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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1907)
a a I . PAHA' OAlUgAL JOURNAL, SALHM, QTtHGOX. TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1007. 3 iJlijK Q$$QQQ&&&&'s'b'lb'&$&$p The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scoff's Pmulsion It builds new bl6od and tones up your nervous ' ALL DRUOOfSTSj EOo. AND $1.00. jMm ! Iit- iirnl MATTFRS against this right thnt the state has jirSTHE VITAL juai ieko bpon (Jl0W t0 assm lt No 8tnto lms been so liberal as Oreson In Its pol- .. ...., frnm nnco one.) (CODlluucu Cww-' other navigable streams of the state open for navigation. Appropriations mailo by the general covernment havo been Inadequate to meet tho growing demands in nil tho states. Not only have they been Inadequate but they havo boon too infrequent to completo Important projects already under way or to prtect them fpom al most total destruction by the ele ments In exposed places nftor appro printons are exhausted. Tho movci 111 Pllt limi linlnir fnolnrnil nn.1 f....ll. . ..,. uv...t .voivti t.i.i. &Mtlil- ! ute and appointed by the governor with power brt-emovnl. In the proper enforcement of such a law tho re sponsibility Is flKOd and cortaln, and It has been tho oxpcrlenco of other states that In no other way can relief bo assured. Tho control of railways and tho regulation of rates has bo come a burning question In this coun try, and a large sharo of tho time of tho Hrst session of tho present con gress wn'J devoted to the subject of Interstate railway regulation and control, Every reason und argument : crod by the National Itlvcrs and Har-' which was nrguod In support of Inter-. bors comjroai will do much to edit state regulation and control, applies onto the people to tho Importance of with oqunl force to regulation and river and hnrbor Improvement, and control of traffic which Is Intrastate It Is cmildently. hoped thnt In future and local, and subject to tho juris congress will come to look upon the diction of tho stnto Authorities. Re- Biibject of lnraor and moro frequent cent and continuous discussion of tho , appropriations with greater favor, subject rondure In unnecessary for and plnco tho subject nlongsldo of me to dwoll nt longth upon condl- appropriations for defraying the ox tlona In Oregon, which ponsos of government, Instead of relo prompt actions at your hands to ro- gating lt to a place of minor Import Hove a situation 'both unprecedented anco as has been done In tho past, nml unjustlilablo. in tho meantime nnd until tho I onrnostly recommoml, thororore, noods of tho state are properly rcc the passage of a law creating a rati- ognlzed, Oreson should follow tho road commission, to bo nppointed by load of other progressive states, and tho oxocutlvo and subject to removal moot tho demands of her rapid coin by him for failure to proporly dls- morcial and Industrial development, charge Its duties, with nmplo powors The locks nt the falls of tho "vVlllam to carry out tho purposo of Its crca- otto, now In private ownership, tion. in this connection I commend. SHOULD UK PURCHASED RV Till-: Preferred Securities Icy with respect to corporations gen erally and railroads companies in thrlr cho3Mi representatives, particular. If sections of the stntd ?".' h the help of Almight God, rch In lumber, In mineral. In agri- ko controls the destinies of all the mil turd, and In everything thaUonds 1 itioas of earth. I will In the future to Industrial and commdrclal do i" .. tm nnst remain faithful to i velopment, have been neglected bv cry trust confided to my caro nnd the one great railway system which MPlng I craV R3 1 ,)el,ove 1 anal' ' practically controls Itn whole trafilc, IrCi at your hands, that courteous itoeVlnlnly cannot be Justly