WjuE yjxmmj DAILY CAPITAL JQTJBXAli, BALKM , OREGON -"V- JANUARY 10, 1000.. . iiMir ""1 I """" " " MM-" T Mtfstin Wear Don't fnll to sen tbla line that Is Jsopt out during this great enlo. Reduced 1-3 Bhck Silk Waists An exceptional offer to se cure one of theso great bar gains. They are Reduced 1-3 THE WORLD OF WHITE AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Practically every department fa Interested in this sale, as Every Article in the Es tablishment, contract goods alone excepted, FORCEFULLY REEUCED. And "Under Regular" with THIS Store means tmcr what such goods actually sell for-no fictitious valuations enter Into oar advertising. Ladies7 Garments At RWlcoloas Prices A great bargain feast In which the early coinors will net Mm Hint morsels, lio nmorw ; tho early one for the but val ue will bo chosen first. Ladies' Jackets . We Remind You Once More EVERY ARTICLE in the establishment, except a few contract goods I Lndloa' short Jackets of Cov ert ami Horsey Cloth In popu lar lotiKths nnd color. Hob lunr G and $0.50 values; olornuco ry v prlco $& DU Is Radically Reduced in Price The First Choosers Get the Best Selections Ladies' Skirts A lino of ladles' skirts In wantod material and styles. Values ranfeo up to $15. Chooio dwrlnic Cloranco , - rwv Balo 3.00, $3 and $3.lU Bargains in Draperies Oreat Bavlntit In your drapery neoda nro to bo hnd during thlH great alo. Chooso quickly. A linn of tnbtu cnvors and porttera and couch cover .... DRESS GOODS Half Price Ladies' Suits A line of Indies' mid In tho Moat popular shades. Styles aro all that could bo desired. A great opportunity to not a knockabout or dress iult for little. They won't last long at thl price. Value C'lA up to S0; prion !j I U Wool Waists. A Hue of woul wnWttt just what you mvd now -all of the bed materials and styles. AT HALF PRICE Lace Curtains llrokon lota of luce curtntna In which thero nro one, two or threo pnlra of a kind at much Ivaa than tho real worth. , $1.26 values Q Clearance Price. . .. . OjC $1.60 values . nA Clearance Price. . . . ,JJ Cluurnnco Price vj) I U $3.00 value -k, Cloaranto Price.... vD.lv $1.00 valuta jj. pj Clearance Prlee !p&.t $5.00 value rj Clearance Price . . . p J( J4 $(5.00 values ,. p.. Clearance Price . . J)4.UU $.60 values--Clearnucu Price $4.34 During this snlo great bargains abound throughout this depart mont. PrlcHtley'a ernvencttea and Muck dross coods nro Included nt apodal prices. Hcro'a how goodB nro being anc-rldccd: $1.00 valuua Clearance Price $1.26 values Clcaranco Prlco $1.60 values Cloarancu Prlco, $1.76 values Clcaranco Prlco. Priestley Black Dress Ooods tit tho following prlce: $100 vnluo Clearance Prlco $1.60 value Clearanoo Prlee $1.75 vnluo Clearance Price 60c 63c 75c 88c .... 50c 65c .... 75c Changeable Silks, Chiffon finish S5c, $1.00 and $1.25 vulues " Clcaranco Price. ....... OC Your Clothing Needs Cnn bo looked after very profitably durlnK this snlo which nffocta tho entire assortment of holiest Krndo clothing cnrrlod In tlilu city. Twou'ld be well to see whnt great values wo onVr for little money. At Clearance Prices INSERTION EEGINGS Gnlloous from 15c to $2.80 AT HALF PRICE El ?m -1 -v y f , Ml I ' -Xm&Xj&f i tt J A I: . . . .. n iitn ccood money on Sir...i!',-M"Sl near future. , Mrs. W. H. Moon, who was n cir cuit court witness here this week, ,cft tSs morning for nor homo In Mr0".' C Hnrdwlck and two chil dren left this morning with the body of tho late G. Rloehen for S hanlko. where tho remains will be burled They wero nccompnnled bj Jonn Illecben, the brother of tho deceased. - . o Companies Organized. The Order of Reindeers Is the