t ririf$w t. 1 rSkz. MLfflh'Kmr3Z3 ml Hill I, gn Jffl. BIG INVENTORY SALE & llfiaP' .. ft . ., (.n , ola niKriuit4iuf of our l)ljr, K'l Tug --Wt.flt 1 s," ever,,.,.,, f.g t cut Jjg AL1ANV SHIPPERS MEET (Continued from pnga ono- Water haul had forced down tho rote, and now Washington wan nrotucd and Governor Meado -was going lo recommend nn appropria tion of 100,000 to help open the river. Other streams woro as Im portant a tho Columbia. Ho had advocated Kovornmont ownorshlp of (ho locks nud canal nt Oregon City The 60 cents a ton lockflKo oliarsed was alio collected by tho railroads, nnd rates between Portland and Snloin woro tho name an from Portland to Tho Dalles, the first h distance of CO mllci, tho sec ond a dint mice of 90 miles. If the federal Kovarnmont did not buy tint looks nt Oreunn City, then he favored notion by the state. Let tho state appropriate what Is need ed, n half million If noedod, pu rchase, own nud operate free to the pcoplo of tho Wlllamettfl valley. Iot nny man fleuru tho products of thlrt , region, .and It would uiy for lUelf In two years. Qnveruqr Chamberlain took the rest of his time to rnvluw what was done for the rivers nud harbors of Oreuoii nt Hut National Jtlvurs and Harbor CoiiRroM. retuntly held . nt Wnshlnutou. I). C. J. N, Teal, of Portliuid, spoke on Kimeral trnusportntlon ooiulltluns in OroKOii. livmedlnl rnllruud IIhI tlutt wns l.U tattle. As n funtlamMii10 "" "" ' wiiniiiieeion ta! principle It wns t Inudnes of lo InvlS""1 eou. iho iHKiulH ns iitiirh ns the buslifess I'lnbitn. Anil nmhe IliidliiRe- Tli of the railroads r to what rntee , w,,t """ iK' ' ,ho should be elwrgfcl, what WVII I ,HwUU"',e' "ot " l"MwaU Nlmuld U rendered. It was the bunt-, TUt H" t" w eMmmat ntvM of the stat nnd mulati to tHr..1 u,, m- ,l wo,",, ' ul nUh iPHWHwrtMlo 0H oqw, tfrBMI 1 1 a ee'ierale bill The mine mom! Tuenmr Meiiisnl In trans " wesaWtra of th portttttsMI wtire ihe uf.Ht. hw! erae- hlatr to vole for a Mtttl-pnw tsm of thr ( . h.l relee a4 n.,u, ,,,"t nmltiX OB ,h,M l vo u,r iita.tlom w.r- I. tlBbl m4 lul a ,h" "P,,, 'l"" 'or Polled til MHle lnr...lrtrll .w,r ran K,M" ""lor.. The people .Mr, IVHt be left lo ih heeUs of the rr- l0' ,,h ' d ' nouW "' PttralklM. Heirlcllv- lews lo uultt r,rd Th ot . .) tajH eewrotof iberellioa4e nntsl bt VThw nr railroad cauinileeloii oH0tl III Uermmiy with other eteiee wou,a rw !' vn UHder.modare tejMiHUoa there ws. ,h "rtala l f rall no nwli thlaa tMaimk)H. hhI rwwl "irtr for imrpoee ef newee thertt vm eHeel vloletlon f I be mM The oaly wey to liaxluwemsl rowlltloiM of lust eer- au ,nM rmltoh. of Vlfli. VrtH Malael ladlvlduHU lal " ae uower of the state HH.M1 irf dtarrlMlamla la nttea. od n"' u",,,n " lol h In WKrelMMee rr.e. le trarH end "Wal r the use of the waternex. yaril (mvHwaea. end suihiMui r Wallare Naeh. of the rHirilenii wlOihuhllHK mr The rhuk iuut l,0", "r TVal. spoae brleay before Im iHa Wetweea euamettdee. reM. aliwuoon aiourenu-et He ihouahi UtleH mi owaerehlM The pmliiou rellrtiea eoMuettlloa wee Mielble at OregOH M Ueea os of tally and " w valuable a ad far WMiwervaUiiHi la all elalaa thev rWa He was certala that Uaet HllRbl hate rnllroml teatabtltoa. m mtn l Woatera Ofei..a would i we ult d wltlwel The reaMlt li '"td" b ,, iM h.a retee thai ttrudered eaoi- Al p m the evealna mmIor a toaa dlMeda Wrd surelne HeUer- eed h a report of the romntliu wmm were fhnrmA l HHuratlHg w",l"ta- ,,B H ' '. "f t IHMil preeeatad a t array of aly. oppueed the r....hni., Mtttletiea te hw that ralleoada In ,'1 ' M cHBOttttM ti. OHieH vt very itraataMe The aeeHloa lo a rallrm.1 rumtul..i.t la ml eteHdel their Uaos. aor la- wu ,h1 M wred at ISm n.l ortKl their CHHleHtU Ptor hve The reeoloilons wre adopted and vr they had wot kept i ee nlia l Yotran. of the Infeae Mer tha growth of the txi.tr aad the "sMa" Prole tU-e Asaoelattoa dl Mni4n ut lis lHdutn- tme of the rele naeettoa fruM the i. irrsyi-.1 :; -"" j . .;,. iiUr euadpolat. EVERY DAY GOODS. J- W Uhlle (Xn lel .10 loi kl ilew lm lrtl 1tr tv. Willie r Ytllm hi I0-1U W sttvf tin 04 Oik ti ihtrfcacrt ut lfYv sA a fftctagv UratM Nuu SrV I IVm-Urw Iuar4 Uhv ...UK U lk Tvltt tVru l1VHk aW J Uirrrnx.i )ruiU r ituue ltur &U are KwiaiiTt trici)y rrb. Moir Grocery Company r-- ' sT I . I - ' the rnllroads In On-Kon had not one freight car to the mile of rend. Traffic maanttsr were oompslled to make tho larjjost shoWlnB of oarn Ings with tho smallest possible equipment. Ho advocated tho creation of r railroad commission, with power lo romody the enr shortnKU. and to do- olare what was a lawful or unlawful rate. No business man could carry on litigation that required from two to four years to determine In a con troversy over rates. Any law to be effective must put In tho hnnda of a properly constituted commission power to mnko rates, and mnko them flnnl ui(l maximum. Tho proposed bill created a com mission of three men, appointed by tho Hovornor. Its reatures, 05 por cent of them, were taken from the laws of other states, and tested and proved satisfactory after much cobU ly litigation. There were no experi mental features. The mombers wore not made elective, but tho govornor was hold responsible for nppolntmont and removal. Honest men believed In elective aommlittlons, but nil who wanted oommlealuns to fnll wanted them to be mailo elective. The reciprocal (IsmurraKO foaturn was fixed In tho law at Vi a day oach way. The commission was nlso giv en power to Inquire Into this matter and Into our shortage. The commis sion was Riven power to determine neKllgutioe iuiiI llnbtllty for failure K llofr dlerueeed the aeei of an ite rher. aad Ita effeet oa railroad rtes, Te apeaker had tm iil Idace ot the progrtM lb the after aoa t 3 N Teal, of PortUad Th apeaher lo..k the pualtloa that U osvauea did aot earl aaa-ke aa i. Issauai fur the KxU Md raaal t Oraa,ia City the Mate vomUi hav m d It Ho (avttred furialaf aa lea h'ver a.o.iathMi lo mate thfct Hht la h tulra f tue prudurera. lilivi aad Mterrhaat Tfce tlefaleai truat the Wl.laUI- eie iui tow a tnn t the eaera htea an J a v,u4 lae farnwltew a aa me utter .taaaolathM. with. aa et. t dve rwetiaittee of oae trow eeb .t it. 4terel dthat oa the . it i, ,a j,, nu 4 tR let. vea Iftivw AaalatlOH apeaKan fnm Portlaad. Maatera Or m. al ftiMtUtera Orejoa pr.teur Ml p!Hxl their kM. of the' I I BAIL CAPITAL JOURNAISAIiEM, OREGON. llawle), of Salem, who handled the O. & C. railroad land grant without gloves. Ho denounced Hitch monopo listic holdings. , Chnlrmnn Hills adjourned tho con vention with kind words to all tho dtJWntuH, thanking tho public- nplrlted cltlzous who took their time, nuld their faro and hotel bills to como to such gatherings to promote tho publla welfare. r j Wlte Counsel front the South. "I want to clvo somo valuable ad vlco to those who Buffer with lame hnck nnd kldnoy trottblo," snys J. R. Ulnnkonshlp, of Deck, Tcnn. "I have proved to an absoluto certain that Electric Hitters will positively cure this dlBtrosBtng condition. Tho first bottlo gavo mo groat sollef and after taking a fow mora bottles, I was com plotoly cured; bo completely thnt It becomes a ploasuro to recommend this treat remedy." Sold under gunrantoo nt J. C. Perry's drug storo Prlco COc. iwwwwwwwwmwwwwwwuiwwwwMimwiwwiM ! $& JS1 Wp Can S S Th lloujool Kuppenhcimcr CLEARANCE TAKNTA(3E OF OUR SALE AT ONCE I For $8.50 X SALEM viitti.iv. JANUARY 11..1007. X "." wi ii T . ...., ..i.n U l-asi, Jn""v eu- Tonlsht, for the flt . no and Salem , In a game of basketball a game of uaBKevuu,.. . ndnB As these are the two im b Iioola In ths !nr "J0"1 ,8 ! ralry Is na urall y keen, ana is es school ' rivalry VSSToSx T-H-U pedal !' epn. ,mnnstrflted their T1!