4 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEQON. TIIUKSOAY,. .TAXUA11V 10, 1000. J. L STOCKTON THE HOUSE Of SPECIALS Great Clearance Sale IU'inarkublo selling during (lie lust few weeks Is indicative of the confidence tho people Imvc in our -business methods. Everything Is done on tho Bqunrc, and no por tion Is ever lured to disappoint ment who comes to us. Wo in nugurnto this Rale in order to closo out what's left of our fall Roods. BARGAINS WILL ABOUND THROUGHOUT THE STORE Big Cuts in Dress Goods Heads Rainproof Kcadonn crepes, Serges, Mohdclaincs, Panamas, etc, all reduced. Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats This entire, stock without re serve is cut to tho quick. Profits are of no consideration. STOCKTON'S The busy place where they are not afraid to give a bargain. Issue of SI 8,000,000 in Jtonds. Baltimore, Jan. 10. At a special neetlng of tho stockholders of tho Seaboard Air railroad today tho plan b( tho directors to lssuo $18,000,000 bf 5 per cent bonds wbb adopted. rho bonds aro to bo secured by a nortgngo or deed of trust and col- ateral tniBt ngrcomont covering tho roiert of tho company, and other securities and will bo duo on Fobru- hry 2$, 1937. It Is proposed to uso hie bonds In paying off tho three years Gs duo next March and taking up the notes of tho company as well ns to nrovldo for further dovolop- incut of tho company. It Is also pro posed to lssuo early next year $7,- 300,000 of bonds and tho holders of tho stock and voting trust certificates of tho lino aro to have tlio right or subscribing to tho now lssuo at 90 and interest to tho cxtont of 12 per cent of their holdings. o - Overcome by Gas. Wheeling, Va., Jan. 1Q. Seven people, ovorcomo, may dlo nV a ro sult of a sudden turning on of tho natural gas supply In Martin's Fer ry, Bridgeport and Bellalro this morning, attor It had boon partially turned off. Residents of tho'thrco towns had nnrrow escapes from suf focation and flro. WHERE IS FRANK L0UGHRAN Supposed to Be in This Locality- Heir to Fortune -Raward Offered Has anyone dolhiito knowledgo of he whereabouts of Frank Loughrnn. tenographer nnd typewriter and 'cnl estate dealor? If so. there Is a chanco to earn a "suitable reward" for convoying such Information to Joseph Loughrnn, principal examiner, bureau 'of pen sions, Washington, D. C; who Is making a search for tho son who loft his homo in 1889, and bus not since boon heard of or from. Ho Is now 3f years of age, and Is Bitppoacd to bo located Bomowhero In this vicini ty. In a postal card, addressed to County Clerk 11. D. Allen, Mr. Lough ran says that his son has Inherited a portion of his grandmother's ostnte, and tbnt ho Is very desirous of lo cating him. The full text of tho pos tal card follews: "Tho County Clerk, Marlon Ceunty: "Dear Sir: In 1889 my son, Loughrnn, wont to tho Pacific coast, and has not since been heard of. It Is thought ho mny bo In your locali ty. Ho Is now 35; was a stenograph er and typowiiler, and wns In tho real cstato business. PoBslbly you may hoar something of him. Ho has Inherited nn lntorost In his grand mother's estate, and a sultablo re ward will bo paid for his whoro nbouts. JOS. LOUQIIRAN, "Prlnclpnl Examiner Bureau of Pen sions, Washington, J). C. "Jnnunry i, 1907." No ono seems to know positively of anybody of that nnmo having over beon ongnged In tho ronl estato busi ness in this county, hut a person of a nnmo somcthlni; simllnr to his Is thought to have boon engaged In tho timber business within tho past fow years. Xcw York Stock Exchange Totals. Now York. Jan. 10, Tho total volumo of listed stocks" traded in on tho Now York stock exchnngo for tho Lyoar 1900 was 220,913,277 shares an compared with 211,859,980 shares In 3 905. In unlisted stocks tho to tal transactions wero 59,253,882 as compared with 48,300,457 In 1905. Tho tax on stock speculation imposed by the state did not restrain specula tion. In bonds thero was a marked falling off In transactions. Of stato nnd 'railroad bonds there wns traded In during 190G a total of $033,830, 500, while In 1905 tho amount was $S53,S02,700. Unlisted bonds wero f mil ml In In (tin nmminl nf MO j G2&.3S0 as compared with $1S0,598,- 200 In 1905. In no other two years was thore such a marked shrinkage in bond transactions ns occurred in 1905 and 190(5. Record Diamond Imports, New York, Jnn. 10. For tho year ending ipeccmbor 31, upwnrds of $43,000,000 has boon paid for dia monds and other precious stones Im ported to this city. Tho totnl exceeds that of last year by $0,000,00 and that of two yenrs ago by $17,000, 000. Tho Imports this year consti tutes a record nnd Is nn Index to tho general prosperity of tho country. Slnco 1SGS when tho first