1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1007. . L STOCKTON) thf OI H WHSTF rORMFP 8 IBB Br- X HmB T f m a III 1 CLEARANCE SALE! Ww3 OVERCOATS REDUCED Per -!2I IIL $8.50 Coats for J 0.00 Coats for i 2.00 Coats for J 5.00 Coats for 20.00 Coats for $6.38 7.50 8.00 tt.25 1 5.00 lEIM'S SHIRTS, 3 FOR $1 .00 Bf4--HH-M-fB !: tll-Nllllf -W-HH I New Yotk Jamay Fashions HHif-MfrfrfrHWI 1 44i4M-44M-fr4-HWMH-M Never before wore evening wraps so senornlly worn, or so varied In mnterlnl nnd style of make. Women have learned that It pays to have at least one of theso usuful and most becoming Garments, for they nmke light, comparatively simply drosses, possible with ndvautnso both to n girl's appearance and to her pocket book. A Theater Party. At n theater party which came cooping in at a lending thoator the other night, taking up two rows of the parquet nonr tho front several girls were noticed In lingerie gowns, that will be as much In place for a dance next August as they were this January at the theater. They were, of course, covered under warm, pret ty wraps until tho girls reached tho seats, then thrown gracefully back ready to bo donned with tho gront est ease when the play was over. Fancy Scurfs and Fichus. good fur, especially In tho hanging furs of the season, whore each sepa rate pelt ts distinctly visible and could at any time bo transferred to uny other uses. Janunry sales offer opportunities for securing high grade furs at prices that appeal to clover purchasers. C, C. Slmyne, as a mat ter of precedent, makos substantial reductions throughout their stock nftor January first, and ono can rely on anything obtained from this old established fur house as bolnc made up In the Ilnost ninnnor. and built of fine skins, slnco no trash Is ever allowed to bo sold In this establish ment. Silk Braids and Ribbons. Silk braids and ribbons are Im portant parts of tho garnitures of (owns and wraps. Very elaborate effects are easily obtained by taking advantage of the possibilities for aastly accomplished decoration that belong to those trimmings. Sushcs, bolts, bodices and brotelles aro quick- Besides tho protty wraps which ly and prettily concocted with vol- )vet 600 shirts, varying: in price from 50c C f A A o to SJ.50 each are offered at 3 for 4 w The assortment comprises Fancies and White in Jolf and Negligee. Step lively please for' baying will be briSK. linger GtfancL J. A. COOPER . PBESKXTIXG THK ,oope- Beimoti Company No Dark Nights mitDlY MATINEE 2:.10 1 M. rand Opera House JNO. r. COHIHtAY, Manager, MTt ItDW, JAN l" A It Y HI. COUNTESS OK. MOV IIATZFELDT. 'i 1 ' big comnnnr of fifty neo- II na IUld's Musical Olrllenl III i l id i . THE LITTLE DUCHESS." ..i laughing nnd beauty U .? I'1" $1 ".0. $1 00. 75c. EOc. r at 8.35 Our Optical Department Ulll resume Us normal ccndl tton again, and tho beat of atten tion will be given those who need our services. Wo aro oquipped ith the latest Instruments for test. i) the eyes, and our prices ae ttr moat reasonable. Chas. H. Hinges. graduate Optician. EVERY DAY GOODS. HMb j,k White Corn Mewl 30c 10-Ib ,k Yellow Corn Meal 30c 10-m White or Yellow t bulk 2,1c KMb su Steel Cut Oats . .00c 2 Packages of Force 25c 2 Packages Grape Nuts . .23c 1 Package PufTed Rice ... 10c 2 Pkg Toasted Corn Flakes 25c 10 different brands of Flour from 05c to $1.45 a sack. These goods are guaranteed strictly fre&h. Moir Grocery Company sutt. SALEM IS READY FOR THE SOLONS Dressed in Its Best Suit of Clothes For Coming Ses' sion of Legislature . aJfj Snlem Is puttlqg on Ita bout "bib nnd tucker" for tho reception of tho members of tho legislature who will bogln to nrrlvo tonight and tomor row and will bo hero In forco (oii 1 sunnily evening, especially is tins true with respect to the hotels, pri vate boarding aiid rooming bonnet. Perhaps tho nioit olnborute prepara tions havo been mndo by Manager Conner, or the Wlllumotto hotol, who has had the ontlru hostelry ovorhnul od and ronovntad and It Is as "spick ii'iul spun" as a now pin. The lobby or the hotel, eellluK walls and llxtures has been treated to a brand new unit of paint and polish and everything put hi hlp-ehupo for the accommodation of the solous who will congregate there In great num bers overy evening after