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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 190"- I - hi 1 1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FKIDAV- JANUARY 23, 1007. S! GOOD Goods 4)(t rei&&&i rr r riv 11, r jt i ssw-i-bt-v GOOD Goods TODAY AND TOMORROW Is Your Last Opportunity to Take Advantage of Oar WORLD of WHITE and Annual CLEARANCE SALE Two day that means much to you In savings. Mnny have anticipated tliolr n"od nnd havb provided ac cordingly. There's time for you lo do tho same. THIS SALE ENDS TOMORROW EVENING jr HONTHiY sme cook rmt Ejjy Spring Lingerie Waists Nowost fashions for spring wear. White llngorlo waists, short sleeves, fancy Inoo and ambroid crod fronts, trimmed collar and cuff. Bo varied an assortment, such desirable, nttraotlvo atylos nnd materials that every ono can find JiiBt wtiat tlmy want and at jpeolnl prlro. Neweit Emfcokferies s OP Hl'HPHIHING VAI.UK. In no claw of inorchandlBo la the advantages of thin store's con nections moro apparent than In ombroldcrlos, Wo choose our pat terns from nil patterns. Wo des ignate Just such combination as oxjicrlcuco linn taught in bunt meet your need. Thli pattern li delected for that cloth, that design for embroidering some other ma lorliil. 11 In tho difference bo tween tho ready made and thn initdo-to-onlor. Anyono who him given tho hjuit attention to thn embroidery values supplied by Mil more will appreciate thbt duo allowing of newest Ideas. MmU UmdttwtAt Tho flnoit and most bunutlful un (lurwear of any shown In thin city, Hindu of the finest ubwrettt cam brio and nalnaook, oxuul'ltoly irlinmiHt. All -Iron. Including the I 'taint or oiit-ilzos In nil garment W'KCIAIi PHICIW. NOW ON SALE HERE Wo have sccurod tho ngoncy for Tiu. ladikm' home journai PATTHRNH. Rccntiso thoy are tho bout at nny price. Loading moras throughout tho United States, us woll as our- huIvch, havo thoroughly Investigated tho mnny claims of utiporlorlty made by tho manufacturers of thoso pat tarns and find thorn founded on fact tiii: LAimw home .journai. I'ATTISHNH. aro tho Blinpleat tl'o most accurate and tho best mado patterns on the market. Tho free Ouldo-Clinrt Is ono of Ihulr strongest points. If you want a pattorn at any time and It Is Impossible for you to como to tho store, bear in mind that a let ter will Kot the same quick, prompt attention as a porsmiat visit no mat tor what you want by mall, you will rocelvo prompt, courteous and enro ful attention. The Monthly Ktyle Hook Mill In ghi'ii free to all uli call. Men' Clothes Of Quality At Less Prices IS REMNANT DAY. It's clearing out time for alt win ter clothing. Our winter Is ovor, but you havo throo months yet of winter wearing, and It Is to your ndvantnge to mako tho most of this opportunity of saving monoy Hvery garment raprosonls tho highest typo of tailoring. Motorl- als aro the host to bo had nt any thing nonr tho price. Colors aro Just what you want and prlcos for today and tomorrow aro reduced, Let us (It you out nt once. CLEARANCE PHICEH. MANY PEOPLE TALK Stamp Patterns Tll.1 allntl1.At ..till lllllut unlf. .1 n ... I. .... piiiiidhi iiiiti muni. Plliiniliuiur method of stamping yet brought out, easily and quickly trniiBforrod to ma terials. Stitching and guide chart accompanying each pattern, suoh as Window nnd 1-Yv ucli Eylet. Embroidery for Pillims, U'lilnlfi, Edging, ITndmwnr, Clilldtvn'ii lqMN, College Emblems, IlnlN, Eto. Today Good Shoes At a Fraction of Their Real Worth Wo know we hnve tho host shoos to be bad nt anything nonr tho regular prices wo ask, nnd wo want you to know It as do hun dreds of Salem folk. You can tost tho merits of thine shoes now at no great