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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1000. t Accidenjs 'WjlT Happn! Ami when tli do I - -A J7 l(h Wl ' iMiip'U vm need It pocil llnniieiu nnu dpi a It nt once. Al wujfi keep mi liiiml a bottle of 'S IIHG CAOTUS OIL - 4 KKat muifncilriHl. Kootlilng nnd 1 nn remedy speedily euro nil liurin ( nun or bemt and iilwuys Heals Without A Scar 11 rtircs cuts. sprain, bruises, sores. Uri.'ntw. lamcnes. old wound, lum- ,W , chopped lionilH, frost tme, etc.. l.nrt is the standard remedy for barbed Lire cuU on animals harness and t falR scratclieH, urease neci, i ih. uililcr, Itcli, nmmtc, etc. It 1 . als nound from tlio bottom up aail Li thnrouiihly mitlscptie. KINO CACTI'S OIL Is hold DV drucaiMS m A l...nt.. Act a.. C .Innn. l- Hi BIW l IKIHI''i oi " ' " fciuM ". or sent prepaid uy tlio mnnu- rat' .rT". O-Nt nicirtiii vimiuii, low. ' not obtainable t your dniK- Accopt no Substitute. Hr sule b.v G. W. Pittuniii Co. lit." N. Com. at. Salem, Or. I0P STOCKS REDUCED 'atfivlllo Reporter, Jiinunry -1). The holiday season and near np sach of the close of tlio old your s nattirnlly Interfered somewhat th activity In the hop tntdo. On local market, howovar, thero linn eu a little trading, nud occasional Of Pacific COIlHt linim lmvo inged hands at 1-1 16c, about the ht business in Paelllu on this mnr t sinco tho new soason opened. In state thero has boon continued J'lng with some of tho pooror ulos takon from 19 to 20c, but few bettor griulos remaining In wers' hands nro hold for monov id oecawlonnl sulos reported as sh as 2ic. Tho froo buying In the to the i)ast fow weeks bns made rapid reduction In stocks and rell !o authorities estlmnto that nott re than 0,000 to 8,000 bulos re nin in crowors' hands. Advices wm the Pacltlc Coast report vory ii markets tho past weok, with no "".suctions of Importance- noted, fom Knsland and tho Continent holiday season has intorferred "h buslnoss and foreign .markets 0 devoid of new features. Numbers. Dec. 11. Business lias very brisk during tho weok, l Prices contlnuo to Improve, as "Jo qualities aro almost exhausted ew York City. Tho cIobo of the finds our domestic markets ro Jrkably flrra. in view of tho slow '' 0 buyers In somo of tho prlncl h ntors- Now" Yorks, Oregons. W Sonon.aa aro moving quietly and lll whllo Sacraraontos and "nlngtons moot lltttlo demand, as Less than 10,000 balos or Now 'fks and less than 36,000 of Oro ns now romaln In growers' hands. Considerable of the stock bought nslbly for export is going to our n brewers under contract. Hold- appear to be confident that prices 1 movo decidedly higher within 1 couplo of months, nnd that Eind mll8t 8cour our market J ner present supplies run low. " their contract obligations with 'suiners. some big dealers will heavlly this season, where they 'ot protected by saving con Ns with growers. fave you Indigestion, constipation, u.n ; backae. kldaey troublo' "Wen Rocky Mountain Te will "you wen. It It falls, get yev nej back. That', fair, Te et ferm: 35 coats. For Hk at Stono'g store. PORTAGE IS WHITE ELEPHANT 0:erated as Constant Loss to ' theStateWitir'NoBusiness In Sight" "As to future buslnoss aside fr6in cement Bhlpments to contractors thero !j no buslnoss hi slsht." . This statement made by Supcrlii tendont Chns. E. Steolsmlth, of the stato