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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1907)
I t 4 I i i t It GOOD Goods JrW WORLD OF AND CLEARANCE SALE Wo want yon (o roiiio to this nlr, even If you do not think you need or mint nny HiIhk, nnd you wHt fliul lluif vrkv won't stand lit the way of your sharing In Clio ottering. Wo linvo cut price with u llltoral timid, nml tuir iionrrosltjr tin Im-oh npprrclatcil. Our stock of Seasonable and Dependable Merchandise, except our contract goods CURTAINS Broken loin of Inco curtains from ono to three pairs of a kind, three: und three nnd n half yard Jong. Iilwli Point, llruawla Net, lloblilnet, Point do I,ho mid Not tingham In both wlilto nnd ecru nro nmong this showing. Choose tho lino at Onc-Tfekd Otf Wool Waistwgs Choose from tho otitlro lino of this sonon' novelties In wool wiilstlng during the snlo at Half Price French Flannels Tho season's nowost design for Kimono and Itobuit 7G and 0o values Aft Clt'aranro Prioo TJC CITY NEWS A OoHetlow of Important lHirn ym Cnm (IM ftfcfro Wowl At the wwmlll, on short notice. fJMHie 88. . AlbMHy Tohim llon- Thu Albany high school dubntliig loam arrived In Biilum this morning Mud tvoro Accomjmnled hy qulto n dolegnttun of students. It Is report' ml that tnnuy mtiro will arrlvo this afternoon, uud (ho Albany rootrsi ny thoy will ct oven with thu Hu ltm high school tenlght. Hocll Hale of furiiltute and onrpetN. IlUltlUs. & HA.MIIrON. 8o Our Hhuw Window And nolo tho uluguiit C.ple quHdrupltt pinto ller dm m w are pfTerlms s it tirliw tu tho holder of th lucky number in our prlie iHinttmt With och o.ent puruhatu in out colfi'os. ttas, baking powdnr, xtreW Ic, wo glvu u coupon, Youm may Im I ho liioky untt. Tho tuoro um hold the mora clmneo jou Iihyu uf wlnnlug. Our mo.U are of the 4tuniw(, Wiir jiripw mini rwioonabln. Prompt attention to iihouu orders, Dollvory frwi. YOKOHAMA TrU CO. ViogA Dance- lon'l forget the dauctt tonight t Tioga hall, intra muilc hy Peorlosi orhotr, nnd a tine time imured. KRYPTOK LENSES Tho oly luvUILlo Uifewu UiaVo you look young nv foi young, h. cawm ihoio no Htklgh(ly eraoV. r Mmo brtwiu near uud fsr-MwIng rliiiitfA,b X-i .... Mwmwv. iuh on apparontiy m r nd fur Oitoiu'fa one iwlr ot . Uho the urft of looklaif Ko Jsr to the tfivrvwu yteta In N:lti tmm far to nwr vision. jfci(mHjuondd by cvwy ono who BARR'S STORE KXCf-l'HVC AClKKTti, md UfcrtySttSalctt our will c7fleiiei6&& AT SALE PRICES New Muslin Underwear Tho garments nr. without ex ception, entirely new 1B07 styles. Tho collection l undoubtedly tho largest tho Btore linn over shown. Whether you Intend purchasing or not, a vUlt to tlilit department will ho highly profitable. You know tho choicest garments aro ohoRon first, SILKS AT GREATLY HEDl'CKI) PHIOKH A lino of chnngonhlo silks, chif fon finish, In all wanted and do- airalilo colors 8Gc, 1 nnd fl.215 values Cloarauoo Prioe Black Taffeta Silk 73c Thirty-six InchtM wide Wear guaranteed Regular 1. 