r;jwrTO "w-r p-T(r" !? "T DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY II, 1007. It STOCKTON THE QLU wni 1 1. xmm-K. CLEARANCE SALE ! OVERCOATS REDUCED Per Cent. 25 $8.50 Coats for J0.00 Coats for t2.00 Coats for 1 5.00 Coats for 20.00 Coats for $6.35 7.50 S.00 it. 25 i 5.00 BEFORE THE COURT Privilege of American Citizens Exercised Freely MEN'S SHIRTS, 3 FOR $1.00 Qrtt 600 shirts, varying la price from 50c jj f (( Jfo $1.50 each are offered at 3 for P W The assortment comprises Fancies and White In Golf and Negligee. Step lively please for baying will &e cms. m MMHMHMPMnMMnanw In the Matter of Selecting Proper Road Supervisors It develops that, contrary to what appears upon tho fnco of tho record of tho proceodlnss, thero woro nu merous contests on for tlio appoint ments of road supervisors for tho Bevoral districts throughout tho county which woro nindo by tho Ma rlon county court last week, proml- 1 ndnt anions which was thn,t in dis trict no, a a, wnero thoro woro two applicants for tho position, and whoro, desplto the fnct, ns represent ed in a report to tho ctourt, that tho Ltaxpayors, nt a meeting called for tho purposo of levying a road tax llomlnntcd Gcorgo C. Sims', tho court seen fit to appoint E. O. Selgmund to succeed hlinsolf to' tho Job." NEVER MIND what brought on your .spell of atom nch trouble" but just get a bottle of tlio Hitters at once. You will notice Its benoflcinl result's from tho start and that boforo Ions your ailments have disappeared. ' HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS Is tho medicine that has been doinir such things for over 5a yours and is just as offoctlve today. It cures Poor Appetite, Costiveiiess, Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Colds, Female 111-,' or Malaria. Thore wore petitions from sovornl other districts, prominent among which wcro thoso from districts Nob. 33 V6, by Franz Zimmerman and 13 others for William Derringer, in which district no appointment has as yet boon mado by tho court; 23, Sil ver Creek Falls, from W. T. Hurt and sis othora for Samuol Arnold, the court's nppolntoo; 28, for J. P. Dressier and from A. D. Pettyjohn nnd 23 ethers: and from 31, from John Lomakor and eight others, who nskod for tho appointment of R. D. Morehouse, but tho court appointed Lyle G. Smith, of Gates, tho present incumbent. The text of tho petition from district No. 23 follews: "Our plea is this: Wo have voted to tax ourselves in this district to tho amount of $1201 for improve ment of soveral roads in our district IT ALL DEPENDS ON QUALITY. ,w OUR CONSTANT AIM DURING THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS HAS BEEN TO KEMP THE QUALITY UP. THE ENORMOUS INCREASE IN OUR BUSINESS PROVES THAT MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY' MKNT IS INCREASING. CUSTOMERS FIND OUR TRADE IN EVERY DEPART. TALKS WITH MEMBERS I Wat is Uppermost in the Minds of Legislators Hon. J. S. Grny. of Douglns, Boys Mi part of tho state Is not Interested la anything so much as better trans portation conditions. Ho does not know how the problom will bo solved butMji something must bo dono. Representative Newell, of Wnuh Jujtoa county, says his people arc not damotlns lor much legislation. They want a food state banking law, as much money was lost by tho Anton 1'fauner bank falluro nt Forest Orore In 1893. Tho pcoplo want some protection. representative Porklns. of Jnck oa Good roads and good sohools 'rant have too much of. If tho U'e would do something to induco Immisraiion It would be mighty flno. tte hnro to nay $2.50 n ,lnv .,,.f frult !"'Ke,a and than can't irot enough " Gilbert L. King, of Ontario, who presents Malheur mi rinm. o., W wople onose a tax commission. Jjthtor a railroad commission. , r, l!0 nt a Good stato bank iJ law Want tin, (,,. t.... iJtls.000.tobnlld a bridge jw: the Snake river. It is to cost Iboat 135.000. Representative Coutov. nf wi,i. I JjMhl county has notlilnis Representative Cartor n S ST!'