DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OKEGOX. MOXPAV, JANTAUY ill, 1007. II MflflHHHBiM STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER. ABOUT THE SENATE itmnox BARGAINS. Clean-up of the Ribbon Stock. 150 pieces of ribbon on sale (center nlsle) lnculdlng Satins, Taffetas, Llbtery Satins, Fancies, No. No. No. No. 1G...9C Yd 22. ,10c Yd 10.. 13c Yd 60.. 15c Yd SO.. 20c Yd 100.25c Yd . ,,... mvMlAMSi 5c Yd 'fl" -.nl sale of fancy a French ginghoniB. 2, -In SE 'so.r.e3Uul.v at 35c and 50c tUe o 15e Y(1 etc In nU wdth8 nn(l colors Clerance cai' ' ...M.i-nKI) ' x'ntn Mm following nrloes: ..I V ." I II I'ul" "" ..-.- . U i.i tot of ladles turnover . No. a1". . L, mnr at from 25c J No. collars, sow " to5e.Bch ..i5c each rJ0s SUITS HALF PRICK "U special line of women's M.h erade tailored suits; tweeds, h , , fancv mixtures, etc. The fic'refronMloto KX Ser-ro yours while they '' ' ...HALF MUCK "' " Sliilv HAItCJAlXS. ono yards of fancy suiting silk, l9. . wide; colors, blue, brown, "eon, tan, etc, A special value at 50c yard- t Clearance price ;;-"' in:i)i)iXG M'.i'.ns. Our entire stock of bedding, mrludlng comforts. spreads, SS Pillows, etc.. at special COTTON' BLANKETS 45 cents to $1-80 pair. INDIAN BLANKETS- 4,50 and $7 00 pair. C0MFORTS- II 00 to $12 00 ench. 2.. ..2c Yd No. 3 3c Yd No. 5.... 4c Yd No. 7.. . .5c Yd No. 9 . . . . Gc Yd No. 12... 7c Yd No. MUX'S SHIRTS. Three for $1.00. An extraordinary sale of men's fancy shirts In all colors. Tho assortment comprises both soft nnd stiff bosom stylos ranging In price from 75c to $1.50 regular. Pick 'em nt tho low price of 3 for $1.00. GRF.AT CLEARANCE IJARGAIXS Roys' Suits. Wo hnvo placed on Bale two lots of boys short pants suits to bo closed out-during our clearance sale. The sizes run from 4 years to 1G yeurB In squnre-cut, Russlnn blouse and Buster Brown styles. This Is an opportunity to clothe the boy warmly for school at such n creat saving of one-half and one-third off. The Cold Days are very hnrd on one whose syston Is vi'ik or run down and blood In an Impoverished condition. You take cold so easily and unless promptly at tended to will result In something more serious. If you will biilhl up and fortify the system with H0STF.TTERS STOMACH BITTERS you have the surest preventive agnlnst Chills and Colds. It also cures Dyspepsln, Indigestion, Costive nesx, Biliousness, Female Ills mill Miliaria. TO HAVE ROUGH ' VOYAGE Much Opposition Manifest to Proposal For Jute Mill At Prison IF YO CANT AFFORD A CARPET Don't forget that we have the best and newest effects and qualities that please. HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 177 LIBERTY ST. rgM&aa(CTasBaawww3weiataHwaEc: fwmira,'aHBca APPLES The fin- ' Baldwins on the &'.'1ctrd and packed by the rower Win more than what wa for then. HHt IT IS NOT WHAT WE JUt'UT (;KT, S WK PRF.- IftaiTO 8KI.I, TIIIOI AS " AS K (AX. Moir Grocery Comoany VSuteSt. Phone 183 TO HOLD CHERRY FESTIVAL I JRJff iiEI; A-55H imMih wHB-lw K,'9 T 'Y7V-P4h-P JM?i bM5illP J 7fMfTE " Optical Dcpartmct la in,. , normal condl- j , nd the be8t t atten- c,? rYcM Zr Wh0 need "Ikthftu.... e re equipped ' ,. lnst'nienta for l"'tico. d our Dr,ce8 ' raonat)ie. " Hi"S iwwan. I Tho most Importnnt business that will co mo up for consideration nt tho meeting of tho Marlon County Horti cultural society noxt Saturday aftor noon will bo tho making of definite arrangements for a chorry fnlr In Su lem In tho enrly days of noxt July. Tho socloty will moot at the city hall In this city next Saturday nftor noon at 1:30 o'clock and nil fruit growers, raisers of borrlos nnd cher ries, whether members of tho socloty or not, nro urged to attend. Tho annual election of o (11 cos will bo hold and the usual discussion will bo on tho best methods to ubo In growing small fruits. I The society has already decldod to , hold a big chorry festival, hut none of the dotalls havo been decided up on. All of theso will bo arranged at this meeting except tho date, which will depend In n measure on tho soa son noxt spring, ns It will he advli nblo to hold tho fair in the holght of tho chorry soason. I While this will bo a chorry fair, somo consideration will bo given to other small fruits and berries. ; The present officers of tho society are: Prosldent, J. R. Shophord; sec rotary and treasurer. County Fruit Inspector Armstrong. o Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for l. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr One of tho many questions of vi tal Interest to tho state at large and particularly to eastern Oregon, whoro great quantities of grain nnd wool nro raised. Is that which has qecn presented by Mr. Barret of Umatilla county, which provides that tho con vlct labor at tho stato penitentiary shall bo employed In the manufacture of jute grain sacks, hop cloth and wool sacks and for tho appropriation of $225,000 to equip, purchase raw material and opornte n Juto plant. It Is argued by those favorable to tho passago of hls bill that tho manufacture of Juto at tho stnte prison would bo loss In conflict with freo labor and thnt, If adopted, would Insure tho raisers of grain, hops nnd wool ngnlnst n recurrence of condi tions such ns prevailed last year when, on account of tho Snn Fran cisco disaster nnd tho shortage In tho production of Jute, thcro was n serious famlno In sneks and other Juto products nnd tho farmers wcro nt n groat disadvantage, it Is pro posed to manufacture tho products oxcluslvoly for tho boneflt of the consumers In this stnto and tho rev onuo realized thcrofrom Is to rovorr to n fund sot aside for tho mnlnla nnnco of tho plant nnd tho purchase of raw material. On tho othor hnnd thoro is strong opposition to the cunctmont of the bill Into n law. In which opposition Governor Chnmborlnln luis takon tho Initlntlvo In his mosBngo to tho log Islnturo In which ho recltos his ex perience In Inspecting Juto nillls In connection with tho Wnlla Walla prison nnd the San Quontln prlnon In Cnllfornln, nnd ho nd vinos the mnkers of laws to go a llttlo slow In Kinking any radical chnngos from the present systom. Ho rocltos figures to show that tho manufacture of stovos at tho prison foundry Is loss In conflict with freo labor than would bo tho operation of n uto mill In thnt thoro aro fowor Ilrms engaged in tho making of stovos In tho stnto than In tho mnnufneturo of Juto fabrics. Ho Is also In fnvor of working convicts upon tho public ronds, but points out nt tho same tlmo tho risks that aro to bo takon nnd tho gront responsibility nnd ox ponso involved, nnd ho recommends thnt tho working of convicts In con nection with permanent highway building should bo confined to work ing thorn In rock qunrrles for tho preparation of road-making ma terials. o Mary Dark circles undor the oyes Indicate a sluggish circulation or tor pid liver and kidneys. Exorclso dally nnd take Holllstor's Rocky Mountnln Toa. 'Twill do you good. 35 conts, Tea or Tablets. For sale at Dr, Stono's store. FRUITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT Groceries ! In fact everything in the line of seasonablo holiday goods and deli cacies may bo found In stock at our store. Don't overlook. BARRJNGTON HALL COFFEE Give us a call and be convinced of the superiority of our service. H. M. Branson 326 State st (Continued from pngo one). tho sennto organization, nnd that ho brought his Influence to boar upon tho result In tho Interests of Senator Hodson's cnndldncy. One member of the nsscmbly nsserts positively that tho old party leader was In Sa lem, although ho registered .at no hotel, and kept In absolute seclusion. Somo members of tho assembly are very bitter toward Matthews, nnd should ho enter tho gallery of tho house nt least one Republican mem ber of that body declares ho will Im mediately move his expulsion. "That mnn." exclaimed the bos tile mombor referred to, who would not permit his nnmo mentioned In public, "hns caused more trouble, discord and breeches In tho Republi can party of Oregon than any othor group of politicians ever has, nnd I look upon him ns n dlsgraco to the party, and unworthy the respect of any peace-loving or honornblo mem ber of it. If ho should show his fnco either on tho floor or In tho lobby of the house I would not hesitate to move his Immediate expulsion, and feel thnt I hnvo plenty of friends upon tho floor to bnck mo up In It." It nlso transpires that Induce ments wero offered tho Democratic members of tho qpnitto by nt least two or three members of tho Haines forces, If not by the candidate him self, and they wcro tho recognized authorized ngents of Senator Haines, to rally to tho assistance of their leader. One of the supporters of Halucs admits the fact, but will not go farther than to stato they woro promised "fnlr treatment," both In the distribution of commltteo pnt ro nngo nnd In tho support of tho governor's vetoes. Principal among theso lnttcr Is tho State Board of Control bill, which Governor Chnm borlnln Is lighting so tenaciously to defeat, bocauso It would deprive him of tho exclusive control of tho ponl tontlury, which ho now enjoys, al though hoihiiB frequently expressed tho wish that ho could divide tho re sponsibilities with tho other mem bers of the state board. All that tho HodBon forces could muster of tho six Democratic votes was thnt of