60 vnluo Clenrauco 1'rlco . . . . $1.10 Tho Mills Lectunv in Commercial hall Inst night wa ono of tho best given on tho Inbor conditions that has been given In Hit lum. Tho hall was llllud with an at tentive nudlnoco, Arrangements nro bulng mado fur a series uf luoturoi hy Mills on tho social and labor que, tlons. Watch for notice of other moutlng. All Kim AguhiNt Willamette- A basketball gamo, which prom ises to bo the most exciting contest seen horo this soason, will take place lu tho Wlllamolto gymnasium to night, when the Portland All Htari meet the husky llv from W. U. Iloth twims aro In good condition, they are comparatively evenly UiHlohed. uud. as this Is the tint leoKtie gnute tu be play! here this awn, there will probably be a forge trowd of the lovers of the sport wwent. The Incnl lineup will be: Pollunl and HIiiiihhmi. ferwards: Pur. eel uud .VeUon. guard and Whipple, enir. witn I'rloo uud Mooro suIm. .MiiIIiii Socio! y to .Meet I he Marlon County Mwllcal 8i.u U' w ImM a meetluk' WednMnlnv ovniiIiik, aJnuury 3d. In Um hall of the Mixtion! Colli) of Willamette university, a uragrniii will bit ar. nuigsd h,t,r. MaHoii County T Kmi-. This forenoon the delinquent tax mW (tor Marlon eoHnty was hold nt tko eoort hou.e, and It wnt alt quietly and aulekiy. Oum hnn.Ud.1 and sevemy-tlve tm woro bid off lu 81 ihIhhum, or at the rate of more than G0 tronsaetlous per hour Thoro r -r 40 bidders oh the different Mos, and, as a reeolt, the prufoMloNai tavt(tl0 dealer wtt al uiost entlroly otlmlttated. Many f tho plwea hid In wero li- the partlwi who had simply ovwlookml the ay. moot Of tho tnxot Nn ire mm.wt worn MViml, and the oatlre Me ws OlMBOd UiH good hR. Itlegnt Mold rutwl Clock 1-Vtv Wo nro golne to ifivm . ,..n Idatod. olghtnlay ehwk. vnluo 111, to tho holder of the luokv uumh i our wlie oentMt Jf u ..-.. ..... thing In ehmfcwtiro, gUWari or kltohon uteneiu, ui it not ho an In document to slv van k...... .. this oloek with weU Ue jmrehatv' lUworubor yu kh tho advm n groatly reducod irki, and n ohanco (O Win a DrltA Worthy nt n ,1.. i any hew 8 our north show wB. dew. YOKOHAMA TKA CO. Haio You Svu tho ILimUmw IKdl? We sro going to utvo aav in . prlio contot. Haeh saAui In our coffoo and tw departiaoat en Utlw )-ou to a coution. lhktmniaA storo and wour couan. You gt tho bwt roods at vr -. oaabJo prlc, and way win thu ele- iai u for mmo little f(rl Phono .Mm !, mm ., s HAILY CATrTAL JOUKNAL, SALM. OKBOOX 1 GOOD Goods WHITE Men's Clotning i Splendid opportunities for nnv i IngH In men's wonr, tho sort of i men's wear that has made thin storo the II rut nnd foremost for Salem men. Urent reduction In nrlci now. with thruii montlm r wuar ahead. Every gnrmon wo show la full of stylo nnd character, and Is nindo hy America's foremoat mnn ufaoturors. Will you lot us show you what wo enn snvo you during our Clearance Safe Men's Shirts Mon's shirts In doslruhle pat terns In size ranging from 1 1 to lC'j. Itogulnr 11,60 nnd 2 Valium. Clonrnnro prlco $1.00 Men's Shoes In Patent, Hox Calf, Vlcl All leathors and lasts (tO ""5C Cloarnnco Price . . . kJ),CD delivery free. See our north show window. YOKOHAMA TKA CO. Salem HentN Albany Ah thu local cumo to n stop hero this morning, tho merry yell of tho 8alom high school was given hy tho students on tho depot platform, and tho returning tenm answered with "venl vldl vlnol tho loyalist, as to noise, woro soon In control of tho place. The gamos last night with tho Albnny high