latest creation in the lino of clmrlt- nl.le and fraternal orBU"i"--whlrb have come to Hsht In this state articles of lncomoratlon for which was Placed on file In the cor poration department today. The cnpltnl stock of this order which Is In the nature of a fraternal insur ., Motv Is S2500 and tho prln- tunc; owwv -- t clpal offlco and placo of business Is fn Portland. Tho Incorporators nnd officers are B. 13. Wright, grand president; It. G. Moss, grnnd vice president; B. K. Dnvls, grand secre tary and grand counsel; W. S. Phelps, grand treasurer, and E. A Taylor, grand organizer. Other companion having Hied ar ticles were: Portland Stock & Bend Exchange, of Portland; $5,000; J. C. Loe, C. B. Porter and P. E. MnChetto and h. n. Rfcdcr, Incorporators. ironinin T.n?tlnc r.oninany. of Port land; $10,000; It. C. Bell, P. C. Llt th nnd r. A. Cloland, Incorporators Hugo Fritz company, of Portland; $50,000; Hugo Fritz, Guy E. Jnrrott nnd D. N. Watt, Incorporators. Mnnhnttnn-Junction Gold Mines company, of Portland; $1,000,000; Willlnm Martin, E. J. Godfrey nnd Thonms King, Incoroprators. C'entrnl-Mnnhnttnn Gold Minos company, of Portlnnd; $1,000,000; William Martin, Thos. King Mulr nnd E. J. Godfrey, Incorporators. Keennu Bros, company, of Port land; $10,000; A. L., A. D nnd P. P. Keonnn, Incorporators. John Welch Dentnl Dopot, of Port lnnd; $40,000; John C, Welch, Allco Welch nnd George Lnrkln, Incorporators. open If you think that you J crated upon to bo cnrDr .r I U III w you nro wrong. Thousand. J" ..ii . . - i oi luiua ui uxcruintlng 8eTb worse no doubt than y0llf. beon curod painlessly, quIc The Spnuldlng sawm.111 Is running a night nnd day shift, nnd Is taxed to Its utmost capacity. Mr. Spnuldlng reports tho car servlco to bo slightly Improved. HIVIT Xl'Wh Owing to tho clear, cold wenther, the water Is rapidly assuming its us ual pronortlons. Sovornl boats and tho Thicken bont houso nro left high on tho bank of' tho receding wat rs. Cured of PhesBy ryramia Piiei If You Suffpr, You Cnii u 1 .... ?.-. I'usi-c smiling to pr permanently, while tho Pfttlent ItnAti nf Ii (a iifntif ...ur 77; ', ,i,v wnom t(,J ui uiuy utu'Mumtu oy nn - Til fnft. mnnv n miffn . ' '" " f"-t 1108 DM I able to reach his work or pv across the room unlll after Usj. j home remedy prepared by tvj mm urug ju. tf CITY NEWS A OntlMlon of liuportAnt Para KiH)m fur Vour Onasltlrmtlou "' lM (Ivl HtOVO WlMKt At the if mill, on ihort notice. Phono 88. tl.lMf. eUlu Mllltnrj- IIaihI At Audtitorium rollw akntlHt rink tonight. HlPTrml if Tuinur Mr. J. J. GvrKhty. of this ell. U Iritis 111 nt Ihu & hospital, Kavlnu undergono a aunttwal opora tlon last wk fpr ths utntml of au abdomltml tHHtor. Thrt HiltH " aucc4sUUy Hrfrwd Uy Dra U i. Orttath aiHt A K TMt(e. of th tnwiiw nnilwm, and ttw ntlMt la on the road i retfd rvwvr). d atlitly out cu dagv. lfarif Cliwlnir Onlliuutrtw. tUloon men r )itby tvntlHod that th v,lc rdlso tw lata TburtJay. JkHMry U. at Mtd nlBht. Tfco 04-4lMAf rtlrt all fwlooiu to iu t 13 $. m. R4 n. wain cltM uatll ft . w. n the fJiwM vorU44 hllnd am mirUtna wust tm rwuv4 la orlw t riv elr view from tfcc tltmi o tho U tclor of tho Mhtoa. IfflcBd) A, MtMrv4, oity record r. KW4iUmi HVtlnj llrt &a Luckoy will Rto an t. HVllon of futy kUK nt toft A alltorlum tonight. A bus that vr drl on thft Twai Wilkinson plac ta Hlsh vallty, last week, drewed 780 pouuda nnd produced 61 puuuda of lard Union Itupublleau. Auditorium Skntiug ltlnk CHwt tuulsht ly tho Haldtu Mil llary band. Tii Protect Water Front Th Viwt Uink Oenumny, nt tkla ulty. wko eoudutt a suwihIII at ittwm, hY ufrwd wmh Iomi by Ut rnmi frsMkuUu ami. as a