V 5 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON; : TUKSDAY, JANUARY 2a, 1007. - Sl.n--UMV"rALK.S. StCn . M,fl of the Deliflhtt of ,T ron arkcd our cash boy Stf." ".T. ..,, Is re 1 hot for SSlVUnwUP- I don't know la" J ,., lut paw says everybody ooe'rytbing ami divide 1160 AM. 0 wa3 tcl""8 "m atltS Ulu where the people "Ma a f .ij , n ouey to buy those H they Sd cost millions of kings. tue JoU3f4, ,.,! 'Issue i ouds.' .Fa Mid. i "-... how wi you riehoud.-sa.dpaw rrrh to tax the people , -uuw iterest with bonds.' do Idoai uu" ' 'llnl8,.. -i.v rnnllnil naw. 'Now, 2 w wc"t to housekeeping, didn't : for all our furniture by giving a iT ind wheu It came uuo uiun t i swtf. nu ' ;.... o? Vnti worn- iSr nothing about Unnucc. ou tn0 ... ;,.. i,,ii.Mipklij ownership Alt UDUI iuu --- --- .Iunro(jts, tti In power, -"'-- ... .,. K S will ".I! bo Vnndcrb.lta. IS you be proud of your hubby Kb he becomes part owner of nil Ullc utilities' iuu ..:, ... . - - fr, some things you don't know. F-Aml then paw looked wise. Mn Lood and prod at him for Bomo time CaJthcnsalil: I " k., nm eninn tlllUCS I (Ion t aW. and one of those things is this: I If there Is a man moru m .u. u llunstlc asylum thau you. I don't know -ri,n i rtitniiienced to whistle 'L2v- tnMj Works but Daddy.' Say, boss, you see that lump ou the back of my head! Paw lias had that tune poked at Him oeiore, aim i wiwu i lou lag when his old shoo came flying iny MT'-Youkors Statesman. 11 MENACE TO CITIES Professor Fesscnden Sounds a Note of Warning. LONG LIVE THE BOSS! iMumtipat Ownership Would Make Hit Position Impregnable. Deferring to the recent announcement that 51,140 persons are on the payroll of New York city, the Newark Adver tiser declarer that In tho event of mu nicipal ownership of street railways, tlectrlc light and gas plants, ferries and other public utilities tho city employees would constitute a political nnny that would make a chaugo of administra tion Impossible It rtrtlU the fat that 23.000 city tmplojees In Philadelphia kept Phlln 'Itlphli la the hands of the corrupt Dcrhia machine for years, and only i greit popular uprising overthrew the jrsfUN. It Durham had had control of the street railroads and other public utlll tics in PLIUdelitlilti through munlclpnl lovrnershlp." It observes, "ho could have liujlied at popular uprisings. lie would hue been as nhsolute In his au- thorityas the czar" Tb point Is well taken. la other cities tho political Hltuatlon I under public ownership would bo as It woullm Philadelphia and New York. UHses may bo overthrown aud Krafteri turned out whenever tho pub II? wt'l it at present Public owncrahln of ill public utilities would end this. it would bind the people hand nnd foot and deliver them Into tun lunula of poiitlr-al grafters. - Long Branch iwM HOW CITIES LOSE MONEY. Mon.ap.l p.tnU p,y No JmKn and noducs Tax Receipts. The sublfwt nt i, ... ...... i. .i. . "" ". "w in uiiu Willi ceerres far more attention than It "wiiv re, UtH from adroentes of ttiaidnjl oi)tM-i.,i. vi.n.. i- .... I "l" ""'" " OllllV.U' mnnwpai plant In tills couutry Wch mention thl, iteu, lu its reports, JUioush it u Just as much un element fwt of produitlon us coal nnd "IJM The omiiisiiin i r.m.. .. Wed, beea,lse ,t , rt IieEuUvo ex. weiuvohU)g n,j U!rect payment, but V iws of in urn to the city. If yon o),n store for which vou re iwi,j,8 n K,HMl rtuU aud dls wes r .u nit in rUer to occupy ; " t wa previously a. iai "'"' .-XT tenant' busluess. W 'b an. ... ..f .,..i... .... "Tl 'l llll Villi r.Hlllurlu rilwir S"V "' y ,ra buys out wj(, .abSe,sps a public serv- 'r.aVhCV l,u" r,'a, Personal and bt ,; . n r"afB against 5Eln.'