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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
J IK' WORLD OF WHITE and Aaa&fti Qcai aacc Sale Ofkci Wrgaims of cfi carctef , If mweit now, wifl ote ofrtetaaWe later at 1cm tlxao tegulte pdcs. DWt let weather coarfKJoo deter yotf tficre'sino time like tfee fOmaU OUK SUBTIl CONSECUTIVE TODAY ONLY or (odny wo offer n Hue lino of atiuidanl ntro COMFORTS In wanted weight find shades. Every ono worth M.GO each. Wednesday Only Nena nold until a a 8:30 v, m p I I v SILK BARGAINS Great In value, email In price. Your wnrdroho enn bo nugumont ed nt a small cost durlntc this money saving event; 8Gc and 1 Hlack Taffeta ID to 21 India wldo. Half Cloaranco rate Price Ilannot & Co.'n fainnui French TAffow 19 Inch fl.OO VAlllO Clearance nolo Blank 93c 36lnch Mack Taffeta valuo guaranteed Iloftulnr fl.OO vnluo- $1.10 Gloaranco nle CITY NEWS tt WB(bst'tsWbf'Wi W W,VT,sn Wst - 1 Yt aTMLlJLiaaitMi4 Tm Cm M tHn We At tho MWtnlll, on short nolle. liiM 81. 11-lT-tf. (lot Tlirw Place South Hnlvni has fared well In this legislature. Im Aelieson, Al Njro and Chna, Williamson have secured pUeod. Now Malinger 13, C. Johnson, latti of Oskatoon, Ja., Is tho naw manager of tho Went ra Union Tvlcgrnph Go. In this city. I)wUUtwrt People Wanting flratalaaa board and room can be accommodate at (40 Capital street. Thrte blocks from the elate house, 41 WW Urn Pnmk Iiijumi While descending tho stair from the lodge room of tho ForrvUr la vonlng, William Prunk, the well kaowu drug oUrk In tho Hprry drug tor, slipped and fell, whloh result 4 In the dislocation of his right THE MOST PAYING SAVING Tan relief you get In properly At ted glta tuoro than pays for tbetn tit rt few wwks. K mall vlts of nerve force It 6t wore Vttlu than Ike mvIbk ot a ra sum ot money. THE EYES Control a Urg pr nwt of the awrd toico of tho human body. BARR'S JEWELRY STOfiE SHOE SPECIALS From our lino of famous shoos, Evory pair In this salo Is worth tho regular prlco so your saving In almost half. Hotter choose quickly to cot tho beat results. Broken linos In Ladles' shoes, Patent Lenthor, Blucher Cut. Rg- ular 3.00 vnulcs. Special $1.95 Ilrokon lines In our famous Plngroo shoes for womon. Regu lar $3.00 values Special $2.95 Men's Slippers Our ontlro lino to chnoao from embracing nit tho best stylos nnd lwithors nro Reduced One-Third Men's Shifts Blses range from 14 V4 to 1 C Mi lingular $150 nnd $2.00 values. Special $1 Glotlimg Needs Your clothing needs can well bo supplied during this sale nnd you will anvo considerable. They nro the newest nnd boat stylos nnd fabrics. Entlro lino at CLEARANCE PRICES tei&d&i shoulder Ho was taken buck to tho lodgu hall, whom tho dlslocutluu wna reduced by Dr. O. 11. Miles. Tho lie J u rod man Is doing nicely, but It will bo suvurnl days before ho will bo able to roauuiu his work. U. of II. Installs Ontrri Al tht regulnr iiiuuIIiik of Sulem odg No. Ill, I), of II., tho following uttlowrs wero Inalnlled for tho term uudlng Juno 30, ll07: I. C. of II., Mrs. Mnrgarettu Woat; C. of 11., Mrs. Anna H. Miller; U nt II., Mrs. Villa Duvoy; 0. of C. Mrs. Huslo I'lirniont or; rueorder. Mrs. Iiurn A. Sell wiH)d; llnuuolor, Mrs. Mary Tliutoh or; receiver, Mrs. Carrie Holmes; slaim- ushur, MIm Hylvln VUwko; In nnr wateh, Mrs. Ann Van Wnguar; outaldtt watch. Mrs. Nettle MoFud den. o MNK HTAH IiKOIHImTI()N. l.Mik Ihibloua fur tho lteelecllon of lUlley. Austin, Jan. 18. tlovernor On in p. bull waa inaugurated ywtenlay. Tiu dWptMlllon ot the llallejr lnviattg Hon iHluton waa Inlerrupled by tho Inaugural eermoHle. but net UHllI the hoM kd aduttttw) n reo lullon ealllng tin tho attorney geueral to submit doeuinents, pn(Hrs, ele., In his postlnn bearing uiton llalloy's trust atnilatlon. It la regnrdrxl a vic tory for tho autl-Ualti1tA. ' o Tto Mnury Murder. SeattU. WahM Jan. ItS Charl otto Whtttlea)', the 19.yMro)d Klrl over who Chettef Thewpstm waa