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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1907)
I' it- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM. OREGON 11 "'""' JANgABr 0, 1007L -u. (PPBP IWasfca Wear Don't fall to eo this Hn that Is kept out during thl great solo. Reduced 1-3 (j4i Black Silt Waists An exceptional offer to bo euro ono of these great bar gains. They are Reduced f-3 H 1 a Bam 1HS8 1 I HE S nB m H IB 1 faVn THE WORLD OP W AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Practically every department is interested ln this sale, as Every Article in the Es tablishment, contract goods alone excepted, FORCEFULLY REEUCED. And "Under Regular" with THIS Store means under what such goods actually sell for-no fictitious valuations enter into our advertising. a"""" - V K I t t Ladies Garments At Ridiculous Prices A croat bargain fonnt In which tho early comers will get 1 110 CIIOICU I11UIDUIB. UV 11 III" lift tho onrly onoa for tho boat val ues will bo chosen I) rut. Ladies' Jackets Lndlos' abort Jackets df Cov art niul Keravy Cloth In popu lar lonxtha and colore. Hug lunr I and $0.80 value; olornnco prlco ''"!m far' flMStfVM. TODAY ONLY HI'KCIAL KALE XO. KM For our next Wednesday bar j;ii In Nile) hc offer a bargain (lint will bo worth waiting for. Silk Petticoats In lato styles, ln colors green, brown, white, pink, bluo. nml lilttek. Value range ii to $1G. Wednesday only. Nena Bold until 8:30 n. in. No. phono order $5.48 Ladies' Skirts $2.50 Bargains in Draperies A lino of ladlon' iklrti In wanted inntorlnls nnd atylos. Values range- up to f 1G. GhnoRo during Cloranco Halo $5. 60, f3 nml $5.00 (I real savluuH In your drapery ucviIr nro to liu had durlnij thin groat alo. Chootio quickly. A lino of tnblo covers nnd portlera nnd couch covers. . . . DRESS GOODS Half Price Ladies' Suits A lino of Indira' sulta In tho moat popular ahadoa. Styles nro all that could bo dim I ml. A groat opportunity to got u knock-about or dnlia unit for little. Thoy won't Init Ioiik at thU prion. Valuoa up to fan. prlee $10 Wool Waists. LA lino of uol walita Juit what you need now all of the beat materials nnd atyltva. AT HALF PRICE Lace Curtains Hrokun lota of laco curtains In which thorit nro one, two or throw palra of n kind at much loao than tho rual worth. $1.26 values Clearance Prlro. $1.60 vnluoa Uloaranco Prion. $2.60 value Clearance Price. $'J.OO value Clearance Price. $1 0a values Clearance Price. $1.00 VRlMlM Clearance Price $6.00 Clearance Price $0 &0 xattiee Clenranro Price . 83c $1.00 $1.67 $2.00 . $2.67 $3.34 $4.00 $4.34 During thia Bnlo groat bargains nbound throughout this dopnrt ineiit. Prloatloy'8 crnvoncttos and black droas goods are Included at special price. Hero's how goods aro bolng sac. rlllccd: $1.00 vnluoa Clearanco Prlco $1.26 vallum Clearanco Prlco $1.60 values Clearanco Prlco $1.76 values Clearanco Prlco Prlwdloy lllack Dross Goods at tho following prloea: $1.00 value Clonrnnco Price $1.10 value Clearnnoe Prlee. $1.7 value Clearance Price 60c 63c 75c 88c 50c 65c 75c! Ymw-4 VA I tjfrg 1 K I I ra,' VJBVk Fl n i rf&sHam M i t ' : rn a i . aMsn i I l '' 111 I 'J Hl I tj gml I Pfl Q v WUMMHaBBaHBHMJr Your Clothing Needs Can be looked after very profitably durliiK this ante which affects tho ontlro iiMortmunt of hlghoat grade clothliiB carried In this city. Twould be woll to ae what