- T T-t. i f"JTF TTT M B10 ti flYnJIll Phy . saan WiMMMWMHMMimiMIMWMWMJ I WHERE ROLLS I THE OREGON Lionel Ihkk . "" iK-iani" famous ,,. (ow fr K w,j ,, r,.,noV.l. around J'nrilHiid hio tlm aro hii.1 a ntmjorftir 0f MVn voted for II who aorved some time In the penllen- 'rpnw, for M0ona. At .... a .. 1.1. tiuiMljiMfv it unry on ncirmiii. . ,..". .w - tho nrt of buiieolns;. la wilder rreet nt Baltimore charged with bleadlna; aomo capitalists on a scheme to es tablish n homo for supeninnuiited nowspnpor men. 4 HorBOH nre helnic shipped h tho onrtond from Monow uounly Into Alberta, Canada. Tho Mim County Horticultural so ciety hits decided to oriTul it fruit annory nt Albany. A branch road will ho built from Tlllnmook up Wilson rlvor, 30 miles 1o MoNnmor's ontnp. Mr. nuil Mrs. Joseph Thornborc f Grnnltu hnvu Just rttlabrntad tho fif tieth nnnlvursiiry of their ninrrltma. Thoy nro tho piironta of (Irnnt Thorn borK, woll known nil over tho state. A rnrload of nm I whh bniiled In wagons Herons the roliitiihlti river at Tho DhIIos lust week on the Ire The coal whs for the use of the railroad construction people on the north bank. "Profeaeor" Mpeuoe, tMaher at ilnnchiK, left Pendleton between two huiis and without hie hat, The tile wn held by Willie friends whom he owed. This Is not Nil the money that ho Is said to have owed Hint he left hurriedly rajmnllnw of the Invitation of tho town marshal rnr him to re main. A now dynamo has been Installed In tho Klootrlo light plant at HlnyUin. A hay famlno Is on In the iiihlniii valloy In WnshliiKton. In a inmisuie this affooU tho tiorlheru countloa In this stnto. Tho subject of a canal from Kit Reno to CorvitlllM U beliii imitated It Is urKUml that tho canal will bu of groat bit mint to iUI thu people of both Innu unit tlmiton counties. Thu now postoltlro bulldliiK at Uor vnllla that Has contracted for last siiinninr Is now oompleto and tho wl ron of the oftlo are khIIIiik their mail nt (tin new uliiee. It is an ele Kant iireeeetl brick UuiIiIIhk. The county roiHinlloiiere of I leu ton county have deeldetl that It li ahenper to rare for the )HMir without n liaiir farm limn with It and thev have recently sold the farm to T Uio Davie of Albany for $1180 Tbe ' nvorHKe number of aeonls to be kwl Is onb ! At an litin hrltt last wees Koi , eat t!n.. has rnf h.-i mh! i ''blind pit imx UimI h rtti.(..l 3&&mfimZi Xhfe bUc IVcparalton for Ah SltimUi tttcTiXMamtlttuU lk the SkusAcki atsl lkyvb of IVotnoK'aDlslloaClreifut UcaaiUKiitret conujiiuiitdiher OwumtMarphliic nor Mmaal. NotNahootio. y tf(U nSlNt(OLmfXtlX Apcifccf UettuMy forCorwllrvi Itott Sour Stotivuh.DiaiiUkj. Wortixs.Cttuibwns lovrish oos ondLoss or Sleep Tax SiuO SnJsuilurt at NKW VOIIIC. UTTCT txAcrwrrorvfumsh HasTDRIl The best medicines In the world cannot t.k ih ntsee of the family physician rnn.ui him eirlv when taken III. If . t.L ... ! Krnnthtit tile trouDie is wnn your uiiuif .............. tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Do as he says. w. k... .... ....i.i W. sablltti J C.lrerCo., lbrBmalMCfllorBrprtloii IjOWIKW LITTLE ITEMS Of- IN- TEREST PROM ALL OVER THEISTATE... , ri.m g.,,,.1,.,.... p-rfflr rallrimJ neo- ! pie propose tu build a spur from the innlfi line to the cor I mines uenr Medford. U. K. MlKlii wanu ltov. K 1.. JIoiiho, ltov. V. II. Ileppo, I'nul Un der and X. J. HlHKfii to pay a wIiIm koy bill of $XX,R0, numerous soda mid InmoiiHde iiLTOiintx npjiroxlinst I UK (li.KO, mid other thliiKH that n tumpermico ilutootlvo drinks. Mr. Kl Kin was iirlvato datoctlvo for tho Ore Kon Antl-Hnloon Ickikuo. For