Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Heart Beat
Forces about 8 ounces of blood
out of t!ic heart, and sends it
coursing through the vcin3 to
the remotest part of the body.
This Is the amount required by
nature to nourish nnd sustain
your body. Every ounce less
than this means a shortage in
nature's supply of building-up
material. A weak heart cannot
meet this demand, and conso
qucntly you suffer. If your
heart skips a beat, or flutters,
palpitates, pains you, or you
have shortness of breath, you
may be sure that the heart is
working imperfectly.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will
strengthen the heart muscles
and nerves.
In n (TTMtt mfffr for
I iiaa in (i nrMt swaarwr for
16 yrnra. At Ui Urn I mmhhmnmn!
twain Or MlW ffmrt (Sir I hail
bern oon tin Hi to my bl for four
month. J had frromwit tinklnjt iU,
sometime an many a thr In n. tiny.
during; wtilrli mr liwrl would n
to tou b-dtlnr noltatliir tun ontU
ln" of a iliyl.-lan to rusltaln mn.
Uafora fliilalilns; V Drat lxtlln tli
lnWJiiff himIIh iutd rmiNH). nnil I took
llosth(ir flrn Ixt'l-o for a rotFiplln
oura. I mw i iii-.y i.rf-t health, and
rut Mr una
am rry Krntf
Tnv)lolnr, fur It is tlia mm tin of tny
Mil wumltrfui
btitut with
lilt Ttidi Ht Indianapolis. IrnJ.
Dr. Mile' Hrt cure It olJ by
your druggist, wh -in auirantt Mint
th flrtt bettl will tMiHfit. If It fall
ha will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
hygi itu.i jukIii la l Kruuii
Iflctly to ordr It. dy giound iiuvk
tn no mora fit thn would rwd)
mada falia tetlli Ths Mum. II Op
tical Co grind li Itni fpwUlly
far cli aya Our wotkiliupi liavit
nil Ui lattM m drn and aipanwlv
nsthlntry knuwii ( n,a U
"fn Our ami.) yr at ir if
fit your slMtru ti,y Mill t, .
oily risht Comultation wit y
nolhlriir llookl.l with valuable Infar
mton about Hi human ... imih-m
m-M- af av at al eaai
U Jtcv. Dr. Newell I)li( IIIIIK
Hoiiih tilogrniililuii of heroes nr
long, and yet they Isnvo tlio contra)
IlKtire a vskiis and shadowy form.
Tlti inoiiiornhllln of Jmmi nre short.
a nd yat wo know Hint hi w know a
fnmlllnr frluml or yesterday. From
Ills fotilnr! not on line In lacking
Ills flowsr llk childhood, th purity
of Ills youth, tlij iiinjaflty ami boauty
of Ills Increasing: wnnhood, the hi
imliher of ehnraoter that H oar
rlwl all, all art fully known. Xtatnl
fn on the hilltop, w look down up
on a popiiloim valley holdliiK In ll
laii shlnltiK towns ami cllles, and
from th mount w look down arroax
ths enrcnr of Jmiii, brlsht with para
Mm, aimrklttiK with dtwiU of murey.
Klorloua with wonder words and
workR. Onc nous o llttlv lint that
Jwiuh was Imw In honor; now. noiu-
mi wxnittHi nil NiiiKtir, Muittulist, r-
foniiHr, arllut, post, hut that lis Hki
to harrow naw fauia hy llnklna hi"
IIHIIIM With Oil" wIllIKH ilHI' Im
clltnhl XHiilthwnrd Into aolllarv
In I ho rupuhllc ttvery (.'HIzhii Ik oiih-blKhty-mllllonth
of a IcIiik. in tlm
civilization of today ovory Iwidor who
llllH (iOIKlUHIUtl tllU 0V Of tllU KOII-
oral Ion Iih linn Horvod Ih on f motion
Of tho ClirlHt llft, nnd linn horrowwl
hit Itmplnitlou and Idoal from th
Carpunlor'H Hon. Morn wonditrfiil
llian nil U I 1 1 Ik uufoldliiK r-
fHCtlou. lit Kanornl purfitctlou mtmns
th utiruntloN of Impttrfacttons. Rluw
l wiiiiu ThorMitldtKtn rutin off a Hick
of niiir Ij dual htir and wunlpHpttra
the rouhiiHM lhr Slowly, with
here a utroko and thre a Htroktt, thv
urtlat oarrlM hi rattvaa toward Idtwl
ln'auly. With liillnlt) eramirtM and
I liitt'rllncatloiiM tlm iMMt iHillaliN lila
pt'lfwt tnw. Kur(wM la tli twild
u u in nft nftr a thoitHNiid artltlf
, fwllurtt.
