r v; II : 'SI 'M.B DAILY CAPITAL JOUKKAL, BALJM, PRECOX WKlfflESDAY. JAXPARg S3, 1007. GOOD Goods lence to tho "unwritten law." fiSdSi GOOD Goods OUR WORLD OF WHITE AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Ends Saturday Evening, January 26, '07 There is but four shopping days left in which to take advantage of this exceptional money saving sale. The best and most up-to-date stock to select from in the Willam ette VaWcy. EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS STORE, contract goods excepted, REDUCED IN PRICE. " He ience 10 i u.. ...... , , , nBked the talisman If he would al- .. ... in on- Infn his IOW SUCH a law iu - Judgment. Thaw 'a counsel objected to the quostlon. Dryden said ho would bo guided by the direction of ... In In, i- nnlntfl. DOIlllDC B. Smith was accepted and sworn, after .-..!.. anitti la n rn- a snort examinuwuii. mu" - -tired manufacturer. Thaw was or dered to stand while Smith was be ing sworn. Smith was men ueciaruu foreman of the Jury. Frank P. Hall, n painter, was me buuuuu juii n lected. At 18 o'clock adjournment . n St. I. 11.1m flMM. was taken until z o ciooh una bihw-noon. a number of the Jury panel are absent, and wire fined J 100. -o House Proceedings. Jewell, committee on Ladies' Ready-io-Wcar Tho quality In every Instance K all (tint wo clhltu for It tho butt! tp bo had at tho prlco -and dur ing this enlo you can nhooso with a great saving. Ladies' Suits A rack full of Indian' suits In deslrablo styles, mntorlaln ntid colon Value ranga to J32.60 a rv Clearance Prlco 4 I U Ladies' Skirts Lndlos' Chovlot, Mohair and Panama skirts In wanted style find colors llOKiilnr 7. RO to $11! fg Clonraneo Prlco , 4O1 Ladies' Jackets Ladles' Covert and Hearsay Jackets, Castor am! Tnn shados Hogplar Jft 00 and u u values r Olntfranco Prlco 3C,3U TODAY ONLY Bi'iiviM, ham: M'Micim ;Ki For today's bargain salo, begin ning nt 8:30 a. in. this morning, wo offer a sample line of Handkerchiefs lit lew than original cost. Thoy consist of lnwns and llnons In plain, laco and embroidery. NO TWO AMKK Hogulur to Co to tii.SO today only. No phono ordors received. 3c to $1.50 MHN'H HIIIUTH. Men's shirts, sizes ran go from Htt to KM4. Kegular $1.10 and $3.00 values. Clearance tuilo $1.00 New embroideries Just received. Men's Clothes "Wlion you buy clothing, got the host to bo hnd for tho prlco. Wo know that no other store Is offer ing the vhIuoh that you'll And hore. During this sale thoro 1h n big saving for you and should bo taken ndvantago of this week. Up- to-date styles, colors nnd fabrics at Dress Goods This salo Is of the most Import- nnmJ to women as It contains some of tho choicest wonvos nnd pat terns In U'OOI, HUITIXOH. j.uu vaiutjH ff Clearance Salo OUC $1.26 valuos Clenrnnoe Snlo OjC ti.au vhiuwi rl t Clearance Sale jC 1 - .!..... fi.ia vmuaa OO Clearance Sale OoC PKIILSTMtVH HLACKH. $1.00 values Clearance Sale 1 1. BO vntuos Clearance Salo 11.70 values Cloaranco Snlo V CATARRH OF THE STOMACH IMJMSA.NT, SI.MPI-K, HIT SAI'I AND K1TKCTUAI; Cl'ItlS l-'OIl IT. Costs Nothing to Try. 50c 65c DC J been considered