') " T " "1 1 CO PAIR TONIGHT AND FRIDAY, CONTINUED COLD. VOL. XVII. SALKM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 10, 1000, NO. 9. &r LEAJLLi jl IjAJ: XI AJL JUU JxJN A-JL TRUST MAGNATES CINCHED Cannot leave the Country Before Trial Interstate Commerce Com ission Will Not Allow Them to Skip the Country Chicago, Jnn. 10. It is stated this morning that the interstate commerce commission may have Js sued writs to prevent William Rock efeller, Stlllman, Rogers, Prick, Hill and Harrlman from leaving the coun try, and compelling their atteuda'neo on tho hearing In New York soon to bo made into the Union Pacific Btock deal. i It Is learned that the commission, has no Judicial power to compel wit nesses to remain in tho country, and must nnnly to tho state courts Tor re lief Application for writs wilt bo made by tho states attorney In Now York. There Is ovldenco that ofll cers and directors of tho City Nation al and Kubn Loebo & Compnny, of New York, desire to show how tho Union Pacific bond lssuo was manip ulated to procure stock in other roa'ds, and enable Harrlman to con trol and operato them In connection with lines previously undor his con trol. Tho commission may ask for any ono guilty of misrepresentation amounting to criminal liability, nnd may also ftlo a suit to compel tho al leged appropriators.of tho missing millions to disgorge. Commission-) ers Prouty and -Clements, speaking MO STO, MIGHTY BARGAINS OFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK LADIES COATS and SUITS This season's latestjgar- ments. Priced away down. JIG 00 Suits, sale price... 8.90 J18 00 Suits, Balo price... $10.00 120 00 Suits, salo price. . .$12.50 129 50 Suits, salo price. . .15.9P $15,00 Coats, sale price...! 8.90 $18 90 Coats, sale price. . .$10.90 $20.00 Coats, Bale prlco. ...512.50 Children's and Misses' Coats, Half Price. Fine Purs, About Half Price. $7 90 Silk Petticoats, prico $4.50 100 White Lawn Waists, price ,.G9e $1 50 White Lawn Waists. 1'rlce ,.s 75C l 75 White Lawn Waists, Price , . 98c 1000 yards 3-inch wldo em broidery, 7ard ... , 4o FINE DRESS GOODS This season's latest styles Priced away down. 50c Dress Goods, price yd.. 25c 76c Dress Goods, price yd.T45c U 00 Dress Goods, price yd.. 65c Jl 50 Drew Goods, price yd. ,98o Outing Flannels, Calicoes and Ginghams All Reduced. HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS Prices cut away rfown, Blankets, Comfort, Table Linens, napkins, Towels, Bed Spreads. Draperies, Tickings and 8llkallnea 50c Bleached Table Linen,... 29e 500 dozen Towels 4c, 5c, 64c, 8 l-3c, 10c and 12 He ALBtrs TAwrmet enowraa ssokjc. McEVOY BROS. of tho oosslblo remedies In tho rail- road difficulties, sntd: "If wo find the Union Pacific and Southern Pa-, clflc co-operating to a degree that is Injurious to the public wo will apply to tho state supremo courts for rul ings similar to that in the case of the Northern Securities." Commerce J. II. Hill, vice-presi dent and trafllo manager of tho Mil- waukeo & St. Paul, in response to hypothetical questions, as to whetlv or the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific, being tho property of tho snmo man, will compote, said ho did not think so. Ho said tho railroads woro govorned by selfish motives. Julius Krutschnltt, director of tho maintenance of way of the Union Pa cific, described tho organization of trafllo bureaus, but parried questions concerning J. A. Monroe, freight traf fic manager of tho western dtvlBlbn of tho Union Pnclflc, testified that all roports of subordinates on his lino woro made, to tho general 'officers of the Southern Pnclflc and Union Pa cific. Now York, Jan. 10. Harriman is ready and willing to appear before tho commorco commission when tho Investigation Is resumed, according to a Bonil-offlclal statement todny by his representative. Harrlman is willing to answer nil questions on Pacific duals, so