-101 want something done' withe locks nmaa .., -j fwrmMschools wiped out. Kepreientatlve riv f oi-, Un kia ,, wiuuia, toa and 80mo bank l0K" U ,.ft 'iuua commission 1 U n ' ni a demurrage "i " !? refll of th0 bm th0' aro w Partlcuar about," nTS i? ,nter08ted l the Jute SuoL G0,000' L,koaI1 Hentauvelluntley.of Clacka . SS. ocks and wild b T . normol achoolH better 41 and ono would bo rWan,T!Ib!Hev0the People of w -. .UUQgon - nnjM o, SXu,;r--- " Tuesday .. u H weeK '"Wo wLrJ 7 WU1 be no otBonr! m to the raca- Cofon0lareUPPemoBt or our noonin ru7dlo8MEh.am:,"If therp iSK,Uoiltoflltthopeo. W2Sin,,,I,0,aoWBn R6d8. who gucceeda Geo. C. Brownoll, is tho ninn around whom waged tho free pass controversy. "I wus accused of being a more boy, nnd a silk- stocking college graduate, and nttornoy of a corporation nnd of rid ing on a pnss. I replied that It was nil right for an attornoy of a cor poration to accept n pass ns part of his compensation, but that I wap not tho attornoy of n railroad corpor ation nnd;dld not ride on a pass, and I was elected." Representative B. F'. Jenes: "Tho peoplo of Polk land Lincoln ar'o very deeply Interested in reciprocal do murrago. Polk county Is vory deep ly interested in an open Willamette aud freoockB and canal. Tho de murrage on fruit and perishable griodB glipttld be graduated according to valuo." Representative Campbell: "The peoplo nro more interested In tho tax ation of public utilities than anything oIbo. Thero aro millions of values in franchises in my district of Multno mah and QlackamnB that havo novor been reached for purposes of taxa tion and wo shall try to Include them." Representative Pike, of tho 28th district composed of Sherman, Gil liam and Wheeler bounties, was commnndor of tho .Oregon G. A, It. In 190.fi. Ho will champion a moas uro for tho rollof of tho Soldlors' homo, which is in a vory crowded condition, A memorial to con gross will also' bo presented by him to cure titles to settlers lands. Senator Reach: "Our campaign was on the vital ls3uo that thore are no. porpetual franchises. Wo nro also agreed on restriction of unlim ited franchises. I shall advocato the adoption of voting machines, by coun ties, cities or precincts. Or cltlcs'hud counties can buy them Jointly." . Representative Jones, of Clacka mas, was of tho opinion that opening tho Wlllamotto rlvor was of tho greatest interest to tho peoplo of western Oregon. " Ropresontntlvo Dobbin, of Wal lowa, Bays his peoplo havo boon so short of cars at tho nearest stations that onu wholo train load ot sheep had to bo driven back from Elgin to his county. Irrigation Is also of greatest interest. Tho present bill proposed does not meet all interests. Sonntor Bailey: "Tho county offi cials all want thejr salaries raised dbwp our way. Of courso, tho city ofilclnls caw raise their own salaries." Mr. Siegmund's appointment is and wo do not doom it ndvlsnblo for mado also notwithstanding petitions u man to suporviso tho oxpondituro woro prosontcd the court which con- of tho funds ot our district that has talned tho Blgnnturcs of 24 tnxpayors ' mado a dismal falluro of anything in favor of Mr. Sims, whllo tho po- ho over attempted for himself. And tltlon for Mr. Slegmund contained this last yenr ho Bpont tlmo getting only 20 names. (peoplo to