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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
. 1 iMfiltfMWISSk.VMWWW0 ? WAJXY OATXXAL JOUKNAIi, AtXNM, ORBOOK. FltlDAY, JAXPAItr 18, 1007. Have O LDoctor No in running frem m doctor (o tpm SfUnwmWTt OCI-etl ins ee it mm nana ujr &Wm. Do not delay, but ceaeefc him in time viMnyotorettcK. am BiiofiflwnoiAycr s Cherry Pectoral fw eeb j sad cola's. Then use it m not, just as oe sirs, .! uMtil W BaBltak J.C.AttCo.. W.fifMlefHoBft)rp-rl8. Iwtll, Km, RAILROAD COMMISSION BILLS Senator Brlgham an Recipro cal Deimirraii:e--Tmbcr Valuations Will iho Incorporation of u re ciprocal domurrnKO section in Mil proposed law creating nn Oregon railroad commission and dcolttncd to regulato passenger and froiliL rates and afford relief from tho car nfeortago ovil in thin fltnto, oporato to tlio benefit or detriment of lntor itinlo trnmo nnd tho shippers of luin lcr, fruit, hops and other commer cial coKiitioditlon? Thin is tho ques tion that Is porploxlng tha minds of tho member of tha present session f tho Icalslaturo who'hnvo in view tho enactment of somo roincdlal lZlIMInn along tills lino to meet tho demands of tho public. Th rod railroad commission bills (ivo boon prepared by ns tunny dif ferent authorities, two of which Jiavo bean Introduced In tho homo. Thesd measures and tholr merlin canto up for general dlnctiMlon nmonrr several of tho- members of tho seuato nnd hotiso nnd Attorney flcnnrnt Crawford lust ovenltiff. par ticularly na pertains to tho effort of tho reciprocal demurrage provisions pnd It was tho conconsus of opinion union if thom that reciprocal demur toko would operate to relievo tho local Bltuutlon of tho suffering from car ahortago to o certain extent but M tho uxpemto of tho Intorstnto nipper, who would bo placed In n eminent had tho riclit to prcscribo rates for Interstate commerce, but I ImplloJ from tholr answer that they had mado nn Investigation and had como to tho conclusion that they woro powerless to act." Of tho thrco bills that havo been prepared, nnd there are rumors of sovoral others on tho wing, ono was drnftcd by Attorney J. N. Tenl, of Portland; nnothor by Attorney W. T, Mulr, formerly counsol for the Orogon Water Power & Hallway company, and the other by Itopre sentntlvo JnokxOu, of Douglas conn ty. IloproBontntivo Chapln, of Mult nomah, Introduced tho Portland Chamber of Commerce moniure, drnftcd by Mr. Mulr at tho inutnnco of the, lumbermen's association, am' Mr. Jackson prosontod his own draft. Tho Tonl bill provide" for a rail road commission to bo uppolntod by tho governor, subject to confirmation by tho donate, rind also that tho com mission has power to prescribe rules as to rale, etc., Inoludlng a recipro cal domurrngo provision, Tho Ghnm ber of Commerce, or Chapln bill nluo provides for a commission nnd out lines tho method of applying and tho rnto of demurrage, placing tho limit of tlmo that cars shall bo furnished to flvo days nnd for tho payment of S3 for ovory 24 hours which thti company rails to iiirnisii mo cars nrdeted; provided the person giving tha order for oars lmve his goods at tho depot nnd ready for ihlpmont wIihii tln order U sIVhii nnd depos its ono-rotirtli of tha whole amount of the ftolehl chargon as n guarantee of sooil faith. This bill also pro vide that tho rnmmlsslou has power, whenever It Is diimmiHtrnted that tho reciprocal domurrnge fea ture cannot bo enforced or operates detrimental to shipping Interests, to strike thnt portion of tho law out woro erlevous position thun over because tho company would contend land leave (ho balanco Btnnil. ttornny Oenernl Crawford con- that It required all of their cars tojtunds thnt this fenturo iould nullify iwpply tho local demand, whora n domtirrago was charged, nnd that l Had nouo to Bparo for outsldo ship wnt. "I wont over Into tha stato