- " t, DAILY CAP! TAIi JOUUNAL, 8ALKSI, ORHGOX. SATURDAY, JAXUAltY 12, 1007. 3 ARGUMENTS FOR THE COMMISSION Representative From Douglas County Reviews Decisions In the opinion of Representative S. C. Jnckson. of Douglas county, who arrived In Salem yesterday, U is beyond the power of the legislature to enact railroad legislation that aro not subject to judicial review, anJ, If any InwB are enacted look ing to the regulation of railroads In this state and the regulation or Inter state and Intcrstnto rates for freight and passengers they will have to pro vide means whereby they can be re viewed by the Judiciary and bo rea sonable in their requirements. Mr. Jackson hns niado a special study of the railroad question since It has become such an Important Is suo In this state and there la a gen eral demand for rnllroad legislation, from a local and technical stand point, has looked up all of the lend ing authorities upon the.subject and has come to the conclusion that tho old doctrine that "the judsment of the legislature, fixing railroad rates, binds the courts as well ns tho peo ple" has been renounced by later de cisions of the supreme court of tho United States and tjint tho power of railroad legislation Is more of a Ju dicial one than loglslntlvo:. In nn Interview with The Journal. Mr. Jackson -cald: "It seems thnt the concensus of- opinion is that there will bo some rnllroad Icslslatlon had at the com ing session of the legislature. The people have placed thcmsclvos on record Btrongly favoring legislation along this line to remove past nbusos along the line of unjust discrimina tion, extortions and Instability in rntc3. It is not so much thnt a com mission bill should bo pnssod roguln tlng rates controlling the railroads but what the people want Is nn effec tive m asure and one which will, stand th" test of the courts In a Judi cial VfW "Shoitld nn act be passed which v ould not stand the tost of the courts a weld be as bad oft ns wo woro In fore Railroads have In tho past d fui legislative control principal ly upon four grounds; First, that legislatures hnvo no right to fix 'ntf, second, conceding tho right, Ik ir pi is are void InsofarUis tho at cri' o r. culate luterstuto ratos; t'-l.d (icalu conceding tho right, thoy i" ilnoln that their charters oxompt f mi li-KlaliiUv control; fourths c mi funcdlns the right to make Mi- li'slilntlve powor Is not .') it b it subject to Judicial ,re ! " i! imrh the court. Tar fiM proposition meutlonod " Mttird as far bnek ns 1S7G In i' i , K'mwn a the G rnn gar cnsoH. if.i i a "ns under the laws of Mi ner ii a Wisconsin nnd Minnesota n ! i drcisIonB the court placed Mir j M df loglslnUvo control on 'i i 'Hindu: First, tho railroads Tr irminou carriers for hlro, oxorcis i a "it of public olllco In which . n'1 .i ..'Jits aro involved; second. M" . " public highways nnd ns Biioh ' limct to stuto control; third', tn 'jht of omlnont domain la ox fM d and the fundnmontnl prlnol !f f whk h Is that tho powor and Mic . xi ruse for n public purpose and Mint onl Dip courts hnvo lalA down this crnrral doctrlno 'that whon proporty n c'oMird with a public Intorost. or devoted to a ubo In which tho public has an Interest it becomes Biibject o 1 'sMatlvo control ns to tho rntes 'or Its usp.' Tho secoud proposition or objection, that tho state can regu- ,r onh Interstate ratos has been f '.1 iu the tuviu uf the Wabash Railway rompnny vs. Illinois and a h i,ow tho law as established y f'Hirts, though prior to 18&C n tb. Granger oases it .was hold ' to the absence of'eongreBslonal 'f'ti the states could control Intor- 'fa ratP8 insofar as they effected. fs .. r,,. ha ' ' ae was instrumental In, tho -! of our Interstate commerce ' ' n January 21, fSS7, establish es t' t interstates commerce com nI 3' n Tho third objection, that he- charters exempt them from leg sMe coptrol. and did not meet 'Mi any favor In the courfo. tho -" r Ruggles vs. Illinois put that frr,fntton to rost. ' D'lt tho fourth objoctlon raised V ho railroads, that tho rates fixed u 'fgislatlve authority Is not su- r-c o but Is subjeot to Judicial ro fw. has apparently met with favor J" 'he supromo court of the United state in Us ,ater deol8loni ITow. ir the ,aw la that 8I. until S8e' as tho other Tvny. In the enso of Munn vo. Illinois, Chief Jus tice Walto, In passing upon that