volunteer work, but ho Anothor lnstanco Is thnt con- failed to lot them work out tho Bnmo, corning district No. 315, Gates, in somo of them oven asking for tho which district, desplto tho fnct that , privilege to do tho' work thoy volun thoro wns a potltion Blgncd by James toorod to do. Thoso voluntoorlng S. Wndsworth and C3 othors in favor nnd not working nro 0. Butler, C or tho appointment of 13. J. Richards, ' days; Elmer Denny C dnys;, 0. Har tho court saw (It to appoint A. J. ' rls, 5 days; Will Hurt, 5 days; John Taylor to tho position wIiobo petition Hurt 4 days, nnd I. Smith 2 days, contained tho names of only T. J. I "O. VOLZ." McClary and 34 othors. Inoxplana-' That from district No 33 &, in tlon of tho court's position on this which .no nppolntmont has yet boon latter mentioned enso Judgo Scott iiiadej "follews: said: I Wo, your potltionors, bog lonvo to "Tho court cannot nlwnys guldo present that tho road supervisor of ttsolf by potitloiiB. In tho caso ot tho our district has not given BntlBfac contost between Mr. Taylor and Mr, tlon tpya mnjorlty ot tho logal voters Richards, for lnstnnco. Information of the district, nnd wo ask that ho came to tho court that 0 number of bo not-roappolntcd; thero was sovoral tho signers ot tho Richards' petition ,1" the district that ho failed to olth woro omployos in a mill In that dls- or mako work tho road or pay tholr trlct: woro transient nnd had no In- tax. Ho also failed to Bpond tho Would Wield tlio HIr Stick. RodgerB of Marlon, Brown of torost in tho tnnltor'ono may or tho money ,iJnd',tohavo tho work donoL,nn Purklnu of Jackson, Vnwtor ot othor, nnd. of course, thoy didn't Judiciously In the district, and furth- count. Wo nro also Informed that or, ih wo havo voted a spoclal road tho complaint" ngnlnst Mr. Taylor tax thh year wo wish tho .monoy only comoi from thoso who wore used to tho host advantage." compollod to pay their road tax. j Thoro Is not a session of tho court but what wo havo Bomo kind of1 peti tion from kickers about this thing nnd that thing, and, if we paid atton- j tlon to nil of them tho sobhIohb of , tho court would bo In n continual uproar." So far as tho appointment for ' district No. 33 Is concerned It appears that, at a meet In:; of tho tnxpayors ' of tho district, at Fern RIdgo school ' houso on Friday, Docombor 28, upon ' tho suggestion of a" latter, purport ing to bo from Judgo Scott, prom- HOUSE ORGANIZED PROMPTLY Out Dtess Goods DEPARTMENT HAS MADH A WONDBIlFUIj 1IEC0RD DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND OUlt PREPARATIONS FOR THE COMING SPRING PAK ECLIPSE ANY FORMER SEASON'S SHOWING. THE NEW CREA N8IN lm. Dness Goods, Waistmgs, Trimmings, and Novelty Silks WILTa 1)18 ON DISPLAY ABOUT THE MIDDLE OP FEBRUARY. YOU MAY THINK IT A LITTLE EARLY TO TALK ABOUT IT NOW, BUT TAKE OUU ADVICE AND BUY EARLY IF YOU WANT A CHOICE SELECTION, FOIt THERE WILL BE NO CHANCE FOR RE ORDERS THIS SEASON, OWING TO THE SCARCITY OF BOTH FOREIGN' AND OMESTIO NOVELTIES. M z? . QCa r ars'szeds iQ&frfi' G.SZ$.as'ste4', 3r. G V MCI (Continued from pngo ono.) any. Tho atmosphoro was so cloar and tho tomporutiiro so ovon on the subject, nnd no conconled bolt of Islng thnt tho court would guide ghtnlng hI(,Uon nnyw,oro jn tho ro ltsolf by tho wishes of tho majority motcst oUtIcnl hor,ZOn, thoy Just of tho taxpayers of that district, a Bt00(, 8tm nnd womlorod nt tho com. vote was taken upon tho nomination ,oton08a of tho political revolution of road supervisor, as a result of wroKht ,n Oregon. Tho purification which, It is represented in an afllda- of tho ntmoB,,horo hn8 certainly boon vit mado by