f'1f v fr iVOKSNOWTONiailT WARM- EH, SATLHUA IWn " onu". DAILY OAPlffAL -JOIJBNAL. SALBM. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1007. NO. 10. ALBANY SHIPPERS' CONVENTION DEMANDS RAILROAD COMMISSION BILL VOL. xvii. ALBANY SHIPPERS MEETING Able Addresses By Chamberlain and Teal Open River Association Formed to Secure Free Locks Is Albanj, .Jan. 10. (Special) Tho Shippers' Convention was. pulled oft nt the opera houso according to pro gnun, and waa a combination dlB cuaslon of waterways and railroad, conditions and proposed legislation., There was n largo attendance of val ley shippers and producers, and members of the legislature woro pres ent from nil parts of tho stato to welcome Governor Clmmborlnln and other speakers who had beon Invited Tho first session was held at 2:30 p. m. Trains were late both ways, and the delegations from points south did not get In until after 3 o'clock. Among tho prominent political light? In attendance woro Messrs. Davcy and Vawtor. Dr. M. H. Ellis, president of tho Albany Commorclnl Club, called to order and delivered an address of welcome. Ho gavo a fow gentle ad monitions to tho legislature Com If I f 1 1 PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE MIGHTY BARGAINS OFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK- LADIES COATS and. SUITS This season's latest'gar- ments. Priced away down. $15.00 Suits, sale prlco... $ 8.90 $18.00 Suits, Bale prlco. . .$10.90 $20.00 Suits, salo price. . .$12,50 $29 50 Suits, sale price. . .$15.90 $15.00 Coats, Bale price. . .$ 8.90 $18.90 Coats-, ealo price. . .$10.90 $20.00 Coats, Bale prlco. . .$12.50 Chlldron'B and Misses' Coats, Half Prlco. Fino Furs, About Half Price. $7.90 Silk Petticoats, price $4.50 $1.00 Whlto Lawn Waists, prlco C9c $1S0 White Lawn Waists, price , 75c $1 75 White Lawn Waists, prie 98c 1000 yardss 3-Inch wide em broidery, yard... , .. 4c FINE DRESS GOODS This season's latest styles Priced away down. 50c Dress Goods, prlco yd.. 25c 75c Dress Goods, price yd.. 45c $1.0t) Dreea Goods, jprlce yd. .65c $1.50 DreBa Goods, price yd.. 98c Outing Flannels, Calicoes and Ginghams All Ilcduced. HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS Prices cat away down. Blankets, Comforts. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Hfed Spreads, Draperies, Tickings and Sllkallnea 50o Bleached Table Llnon,.,.29c 600 dozen Towels 4c, 5c, 64c, 8 l-3c, 10c Rati 12 c Aunrt TAmrmr growing btorb. McEYOY BROS. plaint did not llo against tho law makers for making too many laws on transportation, as there was not n Btltch or railroad law In the Mat utory garment with which tho com monwealth wnq clothed at present. If tho legislature would not act, the people had still tho powor to tnltlntc. Q. A. Wcstgate was made secre tary. C. B. Sox moved a committee on resolutions of flvd. Tiro chair named C. B. Sox. of Albany; Thos. , H. Campbell, of Cottngo Grove; Geo. M. Cornwall, of Portland; T. J. Mil ler, of Albany; J. G. Grnham, of n lem. ' . I Governor Chamberlain waa now Introduced and discussed Oregon waterways. This convention showed how great was tho Interest In hotter- lng transportation conditions. Ore gon no longer occupied n second placo In tho rnco for development. Tho people woro gottlng together to exploit the resources of Oregon as novor Wore. Tho atato was filling up with prosperous and enterprising citizens. Ho said watorwnys wero a greator regulator of ratos than all tho laws enacted by stato legisla tures or congress. Ho cited that delayed action by congress had compelled tho stato to build n llttlo portngo railroad. Con gress then got a movo on and built tho canal and locks, and 'It had saved $7,000,000 to tho producers of the stato. That was a good Investment for this stnto to make. Again tho legislature had appro priated $1G5,000 to build another portago road, with tho reBUlt thut tho government hns decided to build a pormanont cnno.1 around tho rap Ids, and reducing freight rates for all EaBtorn Orogon. (Continued on Page 4.) fINE DRESS SILKS Prices away down. 85c Fino Taffeta Silk, yd 49c 45c India Silks, yd 2lc 85o Fino Pongee Silks, yd... 40c 75c Plaid Silks, yd 49c $1.50 yard-wide Taffeta Silk. 98c $1.35 Black Silk, Poau do Sole.35c Romnants of Silk, Half Price. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR A mighty strong line to select from. Prices cut away down. Ladles' 39c Dndorweur, price. 25c Ladloa 85c Underwear, price, 49c Ladles' 18c Black Stockings. .10c Ladles' 20o Black StocklngB.120 Bettor Ones nt Small Prices. Children's 20o Underwear. ., ,10c Children's 25c Underwear, . . .15c Children's 35c Underwear. . . .25c Children's 18c Doublo Ribbed Hose 10e Splendid lines at 12c, 18c and 25c MEN'S HOSIERY AND' UNDERWEAR 65c. Fleece Llnod Undorwear, prlco , 39 75c Fleece Lined Underwear, price 45c $1.50 Heavy Wool Underwear, price 98c Men's 25c Wool Sox, price.. 15o 16c Heavy Black Sox. price,. 10c BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! In the following departments: Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Laces, Notion, Shoes, Corsets, etc. Carter of Coer clii mi Crt Stmtf jj 1 vlWLrfi KILLED WATER BY AN FUEL ACCIDENTV GAS GONE Chicago, Jan. 11. Walter S. Bogle, aged 2S, son of "Walter Bo gle, prosldont of tho Cresctmt Conl Mining Company, is dend nt tho homo of his parents from n bullet wound In tho right Bide of his heart. His father Bays he commlttod Btilcldo whllo tho family wero nt breakfast. No motive Is given by the family. The polico said It was hardly probable that tho, fatal shot was ilred by the weapon shown, because it bore no mnrks of recent dischnrgo. Tho polico now ugreo that tho shooting was nn accident. The young man examined many weapons ho had In his den, nnd dropped ono or neol dontnlly pulled tho trigger.- Tho weapon from which tho shot wan fired has Just been found. FUNNY RKSOLUTION. To Coinpoll Members of Legislature to Introduce DUN. Sacramento, Cal.. Jan. 11. Stnn ton, of Los Angeles, introducad n resolution in tho assembly calling for tho Immediate Introduction of bllln. After n heated debate It was lost by 32 to 38. After a brlof session tho assembly and Bonnto adjourned until Monday, when tho real work of tho legislature begins. . BASKET BALL TONIGHT ! EUGENE HIGH VS. SALEM HIGH AT Y. M. C. A. TONIGHT. 7:30. 25 CENTS ADMISSION MKSSI2NGKHS' SCHOOL. Manager nt Seattle Has Ileen Arrest ed on Serious Cluirgc. Sonttle, Jan. 11. C. Connolly wns arrested on a chnrgo of conducting a school for teaching youthful mos Bongor boys to use cocaine, opium nnd othor druse. Several puckngos of drugs woro found, nnd the nrrost of drugglBts will probably follow. In vestigation dlsclosos fourful doprav Ity nmong tho moasengorB of that concern. , Thought About Hight. San Francisco, Jnn. 11. In tho grand Jury Livingston, who holpcd to indict Ruof nnd Schmltz, crentcd i a Bcnsutlon this morning, when asked by Ruof's counsel, what ho thought of Schmltz and Ruef, by replying: "Thoy nro grafters. I moan by grnft thingu done illegally and mor- , ally wrong. I ndmlt that I have told many peopio uiai i uiougu mu may or and Ituof wore graftora." Judgo Dunno, during tho examination of Livingston, again threatened Attor ney Ach, Ruef's counsel, with pun ishment .for contempt for making ln Biiltlng remarks to witness. Murdered Ills Jailer. Denver, Colo.. Jan. 11. John Mc Garvey. aged 22, will bo hanged bo foro midnight at Canon City for tho murder of tho Jailor at arand Junc tion, whilo trying to escape a sen tence for burglary. Tho governor says ho disbelieves In capital pun Ishmont, but won't Interfero, because ho says sentiment Ib not above law, which requires tho execution of cor tain criminals. o Nebraska Senatorslilp. Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 11. Demo cratic Representative Van Houten this morning Introduced a resolution to Investigate tho methods by which former Attornoy-Gonoral Brown' se cured llje nomination for United States senator in tho last Republican state convention. It may only dolav tho election, which Is set lor next week, n Will Lie lu State. San Francisco. Jan. 11. Tho body of Archbishop Montgomery waa re moved to tho chapel of St. Mary's Piith.vlrnl tndav. where it will Ho In state, until 10 o'clock Monday morn ing, when tho funeral services will be celebrated by a sermon by Bishop Conaty, of Los Angeles. Dr. J. F. COOK HOTRO TO S44 LIBERTY BTRERT, WHRKR MR WILL KKMt ALL OLD AJH XRW FAXJSNXS. FOR AT DMRAOR CALL OX DR. COOK. OOHSULTATidC Ventura, Cal., Jan. "11. Tho re cent flood in the Ventura river has completely dostroyod tho water sup ply Bystom of the Ventura Power Compnny. Apprehension la felt