case, used this langunge: 'it Is Insistent, however, that tho owner of proporty Is entitled tp a reasonable compen sation for Its uso even though It be clothed with n public Interest and what Is reasonable Is a Judicial and not a legislative question, As hns already been so shown, tho practice has been otherwise We know that thU Is a power which may bo abused, but that is no argument against its existence. For protection ngalnBt nbusos by legislators the peo ple must resort to the polls and not to the courts. Of tho propriety of legislative Interference within tho scopo of the legislative power, the legislature is the exclusive judgo.' "This is the language of Justice Walto in 1870 and was the law of tho' land for a decade thereafter and guided tiio courts In subsequent de cisions until 1880. In that year tho samo chief Justice, In' passing-upon tho caso of St6ne vs. Farmers 1.. '& T. Co., reported In 11C U. S ho re aftlrnieil this doctrine, but In tho de cision, wo find tho following dictum from which Inter tho doctrlno of ju dicial review etunnnted: 'From whnt has Just been Bald It 1b not to bo In ferred thnt this form of limitation or regulation is itself without limit. This power to regulate Is. not a pow or to destroy, and limitation Is not the equivalent of confiscation. Un der pretense to regulate fares and freights the state cannot require the railroad corporation to carry persons or proporty without rogard; nolNior can It do that which In law amounts to n- taking of private property for public uso without Just compensation or without duo process of law.' "This dictum or Justice Walto left the law In a much .unsettled condi tion for sovernl years thereafter and tho courts, In passing upon railroad rate laws, found thomsolvos nt n loss us to Just what principle they should bnso their decisions upon. However the case came up squarely boforo Justlco Brewor, then n circuit Judgo, iu 1888. He took up tho dictum of Justlc? Wnlte and declared It to ho the law. This caso nroso Iu Iowa. In passing upon thnt caso Justice Brewer uses this language: " 'It Is obvious from tho lust quo tation thnt thojuore fact that tho leg islature has pursued the forms of law iu prescribing u schedulo of rntos doos not prevent inquiry by the courts nnd tho (iiiosllon Is oyon nnd must bo , decldod Iu each caso. Whothor tho ratos prescribed arq within tho limits of legislative pow or, or nioro proceedings which, Iu tho ond, If not restrained, will work u confiscation of tllo property of com plainant. ' Of eourso somo rule must exist, fixing jlefinlto, to control tho action of the courts, for it cannot be that a chancellor Is at liberty to sub stitute his discretion ns to tho reas onableness of rates for thnt of tho leglflature " 'The right of Judicial Interfer ence p.liU only whon tho schedule' of rntes ustublishcd will fail to se cure to the owuoiw of tho property Home compensation or lirconii from their Invent nfont. As to tho amount of such componiMitlon, If Home com nensntlou or rowtud Is In fact m - ourett, the luglslitture . is tin' toW J Judge. Tho quoutlon Is ono alonr- of pollcv. The rulo, thoroforc, to h. j laid down Is this: Thnt whoro the supposed rates will glvo somo com pousatlon, howovor small, to tho owjior of railroad proporty, tho courts havo no powor to Interfere Appeal must then bo mudo to tho loglsluturo and to tho people' "This Is nn onunclatlon of tho doc trlno of judicial review, Jn Us infant state. It will bo noted, howovor. that tho ruling aH to somo compensa tion did not moot with favor with the railroads and In tho later deci sions tlioord 'somo' has been con Btruod to moan reasonable, or prof itable. In 1890 the tost caso came nnd was decldod by a divided court. Tho caso Is known ns tho Chlcngo At. & S. Co., vs. Minnesota, reported In 134 U. S. The majority opinion was rendered by Justlco Blatchford la which ho says, roforrlng to tho Minnesota statutes, tlmt ' It conflicts with tho constitution of tho United States In the particulars complained of by tho railroad compAny. It de prives the company of Its rights to a Judicial Investigation by duo pro- coss of law. Tho quostlon of roason-; ablenoss of rates chargod for trans portation is omlnently a quostlon for Judicial investigation, roqulrlng duo process-of law for its dotermlnatloa., "It will be seen that the suprome