DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM. OREGON. ft. ?m v r Itte, fr mmmmmmmmm Firs m w w" Askrewtfeetor, "ibutUtlwIratfreatrHteef X f gMsmlMtm?" WiRaofiowienwjqHK:iy B li I tr, res yt " Keep the bowels regular." wmie you jJa IIW71...H & Y Y 1 w rOOUiir,ium snowier 4UCTOWO, wui Lt L-l svl-LH do rou think ofAyer's Pills for wnatlrtfoB?" WuT JLl&illUl are willing to trust him. Areyou? I I W tbfar-aaUeflloarprrprlon. la wit. Km. ImAhw iii.i. iiniinnaosgniJii iwmiii iimi nw SHIPPING HIS GOODS TO MARKET . IB' THE LITTLE DUCHESS AT SALEM , -- Comic Opera Led By a Real Countess and Sustained By fifty People "Tho Liltlo Duchess," which comes to tho Snlom Orand opera Iioubo Hat tirday, Jnnuury 12, has been tlio re cipient of many encomiums of prnlso from tlio press and public because of JU beauty, ltd comedy, cast of oxeep tionnl merit, anil tlio charms of Its a musical comedy In this country bo camo established during Anna Hold's eminently successful run with this musical, glrllcal comedy nt tho Ca Blno In Now York. Tho rolo of tho fasclnntlng llttlo Mis who goo ills KlilBed to fashionable OslPiid nnd moots with ninnv inprry ndvpnturos, Dr. J. F. Cook's Big Crop of Prunes Being Trucked From Rancn to River Docks r No llttlo interest wna created upon tho streets Inst ovoning by tho move ment of n caravan of four heavy transfer trucks, each of which wna loaded to tho limit with sacks of ovnporntod prune. It Is nothing to soo a procosolon of this kind during tho fnll or late sutuinor but nt thli tlmo of the year tho gront bulk of tho prune crop is aupposod to have been neithor packed or shipped, nud such Indeed Is tho caso in this In static but tli two prunos nro of the crop of Dr. J. P. Cook, tho vegetar ian physician, nnd nro bolng trans form! from hi ranch south of this cltv to tho O. C T. docks, whoro thoy nro being shlppod to Portlnnd. Dr. Cook produced over -10,000 pounds of prunes on' his ranch this yunr nnd he is JiiBt shipping thorn to tho buyer. Upon Inquiry it li Umrnod Hint, witli fow oxcoptlons, nil of tho largo lots of prunos hnve been sold nnd shlppod out of the vnlloy long ngo nnd tho growora nro looking to next year's crop for tlidir nnuunl profits from tho industry. o- A HARD STRUaCJLE. Now Fo Young CHcks I have a first-class Incubator- only ased oncc t a rare bargain. Capacity 2 J 6 eggs. Cost $27, will sell for $20. It's a snap. Look it up at once. J. No SHANTZ Court st.f Salem. w Many a Salem Citizen Finds tho Strug glo Hard. ' With a Iwek constantly nohlng, With (Mstr&Ming urlnnry disorders, Dully oxlateneo is but n struggle. No need to keep it up. Dean's Kidney 1111 will cure you. Hnlem peoplo ctxlorno this claim: 1'. W. Ilrown of 374 8uintnor stroot. Snrtm, Ore, aays: "Threo years of millwright's work in a sulphuric fac tory where it wna necessary to perform repairs In poisonous gnssea and wasof ton compollcd to work in n crnmpod up po itlon ami M9W9wwoMweiwH9 . X G E T O NE ? I t We have sampled the city with Wild Hose Flour. If you did not get n sample, en II nt tlio office nnd OCT ONE. When you buy Hour bo sure It is like the wimple. WILD ROSE FLOUR j 81.00 n sack nt nil grocers. Undo from old wheat, too. BW4M4WW9WWe8WH4MMW On the Stool of Repentance 4& oormr , ri&djvw largo girl rontlitgent Thu star Is Countess Ultra on llntifoldt, who HPpeara to iidvnniace In the title rata, nnd Is surrounded by no Imm than five rlr pouuhIIhm, n clover cast nnd bwiiit) chorus, formltiic an onsoiublo of fifty people. Tim l.litle Uueliow" Is said to how how far modern theatrleal uiusiMuen will ku In axpMiitlvo cos tiling And scenery. That it U tho at least helped to dornngo those or gans, I witTcred) from a laraoncss and soreness norow tho snvall of iny back, and nhout two month ngo when suffer