Madly lafatUAtett when he shot Judge Kmor)', the glrl'a uncle, aa called to the Hand this mornlug. Loiter and oHtr urllleu by the bet) to the girl wera latrdued In her proseaee, whleh attracted a targe crowd. -- O ii i.i... IhiUllclly for (AnMrnHuu. BaorameiitQ. Cat., Jan. U.Attho lastaaeti of the Oallfurnla Preaa Ao olatleji a bill was today Introduce itt the auembly prvvldltig that nil lusurttHM and bauklns corporations wuu adriH-U annually In ever) touuty lu which they da buslueaa their (ull annual statements. lrttk "avrWllc Arid. Twa, Jan. 16 Mr. Mathilda Vwtl, proprlett of n roowlng Rouw, draug carbolk acid ymerdaA by mlaUk and 4ltd U halt an hour She leavw to children. SBkM IIUVSM BVA SBllilJfl 3r OUeVtAJj JOOTUTAIt aAMM. qk-oo HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. Members Provide the Usual Supplier of Mooks, Postage, Ktc. TJio houso was called to order at 10:45 n. m. After roll call tho morn ing session waa opened by prayer by Hov. W. H. Solleck. Ilei)roeentatlvo8 Vawlcr, of Jackson and Farrell, of Multnomah, bnvlnfc boon called home, woro excused. Tho houso then passed to tho reso lutions, which woro rend nnd refer red to tho committee on resolutions, R8' follews: Uy Adams, creating resolutions of flvo members. Uy Purdy, requiring coplos of the code bo furnished niombors and desk officers. Dy Newell, croatlng resolutions committee of flvo membors. Uy Btcon, restricting privileges of floor of houso to moinbcra, omcor nnd pross representatives. I)y Clark, crontlng resolutions com inltteo of flvo members. Uy Ilodgers, requiring secretary of stnto to furnish mombors with copies of rodes. cnlondars, Journals, etc. Uy Ilodgors, rulos of houso of 1905 BosHlon apply to prosont sosslon. I)y Knowlos, dlreotlng chief clerl: to notify sonnto that house Is organ ized and ready for business. Hy Fnrroll, to cconomlzo In iBSiie nnd UBo of stnmps, pnpor wrappors, nowspapor nllowances, etc. Ily Slushcr, allowing each mom bor to select flvo nowspapors. Uy Itothchlld, providing for print ers pages. Uy 1 requiring secretary of stnto to furnish enoh member with 200 2-cent stamps und 100 1-eont postago stamps. Uy Dyofl for opening of sosslon by prayer. ' Ily Ilarrott, requiring socrotnry of stnto to furnish mombors with 2B0 2-cent, 100 1-cont stamps nnd newspaper wrappers. f'onciirriMit IliwolutloiiN. Uy McCue, Joint eonimlttoo of live to oxport records In slato Innd de partment. Ily Knowlos, commltleo or six to Investigate conditions of Columbia rlvor for purposes of. legislation. Ily Jonos, of Polk nnd Lincoln, for a. commltteo of flvo to' Inspect books and records of board nt commission ers ot tho Lewis and Clark fair. Hy Farroll, comulttoo of flvo to meet with llko commltteo from Wash Ington regarding conditions on Co- lumbln river Hy Dovorldgo, conlmltteo to Inves- tkato manner ot conducting stnto printing offlco past two years. Ily Smith, to Investigate transpor tation and facilities ns pertains to commerce. Ily Deutgon, commltteo of flvo to luvostlgnto records of penitentiary. Hy Hrown, commltteo ot flvo to tnvestlgato secretary of state records. Hy llothehlld, for Joint committee of live to wnlt upon V J. Dry an und ivtcort him to platform to deliver ad dress, ut 10 o'clook on morning ot January 24th. Hy Jnokaon, committee to Invest! guto Insane asylum. Hy Juekson, commltteo to Invostl guto soldiers' home at Hosuburg. Ily llothehlld, committee to visit nnd investigate Stnto University. Hy Hrown, providing for prlntor'n pa go. Ily Huntley, committee to Invostl- gnto Statu Laud Hoard. Joint llfAolutlon. Hy Newell, requiring dorks to fur nlsh own typewriters, and only male clerks to be employed. Hy Davoy, to amend constitution to glvo legUlaturo power to enact tax exemption legislation. joint memorial, ny ., per taining to military wagon road. Motion by Heverldgo court elea of house extended to oxOovernor T. T. deer. Introduction Houv Hills. Motion of