7i 19- I J,aW Tun an Wck LSCO ami EmbroWerwl Hose I wanted . KofculHr Wfcs niifl Hte vInctr. Qr WORLD OF WHITE AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE QS toptai ot .cf a chact, If mfcsed now, will not be ottalnaM later at to than reg-lar prices D't let weather conditions SILK BARGAINS Croat In vnlue, utnnll in price Your wardrobo can bo ftugumont. od tit ft small t '"'Intf this monoy savins oront; 86c and $1 Block Tflffcttt 10 to 31 Inchoi -wfdo. Half Clcarunco snlo Pf iO Bonnet & Co.'a famous Dlnok French Taffeta 19 inch Clearance salo .,, XsJU ad-Inch Black Tnffcln value guaranteed Regular f 1.00 valuo- $1.10 Cltmruneu sale. .. Ldie' Jackets Ladles' Covert Jacket rang IriK In itrlco from $30 to $22.B0. During this salo thoy ko nt Iho nomlnnl prleo of. PJ Ladies' Sweaters In all wanted Ue nnd color. They rnngo In prlco from $3 to $7 Rtdvcti Oat-Jkltd Kimonas V.adlea' hone ami short kimonas In nil thu host and most popular stylos and patterns. Thoy aro Rttfc4 One-Third CITY NEWS A OnllejUon of J mi rum t Para HwH'h for Vwur Oou4tff4un Ye t Oct Htoto WikhV At CU sawmill, on abort notice. Whhu 8S. ia-17-tf. A Nmr Imluitry BaIomi is setting to bo n great poultry rnUlhtt cvntor, and the blc 4etnaud for ground gfn bono for cViU'Von has become so givat that IKcuilorr Bros, havq put Jn a power ton tullU r prepared to sup yh ft superior artlcja ol ground freU bono tit threo cents, pur peuud. Try Kvtro ( Vr tWx c The Ueneral Hlwtrlo Comimny ban 4ecldHl to pUto an extra ear ott fttM strtMrt, to opwrat butwoeri tho dty and Twelfth street, for the bune it of lb iegUlnthe amwWly during tWe s4iuu. This will lnra ears gi'.'.'jf:: tt, ,.., , , ,. , Many People Art willing to worlneo tbeui4a d tbeli thildrii to the prJud!t tkc Ik of GUsts By clttltlreu vHh dfctiT yV Wtn rults la the gruntt suCor tiME jkoweilifiK ierwsoat dtMblllty of ese who atlnttt olhwwtw btome oww la tlto world. BARR'S JEWELRY StMc nd tiborty Ste, Stkm DAILY CAPITAL - """""" ,, , .nwnwr " )c7leifeMdS A deter yo-thcre' no time FURS AT LESS PRICE Tills Is tho Hmit Opportunity of tho wholo year In furs. Late February prices onrly In January. J'rloo Is noC-tlio only thing. Qual ity Is vastly Important oh Im portant as tho low prloe. Tho two aro linked Inseparably durliiK tho trnle. Choose from the lint nt CLEARANCE PRICES Silk Petticoats Out tho now silk pottlcoat you want for your spring mslt now vou'll savo money. All wanted colors and style nro on display during this sale. Reduced One-ihird Fascinators I ldilt Hhuwls, Hoods and Hcarfs In popular stylos and colora em bracing tho finest showing In this city. During this4 sulo they aro Reduced One-Fourth both waya very materially, ami with th Yw Bark ear, which runs nearly iu the uapllol, there will be prnotleal 1) a tuu-minuto service, with tho de pot ears In addition. This will make the best sorvloo over had during a StMHlOII, Notl An' ne having any account against iho of any nature plenso present fur iwyniunl. W. B. (Bison. 