DAILY CAl'ITAE JOVRXAh, 8ALEM, OUBGOy, F1HDAY. JAXUAItr 8g, J 907. A Cough A7er'7Cherrrf'cctoral is a regulsrcough nwi clnc, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. cine, a sirung icuibiucy ." - Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desperste Knimhn. Tf vour doctor fully endorses it for ....,..-. .. , . --.. '. .. J .-!.- Y v vow case, then take it. irnor,incnaonn. Af tti.'.! It. Never go contrary to his advice. HOLDING REVIVAL MEETINGS Eloquent Preacher and Emi Bent Singer At First Pres- DyienanLnunn An Interesting serin tit ovnngells tlo rovlvnl meetings liaa boon com menced at Iho First I'reshytorlan church. Both tho jironohar nnd the musical director liuve had omlnunt success In llioir revival work In other jijncpn and Iho attendance and (ho nt tonllon received In Hnlom Indicates that results will follow tliolr labors hero, Tho minister Is Rev. John 11. Stoolo, nnd tho singer Mr. 1'aul It. lloppy. Hot It Rontlotnon nro from Now York state hut hnvo boon hold ing meetings for tho past year or ho in Colorado, New Mexico nnd Cali fornia. Tiioro Is nothing tjmaiiioillc or son national hbout Mr. Htcolo's prounh lug. He preaches fctriilght orthodox ftccnrdlng to tho Presbyterian view point nnd Mr. lloppy Is ono of the Most accomplished musical directors who ever enmo to Snlotu. He has nl ready ornnnlxod u splendid choir of ?fi or 30 voire nnd tho singing I oxccllunt. I'ldoltcd .IiicoIi'n Ghnmrlrr. Tho ovunuollai talked Inst ovenlng on tho life of Jacob, taking for n text this verse: "And ho onlled the placo I'onlol for here hnvo I seen God." Tho pronrher ndtulttod that Jn rob' character was n llttlo streaked nnd Hint ho wbb good In spots. In other words whan ho was good ho was very good Indeed, hut whon ho was bod ho was horrid. Ho reviewed eonio of Jacob's enrly cscapdea rognrdlpK to hln client Iiik his aged father and uwlmliinir hi brother out of his hlrthrlaht mid other tlthiita that mudo It healthy for Jacob to bo west nnd grow up with ho now country. Then ho told of Jacob's return after ho had acouniu Wed many cuttle, stump ami wives toHt still hnd his wronuod brother .u hi souue wim. Ho iimi (j(,t to th brook and hnd held n round up when his brother advanced to wool Mm. No sent presents nm! hostages to hli brolhor and hold an all nljiht wrestle with nn nnu.,1. n n lit thlx period thut the words of tho ttt wwe uttered. Mr. Bteele mIi Jacob was a diplo mat nnd wohUI havw mad a splendid 30th rvntiirv polliliinu Tlnti tin IWadlPf told vt JaiHlhs urri.,l..r nnd of his first honest prayer nnd drew tho moral that n person doe not hnvo to struggle to wrestle to plcaso Ood hut must let go nnd sur render. k ' . Tho i-ivniiffeliflt la n lo deal talker nnd Is somewhat olonuont at tlmos nnd always loaves a nlcnsant ImiiroH- slon and a conviction of tho truth of his conclusions. " Mr. lfoppy Bang uovornl solod In excellent volco Inst nvonlntx. Largo congregations nro nttondlng the mooting nnd the sorvlcori art jnevor hold Into. o Ciiml of liiniK Trouble. "It Is now cloven years since I had a narrow oscapo from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, n loading buslnoss man of Korshnw, 8. C. "I hnd run down In weight to 13G pounds, and coughing was constant both by day and by night. Finally I bogan tak ing Dr. King's Now Dlscovory, nnd continued this for about hIx months, when my cough nnd lung troublo wore entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of porsons honlod ovcry year. Guaranteed at J, 0. I'ecry's drug storo; COo and J1.00. Trial bottlo frco. Great Kill; Combination. Now York. Jan. 2f. At a mottlng of silk luiDortorn nnd manufacturers nt No. 20 Ilroad street today pinna wero romplotod for tho fornintlon of tho American Silk company, whloh, It Is nald, will control n larva person tngu of tho drofM output for tho. coun try. Tim