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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1907)
SJiTflKKW5ii SSHlUiiUJZM DAILY OAPirAIi JOURNAL 8ALKM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, J 007. The Family Physician itrwn trYTucmMxm The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician Consult him early when taken ill. Ayers Cherry Pectoral REVISED FORMULA If the trouble is with your throat, bron chial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Do as he Bays, The new kind contains no alcohol Wc have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYRR CO., Manufacturing Chcrniiti, Lowell, Mm. House Routine Tuesday. I"OR CAHCAUK COUNT!'. HUttiiK DflrKKtion of Hood Rlvrr IVn. lit Hero for County Division. rndo county, Wnsro will foe h larjje mid, noiiiiloiin county anil will mill Its richer thnn ever heforo, niiiI nl no time In her lilitory extending over a period or 7ft youra lino Tim Halite had Intir prospects for Increased Krowlh and prosperity. o Mary Dark circle under tin eye Indicate h sluaxlali circulation or tor pid liver hihI kidneys. ISxrclM dally and lake Holllster's Jloeky Mountain ran. Twill do yon good. S6 cents. I'Olt .M.MIWTOWN IMIIt. .Iiircixiii 3Ii-m mill Tenipoiniy Com. mission Will ,k for 11.1,000. If Wasco county In not divided mid tliu now county of Ouscndo formed from tho wetttorn half It will not ho lliu fntilt of tho people of the fumou town mid vnllay of Hood Hlvor. A ttrotiK delegation or Hood Illver hiiMlnuM and frulL men are In Halom now In tho lifterost or Hih county division.- The committee It Ten or Taulata. Cor sal Ml l)r composed of (Jeoriw I). CullitrliMin. 'atone' stor. Hon. A. A. Jnyne. U. II. Mors iind Churls T Hnrly. Tho chief olmtaalo In the way of thU proposed division In that the representative and minator from Wasco nre all from Tho Dalle end of tha county and a minh nro op posed to tliu formation of ir now county. Tho Hood Illvor people hutlovu Ihoy have justice on their side, a the InturimtH of Hood Hlvor valley are widely different from those or tho rest of Wiuco county. Hood Hlvor is almost wholly devoted lo frull'icruwlni;, while the other part of the county are uenernlly mor adapted to kiaiIiik nd uunum! farming At present Hood Hlvor val ley has uo representation In the loKlalrnure. in faut the ciMee-holdlug cIbm live nl The Dalle. U thin division Ir made It will he about the imitli time that ttWu tin lveti up territory for the formMtliiH of new counties. In territorial dav nearly wvwrythiiiK Iimwimni th. lloeky niouiiiHliHi ami Oremm city was Wasoo county. Dakar, Malheur. (Irani. Ilnrnny, Union, W'MIhwu. flll Ilam, Wheeler, nud several other counties Werw within the bouii.U of WCO, lis was n Inrim llr. of (llf prevent tnt of Idaho HUH after the formation r t'as lion. Jefferson Myera. prwslduut of the temporury commission that (lov oruor Chumlmrlnlu nppolnted to look after the Interests or tliu ntutt at tlm .lamuHtowu uxuoMltlou. U In Kulwin and will preMHUt u hill to the IkI laturo nakliiK that a peruiHuunt eouw iuIhnIou he appolntiHl nud that the utatu Hppriprhilo f flft.000 to hu xpeut In maklnif a miUalilo exhibit at Jnmottowu. .Mr. .MyoiH hellevee that the amount uked fur lit a hiiiull att pruotleubl and that It u III ho iiionuy well tmenl Ho ihok that whlhi Oihkoii ueHl not look ror muoh emlKrutlou from Vlr KlHla and the adJolulHK mates of Mrlnd and North CiirollHH. mil lklH Of IHNiplw will U Im HtUHdHHro at lhl fair from the deiuwly impti iMteit