ono from n western county, although It Ih stnted that all sorts of Inducements nnd promises woro held out to them. This would glvo thorn only 1 1 votes nt tho best, counting Senators Coke and Mays. On the othor hnnd tho Haines forces had ono of tho DumocrutH signed up, which would jjlvo them 15 votes Thoy stnto positively that they did not hnvo to make "rash concessions" to tho Democrats, since, If It came to n show-down nnd hold-up, which the Democrat would not stand for, nl toast one of them would have como over of his own free will. According to thv statement of one of the Hainan supporters ho hud pos itive ussurruueo thnt not even the govornor could control two of tht Democratic votes, Miller of Linn nnd Marlon, and Coshow, of Douglas, to the extont or delivering them over to tho Hodson forcos to create u (lend lock, nnd his only solution, as wus explained to his satisfaction, wns to dollvor his four vote ovor to Unities. "Tho vory boat that tho Hodson forces could do," said this senator," and I oxplnlned the situation to tho satisfaction of tho governor, would bo to socuro tho four votes nt his command, which would glvo them only 13 votos, whllo Hnlnos hnd one Doniooratlc vote- signed up, making n total of 15. I showed him thnt the Hodson forces could afford to make till kinds or promises which they never could hope to fulfill, while the best thoy could oxpoct from Haines would bo "fair troatinont," which was assured thorn, nnd which I hnvo not tho slightest doubt thoy will re-reive. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for tho Public Schools uud the Family Circle. The flood on tho Ohio river Is tho highest slnco 1884. A revolution bus started In Chi na on a large scale to overthrow tho present dynasty. Owing to a fuotory lockout of em ployes many families at Lodz, In Russian Poland, are living on 35 cents h week. Colonel Paschowoskl, n Russian chief of police, was assassinated to day. At Calgary, Alberta, a family of live were suffocated from coal gas 20 Per Cent Reduction ! : : : ON ALL : : : Men's and Boys' Heavy Overcoats ! ; ; : AND : : ; Genuine Priestly "Cravenette" RAIN COATS Nowjs your chance to get the best rain coats on the market at a substantial saving in price. M Gr'St&i' kz4i mcs Our bargain tables are well filled with broken lots of seasonable merchandise at greatly reduced prices. escaping from n coal stove in tho room whoro they wcro sleeping. A storm Bwept over tho hikes Sun duy nnd did two million dollars dam age to shipping. Miles of docks woro washed away, nnd tho Niagara rlvor Is worged with wreckngo. A cablegram from Urlsbnno, Queensland, Australia, says Cook town bus boon destroyed by a hurri-ennc. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM'S ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 v CLEARANCE SALE! i 111 M II I II 1 1 1 I I I l-H-H-M-l I 1 I H I I I I I I I I 1 1 i I 1 I I Mountains of merchandise nro disappearing every dny, ow ing to tho molting prices that prevail hero. Our goods flatly refuse to stand still. ' III IN I H III I 1 I I I II III I I I I U I I I I M II I I I I I M I I I Lace Curtains Our stock hns become low in this Hue, owing to the mov ing prices we hnvo them marked nt $1.25 grade, 3 yards long, lit thro opatturns, now 85c pair. $2.50 grado, 3 yds long now $1.75 pair. There Is a raw odd pairs at from 00 por pair up. Bed Spreads Those are till full bIzo, from the chonpust to the bast wo enrry. $1.00 grado now OOo $1.25 grado now 90c $1.75 grado now $1.25 I Muslin 10c grudo In mill end rem now C, yard. Table Cloth 50c grado In mill end rom mints now 25c yard. Ladies and Misses Hose 3 pairs ladlos' heavy gray for 25c 18c grade ladles' black hoso now 12c. 3 pairs chil dren's heavy ribbed black hoso for 25c 20c grado ft no ribbed children's hoso now 15c pair. Ladies' Wrappers $1.00 values of ladles' flan nollette wrappers in all slzos, while they last, only C3c Men's Suits Odd suits one of n kind. $18.00 values now ....$ 0.50 $15.00 values now .... 8.00 $12.50 values now .... 7.00 $10.00 vulues now .... (!.0O $ 7.50 values now .... 5.75 C (1.50 vnluos now .... 4.35 Boys' Suits $2.50 vnluoE now $1.25 $3.50 vnluos now 2.35 $1.50 vnluos now 3.00 $0.00 vnluos now 3.75 i i Ladies' Underwear 25u grade now 20c 50c grndo now , , . , , 40o 00c union Biilts now ....40c $1,00 union suits, oxtra sizes GOc Men's Underwear 40c grade now 25c 50c grado now 40c $1.25 and $1.50 odd shirts and drawers In all woo), now 75c. Oil Cloth 20c standard grado In plain white or fanoy, now $15c yard, Ladies' Skirts $1.75 vnluos now $1.10 $2.00 values now ...... 1.25 $2.50 values now 1.75 $3.00 valuos now 2.00 $4.00 valuos now 2.75