It will bo unneces sary to call Itockofoller or Stlllman. -o- Cnllfoinlii Landslides. Bnkorafiehl, Cal., Jan. 10. Con tinued rain and snow has dislodged lmmunso quantities of rock and dirt from tho mountains between hero and Tchachapl, completely blocking tho mouth of tunnel No. 17. South ern Pacific traffic Is at a standstill. A big gang Is working to clenr tho tracks. Polish Police AMsnsslimtcd. Lodz, Poland, Jan. 10. Colonel Androjoff, chief of tho corps of gon- dnrmcB, was assassinated here today. Tho assassin escaped after firing the fatal shot, and Is unknown, but great oxcltomont prevails. FINE DRESS SILKS Prices away down. ( 85c Fine Taffeta Silk, yd 49c 45c India Silks, yd 26c 85c Fine Pongeo Silks, yd... 49c 75c Plaid Silks, yd 49c $1.50 yard-wldo Taffeta Silk. 98c $1.35 Black Silk, Peau.do Solo.35e Rontuants of Silk, Half Prlco. LADIES' HOSIERY 1 AND UNDERWEAR A mighty strong line to select from. Prices cut away down. Ladloa 39c Underwear, prlco. 25c Ladios 85o Undorwoar, price. 49c Ladles' 18c Black Stockings. .10c Ladles' 20o BlackvStocklngs.l2c Better Ones at Small Prices. Children's 20o Underwear. . . ,10c Children's 25c "Underwear. . . ,15c Children's 35c Underwear, . . .25c Children's 18c Double Ribbed Hose 10c Splendid line at. 12c, 18c and 25c MEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR 65c, Fleece Lined Underwear, price 39c 75c FJeoco Lined Underwear, price ,,t 45c $1.50 Heavy Wool Ifndorwear, prlco .,. .., 98c Men's 25c Woo Sox. prloe.,15c 15c Heavy Black Sox. price.. 10c BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! In Ihb following departments: Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Laces, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, etc. Catmt T CaMar cial at! Court Stmt POWDER MILLS EXPLODE v C2USe SllOCft SS Severe AS iM Earthquake X Willlumsport, Pa., Jnn. 10. Four pronounced earthquake shocks woro felt here at 5 o'clock this mornlnj. Houses were siinken and peoplo awakened for a radius of ton miles. Lator Tho shocks folt hero are now attributed to tho explosion of a. powder mill- at Williamsburg, In Blair county. l Hollllaysburg, Pa., Jam 10. Tho plant of tho Standard Powder Com pany, at Horral station, four miles from hero, was destroyed by an ex plosion this morning, No lives woro lost. Tho explosion was caused by a flro which started In one of tho buildings. A hundred thousand dol lars' damago is dono. Tho report of tho oxploslon was heard 25 milOB The rosldcnco of John Wnllns, a mile awny, was blown to ptoces, and oth ers aro badly wrecked. Tho flro con tinues and the flames are eating their way toward tho sldrohoiiBO. whoro thoro nro 5000 kegs of powdor and two cnrlonds of dynamlto stores. Tho inhabitants of Frankstown valley are Hooting to tho hills to find shelter. llolldaysburg, Pn.. Jnn. 10. Tho flro Is under control, n chnngo In the wind having removed tho Htoro houso from danger. Holldaysburg, Pa., Jap. 10. Tho 5000 kecs of nowder hnvo oxnlodcd. Ten buildings woro dostroyed nnd 8f farm houses aro dumnged, but no ono was killed. Another Powder Explosion. Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 10. With In tonations heard for miles, tho nitro glycerine room of tho Vlgorlto powdv or workB, at Isabello PoIntt exploded this "morning, wrecking tho plant. All tho adjoining buildings and tho works aro In flames. A lato report says that E, S.. Smith was blown to atoms. All tho othors escaped, tho employes having baroly tlmo to es cape boforo tho oxploslon camo; Tho building was reduced to kindling. Tho orlsln of the flro Is unknown. ANOlT BURNER EXPLODES Ruins Engine and Burns Several Passenger Cars Junction City, Or., Jan. 10. Tho entiro train crow and passengers on tho Southorn Pacific passengor train, No. 15, southbound, which arrived hero at midnight last night, baroly escaped destruction through tho ex plosion of a small fuel oil tank