that tho limited supply of water for tho gns nnd electric plants will be ex hausted before night, nnd the city will bo in durknosfj nnd without fuel as well. o , PROBING REBATE EVIL Lob Angeles, Jnn. 11 John S. Schlrm, prosldont of tho 'Grand Can yon Llmo and Comont Company, 1b un"dor arrest on tho chargo of receiv ing "concisions" from tho Santa Fo. This Is tho first nrrost growing oi of tho nrnnd jury Investigation df th relate evil Other nrrostB will follow. K.w 25 THK COAL FAMINE. Washington, Jnn. 11. Sonntor IInn8brough today turned over to the intorstato eommoreo commission a numbor of dlspatchos, complaining of tho conl shortngo In tho North west. Ono from North Dakota says that not a pound of coal Is for sale, and only ono freight tills month. Tho first voice In tho Bonnto In fa vor of Smoot wnB raised thiB nftor noon by Senator Hopkins, who trnld: "The Mormon church Ih undergoing a radical change for the better Smoot Is nn apostle of tho hotter Mormonlsm, which stands for tho sacred things In tho church, and Ib against polygamy nnd kindred vIcob. Smoot has done moro to stamp out vlcea than any thousand men outside of tho churdh. I dlssont wholly from tho conclusion that polygamy Is part of tho Mormon religion." Hopkins said no powor could add any qualifi cation for the senntorshlp beyond what Is iirescrlbod In tho constitu tion. o Exclusion of Newspaper!, Chicago, Jnn. 11. Judgo Going, of tho now municipal court, todny, In tho trial of Chnuncey Johnntgon and Dr. Fox, charged with tho murder of Emily Miller, gavo warning 10 nowa papers thnt sensational accounts of tho trial must cease. Ho told tho re porters that tho question of exclu sion of nowspnper men from tho courts was not closed. He said: "If government by tho people in thin country Is evor n failure It win bo be cause of tho abuses of llborty of tho press, and perversion of truth by newspapers. Thoro hns been moro harm done by reporters scares than by tho persons who committed tho crlmo, nnd tho public virtue is af fronted." O" Into Washington News. Washington, Jan. 11. Tho direc tor of tho mint today purchased 100, 000 ounces of silver at 09.305 per ounco for delivery nt Philadelphia. Tho Btuto department admits tho Toklo government inquired as to the advisability of tho Japancso training squadrons vlsltlns San Francisco Tho department's response was that on account of the recont earthquake San Francisco was nono too woll pro pared to entertain them. -o- ftervlce Pension Rill. Washington, Jnn. 11. Tho sonato this afternoon passed a bill providing servlco pensions for all survivors of tho Mexican and Civil wars. Kami Concert Lat Night. The band concort at the skating rink last evening waa enjoyed by a large crowd. The rink floor Is fine, nnd as the crowd pf Bkators aro Im proving;, the sport la gaining In pop ularity, both for sightseers and those who skate. JAIL BREAK Posse After Desperado Kid Parker Prossor, WaBh., Jan. 11. While locking up the prisoners last night, Jnllor Gilpin wnB overpowered, bound, gnggod and robbed of his koyB, money nnd revolver. All four prlsonorH wnlked out, but two woro subsequently recaptured, It. C. Hero and Sidney DavU. A horBO thiofand Kid Pnrker, held for tho murdor of Marshal Clover, of Konenwlck, oa capod. Clover nnd thrco others were killed during a gun fight whllo nt tomptln gto nrrost Parker for hprso Bteallng. Parker Is only 19, but Is a deapornto character, and 1ms tho Jullor'B gun. Ho dcelnrcB ho will not bit taken nllvo. A posse of a hun dred men n"o In tho ehnso. 0 I HUNDRED MINERS BURIED Hundred Miners Hurled. ' Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 11. A hundred minors nro entombed by a cave-in nt tho ScIiIobs mluoB, Cal houn county, according to a mos sago Jimt recolvod hero. CaiiBo, do foctlvo timbering. Ono roscuo party hn entered nnd another Is organising to go Into tho mines, o- Movements of U, H. WnrshlpN. Oiiuntnnnuio. Cuba. Jan. 11. r - V f Right battlo shlpB comprising the squndron of Itonr Admiral I3vftilBof tho U. S. Atlantic Hoot, arrived hero today. In tho squadron nro the Mnlno (flagship), Missouri, Kour Bargo, Kontuoky, Alabama, Iowa, In diana nnd Illinois. Tho mtdwlntdr mnnoouvorH of tho Hoot will bo con ducted off this coast. Brooklyn, Jan. 11. In nbout four dnyH tlmctho U. S. bnttloBhipB Con necticut, Loulsnnnn, Gcorgln, , New