3t Atteiillon, 1mh1 Mauler There will be n siteelal oommunl eatlau of MuUnemoh Moral 'Arab Chapter. No. I, this vnlng at 7: JO p. m. Work In tho Bast Master' do Kreo. I' O '' - Personals Will Bait)', Df i'QrUaHd, Is yUUIhs In the elty. Mrs. T. O. llttlly weMtt) I'erttand this Morning. II. Beiknap, rettrtsjMUUve from Qrook, U lu th ally. Mr. J. A. Miller loft this Morn ing for a tllt In BJ. 8ntor MBIr. of Ivsiwh, nr rtreO in tho eity this rooming. Mrs. V. )l. MaNeaU "ho ttai an xMiunday visit hore. left thU irlnK for her home In Turner. Mr. AB II. Bov left this morn ing ( a few days' vUU In Bortland. Jeiin Chase, formerly of this olty, eatne u tram Bortlaud this morning Mr. 1!. U Wiwrf, of Woodbwrn, I In the city, the guet of Mr. Grant Corby. Harry VBwn, after an evoHRtm da visit her. Icjtt tor ISirtUnd tUla morniug. Ben TawplK after a vUU ovr DhimIsj-, k re(irH4 to Ml work U lortl4. J. U. RarHr, the fdl-Vtaawn dairyman of Mnrtou. wa In the olty thU wornlng. A. C MoBouald, attr a visit here, tas ilurne4 to hi bo'ta nar tho tfrw thool, XjkX. 4. WMlior hM rturRd t0 ker Ijowo In Turner, alter vltlUnj reistlvm lire. 3tr. P. A, W0o4 wko lias liea vkUlag fxUtlvw storev kis soae to br bouie in Tutwh, 1 I SALHM. OBBGON MONDAY, JAXUABV 14, JOURNAL, like the present. oru aiivrii consecutive WEDNESDAY ONLY For next WHncidiiy xvc offer n line lln of Miiniliml nIi COMFORTS In wanted wolghts nnd shads Evory one worth 11.60 onoh. Wodnosday Only Keno wild until & a a f 8-30 n. m -P I " SHOE SPECIALS From our lino of famoiiB shoes. Kvury pair In this sale Is worth the logular price bo your saving In almost half, Bettor choose quickly to get the best result! Broken linos In Ladlon' shoes, Patent Leather, Uluoher Cut, J teg ular 3.00 vuulw. Hpsolal $1.95 Broken llnt In our Plngreo hIiom for woman famous Itegu- Inr $3.B0 vnliiM Spoolnl $2.95 Men's Slippers Our onllre lino to ohooso from embracing nil tho best stylos 'and loathorn nro Reduced One-Third - Men's Shirts ' Blaos range from 14ty to 10 14 -Itogulnr $1.50 nnd $2.00 a vnlues. Special 4) I Ittillroiitl I'len 011 Coal. St. l'aul. Jan U. Loula W. Hill. son of J J. Hill, of the Great North oru railroad. Is In the.Weet, luveett KatliiK the ooal famine, and wired his father as follews: "I find n com bination of tho fuel dealers In the Dnkotna and at tho hoiul of tho lakes, and not the cur shortaKe, Is respon sible .for the fuel famine, l'artloa tryliiK to Hot eottl delivered tmrly Inst fall wore refused by thoe tlrms. The retail dealers formed a combine which controls tho coal buslnee of tho Northwest, ami Mill boytqtt any Duluth or Superior Drms selling to (Hitslder. IT the nttnllers' combine nMUiuos control of the entlro trade It ahouht have KMtlritMted the de mand. Thoy rcmaot xjt tho rail roads tt SHitil' towns with n oar nt a time, Tho responsibility ahottkl rest on the retntUra at prevent con traUlag the burtnetw, and not upon 0 Prvlnlo CouitlKivel to Itnrtli. San KranoWoo, Jan. 11. The re main of Arehbltho Montfiomory wero Interred this aftrrnoon. The service at thu ohureh atxl tho funer al pact wore the motit masullU-ent-ly intprosslve In tho history of this eoasu Vully SOtd members of Cath olic Koeletlud formed jwrt of tho pa KWnt. Service at the cmxo wore fully as Imjireeetve as those at tho ehurqh. Arohbtah Uhrdan threw the ttrt olod of earth on the cotnn as It was lovkored Into the grave. M 1 p.. . Bl Cpivr Strike. Qfiden. Utah, Jan. U--,A hi HrlVo ha hm wade at Imkeslde, Oapjwtr munt)'t U mil from thk