ruaiilt. Ue wutttrfrtiHt at th4r mill hm been rrldty wnaliihl away. Tky hnvn employe! C. F. Uoyal & 8 to put In some pIIIbk urtparatwy u T wpplag th sum. AuxllUry Mivtlnj; . Th Wammr's AaAittary w( aX. Paul'a parl.h wilt utMt at tU rw- dHo ut Mrs. JCU, HUHlirtvr. ' ""-""- ' wm 9 SJ Oenlw slnwt. Friday, Jaimap) 11th. at S;39 m. wi aitRdMtf deMrinl. A Nvw (UhiiiIU AKwxl nw f JrnrM aiul tlMR H V mw aawiuUl un tho l.l Ww. lMrtr j1hj, tw wlli south wwt f AumavtlK Thn)- kav bought a tmmr immUh at tlMber thora at T iMc fctw j 4,1- Q do a. Outy n Ctituiuoy DUso Th lire dyriment vu eaUM ohI a ! tnlnute beforo noaa this worn. tK answer to a Mil from tho Qal. ksv t Music of th WtHamiMte UnN -rUy. u trenwlml that it wti Botolujr hut ft calwttey blasa which caosod thw aUrtu 4 thd ervlc ot th at fishtera r oot ttedsl. Personals H. K. Crltchelow went to Uallaa to. day to visit rMatlvw Mrs. I. M. Whlti went m 1.... hind thla iMomlnx;. Dr. and Mr A. It. nillls rturil l vwnlng frM Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Xadcw HIKKa havv r tHrneil from a visit In Portland. A. A. CunnlHKhaM. formerly of this ojty, enme up from Portland y. trday. Mrs. , ii. Millard, after visiting SaUw frlMk ani( wlattve, has r turned home. Mrs. Harry Albert and sister. Miss Carrie Hurst, Mt thU wurnlng for a visit In Portlaad. Mrs. R. A. Thayw, ofc I-oui, who h bwii vlsjtlnir rsiatlws hnr inff this morning far a vWt In Culdcsac, jMatui. MtM KftlO Rtt'MkU. Bf lMrtlnnrf. attor -W4ttrtaT J M. WlWqn. of tho V limn BlUdlft, atld fttMllV. haa r. turned to her bom. Mrs, Harry QJI Hd little son left thU MorHlHg for a vtelt in Portland Mlsa MUtU Magora went to Portland this mor;. Itr. aad Mis. lrrr Condor have retnrnej from a visit m Portland. Fraak Uwll. ehlef c4erk In tho woretsry of state's ome, wont to 1 Nut land yojterday. V. IMvl. of Salem, h beenVlslt tnjs with friends la tha eltv for bav. oral daj-a and lft on ih W04t howad tram this af teraooa. Katt Ore KOHkin, Jaanary 7. MUs Sybil UlllotL at Bi.n k ha bea spMdleg the halldaya here, at tho It. U. ltoustoa hom on South Ceumwlal UttxH. returnod home last evening. Miss Elliott made ninny friends while here. A. O. Condlt was In Albany today on business. Fruuk Glrod wa u pussengor to JefTerson today. S. 11. Ituawll wa a Salem vliltor from Marlon this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Itussoll left tali moraine for Jofftnwn. Miss ttdtta Johoo. of GorvaU. nr-rh-wl in tho elty this morning. W. K. Sohultr. O l. Hoyt and Dr. Hawk. w-HHt to Jefferson today. 0- A. Munkera, ot Albany, nftor a short vtelt hrt. returned to his homo thte morning. Mr. ami Mrs. James MoHvoy havo ruurHiw rrom n short honeymoon lrl lu the north. Mtes Molllo R. Walch, of Albany. ho haa bean vlsitlnir t ii.u . rtMuraod home today. t .M. kolly and A. o. Pnt. .i. i . .; .. . - " """ ... yvn in in olty on buslaoss. havo return! tu thoir ,r.....v . Hojsohu.g. Mr. nnd Mr. Win n..t.-. .. . . ....w,, WHO havo bwn In Prtlw,d attending tho .... u, VM ,aM j-ranK Baker, ro turaoil this raornUig. nopresontatlvo Stoen. ot Umatilla county, was In tho city today locating was formerly of Monmouthrand Is visiting rolatlvos there Shipping eongross today nro Hons. A. M. UFolUtte. J. Q. Graham Geo . Rodger. K Hofr -.. n, .. ' Ji??.." S!!?