. ...t.imjikS AND COLDER TONIGHT: SUNDAY. FAIR AND hotf :nV i-ii-""" .V! COXTIN-VKD COiiU. CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY JANUARY 12, 1007. NO. 11. fOI11 FRANCISCO OUT OF COAL DAILY AN INES OF COOS COUNTY ARE VALUABLE 'ANAMA CANAL CONTRACT FRISCO , HAS COAL FAMINE rjBe Let to Lowest Bidder Not Five Tons Left in int. )x TanuCCPA Mull . YYUU 13 imwciwv ....... Washington, Jan. 12. D!d3 for Lho construction of the Panama canal Ivero opened toilny, and it was found. bhnt the lowest bid wns that of Wll- liinm J. Oliver, of Knoxville, Tenn.. land, nccordlns to Engineer Anthony :,. n,i.a. nf New York, Is nt 03. l . L'r cent of tho total estimated coat. rrho commission nro tofurnisii nu io-Ln.Miv.B- cars. Btonmahlps and otli- fer heavy mnchlnory, tho contractor U furnish his ow:i liana tooiB ami iomploy his own labor, and to bogln Iwork within GO dnys niter wio cuu- krnet Is signed. Throe Appointments. Washington, Jan. 12. Tho Prosl- Ident hns nominated Arthur Stnttor, lot Washington, to bo nsslstant sec retary of tho treasury. Register oi tho land office nt.Puoblo, Colorado, Samuel Abbey. To bo receiver or public money nt Puoblo, Jolm J. Lambert, 1 o Alnlmmn Miners Rescued. Montgomery, Ala., Jnn. 12. Ovor l 00 miners, entombod yesterday, Iwero rescued this morning. Nono Iwere fatally hurt. That Market SNOW KING IS SUPREME Great Advance in Value of Coal Lands at Cogs Bay Snn Francisco, Jan. 12. This city Is absolutely destitute of coal thin morning. Tho Western Fuel Com pany, which controls tho market, hnd but llvo tons. Thu Btenmer Monarch 1b duo with 1000 tons, which- will scarcely last ovor Monday. Tho next coal laden vessol Is not duo for a woxik. What pmall supply tho doal ors have Is bolng doled out to regu lar customers. Tho rofugoo Qnmps nro entlrofy out, and thoro 1b niueh suftorlng. Thoro Is immonao domand for Coos liny coal, and all owners of mines and coal lands about that har bor nro advancing tho value of tholr holdings. o '- Ijibor Unlni Upheld, lirmtnn. Jan. 12. Judge K. Gas- kill, of tho superior court, today hold that a labor union hns n right to nno any member who docs not nccedo to tho demands of tho union nnd quit work In nn establishment where a strlko Is In progress. REFORMS FROM i ABOVE Trains Are Blocked On All Lines Out of St. Paul Seattle, Jan. 12. Twolvo Inches of snow has fell In Seattlo Blnco noon yesterday. Tho tomporatitro Is nt freezing point, with tho prospects of colder weather. This, combined with tho coal famine, places Seattlo and tho entire Northwest In a position unprecedented. Street cars woro run nil nlsht to kcop tho trnckB open. Trains oro on uncortnln schedules. Wlrn rnmiminicntloti to the north Is lnturrupted. o Trnlns Don't Move. St. Paul, Jan. 12. All lines from the West to this city arc blocked by snow and Bloot. Tho cold Is not very urent nnd thu wlros nro Inter rupted. Tho tralnB nt ovory station In ilia Dnkotas and Montana do not move. No pnaHongor nre suffering. Tho ronds aro Btooked with cars for such an emergency. People to Be Saved By Leaders of Aristocracy ' " 1 k n i L' am m mm ,1 Il4tlif STO IIP1 PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE MIGHTY BARGAINS OFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK LADIES COATS and SUITS This season's latcstjgar- ments. Priced away down. UB 00 Suits, sale price... $ 8.90 918 00 Suits, sale price. . .$10.90 120 00 Suits, sale price. . .$12.50 $29 50 Suits, sale price. . .$l"5. 90 $15 00 Coats, salo price. . .$ 8.90 U8 90 Coats, solo price. . .$10.90 120,00 Conta, salo prlco. . .$12.50 Children's and Misses' Coats, Half Price. Fine, Furs, About Half Price. $7 90 Silk Petticoats, prlco $4.50 H 00 Whlto Lawn Waists. price C9e II 50 White Lawn Wnlsts. price .' 75c H 75 Whlto Lawn' Waists, price '.'