portage road between Tho Dalles nnd Celllo, lifter reciting that tin only business transacted by tho road during tho month of December was the hnullns of ISS tons of gcnoral niorchnndUo, coment.' nnd 851fi sacks of wheat, nnd with rerelptc only to the amount of $240.15 nnd expenses $879.31, It would seem that tho rond Is bolus operated "nt great loss to the Btate and no busi ness In pospoct until nftor March! and that there is strong likelihood of its being Abandoned or some meas ures being tnken to lncrenso tho rev entto and lessen tho operating ex penses by the forthcoming Iglslnttiro. Thoso facts developed at tho regu lar monthly meeting or tho bonrd of portage commissioners yesterday nft ernoou, as shown by the report of Superintendent Stcclsmlth. Claims, amounting to nn nggregato of $710.27 wore npproved nnd ordered paid, but tho claim of Balfour, Gil thrlo & Co., against the Open Itlvor Transportation conumny for furnish ing 500 second-hand bags used in ie sacklng wheat wna directed reforrod to J. N. Teal for such dlspostlnu ns required ns It was understood bo tweon the Open Ulver association and tho bonrd that the portaso assumed no rcsnouslblllty In connection with tho trausfor of grain ovor tho road. o KIIKI) It. .rAUTlX. Tin- I'oi'tluud Mtinleici- a Albany Itoy. Koi'iiii'i Portland has boon stirred consid erably by tho murder by Fred B. Mnrttu of his slster-ln-luw, Miss 15m ma Helms, and nttompt to kill hht wife nnd his own suicide. Martin has boon In tho employ of tlio Port land Biscuit Company for somo time, rocontly, though, bulug employed ns a mntormau. He heenmo Jonlous of his wlfo, nnd laid tho hlnmo for nn ostrnngomont to Miss Helms. In a sensational wny ho shot hor (lend, shot twlco at his wlfo. hitting her, but not fatally, then ran to u base ment nnd took hia own life. It transpires that Murtlii. :i" yours of ago nt tho time of his death, was a formor Albany boy, ho youngost son of Loroy Martin, promluoiit horo 26 years u:ro as a menibor of the firm of Allen & Martin. Tho family nliout 25 years ngo moved to Ash land, whoro Mr. Martin nftorwnrds dlotl and Mrs. Mnrtlli ovonunlly mnr rlod J. II. McBrldo nud movod to Portland. Five years ago Fred Mar tin married Miss Annlo Helms, of Jacksonville. Fred Martin had n brother, Hnrvey, nnd n slutor, Miss Sue. o , How to Cure Chilblains, "To enjoy freedom from chil blains," writes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me.. "I apply Bucklpn'a Ar nica Salvo. Have also used It for salt rhoum with excellent results." Guaranteed to euro fover sores, Indo lont ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases; 25c at. J. C. Perry's drag storo THE BREAD THAT KEKPH THE FAMILY HEALTHY Is a treasure no ono can afford to bo without. It la mqdo right here Once used it becomes a luxury that you wont dispense with. No more dyspepsia, Indigestion, bilious at tacks, sick headache or tired feel ings! Give It a trial is nil w ask. C. ULLOM. CapHal, Bakery. O-r corvjisuffHHLZ j 1 -i"t f !, ' i A'Most Valuable A'gcnt. Tlio glyccrlno employed In Dr. Plrrcr, medlelnes greatly enhances tho nicdlclirii properties which It extracts from natix-i nindiclnal roots ntul holds In boluti. i much better than alcohol would. It al t possesses mutllclnal nronortlcs of It-s owft, being a valuablo demtileent, nutritive J antiseptic and