Jones, of Polk and Lin coln, to suspend rule and read bills by title only on first reading, lost Hy Hnrrett.Vashlngton, to amend code. Hy Chanln, to regulate transporta tion and commerce. Uy Settlemlor, to rgulato aale ot Intoxicating liquor. n Settlemler. to protect nursery men and stock. Hy Uarrett, Vahlc(.ton. to amend game laws. Hy lUrrvlt. Washlagton, to regu lato wlabllshmeol county roads In Washington CQunty. Hy lUrrett, Washlaclon, pertain ing to eounty rtd. Hy Jonea. board ot commissioner for Willamette locks. Hy Reynolds, repealing certain section of tho code. , Ily Huntley, io regulate conduct of political casapalgus and control expenditure of campaign fund. Hy SlmmoBa. for protection ot for ret. Adjournment to 1:30 n. m. ny BariYtt. providing for employ- meal of wnvlct. at wulteaUar. I uy uarrctt, to provide for audit v. .. " WEDNESDAY JASPABY 10. W! ing of bills of state normal schools. Ily Barrett, provldo for erection ot building to protect state Insane. By Simmons, to repeal present act nnd providing for new hunters' li cense law. Clerks Employed Tuesday. Your commlteo on employment of clerkB beg leave to report that we liavo had tho same under considera tion, and we respectfully recom mend the following persons to sorvc tho house ns oxport stenographers' Benton Bowman, Hlllsboro. Adelo Qulnn. Oregon City. Clara B. Ferguson, Salem. Delia B. Uagle. T. Harding, Portland. Mnry Payne, Portland. Pearl Helms, Portland. Mary Nuhan, Portland. Ann O'Brien, Portland. Chloe Dasher, Salem. Clara Foster, Salem. We also recommend the follow ing clerks for tho heuse: Chief Clerks. Kd. Mummey, Bugono. Colon Kborhnrdt, Joseph. George Neunor, Bays Graok. M. A. Forguson, Pendleton. lUlM-rt Typewrlt-rs. Kthol Cottor, Snlem. Lennle Soeloy. Orogon City. Thockln Buford, Kugeno. Oscar Loomls, Hlllsboro. Trnfton Dye, Orogon City. Common Clerks. rjussle Booth, Snlem. Jnmos M. Whipplo, Woodvlllo. .1. E. Love, Cnnyonvlllo. Cnrl 8hortrldgo. Dolph. 11. II. Ilnlnes, Elkton. L. L. Matthows, aildei K. Pollock, Grunts Pass. Mary Kngloton, Klnmath. Annie Solomon, Prlnovlllo. Norn Solomon, Clntsknnlo. Cnrl Porcnvll, Monmouth. Scott Morris, North Ilond. Miranda Franco, Portland. J. W. Moore, Woodburn. Flora V. McCallon, Dallas. Nena West, Salem. Lola Herron, Snlem. Your eonimlttoo would furthor rec ommond that tho oxport Btonogrnph ors, typewriters nnd chlof dorks bo required to report for duty forth with, and thnt tho common dorks re port for duty noxt Mnndny. o To Ilegiilnte Campaigns. ItepreHentntlvo Huntley, of Clack amas county, Introduced n bill In tho houso this morning to rogulato the mnnnor of conducting oloetlon cam paigns and for controlling tho ex pondlturo of cnmjmlgn funds by can dldato for nil nubile oinces from United Stntes senator down to con stable. It provides that nil candidates must file their stutemuut nnd photo thirty days before the nominating conventions, when they will be al lowed n certain sum of money for the election campaign expensos, nnd will not bo allowed to expend any money outside of this sum. It provides pen alties for violation of from $100, tor state ofllcers, down to $10 for officers' of lesser Importance, und Imprison ment. It also provides that any corpora tion found guilty of violation of the provisions ot the uct. us to making donations to campalgu funds, etc., shall forfeit Its charter and other wise punnlliod by fine or Imprison ment ot Its officials, or both. e Itenilngloii Cam In Progmw. The damage suit of the State of Oregon against U. L llomlngton waa called In department No. 1 of the Marlon county circuit court thU morning, and the following men were chosen to act as Jurers: Anton Kutner. P. 1 Darling, James W. Bellamy. Jeff A. Poolor.A. Moffltt. K. O. Murphy. J. L. HdlsoR, J. K. Iewl. J. T. Good, A. J. Taylor, J. A Jefforeon, J. M. Lawrnuco. - o - I rr Ik nt ion Hani Treaty. Washington, Jan. 16. A treaty providing for the