H. F. Ponnybakor and mo8t compioto. nnd tho nntl-Boptlc John W. Irvine, Mr. Slmms recolved lnfluenco of tho VCQl)Wa voto has cor- 23 votes, whllo Mr. -Slogmund, the ta!nly purBOd tho fe8torlnB Mro ot nppolntoo nnd clork of tho meeting, Oid.fa8hlonod senatorial corruption.' only received 11 votes. No report R tnkog a J)roUy )cJ0n ,ntoUcct and could bo found from tho Becrotary of n vory n8tuto flliur0r to convort hi uio rou mouuns irgm ihib uihifiui. yoto ,nt cash at th,8 8e88on. Bllt but tho text of tho affidavit and John W. Irvino follews: thnt thero nro thoso who will at tempt to do it thoro is no doubt. Wise Counsel from tho South. "I want to glvo some valuable ad vice to tljoae who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says, J. R. Blankenahlp, of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an absolute certain that Electric Bltfers will positively euro this distressing condition. Tho first bottlo gave me great relief and after taking a few more bottles, I was com pletely cured; so completely that It becomes a pleasuro to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guarantee at J, C. Perry's drug store. Price 50c. , INDEPENDENCE STAGE. . Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Wil lamette Hotelt Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for 'Monmouth and Dallas at 6:15 p. m. Loaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phono Mala 179. RALPH BUDLONG, ' v Manager. 1 T T T . 1 1 T1 tP u. r. rennoouKur npu juim v. T,,0 way ha8 not yc,. bc(Jn ,nado Irvino, after being sworn, that we p)R,n( but Umt thoro aro 8t R0nlu8. woro present nt nnd participated in lvlnt? ftwnke nichts is cortnln. a meeting Friday, Dccombor 28, 1 - 1 180G, at tho Fern RIdgo Bchool house, regularly called for tho purposo ot voting .on lovylng a special tax for rofid work in district No. 33, Conrad Zolkosko being chairman and E. G Slogmund secretary. Prior to vot on such tax or levy a letter from the Hon. John II. Scott, of tho honorable court, to Joseph Etzol was read, stating that if tho voters would indl cato their choice for a road super visor for tho ensuing year for this road district, tho court would ap point tho majority choice of the meeting. E. G. Slegmund was placeJ in nomination, and also G. C. Sims. Tho ballot resulted as follews: G. C Sims 23 votes and E. G. Slegmund 11 votes. Wo are now informed that a petition has been circulated asking for tho appointment of E. G. Sleg mund as road supervisor, contrary to tho wishes of tho majority of the voters at Bald meeting. Now theso affiants pray this honorable court that tho action of said meeting have precedence la this matter. Swora to toeforo F. U. Hull, notary j public, January B, 1907. f Douglas-Jackson, Jones of Llncoln- Polk, Kublo of Jackson, Kay of Ma rion, Mlllora of Linn, Dlnglmtn of Lane, Coko of Coos-Curry, Hodges of Clackamas, Mnlarkoy, Dyo and Cnmp boll of Clackamas, Jewell of Joho phlno, Barrett and Newell of Wash ington, Dobbins or Wnllown. Chase of Coos, Bonis of Tillamook, Bol knap of Crook-arnnt-Klamath-Lako. Rotchschlld of Union, Mooro of Bak er, in tho houso, nnd Bunch of Mult nomah, tho Smiths of Umatilla nnd Mnrlon nnd Whoaldon, of WnHco, In tho sonnto, nro all uppoHodto havo doBlgns on the leadership of tholr re spective housos. t Cuiiciisch Sunday Night. Frank. Davoy had headquartors at tho Hotol Wlllamotto early Sunday night, and his followers assembled thoro to tho numbor of about 30. Boforo rotlrlng tho londor sitld ho had about 41 followors plodged to support him, and thnt his selection Ing received forty-four votos nnd W. I. Vawtor fifteen. In nccordnnco with tho