-. ed rL, w T T "mmcrelal Club. Geo. . Johnson leave thla even ing for Lonjr Beanh. Ojii wv t" vlll Pnd tho wlBr n 7 uo . ta, ;,.," .. Flue Skat lug. Pine Ice skating Is roportod on tho pondi In tho Lnko Lnblsh roglon, north of this cltv, nnd there Is qulto nn iM(nilance of those who lovo tho sport. n Ktnm-Iiir.Mliifr A marrlngo Hconso was this morn ing Issued by County Clork Allon to William Stancllff, of Scotts Mills, aged Cfi, nnd Florence M. Minor, of R'-otts Mills, nged 52. - MNsloiinry Soclclv Tho Woman's Missionary Society, of tho Prosbytorlnn church will meet tomorrow at 2:0 p. m. In tho church parlors. o- . i)ii:i). HHICHE.W At to WIHamotto hos pltal, January S. 1907, GHglan Rolchun, aged 24 yoara, of tuber oulogls. Gllglau has beon ulllng for the pnst four weeks and during tho Inst duya of i,u alcknoss suffored much though pntlontly. His brother, John" who Is attending the Unlvorslty, and sister. StjBle, were nt his bedside Whftn ilantl. ......... .... . ..... v,uu. uiismn was dell- ! cato physically, but a hard worker a fact which probably hastened bl? untimely end. RosM. m. .. ho loaves four brothers nnd thre i Sisters. Thn -nmoin ...i.. ... .. "-."""" w, 09 talon 1""'"' V K county-for burtt- MLSSER. in East Salem, on Wed nesdny. January 9, 1907, at 1;45 P. m.. George Musser, aged 30 year. Tho body was shipped to Sh.erldan his morning, whero the funeral will be .bod Friday morning, January n The deceased was a member of tho Woodmen of the world. Ho Moro Piles I One Box Onred-Osljll ' Such wns tho condition ofni ill aim business man, as ohowac recent letter: "Received your Bam'deol Cure nnd hnvo given It a fair t nnd It has :rovon the best I tried. I cnn recommend you a In this vicinity. Have UBed: sample nnd one box nnd It ha; I footed n complcto euro. It fain worth $100 to mo. "Thanking you for tho snmplil tho cure. I will recommend ytsl everybody. Yours respectfully, lus Mnycr, Denier In Feathers,! song nnd Hides, Bedford, Ind." The Pyramid Pllo Curei used at homo In the privacy ot own roow. Tltoro is enough, ttrcsj In each little Biipposltory todrlnj Infection, whllo nt tho same tb melts nwny Into tho dendened ta of tho rectum, heals up tho rolntlvos tho Inflammation, ft the circulation of tho hommorrto volns, diminishes tho congestion brings tho organs bnck to theirs mnl condition. Wo want to prove to every i1 fhm pllos that tho Pyramid PW 1 will cure. This treatment !) ipnrod exclusively by the Pjl Drug Co.. which Is Bufllclcnt erl of its genuineness. However,' not nsk you to depend upon tttj liability of our name or tho boul tostlmonlals of tho hundreds oft pllos suffors. Sond us your 1 nnd address for n frco trial pat" Use It according td directions. roliot you will get will justify ! going at onco to tho drugglsti f 50 cont box. All druggists m Pyramid Pllo Cure, JiiBt W cnmplo. Accept no substitute. I mid Drug Co., 70 Pyramid Marshall, Mich. o " llodgcrs Against Bourn. Salem, Jan. 10, 1' Editor Capital Journnl F1"' tho wording of your article U terday's paper, referring to HJi tlon on tho olectloa of United 1 senator might bo construed to' cato my Intontlon of BupportW Bourne, I will say thnt I thlw1 gontloraan la no moro fitted Wj position today than when I H him In tho nrlmarlea. No one' thorlzed to say that I will TFM Bourne. GEO. P. BODOI TrnhnM t..- . Seranton. Pa., Jan. 10. Nlno new cases of typhoid have been dovemned making 1038, with flW diJta & lQto each life tnm. "". . .. w, . "iiw must rail 5 ' PPle don't sit down and haw ' Only foo. snlMa . .. " WI' Smart peopld taVo Rocky MonS.n Tea at night. Sold at Dr Stono's store. Money to Loan THOMAS K. 1 Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, ! Nocwldb Untoo Fire ance Society Frank Mflallth. Resident Al Offlco with Win. Brown 4 C1! 129 Commercial Street. NEW TODA) For Rent Furnished rooms ' sonablo terms, 308 corner1 ter nnd Trado streota. W Lofif.M.Tai1wM UMMAMU nln. ---,. t-ttu; a uiuutu 4sf 1 of pearls. Leave at CPJ tlonal Bask a4 receive 1-H