Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 18, 1907, FIRST EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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atat iNtmKTATl T7rTrnRTAT. PAaP
HtliAri 1 AL UUJnAL J jjAiw" - -..,
HOFER BROS., " Profktoti
Mf lovo ha locked Tier lovo within hor heart
And on nor tongue bai t o dainty seal,
' , That I may not dlvino what ho way foci;
i mil uros, inuKiuuK "r "
The bars that bold him and doth slyly dart.
Out by hor oyoa, that rllll to lovo uro leal,
Whllo o'er hor chcoka iho ohntiscful rosea steal,
Those huoa of which Lovo only knows the art.
Upon her lips, that proud deflanco daro,
Lovo lay a gleam of cherry, whllo hor words.
Inconsequent, ho acts to mimic rare,
Tho envy of an nudlonco of birds, -
"I lovo you not," alio tnurmora, all n-trombloj. v.
Charles II. Crandall In January Lipplncott's.
O ' ' '
Tho most serious problems boforo the atato of Oregon crow out of
tho transportation conditions.
Tho industries haro suffered Rroatly tho past six months, as tboy did
In tho fall of 1903, I'HOM LACK OI' OAHH.
It I proposed as a remedy to onnct n reciprocal demurrago law, and
to create a railroad commlMlon.
It Is claimed that theso measures aro necessary to protect tho Indus
tries of tho stato and tho Interests of our shippers.
ber of Iho stato WIMi IIKM' HKDUCK PlIKIOIIT HATKH and accuro to
part of tho atato bettor condition.
Rut wilt legislation euro tho car ahortaco complained of? States
that have fully organUod and firmly entrenched railroad commissions
haro Muffored with Oregon for lack of cars.
It must bo pluln to any thinking man that tho argument for a rail
road commlanlon JMIJHT 111 PUT ON A HltOADKIt ItAHIH.
Tho commission must bo given power to make rates nnd enforco Its
decisions, and that Is really tho demand of tho shippers.
They want un efficient commission with nil tho powora that hnvo
boon given to communion In tho stntos that hnvo them.
Ttioso who bollovo nn Ironolnd demurrage law would help tho ship
pers not their rlKhta .MAY NOT III! WII.t.INO TO HUPPOltT A COMMIB-
WON 111 I.I,.
Tho two subjects aro not to bo confused. A rommlMlon can bo given
power to Impost demurrage charges on railroads not supplying cars.
Hut that Is not primarily what n commission Is for. Tho mlnda of
tho people aro not fully made up on tho Questions of reciprocal demur
rage and railway regulation 11V MKANH OKA COMMISSION.
It Is certain that other stMes havo enacted conlmlsslon laws with
largo powers In tho hands of tholr commlsilons.
It Is certain the President has asked nnd received from congress
greater additional power In the banda of tho Interstate commorao com
The President Is asking for still srealor powers In tho direction of
helping HOIA'Jl TIIH I'llOlli.KM 01' TDK COAL UAMINIi.
Tho atato will do well to hnvo nil tho powers vented In tho hnnds of
competent and fearless ofllclals Noiuowhoro to protect Its Industries,
A railroad commission will be a great disappointment If wo uxpeot
that It will cure nil Iho complaints nnd supply everybody with oars Just
when they want them.
Till- PIXM'LI! .MIJKT NOT KXPIHT TOO MUCH from such remedies
as u demurrage luw and u railroad commission law, aw It la doubtful If
the enaotmon' of both laws would change mutter vary muuh.
Tho legislature Is to be oonmiemlMd fur Ita refenl to ourry oh per
fuuttory Investigations merely io give seme on a Jul of exporting or
departments and boards and selmols and oommlwlona over amount to.
Tho clerks employed and the mileage and per diem paid Is wasted.
Tho Joint committees to visit tho fisheries and canneries and hatek
Ir Instance, thero havo been biennial Investigation of tho state
fcohool laud offloe, and what has been accomplished r
Tho Geo. V. Davis defalcation was covered up by siiecoMlve Invtwtl
gatlon coimniueos, ftnj w, ot t0ota until tho statute of limitation
had made It Impossible to recover an) of the stolen funds.
Tho laauanc of fraudulent sahool land eerllnoatea hat gone an until
a Pemooratlo stato land agent was put Into the office by Oovernor Cham,
borlaltt, when It stoppud.
freight cars, of
"An a result of tho pressure upon
"Tfinv turned out tlnrlnir thn rmst year 243,570
which only 7,219 wont to All early orders for export, whllo 230,451 went
Into domestic service.
