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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
".if" yFfFFVr,rf p "rr ' ' -' or r; DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALMM, ORHGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1007. NOfl EXrfcMicnc L WBtt 1,,HS " "0O" p- AH Women. H '-.-Ju-itl Prevent Much r,SiIcrinit.lbuent' Misery. I . nnnrocheg tho ago of rtfr I, Dn to her honlth. ff. d work which she may have wU i-niPd to do and tho worry iCCflZ at her dally life d Ho lned or avoided ns toaW bo ie"s., Ao ,,OP health . pOSS.u.c. - ... .he passes mi "" y 'f r iTira measure upon It, w , it to horself to , ffomnu m"- -- tfc .W -d la ,arB n no ' vruu ."li, rinrlnK thCSO .ttlld UP er U . . . tU .. .. .i..niut.nlv necessary that ?Xi "e made and rich krcbr enabling an " "" Mf0' . . thntr work rce- tttodytoperw""--..- - ,rfr For tniS puryi fclMIJ- " ,. Inner llOOtl - Plak Fins u,u "" llred as tho standard medicine, Se of their creat blood build ' , ! nronortle8. mm. Hannah A. Lo- ,iM 0f 1151 Michigan Ave., Detroit, lw' ul .-. .liof linn lust Jlcb., ell lllusl.rai?. " " w , Mid. Mrs. cozier . """, Me auxiliary of tho Masonic Engl- and 'Of tho Pullman Relief Z and has held high office la 'JL The-authenticity of her state- neat may ho absolutely roneu m.uu. Kesays: , bezan taking ur. vinui link Pills about four years ago, after r h. bMn sufforlng for some yea Ln amy we nd nervouBneas blca wero brought on uy ovor tfork. I tried several medicines without help and all tho tlmo became nm irritable, ncrvoti sand wcaK. At; limes I had no npuetlto nnd could tit nothing. At Intervals of ovory or threo days, my heart seemed b roe up In my throat and I would hts to He down until tho fooling rased away. I also had dull aching balu under my right shoulder and across ny duck, wiiuii i iuuhuu "i would see black spots. Occasionally rould become so dizzy, that I hail Ro iteady mjiclf to keop from fall- pa?. "I read that Dr. Williams' Pink (Pills were a blood-purlflor and build er. I decided to try thorn. After I hid taken them4 a short tlmo tho dltxr spells becarao less frequent nnd Anally stopped. I toel: thorn until area boxes of tho pills stopped tho dluy spells, I was entirely woll nnd I now feci llko a now person nlto- sether " Dr Williams' Pink Pills are ndant- f for diseases duo to lmnuro blood ud shattered nervos. They are In- ralaablo In anaemia. rhoumnBtlsm. after-effects of tho crln unit f overs nd In sick headaches, dizziness, aew-ouanws, neuralgia, and oven par tial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. Araluabla bnnklnt ontlMml "Plnln Talks to Women" will bo sent freo, in a sealed envelope, upon request, any woman interested. Dr Williams' Pink Pllla are sold &r all drucslsts. or Hfint. nnntnnlit. oa receipt of price, 50 cents per box, U boxes for 12.50, by tho Dr. Wil lUau Medicine Company, Schonoctn T N. Y SportJiiR XotCff. AlOUO 0. MflVnnril Ifnmvn no n 1 Faro Klne" fnr v.... m, aOBie DrODrlMnr In V vA.i lo ". He was 48 years old, made a 7v .wane as a gambler and lived J"bli wife at the Astor, where a AngUSt Delmnn ,- ,.i - ,rPphr for lh . . BeitH r '6U,U6 ohuui oi rami - u uuo on January 30, TV ttJZ . Plnhust 8'stem of quail Joft u bens tested for the first to,,- lh,rd annunl midwinter rQttS ! m eatrant have been auditor, 4urmsn the,f assoclotlou tTtrift7. a0 heca classified in nT acfortlnc to these hand!- a Cn!Hi . ... .... . 6eJon fc. i "nimeur Athletic Sute rt.,7 a warn,nB to United iattti.f. aBSOC,at,ona not to kM brM . 0ar'B champlonshlo tUtloa of l, Amateur Skating asso- x SLl ' has """drawn from ioo tkiw Allateur Athletic l2l?T thrcatens to pro- dtMM60' Th0 Canadian 2i i c un,on' !n re Udoiikat?nTrh0danythlDS 'w akaunc in Canada. from made Bpme Pr- R ri0a' Sac Harbor. U I. They aro sablo and white puppies nnd aro now at Highland Falls quar ter and "wlU'compoto as lJart bf Mr. Morgan's entry at the Wostmlnstor Kennel in England. Mr. Morgan paid a very liberal sum for his presont acquisitions. Despite all urging by tho students and graduates. Bill Reld, tho fdotball coach, will leavo Harvard permanent ly for his homo In California in a few days. At a conference botween Dr. B. Lasker, ches3 champion of tho world, and Frank Marshall, tho American master, it was decided to bogln play in tho first sumo of their matches for tho title, now hold by Lasker and a purso of $1000 on January 20. New York will bo tho scone of the first part of tho match and tho mas ters will then go to Philadelphia, Memphis, Tenn., and other leading chess centers to complete tho con test. George Sutton