Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Thcro Ijns been a lull In tho socloty
circled of the Capital city In com
parison to the past two woolcs, but
what ha taken plnco ha boon of a
most cnjoyablo cbnrnctor. Tho Jilt
hee club reception last evening wan
jwrfinns the most Important of the
I city, having visited here, the guest
I of Mrs. B. Hofer.
Five Jf undrcil Club.
Tho 1907 "500" club mot with
Mr. noil Mrs. P. W. Spencer Thurs
day evening and thoro was a large
attendance. The prizes were won
by Mrs. E. Cooke-Patton nnd Mr.
Thos. Wilson. The affair was most
A Social Event, "y
Countess Olga von llntzfieid, the
city. There wore Just enough skat- charming little musical comedy stun
or on the floor to roako It pleasant, who succeeded Anna Hold In the title
H&ppenings. of Interest on the Gay
Side of Lffe in the Capital City.
timilmllttHHillMf I ! tHH '
I'IwniiiI ".Mio" Party,
Mrs. Ixinta Weatacolt gave a most
cnjoyablo "COO" party Tuesday at
her home on Court street, wjiloh was
attonded by over eighty society peo
plfj. The affair was given In honor
of Mlgt Until Gabrlolson nnd Mr.
Cliniiriuj' Dlshon, whose approaching
marriage will be the leading event of
tho early spring.
Tho lioiiso decorations wero mostly
potted plants and fern, anil wero
Tory pretty. Thn prizes uro won by
Wis Lcln Kerren, nnd Mr. Frederick
Thlojseu, while tho ronsolntlon prlxos
wore inwnideil to Mrs. J. N. Hmltli
nnd Prof. Harry linsthani.
Tbo'hostosn was nMlsted In serving '"K tnolr
and the feature of the cvonlng was
tho grand march which was held at
11 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Albort and
L. K. I.fickey led the march. Punch
was served during the time,
tfotlcoable among tho society folks
w, Mr. and Mrs. II. 1). (lllbert, Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. 0. Sohucking, Mr. and
role of "The Ljttle Duchess," and
who Is now on her second suflcessfn'
season 4n that popular musical com
edy, Is the same dainty Co un toss 01
tca who made a decided hit with "The
Uurgomustor." "The Storks" and
other musical comedy productions of
In tho cast nre Harry Carter, who
was starred In Sousa's "El Capltan;"
nDnr P. Moore, the well-known
song writer nnd comedian; Madeline
Cook, one of tho cleverest character
comedlonnos on tho stage; Eugene
O'Brien, whose splendid baritone and
handsome physique have been noted
In many high-clasa attractions; Kit-
tie Duobel, tho captivating little bou
brette; Ernest Fisher, Howard Cook,
Violet von Nickels, and a host of
fascinating show slrls and broilers in
the big beauty chorus.
The production of scenery and cos
tumes, and the memorable Parsian
gowns worn by the "Sadie" girls aroj
remembered as one of the most elab
orate and costly scenic nnd sartoria'
displays ever Inverted In n musical
comedy production, and will be seen
intact. This company of 50 Is said
to contain a selection of feminine
loveliness unexcelled In musical com
mie game class,
. hr rAinnrkablM aucceos dntoo bark
Mrs. Henry Meyors, M. nnd Mrs. J lrM yMrg when , n,,n9nr0i .
It, Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Albert,
Mr. ami Mrs. 11. 0. Mysr, Mr. nnd
Selection by the orchestra.
Talk on the good of the order, Mrs.
Ella Watt.
Every number of the program was
of hlgh-cluss work, and was given a
hearty encore.
Tho members and thejr guosts
then repaired to tho dining hall,
where a dellelouB luncheon was
served. .
It Is the custom of the Artisans to
give a social each month, and tlio
guests who were fortunate enough to
attend last night expressed them
selves as havlnff had a pleasant even
ing and hoped to visit the assembly
American Party.
Friday afternoon wns tho scene of
much pleasure at the home of Mrs.
A. M. Crawford, ou Cottngo street,
when about -10 ladles were guests at
an "American panj, uu "
first of In kind In the Capital City.
This Is the first of n series of partloe
dors in Glacier bny, Alaska
ceding. Tho work was ,..' r!
Messm. C. W. nnd P. e v , "
slated by W. rt. Pumnnit"'
geological survey denarimL, :
after having spent n season is '
a very valuable report jh m;
tlgations. In tho course of h i
port the members of vhe
Mrs. P. W. Durbln, Mrs. Sherman
Thompson, Miss A line Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Gnbrlelson. Miss
heralded, at Hammerstln roof Ir
New York City In a summer show,
and bounded In one night into popu
lar favor bv her excellent singing,
clever acting and refreshing -beauty
Hulh aabrlelson, Mtn Allot Meyer, Sine " the dainty Countoss Ols
Mr. Olmuncey Dlshop. Mr. Kdward . Ktilltil herlf as n star of
ThA lif Iniiltir of . 'lv this seatOU. t
- "- -- " - i - ----- . . ... ,a ,.. lllol KJl (l 0-, tva ... x,...