"THIH.IS A 45 PEIl CKNT INCIlKABK OVKK J003, in which all for
mer records had been broken.
"In addition tho railways built all tho cars they could In tholr own
"In tho Inst year tho railways spent over J250.000.000 for freight
"They would haro spent moro If they could havo sot tho cars.
"Their total oxpondlturo for rolling stock was 1380,000,000.
"Tin; iti:oom ron locomotive iiuimhng was also uhoken
with 0,952 now engines put Intoservlcc."
This activity allows in a marked way that THE KAILIIOADS HAVE
to llro up to tho tindroamed Incrcaso In material prosperity.
Thcro Is no monopoly of car building.
Tho Incrcaso of plants would not take place If a monopoly wero In
control, ns thon orders, now only a year old, WOULD SUIT THK MONOP
llcio Is a railroad shortcoming thnt Is not blnmablo to admlnistra
tlvo or evon human causes.
Several candidates for U, S. Bon-
that not only Jnpan, but ovcry othor
country In tho orlont owe ovcry now
Impulse they havo received in the
past century to tho Christian teach
ings that havo been imparted to them
ntor uro editing Oregon dallies, the . tho bcflt mlndB of tho80 contrcg
jij- iiiey iiuult mo legislature,
Still, It might bo worse Over In
Russia, for example, thoy aro hnvlng
soven feet of snow, with a tempera
turo to match.
Governor Pnrdoo out of ofllco Is
an Independent. Tho peoplo want to
soo moro Indopondonts In ofllco.
Double-tracking n railway never
hurt tho business of any lino, nnd It
Is sometimes evon of considerable
UNO whon trains want to pass ono an
Ha far no ono has had the nerve
to Introduuo n bill for nnother nor
mal school. Well, that la making a
little progress.
It's up to tho peoplo whether Ore
gon shall havo another railroad com
mission or not.
It's tho enslost thing In tho world
to got on tho pollco force In Bt
Petersburg. Tho bomb-Uirowera are
making vacancies every day.
today are undor tho Influenco
Christian thought nnd powor.
Nursing baby?
It's a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for two.
Some form of nourishment that will
be easily taken up by mauler's system
is needed.
Scoffs Emulsion contains th
greatest possible amount of nourish
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully
helped by its use.
If u bill wore Initiated (o areute u
mllrond commission, how many vote
would It recolvo?
It would bo several on Hoornt If
It ahould turn out thnt MeOlotlan
tons tttaotad mayor after all.
Tho leglslaturo should kill thnt
othor fake of riding on pnsses and
collecting mlleago.
Wo can all say good-bye to Jack
Frost with a relish, except tho skat
era. a
Tako In your chimneys and lock
your cellar doors. London prophet
says there will bo an oarthquako In
this country noxt Snturday.
What Is Liberty without a school
Oovornor of New Jorsoy advocates
a direct voto for United Statos sen
ators. Tho Idoa Is growing.
Hlght thousand dollars for calen
dars Is considerable.
And Normal Schools Ik Greater Than
Eer mid They Will Get It.
depond largely on tho temper and
liberality of tho legislature. It will
amount probably to not less than
$25,000 for running expenses and to
$15,000 or $20,000 for now build
ings. Two years ago this school re
ceived $21,000
From tho Ashland normnl will
como a demand for somo $10,000
for maintenance nnd probably $20,
000 nddltlonnl for dormlntory. lit
shnro In the Inst loglslaturo was $31,
000. That all tho normnls will be put
under ono bonrd of regents seems al
together probable. A strong senti
ment for It oxfats In tho two houses.
Tho stato university will ask that
Its nnnunl appropriation of $47,500
bo ralsod to $125,000 and promises
to keop within that sum for several
years, or until further growth of tho
Institution's attendance shnll demon
strate tho need of more. To run tho
university nnd pay snlarlos costs
somo $75,000 a year, of which $55,-
ooo is for salaries.
Cnnndii Crying for Labor.