from which tho englno was-taking a sup ply of oil, and tho tank In tho ten der of tho locomotlvo. Tho englno, one baggage coach and mall car were totally wrecked, and It was through tho efforts of tho train crow and oth or railroad company employes that tho entiro train was saved from do rnollshment, through danger of ex plosion of tho largo reservo tank a short dlstanco away. Nobody was Injured by tho accident, although tho engine crow and trainmen had a very narrow escapo with their lives, A fresh supply of oil was being taken for the locomotlvo when the explosion occurred, thought to have beoa caused by sparks' igniting tho fumes of tho oil as It was passing into the tender tank. A considerable amount of baggage was destroyed, but it Is thought that llttlo valuable mall matter was damaged. When the explosion took place tho entiro train was set on flro, and be fore the flames could be extinguished the englno was still further dam aged, and the two first cars of tho train, tho baggage and mall cars, were devoured by that element. Had tho flames communicated with the largo reserve tank a terrific explo sion must surely have followed, and la all probability many lives would have bee serlced, (Train No. IB, tho Portland-San Francisco overland, passes through this city a 9:SS p. n.). CANAL CONDITIONS GOOD Congressman ftc Kinley Says.ing tho hoiidnys, hmi tho covered Panama Work is Fine ' Washington, Jan. 10. Represen tative MeKlnloy, of tho second Cnll- fornla district, who had chargo of, 11. MnMwM,.nMlnt .. ,..t.I.4t. . tho congressional party which recent ly visited Pnuama on n tour of In Bpcctlon, has wrltleTTfor tho oxclu slvo use of Scripps News Association of his porsonnl observations as to tho progress of tho work on tho canal, nnd tho problems confronting tho administration. Ho says: "Tho first thing that strikes tho observant visitor Is tho sharp contrast bctweon tho mothods employed by tho Fronch of 25 years obo and ours of today. Two years of American occupancy of tho cnnnl zone and tho progress of tho work under Amdrlcan direction bospcak tho fact- that up-to-dato' mothods havp advanced tho work moro thnn 100 per cont Blnco tlp Fronch abandonod tho ontorprlHC, and forces tho conclusion thnt, whllo un dor tho Fronch mothods, tho build ing of the cannl might bo a possibili ty, under tho American mothods Its construction Is n certainty. Every where sulondld nativity nnd organ ized industry are mnnifost. If tho President saw half tho activity that tho comjrosslonnl canal delegation witnessed, ho must bo moro thnn, pleased with tho progress." Court-Mnrtlnl Ordered. Washington, Jan. 10. Tho secre tary of war has ordorcd the court martial of Corporal Knowios, who wan arrested at El Reno, charged with shooting Captain Mackltn. o ! - ' Bigger Snlarlea Killed. Washington, Jan. 10. Tho legis lative ,jtutIvo jrJudleliil.kHpproprlft-! tlon bill today reported to tho senate commltteo to Incrcaso tho salaries of tho cablnot, tho speaker and tho vice president, ns proposed by tho house, wob stricken out. Tho Galllngcr nmondmojit, which Increases tho cnl arloB of sonntors and representatives, was not accepted. Tho bill carries ovor thirty million. SIXTY MILLIONS STOCK Depends Upon Decision of a Minnesota Judge St. Paul. Jnn. 10. Hearing on tho temporary Injunction sdught by tho state of Minnesota to provont the Great Northern from issuing sixty million of additional Btock was con cluded yesterday. Judgo Hullam, of the U, S. district court, has tukon tho matter undor advlsomont. Tho rail road claims tho right to Increase stock at will, under original legisla tive charter, maintaining that tho railroad and warehouso commission has no Jurisdiction, that this body In within Its legal province In seeking to stop this issue, unless adequate reason la shown for It In tho hearing beforo tho commission. If Issued, tho Great Northern, of course, says