Curtain rises at the Grand tonight jwh,ph MrIt Crawford will give dur-
t S:S0 n. m. to give uusiness men nR tlle'coinJnK montll.
an opportunity io auvnu.
Woodcnift, Iiistnllatlon.
The W'oodmon of the World. N'o.
118, and Silver Hell Circle. Women
of Woodcraft, held a Joint installa
tion of olllcer s.'cer their regular
sestions last evening, which was well
flint with tow oxnnnH.in.. .
,, . , ::.': r. ,ne n
,n u un luuviinii, luu met beln
....., . at amir, the i
known of Alnskan glaciPr. i
front of this stream which j
fined to a narrow neck din-i
Ilncff rlrtnntf A lino mmr.I.. i (
'"" """ ' ivuumpu, sines n,
n, distance of flvo or si mn
much broader portions In thon
ou mui. niu jiiubuiu ICO froM
niuuii i uuniti two miie8
fnftim n silllpli'rlr i-..!.. .
..win.) seven K
uiuiuiu. aimo icui.'bbion lias be
trlbuted to tho earthquake of n!
Which llln.V linVO lind snnir ...
liin I'lnflor linf flu. ni.i. '
v.. D , - . VUI ,,3
tho remnrkublo retreat Is undnnv,
! The house decorations wore beau-! '' l'"0 to 8 recession Into the J
tlful, and carried out the American; '"" '" "l o mirt, th ,
colors throughout. Flags and bunt- I'"'" n far broader ice front t,.
Thlolson, Mr. and Mr. Frsd Thlel- the first magnitude, and lins onjoyed attended.
snd entertaining by Mrs. Ada Htrong,
Mrs. Joseph Ilnumenrtnor, Mrs. ('.
I). aalirlelssn and Mrs. HhorniRii W.
l'or .Mid rtabrlclMin.
MIim Kuth Onbriolson who Is re
ceiving niHch social Bttuntion of
Into, Is the guest of honor at n "iln
j shower" this aftornoon glwn by
Wlss Aline Tlminiwon. A lnrg nnm-
bor of Ml mi Qabrlelton's friends are
The Installing officer for
son. Dr. nnd Mrs. MnArtlinr. Atr. nml that distinction for several yours. In the ladles was Mrs. Mary E. IIol
Mrs. Geo. P. Itodgers and iimnyj'"rno Initio Duchess" she is seen to 'comb, past gunrdlnu neighbor, and
others. Joxcellent ndvantnge, the central role J for the men Past Consul A. h. Fra
.having been rewritten sinco the Cn-jiiire. Uoth teams did some good
Woumn'M Club. Bln0 run ot the piece, so as to fit her , Moor work, which was most lnturest-
Th6 Snlom Woman's club Is hold-,0,",r,n,n PonotMHy, and to allow Ing.
moro lniiiuue to ino comouinns sup- i Arter (lie Instnuailon refreshments
porting her. Foremost among her were served nnd pedro was played.
Ing and evorgreens and Oregon grnpo
nctlon of tidal currents
regulnr meeting at tho
homo or Mrs. Chns. II. Moored on
State street today and there la an un
usual large nttoudanoo. Mrs. Urn
ntaoclutes this season "The Little
Ducliom" Is Hobert I.olt, tho well-1
, Ai'lNiuw Ktitcrlnlii.
Capital Assembly N'o.
The amusement of the nftomoon
. j win a gnoesiug gnuie, mm is mo
....... ..HV ....,.,... , k occantrle eainmllnn. wim i.. ir,.it..i vrtt,. i,.i,i m,, f' guessing oi generals namos or tnp
SL Mh. .ir,n ."M t1 Uir Mvar 'n tbelr enjoyable' "open meetings" I'T 1rn,rn"d th '"'.'T' th"
uun iiiiiaimw cunieuioe ami comic inst nigut. A goodly numbor or the
operas as "The Strollers," King members and their friends wore pres-
Dfxll)." Tlia tflahup Afiil,laM ....i ... , ..!,... ,i. it l
jtmt Sm.,l. ll.n f..,--i -"- " "" "' '"J"' " uAuaiiaui. ini.
., ,. ...TO. .., )0tntr Uro,away urre(j. Mr. Lett gram and partake of tho dalntv
soetaJ nutM umda aiteclni menlfon of .is one of the most vernntiu ,.M.nwii. inn,0,,
miim mmiii imni, or i-oriiand, who aus on the stage, hrfylng aesumed James B. Godfrey, tho head officer !Ur 8evernI "'"erestlng readings
huU Htjr DotitiL
Alia j
- . .
were festooned In nil tho rooms. D""a """ 'iti-u m a gf
while beautirul potted plants and n mo gooiogicnl niiinB 0,
... . . .. , . . limlnlnnil const nml ilw i.,..
reriis auiieu inucn to me onocu. r ... ianai
Miss Mary Wann attended the o.mioastern Ainska. I)lirIn)?