Montronl, .Inn. IS. Construction
. t
I " " s
of all
now railroad work on tfc
has boon suspended iJ
f , i... . ... """
iu "" &.-!. Biwuiiy oi inuor. rjM,
cjui iuumiKur Aiorse, or the Gnji
Trunk Pacific todny states that pi
ior mo resumption or work thronjl.
out tho whole length of tho propoi
lines at tho earliest possiblo datem
being perfected, oven If labor hadu
uo orougnt irom tiio antipodes, Tl
iirouieni nas uecomo a very serloa
ono In certain parts of tho couabr
ami ii is ieit mnt nothing but the la.
portntlon of forolgn labor, of Jipi.
noso or omer nntonniity, win mw
me neeu nn enablo Important pli
for tho betterment of tho entire U-
minion to bo carried out.
aiontrcnl lias Chinese PoUcenw.
Montreal, Cnna-dn, Jan. 18.L
Johnson, n Chlnnman, has bj
sworn In hero ns a special consUW
Ho will pay pnrticulnr attention ti
tho Chlneso qunrtor and will cirry
revolver nnd badgo. Ho Is familiar
with nil tho Chlneso gamblers ui
tho men who run tho opium resortt
so thnt tho chief of pollco depttli
on him to clean up tho Chinese dl
Only $SU00 for calendHraT
Owl's koIhk a few.
The lato shah of Powla left SOO
wives. This enow where the lata
ItrlKunm Young mado u mlstnko In
looatlng Ida poU'gnmous state.
Iletweon tho fear of their oonstlt
uunts and a Demooratle governor's
vetoes the lojclilttture may do fairly
It Is announced from London that
th shah of Persia la dead, but the
noa has been kopt from tho people
Ww suppose they loved him so tholr
grief would bo Inoonsolablo.
Tlywe eotumltteea arrt appointed to have a se4 ey ume. draw big
ray and Iwua things as hy find them.
Wbea no om has etmrged any dlsorepauolee there uro no dlsorepan-
v,, ,w ,.,Tv,uSm U1BV anyone warns to Know anything about.
Th true toHkm for Ihrt leglshturo to take U to urder m Invent.
THlTlXVI 8m0 WUl ,,l'oh4r8, ,ul u P"lriH to auttalu them.
Thor Is filctton bHweeu some of tho past offloIaU of the tat fair
btmrJ and charge ot rrmneous bookkwplng aro made. 1UT IT M
Hut If Ibro am to hj any Investigations whatever, the true position
for tb IcelflstMr to take It to order Inre&tlg&iloaa ojr Whr there aro
-,,- mHMf wikius q warrant an inquiry.
The legltUturo U (o be congratulated on Ita spasm of, HKFUSM.to
.. ; . . -- v" i..mv, , bmu futm junKeting trips to
ota turta o( the atate iuwly to bfe blghold Una.
U I o b hool that opami m etuliiM after the weal?.
Hero's a Iondon physlolan who
says let tho ohlldren cat candy. It'a
suro to prevent consumption. Candy
trust getting In Ita fine work?
What pllly atuff soma writers aro
guilty of palming off as wisdom upon
a gullible public! Count Tolstoi la
now orodltcd with the statement that
all Christian countries will bocoino
TOsaals of Japan and other Astatic
countries. It U a well-known fact
(Spoelnl Leglslaturo Lottor to Port
land Oregonlan.)
More thnn $f.B0,000 will ho nsked
of tho loglsluturo by educational In
stitutions this session nu Increase
of $300,000 over what thoy received
nt the hist session for the biennial
period. Demands of tho four normal
sohoola will he more than double the
total Hum allowed by the last legislature.
Domnnds of the several lustltu-t
tlons compared with tho sums re-1
mtlvotl In n.nli u .1... i. . . . I
. ... ,v uuuii mi uiu insi two years
nro as follew:
Monmouth .... .$110,000
""'In 10,000
Ashland CO.OOO
Weston 70,000
O. A. C 125,000
Kxper. Stn. Union 16,000
V- 0 250,000
aii uicr mis messed Land Kise Up and Praise Dr. Pierce's Family Medidntl
Common Gratitude Prompts This Sentiment In Favor of
Dr. Pierce' Medicines.
Inst year.
$ 36,000
h JIMw!!Lp(i0p,Vo' roa,1y,niul anxious to recommend Dr. Pierce's Medldsa;
havo themwlvea been cured, or somo friend or loved ono boa been cured
MMiIAinnH nV w . '' u t nK ol .H'1""'-' prompta such pertonia
.rh2'ted-.ELJ?f.re.:' "..ed,cIne8 ,00"! -ffllcte'd ones. Notwfihitiafii
hZSiiJl . .i V c"era 'a,e. in drug, and medicine itom.
hntnf. m t e8' Aet t,,elr,,,n,e continues to grow ns it could notm
iiclncs of more than ordinary merit
clncsUjdchVemnora IvTnl ,""""" "P.e .Dl?de P?" P': "
false. aTMdelauV n,! 1!) X. I .1' .-' ",.V.,"f..,i .""S1" . in? n"55B.