court of tho United, States haa com pletely ohanzed front. Mr. Justice Walto's oft-repoated assertions, in the Granger casos and othor deci sions following them, that tho Judg ment of the legislature, fixing rail road ratos. binds the courts aB tho extraordinary doctrine of Judicial loglslatlon has boon established and we , might say that tho courta has placed a limitation upon the- right of the legislature, n co-ordinate branch of government, to regulate dates of railroads. That tho legislature can not pass such laws which cannot bo reviewed by tho courts, und' turn down, If tholr judgment does not co incide with tho judgment of tho leg islature as to tho reasonableness of tho rates fixed. . "As was said be'foro It is not thxt somo commission bill, designed to regulate rntes may bo passed, but what tho people want and what the peoplo nro demandlns la rnllroad laws thnt will bo offecttlvo nnd cor rect tho ovlls of prlvnto regulation of rntes. Nothing short of this will meet their requirements nt this time. The measure must bo bucIi a ono as will stand tho test of tho courts and nt tho samo time reach tho results tho country needs. Tho enrrshortngo proposition Is but oio phaso of the railroad question. I seo no reason why a law couldn't bo enncted which would control tho supply of cars tho sumo as tho regulation of rates. But such n law would havo to provide n means for judicial review nnd be reasonable In Its requirements." Economy Is a strong point with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A bottle lasts longer and does more good Iian any other. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said 1 00 DOSES ONE DOLLAR J4e,W0MEN DC."iful ltobertlne kInob wlmi evory woman nojt lcslrv- n ppifci't r')iiii!''NloTi ti iii'lnar thnt nft. nmoolli. freeli ilar tint to tlio cheek Hint lnotoi vmitlifulnrftP. It will IiiIuk lHit :n tho. who lack It: It Will -edi'n it for thoM who already iiomch It It will onnhlo vou to nuivanrull rninbnt tho imriRp. of weather inul time. Don't doubt don't arsun. Junt , tiy ltobertlne. Your dniRRiHt wll' ?ivo you a fieo pnmplo. All drutf irt r keep itobcrt.'M bf DE. STONE'S DRUG 8T0&E Does n strictly catb business, owes no ouc, and no ono owes .t raien large s;ock; tbelvos, counters ond show cases nre loaded with drugs, medicines, notion.s toilet articles, winco anJ liquors of all kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stone Is a regular graduate In medicine and has had many years of experience in toe practico. Co n suit a tijns me freu. Prescriptions aro free, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can b fonnd at hla drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0 in the morning until 0 at night, OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Oregon Capital $25,000 Best facilities known to tellable banking offered patrons. Jefferson is a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good bank, and good people. Come and see us. Oregon State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President M. J. CAMPBELL, Casbkr I?ik - ' E THTyF "ffV RVi x tt---o.j( rrvzn&SLJ.ao r. , jHHt mmmmam, SOW WESTERN SEEDS IN WESTERN SOIL Here's a SPECIAL OFFER to make New Friends for LILLY'S Northern Grown Seeds Vegetable seeds arc grown on and adapted to this coast. These 10 varieties, arc the aristocrats of the kitchcn-gar-dcn. They represent Ahc acme of Lilly effort, the result of years of careful seed selection and cultiva tion. This Special Offer gives you $1.60 in these seeds for $1.00. Read the descriptions, nil of which arc carefully and conservatively made. Living up to the catalogue descrip tion is what has built up the rep utation of Lilly's Best Seeds. PUG12T SOUND SPECIAL TOMATO. This miniature, from a photo graph, gives you an idea how the tomato produces. Is an early dwarf, stands free from the ground, with hard, firm, round stalks. Yields it ofgrepra large clusters of round,t firm, lus cious fruit, beautiful rich color, free from blemish, stands shipment splendidly, A thrccseason leader; popular everywhere. Perfected by us on our experiment grounds at Brighton Beach, and can be obtained solely from us. Sold only in scaled pack ets. Ounce, GOc; packet, 10c. GOLDEN JERSEY WAX BEAN. Brittle, tender, broad, thick the best of all the yellow pod bush beans. Stringle.is. Beautiful