the next thing to Incurable. The usual symptoms aro a full or bloating sensation after t-stlng, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation it iniMi niiiiulni' tiriurn nn tho j heart and lungs nnd dlfllcult brenth- ft.. tifk.iftri.i1iiMi flnlln nllfintltn finr. vousneos and a sseneral played out, languid feoltng. There Is often a foul taste In the mouth, coated long-lie and If the In terior of the stomach could be seen It would show a slimy, Inllamed con dition. The cure for this common and ob stinate trouble Is found In a treat ment which causes the food to bo readily, thoroughly digested before H Iihm time to ferment nnd Irritate tin- redlrnto inactions surfneos ot the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion Is the one nee- Mary thing to do nnd when normal digestion Is assured tho catarrhal condition will have disappeared. i According to Dr. llnrlonson, the safest nnd best trentmont is to use after each meal n tablet, composed I of DlnBtaso, Aseptic Popsln, u llttlo CITY JNEWS A ftoHwfUow of kffftertHHt Psru. Ye Gut (let fttov Wood At tho sawmill, on short notice. MMwe 38. 13-17-tf. l'wrt Wwnbii Appoluttsl (Inventor Chamberlain this morn Ink appointed William Mcintosh, or Porllund. to ho port Vvardeu for tho Columbia river district. Yc It's Time That you win got the best barber work on tho shortest notion at Oil son's shop. HU chairs and good harbors ttinlto It poiwllilu. J3 at Wt l-'iMil Tlirm Th Court street rrooery store of II. H. Hnsmt Is neat nnd well kept. You can find tilings. All supplies nro In their plaoe. Deservi the In ntaelng pnttunsRo that Is goliig thai way. 1i Kf 8nntor lllittcl Hon. (Ihj. OglM, of Olaokninoa Aiunly. was among tho Interest! !H!(tof Iu tho oily yivilerdsy t wlttiesr the elvollon of a Uulted ma ie senator ettomn hy the pew fl. AVs fur IMuutgi Th damage suit of v. BlaugU- llT--rnraa 1 ter against K I.. Itcmlngtou, asking for $10,000 alleged to bo duo for rea son or the shooting ot Slaughter by Itemlngton at Woodhiirn, is on trial In department No. t of tho circuit court. Tho trial will not bo con eluded today. Tim Whole Thing When you enu gut overythlni: you want In (lie housohold line nt our place It Is foolish to run around to sovernl. Farrlngton & Van Pat ton's Slate street market storo Is tho plneo to gel meats and groceries, tlsh nnd.poHltry. Phone 817. MM HtiiiiKiilMs llcn Messrs. Steele and I loppy arrived safely last evening, and will take charge or the services to bu held Iu the First Presbyterian ohurali. be ginning tonight, nnd continuing ev ery evening except Saturday, for two or three weeks. Mr. I loppy Is an en. thuslnstle musician, and will make the ihhsIc u sneelul feature. Tho puWIle are ourtllnlly Invited. Culunel Viwtrli Tlunw. Col. Kuherl M. Viwtoli. of Lime tMiaty, a former slate senator, nmi Hun. Wld lllbeu. of l.lnn mm nlv ..r in Salem todav. havlnir lumm in iim Oniiltal City m hear William J. liryHn speax. ItcqiiUHioii lloiiomi. Oevtwner CliawWeflsIn this morn ing httMirvd a riHiHletllon frew tho gverHor r IlllneU for the urrwt f Halph Welch, wnteil in Warren