. ,98c 1000 yards 3-lnch wide "em- brotdery, yard 4c FINE DRESS GOODS This season's latest styles Priced away down. 50c Dress Goods, prlco yd..25e 75c Dress Goods, prlco yd.. 45c 11 00 Dreas Goods, price yd. ,C5c $1 50 Dress Goods, price yd. .9Sc Outing Flannels. Calicoes and Ginghams All Reduced. HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS Prices cut away down. Blanket, Comforts, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Bed Spreads, Draperies, Tickings and Sllkallnes 50c Bleached Table Linen,'. . .29c 500 dozen TowelB 4c, K. f if . n a - ..a- . a . r "V41-, o x-jc, iwc ana ise Sc. 1 FINE DRESS SILKS Prices away down. 8Gc Fine Taffeta 8llk, yd 49c 45o India Silks, yd .'.2Ec 85c Fine Pongeo Silks, yd... 49c 75c Plaid Silks, yd 49c $1.50 yird-wIdo Taffeta Silk. 98c $1.35 Black Silk, Peau do Solo.SGc Remnants of Silk, Half Price. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR A mighty strong line to select from. Prices cut away down. Ladles' 39o Underwear, price-. 25c Ladles' 8Gc Underwear, price. 49c Ladles' 18c Black Stockings. .10c Ladloa' 20o Black Sfocklngs.l2c Better Onea at Small Prices. Children's 20c Underwear. .. .10c Chlldron'a 25c Underwear. . . .15c Children's 35c Underwear. . , .25c Children's 18c Double Ribbed Hose 10 Splendid lines at 12 "sC 18c and 25c MEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR C5c Fleece Lined Underwear, prlco 39c 75o Fleece Lined Underwear, price 45c $1.50 Heavy Wool Underwear, price 98c Men's 25c Wool Sox. price.. 15o 15c Heavy Black. Sox, price.. 10c BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! In tho following departments: Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Laces, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, etc BAXKM'g FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. Coriet of Commer cial aid Cirt Streets Chicago, Jnn. 12. Soth Low, Por ry Belmont and other financial and political leaders, labor lenders nnd representatives of Industrial and eco nomic bodies nro Gathered horo nt a meeting tonight of tho National Civ 1(! Federation nt tho pnltico of Mrs. Potter Palmor. Doltnont nnd Low ro ruso absolutely to discuss tho possi bility of Hughes ns n presidential candidate Thoy dodgud ovory elfort to loam their sontl montH towards tho now governor thnco his Btlrring inos sago. METHODIST MINISTER GOVERNOR PRESIDENT SPECIAL MESSAGE Of Colorado Will Not Inter fere With Cities Donvor, Jnn. 12. Tho governor's stand on prlzo lighting elicits wldo comment. Ho Bays tho oxecutlvo cannot nnd must not lntorforo with tho government of cities. Personally ho would havo tho prlzo Debtors sit In tho corner of tho ring nnd alng hymns, but cities must mnko thoir own rogulatloii3. Tho execution of McGnrvo wan postponed until tonight, to purmit relntivoH to mnko vIsltB. On the Protection of the Colorado River us 1 1 a id On West and South. Southampton, Jan. 12. Ellon Tarry, the actress, sailed for Ameri ca today. She said: "I will star In the civilized portion, which Is all east of Chicago and north of Washington." LOOKH LIKE 1IAINKK AND DAVBV. The present Indications me that Senator llnluci will preside over the senate nnd Frank Davey over the. house of representatives. In tho speakership tight this m per hns taken no blind, for the. re. sou that lmtli Davey nnd Vmvtcr nro Statement No. 1 men, nnd pledged to support tho people's choice for V. S. senator. Tho Capital Journal lias regarded the trliuiinli f that principle and elimination of the usual bargain mid salo method, by which men went to tho legislature, to sell or t radix their votes for u federal olllce, us the greatest n'chlevehteiit' o'f 'tlils ffesslon. Compared to the triumph mid establishment of Hint nrliirlple nil other mutters fade into fnslgiillleiiiice, and