. ",,? ""'lal plant 'Jtjliiu.t . "I'orauon. and the ef i 2 '" UQ,es" b I'roflM "i b'sni it.,,,, i .... . . ' -" Dtad a Caes.r. f j,,.,, " " " u"""Vnble reversals B'n . ',' ' '" ,,u rw'on ' tbat pa , !""" ,""' ,a W"RO In We'M o ' " "' W1'" of mn wUh ! ear aso nourished iL l,rui0llf ntdr v ham--T"' 'ten, te nuUm- a wr - M4RKET QUOTATIONS "MuLe Salem n Oooa Market." Home Cities Not Adapted to Operate 'Busi ness Enterprises Loss of Capital Through Now Developments Tho Dangor a Rsal Ono. It is becoming more nnd more gen jfrnllv recognised Unit undertakings fouiilled on the great public need3 bf tho highly organized society of modern timed should Lu controlled by society. Whether, having the power, It Is nd vlsuble that municipalities should ac tually engage in such undertakings or whether they B'noukl merely maintain their control, as It litis been aptly put, through their powers as iv landlord, Is n matter whhli will be determined by the uiuniclpal'tles from political, soclul nnd ecouom'c us well as engineering considerations. Considering the question from Us cu llncerias side alone, it Is found thnt from the very essential nature of tho matter only n certain class of engineer ing undertakings can be etllclcutly nnd properly operatod by states or munici palities, it is very important that this limitation should be recognized, as where the limitation has been over stepped It hnu resulted In heavy finan cial losses to tho governing bodies im mediately concerned. It bus scrlouBly checked development lu engineering lines, and these results bnve lu conso quence afforded a strong nrgument to those opposed to munlclpnl operation of public utilities. It Is true that under state or munici pal operation kouio minor anil sporadic developments mny be expected, but nothlug of u general or Important char acter. Iniporlnut developments gen erally come only from tho hands of In dividuals or bodies re. poiulble only to themselves and provided with the In centive of a large prollt. The elimina tion of self responsibility aud Incentive would Inevitably produce u condition lu Industrlnl and sclcntllle develop ment analogous to tho dark ages. It Is to bo noted that this conclusion Is I'rlvcd from engineering considera tion, alone nud does not lucludu any consideration iroin the political, soclul or economic side. There may, It Is conceivable, be political, social uud economic considerations which tend to uffect this limitation. Considered, how ever, from the engineering standpoint alone there cau be no question Jiut thnt the Held of utiite uud municipal operation should be limited to under takings lu which thero is no Immediate prospect of or need for Improved method. A danger which Is ulways associat ed with tho owucrahlp of Industrial undertakings Is that the capital Invest ed may be lost through the develop ment of new nnd cheaper methods ami processes. Tho extent to which indus trial machinery of certain types Is ren dered obsolete by new Improvements Is not always realized. Tho wrltor Is personally acquainted with one btreet cur railroad plant In which the entire electrical equipment of tho power house was thrown out and replaced with Improved machinery four times within a period of ten years. The Car negie company Is reported, correctly, It Is believed, to hnvo scrapped on one occasion more than $1,000,000 worth of now machinery which had nover been used. This has already become u serious matter for uinuy municipalities which have engaged In undertakings lying outsldo of the engineering limits de fined above. Mnny of these municipal ities Installed plauts for the produc tion of electric light at a time prior to tho advent of Important Improvements lu goucrutlug and distributing electric ity, nnd as these municipalities In com mon with most municipalities mado no proper allowuuco for depreciation the capital Invested bus been practically lost, nnd In addition the cost of elec tric light to the consumer In much higher than It is In other places equip ped with later and more economical types' of machinery. Iu addition, heavy and expensive repairs have been neces sary and the taxes correspondingly In-. creased. This has reacted upon the municipalities, sluco the heavy rates have caused manufacturers to move away to other towus, aud this ngalp has still further lucreased the buVden upon those rematuing There are al ready Indications that a considerable uumlier of these municipalities which have engaged lu Improper undertakings are entering upon n period of financial dltllcully.