.i..nr. ...,.i MlHi.n Wnlinn recnlved 8urvJ ierai new iiilnpral
""' - "- ---.-
.. mint iinsmint. The hostess wuro uiBwovHreu ami Ueposlts of ,
was assisted In entertaining and metallcs such ns gypsum, marble,,
iwrvliitf l.r Mrs. Genre Waters. Miss Pne wero biuuiou with a n,
Cnllfltn M'oore, Miss Wann, Min.i -"ccrtnlnlng tholr economic vaht
Bella Aekermnii, Miss Gabrlolson, o .
Mrs. Percy Cotter and Miss Wntson. . . Tho Spirit of "VVIiitor
rti rt..t..ii. J i
mo opiru ol winter Is with i
nmklng Its presonce known in nJ
different ways Bomctlnics by ru
sunslilno nnd glistening snows, t
Hometlmos by driving winds i
blinding storms. To ninn neoni.
made her first
Fkatlng Pnily.
A large number of Knlems social
set woro In nttendaiioe nt the Klksl
nVlTvwntur. ill inw imriB IOrillriT HI OtttWl to Sllrli aiilM nt flia unui.,1.1.. ..ix.l.lA.l I.. 1.1. ....-!
musical world at Ibe Ht. Dm-iil'i B ir..w.i wnuin n. w ,. .. .-. '
PrMcnt. and the air.iir i. ,UMi aM. ,.i .,. ,. .. .J." .;' . 17 ." "."""" "v ,,uu ""I'lr sniai manner, me progrmn was kh
."- v.. ..winwitni uinicii i,n ijnruimu iiht- nun i-,ifinj in lfliMin... ii .
- - vnniM ... ijibciimv, mi in wnoiri
8he did flte nolo work of the pro-fare widely different In method and
gram, and rtMlved many compll- iMnonnlltr. Another nntnbm -.
nienls. Rhe has a sweet soprano iIIhii In tho stn.nnit nf n,.m,tu. ..
voire and will no doubl become a llatzf.-ldt u . ,,,miBr ,i.,.i
tcrcnt fnvmllp Mhn l .nn ..r .,..!.. ....... ...
skating party WednesJa evm.n.r. John flara m,,, ,. , ' . " ' 'V'?. ,,r"0KV. "-""'
rhlch was the first of l kind In this' Ml, !. u wrtl know, . ,,.,.' "" . . '.' f na'a "0t Vth
...,..h, , v uiuiii h roimmnv C)llur.'
Selection by the orehettm.
Heading. Mist CnsebMr.
Mandolin solo, I.yle Lewis,
Itt-Hdlng. Mins IMddi-ll j
luxtruni'iiinl iliut, MNxes Hill audi
Hint n linndRomoly frnmod plcturo of i
George Washington, was won by '
Af lSI rS(l1ltt1lM Itl It'll It, tli j-k iiiinoAlu I
..... ......... .., u. .-". ,.MI11B to tnkon n delight in mat
Inn. nil A lllai-lnnn Onw 'nei wnn In. '" """"
...., .... ...... ...... ....p, ,,,, ., ... .j JJllnwa nnraii f... .1
MIm Vera Byars. Mrs. Porcel Cot-1.. .:..".. . 7. .. .muraaiE
imia iiiiiuur, twiiiui' Hiinrper t
tnrrh becomes moro nnnojlng.andt)
ninny symptoms of scrofula nre I
veloped nnd nggrnVntcd. Time;
not much poetry in this, bu third
truth, nnd It Is n -wonder thatarl
people don't cot rid of these J
ment. The medicine that cures tkl
- Hood's Snrsnparrlln l msllv J
(luring uio aitornoon, one among
them being "Ilnrbara Frltchle."
The party was decidedly an Inno
vation, and wns delightful In every
.HiisKiut Gliirlcis It ling.
Wellington, Jan 11.-The g.-o.Jtalned nnd there Is abundant m,
"I'IKII . In I, .11 Cllll-rl l.i.-. -I l,.(l ,..! .t.. . ......,.
i -- ....v, i.in3iih,iuuno ivn.i' iiuiL is cures are rncucni n n,i jipm
. . .-...-.......-.p. .,.i,.ki,.i l in ji I . rniniinnii iiih..i 11 ..ti.. . ....... -.
; J """' ".iiiing. unric miKiinn Mif nirlous fact that the great gla- nent.
. - B OM
Never hrfn h .'k, i ""l wn'n
wc must have room fdr t he new eoods S IX ntZ ndcu!ous prices' Bu
ing to sacrifice on the Old goS amaketo UTCnW' "d WiH"
BtEsTF S? ......
K-y .meo
i'i TvJ
This includes our
"HmniHtimnui,! miw
Bring in the size of your
rooms and wc may have a rem
nant that will exactly fit it and
at prices that will astonish you.
You can pay a small deposit
now and we will make up yemr
carpet and you can pay the rest
v"en you need it.
. . a. ... .... ;7 jj ,T,,e" you need it.
Tell your neiehhnrs nr fi.;nric ut ... . n"M .. zz
any oirpets yourCilf ifheear future Wc STES" Vu doirtTZ,
buy this month at We W1" SAVE YOU BIG MONEY if o
Home Ftstnishin& Cn
77 LfflERTY STRRR-r S V-.Q,