5 .' ;;, i fv. .r " 'Sirjprv, ' ; '. , , 4- rn. FAII? TONIGHT .: a r.r - i JOURNAL FIRST KDITION, 3 P. IS,Jr" vox SO COLD M4 SECOND EDITION, 4 P. M. n A TL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAUMC. OttMGOX. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1007 NO. 1G. THOUSANDS HOMELESS ''.". ' 'Y Illlj' AN INVESTIGATION OF THE STATE FAIR BOARD IS NOW DEMANDED ANTI-GRAr I PEOPLE IN CONTROL Quite a Strong Reform Tendency But It May Prove Short Lived From tho standpoint of economy nd importanco of loglBlution In gen eral, if tho record of tho first three day' work is followed out through out tho session, tho twenty-fourth liennlal legislative nssombly bids fair to smash all previous records. All rtro for Reform. Each member of both branched of the body, with somo exceptions, $b Tteing with tho other to bo first to Introdoce somo form ' 6f reform meunre, and tho Indications aro, an uprated by Representative Rodg er! darlne tho discussion upon the quettloa of tho adoption of tho nd rerw report of tho houso resolutions commlttco upon tho Medio Bpeclal Investigation commltteo resolution, It promises to bo nn ' "extraordinary legislature" In mores thun ono Bonso. "Wo aro nn extraordinary body of legislators,", ho Bald, "wo woro tho direct cholco of tho people, and aro In honor bound to protect tho In terests of tho people to tho fullest x tent of our ability." War on tho Calendar. Tho first Btroko nt paBt legislative oxtravlganccs was mndo almost sim ultaneously In tho houso and sona-.o Wednesday morning, when resolu- (Continued on page five) TT Sl W M W si. i n in u AGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE MIGHTY BARGAINS OFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK LADIES COATS and SUITS This season's latestjgar- ute. Priced away dvvn. HMO Suits, sale price... J 8.90 J1S.0 8ulU, sale price. . .$10.90 HMO Suits, sale price. . .$15.60 MM Suits, sale price... $15.80 jH.OI CoaU, uli price. . . $ 8.18 IJI.SI Coata, tale prfoe...$10.0 HMt Coats, Ml price. . .$12.Efl CWUrert aad MUw.' Coats, Half Prloe. Jur, About Half Prle. . Bilk Tettleoau, price $4,B0 wait Lawn TValata. Lawn WaUU, Uwn WaUta, ,D9o ,75c .98c tl.tl rkt Hit White rl WI Wklta Kk .... H .j. . .... ".'. ' - o-mca wme cm. wWrr, yard., 40 "NC DRKS GOODS ft suson's latest styles rnc wiy dawn. I Jf Good, prleey'd..25c i,!!?,M Qoc4, Price yd ..45c ,t, J""0'. price yd.. Ec OttlL 00Od8' Prlc yd..98c 7, ."!. Calico, and Bmi All Rodnced. "MttPERS' GOODS iiSl? Way down- W,!7' ort. Table Llneas, . Tow,. Bod Spread,. " Mea Towels 4c Uc, 8 l-sc, 10c and 12 o FINE DRESS SILKS Prices away down. SCo Fine Taffeta Silk, yd 49c 45c India Silks, yd 26c 85c Tint Pongee Silks, yd... 49c 75c Plaid Bllka, yd 49a 91.50 yard-wide Taffeta Bilk. 93c 11.36 Black 811k, Peau de Sole.35c Remnants of Silk, Halt Price. LADIES' HOSIERY'S AND UNDERWEAR A rmfhty strong Kne to select from. Prices cut away down. Ladle' 39c Uaderwear, prloe.25c Ladle' 85c Uaderwear, price. 49c Ladles' 18c Black Stoeklncs..lQc Lodla' 20o Black Stocklngs.l2c Better Oaea at Small Prices. Gklldrea'a 20c Underwear.... 10c Chlldrea'a 2Ge Uaderwear. . . .15c Child rea's S5c Underwear. .. ,2Cc Children's 18o Double Ribbed Hose 10c Spleadld llaea at 12e, 18o aad 25c MEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR 66c Fleece Limed Uaderwear, ' prloe 39c 75c Fleece Llaed Uaderwear, price 45c $1.50 Heavy Wool Uaderwear, price 93c Men's 25c Wool Sox. prlee..l5e 15c HeaTy Black Sox. price.. 16 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Ia the followUc departments: Laco Curtains, Rlbboas, Lacee, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, etc. SAMars Fuiatr awQwixa storm. 1CEY0Y BROS. Cmtiw of Cter ciil ui CMirt Streets SECOND SHOCK IS FELT Kingston Gets Anoth er Severe Quake. TUNNY ANTI-PASS "LAW Number of Dead and Injured Is Grewing: Greater Daily. Kingston, Jnmnlcn, Jan. 17. Not all tho American and English resi dents escaped. Tho rftst systematic search of tho ruins was started to day and revealed .tho bodies of a number of whites. Moro aro cor taln to bo found. United States Con sul Payno this niornlnc estimated 1000 dead, 2000 injured and 90,000 nro homeless. It Is likely tho United Stntcs government will bo cnllcd up on today for food. Evory will to tour ist Is In dancer on account .of tho lack of supplies. The natives can llvo on tho frulta of the Island; For tho tourists to resort to this will causo pestilence. Havana, Jan. 17. A