HHinty, lUlaek. fnr umui) inr... Sliurlff Ira nillej- of that wun. Is ih uragoiL Slid Will take Wuiah i..v. lu lllliuiU. Welah. Is under arrest at Peadletutt. - Nux, Colden Sonl and fruit nclds. F A. Turner moved that the oxocu-1 Those tablets can now bo found nt the committee be empowered to so- i all drug sloros under tho nnnio of euro a suitable place for lioadquar- Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nnd not ters for the club, where visitors could helng n patent niedlclno enn be used be entertained unit shown the re-with porfect snfoty and assurance sources of the city. It was also do- tfint healthy appetite and thorough elded lo chango tho nnnio of tho club I digestion will follow their regular to Salem Hoard of Trade or Chnmbor so nftor meals, of Commerce, nnd that tho regular Mr. It. S. Workman, Chicago, meetings bo horoartor held on the, Mix., writes: "Catarrh Is n local evening of tho second Tuosdny or condition resulting rrom a neglect uaoh inbuth. F. N. Darhv p n icohl in Mm im,i .i,mi, ,i. ...... llecKiibach and Ceo. W. Jnnnu w,ir ineinlimmt nt n,. ,, i.. ,.. named today as n comnilttoe on lit-'Homed and the poisonous discharge vi mill v. H. K. 27. apportionments. H. C. R. 17. Newell, amend consti tution. . , ,, H. J. H. 7. Barrett, amend constl- UHOn- - . .-. -.I.HMnn'l 11. H. 2S, Curtor, 10 print uuum.. , al bills. Itoport of Coiiiinlttces. Assassment and Taxatien: Substi tute for H. D. No. -17. To amend section 3070. Ke-roforred. Aicrliiiiltural: H. 18 IU,r grounds gambling bill, favorably. Judiciary: n. u. i wvuiu n y nnil a1 Judiciary: II. B. 24, pertaining to Jurors. Favorablo. Passed to third reading. Judiciary: n. B. 30, relntlvo to conveyances. Favorable. Alcoholic Truffle: II. B. 3, liquor license. Favorablo. Fri'f Locks Hill. The sneclarcommltteo nppojnted to ennslder Jones' of Polk and Lin coin bill, providing for tho construc tion of locks on the east bank of the Willamette nt OroKon City, reported Catarrh of tho stomach has long the bill back favorably, and tho re port was udoptod. Tho urn whb nmendod fixing tho levy for raising the necossnry funds of $100,000 nt y. mill for 1907; 4 mill for 190S. and Vi mill for 1909. Flr.t Heading; of Ulllx. II. I). 213, Heals, to amend dis trict nttornoy snlafy. II. B. 214, Vnwter, creating ofllco of deputy County recordor. IU HT215, I)'e, nniondlng 5515 5514, Incluslvo. II. D. 21C, .Crawford, to protect nurserymen. II. H. 217, Fnrroll, protection of trainmen. '' II. D. 218, Carter, bounty on wild nnlmnls. II. D. 219, Newell, nmondlng sec tion 554 I, II. B. 220, Darrott, Wash., to pre vent bonrdlng house frauds. II. B. 221, Freeman, nmondlng sections 254. II. II. 222, Froemnn, nmondlng suction 309. II. B. 223, Morrymnn, relief sot- tiers Klnmath county.- II. B. 224, scalp bounty bill. II. B. 225. Hondrlck. nmondiiiK Rictlon 1S14. H. B. 220. Knowlcs. nrnhlhlMnif cnrrylng of flronrms. 