nntjernient. It adds nreatl v to tho efflc.icv of tho Black Cherry J bark. Bkuxlroot, tloldon .Seal root. Stone root and Queens root, contained u "Golden Medical DUcoveryin suudtlIn(E chninlc, or 1 i?eruiB couphs bronehlr.V throat and lung ufT-i tions, f ir nllbf whit li. tlne nt;euti nro reennunended by staiid ard uiedlcnl authorities. In ail cavj w hero tliero Is a wasting away of flcli, loiS of appetite, w flit weal: stoniyjh, as In tho early stages of con gunitfilJin, thero can bo no doubt that gly cerine act.i an a vcluablc. murltlvo and Ion Sell root. Stono root. Quoins roj.t nnd Black Cherrybark' in promoUngilge'-tlon and bulidluR up the ilnli ni.V1j..illt nAnrrllInn lint rrtM rlt lll-JII UIIUISIiVUHtlh l.UlillUild.14 I4IU WW" and brlntf-g about a lualthy condition of thaSvhf .p svtcm. Of course. It must not be pjjrf-i tod to work inlraclw. It will notctironsi'mptloncrceptln Its earlier siagcs it. vim cw vp-v spyrre. nw naif. nmiri, onrnnir rntigns. nron aiKTRfrTnir'Mi tr5m3psan't clirnnic Mire tlTTTfTvltit1"T!ll?rM'n('';!t- acute coujjiii it is not so cilecttve. IT Is In tlio lingcrfnB hang-on coughs, or tlnseof Jong standing, even when accompanied by bloedlmr from lungs, that It li.-s performed Its most marvelous riirv. Prof. Klnliv i ll.ngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. C'oilego, Chicago, says of gly cerine: " In clyspenMaltservcsnn excellent nuri)0o. Iloldlni; a tlxi'd iuniitlty of tlio ncruxiuu of liydnwn In Kilutloii. It Is one of tlio Ivnt innmifaclurcd nroduclsof the present time In it action uixin enfpoblcd, dUordurcd ktor.i scIih, especinlly 1( thero U ulcomtloi. or ca turrlinl eantrltW (i-n'.arrbnl liillumuialltu of KtuuioclO. t Is n ii'i-t oillcleni ireparlln. Olypprliin Tdl relievo many piH!4 of i)yruiW (lies rihiim) and excessive castrlc (hlonmclt) Bfldlij " 'Uiiiilfii Medical DNcovery " enriches and pnilllivi tlio blood I'urlnir Idotelies pimple, erupilons, bcrof ulons swellings and old koret. or ulcers. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of nuITnla X. V.. for free iKHtKlPt ti'lllne nil about tlio nnliro niedli-lnal nntt eoinpixlnc llils woudertui (noUiclne. Thoro 't no alcohol lu It. PURE FOOD LAWS Fully enforced at out shop, and the best meats of all kinds, as well as pate lard, sausages and everything ia out line. F. A. KURT2?S MARKET 277 N. Com. st. Phone 205 DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR Will treat you with Oriontal herbi and. cure any diseaso without operation or pain. Dt, Kura is known everywhere in 8alem, nnd baa cured many prominont peoplo hero, no has lived in Salons for 20 yeras, and can be trusted. He uses rtany medicines unknown to white doctors, and with tbem can curt catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rbeu matlsm, stomach, livor, and kidney dls Dr, Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and female trouble. Ills romodioe euro private diseases when everything else (ails. lie has hundreds of testi monials, and gives consultation free. Price for medicine very moderate. Pereoaa in the country can write fox blank. Send stamp. If yon want some extra line tea, got It from a. v DE. 3CUM BOW WO CO., 167 South High street, Sales, Or ego a. O. C. T. CO STEAMERS- POMONA AND ORKGONA IJjIAVE PORTLAND MONDAY, WEI)NE DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 6:00 A. M. FOR GORVAUS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AHOUT 8 P. M. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt M ltttilIWIf Gold Dust Flout i Made by THK tYDXXY TOW- X OOMPAJIY, Mtesy. Ofea. Z Had far fanily m. JLak year groCK tot it. Braa aad aborts aWvya m kaad. P. B, Wallace AGENT . iMMWMMMMMMMNMMMM "MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Make Snlcnt a Good Market." Home SALEM MARKET. Stelncr's Market. Dealers In fish, gnmo nud poultry. Hi"gh6st cash prlco paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. State street. Local Wholesnlo Market. Wheat 57c. ' Local wheat -Coc , Onts 32 c. Bnrloy $22. Flour $3.25. ' '. Mill feed Bran, $18.00; shorts, $20.00. Hay Client and clover, $C00 por ton; timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 27c. x Hons 10c; young chickens, 10c. Ducks 10c; gceso, 8c; turkeys, 130lCc. Butter 35c; butter fat, 33c, Onions 5 5 (fl1 75c cwt.; potatoes, COo cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; primo to choice, 13l3c; medium to prime, 1012c. Chlttlm bark 5iiCc. ' T Tropical FrultN. Bananas 5o por lb. ft Oranges $3. 00 $-1.00. rtomons $ 1.00 $5,000. Retail Market. Flour $1 por sack. Bran C5c por snek, $19j1$19i, por ton; shorts, 90c por Biicki $23 $20 por ton. Hay Timothy, G5c ' por cwt, cheat nnd clover, 45c por cwt., $8 por ton. Oats $1.20 per cwt.; wheat, 75e: rolled bnrloy, $2 7 $2 I por ton. Eggs 35c. Apples 50c to $l.00 nccofdlng to quality. Butter Country, 2G'$27c; cream ery. 40c. Livestock. , Cattle 1 100 1200 lb stoora, 3tfc. Lighter steors 2 V4 '$ 2 9J c. Cqws nnd holfers-f-9001000 lb, 22VaC Stock hogs 565Gc, Co. jgt U fatyf$C001 Hogs 175 250 lb, fatTr$C00'O' $0.25. Shoop 4 VjC Lambs 5c. Vonl-DreBse'd, C V6 7. , Hogs Drossod Sc. PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Club, C5GCo; valloy, Otic; bluu stoin, G7tl8c. Oal Cholco whlto. $25.60 $20 Mlllstuff Bran, $10. Hay Timothy. $12tf $13; alfalfa. $11, Vetch $7 $7.50. Potatoos--S590c. Poultry Avorago old hen, 7 8c; mixed chickens, 11 12c; young rooster, 12 13c; drossml chickens, 12 13c; turkoys, live, 10 17c; tur keys, dressed, ll920c; gooso, live. 10c; ducks, 15lCc; pigeons, $1.00 1.25. Pork Dressed, 'cCVSc. Boof Dressed, 55V2C. Mutton C7c. Hops ll14o lb, according to quality. . . f, Wool Valley, conrso to modlum, 2021c; eastern Oregon, 1318g., Mohair 20 28c. Butter Fancy Crcamory, 30 35c; storo butter, 2527c. O-"' ' Reconstructs your wholo body, makes rich red blood. Drives out Im pulrltles that havovcollectod during i tho wlntor. Holllstor'fl Rocky Moun tain Ton is a family tonic; 3G cents, Tea or Tablets. For "salo at Dr. Stone's store. . 0 Southern Pacific Co. Tlrao card No. 46. effoctlvo Novem ber 25, 12:tl a. m. Toward Portland. No. 1C 5:23 a. ., Orogon ox press. No, 188:30 a.. m Cottage Grove express. No. 12 2:68 p. m., Orogon ex press. No. 14 9;28-p. m., Portland ex press. 4 No. 222 11:03 a. in., departs at 11:30 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 220 11:55 a. rn Departs at 12:45 p. ra., way freight. Toward Saa FraHciaco. No. 13 1:31 a. va., San Francisco express. No. 11 11:08 a. m., California oxpresB, No. 17 6:32 p. m., Cottago Gr'ove expresa. No. 16 9:66 p. ra., California yrMMr No, 2S12:SS a. ., Porlfa4 fa fr4ct. No. .1511:1$ a. a., dkr a4 ll;U a. -..'way fr-skC imtiinii-ii-nittiiiiiiaiitt-titif in CLASSIFIED tHM-r-HI4444H-f44r4KHrll4 DRAYMEN. ws R. O. Cummins Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and transfor lino. Prompt servlco Is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving ft specialty. Stand ai 156 South Commercial street. Phono 175. Resldonco phono 968. S-4-tf FOR RENT. RminiH -Furnished for light house keeping, 730 North Front street. 