-n. A. FefhiMideu. SALEM MAItKET. Stelner's Market. Dealers in fish, gnmo and poultry. Highest cn9h prlca paid for eggs. Prompt delivery. State street. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Locnl whent C5c. Oats 3Gc. Bnrley $22. Flour 53.2G. Mill feed Bran, $18.00; shorts, $19$21. liny Cheat nnd olovor, $7.00 pc" ton; timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 30c. lions lie; young clilckona, lie. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 13016c. 9 Butter 35c; butter fat, 33c. Onions $1.25 per cwt.; potatoes, $1.00 per cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prlmo to cholco, 1313c; medium to prlmo, 1012&c Chlttlm bark G& Cc. Tropical Frulto. Bananas 50 per lb. Ornnges $2.75 3 $3.00. Lemons $4.00 $G.000. Itctall Market. Flour $1 per Back. Bran C5c por sack; $20 $21 per ton; shorts, 90c por sack, $22 $24 per ton. liny Timothy, C5c por cwt., client nnd clover. 45c per cwt., $8 per ton. Onts $1.20 per cwt.; wheat, 75o.; rolled barloy, .$2GtfT$28 per ton. Eggs Stic. Apples 50c to $1.00, according to quality. Buttor ory. 4 0c. Country, 25 27c; crefttn- n, . Livestock. Cnttle U00(81200 lb steers, 3 i c Lighter stoors 2323Vfcc. Cows nnd heifers 9001000 2 ',(? 3c. Stook hogs GTCUc. Hogs 17 5(02 50 lb, fnt, $0.00 $G.2G. Sheep Go- - -.- Lambs -5c. Vonl--Drc8sed, CtJJSc. HogsDressed. 8c. As a Socialist Seas It. Kvery rei-ognlxod authority on So cialist economics, from Marx to Ferrl. has been and Is mi avowed economic evolutionist. They all without" excep tion vcuogQlKc Mint Public ownership under L-upilcii.sm must come before the mil SoolaJUtprogwimmH can meet with realization. When tlte b'ovtalUt party Mmll sue ceed to Kiuer In municipality, slate or nation It will full heir to the holdings ot its capitalist predecessor Kvery dollar's worth of property that we can wrest from private capitalism through pulilli- ownership will fall Into the hands of the Socialist party without struggle upon its succession to power. International Socialist Uevlew What Government Is For. It Is the appropriate function of the government to safeguard the Individ ual and to se that the game of bull ae Is fairly played, that the cards sre twltl store ttw table and tkat ev rysswlr 1 firm sqwr ! It 1 U aMrrtat fwct t Mm 1'OHTrjAN'l) MAUKin1. Whont Club, CC(ir07c; vulloy, OGc; bluo stem, f.SG9a Oats Cholco whlto, $25.500$2C MIllHtuff Brnn, $1G. Hay Timothy, $12$13; alfalfn, $11.50. Vetch $7.f0& $8.00. Potntoos S5dT90c. Poultry Avornge old lion, 7Sc; mixed chickens, 11 12c; young roostor, 12tfT13c; droasod chickens, 1213o; turkoya, live, 1017c; tur keys, dressed, 19 (3-20c; geoso, live. 10c; ducks, lf.fl'lGc; pigeons, $1.00 31.2G. Pork Drossed, GGc. Beef Drossed, CtOt5Vac Mutton 6 (J? 7c. Hops ll14o lb, nccordlng to quality. Wool Valloy, coarso to medium, 20 (f? 21c; eaBtorn Oregon, lSClSe. Mohnlr 2G28c Duttor Funoy Creamery, 30 Cf 35c; storo. butter, 2527c. . -o Are you tlrod, fugged out. norvous, sloopless, feel monu? Hollster's Hocky Mountain Tea strongthenB your norvos, nius uigesuon, nrinBo refreshing sleep. 35 conts. Tou or Tablots. For wile nt Dr. Stone' store. ' o Southern Pacific C. Time card No. 4C, erfoctlve Novera hpr 25. 