kon. ' whom ho wan hold' tho crown of victory). Prlnco von In tho hlghost esteem. Iluolow cnino out nnd, advancing to1 Dr. Thompson wns 70 yearn old, tho railing of tho palnco garden,' having boon born Octobor 7, 183-1, In Bpoko as follews: ; Mlddlobury, Vermont. Ho was edit Von IIiiMow'h Triumphal Speech, cntod In Now ISngland nnd In tho I thank you for your honingo nnd normnl school at Albany, Now York. I urn especially delighted that your He was married December 30, 1857, nntionnl feeling brought you hero, to Miss 1311a Armstrong, and of tho My predecessor In ofllco, boforo whom union eight children woro born, llvo wo nil must respectfully bow, said 40 of whom nro now living. Thoy nro years age: "Put tho aermnn peoplo Mr. Wllllnm Fortmlllor, Albany,. In tho snddlo nnd It will rldo soon Or.; Oenrgo Thompson, Iloutou, enough." Tho Gorman peoplo havo Mass.; Mrs. Elinor Samuels, Itny- uiond, Wash.; Mrs. Chestor Ronko, Chlco, Cal., nnd Anson W. Thump- shown today that thoy can rldo. I bollovo and hope that ovory ono will do his duty as in hnlloflng. Thon will Germany stand respected and mighty boforo tho world. Lot iib thon unite In tho cry: "Long llvo Gormnny and tho Gorman nntlou. Hurrah!" Tho ;miltltudo burst Into enthusi astic ehoorlng, and soon nftor set off for tho imperial pulaco. o TO 1IAVK GHKKKY FAIR, Coujity Horticultural Society in 8' nIoii Thin Afternoon, An enthusiastic mooting of tho Mnrlon County Horticultural Socloty is boing held In tho council chamber of tho city hull this afternoon. It wna called to ordor at 2 o'clock by Vlce-Presldont Ollbort, nnd Is still in session. It has boon deflnUoly do elded to hold a cherry fostlval dur ing tho cherry season, nnd tho de tails aro being arranged today. The annual election of officers will bo hold later in tho afternoon. Roports of tho various outgoing onlcoru wero read and theso show tho society to bo In a flourishing condi tion. Tho socloty lias 103 members. Among thoso present thin afternoon nro A. C. Armstrong, C. F, Lnnsing, C. L. Weaver, Mr. Hatch, W. Walk- T. J. Luper was found guilty by a J er, J. O. tyeodhnm, Thomaa Noot, C. Jury today. Thoy woro out an hour , p. Zosel, J. P. Mlncb, Q. W. Wooks, and a quarter, and found as charged Ho was recommonded to tho mercy of the court, but will appeal. Alex LaFollotto, Judgo R. P. Bolso, Mrs. Ohmar and a number of other ladles and gentlemen. soil, Los Angeles, Cal. Throughout his long llfo Dr. Thompson wns promlnontly Idontlllod with educational and mlnlstorlnl work. For nonrly 20 yours ho wn head Instructor In mathematics amt astronomy In tho Urtlvorslty of Min nesota, and for u numhor of tonus wna elected to tho school suporln tondonoy or Honnepln county, Minne sota. In 1881 he moved with his family to Cassolton, N. I)., whore ho occu pied tho pulpit of tho Presbyterian oh u roll until 188-1, when ho catno wost to Salem, Oregon, to ussumo tho pnstoroto of tho Presbyterian church there Aftor a few years' rosldenco in Sa lem ho moved with hla family to Al bany and assumed the presidency of Albany college, during i860 ami 1887, at, tho samo timo porformtnu tho pnstoror duties of tho First Pres byterian church at Corvallls, In 1887 ho resigned tho presidency of tho coliogo to tnko full chnrgo of tho Corvallls church, whoro he romalnod until tho yoar 1901. Tho deceased'' hud chitrgo of tho church at Indo pondonco, Oregon, for flvo years, go ing to Albany a few months ago to reside with his duughtor, Mrs, Wil liam Fortmlllor, and, at tho samo timo supplying tho pulpits of tho Presbytorlan churches. Chicago MurkftH. Chicago, Jan. 2 6. Wheat 18, corn 384,oajB 45. 790 jii4Hiiniiitiimiiiaiiiif HHf i-mn-mnyy Dr. J. P. COOKi! CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY ij PArawrf. fokajw;; THE AINuELUS nirjr. am b rwair , ," " " V. l , , , , aa ihi .u....,!.! c I ' iflutw M w vwwimiiviwi m t- ;iiieii-ntitiiiiiiiiiiiiH'imtiitiitng