Journal oniVriniU ni.iV Vo. .i. i i J'UI"ISI1CU " iwh in tiio Laaies' iicmj
jiuurna. oi y iiuntleJpIila, yet the r en e h Drontnr tn..tm, .... . at,, .a J
IheTln0 LSsUSSSS: VK J!"5! V J?.P l J!n.ent obta.ncd.fUl
i--vw va ! ii iiiiiii. inim nw-Tirttn nn .-1 - . t ii: .. -..u.
i Doom, nnu it is ue cveu ioiiu
The Hallrovl Uautte baa collcsited th nu,., t .. . ....
imiT, ':? fVimm " K wiuvKifiii .nIt smm,m
.., ..Hwvtiwk cr pulling coerDs r the wuntry have been rua.
tnlf r now sUea oa which diuir-f ,.. . ...
k Hwu lra orkM m uMMUaw ra
9CMttlrtlflM ay mim hto ordora ao their hv- ..
This U the htt niooih hi the
)rar to kinrt a MviMg account.
Vou ran ky It growing stead.
Ily hy tutting: off it trw ur.
ami uunrwwuy ewndlturf , ud
Wforo Ions you Hill uxxx Mc
mii to Mheti opportunity
kuiHk Mt your ilor. It ulll com,
uwfnl wnw day.
lu the uieautlme v.yrtf OolUr
dotHvjltctl to your tmllt ulll be
rttrulng lntcrtt.
Tlhi $670,000 $350,000
Normals havo been omboldonert
by the faat that tho last approprla
tton bill containing money for them,
along wth other Institutions, was not
voted down hy tho peoplo last Juno
whn the bill waa submitted to refer
So they aro coming back, declarlnp
that tho people of Oregon want the
normals continued and aro therefore
willing to pay for them. They point
out that tho normals aro greatly
hamper! for lack of funds for main
tenanco and for buildings. Nono of
them has buildings enough nor ewt
vnnugn ana ail need dormitories.
The rrt normal appropriation
.n. appeared Tuesday, when Ron
resentatlvo Uarrett. of Umatilla, In
troduced to bills for Weston, on
for $3S.000 for maintenance and an
other for $U,000 for a dormitory
Tho Monmouth school has made hi,
a statement of its needa.amountlng to
which U three times Ita allotmoat of
Tho first bill fo, roflev f6r h
Monmouth normal tthmi ... ...
dueed today In the hoM by McCal-
.. rwK. iwoTjaiBE $lovoo for t
ciaw and manual tralaiag bHlldlne
jud $.0e0 for a tXrW dormUory
Ma Mum of the Maooi. to cost
$40,000. will ptovw, fn ,"
other bill.
Tho Draia MBei deaRd has not
yet ben prfMeated. aad na,A...
Uv Jaekon aad Cay. of rw,..i..
couaty. q xhteh It Is .w. ..-
sar that It has not bwa dlded on.
JJudgtd from their attitude. It win
r..ll.. i.. 1 I ' -"-""" MIHIUOV U U
Z:. V" " XV cmn,ul largely to the fact of Dr. Pierce's onen. bo
itu IIUU IKIlPfl inn nmnn.i,In. r i.i i! ... .-'- -" ': ".- -. ..j
all who u , : '" ,,,,ulc'",a openly and above board, w
placed .aTr,?,;:," " .MT .taking, lima they.
oatent m.iii,,: .;i. ''."?"" """ cannot ie considered as either ms
wav of treniin . i.T. , , ,A i "" l" ulp ac ot Ur, 1'icrco's open, now
tn?st 1, him ?,.',,! ,?n?"ml mJ "!8 b' Posing conlldence in thoieibf;
n I w, I .?"d J" ..l,d,n?.. Hi' in no secrets to withhold from lt-
paSJiTc;,,,M for ihey ore " r e
cinM-'tlqdfln Medlral DlaSviVJi ..i ' " '.lr: J;:" fYD JSfi
'ravontei'nwcrlDtlon'riim-iV ' '. ' "-.,? miiy aiiosiea or "
Brian. Uw "nswer is 7h',. -rM. ' of ,,,?,,lc,l testimonials contrlbuuaj
jMlctJi)lQ0v;rnviJ .l,tw. fig lfl R?Kfn PAh-nta who have bwn curtlW
xiiktieos and dlstreislns'Otf
ir. nerco's Favorlto itmcti
Sl ItOI leUt!irr)l,a. n.-tlnfiil tmrlrull IrMUl
HIPS, nroltliuns n nH ndipr (INnllMSK!
nr.hlii ..I ... . ...- -- r . .
