fefr ?'' '"r -ryjgrr" tjwkjim" "sf jsb "" - " ' ,'ss7 " i ' . .v " wvryF?v "Tv ' r --i -r 'ijf' 'v. -tirn. IlAItf OH SNOW TO SSSlYl WARMER ,SlOSATUBDAy;AVAIWIEU , T ' X 8HOOND l)ITIO, 4 P. M. D AIL Y GAPJIAL . JOUBN AL. rnL. XV. 'SALHM. ORHQON, FI11DAY, JANUARY 18. 1007. NO. 16. EARTHQUAKE HORRORS rrrr: LEGISLATURE LOBBY REDUCED TO MINIMUM BY DIRECT PRIMARY GREATER EARTHQUAKE HORRORS Shocks Are Being Felt in Portions of Southern EuropeKingston Details St. Petersburg, Jan. 18. Two so- we earthquako shocks were folt at 5 o'clock this morning nt Kuba, in the orcrnment of Baku. Havana, Jan. 17. Admiral Ev- im' wireless' dispatches to tho cruis er Columbia lioro states that a huge tidal wave haB changed tho coast lino i ot Jamaica on tho entire south side The ilte of Kingston Is under water. I id It Is reported that thoro Is uo j birlcft. Tho whole coast Is sinking. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 17. A wlroloss from Evans was received at Capo Henry has been transmitted to Wash ington, D. C. Tho messngo sunt pre sumably relates to Kingston. Ouantnnamo, Cuba., Jnn. 18. Roar-Admiral Davis, in a wlroloss report to Admiral Evans, says tho battleships Indiana and Missouri and tho torpodo destroyer Whippla are at Kingston and havo supplied all tho lint und dressing thoy could spare for tho GOO injured. It sayH: "Four hundred aro dead." Ho Bont tho Whipple back to Guantnnnmo, whoro she was duo nt 10 o'clock last night, but has not ;yot arrived. Sho carrios full details of tho dlsuster. GREAT EXPRESS ROBBERY Thief Walks Off With i$65,O0 in Bullion A Chicago High Financier Only Got Two Million Continued on olslitn paso.) , sua OS 3IV PEOPLES STORE1 BARGAIN HOUSE MIGHTY BARGAINS KTOFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK WWES COATS and SUITS TWs season's latestjg ar- nts. Priced away dswn. jM9 8ultt, s&ie price...! 8.10 jl. Sulti, ule price... Slo.M . Brits, salt prlee... $12.60 JM.ll galU. mU rlc... $15.80 MMI Coats, mIi prise. ..$ 8.9 ". Coats, wl. prlM...lt.0 0.0CoftUMUprlce,12f59 CkHirWi i Md Mig. CMt8 Htlf PrW. Jm Jw. About Half Prise. T.lSIk PttloaU, yrlM M.E0 .f Wilt LaW Watet. . . ,f YtH l Vhlte Lawn Wals'tV, 69c Kk Mi Wilu Lawn Waists, .76o 93c lWt LJ. .-. --.. g-incn wmo e wy, yard 4C DRESS GOODS tt ssmom's latest stytes waydswn. JrmOoo4., prleeyd..26c iSSr,0ooda.rtcayd..4So lllin 0ood. Prwyd..5c g2, Ooodi, prtoayi.. 98o oi VtMM' CalleoM and llUsu AH Reduced. HQEPERS' GOODS W7' Jorta. Table Linens. Towai,, Bed Spread.. Jt7JvTfcUn and Sllkallaea M'SSu, FINE DRESS SILKS Prices away ctevvn.. SSo FinTaKta 811k, yd 49c 4So India Silks, yd 2ic 86c Fine Pongee Silks, yd... 49c 76o PUid Mlka, yd 49c $1.60 yard-wide TaKela. 811k. 98a SI. 16 Black Silk, PAX U Sele.SCc Remnants of Silk, Half Priei. LADIES' .HOSIERY :? AND UNDERWEAR A mifhty strong Kim: to select from. Prices cut away down. Lad lea' 39a U&dwrwear, prlM.25c ldlea 8Se Uaiarweftr, yrlM.49c Lalea' 1S BUek Bioektexs. ,10c Ladles' 2e BUtek etekUca.l2c Better Oaee at SmtM Prkes. Chlldrea's 29e Vweenrew.. ..10c Ckildrwi's 26c Uwfcwveejr. . . .15c OblWrea'e 36e Udnrear. . . ,25c Oklldren's 18a Deafcle Ribbed Heee 10e Sjlesdid Uaea at 124e,18c and 26c MEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR SScTleece Llaed Usdeiwear, price ., , 39c 75c Fleece Lined Underwear, price 45c SI. 50 HTy Wool Underwear, price 98c Uen'a 25c Wool Sox, prlco..l5o 15c Heavy Black Sex, price.. 10c BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! In the following departments: Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Laces, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, etc. 9 San Bernardino, Jnn. 18. About $6500 of gold bullion was stolon from tho Wolls-Fargo Express Com pany's truck at Barstow this morn ing. Tho metal was bound for San Francisco. Whllo tho messenger was busy unloading tho express matter tho thlof selected the valuable box from among hundreds of packages, and, putting it on his shoulder, walked away. It is believed ho burled tho bullion, and thero Is small chanco of capture. SELLW00D OFFICER SHOT By Burglars Who Escape In Cover of Snowstorm SECOND WEEK OE OREGON LEGISLATURE "Vnlsh Honk Full lire. Chicago, Jan. 18. Tho fodornl grand Jury today returned an Indict ment asalnst John R. Walsh on 182 counts, alleging that ho fraudulent ly applied