claimed consideration whlr-n nni ai mi umu mm ma neaiect is invited or lnducotl v accorded to me uy una uiawu- py tiio illiberal policy of our law Uhod bodv nnd in return i gio makers. Through tho generous pol- it. t.a StifftHff t . m . m a . . - . the assrrance oi im- oi u.iui wo icy 01 W1 icufrai government lands t m Hf" t0 nsslrf V0H In nm5t,nK sufficient In nmottnt and valuo have a-,-nrV- nf till? stsslon an 0)OCh- ,, arantH aid of rnllwnv wlt.1i. iiklng period in the nutorj oi our lu the Jurisdiction of tho state to to your consideration a bill prepared OHKKAIj C50VKRNMUNT, and M- .. ., f fh 1,!!U ottonl- ,np8 6w "Per- by tho transportation committee of . maintained without cost to the ship. Under tue nruiii" v. "" v-" imon, ihu 10 oxtenti mom across auu tltntlon, it bocomos niv duty to In- through tho central, eastorn and XVK HAVM ON HAND SI3V131tATi PARTIOUIjAULY OHOICR ISSUKS OP 110NDS, INCTiVDIXG SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE SCHOOL H0NDS, Y1ELD1NO FROM FOUR AND A HALF TO SIX PER CENT AND WILL RE PLEASED TO FUR NISH COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THE SAME UPON RE-QUEST. r rT TTT-'l ' III I 1 MORRIS BROTHERS, Bankers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND, - - OREGON ... a inn I nnti. i. . . .... . - bnajou wun reien-me m i nuu- Rouinensiorn portions or tins magulll- and affairs of the state, to ad- cont oommonwonlth. Not only thnt. iw ron as to the conditions of tho -ynst forest reserves havo boen croat- 4ral do lartmcnts nnd initltutionu e,i njons the Cuscndo mountulns In kereof, nnd to recommend for your this at:itu. and In' other Htutos, in oMlJ.'-aUon such measures as sliall which have been included worthloss m most ronducl'f to Ita welfare mVa bedi nnd deforested lnndu of kjdd I'lopmrnt, ..railway comnunieH how oDeratlnie Hectlim of Senator. iere, RM,i In exchanRO- for theae r .'.-iiMons nf tho direct prr worthleai laada thege comnnnlea ja-v r imm.itinr law. with rwpect nave j,euIl jiermltted to select him o M inn! n of a United Stales dreila of thomanda of the moat vnln- r, t i novM he .ar.led out In let aUe timber lundi in the atnte under - aJ n "'-it At the last prl- cougreaaloaiil leilalntlon, thua in- ir iimu mi ieuencK w. aim- creasing 'by milllonB the vnluo of toy 'iMvea tii noniinauon ui uio their ortaiinal uranti. and thhsu lnmlq tho chamber of commerce of Port- pcrs of tho great country tributary land, lt shows careful preparation, to the Wlllninetto river. Every ton nnd contains provisions which have nf freight which passes through been tested In other states and which thorn pays n heavy toll, and It this ln-mnny Instnncos havo rccolvod the couia bo cut off, a lilto reduction .r. . ... .. ... would be nindo on tho charges now approval of courts of last resort. Open River. Cloeely allied to tho railroad ques tion Is that of opening und Impiov; ing thv water ways of tho state, These are the Instrumentalities which Providence has placed at, our doors inatlo by tho railroad company imral- lollng tho rlvor. The snvinu thus 5 aceompllshcd would in a year or two mora than pay the reasonable cost of uondomnntlon and ownership of theae locks. Our representatives for natural rogulation of tho rate imVo apparently not been able to ini- qucstlon. .Statutes unquostlonably nr(M p0ll congrosa tho importune! assist in proloctlng the public from nf opening this magnilleent hlnh.iv exhortiltant trnnsportutou charges, to free navigation, and lt scema tr. when thero nro no competing wator- me Hint the tlmo has nrrld when ways. Hut noltlior statute nor otner THE IjKGISLATURE SlIOUliD w 'J Z ,; tI m.I, '..! ll"r VrUhht,Kl r.T ?"le .nml 80ttl- compulsorj- method is over necoaaary TAK.j STEI'S LOOKING TO THIS ;iortf.rra.andMr Jonathan Uourno luentt j.t.0ntly