now, that it looks ns if Mr. Davey would be speaker, Snleii) people, nreto he congratulated on Hiving n " I" ihnt pntlllmi who Ih able and progressive, mid will protect local Interests of the Capital Oily In an aggressive manner. Mr. Davey was n champion of the Greater Salem charter slv years ago nd will bo found standing for a greater mid better Salem. I ALBERT FANNER DISBARRED Court Passes on Senator Mitchell's Old Law Parner TILLMAN ATTACKS TEDDY Washington, Jan. 12. Sonntor Tillman thlB morning attacked the President's action In tho Browns ville affair. Ho said it was equiva lent to lynching. It Is considered the most violent address Tillman ovor dollvored on tho floor" of tho sonato. Ho ohnrgod tho President with hav ing rovlved tho raco issuo to bring about conditions more threatening that those that proceeding 1801. JI traced tho troublo to what ho termed several social recognitions of Booker T. Washington. Ho said: "That was u moss, but Brownsvlllo Is n blggor one. Is tho President ready to act up to his own theory und havo nis chlldron marry into other races. Would ho accept as a daughtor-ln- law a Chlneso, an Indian or a negro? Wo know he would not, but, whllo fine words butter no parsnips, coming from such n high source, thoy do In calculable harm." SCHOONER ON THE REEFS Seattle, Jan. 12. Tho stoamor Alice Gertrude Captain Kolstrom, 4 1 3 tons, plyln gbotweon Seattlo and Clallam Bay, went aground on a reef 200 feot from tho shoro at Clal lam Bay at 10 o'clock last night. Sho Is in a dnngerouB position and honvy soas aro running. Tugs havo gone to hor nsslHtnnco. Sho carrlos a crow of 18 mon. Tho number of passongors Is unknown. . o Russian Reign f Terror. St. Petersburg, Jan. 12.. Four po licemen wcro ahot doad and three se riously wounded in attempting to ar rost two mon who had plotted to kill Wltto. Friends Informed Witto of tho plot, and tho officers located tho schemers and followed them to their homo, and tried to entor, whon tho lights woro extinguished. Tho ter rorists opened lire ar;d repulsed the police with tho abovo rosult. and es caped. .. Dr. J. F. COOK MOVED TO 84 LIBERTY STREET, WIDZRK HK WILL MEET ALL OLD ANB XEW PATDKNTS. FOR AMY fMSSASK OALIi OX DR. COOK. ICOXSULTATIOX YM. GIRL BURIED IN SNOW In u per curiam opinion run do red by the supremo court thin morning It Is held that it is very questionable whether a mere plea or verdict of guilty Is u conviction within tho meaning of ucctlon 10G7, but ns a re buke to A.ill. Tanner ho Ih suspended from priictlcinirja.w within tho atnto for n period of 90 days. This Is a dlsbnrment rjrocoodlug brought boforo thu court charging Judgo Tnnnor with perjury In rela tion to the Mitchell land fraud ease, tmd of uuprofosslonnl conduct with in tho meaning of suction 1000 of the code. Tho court holds that suction 10GG Is Invalid in doubt In that 11 provlduH that an nttornoy may bo dis barred whou It Is in nd o to appear that If ho woro applying for admis sion his application should bo denied bocniiHO of unprofessional conduct. Assuming that that statuto means that nu nttornoy shnll bo dtHbarred when It appears that his general mor al character or unfitness Is such that If ho woro applying for admis sion his application would bo denied, thoro Is no showing why tho Htatute should bo Invoked In this caso. In closing the opinion says: "There aro circumstances whluh call for the oxerelso of elomenoy, but that does not Justify tho offonso. Tho crlmo with 'which tho dofondnnt' Is chnrged, and tho commission of which ho admits. Is n serious ouo. dollboratoly and Intentionally com mitted, and tho court would bo un mindful of tho duty It owuh to tho profession and to tho public if it al lowed it to go unrebuked Tho objects of tho procoodlngs horo nro to uphold tho dignity and