school woro "fast and furious," and rosulted In two victories for tho locul Institution. Tho score of the ladlos gamo wna Salem 8, Albnny 8. Tho boyB' con twts resultiHl lu ao for Salem and the unlucky 18 for the Albany boy. 011011 In Smooth He will give you h smooth shave or sell you a elgur that will make you feol good all over, at 117 Com merclal street. Quality Polks Mveryhody llkox quality In grooor- lett as woll as In people, and that why H. H. Itngnn tho Court street grocer, always buy unly tho best lu his line. Try him. a Complete Huliiti . When jiti tako down your tele phono to order family supplies re member that thoro Is ono place In Su "- ""l I'iuuu ill o ' lorn whoro you can get them all with-1 out tailing up sovoral eancerns, Van ration & Parrlugton not only have a full lino of moats, but thev imrn grooerlee. tUh, oysters. vAKetahlM. ote. Phono No. 217. Iln Ankle llntkoti Frank Alien of Uke lUh. u sufforlog from a hroktin anklo, which no sustainisl while skatlne thnro n few ovonlnni a en. High School Will Drtwt Tho delwtlng toam of the Salem oltri T.m - ho . A.nanjr nign aejMM tonight In tho local sohools hall. Albany is said to have a strong team this year and no doubt the Mttt win i.a NHted and close. SahMnn t, i. uo iloueh, and. In the UKHaK0 of R of tho students. Albany "will have to go somo" It ia u Saioul. The memboM ot the toeal Uam aro MHlam INrkltw. Charle. Harrison nnd Howard Xtmmerman. Alhanj wilt b rotrontoil Uy aorton Uounu. larl Hhoton and laa n- i .i .... i. """" " "' -""' "HU mornry (trogram will bo fderod wiring the owning. Trlrgnidilo ltriof. Adoluk Hugle. agd 69. deetel. hot and burned himself to death la hi she this morning at Chteage, Chlcaga .Unkots, h.,x1,,v 2S,y,; SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1007. DETAILS FROM EARTHQUAKE. It Wn the Worst In Two Hundred nnd Fifty Years. I London, Jan. 18. A hrief dispatch frnm Governor Swetenhnm, of Ja maica, this morning announces that Sir James Ferguson's body was found In the ruins of a cigar storo nnd has been burled. An undated dispatch from the member of the Jonos party say: "A ghastly procession of carts, carrying bodies In batches of ?n ha dumkI all day through th ut. ,...( in tho burial grounds. Tho quake l more serious than any 850 years. Tne great siiock was iui lowed by 15 minor ones, but there whs no tidal ware. The palisades were broken through and black mud Is ooslng to the surface. Miss Thomas, a woman telegraph opera tor, was among the killed. o NATIONAL WOOL MEN Aro Meeting hi tho City of tho Latter Pay SalutN. Salt Lake, Jan. 18. At the Xa- t ..... I t ..1 MHtatnMM nti.mrilii t (rill nntt- I lUJIUll tt uui uiunum ubouuuiuuii .wu- Ivnnilitn Mm twillnv t Mm irnvnrn- inent regnrdlng rnnge nnd forest re serves Is receiving much attention. Chief Forester Gilford and Chlof In spector Potter nre liere representing i President Hoosevolt, who sont per sonal greetings and In his message assured the convention their Inter ests would receive his careful con sideration. Ovor 1200 dologntos aro registered. Delayed trains aro bring ing more. In absence of President Warren, who Is In Washington, tho chair was filled by J. M. Wilson, of Douglas. Wyoming, western vice president. o