y liAll.i CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY S3, 100T. lo. - S ,i dvcn at the opera TBe . oturdny evBU'Ub !!irandagoocrtinicwa3 -. - oranu " " l. KM Ul SH- " ... f Mllwaukle, Or, 1 to e city last Saturday a - Ullll " - in'. Utd ? cadaT nindo atrlp ArtUr Johnson Mr """ .-.t Saturday 'Ml ..:: ,hlador wt to Salem j,l5S aiw - . sIstcl., MH. .tFrll!aW - u stain .,....1 i Piirt. ;lrs ib.n E' v"i" ( . - UfflV . Mfl'a!" .. ,,.x made a business , Mr Fran "v- I Mr ..,.inml last week. i w '" ' ... .. ii'xmiliiii'ii. was i Mr "" " . . i...i,inv nml Saturday. WiaN, ui ,."-- ,i,rlt ial ru,""J ...... ,...... i I. ..II lilvnll bi a granu .. - hall next Saturday t.Hi. All arc cor- "Mint-p sill . . n si inn 11 " n ,u renin jhi" ullj invited n - I.' M l'attorson jam"11 of Portland. reached at thi . i...JfiV Christian church ,st auuuu. u'nii.lburn. of yr iu" " ttfnded the dance t !.. V 11 I I . ......--- at the opora 0B5C ast satnruuj ....... i,in Hdlsoii went to Snluni i"SS . I Ill lllllliwl t Saturday wnerc v" .Capital business i""h- Portland, who few days, re- jlr s voimv, . ,'u.a i the cltj a "rncd to his homo last Saturday Wise Counsel from Uic South. I want to clve some vnluablo ad- j. In tlOfle WHO Biiuci " llCk and kidney trouble," says J. R. !Iinkensulp,ofBeck,Tcnn. "I have ;rtTed to an absolute certain iuut lectrlc Bitters win positively tun- Hi stressing condition. The first ,itle cave me great reitei ana uuur iking a few more bottles, I was com- ,etely cured; so completely mni u ,oraes a pleasure to rocommunu i II On 11 tt twins bli ereat remeuy. &, """-' !araDtce at J. C. Perry's drug Bioro. Iprice 50c. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM'S HH 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I CLEARANCE SALE ! Lace Curtains Our stock has Laconic low In this line, owing to the mov ing prices we havo them marked nt II 23 gradt , 3 yards long, In threepatUniH, now SBc pair. 12 50 grade, 3 yds long now $173 pair. There Is a few odd pairs nt from CO per pair up. Bed Spreads Toes are all full size, from I me chenjiest to tho best wo carry MOO grade now 69c II 23 grade now ...... ..90c M Tu grade now $1.25 Musi? m 10e srad In mill end rem cow 6i.. yardt Table Cloth 50c curf,- in mi ond fem. naots aow 2Sc jard. Ladies and Misses Hose Pais ladles' hoavv cmv iyr;5c ls ),. . iuuiea oiacK P'l-nilA 1n.lt.-, t. . dren.TI2C 3 Pa,rs ch-forV- ibbod bfeck hose rt,M C : 'f grado flno ribbed Wdrcai h08e - ' Ladies' Wrappers nej last, only 63c "How's Your Stomach" is the way people in China say "Good Morning." The greeting of almost every nation is an inquiry after health. The Chinese have the root of the matter. A strong stom ach is the foundation. Look after , this organ and the general health cares for itself. Man is so consti tuted it cannot be otherwise. It is the mission of BEECHAMS PILLS to keep the stomach well, the liver active and the bowcU regular. They dispel sickness and create health. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious nesscr Constipation cannot exist when Beecham's Pills' are used ac cording to directions. lor over 30 years they have cured disordered stomachs, and arc now a world-famous remedy. They merit your confidence. Sold Everywhere In boxosi lOe. and 13c. Whore 1300 Were Killed. London, Jan. 22. The Simula tldnl waw was accompanied by ter rific earthquake shocks that contin ue dally. Tho civil governor of At chln bus one to t,he scene. The Texas Womler. " Cures all kidney, bladder- and rheumatic trouble; sold by nil drug gists, or two months' trotitmont by mall for $1. Dr. E. "V. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo, Send for testimonials . Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr .vu. ! H nillllHI H M I 1 II 1 I 1 11 H M I lllill t 1111111111 fi Mountains of merchandise are disappearing ovory day, ow ing to the molting prices thnt prevail hero. Our goods flatly iduso to stand Btlll. oiuiiiii iii ii i n n i ii ii 1 1 1 1 m i 1 1 1 n n i m 1 1 Men's Suits Odd Biiits one of a kind. $18.00 values now ....$ 9.50 $15.00 values now .... 8.00 $12.50 values now .... 7.00 $10.00 values now .... G.00 $ 7.50 vnlu.os now .... 5.75 G G.50 valuos now .... 4.35 Boys' Suits $2.50 valu'ec now $1.25 $3,50 values now 2.35 $4.50 values now 3.00 $6.00 values now 3.75 , Ladies' Underwear 25c grado now 20c 50c grudo now 40c 60c union Bults now ,..,40c $1.00 union suits, extra sizes , .60c Men's Underwear 40c grado now 25c 50c grade now . . v 40c $1.25 and $1.50 odd shirts and drawers in all wool, now 75c. a oil Cloth 20c standard grade in plain white or fancy, npw ?i5c yard. Ladies' Skirts $1.75 values now $1.10 $2.00 values now 1.25 $2.50 values now 1.75 $3.00 values now 2.00 $4.00 valuea now ,.,.!. 2.75 MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Make Salem a Good Market." Home S.VIiEM MARKET. Stclner's Market, Dealers In fish, game and poultry. Highest cash prica paid' for ogga. Prompt deliver. State street. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat C5c. Oats 35c. Barky $22. t, Flour $3.25. Mill feed Bran, $18.00; shorts, $10?T$21. Hay Cheat and ciover, $7.00 par ten: timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 30c. Hens lie; young Quickens, tic. Ducks 10c; geese, Sc; turkeys, 1310c. Butter 3Gc; butter fnt, 33c. Onions $1.25 per cwt.: potatoes, $1.00 per cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prime to cholco, 13 (0? 13 Mi c;' medium to prime, 10312Ac. Chlttim bark 5 W 2j Gc. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5c per lb. Oranges $2.76 $3.00. Lemons $4. 00 $5,000. Retail Market. Flour ''$1 per sack.: Bran C5c per sack; $200? $21 per ton; shorts, 90c per sack, $22 $24 per ton. liny Timothy, G5c por cwt, cheat and clover. 45c per cwt., $8 por ton. Oats $1.20 per cwt.; wheat, 75o; rolled barley, $25ff$2S por ton. Egg9 35 c. Apples 50c to $1.00, according to quality. Butter Country, 25 0 27c; cream ery, 40 c. Livestock. Cattle 1100 1200 tb steers, 3o. Lighter steers 23 (fr 23 c. Cows and heifers 900 1000 lb, 2jO,3c. $ Stock hogs GGtf a Hogs 175250 lb,-fat, $fc.00 $G.2G. Shqcp 5c. Lambs 5c. Veal Dressed, GtfJSc. Hogs Dressod, 8c. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheut Club, 6GG7c; valley, CGc; blue stom, 68(0) 69c. Oats Cholco whito, $25.50 $26 Mlllstuff Brnn, $16. Hay timothy, $12$13; alfalfa, $11.50. Votch $7.50 $8.00. Potatoes 85 90c. Poultry Avorago old hen, 7 8c; mlxod chlckons, 11 12c; young roostor, 12 13c; dressed chlckons, 12 13c; turkeys, livo, 16 17c; tur koys, drossod, 1920c; geese, livo. ipe; ducks, 15lGc; pigeons, $1.00 1.25. Pork Dressod, G6c. Beof Dressod, 55c. Mutton 6 7c. Hops 11 14c lb, according to quality. -Vool Valloy, coarso to medium, 2021c; eastern Oregon, 1318c. Mohair 26 28c. Butter Fancy Creamery, 30 35c; atoro butter, 25 27c. o-i Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, sleepless, feel mean? Holister's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens your nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale at Dr. Stone's store. . O" Southern Paeiftc Co. Time card No. 4, effective Novem ber 25. 