Joraoy, Rhodo Island, Virginia, Ohio, TonuosBco, Wnshiiigton and St. LouIh will nll for Cuba whore thoy will Join tho fleet of. Itonr Admiral Rvnns nnd tnko part in tho mldwlnto r mn noouvors of tho Atlantic fleet. . : O ' ' ' I'iiIcnIIiio for the Jj-wm. London, Jan. 11. In tho Albert hall today Jows numborlng over 0000 gntherod undor tho auaplccH of tho Rngllsh Zionist Federation for the purposo of advocating the claims o( SlonlBm, Lord- Rotschlld prcsldod and amongst tho speakers wore Israol Znngulll, H. Blschopnhlsm, Rov. II Zodnc-Kahn, Dr. Frledborgor, Waltor Nathan and J. Shlro all promlnont In commorclnl nnd financial circles. II. H. Bontwlch, L. L. D., said that Zionists would not rest until thoy had Palestlno-Palestino nnd noth lng elso. Resolutions wero adopted plodlng tho mooting to work to bo euro n publlcly-rfccognlzod, legally secured homo In Pnlostlno na the only solution of tho Jowlsh question. i Chirago Dally MnrketH. Chicago, Jan. 11 Cash wheat, 7C4, corn 43 43, ont 30 3J. THE LUCKY MAN J. T. Mills, Sublimity, Orogon, won tho $125 Diamond Ring. Vo had ono tooth extracted, recolvod ono coupon, nnd It wna the wlnnor, Thla merely shows that It Is not tho patient with tho largest number )f coupons that wins tho prize. Df. B. E. Wright TheP,inessDn.ist fltMMr IMS., OMrt ., IWii UmJUf', 10 a, m. 12 - 5SBS EUGENE WOOLEN MILLS Hugeno. Jan. It. (Special ) T. B. Kay was up from Salem attending tho mooting of tho stockholders ot tho Ruseno Woolen mill, and from him wo got the following particulars of tho meeting. Tho proaont officers of tho com pany woro all re-elected. Tho buBl noss dono InBt year wna much liettor than was expected. Tho mill lu now upon n paying basis and hns a pay roll which oxceeds, 1 2000 por month Tho present output of thai mill Is nbout $9000 por month. The com pnny decided to put in a comploto sprinkling Bystom nnd nlno to let the contrnct for electric lighting, which will coBt botweon $1400 nnd $1500, but which will make tho mill us well protected from lire na any mill In tho Btnto. Thoy also decided to build n now wood house In tho spring. Arthur P. Lord, nn expert wool mnn, who Juts beon with tho T. 11. Kny itillla for six yearB, wub Installed nt this placo ns head buyor nnd grador. Rmll Koppo .will remain Huporlntondont nnd Mr. Howe con- tlnuo In UIB ponltion na uobs unisncr. Since buying tho plant tho com pnny has exponded $8500 In perma nent Improvements nud have In view otljor Improvement which will call for. consldornblo additional expendi ture. Rugono to proud of Its woolen mill nnd tho Bplondld record It Iirh made In lh Initial year "under tho now mnnngomont. Would wo had many othor Institutions that would add o our "tin bucket brigade." . o (Jlgantlo CHJjK'rat'ive I'taH- ' Portland, Jap. iLTho Coojiorft tlvo ClirlsUah;Rndenvor Fedofntioii with $50,000,000 of a' capjnlhaB . boen, RiiccosBfully launched noro. Two yearB of unconslng work by tlio promotorB hn"o boon so auccessful thnt work Iiiib nlrondy hoKun on a gigantic plan of development of raw land nnd roBourcotf. coiiBtruction of modol towns nnd co-oporntlvo homos, storos and Industrial onlerprlBes In tho Btato of Oregon. It Ib tho big gest undertaking of Its kind ever un dertaken In tho United StntOB. A bond issue of $50,000,000 will bo tho flnnnolnl basis of tho FedorntlonB operations nnd tho Bnlo of the first, 12.000.000 of theso bonds Ib now on, A largo block of tho bondB hna boon Biibscrlbed In the east and ample funda are nvallnblo for carrying on tho work. Thu fundB will bo handled through tho Merchants InvoBtmont and TruBt Co., of thlB city, which certifies each bond nnd Ib tho cus todian of a alnklng fund, which in vostod nt compound interest at SYa por cent por nnnum, will enncol tlvo j)ondH ut tholr maturity 50 ycura henco. The eatuo compnny also inkoa chargo and will Invost a further sum from which will bo paid to all bond holders tholr fixed Intoreal of 50 per cont por annum for the JlrBt ilvo yearB. It Ib calculated that tho prof its of tho undertaking from advanc ing vulues on its lauds and other properties and oporntlon of Its In dustries will nt tho fltid of tho first flvo yoarB bo moro than Biifllciont to carry out tho financial plan. Subse quent bond Issuos v, HI bo made from tltno to time. 8 . to 5 f. -; 7 W I . . 7)wm SOf WMu. " "" 7i