the road will throw tho sixty million Into tho open market, nnd glvo no- Kotlablo paper. It must have the money to carry on Its business and make improvements. o Earthquakes ta Eh rope. Stockholm, Jan. 10. Two earth quake shock were felt at sevoral points In Sweden at 11:30 o'clock this morning. At Arvlka Mellerud, Stromstad, tho houses rocked, Christiana, Jan. 10. -Severe earthqunko shocks wero felt hero during tho night, causing much alarm. Othor Norway towns also re port shocks, , St. Petersburg, Jan. 10. An earthquake shock was felt at Yekat erinburg this HjorslB at an early hour. Training (o Begin Soon. EugoncV Jan. 10. Trainer J'BIU' Hnyward, of the University, states that ho will begin spring work with tho dlstnnce men of tho track team as soon as the men nro settled down to their collcgo work. Thp sprinters, jumpora nnd hurdlers will also bo nut snmi nftorwnrit. flnvwnnl. ilnr. lrnc,t woilul vcr b 't win bo in uouer snnpo lor mo coming sen son. The tralnor oxpects to have nt least 35 men out? for work. Possibly moro will come since. In nil llkoll- , hood, a tonm will so to tho Jame3 town falr from tho Northwest, and a '.... .. . !..! ...til. J-..tl - moot will bo hold with California Tho latest plan for a meet with ono of the California Institutions Is t& have either California or Stan ford, tho ono which wins In tho dual moot, go to Seattle, where a triple moot will bo hold for tho champion ship of tho pacific coast. The loason for tho threo colleges meeting at So attlo would bo that oxponsoB could bo moro easily mot there. Oregon Is J not likoly to go to California, owing to tho fact that tho season thoro 1b much cnrlter than further north, nnd hor team would Imrdly bo In con dition. A lato date cannot bo ob tained In tho south. o . MORGUE SCENES AVWIi. Pittsburg DIsiinUt Worst of lt Kind Known. Pittsburg, Pa., Jnn. 10. Tho HcenoB nt the morgue aro pathotle. Tho building Is biislcgod by relatives of tho unfortunate mon who lost their llvos at tho Eliza fumaco ca tastropho Inst night. So far only Roven denthn aro reported. It Is bo lloved thoro aro uovornl bodies burled In tho 'slowly cooling debris. Ono body was found this morning burned beyond recognition. A public vlow jof tho bodies la denlod, bocaueo of their horrlblo condition. Pnul Brov nnlck, aged 32, Is dying at tho foos pltnl. Nono nro allowed lnsldo tho plant oxcopt tho coroner. Twcnty throo of tho 40 mon In tho vicinity at tho tlmo of tho oxploslon nro unac counted for. ' -"' '7;-' k- ' "T ' fr 4 m. CongreHHiiicn, Piihh tli0 TilCj Washington, Jnn.. 10. Thpjlq was passed and blows narrowly,avprtcd botwoon Mason, of Pennsylvania, nnd Gains, Democrat, of Tonnossoo. In tho hoiiBO this afternoon. OnlnB advocated n bill to dock mombora for nbHontoolHin. Mason Interrupted by asking Gains why ho did not dock hlniBolf undor tho present law. Hot words woro exchanged. Gains was finally pushed back Into his seat. "Youll hovo to aiiBWor mo nt anoth er tlmo nnd place," shouted "tho Southerner. o. Grout Cotton Swindle. Galveston, Jnn. 10. A wholoBiilo Bwludlo by duplicate bllla of lading of cotton has been worked on tho Texas roads. Tho Santa Vo has been caught for about $l&o,ooo. tho Hmithnrn Pacific. Rock Island nnd Frisco roads for nearly $100,000 each. Tho deals woro consummated at Intorlor cotton points nnd tho hills of lading woro realized on at banks, which ndvnncod money. , o r ConI Fntulnu at Oakland, Stockton, Cal., Jan. 10. Tho coal doalors assort that thoro is uot enough coal In tho local yards of tho city to, last two weoks, Thoy claim to bo unablo tp got moro. Tho gas company say that unless thoy got moro fuol within a week their plant will shut down, and the city lights will go out. Colc-ml Troops Win. Washington, Jan. 10. Tho Presi dent may modify his order dismissing tho colored troops of tho Twonty fourt.h Infantry by eliminating that portion prohibiting