iibw company will alorb 30 Hllk mllli In rnnaylvanla. Now York, New Jersey and New Kuelnud. These mills routalu In all about S000 l(Miins with ndeoiiHte aiilntilitor nnd dying fncllltles. The output Is eatl- iliatud nt 110,000,000. o AITHIt TKX YlfclltH. WIIIIiiiii JriiiilugM Hrynii Itolurni I'avom Nliotvn by Joiuitlmu lloiirue, Jr. When Wllllnni JennlngH Ilrynn was tbnnkliiK tho DomooratH In the legislature yesterday for votlnir fur Jonathan Ilourno, although ho In n Itopiibllcnn, beoaiiso tho pooplo had elected him, It was recalled by jimny In tho audlonco that ten yours ago whon Mr. Ilrynn was a ciindldnto for president for tho llrst time, Mr. Ilourno'wns thu manager of thu iirv. an campaign In Oregon. Mr. Ilourno was sulncted by tho fusion commit, teo of neuiooruts. l'nmillsta mul Hit. vor Uepublloans to mnnano tlm onm. pulgn nnd ha aimnt his money nnd talent In trying to seouro ihn iia. tnral vot 0f this statu for the great stiver leuder. Mr llryau's kind wnnlii r vi... day ulillu (rue nnd In keeping wltlt me irit of tin. times was also pay. UK Nil nl. tlel.l Lpwtt ' ... ., .-- f. .MtmTfjM m H ""JP'tf M U ! UAi UK A fsPTffTTfTWTgl JSHUlJlVrifiriilTrtM r- A - ffi2ffi!s&- prsskaklU2Unn rL.f.,1. ttHtee oc MkicxaL KOTNAXOOTIO. For Infants and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tlio Signature of vf0UxsitmHrvmt - X&$!b&"$& ..j.,.,.. w.-.muwhvui, ?nirts'iitswiJttvri,h lslOw LOSS or SLK1. tc3uClt Sl(vn of nev 'onK. M ( lU AAtT f lfif 3 KWTfffUrft, In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOBIA .. HHIMM MU . tm. Srnato TliHradwy Afternoon. Tho work In tho state Bcnate yef lorday afternoon wns purely of n routlno character nnd llttlo wns done bceldcs reading bills for tho first nhd second time. Several bills wore read for the third timo and n few were wnssod. Theso wero of no gen eral Importnnco and related to certain localities. Tho following bills woro-lntro- d u ced: S. II. No. 119, Ile'dRos, to amond tho law rotating to county roads. S. n. No. 120. Smith. Umutll n. to nccopt cortnln lands from tho United States. 8.-IJ. No. 121, Smith. Umatilla, to amond the coda relating to harbors. S. IJ. No. 122, Smith. Umatilla. providing for Initiative nnd referen dum In cities nnd towns. S. II. No. 128. Wright, to nmond the code relative to nseault and but tery. S. U. Wo. HI, Ky. by rtViuoet. lo set apart Sunday na a day of rest. 8. IJ. No. 125,- F. J. .Miller, lo amend code relative to stock run ning nt 'large. 8. II. No. 12fi. F. J. Miller, to create tire eleventh Judicial .district. The following were rend the tulrtl time, placed on the Html pueenge and enacted: Sennte bill No. 1, Miller of Linn. to nmond the law relnling to the text bonk aommiMloii. 8. II. No. 40, rolntlre to the Clarke of Douglas county. 8. II. No. 01, Whenldoii. 8. I). No. . Coshow, relaflvo to JurArs. t S. II. No. H, was road for tho third time but was temnomrllv 1im mi owing to the absence Of MuIIt. Several houee bills wero rend for the llrst ami second tliuo. A motion of Miller, of blnu. to withdraw the bill for an impropria tion for the Monmouth normal school from the committee on ways nnJ means and place It In tho hnnds of the committee on education was adopted by n vote of 11 to 0. Theso bills were then Inrtoducei! nnd rend for the llrst tline: 8. 11. No. us, haycock, to form n new county from tho northern iim-i of (Irnnt. 8. II. No. 12!), Illnghnm. to rronfn n railroad commission giving tho gov ernor yower to appoint tho mombars. S. II. No. 130, Muilt, relntlvo to the olork of Jackson. 8. 11. No. 131. McDonald, in nm,.,i mo rnmo laws rolntlvo to doer. H. 11. No. 132. Mnlnrkov. to rmnt a llnh commltwlon to ha roinimun.i r tho govornor. seorotnry of Htnte nnd mo nuornoy general. At,3 o'clock the Bonnto votod to iaKo a rociww until fi o'clock. Closing Knnoii. At fi o'clock tho sennto nuni.i .,.