hindering the develop nrihe long term, wane .Mr. .lonn ftl. monl of tho atntn. ara 'NtHvd the nomination of Tim donmnrtu nf tii nnnni.. t IDdEorratlr party. At tho oloo- raih-nv extonHlcm hnvo lmn iini,i..i :on br'l Mr Mulkey received tho ,i liy the powers that ho. and thov ligia; numucr oi me -voios cast lor havo been as a factor for bringing about Just v.Sli. A An" SHOVLD HE PASS and rensonablo charges when thoro ni CREATING A COMMISSION exists n navlgablo watorway. For WITH AMPLE TOWER TO NEGO thls reason. Bhort-Blghted Indeed U TLVTE THE PURCHASE OF THEME ho who doos not seo and roallzo tho locks, ii? rhi:mj wn.i, w .,. ,m i ..,.- ....--....-. jrB i.iuuiciy iniormcu iiiiu jmivortanco to tho stnto of keeping The Best Magazines at Bargain Prices mmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmammmmmmmimmtmmmvmtamammmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmanmmmmm Any magazine now'Bpapor or periodical, no mattor where pub lished can bo subscribed for through TUB I30IMS-MKRR1LL COM PANY, Indianapolis, at wholosalo ratoa. Wo offer this sorvlco to got moro roadors for THE READER MAQA AZINW and THE HOME MA0AZ1NE, and to pay you for your inter est and patronage, wo offer you an actual caBh Bavlntc on all maga zines. WHAT MAGA'fXE CLUIHHNG MEANS. A magazine olub formorly mount gottlng togothor A httmbor of pco nlo to Bubscribo for the samo maaazlno. ITudor our Ulan It nioano getting togothor a number of magutlneH to bo turnltdiod In ono order fl nt a greatly rouuaeu price.- i,-or lnsinuoe: tiio euer iub vintu polltan, The Home 'Magazine nnd Harper'u UrmPi If houpjit, each montli nt tho nowa-stands, vould cost. $7.20 par yonr. U suDsorlbeA to siiarately they cost $(1.00 li yonr, W6 hwo nrrnngad, n dub of thos nmgaalnofl whorehy wq can furnish all four for $3.00. ov Just ono-liult of the subscription price. Freo Our bonutlful 3C-pago nmsazlno catalog -will ho sent ktro sponso to a postal card roquoat. Tills tolls how you may booiwo abso lutely froo u youv'8 anbsorlpUon to Thq, Home Mnnazlno, and year's subsorlptlon to Tlio Roador Mngazluo. CENTRAL MAGAZINE AGENCY. Tho RolibMcrrlll Co. Publlhhei-H. TiVinxwillHr Jrtd lirrSLfl'l'T fr whon nny Brt,01,lBP Mct,0 lh0 the Columbia, tho Willamette ami helcnstermt whilst a majority of Htato has boon dovoloneil suinciontly - wtmm cien luemocratic and to nmko u nttway tl i,rontnblo in. RfDBMIanl Of the lOClalatlirO vnklniAiit. tliotr ,lnmn,lo ,.... 1.1 1... JledStft UWBIWWOS to VOtO for tho'liivnutlL'ntn.l ..n,1 r..,al ln.,,1 il... .... t?ti! l)t PC'110 f0r sonutor' TorBlnu tho usiyil policy of extending 'KOPir l iiV ..',.., llnes hlt0 r,ch "tlons to aid and nv Min.A.V,!., .r..., nBSl8t , Kononij flovo opmoiit. Tho HCTt t HOICK FOR TllM mir ,4 .... , ...... ...... .. .. it nvi, v ,ul,l"- " neon mnc wun nil us pos- l.M 0IHCK. AVI 'iMM.'lTf .. . . . ... mure ciim-r .. ..,.. HiuiiuioH ior commercial and Indus- WbUra.SHOlLI) KK RESPECTED ...! .,......,. n ... ,-..,......., ,. oorrci, and the Kentlemen who the other etnios In obtaining what It li -n nomlnat.d uY the nenwirt .. ,i ...t ...i.t ,. ... . ..,.. llWT u I It'll .ui mi. ..,!..... ..!.. . . S.K ,,,, .u, ioi to nave in the way of hotter facilities . -- ...v i.jufc, ii-illlB resneC- fni Iranmnrtatlnn .....1 ..., 1 1 .. ,..... V .