11. B. 227, Knowios, prohibiting profanity, oxcopt under certain clr-eumstnncos. II. II. 228, section 1799, II. B. 229, section 354 I. H. B. 230, Connoll, rolntlng to railroads. Serum! HvihIIiik h, II. B. 20. Jocksnn. rnllm.wi n.,.. . ... uiiu VUI1, tulHlon. of applause and. nhn x... t ' "I'Ull IIDIl... .1 duced by-President HafoJJ "I lmvo observed many J $ I scenes, in these legisiati.. r! protracted electiens: raiiP.. Si ambltionB, shattered; harmom.3 lections, asperatlons rcnllZed ..Jfl these things have mPt ,uv. a A prol, others I have condomnM ofill nono so well n,M. J.V'N completo accord as the great 1 H you lmvo JnBt conferral ... "I . - uiinn ' a With aenrt full of ftciing,.,,; ituuu.-Hiiipiuciaung tlii' rpatta. i i. i... "pons Uie hono thnt T mn, "ft -i- , - " mrve thshi monwealth as United States 15' Wltll nfllflotlPV nn.l .11 "l """ onuy, r ,j to you, and to tho pcooln 0f rj ihj iiruiuuiiu inailKS. o- HARRY THAW MURDER l Continued from pngo one.) Hondrlck, nmondlng Bovoridgo, amending Tvu.CVut Sh'W This evenltig the uiewlietvi of the Central OHasregatlerial ohurah uin give a tM-t)nt stvelal at their churx'h EYE TROUBLES ARE HEREDITARY Thoir are lmuJivt dnwn fmm ..- tn nmi.i ..... ,, .I"".- TrT,"D n stM wm pnil II 1UKIT1 SB A IIUIMAI 111 I M mSa. - . si."srsss.s ckttd lw. KeJ tdtd. tiyM or lulling julus are INDICATIONS or wuwuUr trouble that pan b avefcowe 6y utltiK protw lasi. i '"" "iki'him .iiiMujii. IlIllirOHUS. thererrom passing backward Into the Tlilnl Hmdl,,,. inn. I hroat reaches tho stomach. Mi!i.i I H n -j ii.. .u.hor.,.es prescribed ror me for Jurors to serale Had E'Z three years ror catarrh of at.m,, un.i ,,a0o.i l,mo without cure, but today I am the ' 0 happiest of men nnp i.ui.,. ..i.. i " Ilia null 'PI... ....I.. t t...u ... r.. . . . r ' v " """ "iuii siiuwn uw. 111 auiari s Dynpepilu Tablets was by the countess herself. II eannot Had appropriate words to Harry Thaw received her with exiirewa nn- -wi tu.... . . opn arms, nnd as she put her head found lies!,, appetite nnd sound rest on his shoulder In a sisterly enibrnoe..froni their use." a resli-nlnod sob nil tint utuxtv i...-l Rnmw.. it.... , . . frame. Thaw, inoautlme. dlsnluved surest urorw..i,,,, ... ... .. only Utile roollng. evidently luu-lii slmnltMi N.i i.ln. " !,,!::,,i"r;:!..,:l"r,r in..,,,,n,"?.to me fo.r nny form f , ' ji wie uMieiiierii pree ui sinmneii. lilllousneM. sour stain- Atter a row whispered words, the meals. '"B ,U,r etiunt. again klesml her brother Send your name and add rose todav and hurreilly withdrew her imr-'ror a rree trial package Z72 til rtage. She r(tiid t say what had youmeir. Addrese F. A 8tu7c ., .,....,.., ,.uni,H iw mvtniMg over lth the oppression "We Just said, hello," .pHxtmm-o or PrKoimr. New York. Jan. S3. The HtiMiier remalnetl In the Jury room during wie roil ran or the tlewea. M, '.... .... " It was commoted Jm. .--. V, '? lw" rwowmooden that S "" im 11, v lUtad unil ... -O LEGISLATURE TRYING (CoatlsaiM trow mw OH) WITHOUT FUSS OR ORATORY Joint Assembly of Legislature tiects Bourne and Mulkey Amid the quietest scones that has tver prevailed upon a similar occa sion In the history or Oregon loglsla Uon the election or Jonathan Uourne, Jr.. United States sonntor for the long term ami Vra.iartn, w Mulkey ror the short term, to suc- seuator John II BARR'S JEWELRY STORE be slum hi th miuu.u. The proa! win Ut used to derrsy the okuroh oxpNse. lUVctUII. WWawotte UklversUc' dureatM Ue Y, M. C. A. at this game last Bight by a setmt f s in . Jtitilora 4mm y. M. a A. oUss 3 l 1 Mttolmll ..