months ho Irnvolnd about tho state RHthcrluK ovldonro avolust the solium men nuil ilrugKlsts In local option products. Now, na he svprs, his whiskey and othor bills have not been pnlil by the luaRiie, he brings suit In the west hIiIo Jiistlco court at Portland aKHluet tho leasue and the ministers, mem hers of the hoard of trustees. Miss It cum Kllctibers, a student of ih normal school at Drain, got In the way of a slwU while coast inn anil had her leg broken. It Is feared she rosy be am Invalid for life Pearl Wlllard deer and Ml si Sophia Wolfe, both of HtlverloH, wars mairled last Wednesday In the city hall at New York by Mayor MrCleU Ian. (loitier Davenport, the cartoon ist, was the best man and Dr. Louis J. Wolfe whs the other olllrlal wit ness. The weddliiK was the outcome of the safo return of the Peary ex dltlou. Mr. Wolf was siiriceon on IIih trip and tho weddliiK was post poned by the hi hie until hor brother's return. The llcnton county tax levy was 12 mills last vt.nr anil will be lrt mills this year Wiley liiKrum. a farmer at June (ton City, shot his arm off while huutliiK ducks tho othor day. On the same day Miss Lilly Hayes, living three miles from Junction, shot her self In the fool while tnrnet shootltiic. The I. J. Klmusou Lumber com pany at North lleuil has eold Its (ten era I iHerrhHHillee store for $15,000. The stock of hanlware was sold to oae ttrta ami the srncerlea to an other. It Is the Intention of Mr ftlmiMMMi to illecoatlMue the sale of uotts In coaneclloH with the lumber busts. About SO roons hsje hwu klllwl In ihi vlilnliv nf Knov bultc within Hi. ui four ir Hv.' ! niiiiibi-r h. u- !,. kill, d m ih S. In im-IkIiIuh . ln.,,,1 CASTDRIA For Infanta and Childron. ,,,,,,,,,,,,"i',"i"MBssseiMsBeiBBBisssBMBeMsjMBaBBSBHBssss The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA , k vt t.r. ft III f T As DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM, OKEGO.N. FEEBLE MINDED INSTITUTE Two Tracts of Land Are Sub mitted As Eligible For a Site One himilrwl ami tlfty-three thou sand dollars will be asked of th present session or the legislature in be used for the purchase of a, site and the erection of a series of bii!lrilnu and for the maintenance of an Inst tutlon for the care and treatment of the feeble-minded population of t!i state of Oregon. A bill has alrcadv been prepare,!, at the Instigation of the state hoard of build In commls sloners, ami will be presented to tli" senate within a few days by Senatot J. X. .Smith of Marlon county. This Is In accordance with the m lion of the legislative assembly o' 1905, which appropriated $lfi.0(ie for the selHctlon of a situ for the pro posed Institution and delegntud t'hc rospouslhlllty for tho seloctlon of tin mime to the hoard of bulldliiK com tiilssloners. Two'Teaslble sites hav been selectwil for the purpose, one lo cated four miles south of this city and consisting of H00 acres, the price averagliiK IHR per acre. It Is offered by Waters llros. of this city. The lam! Is 703 acres tolling and level, 135 acres bottom, flflO acres In cul tivation, and fiO acres In timber, am' llrst quality agricultural land. The person offering this land also agree to build and operate an electric car line between the city of Salem and the site offored free of cost to the statu, and further agree to have the same In operation within 18 month-" fiout the date of purchase. The other tract lu contemplation la oomposi'il of the James ColeuiHii. Miller, et al farms, located on tln Southern Puclllc railroad one ami one-half miles fjom the terminus of tho Kalem