"' "" uii-rraiinn nr iifArn ni uinnrHi rev.
-auicout tlons, often after many other adTtrJ
inrosu bronchial tuhi. inm.'.-rrr: '""F'nw naq lajiea. ....
ana DUddercurinsr a larao iMnv'ntL r :" tnoM world-famed medleiBi
catarrhal casJij wbth"?hdlt"tfe.fr rrho.lr ma,1. ul from the Bly(to
iku urn t....i Km. .. r. - iiaL'is (ii iiniivrt fnAiiipiirni rcxiu. j
.. . . : "i.. '.
t;Tn in th chroneor iilcrntlvA it!. r"rr . l on 9r 8"lll chemuu
'lln affecting curVs: In faTt oidPn ' fPPH?VJ ixvlallydwlgnea
Medical DUcovery -i without dkuti ti.2 (or, t,.,l' purpose. Roth ineJ
tKwtucomUxZuontml V',2 fnt''y, freo from alcohol an
all forms of tairhal dlsU kSSlrt S ' ft?.""?.1' MWMonnliig drug
modern mn.ll.1 ...i:. .'?"" tO llSt O tllrtlr lnrrr.wllar.tj la nrlnl
Nml Catarrh llf.&waSt.frh fi U,r r wrappers. They are ha
fluid should ba usfoforwKuiim iX o( s.,ch. "aUv wllcln rooW
eleaiuluf out the nasal ,?, 'i-.S'! "lvel tho strongest endorwa
Uktne th 1 nr.. . t---z-H -. nuun p
cleansing and sixmiIB hVT, m.! he mot pnunlnent writers on
tho stmncrest rndoraS.'
,,..'.. --"-----. T..... M
iaB ior ineir curative virtu"
"" nu stxMimc liMtinp nif.V. . .,,M",,, pnunlnent writers uo , tti
upon the lniiwtillHiri"vf'"5 "JTta .VIlni In thN Mntr. Uhntill
eomhliuwi T.Vi: :VV"" """"raaM. TliU n,ir .' - .1 IT"" .' .M i .Urni
CMiof chninlpni..! .!..?' I.,ie w Vt Cisllv lcm..l K nrlln. vour
Tl-.V. Ha
,TJ, IV. ' .
rUIch m
fc-u tvniuiieu, containing copious -
n,wm i i i" inim niim.mifa SI.H.I.PH mmu a
mnu anl ir.i..i.iJTM!?,.0r"W- which ar pontiiltMi . .uthorlH '
nc nu, powvrrul, rot ci ?. .i lnyiclans of tho several scheolj r
lng,.lnlftXratlnl.i....iyrVR) l't- t ce forthnlr riil,l...,...ln nrMTriWs
llVLdZ Ls.?:'i."tTo.U.U Apoita-l crdm1
Kaorlto Piwp,?., ' :V'' ' .,r . tlo a. Ynu ili l..v. t .U. .MolrUDM'
n.,.t .-:..'" ' i ,i ..r. .-.-r" " "."-:. u.fi
:r s say-o a vo iuo -- a
nieuicines to cut "
a clrl tlmiirh fliHHr
". ,V' . ""." J. 1, . I,f
. a viia iibvm iiiviii rvrri irti ini mr -r -
i..i. ""raii oi lhA . .J. " . v-'" ...,-.-, j)a
--.. ...."tu a nost or tin load nir inMiicai -
ur. iVrce Mlorre that ..r . I teachers. Send for thlJ
ffw-w alMued Ih 7L".? ip. Asaerlrto testlmoSr It can be wd np?,
KrisJr 5..-7isrjNS; aj";"1 uu-
GTO,WbTfcuvJow!l.l!?r cur tho dl.eao. One -1VIW L
toL'.IT!".. "h ha nn. I?,. STw JastaUve. and two a raw
!lm rtSJ L tomVelT timlc fStn ""ii " A1!??-
t&iSS'AW' JTve PJlUl Put P
- w woaiaa"! many jeSSu ?. "" "r-coatd granuIee-eaT '