decision of tho caucuB, when tho houso reconvened nt 2 o'clock tlils aftornoon, Mr.' Davoy wns mndo tho unanimous cholco of tho Repub lican mombors for Bponkor, nnd ho rollovcd Roprosontatlvo Jonos,nmld a storm of applause Tho caucus Immodlatoly took up tho matter of tho election of tho su bordlnnto olllcora of tho houso, with the result thnt W. Lair Thompson, of Albany, was oloctad ohlof clerk; W. V. Dnigor, assistant ohlof or Journal clork; W. H. Bnrr, of Port land, calendar clork; John W. Bon ton, rending clork; E. L. King, mnll glork; 1. B. mil, of Jackson, sor-goant-nt-arms, and Henry Ford, of Portland, doorkoopor. Tho hardest flsht In tho caucus wuh upon tho election of cnlondnr clork. Thoro woro threo caudldatea for tho position, E. L. King, of Bak er county; O. 8. Jennings, of Luno, and W. II. Barry, of Mtiltnomnh. Jonnlngs. who has hold tho position as spoakor was cortaln. Thoro wasiof on,of ttml cnlondnr clorkB for tho nn lonrfnhukln ... !.! i-.i ' lllt fllx nr HflVntl unoulnna i1.n,mn,l EVERY DAY GOODS. 10-lb k Wliito Com MenI 0c 10-ID sk Yellow Com Menl 30p 10-111 Wliito or Yellmy in bulk ..,. .. 2c 10-1T) k Stei'l Cut Outs . .OOc 2 I'ackagos of Force .... .2ftc Q Packages Grapo Nuts . ,'Mc 1 Pnckago Puffed Rice . . , lOo S Pkg ToasU'4l Com Flakes 'Mc 10 different brands of Flour from One to $1.45 a sack. TJieso goods nro guaranteed strictly frti.Ii. Moir Grocery Company 4M tMC Mmm itm no loadorshln dovoloncd nciilnat IfnlnoB, but conforonces woro hold that caused thnt gontlomnn to wonr an anxious look. Tho Domocratlr. sonntors hold nt conference and do olded on linos of action to protoct tholr organization, nnd may tako n hand In tho fight betweon tho sonato factions to carry points for tho gov ernor. Tho flsht for tho control of tho Bonnto will probably bo oxtonded to tho floor of thnt body. Tho ralnor- , ity mny unlto with a Republican fac tion, as moy mu iwo years ago. Tlio past Blx or Bovon BOBslons, droppod out on tho first ballot, and Barry wbb olocted on tho third bnllot by tho small mnrcln of thro ovotes ovor King. Tho house mot nt 2 p. m. nnd oluctod the caucus nominees. o Tho Right Nntne. Mr, August Bherpo, tho popular ovorHOor of tho poor at Fort Madison, In., says: "Dr. Kings's Now Llfo Pills nro rightly named; thoy act moro ngrooably, do more good nnt Bonato bids fair to bo tho turbulent mako ono fool bottor than any othor body, with a strong array of insur gonts, Temporary Organljitlonn. Before 11 o'clock this morning both houses of tho Orogon legisla ture had tomporury organization and stood ndjournod to 2 p, m., propara-' tory for tho pormanent officers, to bo formally olegted, In tho houso it was concoded thnt Frank Davoy had a walkover, and Bon Jones, of Polk, wns olected tem porary speaker. In tho sonato, on tho other hand, it looked as though thero might bo a long drawn out fight on tho floor, unless tho matter was fixed up in cauous. Dan Mnlark oy was olected temporary president of tho sonato. with tho pormanont organization ontlrofy problematical, j Hoiiho Republican Chuciih. ' Long beforo tho houso convened it was conceded that Roprosontatlvo Davoy would bo elected speaker, and It only took ono ballot to land him in tho coveted chair, Mr. Davoy hav- J laxatlvo," Guaranteed to euro bilious ness and constipation; 2Go nt J, C, Porry'a drug store. t -iJ ni.inpF v Our Optical Department , . Will resume its normal condi tion nguln, aud the host of atten tion will bo glroa thoso who neod our Borvico8. Wo aro equipped with tho latost InstrumontB for testing thb eyes, and our prices aro tho most reasonable. Qias. H, Hinges. Graduate Optician.