street car line hiiiI two mid one-half miles south of the cap! tol IiiiIIiIIiik. The total ufTerlm;s in this tract itKKreKHte about !M)0 ncrM, 5R0 of which are now In cultivation, mid remainder In pasture and tlmbi r, tho prlro uei'HKliiK about $C5 per aero, If this Humility Is purchased Tho land Is first quality nurloulturn' land, has considerable timber, mid most excellent bulldliiK site, Ph the rullriHid ninnlnu throiiKh It. The hiHird of commissioners reenm mend that I5S.000 be appropriated for the purchase of the site, $7Mui for the construction of the ImiIMIiimk. and $10,000 for maintenance from July 1, lUH, the estlmntetl date of completion, to December 31, lUO't The board recommends the rottaae system as the best for the care of defectives, which affords provisions for the classtnestton of Inmates at lo sex and age and also to segregate the emploe and educational and In- duotilal deitarimenu from the living hikI service deiwrlmenls. It Is rep- i'i -tiled much more conducive to k-'o.i nvmm, nesioes leesenlng the jilitiiHi'i tiom destruction bv Ore of a i iiati amount of property ' Hi.' following Is the list of hulld in- with probable cost, as uenr as i hi !, ( (mated, baaed o the cos I "i iMiiiiliiii-s of similar alae and eon ft mi i ion erectod by the slate: VdmluutiattoN building, fur lsl $ 1 0.000 Three dorwlMty buildings. furniture, eta Sl.voe Central dlniew bull sad NutpmoNt ,& tieneral kltosMM, wttki eook- tag apparatua S.&QS Central benilng nail pwtr bouse 1,11 Uundr) bulMllig and equip- I.Sai Kmploea cottage and fuml- MM ' I.M6 TUJ $T.M0 It li taUtjujiSMj that tbers are & per wiibln tto aula thai are qua lined lor Msalsslon lo an Insti tution of this kind, but the board, la a spirit of scottowjr and neresetty for letrenrbweni, concluded to recom mend buildings to accommodate one half that number The taard. bow ever, predict tbai the population of the institution will nave lnrreed lo i least lotto within two decode The ruui'ilemeai of otrtrt and em phie fur u lostliuiiua f 11, haracter. mrgo eoougb to accom iu,hIi :ue mM, aggrogaio tT, aud (xtnslsl of a superintendent one natron one engineer, two supervW ts twehe attendants, two night watrhe two rooks, to laundry womea. thnee teacher Mtta one far ner The eeilnuiied it ,f AWr sat'i'H farnnuipieuttP anamarliU " da") ecus Inrscs c". u $7000 MOXDAV, JAXITAKV " i MiMissnssMraiilMinilir'"M,,Bga""'J'' M to "slBnw JUST A .. . That we still have tne wsi siuv Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes in Salem. Oar Own Make E. L. IRVIN & CO. 326 State Streft Repairing a Specially jf Ill lllgMiWlltMIs On the Stool of Repentance Is where n man tlii'ls himself that takes his linen to any laundry hut the Salem Steam laundry. If your conscience don't prick, jour collar and ruffs may anil make you appro- elate the smooth dgos. soft button holes and exquisite cilnr and flnlh that ou inn iilwus rely on RettltiK at tli Sub !) Steam Liiiindi, at bw irlies sm:m Phone U."t. sri:.M i,i.Di:v, 111(1.1(1(1 S. Libel l St Ttio ntioo cut sIiowh o.ir brick lined Torrid Zono rjrnace Oiiar. auteed kuh and dust imiuf I'lonoin Icnl and duiablc, fot ilu- imiii. uturs Inquire at A. L. FRASER J."5H Stole Stieet. Salem Fence Works lleilniiaiiei for own Wtio IVncliiK. Hop Win. ii.ni, ,, j.,, r NetiliiK. I'd k.t. Hull. jJhiiml. - .in' P. U lteuh Hooflna All at Km out prices Walter Morley 250 Court St. Salem, Ore H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants In the market at all tlinen for dried fruit and farm produce of all kinds. Special We have for sale a few apple par Ibb and slicing machines; eqttlpatBt far a Urge dryer; will make a low prlee. vnirtL UJMMIivblON CO. 2n7 Innimnrnnl C Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. nocky Mountain Tea Nuoaets nt ihmh i.U utl RuJ IIMV T k... I Ul u. . . I .