olty. NaUvo tower ruaaiaf 0 per ttmt was tua4 In Urge qeantitle In a vela 10 ft wide. There, Is a bis rush t tho . Mtavof think it I the fclrerat thins overwound wet of tho Hooky raace. .' ' a it BulUt at lVrty, ChtK, Jan 14. Mr Hannah UwUy SV4 1, vat ht aad killed acldeataUy UtX nlsht There was a prtr at her home, Jt tallowlae tho ehrhtealns of her fcaby at the church. Pc4 cercan Dc was a RTet and la rvmovlas hit coat, acddeatal- -- tK':mm,m J 007. Ladies' Vests. A line of Ladles' llcccc lined ytn in il'p corrert stjlw nnd nclRlit. Kcnular 00c val- ll'n. V Vil"- "" Copyright 1906 by Hsrt Schaflhcr tsf Marx Clothing Needs ' Your clothing needs, can well bo supplied daring this salo and you will savo considerable. They are tho newest nnd host styles and fabrics. Entire lino nt CLEARANCE PRICES I ly cnught thi trlKKt-r of his revolver on bis clothes, nnd It was discharged with deadly effect The baby was unharmed, and It wae so phttuly an accident the ollleer has not been held ..... lobbies (iiildt I lie lluuils. MontHomory. Ala., Jnn. 11. Brax ton Comer was InnHgurated governor of Alabama. The legislature Is with him. Insuring sweeping reforms, es pecially In railroad ratee and control of corporations. In his addreee he ays- "Everybody knows the rail roads have maintained lobbies ut tho state hoaee for the purpose of guid ing the hands that make tho lnws. ostablUhlng their relations to the buslmwa or the state, o How to Cure Chilblain. 'To enjoy freedom from chll blalna," writes John Komp, Bast Otlsneld. Me.. "I apply Buoklen's Ar nica Bnlve. Have also used It for salt rheum with excellent results." Guaranteed to ouro fever soree, Indo lent uleers, pllee. burns, wound, frost bites and skin disease; 25c at J. C Perri' drug store " o IM YOf UNO WTHAT BY BUY- IXO SOMHTHI.Nd IX OUH CHINA. WAUH, tJiasSWAHK AND KITCII. MX WAHK BKPAUTMIIXTS YOU can oirr a tx)iii)x is oru cox. TKST IX WHICH VK ABK OIVIXO AWAY AX KLKOANT COLB BFVT M CIXJCK, VALUE $15.00. YOKO 1IAMA TEA CO. lKUl.tturo Bruple Waatlag Arst-la board and rem cr 1m accMHMli4l at HO Oaaltal eiro. Thrw bhwks from the stale heuto. i -o ltT. CurlUlo. l. IUUrxM, L. L. D. Of Waverly, Tex.. wrlt. "Of a taoralag. when tn arulac. I often flad a trovhlesome collection of phlegm whUh prodaea a ooogh and U very hax4 to dUlodgo; bat a amalt quantity ot Ballard' Horobound 8yrup Kill at oace dlslodgo it, aad tho trouble U over. I haow ot bo wodlclae that la equal to It. and It It o ptfeaaaat to take, 1 can rsoM tor. dully recommend It to all pertoat needing a medicine for throat or luaj trouhK." Sold by D. J Pry, llfia UXTAAKD FRANCHISE. ofaHlKlMMilt in the Sucker State. Cause Springfield. 111.. Jan. H.-T e attorney-general this mornlns nicd a 8ult nsklng tho supremo court to take original Jurisdiction In the case of the state seeking to recover taxes claimed to be duo from tho Illinois Central railroad. Tho amount Is un named, and the accountants vnrloiiB ly estimate It lrorn threo to fifty mil lions. It Is Impossible to state truth fully the amount Involved until the Investigation Is complete. The road plead to the Jurisdiction of tho court, and say It should bo n feder al case. I'lincrnl of JnsjMjr Mlnfo. The funeral of the late Jasper Mln to wns held Sunday