1-3-tf For Rent Seven-room house with . bnsemont. Good well wntor, piped Mu and out. Inqulroof A. Schreib- or, 5C0 N. High street. 1-7-lnio. FOR RALX. A For Sale. Two flno hnlf-blood Jer sey cow. Inquire nt fair grounds store. I. Baiimgnrtner. 1-8-31 For Sale. Ono McCormlck mower, ono. rovorsjblo Pitts harrow, ono Al4-inch Oliver plow, nil good ns now, nt n bnrgnln. Call at offlco or Orogon Sienna Paint Company, Saloni. 1-7-lm For Snh At 3C5 South Eighteenth .stroot, n Durham milch cow, nnd calf ono week old. l-9-3t For Snh' First class now five-room cottage on Commorclnl stroot, lu North Snloin. A bnrgnln. Enquire of It. C. .1 nines, motormnn on fair grounds car. 1-9-lwk LODGES. Foresters of America Court 8hor wood Foresters, No." 19. Mcotti Tuosduy In Hurst hnll, Stnto Btrcot U. S. Rldor. C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Contritl Lotlgo No. 18, It. of P. - Castle IJnll In Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto nnd Liberty stroots. Tuosdny of fjach week nt 7:30 p. in. 13. W. Hazard, O. C; W. J. Staloy, K. of II. and S. Modem Woodmen of Aiuprlrn Ore gon Cednr CnmpNo. 524(1, Moots ovory Thursday ovoning nt 8 o'clock in .Holmnn hnll. W. W. Hill, V. a; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holmnn hall F. R. Capper, C. S.; P. L. Frnzlor, Clork. MISCELLANEOUS. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth inoro than any other bread, yet tho price. Is no higher. For Bttlo at your grocor's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Curl Tuudrup. Contractor for all kinds of brick and coucroto work. Comont walks laid for 10 V conts per squaro foot. Phono 982, or call at 400 South 19th stroot. 1-8-lwk lliitto & Weiulerotli-Flno wlnos, liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho colobratod Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Work. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Lincoln Annuity Union. 3lck, acci dent and ponslon Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J, II. O. Montgomery, suprome organizer, Box 432. Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secroctnry, 546 Stato street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New and Sccond-Hand Goods.- Bought and cold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, granito and tlnwaro of all kinds Give us a call. O. L. McPeok, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly OSTKOFATHtf. Dr, It. IL WfalMv Oraduate of Kirks villa, Mo., under -founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breymaa bulWlag, Commercial ttraat. Phone 87. Rcsldenco 890 Summer street, coraer of Ccntor. Phone 1219, Treats acuta and chronic dlwnne. KvwIaatloa fre. ll-M-K DEPARTMENT PLUMBER. Thco. Al. Barr Plumbing, hot water and steam boating and Manias;, 1C4 Commercial street. Phoa Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, Petzel Plumbing, steam aa4 gtt iltiing. Successor to Knox M Murphy, 220 Commercial Btreet. Phono Main 17. - H- !