cost. Hroken lots aro lining disposed of at the following low price: LndlMt' Patent .anther Illucliur out Hogulnr ?3 vniuo q. .p Clearance Price $1 ."5 Ilrokon linos of tho fnmous Pln groo shoes for women. Regular 3.r.O values (tO AfT Clearnnco Prlco 3x2C3 A oloan-up on men's BhooS Patent, vlcl, box calf; all leathers nnd Insts. ,. Clcnrnnco prlco JiC,6!j IH RK.MNANT DAY. Hliort length of MiiMiimlilc and do IK'iubiblo kimmIm, nil kinds today only t Half Price CITY NEWS A ftolle'tlon of Important Pw. i for XiMr Consideration wnter To help tho boys out n popu- Y Ifii Time- Taut you can get the bent barber work on tho shortest notion nt Oil. lion's shop, RIk chairs ami good barbers mnko It possible. 13 3 1 l WMtel nt Onctw. Twontynvo nu-u to out white r cord wood. Tho Ohss. IC. HpaudliiK H-oxgluK Co. l24.3t ivw Trlvplinite Cniiimiiy Articles of liiQuriioruiluii wr Hlo4 yentwdny in th otHco of the wrotury of tat( by tho Ckwumw mutual Tolewhono Company. Tb apltal stock Is f 1000 it u th lurNM uf the new MiwiHtHy tii ah orb tho Chsuuwn-llrooV Mutunl TVlepnono CoMiRsny. KUr HWntw (Itvfo Awwy- Baleta has the skating fvor Just bout thoniutthly as uy tou on Mrth vr had It. and n boy without pair of skntwi Is lUo u Qh out of I i lar Ualeni firm tins decided lo give absolutely froo n pair of roller skntim with ovory boy's suit of clothes sold, from three years to sixteen yours of ago. He them at 0. V. Johnson Company's store. Heud your boy down for it pair mid muke him Imp. iy. Swliumlng Coiitr Tonight A special swlminltiu oontust win take ulaoe In the swimming HW nt thi V l n t .n .... -"- .nnie huh uuiera ure Invited. "MM"?M?M ' s ECONOMY vs. EXTRAVAGANCE Oa the word of one of tho wisest Philosopher of the b. yflU my m It iowB as tho troth- that n man eB bettor affora tho mo veonawio l of fstravanncl tbaa me moat tuvacaat of conol- It U xtvaaot wmomy to wenr yir IJ Usts if tby r . IMKly suited to ). W can show u whether hy re, aud it will ,ttU B0lhlaK to kww. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Hih-w for Dlton-o A suit fur dhfiroe wiu tlleti H the oflteo of the olork of the olrenlt eotiH jmiwuny niternoon ty Hlsle A Klghtllnger nualn.t U. O. KlghtlliiK w. The ohurgee emhrnee nllegetl oruol and Inhuman treatiueiiL Mm, KlghUlnger asks fdr tioo fur I.- supeert atrtHc the pemleus- of the um iih for attornei-'s fees and for the oustvtly f the minor ehlldreH Tlg linitr- Dun't forget the parti' at TteRn .ii tMiuruigr evening tUU mwi. I)et of luiitle. Peertssw oreiiesira. IKnight ltlg Ntivck llostelu & OreeiilmniM nt i,i. .. have jiurehasl the tMk ( Kw werehsndUo of M. H. Pehner, at srv, nmt will sell it out at se elal twin. ir. ltoiaiii U4ii .-... obir and push off the Uk as rap. mi j n ivuie. whose term expires tomorrow lllll man Is wanted In Missoula for forg ery and Sheriff Campbell, of tht Place. Is in Salem, and will take tlft prisoner back to Montana. Trout Oratory HtMdtfllta nf UMII-m-ii- ... ....t: In IoohI tryout this evening for the honors of retireeentlng the t'nlvors n m uie .Miwunnviiie state oratoric al oonteet. There aro several lino orators among the mnni.ui- n...i m. ohniiel will he crowded with nti...ui. asllo friends of the young Clcoros, wvuumiiene and liryans. TJmo fur Kiiumil CluinK,., The time for the funeral of Mrs Putman bus been cnhhkwI fr.i .. w. today to 8 p. m. tomorrow (Sat urdnyi. The services win be held at the Selein undertaking parlors. Ugh School SUtlui: lrty Tiinlght the students or the Salem high school will Mlve lh ni .. rles of skating parties at the audi ' mniim ring, imut 10 o'clock to 15 It win i) exclusively for tha Ju.i .