iilntt of Nw York and Penn- y I van and from the New UiiKluud late nud It In Hi vtottora that OhKH NllHUllI HMk H KOiHl ihOWllIK before It Iim not ltsn dechM who will ImIiihIui.. i Iik J nine.! own bill, Imt t Will ImTom- iht. UKlailur wtrlv (Continued from pago three). ity of real estate of deceased perBons for payment of debts to a period of six years from date of death; re vis Ion of laws. II. B. No. 52, Northup, roiatlng to execution nnd acknowledgment of deeds In forolgu countries; revision of laws. II. 11. B3, Northup, providing for recording of agreements of sale of machinery and thnt same shall not becomo part of roalty. H. I). 64, Northup, relating to barring of dower by a married wom an and to cure defective daeds; re vision of laws. H. I). 67, lloflls, providing method ror increasing and docroaslng capi tal utook of corporations nnd licens ing same; noflmiont and taxation II. H. 68, Honls, to provldo for pay ment Into Kenornl fund 10 per cent of fees for HoeiiBoa for sale of li quors Issued by countlos, clthm and towns; niwttiMOuoul and taxation. Bponker Davy announced appoint ment of MefMrs. Knowlos, McCiio nnd Knrrell as house membership of Joint committee to Investlgnto Into llHblng and pilotage conditions on Columbia river under provisions of hoiiHe con current resolution No. 3. 11. It. 2(5, Vnwto'r. requiring neeio tary of state to Istmu mulling clerk 200 2-oent nud 100 1-eant stumps- referred to committee on roselutlono: riiortwl back favorably and report adopted. Adjournment taken until 10 o'clock Wednesday. o Cimil of I.ung Trouble. "It Is now eleven yenrBSlnco I hnd n narrow oscapo from cousumptlon," writes C. O. Kloyd, a lending biiBlnoss man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had ruo down In weluht to 135 pounds, nnd coughing was constant both by dny and by nltht. Klnolly I hogan tak ing Dr. King's Now Discovery, nnd continued this for nbout six months, when my cough nud lung trouble woro entirely gono and I wns restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons hcnlod every year. Guaranteed nt J. C. I'eery's drug store; 50c and SI. 00. Trial boltlo froo. Often Tie Kidneys Are Weakened liy Over-Work. Unhealthy Kldnejs Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only nrinary sad bladder troubles were to be but now modern science proves that nearly all disease have their beciunint in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood tlvnt J their work. Therefore, when your kidneysnre weak or out of order, yon can uuuui. quickly your entire body ! nffectci .1 now cverV organ seems to fa.l to do Us dUItfyrou are sick or feel badly," begin taklnir the great kidney remedy, Dr. KilmertSwamp-Koot, because as soon ,s your kidneys are well they will help hII the other orKfttis to health. A trial nktifitir ftllXOtte. If tm arc nick vou can mane no im lake liv fift doctoring vour kidneys. The nnld and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kiluisrs Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, i- realicl. I','il-t if its wonderful cur of the mot distri-istng enscs, and l- nl on its merith bv all druggists i" fifty-cent and one-dollar sic bottles. You mny lmvcn snumlc bottle !omcfBinip-IUct. by mail free, also u pamphlet tellin" v a how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llmg Imttitoii. N. Y. Don't make any mistake, Imt remember the name, Swamp-Root, j Dr. Kilmer s SwamiMtooi, aim me an drew, Ilmglmmton, S. Y on every bottle, OUR RIEAT8 ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especlnl care to buy nono but the best, and our customers can always depend upon getting the best In the market nt right prices when they buy at our market. E. O. CROSS, State Street MArkct Thono 201 On the Stool of Repentance in mkJMM THE HEN That science has per8Uaded to lay Bovon tlmoo i... 8 wolcht In nirtrc n . 