12:l a. ro. Toward Portland. jj0 is 523 a. m., Oregon ex press. No. 18 8:3 a. m Cottage Grove express. No. 122:58 h, m Oregon ex press. No. 14 9:28 p. m., Portland ex press. ; No. 22211:03 a, m., departs at 11:30 a, m Portland fast freight. No. 22611:55 a. m., Departs at 12:45 p. m way freignt. Toward Bah Franciaco. No, if; 1:31 a. m San Francisco express. No. 1111:08 a. m., California express. No. 17 6:32 p. m., Cottage Grove express. I No. 15 9:56 p, m California ex- press; Portland fast 11 u, 4i .oj a, uii freight No. 225 11:25 a. m., departs at 11:55 a. m., way freight. Women Who Wear Well, I It Is astonishing how great a change few years of married Hfo ofton mako In tho appcaranco and disposition of.mauy womon. 'Tho freshness, tho charm, the brilliance vanish like tho bloom from a peach which Is rudely handled. Tho matron Is only a dim shadow, n faint oeho of tho charming maiden. Thero nro two reasons for this chaiiRo, ignorance- and neglect. Few young womon appreciate tho shock to tho systom through the chango Avldeh ccnu-s with marrlago ant! motherhood. Many neglect to deal with tho unpleasant pelvic drains and weak nesses which too ofton como with mn' rlage and motherhood, not mulrTatanul'ig that thi3 secret drain I robbing thocheel. of Its freshness nnd tho form of It? falrties". As si rely as tho general health suiTon When thero Is dJhyigement of tho health of tho delicate woimTniv organs, so surelv whemhoso organs iirMtabllshed In healVh thcTto nndj&AvTbso witness to theT.iet In ret Wd comcttrra yearly a ml I lion women Jtiyj) found health and happTiii ta In Mm nso of Dr. PI"rco' Fa vorlto l''rrii f.ptlnn.,. It makes weak wom en strong and sick women woll. Ingrcol nts on label contains no alcohol or harmful habit -forming drugs. Mad. wholly of thoso native, American, mit''" hal rooti most lilchly rooomii'endod 1 leading inoilical nut'inrltie of nil tho so eral l'm Is of prnetlco for tho euro of woman's peculiar r.linicnts. For nurlivjmothrrs.or for thoso broken down In he.ilih ly too frequent bour.ng ol children, h1sj for tho expectant mothen. to nrennro ilio rvs.tem for tho coming ol lubv and r. "king Its ndvent easy a:u' almost jialtiU1 -. thoro Is no medtclno quite 30 good as "Favorite Prescription. It can do no harm In any condition of the syntem. It is a most potent invigorating tonic nnd strengthening nervine nleejy adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of inrpn experience) In tho treat ment of woip.nr peculiar iitlrnents. Dr. Pierce im bo consulted by lettei frtc of clinr;i. Address Or. U. V. T'k rte, Invalids' lintel u.d Surgical Institute. Uutlnln. N V. See Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room house, barn and 22 lots, 45x130 ench; prico $1S00. Six room houso on car line, 4 lots, 75x150; price $1500, easy torms. Nine room houso plastered, closets, pantry, baoomont, soptlc tnnk, barn 26x34, woodshed 1Sx22. This place Is three blocks from court houso; Price $2625. Six-room house, plastered, closots, pantry, toilet, woll, good barn, flvo lots 75x150 each, on car lino; price $2000. Two ncros. 7-room house, bam, well, and all kinds of fruit, near Sa eom; prico $1250. Fifty-five acres. 35 in cultivation, 20 acros In timber, now 7-room houso large barn: 16 ncros In hops, all wired. This placo Is all good black soil. Prico $110 por aero. Forty-ono and one-half acros all in cultivation, 7-room hovlso, largo barn, 1G ncros of fruit, good wovon wlro fences, implements, 2 horses, ono cow. ThlB placo Is near Bchool and church, ono and one-half miles from Salem. For prices sco Rndcllff & Co. Wo havo one hundred acres of good land near Saloin to trade for Salem proporty. Wo ulso havo a sood buuinoss block and rtwollluc In Colorado SpringB to trado for proporty hero. If you want hop ranch, timber grain, fruit or grazing lands see us. Sovornl Iiouboh for rent. Call if you want anything in Insurnnco or notary work. RADCL1FP CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Moorcs block, Salem, Oro. Hoforcnco, any bank or business houso in tho city ot Salem. 