golden color and delicious flavor. Vigorous, reliable, and an abundant producer, i-lb., 29c; packet, 10c. JACK FROST SWEET CORN. Plump, milky kernel: that melt in your mouth; tender, wcct, pro lific really phenomenal. Dwarf variety, permitting close planting. Very hardy. Jack Krost seed has been perfected by ourselves on Puget Sound, is thoroughly accli mated and peculiarly adapted to Pacific Coast conditions. Not only season's earliest, but longest and latest producer. We can not say too much in en dorsement of this corn. Large packet, 15c. LILLY'S GLORY CABBAGE. Glorious in flavor, gloriously sound, a glorious grower and a glorious shipper. Lilly 6hips tons of this cabbage seed across the continent, as thu variety, perfect ed on Puget Sound, is admitted to lie the best cabbage grown. Even rounder and more solid than the IIfiio.I.! MAMONU KUAMt IMI.lX M aa CblcfactU r t lituili l Co., 1'l.lla., . Sec Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room house, bum nnd 22 lotH, r130 ouch; price $1X00. Six room house on car lino, 4 lota, 7 x 1 5 0 ; price SllSOO, cubj' torniH. Nino room house plnHtorod, closotn, pantry, bmiemeat. septic tunk, barn L'CxIM, woodahcd'lSxS. ThlH plnco In throo blocliH from court hoiiHon l'llco $2025. Six-room houno, plastorod, cIokoIs, pantry, tollot, woll, good burn, II vo lota 7Gxh60 unch, on car lino; prlco J2000. Two acrw. 7-room houuo, barn, well, nnd nil kinds of fruit, noar Sa lem; prlco $12$0. Fifty-five ncros, SB In cultivation, 20 ncroH In timber, now 7-room houso largo burn; 1C acrem In hops, all wlrod. ThlH place Ih all good black noil. Prlco $110 pr aero. Forty-ono nnd ono-half ncros nil In cultivation, 7-room houso, largo barn, 1C acroa of fruit, good wovqn wlro fences, ImplomontH, 2 noracs, ono cow. This jiluco Ih near school and church, ono and ono-half mlle from Saloin. For prlods oo Itadcllff & Co. Wo huvo on hundred acroa of guod land near Sulorn to trado for Hulejm proporty. Wo also havo a good buHlnoss block and dwelling In Colorado Springs to trado fort proporty hero. If you want hop ranch, timber grain, fruit or grazing lands ano uh. Sovoral houses for ront. Call If jou want anything In Insurance or notary work. RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Hoom-ll. Moorea block, Salem, Ore. Koforenco, any bank or business houno In the city of Salem. CHICHESTER'S PILLS fr."V ' . TUB DIAHONW MIAMI. v ' M9UR I'lll. In ltd tml IJoM tnrtnlliiAV ' M s ! TaUe no utbrr. llur oT your V V p cr Danish Ball Head, and infinitely better adapted to Pacific coast con ditions. True to type, every head like its neighbor, sym metrical, white inside and solid to the core. Mb., $1.25; 1- oz., 35c; packet, 10c. PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC CUCUMBER. Almost a seedless cucumber, the seeds being small and few. Per fectly smooth, very dark green, beautiful white flesh, perfect cu cumber flavor, exceptionally firm, crisp and delicious. Grows 10 to 18 inches long, always straight, and dark green until ripe. Vine hardy and vigorous; enor mously productive; yields early and late in season, i-lb., 65c; 2-oz., 40c; oz 25c; packet, 10c. ENGLISH FORCING LETTUCE. Large, crisp, tender; best vari ety for home culture, because eas ily grown outdoors or in frames; rich color, ideal for garnishing. Hotels gladly pay one-third more for this lettuce. Stands more neglect in watering, and does not quickly run to seed. Most profitable for market purposes because quickly ready in fine large bunches of beautiful light green, which never spot. 1-lb., 50c; oz., 20c; packet, 10c. MT. RAINIER PEA. Dark, rich green, well-filled pods, creamy and delicious; enormously productive. Propagated !a Wash ington, nnd the best early pea ever offered to western growers. Especially valuable for mar ket gardeners, commanding the highest prices through the sea son. Large packet, 10c. CRIMSON GLOBE BEET. Close grain flesh, very sweet, tender, blood red, delicately zoned with white. Exceedingly smooth surface. Finest in form, flavor and color. Free from woody, fibrous roots. Grows uni- forpi in size about three inches through. Matures early. Pkt., 10c. GOLDEN HALF-LONG CARROT. Best of all the yellow varieties cry sweet, close In texture, gold 'en yellow, solid, very smooth, at tains large size, has small core, and adapted to all soils; under