-oo Thaw be arralgneil ror trial or tho adopted fIK,rt Wa8i ltim hy tho Jo,nt assombly or tho oharge or inunler. Jn.le- wi..ai.i .L .-'... flslature at hlch nnnn io.i m.. oautloued tho speetators RniR,t any 'the , first ZT """ ma 'ro'"',W Wr a,nmt wtlroly .....u, .y w iioib. I no olHrV miin.1 u n x... .. .. . . I -" uumunsiratlons. Ill Iho .- Harry K. Thaw to the Unr. T.Mtt. ',....'...' '.": f. ' "larkp' ra elusion or which both hr.i .? .,. ik 111 iiikh k nr VKikivaa .. . ----' Muslim m II rm.. MllUkn.l . . . . . unui 3 o'clock this arter- 8. 11. No. S9. Mtllnnl-..,. Palo and nervous. .ikJ, "" ,.L 1 1" BV lh U at CW hUsont He neddeil smtltagt) to hU I s 11 it t. rolatlviwi. He - jvulA ' . "' 1M to -.l . "" "' iuiu. -u t KrVa( Browa swr, wkloh hoi s. n ii - . iirw ovor hta souWew mt ),.,'.: '.."" " mwiUejn Ih ttn .il - .. .." ".v "trou .... .m.n ,vw IHIHHIHd. Ma n- wted a great etfort lo retala liU solN ereate deoat)- ooa- oontrol. Tho Women in iu i-i.... Shortly artor If ote), Mr,. tunurvUl Club McHajp . Tht obwwIUvo oa ntetubrshlp ro- a1-4 3S nww iurd. and ? wIlwlM as tho first woath'a lu. PrviJat ThliMwr. m,i., -. qt fer lltwatro to advertise the Uy, and Mavtir ItltfHM au.,.v...... . Mm mi iySts, WKiTK s ; wu. . S. . i as, to reenJau UaaklaB. S. 11. 161, Swllh r Umatilla. U ctsnslng eiabalmers. s-TM-rsy: s,t::;r - -- " - """ i larutauih i.u .. Oariee and May AUKeoiie' Wl, ewortcnl Uy IWwani Tb.w -.i . ... Carnegie to their deslgaat! . uaariee iiryUeo. aa eaglaeer. vras the Urst talisman Wrt. He was la- UIUIOU US IBrt iTMUtBlt Ik.l W v . oled OMlutOn. VLt.t, t theURM WOUld not Uoriulf . 1 Ul waslderatloa ot the evidence. Nw York. Jaa. as. ah-. - wamlRattea Drvju,, ... u. '. ii.. . . " r-upior tly challesed Darin th ..t... Hon or Drydfti Jeroaw ni,j. ... S. II. Iffi, IlQworMn . 1-..- Or'a Hob. "" mwr- . - 1W. Hedges (U- roaoeai) reports In uii-ume au " i 3. II. In CalduJi .. dru. - "" ""WR - . 111. Italic, io aw d primary law. aitt S. n. 112. to amdB.i 1 , . ,,; o. --""" 'a iav,. Journed noun Both branchoa convno,i 1.. i,. 'MMBioly at 12 o'clock. nn :T: the canvasa or the vote or the sepa rate housos wna w.n...i..J . ' JM Mr. Mulkoy had ''VZlV. ' tho Mulkev 1" ,h re " Prortok Mulkey 1; throe senators absent President Halnaa ,. uo!oni Z"&?& nnVV .V BBt"Bg Ma . 1907 and Jonathan Uourae Jr il! , .' "sited States a.,.,!!'.. elected .bHii.fM.r3i;;l,o 7Ions tlve Boy.,. lTtesQa eommlttee m -. 