1 THE CENTURY A magazine vviuch lias steadfastly stood for all that is best in American life, lias held fast by the soundest 'tra'ditions of literature, aided mater ially in the development of American art by educating popular taste and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of season urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and competency in public office, justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in the crowded parts of cities, the larger educational opportunities for alL Tfte Outlook. Stud for full frvifttlut an J jftoal efftr ta nrw mfafrthtrs THE CENTURY CO. UhIoh Square Ni.iv York PILES v Cruit KtkwU, 8uU,,ll Ik. II ,m uim t ttm llk. to. V.. riu tutUa." Dr. U. I. kc( X MM IUIUWJ if M u mors Kiinnns torn PILE uuliiiiy D. WlU. TUtaMH. S'll QnAti SttoU, 8uUt,lll, M C , vrluo ' 1 Mjl lk.f II in tUim Ura." 1), B. M. tti,.l KtnalUck. w. T-.vrtual "Tknilittuimtluil rMiMO." vr. u. v. kcuui, tuiterc. iua.,vnui; HtU mn." rMi, M 0n. tuafM f'M. IW4I f P41U. MAMYIN HUOr, tNCTCR. PA.' I Sold in Sakm by Dr, 5. C. Stone ) call ran fkec samplc iinn iimiiiniiamiKiiwiiMw CLASSIFIED Mtiittiiaiaiasniinitfit-!Hf rniwi DRAYMEN. R. O. Cummins Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and trnnBfor lino. Prompt service la our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Stand at IB 6 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Rosidenco phono 968. 8-4-tt FOR RENT. i or Kent. Threo ottlco rooms over Salem Stato Bank. Inquire of Sa lem State Dank. ' l-21-3t Room-fc-Furnlshcd for light house keeping, 730 North Front street, i-a-tt For Rent Seven-room houso with bnscmont. Good well water, pinod in and out. er, 560 N. Inqulro of A. Schrolb . . 2 High street. 1-7-lrao Furnished Rooms With or without board, phone, electric lights and bath room. J. Jay Cook. Phone 533. 1-12-lm FOB, BAiE liny for Snlo. Wo have baled cheot hay for saio. George Swegle, Gar den Road. l-19-3t I'urnltnrc for Sale. Call at Ira Hamilton's, South Salem, Wednes day. First houso south of D. C. Minto's. 1-21-lt For Salts Two good Studobnkor top carriages, as good as now. For sale cheap, II. Moirlng, 689 Com mercial Btroot. l-22-3t For Sale. Ono McConnick mower, ono rovorslblo Pitts harrow, ono 14-inch Oliver plow, all good as now, at a bargain, Call at offlco ot Orogon Slonnn Paint Company, Salem. 1-7-1 m For Sale. Twonty-flvo good1 milch cows; Bomo fresh, bnlanco fresh soon, on L. K. Page ranch, Che mawn. Inqulro of L. K. Pngo, caro Salem Stato Bank. l-21-3t IODGES. 1'orcstcrs of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 19. Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato Btroot U. S. Rldor, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato nnd Liberty streets. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard. C. C.J W. I. Staloy, K. ot R. and 8. Modern Woodmen of AmericaOre gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Moots ovory Thursday ovoulng nt 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C: F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman linll. F. It. Capper, C. S.j P. L. Frazlor, Clork. For Sale. Qontlo pony, broke to rldo or drive, also piano, which I will soil on liiHtallmentH, W. B, Gllson, 117 Commercial stroot. 1-16-tf For Bulr. My 80-ncro farm, four miles south o tho business center of Salem. nt Liberty, will soil in small tracts to suit purchaBor, or ontiro tract at a bargain, or will ront to right party. Call on J, C, Johnson, nt Salem, or address J. 11. Daniel, Eugene, Oregon. 1-1 7-1 m MISCELLANEOUS. ms Concrctu Work. Got my pricos on lildowalks, curbs, eeptlo tanks and cemont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 569. 