stono wns imported from tho enpo of Good Hopo this country has paid over $33,000000 for diamonds or ono-hnlf tho amount which South Africa hnn obtained for Its ontlro supply of pre cious stones tho world over. Tho figures represent what tho Importers pay, but according to tho trndo, tho public pnys 50 por cent moro. The vnluo of diamonds Is now 200 por co nt hlghor than eight years ago, o Large Timber Purchase. Tncomn, WaBh., Jnn. 10. Tho Monarch Tlmbor company has pur chased 100,000 acros of timber Innd In this stato for $0,000,000. It In 'calculated by tho management of tho company thnt it will tako at least lb years after tho first log Is cut to saw tho last stick In tills vast tract even If It puts Bovornl mills In operation and rushes tho work with nil possible Bpecd. Tho panhnndlo of Idaho, par ticularly that portion lying belwoon tho St. Joo and St. Marios rlvors. Is , almost unbroken forest nnd It Is In this country that' tho Monarch com pany litis holdings, tho tlmbor lying adjacent to these rlvors. Tho erec tion of sawmills has boon commenced and work on the timber will bo com menced with nil possible dispatch. o ; Fight for nu Kmplre. Teheran, Porsla, Jan. 10. Great excitement has beon caused hero by tho report from Lurlston that Fnthor Mlrse, tho third son of tho Into Shah has raised nn army of 10,000 follow ers, and Is preparing to march on Tehornu. Tho coronation of Mo hnmed All. tho now heir to tho throne, tnkos plnco In 20 days, and It Is feared that an effort will bo mndo nt his overthrow nnd a usurpa tion of tho crown. Kstray Notice. Notlco Is horoby given thnt I havo taken up and impounded tho follow ing described animal, found running nt lnrgo within tho limits of tho City of Salem, to-wlt: Ono black 3-year-old horso colt, heavy main and tull. burnt scars on two hind logs nnd ono foro leg. No other marks or brands. Tho owner of said animal can havo tho Bamo by proving property and paying tho lcgnl charges and ex penses of taking up and keeping, etc., nnd In default thereof for llvo dnys I will prococd to soil sold ani mal nt public auction, ns provided In ordlnanco No. 200 of tho aforesaid city. D. W. GIDSON, J . City Marshal. Dated Salem, Jan. 10, 19&7. l-10-3t Klinget Ganc$ J. A. COOPER PRESENTING THE ; Coope Belmotf Company No Dark Nights SATUHUAY JLVriNEE 2:30 P. M. Cured of Lung Trouble. "It Is now olovon years slnca I had a nnrrow oscnpo from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a loading business man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run down In weight to 135 pounds, nnd coughing was constant both by dny and by night. Finally I bogan tak ing Dr. King's Now Dscovory, nnd continuod this for about six months, wlton my cough and lung troublo wero ontlroly gono and I wno restored to my normal wolght, 170 pounds." Thousands of porsons henfed ovcry year. , Guaranteed at J. C. Poory's drug storo; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. jj '"Tff1 "" " r Our Optica Department 'Will roBumo its normal condi tion again, and tho best of atten tion will bo glvon those who need our services. Wo are equipped with tho latost Instruments for testing tho oyes, and our prices aro tho most roadonablo. Chas. H. Hinges. Graduate Optician. Auditorium Rink ! Roller Skating Tho only comfortnblo plnco of rocrontlon in tho city during thof cold snap. Hlnk thoroughly heated. Three sessions dally morning, after noon and evening. Froo admission morning bob slon; Indies and chtldron admitted freo afternoons. Skates 25c. Ev ening ndmlBBlou 10c. CATOniAo Boati tb ) M Kind Von Hara Always &WK denature Iff . JZSTfl (if r&4t&M U . r-r PROM THE JAN. 11TH OF THE SEASON TO THE JAN. 31 ST. Never before have carpets been offered to you at such ridiculous prices. But we must have room for the new goods that ar now on the way, and we are will ing to sacrifice on the old goods and make room for the NEW. UWP tM MIMMMIMMMMMMMMIMMMIMIMHIHHiMMMIIMMi Bring in the size of your I rooms and we may have a rem nant that will exactly fit it and at prices that will astonish you. MIIIMIIIIMS IIHIIII M CARPET SALE R M m $ - M I h& rlnce r" s fi 41 y Clt. B1 - " -- --rr --& "-"" w i? MS OP m ra m ta m H m m m m Ml LIBERTY STREET SS33SS38S33SHa BBBBBBBSBEES This includes our INGRAINS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, BODY BRUSSELS, AXMINISTERS, VELVETS AND SAVONERIES. You can pay a small deposit now and wcwlll make up your carpet and you can pay the rest when you need it. IIHIIWMIIIIIlllllHMIMiW iiiiimiiiiiiiimiiMiiiiii Tell your neighbors or friends about this extraordinary sale if you don't need any carpets yourself in the near future. We will SAVE YOU BIG MONEY if you buy this month at Pffref? t d