With CIimI It I othrwlw. All Ills
i vwtHitlirltir Iihh to do I to unroll. Xo
, It I with Jihiik llt unfolded wtch
' fitrulty iim a i on Hi phIiiIh. I.o, thitrw
waa iiothltiK to ha nddd, nnd uothtuK
to Im' taki'it nwio And yut ho Krow
In wIhiIuiii ll fxpcrlcnci'. hy work.
by travel, nnd conversation he gatb
uroJ knowledeo about tho fields, the
woods, tho soa, tho sky, nbotit men,
tools, ami events. Also, what wo
never would have dared to Bay the
word of Uod Bays. Ills inomorabllla
dclars--iIo "srew In fnvor with
Clod." Clod's confidence nnd love
ware Increasing cvonts, iiiarcliliiK
stoadlly toward the day whon tho
volco waa hoard whisporlnir, "Thou
art my Heloved Son. In whom J am
well Dleaaed." And this mossaKe
fnlllng ou tho Innar onr was the bllts
of Ills solitude and the reward of
ills work.
if we ran truat our analysis of th
Magnificat of Mary, Ills mother was
the most gifted Intellect of her tlin
No spring rltea higher than I'k
source, and Mary the alnger explain
the iwtiteM of the soiik. Jn th.it
far off era the Sabbath with Its hours
whitened by prayer and perfumed
with aspiration, lent rlchea to Hit
mind mihI heart.
Often It Is Mid that Ills handicraft
waa against Jesii. N'ot so. Hits needs
were few. Ill work wna in tho ojifii
air. Ilendlng over the plow, Clncln
naltii iridltatml his laws. TendliiK
Ills Hooka, David wrought out his
songi. Moving slowly along the fur
row, llttriia found his music, in nil
ag tht rreek and the plow haw
united work and health to rollectlou
and genius.
Nor limit we rornot tho Inlluonre
upon Jcaua of tho sunil-iuiniial pro-
cesjaioas to .lerumtium. ivuvor was
then such a college or mortals as the
two weeks in .lerttsnlum, whoro tin
gteatest teachers and singers and
dreamera out or all the world wtr
asseiiiblwl. It is eaay for tho llovw r
to blnom mid the fruit to rlpon win u
lb air of the hothotiSM Is made fir
vint. And ri!ieneas for the Intelli- t
and growth tor the heart wero natu
ral and spontaneous lit that hour,
when the air waa iiulck with aplrl
nal lite. Kitting In the opon window
when th) llrat star came out, whlt
holding his mother Monica's hand
Augustine had his first vision or tin
City or lnl. and entered upon his en
rer as n world teaehor. When
Christ first was quickened, when tin
vision beeame a hope, and the hope a
faith, and the faith a purpose, nnd
the purpiM a plan to achieve the
Mesalahshlu, we do not know. That
wuTtsI hour la like the throne of Clod,
girl about with sllsue. clouds and
iu story.
o , i .,
AiS Women
should a'ist Nature at those times
when the system is upset, the ncrv
otn tone low and a fechng of dc
p"rrion or languor exists. An ex
perience of over so years warrants
the statement that no medicine
gives such prompt relief as
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 25c.
I rffrfiirtoiuaiqliirttrairti . rt. f. ftTfi)iV.i
i m m I
I n SIS1
H II IIiMMl i rmAV XT"1- mzxim
at In rryjS I jnrV' '"U vi I
H "iCf - -isj iSmmKI
i ih" n 'hi i i itm : iho 1
liKkis or lli" Old Sihuol I
Without a peer. I
I Tor sale by I
I . s m:i:im:u. I s
""" IWBlj
Get yourself n new homo now
Wo have, somo cheap, on easy pay
ments; good house, corner Mill and
22nd streets, $800.
nna ri-room house and lot,
street, $500.