second earth quake shock in Jamaica, as sovoro a3 tho first, Is roported today via Santiago. It Is said to have tumbled down tottering buildings, but thero Is no second fire. A gigantic tidal wavo has swept Annona bny, on tho north coast of Jamulca. It Is reported that tho whole coast lino was chanced, and a great strotch of beach has sunk In to the sea. Now York. Jan. 17. Tho xhorcs of tho harbor of Kingston uro sink ing. Thoro Is grent torror lost the city slip Into tho sea. Tho bed of the harbor Is sinking, and in many places tho water Is nl ready 100 feet deep. A correspondent cables from Hollnnd Bay: "Tourists filled thh streets until tho quako subsided. It was a queer quako. Tho city seemed to shrivel up. Buildings collapsed, filling tho streets with debris. The gas and olectrlc supplies nro cut orr uinzo In Cider Factory Threatened and tho flro department Is crippled " Kntlro yiant. Ho saw torrlblo scenes In tho streets, Tho Salem flro department again and counted 15 dead In King Btreot, dm heroic work last night at the and about 18 In Harbor street. ThelUinro which 6ccurred shortly after 8 Probably An Error In Word ing of the Bill Two nntl-pasd measures hnvo been Introduced before tho houso for con Lslderatlon, Keprosontntlvo Northrup, of Multnomah county, being tho au thor of one. and Roprosontatlvo Jack son, of Douglas, tho other. Both bills 'uro identical In tholr pro visions, generally speaking, but n lit tle oversight on tho part of Mr. Jack son, In tho preparation of his nieas uro, In his clause of oxcoptlons from operation of Us prohibitory provis ions, practically nullifies tho effect of tho ontiro bill. Mr. Jackson's bill prohibits tho is suanco of frco transportation to any porson by any railroad or other trnnH portntlon company, but excepts rail way omploycs, Inmates nnd attend ants of blcmosynnry, reformatory or ponal institutions, which latter are privileged to rscolvo a reducod rate, and" to the "United Stntcs nnd Stato of Oregon." This last clauso is con sldorcd to bo too indefinite, or prac tically without restriction or exemp tion, nnd tho wholo bill would bo of no avail, so far as the Intentions of Its author nro concorned, Mr. Jnck son's lnten'tlons,, doubtless, wero to provldo n speclnl rnto for national or stato troops or penco otllcora in cases of emergency, but tho bill docs not ho specify, nnd tho way It roads ns presented nny citizen of tho stato nnd United Stntcs would bo exempt from Its provisions. "Strictly speaking," facetiously re marked Attornoy-Goneral Crawford, Is discussing the measure "tho whole net would bo unconstitutional. It: that tho exemption section docs not Includo Europo, Asia, Africa and Australia, and may bo construed as "class legislation nnd undue discrim ination ns to tho nntlonas mentioned." DURBIN COURTS AN INQUIRY Into the Charges of Erroneous Book Keeping In State Pair Finances M4-4-4-4-fr-1444tfr44l-f44-eH44-e44HMI m . V. Ji. wlNUoin'H Uiini'gt'8. M. I). "Wisdom, editor of the Kurnl Hplrit, of Iorthuul, and fnv winy yearN Nccrvlnry of tlio Slnto Fair Hoard, In reviewing tho Imiiictnl report of Secretary V. V. Durliln, makes thin cluirgo of er- oneoiiN boekkeeping: 'ln nil there Is In round liiiiuberH $207:1 In Ms Mntomcnt thut 1ms ever 1mm.ii received, leaving' tho actual amount received, according m IiIh Hyfttem, $!, I'J, or JjtlHSO loss than paid out, and ho claims ;o hnvo money In tho treiiHiiry." Ifitiiiaiiiifmiiittiiiemi)iii0ii Ex-Socrctnry F. "W. Durbln, of tho Stnto Fair Board, demands that tho chargos of falsified bookkeeping, mado by Editor M. D, Wisdom, of tho Rural Spirit, bo Investigated by the loglslaturo, or that tlio "books1 bo ox nortcd by n competent accountant. and ho will abldo tho result. All ho asks Is that tho Investigation bo thoroughly mado and tmpnrtlftl. Durbln CourtH InvcMtlKAttmi. Mr. Durbln snyB: "As far rh I am concerned, Icourt the .meet rigid In- "(Continued, on Page B.) CHICAGO SEVERELY AFFLICTED BUILDING DAMAGED IIY FIRE. police estimate tho dead at 1200. Wnshlngton, Jan. 17. Tho Rod Cross Society will send supplies to Kingston. . Flvo thousand dollars' worth aro ordered from Now York by tho first steamer, nnd others are following. Kingston, Jnn. 17. Tho totnl es timated loss is $25,000,000. A statuo of Queen Victoria has been completely reversed, -wholly unin jured, nnd now faces the parade. ' London, Jan. 17. The king has started a relief fund for the quako sufferers with a $5000 subscription. A