DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1007. ane X STOCKTON THPOLP WriNC lUKINtK. CLEARANCE SALE 200 yards of Fnncy Suiting Silk, 19 inches wide; colors, blue, tan, brown, green, etc. A special vAluu at 50 cents a yard. C learance Price 25 c yd i Women's Suits IALF PRICE nreat-special line of women's u's - , mixtures, etc. 0ti, tweeas, wv, ----. - former prices range from $1? to 127.50. They're yuura " Itaer last at Half Price 35c-50c Ginghams 15c yd. Boy's Suits Reduced 1-2 and 1-3 Sale of Ribbons 150 pieces of ribbon on sale (center nislo) Including Satins, Taffetas, Liberty Satins,-etc., In nil widths and colors. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES. No. 2 2e yd No. 3 3c yd No. 5 4c yd No. 9 6c yd No. 12 7c yd No. 1G 9c yd No. 22 10c yd No. 40 13c yd No. GO 15c yd NO NOISES ALLOWED ON SUNDAY BARRETT ' PROPOSES A CHANGE Rep. Gray, of Douglas, Would Almost Prohibit Snoring Upon 1 hat Day Would Relieve Sheriffs Duties of Tax Collector and Impose Upon Treasurers of li the Sunday closing bill offered by Newell, of .Washington, is to bo j r lho Minntt on assessment considered sMlct. that wbcli was pro land ttixitllut. or sonio other authority sealed for the consider of the J docs not submit n measure covering Widows Secure a Victory. Tho second bill to hRve run the gauntlet of tho first Btagcs of legis lation only to meet with ignoblo de feat, was house bill No. 30, by Jack son, which had for its purpose tho amending of section 1180 bo as to provide for tho salo and conVoynnco of decedents' proportynotvIthstand Ing tho dower right -of tho widow. The predominance of sentiment wn In favor of protecting tho widow af tor tho death of tho lutsbnnd, and tho house voiced its disapproval of legis lation to tho contrary by a negative vote of 45 to 14 In tho nfllrmntlvo. X-RAYS houso jostetday aft by Gray, of Douglas, cnu sfc-wiy ' classed as oxt'X'tiiely ladtccli t not only np- tho point In tho menutlmo Reprcaon- tntlve Barrett, of UniMill. hns In contemplation tho drafting of a bPl transferring the duties of tax collec ihTU?,l,M TK, , J" UVcattr08 "".tor from lho sheriffs of tho different the Sail nth day, btrt It seeks to put an end to Inseball. football, races, , co""llf to tho treasurers. viuio Air. uarroii win inaKO ins proposed law general In its effect hi merry-go-rounds; will not even per mlt i all road or transportation conv panies to conduct Sunday excursions anticipates that thoro mny bo Bomo either by tr.u.i, cars or boat, except i " wiucn proior ino present nnon thol.. wuri.in.. 0M,n,iia ,mr ni.iBil' oi nnvins mo snorui coucc ... .. . ..... WW..1 l..U, .w. ... low cigar or news stands to sell ci gars or tclmcco of any kind, station ery, confectionory or anything else. the taxes, nnd In theso cases ho wlil bo perfectly willing to niako excep tions tf thorn. Mltnomah county, oxrnnt in .ir.iivn.. ,i,i anii m,o ,iniiv i f'" Instance, would probably bo one npwniintioi-4 l-r HK'se cases whoro the county t newspaper. This U tho first real bliio lav thnt has put In Its nppenrance before tho legislature, und Its provisions nro so nty trcas uror does not caro to bo burdened with tho duty nnd responsibility. Mr. Barrett, howovcr, thinks the .work could be facilitated and slm drastic thnt one will hardy daro to .in,i , . , ., . .... u, .!. ii i . . , o I'linod to a considerable degree If the mak'j tho slightest noise on Sunday , , . , , , ,,,,, ... , , , , lit change were to bo niado, Blnco It without danger of being Jerked up wnlllfl . ., Representative McCue, of Clatsop, demonstrated to tho satisfaction of tho house, without so stating, that ho wns not u