ing in this wny my attention was calloJ to Donn's Klilmoy Pillti nnd I went to lr Btono's drug storo nnd procured n mmnlv. Aftnr nH.i,. l.l. ....... t.. n. backache left mo nnd tho soroncss i aorOM the lolna itntirolv iUunnMi,n;1 la must linp.,,1, . lU1M Bi m other nwrk0i, g toma of i,a. ' OIrii vou llntxfeldt, who I. .......arlii my trettblt. Dean's Kidney Pills are! ""'"i rvuhuh n nil) liar III title nttraetlon. Milton and 8armnt Is whore n mnn flndH hlmsolf thnt takes his lluou to nny laundry but tho Snlom Stoam Laundry, If your consclonco don't prick, your collars nnd cuffs may and mnko you nppre- wmotlmos wet to tho skin, ouu U1 8noth dsos. soft button- if not tho causa of my kidney trouble holsi nnd exquisite color nnd finish thnt you can always roly on getting nt tho Snlom Bteam Laundry, nt low prices. 8ALKM 8TKAM LAU.VDUV, l'ltoiio U5. liJd.'uio S. Liberty St. ot KorKeous litvmrtlture ever given ao Auorn. u u Minted, have aurruundrd her with n etroiik; cnat and exniQij. al array of femenlne 'bettnty in the ehorus of the big company of GO peo pie to he seen In "The Little DuobeM" at tho Grand opera houso Saturday eveulng Curtain rises at worthy of Us MuAdeaee of unyono nn- j mye,l with Wekaehe or kidney. emjiiUt." lr etdo by aU Oeahrs. Prio 50 , eats. Pwter..Miluir fX, Ilurfnlo. New York, sIo agonla fer the Unlte.1 StatM. Iteraerahar the name Dean's nnd ' tak ne other. 1 o- ffTrTfl i TvTWW - i-SS3K3ri UM ANVvcWiclVcpardltwirofAs StaiftAUftg UnxJflniJHctiuU titkj Ik StafflAcki nti Uowvb of sVwwaDisVsUonCWiAd- nevs and rfcst.Con Wr ivltr CymiMw)hitj twrHioaaL jKlTN.UiCOTIC. tfitU-S:Vt(21tttCA .CfJnvt Ma ttkwtJtn 3uu Awrfrft KctiHtiv forCnM(lft.u t-km. Sour StoHuth.mantkkM -. ----,.. -. ., narnwxonabKMvi.ii5wn!U mi h4Loss or Smir. NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infanta and Chlldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bool's tho Signature of shoots I'linpimtroit ok saloon fbf n A? m hm w A aV AT aJ i cAcrcct'roriAm:. in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA , W T Otto Luiigivii WoiiihIm! in ItKf K)o lli' Man .SupjHs, to Im KoriiKT Hmplojo. Olio Lungrun wna shot In tho right o nnd seriously Injured lnat Tna ,da fveuiag while teudlng bar In his (aiHin on ttte oaruer of Kourtoenth id Savter streets, fort la ml. i U'liu.. 1 u..u... . . . .. ..... MHEru wu aiHK ne was staiidlag la front of his Wr, and, so far m ttte Mite can nseertuln, there was ho attempt wade to rob the le. This Is the second time with. In a few months that Lwasren has Imwh tho victim of a sfceotta , f9W utoatha aco wbile rHnalag a nwort on North First jitrt. a ma ontorad hl nlaee, aad, aftor taking a shot ut t.Krn. ran from the place aUd pa caiHtd. Uter the jtottoe took Into custody ft hwn natuoa Prd Nea. formorlj cwraoer tor uongrsm. -o MimcilANTK 1101.1) CAU.MVAU Mu,I.hm 1h of CrvnllU to Hold (nntUnl Vmlor the Applet of tn ltUruiml Oliurvh ladim. ' "Miwt uovel of all eatertnln. l!Siik3SS5Si VOK JOIST AM) FLOORING The best plnco to Dtiy Is whore the host stock of lunibor Is carried. Tho intlro building' trado know that lioro Is not n flnor stock of lunibor linn that carrlod by us. Wo are oady to fill tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build er waiting. That's a very Important point. Ndnr S. P. passenger depot Phono 52 Main. GOODALE LUMUKR CO. Tno above cut shows our brick lined Torrid Eono Furnneo. Guar nntood gas and dust proof. Bcqnom- leal and durable; for tho particulars lnqulro at A. L. FRASER t!3S Stato Stn-ct. OUR MEATS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especial caro to buy nono but tho boBt, and our custoraora can always depend upon getting tho best In tho mnrket nt right prices whon they buy at our mnrket. E. O. CROSS, State SUvot Market