ereetloa et an ir rigation dam on the It to Grande rlvar, at Bl Paw, was signed today. Mloo la to have no right to divert boyond a eortaln quantity ot water Impounded for um in Meakaa terri tory. A Urul StAteuu-nl. This announcement Is made with out any qealliSeatlon. Hesa-Rold ta tho ono preparation In the warld that guarantee It. Dr. Leonh&rdfa Hem-Rold will cure Pile. It Is B ,ao form oT a tanlot. tcrnallTth 0ly PU remMy used ,n It la ImDosalble to cur an wtab- llshed case of Pile with ointments. aupporltorte. Injecllona or outward appliance. A guarattteti la tu,i Wus package of l)r. Lionhardf um IYm.1.1 --- ..VH- Ult4 Qo and talk to your druggist about It -r Leoahardt Co. Niagara Falla. N. , Proprtotow, Sold by Ur. S. C Stone. Salew. v --M Personals o E. Darby loft today for a visit nt his homo In Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney have re turned to their homo In Portland. Barley Boslor returned this morn Ing rrom visiting blends In Turner. Frank Brown, one. oi wi -"" uty flrii wardens, Is hero from Ontario- ... ,... l-,,i Wleclns was among the pengs bound for Portland this morning. G W. Reynolds, tho Portland hard ware man, was vMtlns In the city yesterday. Charles .Mlnton. the poultry man, was among the Portland passengers thlB morning. Miss Leona Hirsclt has returned from Portland to accept a clerkship In tho wnate. Ati. Mima Wollor arrived yestor- .lny f-om an extondtd stay nt Berke ley, California. Mr. M. A. Barbor loft this morn ing for her homo In Marlon, nftor visiting relatives hore. At nort R. Westbrook, of Rose- burg, Is visiting hor slstor, Mrs. Frank Ward, of this city. Mrs. N. Borkoloy, of Pendleton, who has boon visiting Mrs. G. Ilolloy, loft this morning for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ottenhelmcr retuniLHl this morning from Port land. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Darby, ot fan City, after a short visit horo, huvo gono to Tumor to visit relatives. mi Ansornco. of tho Enst, ar- rlvud this morning, and will speak nt W. C. T. U. hull this nftornoon ana evening. II. G. Van Dnson, master flsh war den, returned to his homo In Astoria last evening, after hnvlng spoilt hcv- oral days horo. Mrs. Will Dick, who hns boon vis iting Mrs. I). P. Junk nnd hor moth er, Mrs. MoLniighlln left biBt ovon- Ing for Los Angoles. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. B. Dodcyoo nnd dniighter, who recently arrived from tho East, loft this morning for hti- gene, whero they will roalde. W. A. Irvln. II. S. Olio nnd J. u. Stockton loft this morning for Port land, where thoy will attend tho Gro cers' and Merchants' convention. County Judge Scott and tho county Judge ot Linn county went to Port land this mornlim to confer with tho Southorn Pacific authorities In re gard to somo bridgo work In which they are Jointly IntoroBted. K. Amos, utter n short visit hero, roturned to his homo In Sllvcrton this morning. Ho says that times are lively In our neighboring city. Among the blggost Improvements In sight Is the Sllvarton Lumbor Com pany's large sawmill, with Its 20 miles of railroad oxtonding Into tho mountains. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. W. Hrown, Portland. .1. C. Murray, Snn Francisco. II. A. lllnshuw, Portland. J." A. Waddle, Portland. W. K. Flnzor. Portland. C. II. Hauor, Portland. Chas. F. Chnmborlnln, Portland. Otto J. Krnmor. Portland. A. II. Adams, Portland. D. L. Clause. Portland. 0. B. McDonald, Portland. Jamee Jackson, Portland. 