each day's session. The painting was done by Frank U WUlnmn, whose marked .ability as a decorator and painter Is well known throughout the city. Much has been addod to the comfort and appearance of the lobUv by the ronloval of the large table that formorly occupied the con fer of the floor, and tho addition of n set of new oasy ohalrs, Mission style, n need that has boon long felt and is appreciated by tho gnosis. For elaborateness of design, color and artistic finish In tho lino of in terior decorations Mr. Wllljnan. the painter, did hlmsolf proud In tho painting and froscolng of the walle und colling of tho Uuroau snloon, of which F. P. Tnlklngton is proprietor. Tls Is probably the most oxponslvo and elegant piece of work of Ita kind In tho city and groat credit Is duo to tho artist as well as congratu lations to tho proprietor. o The above design N by tho Mct'itllt'ompiiuy, of .New York, publishers of Fashion and Manufacturers of M cOtll Patterns.. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools and tbe Family Circle, were nearly all In cape or circular forms, most of the girls wore scarfs of light dainty fabrics which were draped about their shoulders (luring the performance, allppud back or drawn up as occasion or fancy de manded. The fJIrl Who Paints or Embroiders. Tim girl who can paint or can am broldor will be' able to make charm ing throws of this sort for little cost, for many of them nro of vory thin China silk. The 'sort that sells for loss than SO coats per yard. The onds decorated with llornl patterns done with brush or needle. The brush dork is In thin dyes it's if print Od on. Scarfs of crepe havo ond made of warp print stnah ribbons put on with fancy stitches or lace infer tlons and finished with knotted fringes or tubals ornaments, Fill- Sets and Fur Trimmings. Fur trimmings ornament some of the prettiest scarfs of chiffon, but fur makes It appearanco everywhere. There Is no bettor investment than vol and silk ribbons, while braidings make dressy designs at little cost, and combined with few fancy studios ortiHifmnt the moet'expenslvo creations of fashionable dressmak ing. Hit It Ornaments. Wat'O novar prettier or more gon orally omployod. Shell combs of all sorts are anions the most practical oniaiiienU) of a substantial sort, and those Inset with small KhlnostoueH have proved particularly popular. The lewolod barrette has returned to favor with more, preatlgo thuu over, and In many different forms. !ver duo smull stones Hint show lit I lie of tho suiting are (hit In tho list. land combinations of, pearls and bril liant are reckoned especially desir able Wreaths of :roan bay loavos, spangled with dew drops of brilliants with a cluster of crush roses, white, pink, yollow or red, on tho left shlo In front, are ospeclully pretty for evening woar. , LUCY CAUT18K. New York City Is to do away with tho last horse car lines. A train load of gold nnd sliver ore from Goldflold, valued at $7,000,000, was taken to the smelters at Callejo Junction, Gal. It was heavily guard ed. Coal famine at San Francisco and other coast cities has made a tre mendous advance In tho value of tho Coos Bay mines. A clerk at Hoqulam, Wash., was hazed by high, school boys because ho "rooted" for a rival basketball team. He was stripped and given a coat of varnish. The Pennsylvania railroad, which has a four-track line from Chicago to Now York, will issue $200,000, 000 capital Htouk to rniso money to nmko needed improvements and ex tensions and to purchase now oqulp mont. Japanese cupltulluU have taken stpps to .ogtabltah a bunk nnd insur ance company at Manila. Thoy huve nlsp takon stops to establish a nown paper thoro to promote Jnpanoee commorco. It Is to be published In the Jnpanoso, Philippine und Ungllih languages. Thoro la such a famine In a large part of China that tho people ar living on grass roots. Two San FranoUco lawyers have won a Bult In tho courts of Germany that will compel tho North German Insurance Company to pay Its losff os In that city, in spite of tho "quake Clause" under whloh It was soeklng to evado payment of millions of dol lars. The decision hinged on the punctuation of a clauso and the prop or use of a comma. -o Have you Indigestion, constipation, headache, backache, kidney