Good 1-room house and lot. 21st
street for J400.
Good -1-room house and lot,
and Mill streets. $450.
Good 6-room houso and lot,
and Mill streets, $S00.
Good S-room houso and 3 lots 21st
and Chomokota streets, $1,500.
Two houses North Liberty, 2 lots
each, $000.
Nice acreage property cheap.
An 80 acre with C-room house,
barn, orchard, etc.. for only $900. I
I Oth
Fully enforced at
our snop, and ti,0
best meats of all
kinds, as well as pure
lard, sausages and
everything ia 0Ut
IT. nnrnd linn linrtnTTl Innu. nO.ir .
MV UVVB - ...-. .- . - - , -
Marlon, with fair Improvements, a i vi, u-oiii. st. srnom 5U5
cheap, $900.
Electric light is the magnet that
draws trade. Keep your store bright
and you'll be kept busy.
A show window brilliantly illum
inated with Electric Light makes
many a sale. It attracts attention,
makes it easy for your display to be
examined and shows your goods to
the best advantage.
An electric sign will make a
name for you and when your name is
made it will burn it in the public's
eyes and minds. It is an investmcr t
that pays big dividends. Our repre
sentative will explain how.
General Electric
240 Commercial St., Salem, O
Wild I'iml I'n st IINuppciu'liiK.
WauliliiRton. Jan. 1. The report
if thi' I'nltMl State agricultural di
partiiu-nt just Isaued regarding the
thrHMteiiMl extinction or wild fowl
will be of Interest to hunters all
ovir the wMtatry for Ita iIImIoim a
state of facts which nulat to the to
tal extlurtlon of wlW tlaek. teal, wild
s '. and all wild water fowl In the
near future. Th canvas Irnck ami
tll rtHl-ttetul. oars) varv Ktimitiiwi
nioiig the At la at le coast from rjorbla
to Nova ifeotla an mow exceedingly
! " "' and f the sat Hocks that
, r.u uierly cuversHl CheatHteake bay fw
now migrate tblther. hut In the Car-
'him h rew iloeka winter on the
'"" raulilly are wtw fowl di
minishing In MlaaatoU that It has
I..-4-U round usvawaary to hum a law
prohibiting, nut only the export of
Im-ks. but evn thtir sale within
nio Mat limit. Ieiartmat experts
ar of the opinloa (bat (be enforce
m.ut of HMMjaraUiy siriHgswt rtn
-in.- laws aatl ta aaUblUhnteut or
t.i.-i.rva In th states where water
w I tan to sure of aafaiv .) .kh..
will not only avert the threaten.!
xiiiii'ilun uf twrtala sjtrcts ut U
ill-- Kiirvstw of all water fowl tu a
i'.iiin iwnichet' near the rrcent
abundant Wells W Cok. of the
b.UNieal sarvejr ol la aarlrtilttiral
deiMittmrat aeaerts that thf givat ti
hi mm iuii in wtlU fowl has be,
'Hi-Hi hv the surtaa spooling and d
'M,cm.n ia kreiliic grouiuis by
f... n..., but Ur. Cook la winding up
in. r..ii utea that the narlrl, dt.
"it ,.f contra! Canada. niaiirUtiic
'-'," portiuM at Mantton kW.ut
'- -an. nnd Alberta are the d.i.k. '
I'a.rtdtae He fart Iter stnta thnt
within the Cnit4 States th faxorl
... ..n fur wild fowl U ih north
.t.rn i-an or Montana, the north,
m half of .Van Uakot J ,h..
.tt,eeter art of Ittnn.ota a.