12:01 a. m. Touraitl Portland. Not 16 G:23 a. m Oregon er press, ' No. 18 S:3'a. m Cottage Orora express, No. prcst. No. press. No. 222 11:03 a.' m., departs at 11:30 a. m Portland fast freight. No. 22611:65 a. m., Departs at 12:4C p, m way freight. TowMil Sau FravacJsco. No. 13 1:81 a. m San Franoleco express. No. 11 11;08 a. m., California oxpresa. No, 176:33 p. m Cottage Oroya express. No. 15 9:56 p. m., California ex press, i No. 2312:33 a. m., Portland fast rrelgat. N. '-'IS -11.35 a. a.,.4trta at 11:11 a. w way fTffkt. If You Head.ThU It will bo to learn that tho leading medi cal writers and Vnchors of all tho several schools of practice recommend, In tlu strongest terms possiblo, each and every Ingredient enterlag Into tho composition of Dr. Ptcrco's Golden Medical Discovery for the euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, ami all catarrhal diseases of whatover region, name or nature. It Is nlso a sKcilii remedy for all such chrnnte or long standing cases of catarrhal infec tions and tholr resultants, ns bronchial throat and lung disoaso (oiccopt consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It Is not so good for acuta colds and cnucths but for llncerlug, or chronic cases It Is especially eliicucioua In producing per feet cures. It contains Black Cherrybarlc, Golden Seal root, Blomlroot, Stono root, Mandrake rr-t and Queen's root all vt which aro 1. Jy praised ai remedies for, all thoabo -n,iitiiHl affections by such 'inlnont luci..- 1 ".vritcrtt and teachers t3 Prof. lta-ll.. . ofyVIefforson Med. Col logo; Prof. ' 'f tho Univ. of Pa-j Prof. Flnley- . ,wnod, M. D of Hon nott Mi d. i. Chicago; Prof. John King. M. U " inclunatl ; lrof. John M. Scuddorf:. P.. of Cincinnati; Prof. Edwin M-?!.''!, M. D., of Hahnemann Med. Cot. yf. Chicago, and scores of othcryouru ,' .lmlncnt in their sovor&l so.hfyfli?f r..i"tlci!. Jh.i "told ,' MtHllcnl Dtseovery" Is thq HIT 171 1 f ''"'.T 1 " un-mr-gpiM Miri.iin r(infflj.s foTTiltn nnrnospn. tlmEITin anv lien rnTi?TPH'it eniuinempnt vortn iJtiiiiwitiWiwiaiwiaiMiaigitiatiMiwiiaiKaviisHfHssvwi CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT T3wn ot its forniul tu.iniiii-i. islfio licst nossibfo uuarantv of Its merits. A Blanco at this published formula will snow that "Uoldon Medical Discover! ;" contains no poisonous, harmful or habit formlngdrilKS and nonlcohol ssnoinlcjili pure, trlplo-rollned glycorlno being usca Instead. Glycorlno is entirely unobjec tionable and besides Is a most useful agent In tho euro ot all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There Is tho highest medical authority for IW usoln till such cusas. Tho " Discovery " U a concentrated glyceric extrnct of native, mcdlclnhl roots and Is safo nnd rollablf-. A liooklot of extracU from omlnont. medical authorities, endorsing IU ngro rtlents mallini free ot. .roiiuesU AdUre Dr. K. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Sec Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room house, bnrn nnd 22 lots, 45x130 each; prlco $1800. Six room Iioubo on enr lino, 4 lots, 75x150; prlco $1500, easy terms. Nino room house plastered, closots, Ijantry, basement, septic tnnk, bnrn 2'G.v34, woodshed 18x22. This plPCO is thrco blocks from court Iioubo; Prlco $2G25. Six-room house, plnstered, closots, pantry, toilet, well, good bnrn, flvo lots 75x150 onch, on car lino; prlco $2000. Two acres. 7-rootn Iioubc, barn, well, nnd nil kinds of fruit, near Sa lem; prlco $1250. Flfty-flvo acres, 35 In cultivation, 20 ncrea In timber, now 7-room Iioubo inrgc bnrn: 1G ncr.os lu hops, all wired. This plnco Is nil good blnck soil. Prlco $110 por ncro. Forty-ono nnd one-half ncroq nil iu oultlvntlon, 7-rootn house, largo barn, 1G" ncros of fruit, good wovon wlro foncos, Impletnonts, 2 horse's, ono cow. This plnco Is noar school nud church, ono nnd one-half miles from Snlom. For prices seo Bndcllff & Co. Wh have ono hundred ncros bf good lnnd nonr Stileui to trndo for Salem proporty. Wo nlso hnvo n xood bustuoss block nnd ilwolllng , in Colorado Springs to trade for proporty horo. If you want hop ranch, tlmbor grain, fruit or grazing lauds soo us. Several houses for rent. Cnll if you want nnythlng In Insurnnco or notary work. RADCUFF CO., Reliable Agents Boom 11, Mooros block, Snlom, Oro. Beforonco, nny bank or huslnooa house In tho city of Snlom. 