lawyer, when, during tho discussion upon Jackson's "nntl wldow's dowor" hill, he stumbled nnd fell over tho pronunciation of tho word "executrix," Insisting upon put ting tho accent upon tho sylablo "cu" until ho flnally gavo it up In despair. This discussion ntso brought out tho unqualified declaration from Rep resontrttlve Farroll. of Multnomah, thnt ho waB In "favor of tho widow" nnd was opposed to tho bill on gen eral principles. "THE ONE CENT DAILY." fW I h i m 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m n I I I II 1 1 1 1 1 ia Special rate on Daily Cap ita! Journal by mail to any address over Legisla tive session until March 1 1907, for 25c No pa pers sent after time paid for. 1 1 II 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 t I II I I I I II I II I I 1 1 -M-H-ff-HH I I I I III I th before a Justice of tho peace and hold ' " , " '""' "'" V uul" to account. Tho enforcement of tho 'Zv n ,o, J?col1" hnT a to- provlslons of this law Is delegated to f' ' 1C,h co th. ronulred nmeun: .i. ..,..,. .. . . of bonds now exacted from tho shor- hio district attorneys, sheriffs, con- HOFER BROS, PUBLISHERS. stables, mnrshals or chief cf police, ' or any otnor pence oMcor. in case iflf. $50,000, and tho only difference would make would bo to doprlvo ll I 111 of nn.o.t IIIIIa .,....... I.. .I. ,of regllgonce on tho part or any of :r Z V1 7 ' ,' these omclah It Is the bouuden duty S J " mVl0mni ' APPLES The fliKst Dnldwlns on tho Seated and packed by th power Worth more than what wo k for thorn K)K IT IS NOT WHAT WE MieiiT oirr. as we pre- rat TO SKLI. Tlll-ai AS CJIF1A8 WKCAX. Moir Grocery Company 5 8u'o . IMione 182 KLINGER GRAND THEATRE. Special stocK engagement. J. Eckhnrdt presents Oliver Optical Department oarti luuso wno "Cea VT We e equipped rT ,nstruments for f m-tmy SSeOptkian. ECKIIARDT'S IDEALS. Commencing Monday, January 28, tho great border drama succoss "THE GREAT NORTHWEST" Commencing Thursday January 31st, a dramatization of Bertha M. Clay's famous novel, "Dora Thome " Specialties, including Illustrated Bongs and moving pictures, botweon each act. to bo changed for each new bill. Prices evening, 1C and 25c; matinee, 10c. Bargain matinee every Saturday, 10c. "y MJouniam Tea Nuggets Kc ." S ;:v nriliu HCE, v5crrs "::,T',l".wKa ' Hon, Jasper Wllklns Rend. (Eugene Register, Jan. 24). Jnsper Wllklns, a nntlvo son of Lane county, nnd n prominent citizen of Coburg, died last evening at 7 o'clock of tuborcular peritonitis. He was 5G years, 2 months, 21 days old and practically nil of his life had been spent in Luno county. He bus been III for the past several weeks, but had not beon bedfast un til two weeks ago. His brothors, p. M. Wllklns, mayor of Eugene, and Amos Wllklns, and his sister, Mrs. Holt, wero at his bedside at the time of his death. The funeral will bo held Friday afternoon nt 1:30 from his former homo with Intermont at the Coburg cemetery. Tho services will be con ducted by tho Odd Fellows lodge, of .which ho was a member. j He hns represented West Point 'lodge, No. C2, I. O. O. F., six times in the grand lodge of Oregon. Ho was appointed by Governor T. T. Geer in 1898 a member of the State Board of Agriculture, and In March, 1903, was again appointed by Gov ernor Chamberlain for four years to servo on tho sarao board, acting for a time as vice-president of the board or 'opcaaecxj.. TbaKia4YMKMAJwarsB3CH A IM MM TBI I &cli of the district to prosecuto them to 'the full extent of the law, nnd he, too. conies under the ban to tho ex tent thnt. In case complaint is en tered against him, as tno publio prosecutor for dereliction In his duty, it dovolvos upon tho circuit court to doslgnnto another attorney to prose cuto the prosecutor. . S3 uSk. JS 2? O 33. 