.ins mat reten Is rrowd.M w.th
UW. ,K.nd. Jonk. and nur.he.
wnun turntslt Meal r,stln m.um
4t.a .intiiuitetl food for wild r,.,
ty. IVrtUIr, JUUrtlu, 77 I. I)
lf Waverly, Tx . writes -of a
ralng. wben trt arista. I often
al tnnblioiae clbeti, of
I'hln, wbica nrtt4nee cvih a
i- very aatM to ittakMae: but a sa..n
luantl.y oi HmJuM". Horrh. m4
run H at oaee atto4f it Md
h tronble U over. I Know of no
eaiae iat sea) tl u, m4 u u
o (Meaeaat t UW. I aaa aot ear.
ataUr rusammana It u mi
aeeJiag a 4kfc fer Uwoat r Uac
trotia- SW by IX J. ..
Re R. Ryan
510 Stnto Street.
TrtAor. Marks
CopvmoHTs Ac.
An.or.aM'rn!' IKftr! hnr 3 iti-.frlntt nniiiy
Ou' ifiu r i i - 1 1 fm wiu'iiior i
luii-i ii u pr if rt.r. "ii'.v ( tuiminlrn.
linn.Bi i,'i. a i 'i IHNjUOOIloiil'atruM
onl friMk HMKt '" ft t tiiliT rf l.lll.
I'.li' il. t.lrti i r .,,li M, , ,X tu. recvlTC
tfHUtMtttt, Wlftl lUtl' nr , IlltllO
Scientific American.
A tuniWomnlr lllnilrniwl wwklr, Ijtruot clr.
riiUtli.il ef nr iiei III!.- J.iuriml, 1 rrnu, a
iAf. furruuntu,L foU tiull nrwuiwilcm.
MUNN&Co.30"5-'. New York
Uiutb Ufflco, 6 V Ht, WMhlumun, U. U
Blue Vitrei
Spray Material
A beautiful C2-ncre.
nrovoment, etc.. near Turner,
houso nnd location. $3,200.
Grn ...n fnr nnWtlllltr In til V lltlll If
you want work, or want holp of any . Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR
kind, leavo your order here. TVill treat you with Oriental herbi
and euro any diseaso without operatios
or pain.
Dr. Kum Is known everywhere la
Salem, and has curou many prominent
pooplo hero. Ho has lived in Sales
for 20 yoras, and can bo trusted, lie
uses many medicines unknown to white
doctors, and with thorn can cure
catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rhcu
matiam, stomach, liver, and kidney di
Dr. Kum makoa a Bnecla.lty cf drops;
aud femolo troubles. Ills rcinedict
cure privato disoosos whon everything
else fails, fie has hundreds of toati
moolals, and givos consultation free
t'rlcos for medicines vory moderate
I Persons in the country can write fot
blank. Send stamp.
If you want somo oxtra fine tea, g 1
t from us.
167 South High street, Salem, Oregon
FRY'S Drug Store
Prices Absolutely Lowest
Rostein & Greenbaum's
3 l-Hlt h.ax) gray tor 25c
lii- h..i black, now ic
'' h.v rlhbe. now, ,
S11' Alio i Ihliod, now
. 8c
i!t nitin
S lluMUo,
ii.ixin.. now
. d X4e
" d 6e
. Ue
Oil Cloth
-' "landard srade. yd
Outing Flannel
1 it jUltv colors, yd So
J v srad... Kgured. yd ..'.'.' .'.'.' s U o
osr.t.. ngurna. ya 74c
Sc huvy twlltati
10 grad In
Uauu. JJ
Mill mi
Table Damask
la Mill d4 u
waants. SOc gradw
. 2Se yd
40c grade, now oCc,
50c grade, now !!.' .'.'!.' 40c
$1.25 and $1.50 odd wooV shirts
and drawors, now 75c
Men's Sox
Pairs heavy cotton for . "ta
10c black sox. now .'.'.' 7 Jc
Lace Curtains
150 grade, 3, dslonir. now M.OOpr
J-00 grade, 3jds long, now $1.26 pr
Bed Spreads
j 00 lar. .Ml now
e ... .ow 0QG
n.5lar8e8iw,now nJ
Oowng from
Sklru from 3 V!P
ara from J5SHP
30c up
HTy cotton. .
union suits, aoW '
waoa suits, now
k . . qa. m
-5e)rd J .JOa ; ::::v:; I oc I
HalHaaSanBavHtelBaMB TtQEama s laMrtrMsnsre a