-' ' k " T' eW 5.'i jy9 a Lyfc -s-f1 uligf Mk ltoK HaSK " U Tr ta .t ClCVFE0f REMINggg . i !.-. f f Have yoa of Shoes ? tried I H)lt JOIST AND FLOOUIXO The beet pltice to buy ta where the best stoek of lumber Is cardod. The enllro bulldliiK trade know that there not a liner stock of lumber thnn thnt emrletl by us. Wo are I ready to till the largest. We don't keep.! contract promptly. We don't keepthe build er wnltlner That' a very linportnnt I point. Near S P pasxenjter depot J Phnne f.2 Mali' C7()ODl.i: l.t MUKIt CO. OUU MEATS AI1E ALWAYS TII13 IJEST. I'or ivm mke eppclal cure to buy none but tho host, mid our customers can hUhh depend upon gutting the best in hi,, niaiket nt right prices when Hi.m Lux nt nur niurket. I. '. CltOSS. " ' Mm ket Phono 201 ' " a fair f Mto for our v ' t ll.it ili l.tirlia unit inli - "-......ct i. ill, " guarantee of uultt . , Our prices are never too low to lve it to you, and never too high for lit et our ijuotation on your needs. Voget Lumber and Fuel Company. It's Going fast nd KUes perfect NUNfactlou. i:ery sid U Riiumiiteeil, ih1 that moiuiilH for uu. nil(, ,m,vaso Jn sale-.. li i Mill Hiade of OLD WHEAT nuil Is ,.e ivs, rtnr m Hnj lHco K ONLY Wild Rose Flour t all tlit i la J-J - rt.l.i. l ijiul buiuiicn nna ., has to lnv seven timn u- ,.,. , " " . mr c' .TC,b..i. ... vtiso u year The near. ornge lien lays onlv i n a year. But now fjiiV-v -g- ' Rfifjiuiiu nii.cu ii'd t'at keen hoc in neef. r u .1 . nmke her produce stx,,, fin,l lier woiEitt in eggs cu.y a Pmilsnn'a Inmrnvnrl rn 1. 11 ' win uu ii. ouisou o o, 1 Condition Powdera frr .'. also keeps them in (,ncj hraht l-or circular ana run rxpiana. tlon call on TILLSON & CO. 151 High Si. HIT IT AGAIN When you are hnnimcilng fa a good cattso you cannot hit it toe hard nor too often. That's tj we persist In telling pcoplo of tt. good (liiulltles of our Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder It Is the best and It 13 nud lS Salem, and It's put up In a unh' package, and Its Just as chupji the poorer brands. Ask jourgf cer for It. C, M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon B D B Ordor a package ol thV famous health and bnli building flour and enjoj soino good old fashlMtJ New Kngland Bron Itrcatl. A chance &t 1 right hot loaf will mill you think you ar It Boston. With AIIm'i ScIf-iisltiB B. B. B. Flci' you can inako bread "J. llko tho Puritans utedlt mnko. Il-lt I'nnrnKo Hour Is also a puro food; tt Trndo rising and alt read; f Mark mix with water and bit on n hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S BBB FLOUR CO. l'nclllc Const Factory, Sun J Cal. Kiihtern Factory, UHle Wolf Mills, Manawa, WlJ. Sliont wtsnlv In tha source of BS satisfaction. Why not spend W ui ii. wisely now uujiuh i,i--US? Baker, Lawrence & Baktf 8ucceor8 to Hairttt & l!4 TheFasHioiiStai Fonnorly Sliapsoa'a Statt T7n-trx.tnt llrArv arvd e Funeral turnout a epecifllr- ?J ho for picnics and excursion. 44. OHAa W TANMA 247 and 249 High Street HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh and St Portland. Orewn- Tht, n ti BnJn h&tsl o' (" Catera oxrtlanlartr to rwWflt J ( lem and othor Oregon eltle 6ft u, pun. lYeo bus. Bate w , an4 upward. HandeonKwt PDl B Weet, end priew as low as ' lse attracUre. DsOy OspHl J" an .vert r;c-3 i s Broccrs, 01 file. 1' WKiaHT.DIO!aaOK ko