- LUU'D I . they out - ,t f bo BoalnSi College last .1 - fe, and have Improved con .de,- ablv 8H1W '' ':"- ,Mnv nnd "(k in in jiL;i.iiin . iixniiiiniiiF iriiui iiij ni.. ttnr..in bus been shlft- naes. JUS i..'M - -- . !. ;ia loo" o"of ..the point. lf.l.,lra W n HUB utt AllLlilki.W ..to l.atA BtrirniiMii lii iwi I, rd I where he will have moie op- U nlt for baskets. Though not l id 1. I H VosM that Aloores vill tako his Place a SL"Z. r Kunni. v.... l ".!' "' l": weak be the same as rnh home boys w..l have to be on .. . morv minute Kcstirx aptaln and halfback on the FRUITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT Groceries ! In fact everything In tho lino of seasonable holiday uoods and deli cacies may bo found In stock at our storo. Don't overlook. BARRINGTON HALL COFFEE Glvo us a call and bo convinced of tho superiority of our service. H. M. Branson 326 State st. xxzttxitttttitntm of SSSSSS UITS AND uur nnnuai uearancc bales arc the bigecst and mnsr fo vorably known clothing events that e?l To, &Lm" They are always sweeping sales, held for the "JuIkSp S closing out our season's stock before rh LJl VS? of n .;scsg?w and K1 n nn T VJJ A A- f'.M . M I . .. ... n. .., on.i Ktsnass, tno uu.c. rooioaii i""""" ,.Jr.is. Haroiu half, are P,n ft.' "t,r iB also Bofli formerly of thscltj.W awo ,the lineup. Win i - , ; d be team the purpie uu . taken care of. neverth0e8g, Salem Is f'SS "23" determined to erase . gd Ign hung on U1?'L 'a received u nst fall when thf bos receivtu last rail " ' ',. .17 to & oriiuu u .- ---- ,. at 1 - e JSr U. of 0.. Tm cam ewiu ve... - ,, "'"' . M. C. A. unnonu will reforeo. OUT OF EXlSTJtfi'CH. 'fll ' i ... 1 . l....!......u riflll 'IIIIIl HM."" ... r ii.iiiiiipt'iiiiii lu-iiiiii.-' " v,r ti.iri.ii Coriioimions Dlssohcd. 1 t,.von,,.r riianiber nin tins mom- wu. -- , .. n ! ' ,, oliSaflondeolanng 234 jng llled with secrotury oi ouu r.... have corporations dissolved which ... n.i .inriiiir tiio nnst two venrs. file their statements or pay tncir nn - litllDU, WU1...B - 1 "-- - i I mini license fees, unuer uio iu- visinns of tho corporation Hcenso law, and their articles of Incorpora tion revokod and repealed. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of tho firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In tho City of Toledo, county nnd state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and ovory caso of Catarrh' that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo mo nnd subscribed In my presonco this Cth day of De comber, A. D., 188G. A. W. QLEASON, ' (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intor- nnlly, nnd nets directly on tho blood and mucous Biirfnccs of tho system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7Gc. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. twwwwwwwwwwwwtiiiitwwwwwwwwwwwunwn OVERCOATS ! Tho Ico Melts. After flvo days of freezing 1 In'er In 'this vicinity, wnich. broni , Jt r ,fttlo Bkat, 8 "" .. In'thln IVlnltlltV. wlllnli t."8! for tho plumBofs. a Breat deal of? convenience and a little. 8unCrII ' from colds, the mercury ha8 gone'1? todny wo ar0 havlnK Ke2 n geahj tho frost did any dnmnEo, nn$ itT p0nvictlon of manv tw HJ tho conviction of many that cood will result from It. Thn C"l J--4. l.., I.nnn nlmAl.n.l 1. ."l1! i.- --:.--," rr.'". . growth, and there Is. as a result. Zl 5 (n.t1,n fnllt nrnn '10(1 uitubcl l" "w "i'i All tho World. Is a stngo and Dallard's 8aaa .. . . , binimem plays a most promln part. lis ha3 no superior for Rhe. matlsm, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, y ll nalns. uuy it. try it and vnn - - alway8 Uso It. Anybody who bj ' used Ballard's Snow Liniment tn v ..! nnr nr wnflr it Mnnn n.. l" 11V1UB !" " "" ""i UUTlJ ; trai bottle; 25c, 50c and $i.j Sold by D. J. tfry. Ready for New Year Now UIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIinii "Wo aro always propared for an; occasion and our lino of stock It just as cood and almost as cob. ploto as It was for Christmas. At the Samo Old Stand. ( A. L. Harvey's Cor. Court nnd High Sta., Sales. Phono 210 Main. . 3VLL . e vwing Special Values. WOOLEN MILL STORE w m lappart the ht fkif fr leeVa ha4 pea river. br feAfct who re lnU4 V at tk ruutatf ioa wera U 8UU, nt Gr&nlt Pm V C Wa )t Jt, -jt- i