1. B. Eddy. Portland. T. H. White. Portland. I. S. Doble, Portland. W. J. Reume, Seattle. K. Boldoman, San Francisco. I. Cochran and wife, 'Frisco. X. K. Batoman. Shedd. A. M. Drake, Bend. J. M. Lawronceltosttburg. R. Swarxward. San Joe. A. E. Gulst, Portland. Merta Beal. Donver. Sam Haudswloh, Chicago. Tom Drown. London, RnglanJ. D. J. Hyde, Portland. I. II, Bingham, Hugone. Chas, A. Boyce, Portland. Mrs. Fred Mahon, Portland. W. S. Burrlsa. J. M. Poorman and wife. Wood burn. Carl Jaeobson, Kugone. F. P. Hermalm. Myrtle Point. Fred Baton, Portland. SiUem. Henry L. Barkla-, Portland. J. W. Wln&ett. Soattle. B. C. Mlnton. Sahm. J. W. Haron, Portland. Miss Merle Davoy, Salem. Frank Davoy, Salem. AV. A. William. Portland. W. A. Llston, Salem. W. II. Klug. St. Johns. Chas, H. Fultx, Portland. D. Mlsner. Portland. O. Held. Denver. George Watson. Pendleton. Andrew Plerson. Fayettvllle. 111. n ter and wife, Portland. u E Baker and wife. Portland. from Chicken-Pox to CholerJ Cure-Alls No Longer Tolerate In early days every barber ,v was an operating room and the tov physician resorted to bleeding as k sure euro iui- uu ailments tn chicken-pox to cholorn. As a ret. many, Including, our first PreaiaJ' died prematurely. tub iirvBum iuw ruio nr tnn...... Is duo in largo measure to the ii vntmpa tnndft In mndlonl e.i. . - ,.- ... . .cuceiij. inu riiuwiuuijo ui m specific treat' ment needed for each disease ktiot Thoro Is no disease moro ron nmong American and English dmmJ tnan uysiiepBin. ao prevalent hut! . i r. . . ' rP Dccomo mat inousanus suffer vti It half unconsciously, consider I Bymptoma ns nnturnl to their phjij.1 cal consiuuiion nnu resign tha. solves to live on in mat condition. Thoro Is n remedy for dyspepiij nnd olny ono, recommended anl (J dorsed generally uy physlcl Stuart's DyBpopBla Tablets U stood tho test of years of u millions of suftorors, have been iivl Jected to government nnalyses Europo and America and alone hn been found to contnln tho clemutJ which nature has put Into tho stoej ach for digestion pepsin, uiasu nnd other ferments. Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets relin tho stomach and bowels In a po fectly natur'al way by helping tho do their work. If tho stomach weak In gastric Juice, Stuart TiV lots invlgornto thep. Stuart'j D. pepsin Tublots digest ovcry forati food entering tho stomnch, onernh of tho nctlvo prlnclplo ot these Tii lots bolng cnpablo ot digesting W grains of moat, eggs nnd other foe Thoy nro not cnthnrtlc pills; tlt action is simply thnt of a digests Stunrt's Dyspopsla Tabled i nothing but dyspopsln, wntcrbml! sour stomnch and kindred allrtej roBtiltlng from tho Imperfect dip Hon of food, but thoso diseases t positively euro. AVo will gladly sond you a ti packngo to prove tho truth of i claims. Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tib can bo gotton of all druggists it I conts. V. A. Stunrt Co., G9 Sta Bldg., Mnrshnll, Mich. o WASHINGTON GOVERNOR. Is a Itepubllcui Hut Must Hare fcrml AVlth Oregon Exccuthr. Olympln, Wnsh., Jan. 16.-OI ornor Meade's messngo to the It) lnturo today discusses state flnw nnd recommends as n cure to pn transportation ovllo by enact mcttr n reciprocal demurrago law Id gosts n reformatory for offendtnl twecu tho ago of 10 and 30 fori first offenso on tho Indetetmla sontonce plan, and parole ir Also tho passago of a law rcstrw Interstato shipment of prlson-i goods. Ho nBkB an approprlatloal tho Alaska-Yukon fair to the llnH stuto's resources by n Bpeclal tats and solcctlon of United States i totrs, connressmen and all county nnd municipal ofllcers W root primary vote. m - Two Senators Choen. Lincoln, Nob., Jnn. 16, Bj was formally ejected senator t and Is nledsred to support Roosevelt reform so far ndvanwl Boise, Idaho, Jan. 16. The 1 laturo elected W. E. Borah to United States senate today, t n coed Dubois. Borah is nn t! I yer born In Illinois. ..MONEY TO L0AI THOMAS K Over Ladd & Bush' Bank, Sal Norwk- Uk Fke Frank Meredith. Resident Ofltce with W. Brown & C, 139 Commercial atreet. NEW TODAfl For ltent Two rooms and bat' ,..,.. ai rnittt' .b .cB..rj. V-l-! For Sale. Gentlo pony, broM. rldo or drive.-also piano, If. will salt nn oilmen t- Gllson, 117 Commercial tr(j Concrete "H'ork. -Get my 1. eldowalks, curbs, septic " cement work of any 1 work guaranteed fir8l,T3 Ward, Highland add. PWjj