-;"". mm,. i"r iiuii tins be done ,i. .i., i,.n .... i tn,m .i. . .. """" '" "'' "'l' "' I " " ",l I'-iiunire It nnru. IKtbatilio v,k of th ain (Contlnuexl on Page C.) ' ftUHutm rrrrrrre. mwbwwitWMi Noi There Is a lack of uniformity In rates whern roads Iwve already been built. Many r 7t' tV hV,n,,whfchh mfs r. grievously unjust nnd un- I' iai h,. r air ,im Htp 'i it to lesli-l.iUon Yi- iii" welfare of mi iiiu- reaHonnble. returdlnir tho dnvninn. (&$''' : Readers who enjoyjstirring adventure; Readers who arc touched by quaint pa- M thos inspired by sentimentality; Readws who fikc to see a real man bet tered by a good woman's! influence; Readers who like, in a word, a frcslu 4 ri A icnardiy tow story; Ie lllslllutl.nis. ment of the sUtte. Persons nnJ tll places are discriminated against, a woofuf luclc of proper equipment to' TV -,.r,i ,. . " ' handle freight nnd oven passongers ... -,, iiiBilll'I fttlft gni ...i-. .,... "- i nt t.,n.iiti..n ., . . . wverywiijare, uejioi acconim n nun ; "I! lS imoi ". switching and other fnclllt! " r"' thim an H'm, r ,h. i8su., lte!iiiaiKlyM(Ma At! these will delight in Aw'wTWTwfrciv'y. tovmrnnnmsmnwiatomtoi iglSmllire art inndBnmita. ntid nn nttnvt ennma The auparill- o lia mnkillK tn rnntlfv tlms. nr-vlm. WkNK ,,,"' n': wnntlarr. evils anywlioro. For tho rctlllcatlon "liol h , R,,d (,wlf of tUeM conditions tho Bhlpner la mS n d, la;; ';'; "arwl rH Wth0lli r,mDdy. The cot and ox ""ft and ,n. T p?puUt,on pense to an Individual would be too - fbegor,..,,,,, nm- grant to warrant him In undertaking "!Na"' nrlnted. rniil i. i. ...i-i .i.-. " " app. njed a w"uti" ""J kii ineir correction, ". and voir , 7. r tUe "or couia he w,th mtoiY ,ncur tQ ,h"T 'siKd u, ii, , , ,8 lmr ,n W,U of th0 rft,lwjW company whloh a-ntluns Dl i ,h tl,e hus Uon Jrellot In Us duty to him "i r-r,..,,., '.":". ths,,n- I nnd to tiro public. Neither tho farm iMUoiK-n to n,r or ,10r tl,e Producor can get his pro- I' "t eath of tho i .1. Ql lo lU0 innrK0l "or cnn l mer fidlv 0fflrPr,i i.. '" 8ttutlons chant supply tho consumer with hia o pub. ;:' ;: r "ml . '. unu 10 bo si " to n f.ithf..i ... . rorn r,t ..v ..."" """ and jm ih. .,..: "ro,nBto JMlWMMMIi.lrtinfcnrrhlM Tho rosult has boon and will io still moro disastrous to tho state, tho tlmo has come when the be itatA io i-,.,..". om other members of the great nartnor mtaa ... , '. '""ooioa ror nn Bhln in mifwnv n,tnn , m. (UUaifa 59nt a(lm,nls- slould assort Itself In the correction Ftii Khtiad ComniKsion. of existing evils. With interstate M,floa!ticthatamru , trafflc tno stat0 naa nothing to do. Lh Wasl nubi,,. "?d CT' bu wth intrastate, or that which is '" WMe has an puroly loca1' tho 0V8 wh,cn aro ac" fro3M., a interest In Us knnmi.,) . ., eonii .. . " regUla- rellevml In utinr -,.. nn.i - ui oi Ita r.i.. ., " "".., MV VIUUVUU1 i.,,aliei.ronrn.,, '' corrected " railway commls- tT "Ices reeuirnd i s,on' vested Vlth amplo powers and ZlhI In ttofe 1 .CniP3!d .f. mo who ha- been -sumas not boon c . I '"B"i 10 oeuevo uat a. public omco " eompan'-L Za Z JS ,a a tusfand that the people durably in lhe , " u"1 havo rights which gTeat transporta of. p,. luv relation of tion nmnnnia r. ., .. t. Jlk,w and establlshlnB it,"1 tc8f and of tho Unlted State3 bave - UIIIV - " KUBTninArl hn nA. M HUu. C. aout consulting " utuon OI "nii8sion THE STORY Of MARTIN COE JIIWaitfciiliWlBWaHirilWfcW Ulll fra... . -"" orS in tlinlr nltnmnto in n..n l.o. . jUurloualT affect 'heir m'"" Wh,h BW 6X,St ,n 0rCgon' and mU Not otherwise i l q"08tIa f Powor ,a no Ionger ln fiWinnmniiMiitiiwimiwiiWiHii MhA i..... .. uusinM1- j. . . iioci .i. " "" sucn HL. - -""Mtloa Prt.f u. aL:.,tay inter. , t,He 1V-;z z: ut u .;:: rl so s ab ; "Z 1 - and i . "'oucnout Its " no argument i w.o uAicnuiuniai stage, where a commission exists and condition havo not been bettered, the fault llorf either with tho statuto under which It acts, or In the personnel of the commission; and tho evils complained of in this sato'can bojargely cor rected by a railway commission act lag under authority of an ample atat BY RALPH D. PAINE Author of "The Praying Skipper." Yod wiM agree with us when you have read it Ask your bookseMer or write to The Outing Publishing Co NEW YORK. ' ....,.m.M.,.,im.n, ,..r..rT.rilnn11n))11111111111 .