- called to order and the committee on enroll! Mil reported that con ourrent reeolutlous II and 81 had been enrolled. The judiciary oommltte recom meiHlwl that house hill .'o. t .in ,, IMwa aad the wihelderatton of this bill waa UdetlNltely rWeHwne!. The same romiulttM MM,m,..i I v wiimi Villi nl that MHMle bill No. n do twes d the retwrt was adoptel. The oommlttee oh revleloit of laws rH.mmeHdel that S. IJ. No. 75 relat- a i uivwree ,Io tmes ami the re port was ndoptel. The same wmmllU HMde Tavor nble renoru on S. . .Vo. S8 aad S. . and tlm Pt!Hiru w IHdopte!. The Judiciary committee recom mnilMl that 8. II. No. SO do imom. ado miUnwxUl ! b rejwrt was The eouunlttuia nn m. ........... ... laws reoomende,! that II. II. , j, do not imM aMli fll,,i.- . " . JJor the b,l ,Bl,eIUely X- JunkHlng riiiiimltiivH. President Halnee annouaoeil the """I"K COIHIMHIiuu i.. . tLu .U .."'. V" "gM i. V1 "In, nltutleus: (form eobool. JohaWa, rjo,,,. I'mauiu. Mi ' M,DqmW' S of rINntlary, Uyoook, MulJt. Stftto UIilvaMllv y v, . . SUM. " ' v H,M""' HMtorleal soei,, lXm9k ,w WW?, I,WKH. THE STOMACH ON A STRIKE THK TOXIC TKEATJIBXT FOK JX . niOMSTION .MOST SLTCliSS FUli. Ir. Williams' I'lnk Tills Cured This Case. A Ifoiiwhohl Hcninly Which Is Use . . ..... .. .. ,..... fill In a wiuc.iiaiigc n v.ni moil Ailments. inu nt niniflflte. coatod tongue. bad tasta in the mouth, heavy dull headache and a dull sluggish fooling these nre the symptoms of stom- aoh trouble. They Indlcnto thnt the inntnch ft on a strike, that it Is no longer furnishing to tho blood the full quotn or nounsnmont, nonce every organ suffers. There are two methods of treat ment, the old one by which the stom ach i humored by the use of pre digested fowls and artificial for ments, and the new one by which th stomach Is toned up to do the work which nature Intended of it. A rr- rent cure by the tonic treatment h that of Mrs. Mary Stoekpole, of vl Liberty street, Lowell, Mats. Slip says: "I suffered constantly for years from stomach trouble nnd terrible lmckaclies nnd was confined to my bed for the greater part of three years. I wns under the enro of our family physician most of the time, hut did not soom to got bottor. "I was completely run down nnd wns not able to do my work about the house. My blood wns Impuro nnd my complexion imle denly by chills. SiaBBBBSBfeV OUR JDSATS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especial caro to buy none but tho best, and our customers can always depend upon getting the best In tho market at right prices when they buy at our market. b. o. cnoss, State Street Market Phono 201 "?t-Vfai545cSS' COR J:tm s cur or choice corn. Spedanowpricesjr,, ,ots nnc for chicken hog feed, etc. ' D- A. WHITE &S0N hodmen ana sccdmen. Sultry aBd DeQ Phono ICO. 255 Commercial Street i iron joist am) uijoorisa The best placo to buy is whero the host stock of lumber is carried. The ontlro building trado know that I suffered and- thoro is not a liner stock of lumber I hnd nwful bend-1 than that carried by us. Wo are aches, which lasted from three to roady to fill tho largest contrnct four days. I could get but little resl at night, as my sleep was broken and lltful. As n result I lost several IKJHiuls In weight and became very nervous. "I was in a wretched condition when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wer" brought to my notice by-n hnnkint which waa left nt my house. I Htari. ed to take the pills at once nml b- gan to gain In weight and honlth. I was encouraged by this to keop on until I was cured. My friends nnd neighbors often remark wimt .. changed woman I nm nnd I owo It nil to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These wonderful pills hnvo beon used with the host results In the trentmonl of stubborn rnw nf .tn.,.. noh trouble nnd ns they nro a powor- ui moon nuiitlor and