of Washington to Interview tho lum bermen nnd tlio railroad rommti Ion upon tho effect of their law." Mid llonntor Illiiglinni of Lam county. "Wo were In a pretty bad plight hero from the effects of the Mr shortaue, but In Washington, where they havo n railroad commit Ion, tho conditions were much worse. I asked them why they did not cnaet n reciprocal demurruge Jaw, when they replied: 'Well, wu i;ot a few cars onco In a while nuw. tint If w had n reciprocal demur rage law wo nro ntrnld wo would get houo at all ' I did not nuk them 'what authority they had as to tlu effect of reciprocal demurrant upot tho entire act, ns tho supremo court held that, um)cr tho stuto constitu tion, when one portion of u law Is found void or unconntltutlonnl It cannot bo removed and tho entire act becomes Invalid. Representative tuulor tho latest opinion of the su premo court of tho United States, he concludes thnt tho state has no right to regulata Interstate rates. His theory of overcoming this disadvan tage, however, Is to make an appeal of all cases wherein Interstate com merce Ib effected to tho Interstate commerco commission. ' Timber Valuations. Iteprcsontatlvo Heals, of Tillamook and Yamhill, believes that ho has studied out a scheme by which he will enablo tho stnto to collect tho full amount of taxes Justly duo from tho hundreds of thousands of acre" of tlmbored Innds owned by corpora tions or associations which, by rea son of the lack of doflnlto knowledge of tho oxnet location, ownorshlp nnd amount of timber upon biicIi lands, havo heretofore cscapod taxation. Mr. Boats tokos tho suggestion of fered by tho state tax commission Yoqulrlng nil corporations or osho- clntlons or agents or officers of sntne to subscrlbo to an oath setting forth tho full nmount, doBcrlptlon and val uation of proporty owned -by them and subject to taxation, and ndds an other clause covering timbered lauds to tho snmo oxtent. That portion of Mr. Deals' bill relating to tlmbor valuations reads: "Kvery such Hut of real estate which shall Inoludu timbered lands shall, In nddltlon to tho description of such lands. Include a statement or Bohedulo verified, nn hereinbefore provided, showing tho klnda and chnrnctor of timber ntundlng on such legal subdivision thoronf, nnd the nmnuut.of encli kind thoroof, If such Information Hltall bo within the knowledge of the portion llnblo to be taxed therefor, or If tho manag ing agent or officer of any suoh cor poration or association; and If such person, agent or officer shull' not hnve the required porsonnl knowl edge, then such list shall be accom panied by n copy of a tlmbor cruiser's OHtlmato of such Htundlng timber, together with tho date of such esti mate, and Iho niuno of tho porson or persons by whom mnde, which copv shall bo certified undur oath by the person furnishing tho same, U be a true copy of biiqIi orulsor's estimate, and suoh estimate so to bo fur nished shall bo tho latest estimate thnt shall hnvo been mado of such JUST A REMINDER -BJBajBBBBJBBBJBMtaSl 1 'l Tfiat we still have the best stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes ia Salem. Have you tried Oat Own Make of Shoes ? E. L. IRVIN & CO. 326 State Street Repairing a Specialty THE HEN That science has per3Uad to lay coven timna i. C1 weight in ogg a year The0JH nmeo lion Intm .. -, T : " . umy 0DcgEji j cut, iiui now ftnh,.. Bciontiflo mixed feed that la tke a year. But now ,. ' "wtUJ keen hor In norfoot i..i.. ... .: . -. uuiin ... m MB 1 9 1 9 1 tKWWff1Htw,aMa 9 tr JtL 1 UWJ1 We hnve sampled tho city with Wild Itosc IHour. tf you did not J get n sample, call at tho office and flICT ONE. 3 When you buy flour be sure It is like tho wimple. 