ship sails with supplies for Kings ton tomorrow. Jf It can get ready. Washington, Jan. 17. An ofllclal o'clock In tho Stoltz elder and vino gar works, on Mill street, and suc ceeded In extinguishing tho flames, which threatened tho entlro plant, beforo any great damago was done. Tho flro Is thought to havo caught In tho business ofuco, whero a fire had been loft, and in a short time had onvoloped tho lower floor of tho bottling building. T. G. Albert, who saw tho blnzo first, being unablo to got water from tho frozen plpe, quickly turned In tho alarm, and tho flro depnrtment, responding prompt ly, mado tho run In flvo minutes and found tho roof and sides of tho build ing, enveloped In flames. Ry good work tho company succeded In con fining nnd extinguishing tho flro In tho bottling building beforo much damage was done In tho upper story, but tJio lower floor was almost a BLIZZARD NEW YORK FLOODS Some Things Are Worse Than a Legislature Chicago, Jan.. 17. An epidemic of scnrlot rover, dlphthorla, measles, ty phoid and tuberculosis In this city has reached such alarming propor tions that today tho health depart ment called for 100 extra Inspectors for omorgoncy work. Seventy-six now cases of scarlet fever nnd 30 cases of dlphthorla wero reported to day, making 300 casoa of scarlot fovor and 2000 of dlnhthcrla. Othor diseases havo Increased accordingly. MUNN SAYS HE WAS ABSENT Now York, Jun-. 17. 'J'lioro Irt :v hard blizzard hero today. Rail nnd wlro communication is practically knocked out. Thoro Is a heovy wind from tl0 sea at a tomporntnru of 11 degrees above zero. dispatch yesterday was misread. " wrccfc now ones indicate tnat Aumirai uv- TJ)Q obb hoB not bcon n8CCrtained, ans did not sail for Kingston In pcr-,but Mj gtolz placca tho darnages nt son, but sent Rear-Admiral Dav,a(rom ?1000 to $2000. It Is thought with the destroyer Whipple. and the. fc th& roachnory ,B not imaged battleships Missouri and Indiana. lintrwnil repa,p Mff stoltr at tho -" -T-TVxi t,mo of th0 flro ,a8fc ovon,nB, waa ,n ff4 I F fflffvi attendance at a meeting of the Mac ll J m I V-VrVJIcabeo lodge, and, na tho signal was MTTW T X4& uawme iTn r. given for the -wromr ward, ho did not vmN Hi WILL Umn ALL leavo the lodge hall to ascertain the Mum MMr rAlMTJi. FOR ANY .IpmUob of tho fire, no says mo nro ALL ef Ml. COdK. company deservo work lat Iat pralso for tholr Chicago, Jan. 17. Mrs. Sylverster Munn, wlfo of a mining man nt Dls bt'o, Ariz., wan fonnd dead at tho Midland hotel this morning, where tho couple registered on Christmas day. Tho pollco aro Investigating. Munn pays ho was abBont from tho hotel all night. e Chicago Murkctff, Chicago, Jan. 17. Wheat, 7C 77,fc, corn 4434G, oata 37 v NovelUt Htlll Live. Now York, Jan. 10. Tho tourist agency estimates over 2000 Ameri cans wero visiting Klugston at the time of tho qtiako. Dispatches thb afternoon say tho city is practically ruined. Tho dead aro estimated at 300. Loss $15,000,00. Later cal. culatlona will probably Increase this. Communication Is partially restored Fatalities aro confined mostly to tbo natives, Tho English nnd Amerlcau tourlBU lost most of their personal effects. Most of the. hotels wero destroyed. Wvunsvlllo, Jnd., Jnn. 17. Thu. greatest flood for years Is cortnln horo. Wnrm rains continue, nnd thousunds of ncroH uro flooded. Llvo stock Is marooned on high knolls nnd starving. Clnclnnntl, Jun.' 17. A dispatch from Pnckersburg says tho rlvor H rising nonrly three Indies an hour. Thoro Is no Blgn of nbntlon, and more rain Is predicted. Thousands nro In convonloncod, and over 100 aro al ready homeless. WHAT STATES DOING Lincoln, Neb.. Jnn, 17. A bill wus Introduced In tho sonato today forbidding tho employment of chil dren undor 16. Another bill was In troduced which provides that any In surant company removing a suit to tho fodornl court will forfeit Its llcenso to do business In tho stato. Dos Moines, In., Jan. 17. The legislature listened' to tho inaugural address of dovornor Cumin Ins today. Ho Ib tho leader of tho tariff revolu tionists In tho Contral West, and ha a strong following among tho agri cultural parts of tho country. Othor states: South Dakota 19 Investigating tho record of U. S. Sen ator duraulo beforo rc-oloctlng him- Delaware electa II, A, Rlchnr. Dead lock In Rhodo Island. Win. A. Smith chosen In Michigan. M. M. Crane elected In Massachusetts. Honry H. Burnham re-elected In Now Hump shlro and Win. P. Fry ' Malno. 1 xawuTATWK now.