and Ara Morning star will play for the 18.2 backillne billiard championship of tho world In tho Orchestra hall. Now York, on January 21. Tho match will bo for a purso of $1000 and tho ontiro net receipts. A great automobllb track Is going to bo constructed in tho Crystal Pal ace, London, whero world's cham pionships can be run. During tho comlnc summor thero will bo a bit: American tour of auto mobollsts through Europo, tho dls tanco to bo covered to bo 3000 miles. Arrajigemonts aro being; completed In New York for tho tour. ' AN OPEN RIVER AND FREE LOCKS All Parts of State Are Fav orable to Opening the Willamette Do You Open Your Mouth Llko a young bird and gulp down what ever food or medlclno may bo offered you I Or, do you want to know something of 111 composition and character of that which you tako Into your stomach whether a food or mcdleino? Most Intelligent and sonslblo peoplo now-a-days Insist on knowing what thoy employ whothor as fowl- or as medicine. Dr. Plerco bcllovcs thoy havo a perfect right to (itftfot upon such knowledge. So he publlshes,,iaadf9t,and on each bottlo wrapper, whatJn5TrrUclnos aro mado of aniTvtcsJltrcrfMUli This he feels he can wUuTord to do bH?ftne-t'' morn the inirrpfllnts of which his medicines ftrfl mrnle nrp stV7ilini nnil umlrrstnmt tliu more wHiTlij'ir superior curative virUieg tio 'mmnMFT't For the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, drnggl"t-down pain or distress In tower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of v ".iniiess, Dr. Plerco's Favorite Proscription U a most rfllclcnt remedy. It Is equally effective In curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and lit preparing tho system of tho expcetmit. mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth afo and com paratively pulnless. Tim "Favorlto Pre scription" U a most potent, strengthonlne tonic to tho general systom and to the organs distinctly femlnluo lu particular. It Is also a soothing and invigorating norvlno and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spnsms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly femlnluo organs. A host of medical authorities of all the sovoral schools of practice, recommend each of tho several Ingredlonts of which "Favorlto Prescription Is mado for the curoof the diionses for which Itiaclalmed to bo a euro. You may read what thoy say for yourself by sending a postal card roquost for it free booklot of oxtract from tho lending nuthorltlcs, to Dr. H. V. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In iitltntn. llnlT.Oo. N. Y.,and It will coiuo U you by return post. When tho Fevlan rising took placo In Irolnnd, in March, 1807, ho, with tt band of compatriots chartered a small brlsantlne of about 200 tons burden and fitted her up with n car go of 5,000 stand of arms, threo flold pieces nnd 200,000 cartridges. Ho had with him generals and lieuten ants of tho American army who wore then discharged nftor tho war. "When they landed In SUgo bay tho insur rection was suppressed by 25 of thorn, who mado a landing, wero ar rested, tried for treason, felony and convlnctcd. Caittaln Costolloo was sentenced to 12 years In an English prison, but his trial nearly precipi tated a war between America and England, for ho denied tho right of English judges to try htm, ho bolng an American cltlron. After being In prison 18 months ho wnB released through tho Intervention of tho United States government. After leaving his English prison Costolloo returned to Now York and was em ployed on tho Now York Herald and other newspapers, but during tho past fow years has spont all his tlmo writing Irish and Amorlcan history. mtiiiiiiiniiiigiiniiiinitiifim CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT : i iaaif niitteiiisitimiHtf mfc DRAVMKn. It. O. Cummins Successor to WhlU CummhiB, express, delivery and transfer line. Prompt service la our motto. Furniture and pisao moving a specialty. Stand at 158 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Residence phone 968. 8-4-U FOR RENT. Rooms Furnished for light house keeping, 730 North Front Btroot. 1-3-tf For Rent Bovon-room house with basemont. Good well water, plpod in and out. Inquire ot A. Schrolb or, 560 N. High stroot. 