Phono 201 THE HE That science has persuad! in Inv onvnn tlM " weight in eggs a year. The, m.nnn linn tmn 1.. ha g'"b "" o uuiy UU CEft i c ,..... uu uuw comes tli Bclentlflc mixed feed that :.' keep her in perfect health au inunu uci ijiuuuco S0V0H tlQa. lier YelE"ht in eggs every vM. Coulson's Improved Mash Poo will do it. Coulson's N . .,. t Condition Powdera for Poultry also keeps thorn in good healtl For circular and full pxpanj. tion can on TILLSON & CO, 151 High St Housewife's Best Frier Nothing is mora desirable f tho household, from tho liom. wife's point of viow, than a port wholesome and satisfactory & tlclo In the lino of baking powde. nnd in If Eppleys Perfection Baking Powder Which Is ns near perfection t1 it can bo made. Besides geUItj! your monoy's worth in tho wcljl) nnd qunlity of tho nrticlo Itself, you nlso rocoivo a nico glass frclii jnr, nnd. nt tho same time rat nro holplng to build up n homo in stitution. C. EPPLEY Manufacturer J aaiem, Uregon vS'JBb'sW pWwWw&B twr Isf 15 B B Ordor n packago of ts ramous huaim ana dmii building flour and enjoy some good old fashtonej Xew Euglnml Ilrowi Ilrend. A chnnco at i right hot loaf will roah you think you are li Doston. With Allen's Self-risliiB B. II. II. Flou you can mnko bread Just liko tho Puritans UBed to make. .'Ml Pancnko Flour is also n puro food; self- Trado rising nnd all ready t Mark mix with water and b&l on a hot griddlo. ALLEN'S BBB FLOUR CO. Pacific Const Factory, San Jowl Cnl. Eastern Factory, Little Wolf Mills, Manawn, Wis. Woven Wire Fencing Of all kinds. Hop Wire. Pickets, Posts, Gates, 8hingles nnd P. & n. ready roortng. All at lowest prices. - f - i iht: " wam wwamm?.. ja 5BBBr-'yi a -,dLVj.f p-pjhW im 7 ;mwmarvit. lM HfiHfthh i1 isssb fliK nlB nsS l KfsaisMssB sm W H hS tC jl U To Walter Morl'ey mi. w iae cwrvalh Tliim. i.. iu mo ciarKOi at all '.ll.,l ..!. .... earnhml Khv t th. obera htso 7 . m produce ot will Ue Um ctamtlar werehants pny a fair nnc t t...-. ken that price canles wjth It 100c worth of satisfaction fof every dollar o-xpended Seo .... t Tr oca' .. p. . U.n. , vwvwb on siae- fcJU -un. u saicm, Ore, "oer. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Groecrs and Com- mission Merchants times Voget Lumber and Fuel Company, In tho i .Miraaj- ana TttetHiay wnlas All the leading Marahaitts aud bus ne latereau f tlt osty aM t() bo rtrstted ly )ttBK ladle la bau tlful nil. I unluua ... ...... v,,nT- vv(MM. kBil n the very bst taleat butaa.w, has 1m swured tho suwa of thVs pop mar production U assured. The caralval program will bo most unique and coasM of strlklag ropr. (MWtaUoa. laugbahle sltuattoiw. fun. y rBtowlwfl, brllHaat a,d B8. touadlBK alotrlcl display, mde Slrls In Dutrtea aatf utaay otner f?atur of cgtjai merit ' kinds. all Special Wo have for wo a few apple par ing and slicing machines; coulDm-nt , ,or a ,&r8e dryer; will make r CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. n -crr.rr.crds! St. Phone 179 prlco. a low HOtUISTu-r. Kocky Hounlafn Tea Nuynets ww 4trr' pm,tru; r,SSatJ,?i, . Ttat& Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Frrw DJ.. . m" ' "" jwiuce. OAfllHAM . iSZ ?& Spent wisely Is the source of o satisfaction. Why not epend a IW of It wisely now buying grocerle' usi Baker, Lawrence & Baker 8ucceeear to Harrltt & Lawrsw HOTEL OREGON corner of Seveatk ad Stark & PortlaBd. Orecoa. Tho new and seder kotel of tt Caters particularly te residents ot lem and other Orefes eitiee. Eur Pn. xje baa. Bate 1.00 V J1 upward. HMdcoweet grUl h w, and price u lew aa In attractive. DaQy OapUl J ou file. WSIOHT-DIOTOtxaOK HOTSl The Fashion Statt Forsaarly rrmnnrm'j SUble- Up-to-dato Uvr ad eab Funeral tanumta x afMcialty. ho for plcxiee a4 ezeeneioiA ijcw-rrffT-6- t 247 i ui sigh siraef. 0