norvo tonic thoy nro useful In n wldo rango of iIIrumm such ns nnnemln. rhouma tlsm. sciatica, neurnllgln. nervous hondnches, and evon locnmoim. ntni nnd partial iinrulyals. Dr. Wllllums' Pink Plliu n .i.t by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on receipts of m-lo. no ... ..... ox. six boxes J2.S0. by the Dr. Wll- purine Company. Schenecta promptly. Wo don't keop tho build or waiting-. That's a very Imnortant point. Near S. P. passenger donot GOODALH LUMIiKK CO. Phono C2 Mnin. On the Stool of Repentance CVfn.,,T - LU v f It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Kvcry sack is gun ran tu nnd that ncconntfl for the rapid Increase in Mill.. Also it is nMII nm,!,. t OLD WHEAT nnd Is tho host Hour nt any price, csi: ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all llrst class grocers. HIT IT AGAII When you are hammered agoodcausoyou cannot hit ft, hard nor too often. That', wo persist In tolling . . B J"-"P!0 0ft good qunlltics of our Eppfcy's Perfection Baking Powder It la thp best and it Is mud.i packngo, and its Just n ,..... tho oooror brands. ABkyourpJ wr tor n. c. EPPLEfl Manufacturer Salem, Oregon oMvu Is where n man flmu m....i ..... Uk hi. linen to any laundry bu the Salem Steam Uundry. if your consoleaoe don't prick, your collar's ! " a Z ma' aud ,1,ak0 you appre ciate tho smooth i .. ..:. hol,s and WQuialte color and finish . ,.u Pn always rely oa gettlni? price.0 Sa,m SteUm UUn',r, at ' BALKM 8TKA.M t,4ytvti. Phone U3. 1:io.ioa a tik... ' ... ' -' '.iwrij i. H. S. Giie & Co. Wholesale Grocers aad Com mission Merchant In the market at all times for Hnd. ftnd f"W PrdUC0 0t aU Special Wo have for sale a few apple par- and slicing machine,; eQa,pment fora large dryer; win mako a ,owl . J vKiIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TBk B B B Order n pnekngo of tWi famous health and brill building flour and enjoy somo good old fashtoB4 New Encland nr Dread. A chance at I right hot loaf will null you think you nre It Boston. With Allesi Sclf-risIiiB 11. B. n. FTw you can mako bread uJ llko tho Puritans wtiU mako. fl-11 PnncnKo Flow is nlso a puro foed: if!!' Trado rising nnd all read? to Mark mix with water aud ball on a hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, 8na Jok Cal. Eastern Factory, Wttfe Wolf Mills, Mnnnwn, WU. Hays aad OlrU wy and Kay. Deaf muid uiumi .. .. Miller. A AgrlemtMrai oallM. vvi.. ..... gy . """!, 1IHI1- fltl bHlltllii u.i . . M..IW.....1 "" "" swswe. cle. . SKh f Mr!,u ' NU- lJiu -""iiuw, uir of State aurlwHoral Meiatv n bu, Smith of i!....,,1' n""5- You to pay a fair price for your lumber when thnt m-i ,i " wniivo WHO n guarantee of quality Our prices are never too low to Me it to you. and novo n-u . jj - -.-.. Vu uiku lor nt .. . . - ur quotation on your needs. Voget Lumfcer anrl Fitni f Spent wisely la tho source of aiiU 8 Uei LOmPanV. satisfaction. Why not spend a W !., - Pf lt wisely bow buying grocerW' n i al COMMISSION rn U8T rM.. 'lep- w '-ORirr.erds! St. Baker, Lawrence & Bmtt Phone 179 Keeaeen te Hazrltt ft Law ImSvISSSI- as " - yT.i;...:r- "- I Cash Purchasers of Poultry, fees, anrf All Farm Produce. Sn!Pence Works 4wr" Ior Woven Wire I-cnclnir. op Wire, Barb Wir- . Noting. Piokot,. n.lUt: Pourv P- & n. Ready RoonS " All at lowest prices. Walter Morlcv 250 Court St Salem, Ore, TheFashion StaH romerly Maipeett's "Hb1l Up-to-date livery and eb K I'uneral turaout a. ejxxWty. fT io for p!cIc aad exeurelosa. F . OHAS. W. YANNKE, Pf 247 asd 249 Hlgk Street. HOTEL OREGON Corner of SeTentk asd Staxk ' Portkvad, Oregon. The new xd -mmltrm keisl of tk ' Caters n.trii.n1alw 4a iMatl tt $ l lent and otaar Orm ltl. Earf nlasu TVn Kn. s.iu 41 00 mt f , ad upward. HajtoaoaMet grill West, aad price aa lew m i rJ leee attractive nU- OanlUl J - wrii on Ale. wxiamr-DKncaWriox won ffcisuffs wwjyte'ji"-