7 "lomier a cort olu:rtThorUt?an M oandldatee ,.,1 V ful The eottimw.: "mZ a6embly. SrUsJL'Z "In any but a perEonni ....' L election Ib of but llttl, Momenir? tnnntior In urlilnl. i. . ' lid lirnfiflif nlinut l.n...,. . u .0--v ..w iiuttivtr. la a) .. tlnrlnnnrt rinrn .... ... election law. and tlm ..w...... mi7 . v IlllIV II1A.. . statemont No. 1 of that, law 1 ...v. .. .lVu ouues senator w populnr vote, and without rn,..t .I0..0I ..ll.l...l .. -vujkj ww.,,.. uiuinviiiiuiis. It niU8tb(L concern 01 an or us that the peoptfU una uiniu aim ineir re nrpcnr,)..,. in tho legislature never r.. .. this ndvanced position. When&I other states of tho Union foiin.J? con's Innil llm nffnn .. . a v.1 v.ivi.1. uMMn m a.j legislation will bo lnstnnt and I A messngo from United Su. benntor-eiect Jonnthnn Dourne Jt who Is In Washington. D p'J. then rend before tho joint assmty tug text ot senntot- Bourne's b sago follews: 1 'T .... i. . 1 u juu, mm nirougn you. totu honornblo mo.nbcrs of the Ortp loglslaturo pormit mo to hcrewitU press my sincere thanks lor the 14 ihiiuivu rniincntion and rormal th tlon of Senator Mulkey and mtJ 11s 1110 people's soleetlon for Uay States sdnntjrs fontho short iJ long terniB, respectively, as slpi&li in Oregon's Inst general electla Without ogotiBin nnd without kJ ir1ritf1nnf Int. T mh..mh...i . . tho peoplo of Oregon, ror hait fnlrly tried out to a conclusion ex direct primary law, thoreby hithi evolved n plan in tho adoption which tho people or nil tho statu tho Union, may, in common with to own, select nnd, In effect. Jlrwsl ploct,, their United Stntes senitoj VIMiniit ..l1,f . . "' iuiuiion or ninenuraeBtl tho redernl constitution. While I m grateful to tho legislature for tin promptness nnd practical unaula With Which It lma llnnllv r-nnfrt upon tno tho great honor of a ieitb tho United States sonnte, In cobj' nnco with tho expressed will of to sovorolgn peoplo of Oregon, Iaatf ho mindful of tho fact that the cSa Is n high public trust commlttdti my hands ns n public servant m whom devolves tho dut of render! duo caulvnlont for the confide Placed in mo by my fellow cltuat nmi now, ns bororo my election, III my promise and Jny determine to sorvo tho peoplo of our state u our country to tho full measure i whatovor ability I may posses i becoming dignity. I desire to tbaH ou on behalf of tho law and for self. Respectfully yours. "JONATHAN BOl'ItN'E, JR. No Diltorcnco. NO clIaMltAlInn Id mn.lo In & kind of PHos that Dr. LeonhirV uem-itoia cures. Bleeding, Dllnd, Itching, Suppsi In JT. Gtc. nrn almnlv nnmna nt IhnHr feront stages through which we? mow wui pass jr it continues enntiL'h flf n rv. n ! . 1 . ... ,.M1A 6uiiu 01 0100a in me iuw & vi, ana it takes aa Internal Ttwm to remove the cause. Dr. T.iSnKio ,! U.n.DnM U AW lot taken Intornally. It Is a p nent cure. Monoy back If It Prlco $1.00 nt druggists. Dr. lJ?' hardt Co., Niagara Falls N T Fw IR-ietors. Sold by Dr. S. 0. Sto auiuw. ..MONEY TO L0AI THOMAS K. OTor Idd k. Bush's Bank. SaW. i 8. a iu. siohoi. . 3lT.,av$- inrrt iw. -" "r- Not wich Union Fke ItlMfYiUaCe Fmnff Mrllth nAsldect Offlce with Wra. Brown & C1 129 Cornmersial street. NEW TODAY For Sak First plass cash nt -- i,...i Inoulr v m latu uaibaiu. - - . Journal office. 1-31-'1 Wnutejl a girl ror general TsaitA A V 1-3S-31 work. Inaulro at South Salem. ' Wood For &.U. nrv rord OOi"J niilM nAn. JV West! I ww vivri Inn convict. I llOP IDMl-nr. j.. -'""WI to fitnhlA 'wtx-rxr oima nr nhoB k. amid a rlppla ' " 1jj4l