trouble' Hollstler'a Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. It it falls, get your money back. That's fair. Tea or Tablet form; 35 cents Fpr sale at Dr Stoaa'a tore. Smiles ItoKttliurg will soon be out of. debt. Albupy m'uy havo paved street. All Uiat Is needed to secure good government" Is to slvo the machiuo more powor aad inoro taxes. . Salem Is metropolitan. Curtain rises Saturday night at 8:0 o'clock. w M It takos tho fanners to skin tho trusts. Thoro la tho Sublimity Farm ers Mutual Fire Insurance company, has carried $120,349 of policies last year for total oxpenso of $283.00. That Is skinning tho Insurance trusts out of nbput $20,000. Under the prosont wonderful na turalization, Jawa of congress almost no foreign-born cttlzons are being naturalized. But tho now depart ment creatod a groat many ofTices for those who aro already citizens to draw fees and salaries. That is what congress Is for to create offices. Today the ahlppers convention meets at Albany. Tbey should sing that good old hymn; IT ALL DEPENDS I ON QUALITY. OUt CONSTANT AIM IH'IUXG THK PAST F1FTKKN YEARS HAS HKK.V TO KKKP THK QUALITY UP. THE ENORMOUS INCREASE IN OUt BUSINESS PltOYKS THAT CUSTOMKHS FIND OUlt MKHCHAND1SK SATISFACTOUY THADK IX KVKHY DKPAHT MKXT IS 1NCUKASIXO. V Out Df ess Goods DEPARTMENT HAS L1K A WONPKUFUL ItKCOHl) DURING THK PAST YKAU, AND OUlt PllKPAHATIOXS FOB THK COMING SPUING FAR C F.CLIPSE ANY FOBMKlt SKASONVS SHOWING. THK NKW CBKA- TIONS IN Dress Goods. Waistings, Ttimmings, aad Novelty Silks WILL HE ON DISPLAY ABOUT THK MIDDLE OF FKIHtUAHY. YOU MAY THINK IT A LITTLE EAHLY,TOTALK ABOUT IT NOW, HUT TAKE OUlt ADYICE AND BUY KABLY IF YOU AVANT A CHOICE SELECTION, FOB THEBEWILLBE NO CHANCE FOB HK OBDEBS THIS SEASON, OWING TO THE SfABCITY OF BOTH FOREIGN AND OMESTIO NOVKLTIKS. &.::j$mi, Wstt. I Preferred Securities WE HAYK ON HAND SEYKBAL PABTICULAHIiYTIIOirH 1SSUKS OF BONDS, INCLUDING KOMK YKItY A'lTBACTIVK SCHOOL BONDS, YIKLDING FBOM FOUB AND A HALF TO SIX PEB CENT AND WILL BE PLKASHD TO PUH. XIHH COMPLETE INFOBMATION BKGABDIXG THK SAMK UPON HI!-QUEST. MORRIS BROTHERS, Bankers CHAMBER OP COMMERCE PORTLAND, OREGON "Yes, we'll gatln'r at tho river, The bountiful, the beautiful, The beautiful Willamette river."' Albany Demecrat: Krank Davuy had simply been down to tho coast hunting vote. Next time ho should go to all tho Portland papors and dlvliige his plans and gtvo hie itiner ary. - -o- ' Into oaah lifo hoiiio sorrow must fall; Wlso people dou't sit down and buWl; Only fools suloldo or tuko to lllght; Smart pooplo tako Hooky Mountain Tea at night. Sold at Dr. Stone's store. M. A. A. C. GAME TONIGHT. Salem Y. M. O. A. nnd Multnomah Play ItiiNkotlNill Tonight Pre liminary Gume. Tho Multnomah star basketball team will arrive in the city tonight on tho 0:30 train from Portland, and, aftor a light supper and a rub down, will be in excellent condition for the gamo with the local Y. M. C. X. thin ovonlng. Tho Balem boya havo been practicing hard the past week, and feel that they stand a good rhanco of winning tho gamo to night. Coach draunlH has had his men in training, and feels confident Tho local team has lost a good man In Forry Jones for eomo time, who Is at prosont suffering from a sprained wrist, but they havo another good man, Rhodes, who hus recent! coino Into tho toam. Tho Lineup. Salem 41, A. A. 0. Allen 0 llolllngor Rhode V Rash RaHhor.,... V Dont Stolnbnah G .... Livingston Hlmouton G R. Allen It, A. A. O, subs N'atli, A. Alton. Prodding tho big gaum a prelim inary gamo will bo called at S o'clock batwoen tho second Indlun school toam and what Is oallod Humphrey's team. Title will probably be a snap py little gnme. The Multnomah game will be called at P:45 sharp. 1 1 o Carrie Nation . . Certainly smashod a hole la the barrooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Horehound Syrup bun smashed all records as a ours for coughs, bron chitis, influenza and all pulmonary dlsoascti. T. C. H , Horton. Kan., wrltOHi "I havo novor found a medi cine that would cure a rough bo quickly as Ballard's Horehound Syr up. I havo used It for years " Sold by D. J. Fry. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tin Kbi Yew Hays Always Bought gyroataro of C&Jjff&CC&tt