- wHii a few friends, wm ltVe re jo vod invltutlons. The paUonessS irdCanronvaHrum,noi Swarms of Humanity Flock to See Ctoper at His Head quarters St. Louis, Jan. 24. In vlow of tho .nrnmnim sale of Cooper's prepara tions now going on In this city and the Intense intorost which Mr. Coop . ..... t..Ar. I let ntiell'nl fl er nas surrou uv biuu io ..., .. ropreflontatlve of the Qlobo-Domo-,( m,nnt t li t afternoon at the young man's headquarters, watching the nwarm ol numanuy come mm t;u. During the afternoon tho roportor Interviewed many of tho callors nnd obtalnod stntomonts from all who rnrml to clvo thorn as to tholr ox- Iierlences with Cooper and ins pro-pnratlons. Thn fnllmvlnc aro soloctod from thoso utatemonts as balng typical of the general exproeslon of the poopis seen: Mr. W. T. Rrny, living at 1120 Angelic St.. whan Interviewed, said: "I had suffered for yours with stom ach, Hvor and kldnoy trouble, seven years, In fact. I had tried many remedlos, but obtalnod no holp from anv medicine I took. I bought ono bottle of the Now Discovery medi cine and, one of the Quick Relief After using them one wook. I felt so wonderfully Improved I can hnrd- ly believe It possible. 1 am very grateful to -Mr. Cooper. He has n wonderful remedlcine." Another caller was Mrs. Clara Yoho. llrlng at 1(510 Locust St. She said: "I had suffered with stomach trouble for sevoral years. I was so bad the last year I could not eat any thing nt all. I could not digest my food nnd hnd severe pain in my stom ach most of tho time. I did not sleep well and hnd severo hendnchos at times I have tried mnny romodles and have been to n number of physi cians. I bought sonio of this man Cooper's propnratlons. I foel groat ly benefited and havo galnod steadily In IIphIi bIiico uslns tho modoclnos. I have not n trace of stomach trouble loft, nnd hne come hero to thank Mr Coopor." Mr. C. A. Taylor, of 4220 Flnnoy Ave., wild: "I hnve boon sufforlnif with severe stomach trouble for sev eral years and owing to tho norvous Personals Es-Governor and Mrs. Geer left to day for Pendleton. Mrs. Charles Hlngos went to Port land lhi3 morning. Mrs. A. H. Bunn la tho guest of frlcndi In Marlon. j. M. Dalton Is In Albany, the guest of frlonds. Mrs. R. B. Houston is spending a few days In Portland. L. P. McDanlol went to Hnrrlsburg this morning on business. fra. Oswald West left this morn ing for a visit In Portland. Captain J. T. Apporson, of Oregon City, arrived In Salem last evening. H. E. Roberts returned' from a buslnoss trip to Marlon this morning. Governor Chamberlain was among tho Portland-bound passengers this morning. Mrs. Henry Movers was among thoso who wont to Portland this morning. rcdwnrrt Conner left this morning for an over-Sunday visit at his homo In Dayton. W. C. Tlllson, tho woll-known fruit nnd srnln denier, roturned from Portland to'dny. Mrs. L. W. Humphroy nnd Ulster, Miss Ellon Armltngo, loft Mils' morn ing for Albnny. Seymour II. Bell, nn enterprising capitalist of, Coos Bay, was n visitor to Snlom'yostordny. v e George W. Oglo, of Molnlln, who has been In Salem for sevoral days, has returned home. Stnto School Superintendent J. II. Ankflrmnn wna nmnnir Mm iinssnnpor!; bound for Portlnnd this morning. Mrs. S. W. Read, who hns boon In the city, having hor little girl tront- uii iui uijiiuiivas, lukuiui'ti una iiiuru- lng to her home in Tiirnor. Mrs. I. II. Rlnghnm, wlfo of Sena tor Bingham, of Eugene, Is among the visitors horo during tho legisla ture. Row W. E. Goodo, prosldlng oldor of tho Froo Methodist church, ar rived In tho city from Eugene yostcr- day. M. J. Jonos, who hns boon sorvinc on tho Jury in tho circuit court, loft this inornins for his homo In Jeffcr- CATARRH OF TIlEariiJ A PLEASANT, SIMPLE nr -""'-vi't'AL era"" Fnn tii " , Costs XotliK to in l IH the cltjr. Mr. llrow 1VM ., Uland City. oH the Orand Retie rlr er. aim nas bin ur.t.1... .. .. drw f.,r U 5:",L"L "! years "' ",aM- SmIhij for Attorney IN.n A wilt u betg trlj Mort jHry twlay (a department Nu. i at , .i cll eiwrL in whlttk a w r..