122:58 j. m., Oregon ex- s 14- 9:28 p. in., Portland ex- THE CENTURY A magazine which lias steadfastly J stood for all that u best in American ' life, has held fast by the soundest . traditions of literature, aided mater ially in the development of American art by educating popular taste and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of seaspn urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and competency m public office, Justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in theciovtded parts of cities, the, larger educational opportunities for all. 77 Outlook. SllJ jui fu ' li-p lit. and THE CENTURY CO. UhIsr SquMrc New Yerk I liiniliri mi mmm feumi MimmuumbT ill. A tn, Cuitur IUuw tf Imuim UiWBiUi, IHfH UWM M tUL .t rt Hi-Ml tut. ' S H'limn SbrtT UtHUrt. un nnH MHJIIMtM. WUlMluluiUM.UblUllru tinaw.Sti4inAw llrwiuMluiul klwaM4ficMMIfcc ( U2? Wttl V4. Umukmnm. M. IsfMeTaJTSJTIrMPSi IV I W I'SI'IB IvIVt1 DRAYMEN. It. O. Cummltus Succossor to White CummlnB, express, delivery and transfor lino. Prompt servlco is our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Stand at 156 South Commercial atrcet. Phone 175. Rosldouco phono 968. 8-4-tf llltit-is-H"Mf4s(Br LIhcoIii Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and ponslon Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim pall Good agonts wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. H. ft. Ityan, secrectnry, B4G Sbato Btreet. FOB RENT. For Itent. Thrco ofllco rooms over Snlom Stnto Bnnk. Inqulro of Sa lem Stnto Bank. l-21-3t Hoonis Furnished for light house keeping, 730 North Front Btreet. 1-3-tf For Bent Sovon-room houso with bnaomont. Good woll wator, piped in and out. Inqulro ot A. Schrolb or, GG0 N. High atroot. 1-7-lmo NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOOD). New and Sccond-Hiind Good.. Bought nnd sold, also ranges, Btovos and cooking utensils, disk es, granlto and ttnwnro of all kinds Glvo us n cnll. O. L. McPook, 179 South Commercial St. 81 3 -ly OiTBOPATIUI. Funilshed Booms With or without board, phono, olcctrlo lights nnd bath room. J, Jay Cook. Phono 533. l-12-lm FOR HA1K rfN Hay for Snlo. Vo hnvo baled choot liny for aalo. Gcorgo Swcglo, Gnr don Bend. l-19-3t For Sale. Thrco blocks of land, lnrgo orchnrd, two-Btory houso of eight rooms, good bnrn, for $3700 Also houBO hold furnlturo, includ ing plnno. Also two blocks of land for $1500. Inqulro nt 747 South Twelfth Btreet. 1- 19-3t For Sale. Ono McCormlck mower, ono rovorslblo Pitts harrow, ono 14-Inch Oliver plow, nil good nB now, nt a bargain. Cnll nt ofllco of Oregon Slonna Pnlnt Company, Salem. 1-7-1 m For Hnlc. Twonty-flvo good milch cows; Bomo fresh, bnlnnco fresh soon, on L. K. Pngo ranch, Cho mnwn. Inqulro of L. K. Pngo, caro Salem Stato Bnnk. 1-2 1-3 1 LOD3KS. fuysss Forestei-s of Amcrlrn Court Sh.r wood Forosters, No. 19, Mooto Tuosdny in Hurst hall, Stnto street U. S. Bldor, C. B,; A. L. Brown, P. S. Ccntiiil Iiotlgo No. 18, K, of P. Cnstlo Unit In Holmnn block, cor nor Stnto nnd Llhorty stroots. Tuesday of each wcok nt 7:30 p. in. E. W. Hazard. C. C; W, I. Staloy, IC. of R. and S. Modem Womlincn of America Ore gon Cednr Camp No. G24G, Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C: F. A. Turner, piork. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day nlKhtnt 7:30, In Holmnn hall. F.'R. Cap'por, C, S.; P. L. Frazler, Clerk. I-'or Sale. Gontlo pony, broko to rldo or drive, nlEO piano, which I will Halt on Installments. W. B. (JUhoii, 117 Commorclnl street. 