6 " , ;OD" " J,tr. Their, ernge hea lays only go etir. . n vonr nif ... 6BS ft - ., t uuw cm nnlnnHfln mln.l .. . .. s W .. tu 4eeu that keep her In perfect health J tnnVft lint tiHn.h... .. zr'zr" .... . Vfi6B every yeiI Coulson's Improved Mash vZ will do It. Coulson's M . Condition Powders for poai ...DU va ilium m g00d hMlti rui tnuumr ana iun expW tion call on TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, R ANVff c laWc rVcparatloa ror As Wiallntf Ihenxxl AtJ Urt ult to BRftSiuMcks ftnauovitb c rVrHHoMDjUoaChtfAJ- w Md BestxXMtlAlM ndUVr OwuauMorphUvc vet ifinual. KotM.vxootic. av cuar&Maa.tnsmx .,t,h I j CASTORIA Tor Infanta ruifl Ohlldron. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signature of Afwrfrti RrttvftJy forOorvstlf. tea, Somt S5o8Ach.DUniica. nnv3jcon"uisct,rvnsh' MMi vj LOSS or SULCI" KKW "YOIIK. hF uacTrwwiiM, I In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA yi 4ta , tw 1K V KHHHKm Sfiiutc .Mimilay AftiTiiimn. Aside from tho rwidliiK of N bllh for the Hecoud time, the only luot dent of note that occurred In the n ate Mundny afternoon whh a ehuui from tho utual eiiMtom of a hiihiihii kIoii of rulm to read the IiIIIh by tltlf only to havliiK the clerk rwul the en tire hill. Th Heunte believed that til xtru rout In itrlntliiK In the mmi mI Journal th vole on a miihidkIhii or rules would amount to more thar the Mtra tint cimiuiium1 b the rink In reudliiK the entire Nil amouutti to At any rat th wttitte In trylux eprlmeut hmiI almost the Htlre at tern txi n was atwut In riwdlHK the v ItllU fur the tteeoud time. At the con rlttelon of ridlH the bllW the tun ate adjourned HHtil 10 o'rlwk tin mornlng- When the seimte eoNVtil at ' u'rltiek H iiimk Wiu rwwlvwl from tit.- lutiiw HHiioiinciui the rule fm Htfiiatur. The snetiktr of Um hotu. mUm hhmoummmI that It had appolMti-.l a iniiiiHlttev to me( WllllaHt Jen IUK HrjHU. The i-oidihUIm iNt rtaotioM re i"w,l fHvorabU- m mm row cm r 'iit rwMilHllon Nu. 7 cneriiliiK the ml of bill.; cwrriert. Mmi MHMte cotK-urrent retuluttoi. N 1 1 to HupolHt a MrlMi couiwlttev ( iavwrtliel the YRrtotia Mai lHtl uttoH. After this wm anMdeil to tMlHde tk Mldlerv' hoitM and tk lorUge railway, whteh had bMH winl(ll frm the hHkIiwI reiwlHtloM. U wa . adtH. ThU retoltttloH hMIHM that no extra rlerleal aid nil e Mtipltiyeil and that the cum. Mlito thai! not put ike Mat tu uus- xtm xpente. ,Vnd team eoeNrrat MMoiuiini. No. 13 te wet wwmtuiHie from WuhlB8tH and Idaho to eoafer oh the Ctolumhln nn4 V rlvwn; ear ned. ItMttMtlM No, u to pMt ft wtnlitw t UvfeKlmu th. iBt auflum wa tNmiKl doH. ThU wa Hvf hy the awKMatHwiii r -u ral lHveUsTUs eowiMitt U the raii of the bin f. n. ! tlw all r th,. ,.rv vf,.rrvj la (Via d&h&kkUa. . iwwerty Ihmk .p, wiu,e ,., Xo U rtaUuKio nawwtn.rruia.oun wuis frM tiMw eoHa,, bll No H rtatlHK MnltHowah county from MultuomaJu ad kin v., ,! ' " ... . w " fro Vmtm 4 M iW Hhvia for !,, mmvM of ainuiH t'wanu ii 4Wirv tJX .sSrf ArrT IC-i 'wMm H li FOR JOIST AND ri)ORI.NG j The host place to buy is whero the beet Block of lumber is carried. The on tin- hulldlni; trndo know that there Is i,ot it liner stock of lumber than ihat carried