over ?2,000,000 to his per sonal account upon fictitious and un secured paper, and that upo,n "memorandum notes" dispensed most of this Illegally gained cash to his Industrial properties, princi pally tho Illinois Southern, the Southern Indlnna and tho Wisconsin & Michigan railroads. Tho Chicago Chronlclo 1b mentioned nB having re ceived $-10,000. It is charged ho dIJ so without tho knowledgo or consont of tho directors or ofllcinlB of the bank. Tho clearing houso commltteo only renllzod a llttlo over S800.000 from sales of Walsh Industrial stocks and bonds. ARKANSAS TRUST BUSTERS Portlnnd, Jan. 18. In a battlo In tho snow storm with a hlghwaymnn caught cracking tho snfo at tho post ofllco nt Sellwood. a suburb, onrly this mornlnjr, Policeman A. O. Soron Bon was twice-shot In 'tho log. Tho bandit escaped. A posso wont in pursuit, but hli tracks woro lost in tho snow. Tho man who did tho shooting wns one of throo burglntv who were trying to brouk Into tho postofllco about 3:05 a. m. As Sorenson approached tho post ofllco a shot was fired by tho mombcr of tho gang who acted as lookout, while tho othor two woro forcing an ontranco. Tho bullet wont through hlsv$ht ankle. Soronson Instantly flied, but tho burglar dodged quick ly, and nil threo took to lllght. Sorenson mado Ills way painfully to tho nearest tolophono nnd notified headquarters, having in tho moan tlmo picked up tho trail of tho throe men in tho snow. A largo forco was sont out, following tho clearly marked trail which leads toward thj) city. Big Lobby Reduced As Result of Direct Election of Senaters i ,-, , Tho Bocond weok of tho Oregon tooa to investigate Tho sennto Is loglslaturo which opons next Monday ' supposed to bo vonsorvatlvo nud SALARY MEMBERS CONGRESS Compensation Is Raised Fifty Per Cent Per Annum Washington, Jnn. 18. Tho houto by a vote of 133 to 92 voted to In crease their salaries from $5000 r. year to $7500. Tho senato pasBOd a Jamaica relief bill. tA1Jw vjunsMrr mowmm storm. ?CEY0Y BROS. CftfJMr Of CftsMMf- cUi ta Cwrt Stmts Hnuta Fo Cnve-In. Stockton, Jan. IS. Tho cavo-ln of tho Santa Fo's tunnel between Frank lin and Oporto, in Contra Costa I county is moro Bcrlous than at first reported. Tho tunnel is a mllo and Demand Immense (Sun h Xm." 2$28l of a mllo long. Thero is a small cave-in In tho cast end of tho tunnol. Tho spaco between tho two Is filled with gas, which must be pumped out Suits ucfre repairs can bo mado. Officials and 200 men are at tho tunnol ready i to go to work as Boon as thoy can Penalties From the Bis Four Littlo Rock, Ark., Jan. for alleged violation of 18. anti-trust laws in this stnto were filed this morning against Armour & Co., the Water8-Plorco Oil Co., tho Hammond Packing Co., Morris & Cudahy Pack ing Co., in an amount agregatlng SI, 833,000 each, and enter. All traffic la tied up. Demand Fair Trial. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 18, The Federation of Minors this morning tho Judgments donte(i resolutions critlclslnc the asked are In the nature of penalties. I governor of Co,orado for whot B Governor Davis retired this morning temed tho unwarranted prosecution and Governor Little was inaugural- of Moyer Haywood and Pcttlbono. ed. Davis will be elected to the son- ,,, mn,llHnn ,wr,A,,. ..if i f I W WMV " ff w- I ate next Tuesday. LOST IN SNOW STORMS. nt 2 p. m. will bo ono of tho most thrilling Interest to tho people. On Tuesday will bo tried tho great ex periment of electing United Stales Bonntors, as Bolcctcd by tho direct voto of tho people Mulkoy for tho Bhort term nnd Ilourno for tho long term will bo mailed by tho general assombly "according to program" of tho direct primary lnw. Tho Dalles papor and othor local imperii aro fighting tho election of Rouriio, and thoro Is talk of petitions to release mombors from tholr pledge under Stntomont No. 1, but no bucIi peti tions aro materializing. Presont in dications nro that, without tho pres ence of cither of tho cnndldatos at Salem, both w.111 bo elected by tho loglslaturo without n dlHsontlng voto. No I,ouly I fen. A marked fenturo of thin session Is tho abnenco of tho professional lob byist. A fow of tho old-tlmors and scattering of federal officials clus ter about tho stato Iioubo like strag gling boes cliiHorlng about a spot whoro tho Bwiirm was oncu nettled, but has