1 . a Bnth y) Thu Kind You Hare Always Bought BiBTn OfiyJf o Cnrrlo Nation . . Certnlnly smashed a hole In the barrooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Horohound Syrup hns smashed nil records ns a euro for coughs, bron chitis, Infiuonza nnd nil pulmonary diseases. T. C. H , Horton, Kan., writes: "I hnvo novor found a medl clno thnt would cure n cough so quickly as Ballard's Horohound Syr up. I hnvo used It for years." Sold by D. J. Fry. Tho Joy. Of living is to hnvo good honlth. Uso Horblno nnd you will have bush- ols of Joy. You uood not bo blue, frotful nnd hnvo thnt bn'd tasto In your mouth. Try a bottlo of Hor blno, a posltlvo euro for nil Hvor complaints. E. Hnrroll, Austin, Tox . wrltes: "I hnvo used Horblno for ovor a year, nnd find It n flno regula tor. I gladly recommend It ns a flno modiclno for Dyspopsln." Sold by D. J. Fry. o A steamship arrived from Hawaii with 200 Japancso lnborors aboard and thoy woro nil oxclttded at tho port of San Francisco. Govornor Chamberlain can veto tho bills on which ho discovers the taint of tho lobby. "It la not tho Intention of tho MIs Isslppl vnlloy to. "see Burton and dlo." ' , Tho DJtko nnd Duchess of Marl borough seem to bo as antipathetic as Now Mexico and Arizona. m This Is an ago In .which tho great war lord watches tho election bulle tins with as keen nn Interest ns any body. Miss Oregon hns beon Introduced to so mnny bills thnt It will bo hard to arrive at her preference InBido of forty days. , . . - It is n qucor idea that with a rivers and harbors bill three times as largo as usual tho Wlllametto Bhould bo loft out In tho cold. Twonty-throo stntos hnvo already enacted partial or comploto primary olectlon laws. Tho occupntlon of tho old-tlmo boss Is at least half gone. It Is announced that a rovlval of religion hns brokon out In ChlcaKo. Anything thnt will help to Improvo tho moral condition of thnt town will bo hailed with delight by tho rest of tho country. According to action of tho United Stutcs sonnto on Frldny thoro wns no Rebolllon In 1801." it has taken nearly 50 years for tho country to learn this momentous fact. This Is Intlocd nn ora of good fooling. Let brothorly lovo continue How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chil blains," wrltos John Komp, East Otlsflold, Mo., "I npply Bucklon's Ar nica Salvo. Havo also used It for salt rheum with oxcollont results." Guaranteed to euro fovor sores, lndo lont ulcers, piles, burns, wounda. froBt bites nnd skin dlscnBOs; 2Cc at J. C. Porry'a drug storo Rev. CnrllNle, l lUrartln, h. h. I). Of Wnvorly, Tox., writes: "Ot a morning, when first arising, I often find p. troublosomo collodion of phlegm which produces a cough and Is vory hard to dlslodgo; but n email quantity of Ballard'n Horohound Syrup will at onco dlslodgo It, nnd tho trouble is over. I know of no modiclno that Is oqual to It, and It Is so pleasant to tnko. I can moBt cor dially recommond It to all persons noodlng n mcdlcinn for throat or lung trouble" Sold by D. J. Fry. SSt-vvS r. coitr - r fir!WV. 'ft 'f.ru.?Jd ".. vlw THE BIG CARPET SALE Is a B g Success. Why not get in line and be one of those lucky ones to get a fine carpet or rug cheap. Others are doing it, why not you? THIS SALE ENDS f EBRUARY 1 and you will be too late if you wait too long to, get the best values that were ever offered to you. LET US PROVE this statement to you by giving usa call THIS SALE INCLUDES Our Ingrains Velvets Axministers Body Brussels TAPESTRIES BRUSSELS and Savoneries. HOUSE FURNISHING CO 177 LIBERTY STREET ' 1-