1-7-lmo Tho Albany Herald says: Gov ernor Chamberlain very properly added tho force of his message to tho legislature, In fuvor of oponlng tho locks nt Oreson City by purchnso or constructing new locks. Tho gov ernor's words on this subject will bo applauded by every shlppor, producer and farmer In tho Willamette valley and ovory unsblflsh, broad-minded cltlzou of tho stnto. The message' on this topic is in direct lino with tho bill Introduced by B. F. Jones, of Independence, which hill Is now ponding boforo tho legislature. "Ar. act should bo passed," says tho exec utive messago, "creating a commis sion with ample power to negotlato tho purchaso of theso locks, If con gress will not do so, by agreement or condomnnton, and sufficient appro priation mado thorofor, nnd to main tain them when acquired, freo to tho producers of tho state." D. F. Jones' bill to opon tho locks at Oregon City, has boon carefully prepared. It provides for tho con struction of a system of locks oh tho east bank of tho river at a cost of $400,000 provided tho locks on tho other side cannot be bought for thnt amount. Jones' bill enacted Into Jnw would save Willamette valley Inter ests $150,000 to $200,000 a year. Whore is (lie man that will stand up and vote nsalnst tho moasuro? Support ut Astoria. From nearly ovory Bcctlon of wegt- HlL9 Wnmr u Well as Mm Are Mate RtaiUs iy Kftey ami BUtier Me. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouragesaudlesseusaniuitiou; beauty, vigor una cuccnui iit.'!7 W9 ncss oon disappear wlicit tuc kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with veak kiducys. If the child urinatestoooftcu, if the urine scalda the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an go when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet tlug, depend upon it, thecause of thediffi. culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these itnportatitorgauB. This unpleasant trouble fa due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kiduey and bladde.r trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of S wasp-Root is soon realized. It is sold uy uruui3, in uuy cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a 1 namohlet telline all nbout Swamn-Root, l .!. ....... I .?. incmuing many oi me uiousanus o ion nionial letters received from sufferers cured. In writinjj Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biiighamtou, N. Y be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, bat remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad. dress, Bingkamtou, N. Y., on every mm ern Washington letters and other communications havo ' reached the Journal from chambers of commorce, commercial clubs, granges and other bodies strongly advocating an open Willamette. Tho following has been received from the chnmbor of com merce at Asteria: "Tho citizens of Asloria havo al ways been In favor of tho oponlng to bettor condition tho navlgnblo waters of Oregon nnd early took an active Interest In tho matter. "Tho WUlnmotto rivor flows through a natural fruit and garden district, through lnnd that is tillable to tho wator'B edge, thus producing frolght nt nnd near tho boat, prod ucts, too, that need low transporta tion rates. Tho products aro those of tho necessities of llfo and should pass from tho producer to tho con sumer with tho least possible cost. 'The low rate of water carriage, plus tho farmer's carrlugo to more distant parts of tho valloy, will still bo amtill enough to prevent heavy charges by tho rail lines. In propor tion to tho length of tho riin moro btiBlnoss will probably bo offorod to boats along tho WUlnmotto rivor than along tho upper Columbia. Along tho lattor gonornlly tho railroads run between tho rivor and tho pro ducing lands, thus cutting oft tho boat. Tho rond will moot tho boat rato, which, added to tho shorter haul for tho farmer, will loavo but little comparatively, to tho boats on tho Columbia. Tho circumstances on tho Willamette aro Just tho rovorso, yet on both rivers tho commorco of tho country needs freo nnd uninter rupted navigation from mouth to hoad, so freo that barges loaded with farm products may float from tho gourco to tho great marts on tho seaboard without obstruction or charge." o New Ambassador Coming. London, Jan. 18. Mr. Dryce, thp newly appointed ambassador tc Washington returned from Ireland this morning and paid tho usual coro monlous visit to tho king. After tho Intorvlow it was statod that Mr. Har- court, son of tho lato Sir William Harcourt, would succeed Mr. Dryce as chief secretary to Ireland, though it is also freely stated that Winston Churchill and Sir Anthony McDon nell each havo a considerable num bor of supporters for tho appoint ment, In tho cnbinot. Mrs. Bryco to day held her last reception prevlouu to closing her residence on Portland Place. o fiellhiK RritJsli Signal. London,. Jan. 18. A second yoe man of tho signals named Abbott, of H. W. S. Amphitrlto is being court marttaled