IDAHO ANTI-PASH HILL Was Amended to Go, Into Idled Iin mediately. Holse, Idaho, Jan. 18. A sensa tional sooiio was enacted In the house today when Itoprosontntlvo McCrnck en nroBO from his seat und flourish ed a Short Lino pnss, saying It had beon given him last night to lufluenco tnllroad legislation. The nntl-pnss bill tnkos effect n yoar honco. A re port was favorably received and jnmendod, on McCrnckon's motion that It go Into effect at once. It car ried hy almost unanimous vote. ('ALII'OKXIA WILL HKSIKT. KlTort of Fotleral Goveiiiiueut 1'oree Japs Into Schools. to Sacramento, Cal., Jan. IS. Sena tor Camlnettl, Democrat, taking eog- niznuee uf the action by the federal government, In behalf of Japanese school children In San Kranelsco, to day Introduced a resolution In tho senate authorizing the attorney-general to take notion to protect the In terests of the state lu all actions now pending. Referred to Judiciary committee. TO SHTTI.H STKIKI1. Tho Pour Mules Will at I.wist Some 1-Yojdi Air. Ret Novada, Cal., Jan. IS. Labor Commissioner Stafford Is here hold- - - '" ,,' ,nK' R c'"',euce of operators. i.. hopes of sottllng tho miners' strike If the miners' demand Is not met hy tomorrow the union will call out nl thu surfaoe men. and the mines wl'.l IUI with water. The companies nro taking oot the niNlee and preparing for a long siege. The minors say thoy are ready for a long lockout, and have plenty of wonoy. DHPKAT THK KAISHH ' ,l"' Hattleory of tho People lu tiermany. Herlln, Jan. IS. An iuuu. 'rrlfr Mll.' today t'o iW "": uajser, to nut thoir trust In oloctod repreeentatlvee. lltftTitnt tha l?k..... i .. wasn iwtMrui rnle at the el :ec- won next wm. THK 1.1'MHKK Tltl'ST Will He the Novt in Ordir for an In. vostlgatloii. -- watnmgten. Jan. is At the close of an oloqueat gnih .. .. ato adopted tho Klttrldge molntlon calling for an laveitfcatlon of the lumbar trust. 'rVlMxi's Gus Pipe Ttiug San Franclsoo. Jan. i ci and Dabner'woro today iMtenrod to s a uaie to be set later. Miss Joaate Shnltt. wB0 h w city. ltt this morning for hci- homo In Jefferaa Tho trend of events In certain quarters Indicate that the time-honored principle of the freedom of the press will be sandwiched In with tho weighty affairs of state In .the sen ate Monday afternoon, on tne reas ate .Monnuj unci - - - - """"siDat,! sembUng of that body. The rights , coal 1. the snest a nfa03t of the offlce-holdlng class to immun.- but yn, J ty from public criticism are going to nt(J th(J ,mnmn sy8tem "iJ be tested. tni,n W. Kfllb. or rather the port that this gontlemon printed the Portland Telogrnm regarding ararngement timi ws "-- .4 f.. n..trif (ita nnii i uemourtiiii; ii"u - for tweon tne liainus uihiuiioi - --- ,i .v..,i,Dra nt the Hennte. ! Charcoal sweetens thp w. Is the casus belli. . "" , ,,'" , B attcr ... . , 1 ,i.f whn onions and other odorous tc,..7 It will ue remsiHoeio" mm .... ,.... "asjk the vote for president of tho ..nuto Cl)arcal otoctually clears m J was taken four Democrats changed i --. -....... u was mmu ,- ln nlliPk tne tceth nn(1 further acts a . their votes to Mr. Haines In quicK ,i.,.. ' asat . it ;:, ,;,.uo m,b. ,u,oa r,lr .o v... Hnlnes had It beon necessary. m,. u'.iiv ont bis imnoi- a story Ion, and mado ins oiocuon ---; -- -"- -uioa ,?wna erallv understood' It .absorbs tho Injurious "'' ,, ,, ,. Iorm or anoiner. nut nrobabl i the effect that a deal had been made, bogt cmrcoal J'J between the supporters ot Hnlnes and the Democratic orgnnfca Hon to the effect that the Democrats ,..,.,,i,i i,nii t nlopf HnlnnR nnd n .,..... ..v... ..