2 WILD ROSE FLOUR $1.00 n Hack at nil grocers, Mado from old wheat, too. 9 9t0'l w I tvjwf wrV'I w'l Vt V'l vtvfvi 9 tv'l viwf 9 Ivlvlv! ItvtvtvI mnko hor produco seror. i linr Ytrnltvlif Irf " Coulaon'a Improved Mash PcJ will do It. Coulson's K0 j Condition Powders for noiiui nlctn UflAno IhtM iu . .. . . ..v4,o lUC1U , g00(, heau xui u.umr ana run explan,. tion call on TILLSON & CO. 151 High St On the Stool of Repentance C&'Jii till ti'TJm i 1 1 tBrnRTifTZS Ff '.aEv i Jiff n B M W8 ' 9'E llfcslltlJ jjOrVBt - kri&fir WtiSFj&hMl Vi. .!. (jy nt -" timber." Itev. Cnrlltlr, 1. It.Martin, Ij. J,. 1). Of Wnvorly, Tex., writes: "Of a morning, whon first arising, I often Infill viiii'ii Itlll la t iitiilimllxiiiHl nf I -i,n.. . .. .. .,.u..u..i i nnd a troublosomo collection of tho principal features of tho two t,w, ,.,,.,. .j.. . .., .... ., ... .... i .Miwnm niimu ihuuuh'o a vuukii nuu other bills, tha chief differences be Ing that, Instoad of having tho gov ernor appoint tin) commission, he delegatus this duty to tho slide board, connlitlug of tho governor, secretary or state and atnte trusurer. and. In the demurrage clause he pre serlhtM thnt five days' notlee hIihII be given by tho shipper In orderln oars with n demurrage charge of 12.10 per day for every dny the com. PHHy fulls to furnUh the oars. Mr Jnrksun has devoted n grout deal uf time In looking up authori ties iijioii the question of intrastate Is vory bard to dlslodgo; but a small quantity of Dnllard'n llorehound Syrup will nt onco dlslodgo It, nnd the troublo Is over. I know of no medicine that Is equal to It, nnd It It so pleasant to tnke. I can most cor dially reoommond It to nil persons needing a mcdlclno for throat or lung trouble." Sold by D. J. Fry. ( Is whoro a man finds himself that takes tils linen to any laundry but tho Snlem Stonm Lnundry. It your connclenco don't prick, your pilars and cuffs mny nnd make you appro elate tho smooth dsos. soft button holes and exquisite color and finish that you can nlways rely on getting nt the Snlem Steam Laundry, at low prices. HALKM fiTKAM MU.VDHY, Phono 23. lUU.lflO 8. Liberty St. Interstate traffic, or If tho state gov-and intcrsiMio rnto regulation nud. BiBMBBailaWBaVattar,'Ssa5KI0vC'iA aft BBBfa' vHfalBk aB aK bH b h1 BaT Kti WAss 'ww,,,WXVB55J5BBBBJBjBBBBBBBBBBB !? Z0": Hnvo A! BollgIltf nwil whcJ lJU bQca .- ., ,r uw )lttrgf RuH I)orU Ujo Nlgimtnro of Or yfT T- k,u ltvm ,,,rttl "tw Ids ikt- AM OwwUrfells, lmlHiHtB mulJut-.nKHtuf' lint What is CASTORIA fcrt-U t a Imnuhv-w wWUuto. fuP owlor Oil, lnr& Hwrk?, lriv uu.l HiHitklM Hynuis, It id Mmtt. Ik jr mHa) l)vortahHM. It cure Dlrtrrluwi mu4 WM WUIKI CASTORIA ALWAYS w Um tifsature oi T&fl Xind You Hare Always Bought mum ror ov.r 30 Years. i.iHilii,itMM. smmm. Hlcctilclly mm Aimcxlhellr. London. Jan. IS. Ilefore th Itoyul College of Surgeou tmlny Pro feesor Htotihnne l.educ. of Paris, ex plained two new Inventions of greet (liferent to surexm. He lllustrntel the uiethiMl wlileh he dieraveretl for administering drugs Uy electricity tho MleHtttle name of which le Ionise- Hon To prove hie theory he shaved ilu Imrk nt a rabbit and put h ooih pris of sulphite of airyrliHlne on It. Ttu violent poison did the ntllmal no burnt, but iHimlUlely after the paMtug of an electric rurreut the ral'Ult dltnl. the current having In tniducel the jHilwm Into hie system. The profeeeor oansldere tke s'etiH should prove extremely usefwl In the curing of rheumatism, sclatarn. oo wot or ataxia, nud peraljreie. He also showed an oxporlmeirt with eieetrlo Ity as an attaesthetle. He put a rab bit to sleep by mesas of tho electric eurront. under thw Influence of which tho animal's limbs euld bo cut eff without feolln pala. He kept the animal asleep for to mlnutos, than stopped the current ami It opened Its eyes and sat u. Prefewor Leduc onsldore the new anawthetle wJI re- pla?t chaUofww aad ether, and Is af Imwenso tiwertnntA to wetltMl oiecc il!BBSBDMnVBaHBlBW!BK 'M'bVmmBmmmmPsmwV fOIt JOIST AND FLOOMNG Tho best placu to