abandoned for other Holds Not only Is tho lobby "abwosond," as thoy Buy In Gorman, bit tho cool ness with which tho loglslaturo has sat down upon tho Innumerable grafts known as Joint investigating commlttcos and clerkships, which wns a necessary adjunct or tho old way of eloctlng Bonntors, is another pointer. Thoao grafts harbored tho professional lobbyists by tho scoro under tho pay ot tho stato, but in reality thoy woro hero to Btoer somo country member for tho senatorial roundup. At least two hundred of this class aro not needed, and honco with a great cry of reform thoy havo boon awopt away. Rig Fights Coining. Thoro is still n battlo coming in tho senato over tho special commlt- graftB dlo hard thoro. So many of thoso not provided aro Btnylng nt Sa eom or will bo back Mommy to boo It out, and still live In hopo that thoy yvlll bo provided for. Rut tho busl noss olomont of tho Honnlo will prob ably prevail, and It will bo a raco with tho houoo na to who can play tho economy gnmo best. Thoro aro politicians in tho sonata and houso. Rnllrqnd lobulation will bo1 fore casted In tho composition of tho standing committees, which will bo announced Monday, Tho anti-pass laws nro included in this class, and soma of tho in on who havo used pass es nearly all tholr lives havo seon a now light, and now realize tho awful nnd demoralizing Influunco of what thoy havo boon doing, No Iiivt'HdgnrioiiH Likely. Thoro Is Bomo newspaper talk about tho necessity of Investigating tho Stnto Land Hoard nnd tho Stato Fair Board. These aro tho only two instancos whoro any ono has mado any criticism, nnd n tho enso of tho &tnto Fair Hoard It 1b only u conflict In thoorlcH about bookkooplng, tho head officials challenging tho moat rigid examination of nil Its affairs, and tho complaining witness, M. D. Wisdom, not likely to prost his nowspnpor chnrgos, ItcpiiblirAiis RoxpoiiNlble. Republicans realize that thoy will bo rosponslblo for tho record mado nt this sosslon of the legislature Rut ono Democrat in tho houso loaves practlcnlly no Democratic party to put nny blame upon for anything that Is dono thero. There will bo practically no Democrats on commit tees on whom to place the blame for holding up or killing any bills, aa lias boon tho kind of dodging prnctlco In tho paBt. Republicans must vote the governor's vetoes up or down on merit, or assumo tho party responsi bility for tholr action, LUPER DIVORCE CASE It May Be a Breake On Too Quick Action wnrds and assorted that Lupor'a testimony was false, and the action for porjury was begun. At tho bo mo , tlmo an action was instituted In Judgo Burnott's court to roopen tho suit for divorce. Lupor was Indicted under two counts. The first was throws out ot court this morning on technical grounds, and tho othor is being tried, tho intention of tbo courts of Idaho to givo the accused men a fair and impartial trial. Their extradition is coHwwjr u. i.W( u-u "uu'l08t. but it is . understood that the and a disgrace to tho Jurisprudence , " UUk ...... ,. Tho trial of T, J. Luper, charged with porjury, is pending In tho dis trict court, beforo Judgo Hurnctt. In Itself tho case possos vory llttlo Jr,ter- of a free people.' prosecution, tho trJal and Us results may havo somo bearing on divorces In general, and may, have a tendency Miners Hurled in Foothills of South era California. Sanbernardino, Cal., Jan. 18. Fifteen miners aro imprisoned by snow and ice In Holcomb and Little Bear valley. Tho men have suffered --'-' , er In divorce cases. terribly from exposure. James MOTHS' TO ttf MBSlwry SWfWCt j Lupor was divorced from bis wife Monroe and Philip Arnold succeeded f WWW MB WTLfrMSMW MJJb ( jgBt Umraer, and tho action was In reaching here from Little Bear, ' 4Jf WBSJf PATNfeWM. FSW AWT j granted very larKflly on his own tes- mwi Q am. cwm. timony, alleging desertion. Mrs. sTk K ,M' m BOnorai, anu may, bhkm """"""j lf J I" llJlJI J to cause all tho courts to move slow after having hea Joe in snow storms. coimvwawhk Luper came forward soon after' LUMBER TRUST IS ATTACTED Washington, Jan. 18. 8onator Klttrldgo today attacked tbo lumbor trust as tho "most gigantic, exact Ing, soulelcss trusts of all tbo trust! that oppress tho people." Ho said the profits wer beyoad all reason; competition was wholly stifled, and a blacK list waiuiamea.