tho discharged soldiers from obtaining civil employ ment under tho government. HIb advisors havo Informed Roosevelt that ho exceeded his authority. Kidnaped Girl Returned. San Pedro, Cal., Jan. 10. Tho launch Rover, with Dora Bonnls, tho young girl who was kidnaped by Captain Hall, and who later wob do sorted by his crow, has arrived horo. Dr. J. P. COOK MOVKD TO A LIBKRTY , WMURK H WILL HWWt ALL OLD AXD JCSW PAIIWfT, FOR AMY DiMMOU CALL OX H. COOK. COMULTATJOfcf Spring Track BOURNE NOT IN FIGHT Has Never Taken Hand in Speakership Sent Telegram to Tnat Effect to His Private Secretary Portland special: 'Toll my friends Imposalblo for mo to tnko any hand. In organization contest. I have not asked any logls latlvo mombor to vote for or against any candidate s "JONATHAN BOURNE, JR." This dispatch from Jonathan Hour no Is an oftlclnl denial of the rumor that ho Is participating In the fight botwoon Davey nnd Vawtor tor Bpeakor of tho houso. A report 19 being circulated that ono or Vnwtor'rt stanch supporters has a lottor writ ton by Bourne, In which tho Inttur 111 Interesting himself on behalf of Davoy. Outside Influences nro tmld to bo ontorlng Into the contest, tho Bourne rumor bolng ono. Another rumored outsldo tullucnco Is that of tho rallroadH, It being noised about that a claim agent was not'lvo In bringing men to Vawtor's headquarfora last night, Vawtor denies tho report em phatlcnlly, nnd explains that tho ru mor started from a visit of a normal school mn'nMvho was formerly In tho raUrond service, but that during tholr mooting, tho railroads wero not mentioned. One of tho lending rail road attorneys Is quoted ns stating that tho compnny Is not taking an Interest In tho tight, and has mo ob jection to either aspirant. Davoy Btock Is going up. Last ev ening ho received a pledgo In blfrnk and whlto from 17 members of the lower houso. These 17 are the s4l foundation on which his candidacy "restST jju1 "ft fV Hnfd"to"be rapidly" growing. Th& DfvoytVuoiH ." (lonlaro that ho has more thin Enough to olecl. Tlio Vawtor people-' ndmlt thnt Davoy hah aft" Ironclad ngreomonts, but- nssort that all tho rest bolong to their candidate. In order to dluplny tholr confidence In pavay and chuck tho activity of tho Vawtor forces In romoto parts' of tho state, whoro tho opposition has boon diligent Blnco Monday morning, tho following pledge was prepared and Blgned lust ovening: "We, tho undersigned members of tho house of ropresontntfves of tho Oregon loglslnture, assombled In meeting In Portland, January 8, 1007, declrt'ro our faith in Mr. Davoy nnd our stoadfast purposo of sup porting him for tho speakership to tho last. (Signed) J. O. HAYEK, JOHN II. COKFKY. I). O. IIUHXES, JOHN DRIKCOLI, L. H. ADAMH, of Multnomnh county. EUfHIt T. CONNELL, of Colum bia. L. T. REYNOLDS, GKORGE P. HODGEH8, J. . HIMMONH, J. IX, HETTLE.MIEH, Marlon. C O. HUNTLEY of Clackamas. A. O. REALM, of Tillamook. II. A. WAHHIIUHN. ALLEN H. EATON, of Lane. JOHN W. HONES, F. A. CRAW FORD, of Yamhill. (Continued on page threo.) Murphy ' VtttHH, Albany, N. Y., Jan. 10. Tho pres ence here of Murphy has a signifi cance not lost sight of by tho Demo crats of tho state. Democratic mom- bars of tho legislature say it means that Murphy Is now tho undisputed leador of tho Domocrntlo party In tho stnte, and that' at tho noxt Domo crntlo nutlonal convention tho Tam many chief will havo a strong votco In tho aoloctlon of tho presidential nomlnoo. Politicians say Murphy be foro Hearst. Hughes has mado tho threat that ho will appeal to tho peo plo like Folk did, if ho gets Into r dlflloulty with the Republican ma- H. chine In onactlng reform laws. . ii O" Kentucky Feud TrkU. Jackson, Ky., Jan. 10. Tho Har gis feud trial remains In abeynnco, pending tho arrival of troops, askqd for by Judge Came. Th situation Is dangerous, as alwet everybody attending the trial J3 amd to tba teeth, ?