nntl wns attended by a large number of friends nnd citizens. His funornl wns hold from tno 01a Mlnto place In South Snlom at 2 o'clock, and tho following old friends nnd associates acted ns pnll bonrars Judgo George H. Burnett, Sheriff W. J. Culver, A. C. Dllloy, Clnyborn Walker, E. M. LnFore nnd P. T. Wrlghtman. Deceasod was born Ajirll 27, 1855, nt tho Mlnto homostond flvo miles south of Salem. He" was married In Octobor, 1S7C, to Miss Minnlo Byrno, who died in a few years. Thoy lind ono son. Prnnk, who Is now In Alaska. March 18, 18S3, he was marrlod to Miss Elln I'owoll. who with ono daughter, Buenn, Htirvives him. Thoy wore both at his bedsldo during his Inst I hours. Ho wns a son of Hon. nnd 'Mrs. John Mlnto, beloved nnd re- Hpoted ploneors. His mothor pro- 'fi-detl him on Septombor G, 1004. but ,hi- lenvoa the nged fnthor, three brothora, John V postmastor of Portland; Hnrry P., doputy sherirt 'here, nnd DoukIos C, n prominent ! tlnlry and hop man, nnd ono sister, 1 Mrs. Itobort 0. Hnlloy, to mourn his demise. . o Million Circuit Court. Tho suit of Cntlinn & Linn ngnlnst A. A. Sporry was, by consent, post poned to tho noxt roeulnr session. In tho damage suit of Dnn Mcuutn vs. Caspar Zorn n Judgment was rIv oil In favor of tho dofunduut on ver dict. . 0 All the World. Is a stneo nnd Ballard's Snow Liniment plays a most prominent part, lis has no superior for Rhou- 1 mntlsm, stiff Joints, cuts, sprains, and nil pains. Buy It, try It nnd you will nlwnys uso It. Anybody who has iiswl Bnllard's Snow Liniment Is n living proof of whut It docs. Buy a trial bottle; 2Gc. 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. iiYy. L . ., , . , I That j the house the doctor bull I The biggest house you soo; Thank soodnosa ho don't got our money, For we all drink Rocky Mountain Tea . For sal at Dr. Stono's store. School Houso for Lllxirty. The people of Liberty precinct nro agitating the construction of n $6000 four-room school houso, and a small laeue ot bonds to distribute tho cost over about ten years. The sohools are now oeeupyhig rented rooms. 0 Tho Texan Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rhoumatla troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2928 Olive street, St, Louis, Mo. Bend tor testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr 0 . Kuightri of P) Hi ins Social aetulon Tuesday evening at their hall in Hodman block, corner of State and Liberty. All knights and their ladles aro urgently re quested to add to the ood fellowship of the ocoaslon by tholr presence Signed eommlteo. How much of your life Is spent try ing to get well. It requires but a mouth or lose to ut tho average man or woman on their feet with HollUtor's Itocky Mountain Tea; ZZ centa. Tea or TableU. por 8aie at Dr. Stone's stora o . OUEATLY llKIIUCKli PUICKS ON CHINAWABE, CMSSWAHE AND FANCY ARTICLES, ALSO BEST VALUES IX OUR TEA AND COF FEE DEPARTMENT SHOULD ME AN INDUCEMENT FOR YOU TO PATHOMZK oi R STORE, ANT) ES PECIALLY WHEN YOU CAN PAH. TICIIUTRRC oni CONTEST ON THE ELEOVNT SILVER Tll SET. GOLD PITTED CLOCK AND TUB L.UIGK 1X)LU YOKOHAMA TRV COMPANY. DOCTORS ADMIT That They Cnu Do Nothing Mo, j Your Htotnarit Than StMntt, Dyspepsia Tablets Are Do. lug Every Day. Costs Nothing to Tiy. According 