1-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet tho price Is no blghor. For saio at your grocer's, CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooiey, Props. liuttc & Wonderoth Flno wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Comraorclnl street 9-3-lyr ShIciii Iron Works. Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill I machinery. Hop nnd fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl dont and pension Insurance: $2, 000,000 pledgcdj every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. II. O. Montgomery, supremo organizer, i Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. R. ' Ryan, secrectary, 546 Stato streot. DEPARTMENT NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and Second-Hand Goods. Bought and sold, nlBo ranges, stoves and cooking utonslls, dish es, granlto and tlnwaro of all kinds Olve us a call. O. L. McPeok, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly OSTEOPATHS, Dr. II. H. White Graduate of Klrks vlllo, Mo., undor founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Broymaa building, Commercial street. Phono 87, Rcsldonco 390 Summer street, corner of Ccntor. Phone 1219. Treats acuto and chronla diseases. Examination free, 11-17-tf PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Darr Plumbing, hot water and Bteam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial Btreot. Phoav Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Potzel .Plumbing, atoam sad gas fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 920 Commercial itrcet. 'Phono Main 17. A. 3J. Ftmbc Succesaor to Burrougki In Frazer, plumber and tinner. Mafia facturor of coppw and galvanliej iron cornice, and raotnl BlcyllghU, 103 Stnto street. 'Phono 1811. PlICTANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. D. 11. Grlflln, the Specialist on Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho cures in 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Trada St., Salem. Oro. Phono 568, Johri Doyons, Business Manngor. SA3H AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer ot sash, doori moulding. All kiada of houso fluiih and hard wood work. Front atreot, bet. Stnto and Court. VETBRINARY STJROEON. Dr, B. 3. Young. Votorlnnry Burgooa ..and dentist, 03 yonrs' oxporioBM, All work guaranteed. Difficult sur gical operations n spoclnlty. Fhoat 581. Ofllco at Club Stables. Phoa 7, Salem, Oregon. . 3-9-tf WANTED. Wanted Second -hand cngno, 8 to 12 horse, skid, portnblo or trac tion. Address box 155, Aurorn, Oro. 1-2 1-3 w Wanted Stock hogs for foodlng, chlckons, ducks and all kinds ot poultry. Highest prico paid. Hop Loo Co., 181 Commercial strcot, Salem, Or. 12-5-tf Wanted. Gontlomnn or indy ot fair education to trnvol for morcnntllo Iioubo of largo capital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. Wook ly salary of $1000 por year and ox Poiibos. AddrosH, with Htamp, Joseph A. Aloxnndor, Salem, Ore gon. . l-22-3t WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANH OFFICE CITY HAlA. For water service upply at offlc. nilli payable mont&ly in advaoe Make all complaints at tho oftlee. iiiinimiimMMM Gold Dost Floor I Made by TID3 gYDKEY TOW ER COMPANY, Bldasy, Oregon. Mada for family use. Ask your groctr for it. Bran aod shorts alwbTS on band. P. B. Wallace AGENT imMiiimiHiiiiHiiiw O. C. T. CO STEAMERS- pomona AND ORKGONA LEAVE PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNKfl DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT O;0O A, M. FOR CORVALI8 TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT (I V, M. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Dally except Bundny. Ixiavos Wil lamotte Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas nt 0:15 p. m. Loaves Indo pendonco at 8 a, in. Phono Main 179, RALPH BUDLONG, ," i Managor.