by us. Wo nre ready to till the largest contract promptly We don't keep tho build er waiting. That's a vory Important point. Near S. P. passongor depot r;nopi.!C i,i'.Min:it co. I'liono .12 Main. PtX (s whore a man finds himself that 1 takes his llnon to any laundry lint ' the Salem Steam Laundry. If your i rotuelence don't prick, your collura j and cuffs mny and make you appro-1 eluta tho smooth dua. soft button holes nnd eMiuIsItu color nnd finish I thnt you can always rely on gott!n I at the Sulfin Stetitn Laundry, at low prices. SALKM STKAM LVUNDHY, I'houo "ft. ttto-lflo S. Liberty St. It's Going Fast And Iwn perfect satisfaction. Kvery nu-U Is Kiiarant-cd, anil that iiccoiintN for the i-iimM Incrvnso In KlU.. Also N Mill uiniln of OLD WHEAT ai.! Is t'.o best Hour nt nny price. ISK ONLY Wild Rose Flour "iHjHHlJB 'HftHlffiKrakr ' class iiroccrs. I SflMHBR . , I iijiUBt pltaKflBr' RSn soTCtj-rnLH 1 ir A I Ji HIT IT AGAIN Whon you nro hnmmerlng fc, n good cniiBO you cannot hit It too hard nor too often. That's h we persist in telling people ottb good aunlltlcs of our Epplcy's Perfection Baking Powder It Is the beat nnd It Is madeu Salem, nnd It's put up In a used paekngo, and Its just ns cheap u tho poorer brnnds. Ask your gro- cor for It. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon Md B B B Order a package of um famous health and bn building flour and enjfi somo good old foibloMt New England Drm Urtvul. A chance at II right hot loaf will nib you think you are h Boston. With Alkri Sclf-rlshiR I). R. II. YfM you can make bread Jcx llko tho Pflritans used tt nmko. JM1 Taiicako Floor Is nlso a puro food; itU- Trade rising and nil read; ts Mark mix with water and bi on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S B B B EL0UR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San J.j Cnl. Kastcru Factory, Llttl VVolf MUls, ainnnwa, WU. Tno above cut shows our brl k lined Torrid I'one Furnace Guar anteed gas ai,J dust proof lonom leal and durable, for tho parttiulart Inquire at A. L. FRASER 2tW State Street. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants lu tho market at all tlma for dried fruit and farm produce of all kinds. Special We havo for sale a few appla par Ins and slicing machines; equipment for a laree dryer; will mae a low price. "ion to pay a fair price fr your lumber when that vrlvo lurries with a guarantee of quality Our prlcea are ncur too low to Klve It to jou, and never too high for It AJwy KMJr tie "Tn" I axative Bromo Offlnine " Tablets et our quotation on your needs. Voget Lumber and Fuel Company. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Ccrr.rr.crcis! St. Phone 179 : 1 lftsH4!i ! Spent wisely is the source of satisfaction. Why not spend a of it w(soly bow buying groceri usT 4 Baker, Lawrence &mi Bacceeeen to KurMt ft Lawn! IVttinv Cwe a CoW in One w Cw Crii k Two Dy Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. Salem Fence Works ...uu.wn for oxvn Wro Fencing. The Fashion Stal ronaerly ttaspeoa'a Stabl Up-to-date liyery ad Funeral turaoute a spwUHy. ho for pleaics aad excnrsJoa . CHAa W. TANNKB, 24T aao 249 High Street HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh and Stark Portlisd. Oreeoa. The new said modern hoUl oi ' Caters partieularlT to reaidea" lea and other Oregoa cities. u" Dlan. TV. Kn. biM sLOO P ' and upward. Ilandswrneat Brill ! muj uoonng. All at lowest prices. Walter Morkey 3fas Woai. iim) wbu & law 9 MftVarv ! aWraetlva. DIly Capital rrZ'hMS WXttWT UaClOK H0 j