good cultivation yields 2.1 to HO tons per acre. Ready for table nt all times during growth. Equally valuable for stock. A market favorite, lib., 25c; packet, 10c, luBiBaBaaHaaHnaannauBaannnHaiiaBMiiawaaMHaBaaMi The Best Magazines at Bargain Prices Any ntngnzlno, nowflpnpor or porlodlcul, no mutter whom pub llnhud enn be mibacrlbed for through TIIW IIOIIHS-MKRIULL COM PANY, IndlnnnpollB, nt wholesale niton. Wo offer thlfl sorvlco to get moro readers for TUB RKADhlll MAGA AKINI'1 rikUTIIW IIOMH MAGAZl.N'13, nnd to pay you for your Intor Attt mid patronngo, wo effor you un actual unsh tmvitiK on till mngni ZllHlB. WHAT jMAGAXIXH CMMUHXO MKAXS. A mngnzlno club formerly nionnt getting together a number of peo plo to aubuarlho for tho muno mngn.liio. Undor our plan It menuu gutting together n, numbor of mngfulnos to bo furnlRhod In ono order nt n greatly reduced prlco. For ItiHtnnce: Tho Rondor tho Cosmo politan, Tho Home Mngnzlno nnd Ilnrpor'n lltunr, If bought each month nt tho nowB-Btandu, would coBt $7.20 por yonr. If subscribed to separately they cost $0.00 n yonr. Wo hnvo nrrangod n oluh of theso mngnzlnoH whoroby wo enn furnluh nil four for $3.00 or Just ono-half of tho subscription price Free) Our boautlfiil 30-pngo timgazlno catalog will be sont In ro sponso to a postal card roquost. This tolls how you may securo ubso lutoly froo a yonr'a nubscrlptlon to Tho Home Mngnzlno, und a year's subscription to Tho Roador Magazine OKNTRAIj magazixh aohxov. Tho Holibs-Mtnill Co., Publisher. I. THE CENTURY A magazine which has steadfastly stood for all that is best in American life, has held fait by ihc soundest traditions of literature, aided mater ially in the development of American att by educating popular tnitc and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of season urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and compelency in public office, justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in ihc crowded parts of cities, the larger educational opportunities forall. 77ie Outlook. Snii fr full prosftttut and if ft ml fff r If Htw We ri brt THE CENTURY CO. UhIh Square !'civ York CRIMSON GIANT RADISH. The larger it grows the solider it gets; twice the ordinary size. As hard as a bullet, while tender and ticliciously crisp. Retains goodness long after ma turity, i-lb., 40c; packet, 10c. SPECIAL PRICE OFFER. $1.50 worth of above seeds for $1.00. $1.00 worth of above seeds (one packet of each variety, with packet of Old Fashioned Flower Garden Seeds thrown in free) for 75c. Six 10c packets, with Flower Garden paokct, 50c Three 10c packets, 25c. Above prices arc postage paid. Grow H$ Ss Plant Lilly's Best Northern Grown Seeds, grown on this coast for this coast, and be sure of profit. You will find that the saying, "Best for the West" is true in every case, and that Lilly's Best Seeds will give you best results. The above are only ten varieties of Lilly's Best vegetable seeds. For infor mation as to the full line, write for LILLY'S 1807 SEED CATALOG, Which will be sent' free, postpaid, on request. Lilly's 1007 catalog surpasses all previous books in at tractiveness and completeness of plant information. It is thorough ly dependable, and besides contain ing descriptions, price lists and culture directions of thousands of varieties of seeds, bulbs, roots and cuttings, it is a handbook of in formation on poultry foods, poultry supplies, stock foods, fertil izers, garden supplies, sprays, horticultural supplies, etc. If you want one, fret, mark an X in the white square. HOW TO ORDER. Mark an X in each white square opposite the variety of seed you wish to order, mark the quantity in square or on margin, figure up the total, clip out the ad., and re mit in same envelope with the clipped ad. Be sure and write your name and address plainly, filling in the following blank; Clip ad. and mail to j!0Sfyb. Seattle, Wash. Enclosed is $ for which please send me $ worth of Lilly's Best Vegetable Seeds, marked above. t Name Address ; go Indianapolis, Iud. FRUITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT Groceries ! In fact everything in the line of Boasonablo holiday goods nnd deli cacies may bo found in staph ut our store. Don't overlook. BARRINGT0N HALL COFFEE Glvo us a call nnd bo convinced of the superiority of our sorvlco. H. M. Branson 326 State st.