-- - A, L. Itazer Successor to Burroughs & Trazer, plumber and tinner. Maan faoturor of coppra nnd galvanised iron cornice, and metal skylight, 105 Stato street. 'Phono ICIL PROFESSIONAL. Doctor Grllttn, tho Specialist on Mor phino All drug and liquor hablta which ho cures In from 48 to 72 hours, asks no money until cured. Is now located at 214 Trade it. (first house west or S. P. freight dopot) Salem, .Oro. Nate. -My; partnership (In this line) with Dr. D. F. Lane, has boon mutually dis solved. D. B, Griffin, A. M., M. D., John Doyens, Bus. Mngr. 12-10-lrao. Dr. IiHiio's Private Institute Far tho euro of tho drink and drug habit. A Buro and palnlew cure for nil unfortunates, 961 Mill street, Salem, Orogon. Phone 647. 12-14-lm m -.-.. i j SA8H AND DOOR FAOTORM. Frank M, Brown, Manufacturer ot sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houie finish and hard wood werk, Ij'ront street, bet. State and Cert, nn- - i VETE-tlNARY UKQ-OX. Dr. B. J. Young. Veterinary Burgee ..and dentist, 33 years' exporleae. All work guaranteed. Dlflleult tut gleal operations n specialty. Phoa 081. Onico at Club Stables. Phoa 7, Salem, .Oregon. 8-8-tf WANTED. Wanted. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. P, O. box 178, city. J-8.3t Evporleticpd Girl Wlshos position to do housework, Address "R. 13.," cnio Journal. l-8-3t Wimtisl Chnmbormaid; stendy Job. Enqulro Willnmetto Hotel. 12-20-tf. Wanted. 1000 chlckons nt WIIIrbi otto Hotol. The highest cash prlco will bo pnld. 11-19-tt Wanted Immediately A good boy and pony to dollvor pnpora. Apply nt Journnl odlco. 11-9-tf mianwaHa-Miiv Yuut(l. Five to ton cords of good fir wood. Apply to E. Ilofor, Jour nal olllce. 12-?6-tf Wanted To ongngo 10 or 12 wait resses for legislature In January. Apply at onco nt Wlllnmotto Ho tol. 11-19-tf Wanted Stock hogs for foedlng, chickens, ducks and nil kinds ot poultry, HlghoHt prlco paid. Hop Loo Co., 181 Caminoiclal street, Salem, Or. 12-C-tf Wnntpd Porter. Good wngos und steady Job. Wlllnmotto Hotel. 12-28-tf, l'Jnco Wanted An oldorly man would llko a place whoro ho can do chorea and work for his bonrd. IW) Is k clean, sobor man of good habits and nods a homo. Address Scott, caro Journal odlco. 1-7-tf. ATfcK COMPANY, SALfcM WArK COHPAlu OFFICII CITY llALL. For water survlce -pply st oftlc. Bills payable monthly in adva.e. Make all complaints at the otic. CHICHESTER'S PILL'S W. THE HIAMHNH HUAttU. A vraff it. AtKieri'Hi.uHr: .1' . V. '. . . ..HTm T7".-A T.. ur r v.u. ItlAMO.VII IIKA.M I'lLLM, (- .ft KH-TKR-S ii ,rKiiil Ui.Skt.AI,r k t'-UMlrr Ck-mll Co., I'-lli-, V IliinillflWirdFRCMCHFEittLE ;MA-WUII)PILLS. J tut, (Hmvt Uaiitr Iti Kirrji MtxiWiT--. Kfl IIMI Ti fill, fttfel Hyl Bil.l Ml.. - -w nfi p-- ti T n -Will ImTBMUI ,",wl: W''KM.i.iri.toUMiflr H.IWW.,, Mwf!VUll klM 0- tH-f-IM I.Ik --- &ja O-irukMOur -wm Ikfrat-t. tni tm-Ud !jJ?fJT-lLP-!f"'4t8-'T4.uwc-Tm.-. i.kuimi rar nnuhl If VMtkt-ttPt W.irraai I'llli la JU4 ! -Id nmlllAX l.o.t. imII li liln KlM.r, Tb- mlktr. -r - vu V ' SaVrf In Ukm by Dr. 5. C SHm ' HOuLIGTCT Rocky Mountn.M Tua Nuyg-tt A Ubij Alqiii fi-f Bmy P.U, CriajriOfll,'iI'lih mj trol Vipt. Ann l(U f r'' . ' t li)llmllQli.l.vai uml Ki-('t ( ' ' ' in'. Impure Ulon, Htidiui1 Ut iij , fl.wlM.lM JU.J Ibrtii. ! i JiicliT 1 IuT-h UUb. ft .,f- Ti rV A l ' liln Vrl MtM c, r:? v 'cv -cor.-,