buy is whoro the boat stock of lumber Is carried. Tho entire building trade know that thero Is not n finer stock of lumber than that carried by us. Wo arc ready to till tho largost contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build or wnltlng. That's a vory Important point. Near S. P. pnssengor dopot Phono 52 Main. GOODALK liUflfllER CO. A Heavy Raise That's what hnppenB to tho Ore- gon streams durinc these ry days, but with tho housekeeper who uses Epploy's Perfection Bat ing Powder, It Is different, sj Is sure of A Light Raise Try It bocauso It's the best hlsb grado leavonor over Introduced on tho markets of tho world. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon 3&N I Northern Potvuts DlKtiHiriiig. WasfclHgteu. Jan. U.-A ceoiogl wl survey reHKt it blt)ied statos thai the teu of Wtetossilii, MUhlgan and MtHMe4a are belut m rpldly et do tket the aHdy Utm beett cut ih tw. 1h Mtelj, aHd WleetMisU thfre k praetieellj- little Uwbec loft while la MlRMsote. the rownnung timber lies slwwt cnUro ly in the hands of four at the eoc poratloas will be only oaMt.le of duelns; outjwt for the fifteen years, OAWtfOMtTfl, fcttNO xt l) til Yw Re L'.ia t-li vdbj&Sg I Too above cut ihows 0iir brick lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar anteed gas and dust proof. Hoonom leal and durable; for the particular Inquire at A. L. FRASER 2"W State Street, Salem Fence Works Homlquartw for Woven Wire rencliig. HH Wire. llHrb Wire. Poultrv Netting, Piekets. Gates, StaK aa,i P. & 11. Heady Uooftag. All at lowest jirleea. Walter Morlev 250 Court St. Saknt, Ore, " M H. Se Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com- mission Merchants . ... uiarsei n all times for dried and fnrta W9dHC0 f IHndv Special We have tor sale a fow apele par log and siloing machines; equipment tor a large dryer; win mako a ,ow price. OUIt .MKATS AHR ALWAYS THE I1I?ST. j For wo take eapeclnl caro to buy nono but tho best, and our customers can always depend upon gottlng the um in mo market at right prices whon they buy at our market. e. o. moss, Stnto Street Market llo M B B B Y Order a pAckngo of tb! famous hoalth and brsli building flour and obJoj some good old fashlo4 Now England Ilren JJread. A chance at I right hot loaf will mih you think you are It Boston. With Allea'i Self-rlslng It. It. It. Flow you can mnko bread Jut llko tho Puritans used U mnko. 3-B Pnncnuo Hour is aleo n puro food; self- Trado rising and all ready ta Mark mix with wator and bait on a hot griddlo. ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR CO. Pacific Const Factory, San Je, Cnl. Eastern Factory, Little Wolf Mills, Mnnawn, Wli. Hoaisrrrr.'s itcW Hiunb.ii Tea Hugged XWttfl 0 HwhS lU KmJ nV vi iLrri-y K.-ata'ss: 1 KvS izT-Jt bfcw Raj M)tUkM U t urta wide K;?:n I'M Wu. suuwrciF ell tr nnv i. f.. i .. . .-, ,,r ,lr,co jor your lumbr when that price carries with It a guaranteo of quality. Our prises are aover too low to Rive it to you. and never too high for Ct our quotation on your needs. Voget Lumber and Fuel Company, CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 2fi7 Ccmmcrds! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and AH Farm Produce nn in I VIII vi Vj lit! 7 3pent wisely is tho source of mw jatlsfactlon. Why sot spend a W of it wisely now buying grocerW usT Baker, Lawrence & Baker Saoceesen te XanMC A LawresM. HOTEL pREGON Corner of 8eTest'k am4 Stark Stw PortWwkd, Oregoa. The new and ssedera aotel of tb ) Caters parUcularlr to redeaU f lem and ottier Oregoa citie. Eoref1 Plsn. Fe bum. Bates tLOO p aad upward. Haadeeiaesi grill U West, and nrifmM tn ajl la pi lees attraetlTe. DaUy Cepftsl J0-5, wasT.pgo!i3Bfxr orii TieFasnioaStatt renswely ttstcMem'a SUUes. Up-ttate livery aa4 eb Puaeral turaoute a efecialty. TsSf ko for plesdee aad exeurelB. Ffc- CHA8. W. YANNKE, & 847 mi M migk tttreet.