purity of Washington, Jan. 12. -The Presi dent today sent tv special messngo to congross on tho Colorado river mat tor. Ho snyn temporary work must bo dono by tho Southern Paclrto and later converted Into a permanent ir rigation plant. Wiint amount shall bo paid by tho Southom Pnolu'o must bo donned later. Pormnnont work will cost $2,000,000. ThO complica tions between tho California Dovelop lnont Company and subsidiary caBoa aro Hiittlud. Tho Prefildont says tho government will not bo Justllled la having any doallngs with i corpora tion. IT tho river Is not put back and permanently maintained In its course, progressive bnck-cuttlng, in tho course of a fow yoaro will oxtend tho Btronm to tho Yumn, and llnnlly destroy tho Luguna dam, thus wip ing out millions of dollars worth of property. Tho great Yuma bridge will go out, and 700.000 ncros of for tllo land bo converted Into dosort, If money Is not impropriated at onco. Ho ndvocntes that tho ontlro Colora do Development qompnny proporty Redding, Cal., Jan. 12. Ireno DaviB, of McCloud, wbb caught In n mass of snow sliding from a hoiwo and burled completely, except one foot. Half an hour later hor moth er rcturnod homo, mlsbod tho daugh ter and saw tho foot. Tho girl was taken out unconscious and nearly doad. IX JAIL FOR ASSAUIr. George Grawford, convicted of as sault aiM battery, in Justlco of tho Peace Hayes' court, at Woodburn, and flned $25 and coBt, amounting to $7, was brought to Saiora by Con stablo Amos Beach this morning and turned ovor to Sheriff Culver to servo ViVi days In tho county Jail, In de fault of tho nno, A O Chicago Markets. Chicago, Jnn. 12.Wheat 7Q,lfl 76, corn 43 43'4. oats SG'A 36. bo takon ovor aB a part of tho rco'.a- matlon, system. To do this it wKll bfr nocoBsary to obtain coneoasionB irom Mexico, nl 'well nr to purclmsw tho Irrigation concern's holdings, If congress rtooati't mnko adequate pro visions 10 UIKO II Will WIV uunoj- quoucos may bo Infofrod. It ncqulcs- cob In tho abandonment of tho work nt Lngunii and all futuro attempts' to utldfeo tho valuable publlo domain In this part of tho country. thu profession, nrotoct tho courts, presorvo tho administration of Juh tlco, and protoot clients, nnd it Is bo llevod that It Is not necessary, In or dor to uccompllsh this purpose thnt tho dofondant should bo permanently disbarred, but ho will bo suspondod for a porlod of 90 days." Sues for Wages. An action has boon commoncod in tho olrcult court by Will Wornor ngalnst Brnost Werner, asking for a Judgment of $115 nnd costs of ac tion against tho defendant. Tho com plaint says that tho jilolntlff Will Wornor, about tho 28th day of Di combor, 1902, was omployod by tho dofondant to work on tho said do- fondnnt's farm in Olacknmaa coun'.y nt $10 por month. Tho plaintiff sots forth In tho potltlon that ho por fnrmod tho dutlos on the fnrm as ngrced and labored In all thirteen aud ono-hnlf months, but has rooolvod only $20 on tho account. He thoro foro nskH Judgmont for $115 with in terest nnd tho cohIs of the unit IT'S QUITE A WHILE SINCE I TALKED TO YOU YOU, MR. AND MRS. RUADKR, OWK IT TO VOUIIBBIA'KS. TO SUB THAT YOUR TEBTH ARE IX PROPER CONDITION. IY PUT TING IT OFF FROM TIME TO TIME SIMPLV MEANS ADDED EX PENSB. WHY DON'T YOU DO IT NOW? I GUARANTEE TO GIVE YOU DOWN TO DATE SERVICE, WHICH IS PAINLESS, AND THE PRICE IS LESS THAN THAT CHARGED MY DENTISTS USING THE METHODS IN VOGUE WHBX XA SAILBD IN TUB ARK. THE BEST GOLD CROWN COSTS YOI ?3.00. A GOOD SHT, OF TEETH COSTS YOU THE SAME AMOUNT. THEY ARE OUARAN TEED TO FIT. FILINGS COST YOU FROM 500 UP, ACCORDING TO SIZE AND KIND. COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH MB. Dr. B. E. Wright, The Painless Dentist gtraaleC Bid., Court itrt,. Xeww: 8.M.toBy. .;7togj?, , M.., in . to 12 BL 2W Mi.