- - return should receive Important com iiltlnn fiminlll)lllil(. """ ' The Hnlnos Doonlo deny this with j great Indignity, and on Mr. Kelly refusnl to retract the statomont. .ra.itiu,,,,..u .., - . ii urn mr urn., iii iui.uiii.iK i.. nvU nltf iirncnpilliitrq. It l now fill Id Oil " - good authority that Mr. Hnlnos nnd a Bii,.,,uilUi0 ma iu.v,h ...,. iw iiuu nun) ujuiivu Hum niu iiuui of tho sennte. or nt nny rato forbid him to rennrt tho nrococdlncs of the - ' 1,0l,y' It Is bolloved In newspaper circles. that Mr. Kelly's papor will back him io iiiu iimi uiicii, nun a pjTOiociinicni display of oratory Is promlsod. u i uei.oveu mm mo nouson peo- plo will support Kelly, nnd If It comes to n vote. Just what the Dom uuiaiB win no is an onigmn. Thoro wns so much truth In tho Btntomont mado by Mr. Kelly that the Domocrnts will not resent It, al muufiii aumu ui uioiu say mm nis statomont wns unauthorized. as n matter of cold fact and solid . , A .. ... History, mo nouson peopio qttompt ed to mako a dicker with tho Demo crnts, nnd on their failure to ncom- Pllsh anything, tho Hnlnes people '" .,C""L""tr,"!d " "'" mart, nnd, whllo thero wns no dell nlto bargain, It wns understood Hint the Domocrnts woro to fnro woll at tho hands of President Hnlnos. Taking these things in vlow, nn.1 also the fact that Mr. Kolly Is him self a Democrat, and ono who hna treated his own and othor purtlos wl'h fairness for ninny yqnrs, it U not hvlloved that the six immortnlc will Join In any nttompt to linvo him ejected. o Probate Huslue.s The following buslnoes was trniiR acteil yestordny In probnto. In tho mutter of tho Bancroft ostnto nn nr- - ii W n),olnUnB Ana M -..w,v uuiuiiuiHirninx nndor 12000 bonus. The property of tho ostnto, real and yorsonal, Is valued nt J1000 An order for citation wna Hi-nn in ..-.. ... the matter of tho ostnto of Minf,ni O'Noll. In tho buslnose of tho Walk- wuiw n oruor wns givon for tho approval of tho bond. o . Hanson. Hill A marriage llconso has beon Is ud by County Clork Allen to C. E HII. of Salem, aged 2S, nnd Oortrudo Hansen, of this olty, ngod 26, DI KI. SCOTT. At tho asylum Wednesday, -ry i,, iy07 jirs, Roge L Seott, aged to yoars. Tho body will be shipped to Joplln, Missouri, for burial. -o THE OltKGON LAW "eliiR Adopted In OrRa7iK jfcw Mates. Outhrle. Jan. iS.-The constitu tional uonvontlon todnv u ,.i oton ot tho Initiative and referen- .-.. ,aw s.mtiar to the Oregon Personals Miss Agnoa Thannu . ... Ii in th.. u.. ---. loany. Jl"!. hi. . m ..1rs..r.r",o"nc"- . R. Howard Uft t-j. .. . MaWr'w1w- for a ,h h Kr.bM S0Be t0 rlUrxi ior a snort bu0s trip Mr aad V-. r-i,., ' .. . ... ,, ,, v;zon ,e" THE VALtJE OP CIIAlSj Few rcoide Know How Uscfn, lu Preserving Health n.,.i .. '' """"cajt, Costs XothliiK to TV- Nearly cvervhodv imr..... ..' . UlDllllCULUllL U.1II1 I inilAH f cleaning purpose. re - Charcoal Is a remedy that ,t. i In Vo-ii take of It tho better; It is 31 the drug at all, but Blmply abiorta J - ' nnt . '" ", " ua ttrr me lii,iii ui ui liic niniHin , .. .... - "'raiifi 9tt oninirinif mi..ih . a ii i ii i mill i:iiniiriii i v ii'iin -kai r -. a ior ""',''' L"0..n'l1 . . ., ,,.. "" "' catarrh; . "" uruggisis sen c nnrcoal i. to ........ ..... . v" ,coa' lai .mi. mnnnv , ... R(lln.a n, ''.o - ' . fh. nT mhftS; .... , Mt J)OW(lorcd w,0 , ' " ...... . . , .. "". l oiner nnrmiess nntlseptlcs In tav - form or rnthcp ,n tiQ I ... . ....... . ,,rtt piensaiii insiing lozenges, thu ,v. , ..i ,!....., ...,. , tUf s , Tho dn 80 of th , " B00 tcll ,n a much , - tlon or tno cenorai health, btfj comploxlon, Bwoetor breath 1.1 , . .... iiuiui uiuuu. unu mo ucautyofiti that no possible harm can result I tlieir continued ubo but, on thee trnry, groat boneilt. a iti .,i.aini i ,t. i.n, , . ' i" uuiiunia ui i;iuirconi, 83JT i ndvlso Stuart's Charcoal Loicnitn ii nnionH 0nffi t . 8tom(ich and bowols, nnd tockarfr rnmnntnn nn,l nnPlf.F ii. v. . ni0uth and threat: I also bellmit. ver is greatly benefited by tho to nRn of tliom; i,v .n,t i... .... - nvo conts a box nt drug stores, ui ----.- -- ..rf vMBk uu. in run. although In somo sonso a patent pre aration, yot I bellovo I getrnqreu' liotter nhnrmni n Rin-. m - Lozengos than In any ot the ordltn charconl tablets." ' Send your nnmo and .rfrir... h. dnv for n fre trini nn.b,., . " -- ptivnubuauun for yourself. P. A. Stuart Co, II Stunrt Bldg., Marshall, Mich. secretary Forbes, of tho Y . t A., was in Corvallis yesterdar Mrs. W. II. Egnn Is tho suest et friends nnd relatives In Brooki Stipc-rlntondont Jnmcs Is In Port land for a short business trip. John Aupporlo, tho Jefferial bankor, Is In tho city on buslnea. John Longcor will soon leAvetel Day City, whoro ho will reside P. J, McICeo wont to Jcffcrsos tM morning for a short hunting trip. Attorney nnd Mrs. Geo G B!J hum wont to Portland this nioraat on husinoss. Mrs. A. M. Cannon nnd sister, His I Ida Jonos, enmo un from "UWl Mendows" this morning. H. L. Rockhlll nnd family hareit "vv-niiiil llllli lillllllj iti contly removed from Jefferson b mnko Snlom their home. Miss Myr'io Duznn, a student d tho blind crhool. left this raorsiU tn n ...m. .- i. u Pr .. ,a,w milt iifl lillltruio , " inn,i Mrs. .T. linniinr loft ihio moralg for Woodburn for nn over-Sun&'J visit to her mother. Mrs. M. wi pole. ..MONEY TO LOAN. t umr as K FOR Over Ladd & Bush'B Bank, Salea Norwich Unlaa Fkc Insoratmcc Pranlr-Maroilltli T?nalitfnt Atl Offlco with Win. Brown & Co., 1 1 129 Commercial Btroot. HILL-HANSEN At tho homed l" brldo on South. Commercial itr Knlm rtmtrnn TVinrilnv. JaOBw' 17, 1907. Miss Gertrude HJ to Mr. C. E. Hill. Rev Darw r rett offlclatlng. o NEW TODAY Candy Stand I havo removed ft Stato street to 4S9 Court " where I Invito tho continued r ronage of all and thank tfiea - past favors. D. S. Schencit 1-19-tt Fnr C.l.. Ti,.An KlsM?a of largo orchard, .two-story bo0 nlnVi, mnn n-l 1m rn for '' Also house hold furniture, ttoj Inc. ! Alan Inn lillirkS Ol''' for 81500. Inquire at ' ff; ' Twelfth street. 1. !- J T,id tt" ay lor taic wo navo u. hay for sale. George Segl. 'T don Tlnnr M31 A - ---