today tho charges against blm being very serious. Ho offered to sell to the a&ent of a foreign country, said to bo Germany a naval signal book but was arrested as he was negotiating tho sale. Tho pro ceedings are being conducted In pri vate. Admiral Palllstop is president of the court martial. MAYOR RODGKRS ON GAMBLING. In an Intorvlow Mayor Rodgers, of Salem, is quoted as Baying: "I am for tho enforcement of all good laws, and tho repeal of all bad laws. Wo havo many of both klndB on tho stntuto books. Under tho present city chnrtor I am practically nothing moro than a flgurohcad. T might point out whoro ovlls and law breaking exists, but that Is about as far as I can go in my authority. "Wo now havo tho revision of tho old city charter under consideration, and It needs It badly, ns it Is vory dofcctlvo In many places. I stand on. tho ground of good munlclpnl gov ernment, nnd will always uso my best Influenco for tho enforcement of tho laws against existing ovlls. Wo cannot control or oxtermlnnto all of thorn, but, by wlso legislation, wo can regulnto thorn so they will not bo obnoxious to a community. I stand pledged to no faction or ring, nnd ns far as m: Influonco goes I will ubo it to 'tho bottormont and for tho sup pression of crlmo of all kinds." Furnished Rooms -With or without board, phono, olectrlo lights and bath room. J. Jay Cook. Phone 533. 1-12-lm" Furnished Rooms For roat during loglslaturo, central location, mod ern coavonloncos. Call at 533 Contor stroot or phono 1079. 1-12-lwk owraorATHs, Dr. B. H. White Graduate el Kirk villa, Me., uader founder ot Ot teopathy. Roon 21, Breymas building. Commercial street. Phone 87, Residence 890 Summer street, corner ot Center. Phone 1219. Treats acute and ohroale dlseasos. Examination freo. 11-17-tt TLxrusxsm. Thee. M. Barr Plumbing, hot water aad steam heating and Unalag, 184 Commercial street. Fheae Main 192. 9-1-ly POR KAIJ8 For Salo. Ono McCormlck mower, ono revorslblo Pitts harrow, one 14-Inch Oliver plow, all good as now, at a, bargain. Call at offleo ot Orogon Sienna Paint Company, Salem. 1-7-1 m LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sh-r wood Foresters, No. 10, Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato Btroot U. S. Rldor, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. M. J. Peieel Plumblag, steam a4 gas fitting. Successor to Kbk A Murpky, 220 Commercial iWett, 'Ph&ae MaU 17. A. Is yraer Successor to Barreuga A Fraxer, plumber and tl&Bar. Haaw faetunr of coppw aad galraat4 iron oornloe, and metal ikjllgate, 108 BUt street. 'Pfcoae 1S1L ffr-it ot 6 np-8ao. Honoring an Irishman. Patterson, N, J., Jan. 18. Capt, Augustlno K. Costelloe, tho Irish patriot and author of "Footprints of Irish Liberty," will he entertained ot a banquet tonight by tho Ancient Ordor of Hibernians. There will bo 2,509 persoaa preent. Captain Cos telloe has had a remarkable career. NEVER MIND whnt brought on your spell of atom ncli trouble" but Just got a bottlo of tho Bitters at onco. You will notlcu Its beneficial results from tho start and that boforo long your allmonto have disappeared. HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTE&S Is tho medlclno that has been doing such things for over fi.'t years and to Just ns offecttvo today. It cures Poor Appetite, CostlveiieHS, Dyspep sin. Indigestion, Colds, Femalo Ills, or Miliaria. Sec Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room Iioubo, bnrn nnd 22 lots, 45x130 each; price $1800. Six room houso on car line, 4 lots, 75x150; prlco $1500, easy terms. Nino room houso plastered, closots, pantry, basemont, septic tank, bnrn 2Gx34, woodshed 18x22. This-place Is throo blocks from court houso; Price $2625. Six-room houso, plastered, closets, pantry, tollot, well, good barn, flvo lots 75x150 each, on car lino; prlco $2000. Two acres, 7-room house, barn, well, and all kinds of fruit, near Sa eom; prlco $1250. Fifty-flvo acres, 35 in cultivation. 20 acres In tlmbor, now 7-room houso largo barn; 16 acres in hops, all wired, This placq Is all good black soil. Prlco $110 per aero, forty-one and one-half acres all In cultivation, 7-room houso, largo barn, 16 acres of fruit, good wovon wlro fences, Implements, 2 horses, one row. This placo Is near school and church, ono and one-half miles from Salem, For prices sea Radcllff & Co, Wo have one hundred acres of good land neur Salem to trado for Salem property. Wo also havo a ood business blqck and dwolllng In Colorado Springs to trado 'for property here. If you want hop ranch, tlmbor grain, fruit or grazing lands seo us. Several houBoa for rent. Call It you want anything In Insurance or notary work. RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Moorea block, Salem, Ore. Reference, any bank or business house in tho city of Salem. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hull In Ilolmnn block, cor ner Stato and Llborty Btroots. Tuesday ot each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, C. 0.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. PHYSICIANS AND SURGBON8. Dr. I). R. Grlflln, tho Specialist ea Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which he euros In 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Trade St Salem, Oro. Phono 568. John Doyens, Business Manager. 'a-"!.1'!1',.11,'!11? I1 "' ' ', im! 8ASH AND DOOX FAOTOMCB8. Frank M. Brewa. Manufacturer t sash, doors, mouhUBfrs. All kladc ei house finish and hard wood werk. Front street, bet. State aad Oaart. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 oclock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C.: F. A.Turnor, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. F. R. Capper, C. 8.; P. L. Frazler, Clork. For Sale. Gontlo pony, broko to rldo or drlvo, also piano, which I will sol) on Installments. W. B. Gllson, 117 Commorclnl Btroot. 1-10-tf, For Salo. My 80-acro farm, four miles south of tho business contor of Salem, at Liberty, will sell In small tracts to suit purchaser, or ontiro tract nt a bargain, or will ront to right party. Call on J. C. Johnson, nt Salem, or address J. H. Daniel,' Eugene, Orogon. 1-17-lm MISCELLANEOUS. Concrete Work. Got my prices on sldowqlks, curbs, septic tnnks aud commit work of any kind. Alt work guarnntood first-class. M Wnrd, Hlghlnnd odd. Phono 569. 1-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth moro than any other bread, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at yonr grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Hutto Weaderoth Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handle the colobrated Koltogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer coMtantly on drovgb. South Commercial Btreet 9-S-lyr Salem Iron Work. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and frail drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot the Balora Iroa Works Hop Preen. Lincoln Annuity UbIoh. Sick, aecJ. dont and pension Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; evoty claim paid Good aconts wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, supreme organlzor, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secroctary, 646 State street, NEW AND SKCOND-nAND GOODi. New and 8eccd-Hand Good. Bought and sold, also rauges, stoves nnd cooking utensils, dish es, granlto and tinware of all kinds Giro us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 'South Commercial St. 8-13-ly CJUCHKIEJPIIIIS yirraRPTARY gurosqir. ..nnd dentist, 33 years' esporiesee. All work guaranteed. DllflouH ear ' gical operations a specialty. PkeM 681. Office at Clnb Biablee. Pkoae 7. Salem, Oregon. 8-9-tf WJLHT1P. WnrffRT? Flvo to ton cords of goe fir wood. Apply to E, Hofer, Jour nal offleo. 12-26-tC Wanted Stock hogs for feeding, chickens, ducks and all kinds ot poultry. Highest prlco paid. Hoe Leo Co., 181 Commercial street, Salem, Or. 12-5-tt ' Wanted 10 mon la each Btato to travel, dlstrlbuto samples ot our goods nnd tack signs. Salary $85 por month; $3 per dny for ox ponsos. Saunders Co., Dopartmont P, No. 46 Jnckson Boulevard, Chi cago, III. l-14-lw WATBR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANV OFFICE CITY HAU For water sorvlce -pply at offitee. Bills payable monthly In advance, Make all complaint-nt the office. C:S3MMt4l Gold Dost Flout 1 Made- by TUB SYDNEY FOW BR COMPANY, Mdaey, Oreffea, Made for faulty use. Ask your X grocer for it. Bras and sfiorU always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT MMtMUIMlM.UMliWMi-l' m?mm (Hit Mcwtl Pnt, Wnl, AJHr K. O. C. T. CO STEAMERS l-OMONA AN OKKGONA LUAVfA PORTLAND MONDAY, WMMMfe DAY AND FRIDAY A!? 10 , ,. M., TUIM)AY, THUN6DAY AND SATURDAYS AT lM A. M. FOfc OORVALIS TUJWDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT 0 P. H. H. P. BALDWIN, Aft Uifl.lillWlWFrSttHrTilaUi Wfl-flW...flil 11 PILLS, A n, CtwtM Iuum fcr tvtnmm Hum luwm, fcM UW m4 JM tlHtH It OKITt PMCMCLSB.,MT4. UXCA.T.H. f. Stld In Satm by Dr. 5. C Stow INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Dully except Sunday. Loaves Wil lamette Hotol, Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 6:15 p. in. Leaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phono Mala 170, RALPH BUDLONO, Manager,