- . AIk fur a JedKiHttBt fw atlornei'a tMt molu.l 1 .mi '.w" -. .-.n. o. uiiHKur ana others. The trial Mu nMuMu n d!ky I Tealcht at Wadei' hull v b.w... aKer. )Ioium nmUIUoo ovror ChawWrlaltt ihU worn Ibk Ueaortsl a rtHJuisitioa imm n mer Toole, of iloatana. for A. M, lllllmati, who has bwa eervlnu a term Id the .Oreeon iw.iiii. .... --- j, HU The Cold Day r ry hard on ono whose ,y.tom wkwruUoB.adbloojaaa Impeverlshea eondiiinn v-.'7.r.B '?"""""a '. -. result in sotuethlns wore iwrlous. if a win ...,. ..B? ana fortify tin? .)tem Ht HOSTETTFRS STOMACH BITTERS alnst nun aiul txj.u i .!i cuws,li, iiMllitiiiuu. iv,i.. MC, 1U10UU. lV.n.l nt. .... MUrU. " conditions cnusod by this trouble, I could not sleep. The only relief I obtained was when up nnd wnlklug around. I tried everything honrd of for etomnch trouble, but nothlue gave me nny relief. 1 heard so much of this mm, Cooper, that I decided to try his medicine. I have mu.1 several buttles and noticed a decided improvement almost Immewllately I am now entirely puri B,i r.i happier Minn 1 have for several years." .Mr. jonn sciienk, of Sill N. up, j ai.. wnen questioned, wild: i ,ave hnd olght years f suffering nnd sleeplese nlshts on account nf ,. aeh trouble nnd headaches. I hve ml one bottle of Cooper's prepara- uoh, nun now reet every night. I hin'e not a trace of etomnch trouble hi i aiiti nave lieen Immensely bene fited every way." Mr.S. P. Hltchlniw, living nt Sl45 Iranklln Ave., made the fnii.i.... "tate: "i hnve suffered with rhwi itmtlsm for so years, l WM8 Ma nil my Jolnte m that I could hardlv e.. , ,mve ,rlwi Cooper's omedyaHdUvecom8,ltr,(otnank him and purelwee more, as I oat. wing the preparation one week i Ml J Wetter than I have foryenrs" Amelia Leounni ii.j W-J-T ..:" .,-".l ZZ MdW trouble , hRve bZreat J by a number of uhvi-i ,T N "I .11 kinds of medicine. l0thg did nirt nut- ...! .. ""uiimr vory irregular aad n- k '.".. V? me greatly. i faet lnv . '" nw misery to me all th in, , ...1" with nervousn ' T. un.gwd hn:ou.0tlUo botUelTfthe'Z '-wy mejicne. This ..... an immense tapeworm pVseeTf8 - system. ThU has Hj been the catwe of a wy and I am verv lt-...., .. ..Mr,ss. who has relieved we." ,MB in suito ef attwiim.. . . . . tun hv.i... .r T m rar- raanwoM.i.r'' tB ng -ai :"zrnw cH It h. estimate "7' son. S.'O. Swnckhammor, of Union, for merly rocolvor of tho United States land onico nt Lu Grande, is In Sa lem. Prod W. Croomnn, county clerk of ClnckamnB county, returned to dili homo In Orogon City yostordnv. nfter visiting tho legislature. Mrs. J. J. Morunn. who linn imnn visiting Snlom frlonds, loft this morn ing for Jefferson, whoro alio will bo the guest of Miss Pnllno Loonoy. CImrles Creasy, who hns boon 111 with typhoid fevor, nt his homo In Spokane, Is expectod to nrrlve in tho city this evening to resumo I.Ir wnri? In Willamette University. Dr. K. A. Pierce, who has l.onn in the city, attending tho Stnto fo,Hmi Society meeting, nnd watching tho progress of the Inw mnkors. roturned hub morning to Portland. Catarrh of tho stnm-.v . linnn rnnalilnen.1 .u. 1 , :: Z. l,ie ne-t th incurauie. ino usual symmn. a full or bloatintr .1.' entlng, accompanied someUm" sour or watery rlatncs , ..' of gases, causing pressure Ing, headaches, fickle appeu-! vousnesa ana a general DlJ languid feeling. m Thoro is often n foul i mouth, coated tonsuo and it torlnr nf thn o(nK,..i. "ll .7 ., , """ul" could b , it would show a slimy, lnfl dltlon. c The cure for this comm i stinato trouble is foumi i. . ' ment wlilch causes the food S ivuunj, iiiuiuuKiuy a ffpnioj it has time to ferment dm t tho rc-dlcato mucuous .. tho Btomach. To secum , ? and ljealthy digestion is thdcli. essnry thing to do and wh " digestion Is assured tho citw tuuuuion win uavo dlsappearet According to Dr. HarlanM. ( safest nnd best treatment It t, j nuer encn meal a. tablet, tcaa or Diastase, Aseptic Pepsin, Nux, Golden Seal nnd fmn . Thoso tablets can now be foaajj mi uriic stores unuer tho ujar auinris Jjyspcpsln Tablets t-j, uviub u imiuiu mcuicino canbes with porfect safety and ,., that hcnlthv nnnntlfn on.i .1. - - , . -.-. w nuu icorta uigesxion win rollow their tit, uso arter meals. Mr. II. S. Workman. Ills., writes: "Catarrh it iJ . . . " - 'i condition resulting from a seglerJ com in too Head, whereby ihii',. membrane of tho nose becomai llnmed and tho polsonoua dljtisi thorofroin passing backward lulu throat reaches tho Btomach Ufa authorities prescribed for wi throo years for catarrh of itot. without euro, but today I no hnppIcBt of men after uslne oiba box of Stunrfs Dyspepsia TiMs I cannot find appropriate vWii oxproBs my good fooling, I b found flesh, appotlto and soailt from tholr use." Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets h: safest preparation as well n simplest nnd most convenient i i for nnv form nf Indlfnciinn - -w - ......(,... ww, M of stomach, billoiiBncss, sour nch, heartburn nnd bloatlcj menlB. Send your name and address t for n froo trlnl package and wt yoursolf. Address F. A ft CS Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mid -a - B. B. Crltchlow, of SanJo,( who hua been sociullng the rastd wooks with relatives nnd horo, loft for Portland thli mo whoro ho will Join his wlfe.andt will return to their California 1 SLAl'dHTim (,'RTS DAMAGES. Jury This Morning Returned n Ver dict Assuming DanuigcN nt $1(100. The Jury this morning nt 0 oViook returned u verdict nssosslng tho dam agee at $1000 In tho suit of W. W. Slaughter ngnlnst E. L. noniin...,' The enso was tried yeeterdny ami "en io mo jury last ovonlng. The suit was the nntpninn ' the shooting of Slaughter by Rem- ision at woodburn a fow months u. icenungton was also tried on n criminal charso nnd was convicted He was given until January 28th in which to take an nnnoal tn n. .,. preme court, nnd on Monday will bo ouiuucvu in Judge Burnett'B court Spring Valley Presbyterian Church On Sunday morning next. January -th, thoro Will bo n unnlm The subjeot of tho sermon .... i.' ' rt... -r. . . . "' u". ... uroKen wall and tho Bite of the Serpent." A oln u-in atltlM: "Oh. What a Change." A win hi ,OMl"B for honJ "taton. Hl be taken. All ar tLvut .- -. d. ,Wm. Walker Hdjnonson, pa8. ?. W. HolcomhA ... .. .. rwtor, of tho s " H Salem yesterday. Wlor'to niun four mUee of Saiew. Tlmral ' -ury 24. 1907. at 4 p. ni Hugeao Herron. aged 22 years of" tuborculosl.. are' of Ho was tho yonnr. .. an.J M t . ;- -.. ott oi air. fored : from .k rH' ana ,ms suf- dult r" .S- -" be con- -. .. ivni- mm tj T. . tbo home at 11 o'clock EL m nornrng. and .. k-. l?.mor APPLES Tho flnost Baldwins on til market. Soloctod nnd packed brl- growor. Worth moro than what " ask for thorn. FOR IT IS NOT WHAT MIGHT GET. AS WE FIH FER TO SELL THEM CHEAP AS WE CAN. Moir Groo Company 46. ftUte St. rfeee m. ma 17ST2- Our OpUcal Dcpati Will resume Its norma- tlnn an ttia hft ' tlon will be glvoa Uiose wj our service. We are H with the iRteet lnstIl,. testing- the eyes a 01ir are the most reasonable. Chas. H. H cuy vew c;0;u;;;, w,u b0 ,n Gridnatc Oftidaff. - A "vtmmkm mr