10 mo expert anahji 01 governmeni auuioritles In , United Stntes ana Great Brltj OlUUlLa jjdiujjioiu iuun-13 Coat) tho exact olemonta provided by 1 turo for digesting food In tho heaiid stomacn. atunrts uyspopaia xaoitts ktJ saved sunerers irom stomach dfe dors millions of dollars by cm them, In one amnll 50 cent pachj morO relief thnn countless trcntrnt by physicians would brln abonti $3 per visit. Porhaps you aro nflllctf 1 with dn pepsla or somo klndrrd duflJ nrlalng from n ulsoruond dlgesus It may be hcadnches, heartburn, puuiiuu, mui iiuuuiu, msu'imia, jp vous dobilltyj Thoy nil have tit, boglnnlng In n stomach which d not soorotd tho Julros or u ,nd 1 food which is tnkon into it. If so, wo urgo you to nd faj free trial packngo of Stunn u Drjp, Bin Tablets. It will cost jou bk) Ing and suroly will bring us no ; unless you find, nftor using It, 1 you nro benefited nnd fed that n need a full-sized iinckuge, There Is absolutely ho danfecri using Stunrt'a Dyspepsia Tabk Nothing is contained in them has not been subject to the doi scrutiny by tho government offld Stuart's DyBpopsIn Tablets wlllj uest your food without JcmanfcJ n careful diet. Ono grain of thi Tnblots hns power to digest ,W grains of ordlnnry food. You aJ bo suro theroforo thnt no tniti whnt your condition, theso little! lots takon nftor ench meal w 111 ehorl ly rostoro your stomach to its mnl condition nnd render It cap: of doinu Its work unassisted. Wo withhold tho names of Lu drods who hnvo written us rota tnrlly oxprosslng their grntltud! this simple substltuto for nature. Bend for trial packngo today ft A. Stunrt Co., 70 Stunrt Bids., H shall, Mich. Fifty cent size pnekngo forul drugglstB ovorywhero. MARRIED. ZIRKEL-MORRIS. Sunday, 3w nry 13, 1907, at tho homo oil brldo'a pnronts, near Turner, 1 currcd tho marriage of Miss Crs Morris to Mr. Rny Zlrkel, Iter.! W. Mason, a student of the tie logical seminary, of this city, ilclntlng. Tho young pooplo will make I futuro homo In Jefferson, whcretH aro well known. o DIED. LA BONTA. At tho Salem tnl. Rnnilnv. Jnnunrv 13. 1" "Joromy" La Bonta, aged 10. Tho body will bo shipped to. Paul for burial. La Bonta wai 1 to tho hospital about two yearn owing to a sovoro burn, and hai 1 many operations performed, Ini skin has boen crafted Into burned flesh, but tho wounds sl not henl. nnd death came to T his long suffering yesterdax ..MONEY TO L0AH THOMAS K F0 Over Ladd & push's Bank. SaleaO Norwich Union Fire InscHrancc Frank Meredith. ReslitntAt Offlce with Wm. Brown & Cc.! 129 Commercial stroot NEW TODAY Dr. D. 11, Griftba, tlie SpccUli' Mnnililnn All li-ul nnd "V hnblts, which ho cures In 3 No monnv rniMl r.ured. 21 ' St.. Balnm. Oro. PhonO 568 J Doyens, Business Manager Wanted 10 men in each stt travel, distribute Bamplcs 01 Roods and tack lilcns. SaUtf oor menth: $3 per day 'r nensea. Saunders Co.. DPrl P, No. 4G Jackson Boulevard.1 caco. ill. 1-1-- Roonis will rent single roo sulto of two rooms during 1 tiii-n f 9ii i?th street. blocks from State bouse a l.l.l. .. .1 l.norlllnST v wiwu. iruui liuou u. , 1 Phono 9S4. 1-1-J FumUhctl llousa for Rt"' largo rooms, largo hall. t. lots, abundaijco of fruit aa era. Inoulra at 1211 Sont erty atreot or of S. C K,br5? Salem Water Co, Jl J