1-lG-tf .')f Hnle, My 80-ncro farm, fou" miles south o tho buslnoss contor of Salem, nt Llhorty, will soil In small tracts to suit purchaser, or entire tract at n bargain, or will rent to right party. Cnll on J. C Johnson, nt Salem, or address J. II. Dunlel, Eugene, Oregon. 1-17-lm Dr. B. IT. White Graduate ot Klrks- vllle, Mo., undor founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Brsyaaaa building, Commercial street. Phono 87. Resldonce 390 Summer Btreot, corner ot Center, Fkes 1219. Treats acuto and ohroals diseases. Examination free. 11-17-tf PLTJMBSSJ8. Theo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot watw and Btoara heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial Btreet. Phoae Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Petael Plumbing, steam aa4, gas fitting. Successor to K&ox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phone Main 17. A. Tj. Frazer Successor to Burronga & Frazor, plumbor and tlano.r. Man facturor of coppw and galvaalx! Iron cornice, nnd motnl skyllgste, 10C Stato street. Phono 1511. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. 1. I). Grinin, the Specialist oh Morphine All drug nnd llqusr Imblts, which ho cures In 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Oro. Phono 008. John Doyons, Business Manager. SLASH AND DOOS FAOTORIM. rrank at. Brown, Manufacturer e? faali, doors, mouldings. All kinds of bouse . fialan nnd hard woei work. Front atroet, bet. State and Court. VBTBRINAltY 8UROBOW. Dr, B. J. Young. Veterinary fturgeoa ..and dentist, 33 years' oxperieaee. All work guaranteed. Dlflioult r- gleal operations a spoelnlty. Pkeaa 581. Ofllee at Club Slablei. Phone 7, Salem, Oregon. 8-9-tf WANTED. Wmi 'd Second hand engine, 8 to 12 horao, skid, portable or trac tion. Addross box 155, Aurora, Ore. 1-2 1-3 w Wanted Stock hogB for feeding, chlckons, ducks and nil kinds of poultry. Highest prlco paid. Hop Loo Co,, 181 Commorclnl street, Salem, Or. 12-C-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Cumly Slitnd -I huvo romovod from Stato streot to 489 Court street, whore I invito tho continued put ronugo of nil nnd tliunk them for past favors. D. S. Schouck. l-19-3t Concret Work, Get my prices on tddowalkn, curbs, soptlc tunks and comont work- of any kind, All werli: guaranteed IlrHUclasH. M Ward. Highland nd.l Phone CG0. 1-ll-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yot tho prlco la no hJgbor. For sale at your grocer'fl. CALIFOK.VfA 1IAKEUV. I Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Butte A; Wenderotli- Pine wlnos, . liquors und cigars. Wo handlo tue celebrated Kellogg and Castle I whUklQB. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on d rough. South Commercial street 5-3-lyr Mm IH 9mtHI Jf Df, S, C 9t9ttt galem Iroa Works. Pounders, ma-, chlnlata and blackamlthB. Manu facturero of all kinds of sawmill mwkUery, H and fruit drying star, etc. Maaufacturers ot t klm 7r Wsflii H Trim. WATGR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAm orriox city xaiiL. For water service apply at oMe, Bill payable monthly In ad Van a Make, all complaints at the otlee. Mmiminiwiinniiiii I Gold Dtfit Fitter I f Made by THX BYDN1IY POW- I BR COMPANY, BliUey, Ortgea. Made or family uie. Ask your groctr or it. Brau and aborts Z always on linml. P. B. Wallace AGENT mm9mifB99m i O. C. T. CO -STEAMERS- POMONA AND OUKGONA L1JAVK PORTLAND MONDAY, WKDNHS DAV AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. 31., TirilSDAV, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT OjOO A, M. FOR CORVALI8 '1UKSDAY, THURSDAY AM) SATURDAY AHOUT P. M- M. P. BAtDWIN, Agt INDRPKNDKNCU STAOK. Daily except Sunday Leaves Wli lamottn Hotel, Salem at 3 p m , con nects with, motor for Moomouth and Dallas at 6: IS p. w. Leave lade pdeco at K a. m. Pkww MaJa l?f,, RALPH BUDLQHd. MMsaiMimuflrt - - - - "WVl, vwtnmmt t U 1 t Ta4t V, Mmw.