Hroat VHlties we offer for little money. At Clearance Prices Changeable Bllke. ChllTon llulah S5c. $1.00 nnd $1.25 , values Clearance Price 73c OPPOSE HIGHER TAXES Levies Made By Four Dif ferent Taxing Bodies A Salem special to the Oregonlnn Is exciting considerable commont. It appears today and reads us follews: A great storm of protest has been created by tho announcement of the heay increase in taxes, as levied by the county court last week. That the taxpayes of this county have their wrath aroused is evident from the talk that may bo heard whenever the subject Is mentioned. The county levy is for $113,000 thlB year, as compared with $G3,000 last year. Tills, together, with n higher state, city and school district tax, In n city whero the taxes nro nl ready heavy, has aroused much criti cism, nnd there Is tnlk of n concert ed movement for tho purpose of In ducing tho county court to reduce the levy. A public mooting may bo called to consider the matter. it wns ascertained today thnt if tlu levy bo not reduced, resort will l.u lir.l tn Min rnnrts. if any POSSiblO chance of defeating tho levy ontlrely .can b.' discovered. One well-known cltlzon remarked todav that the tax-collector will need i bodyguard when tho fnrmors come Jin to pay their taxos In .Mtircn. i (It is not bolloved nt Salem that any of the levies can bo recalled, as they are made by four different tax ing bodies, nil based on high valua tions). o TREASURER MOORE'S REPORT Shows ReductionMnS.Sums of State Funds Carried INSERTION EEGINGS Uallooua from K.c to $2. so - AT HALF PRICE ( CITY JNEWS A Collection of Important Para irmpha fop Your (Vn.lderntlon Ypm Om (let Httnct WihhI At the aawinlll. on short nollco. Phono SS. 12-1 7tf. MHltnuvunliV Nummary Tlw aunimary of tb HaeeHmoHt roll for MuIiHwwalt rit)Hty w niwl In Ibe office of the ametarr of stale .a- i . , Newport AWloa Agates New Mero ItavD tkM lcn o popular In 8aIM We have put In a plant for tUh lag eat sd nr propaml ( Mtk M4 wouht tkw on akHrt mlAta. TkU will l ft irwt, OtiavoHtenad tH vtiitora nt Newport. M Ur oar kavt tltctr axatei poliahej at hew at any Um, We alw hare on aaad a .wait tKk of wlutitsl itouei (or tale. BARR S JEWELRY STORE State mi Liberty SU, ttil inuruluK. ahowiiiK the total amount of the taxable proprt) valu ntUm ( be $l$e,89.M$. I'lilon County' HH'iimh - A auiawext reeetved from Coimly Clerk J. II. OtllhuHi. of Union WMaty, by Sewotary f Hutu Dunbar Utla worulHK, whleh U In wiwpltanre with the provUUma of eUeN SISK t Oie owle, preeerittlHi: tke methoil In v.Meli the itate Uuoa ahall be ap lrliRed. akuwa ttaat awMHli'a ex. pea. xeeK fur road a a a.l blub ) reached the tUI r $l,.. 11. Hffwlho TliurxU)- The hw Jty ordlwanw wader whlah all Sahh aaltxina v c4e fratH mkUlcfet t I a. ., wit) w ta. eTet Thurdy nlttt. Ttaere t wt MM4tUM t It awoNC tbe retail Mumot dealera. lUily nlnK Onlluamv that Ik tXwt onltMiMe t lute now innwlv. Jary I, at mid ll. TU oNIhuiim rotiMlroa all Mktoiu to m l J .. ttwa r, MftU rioted Hkill . M iw,rt iw. -lol iterkMe Ma4 and curii tt he retaMiuM In order to etv a rbr tlew from the atrtmt of the la tUr af ilkti mnUwM. V Mowree rtiy r-ord r Personals K. Q. lckalmc!i la In Portland on WtMUaertg. Mr. and Mm. II. llrwk aro vkMtln Ih PortlMHd. Harry ilauror cwtae down from KHajone kiat eiHlH(. Henry HNhoant, the trap buyer, went to Mt. Aneel thU mornltiK. Mr. aad Mm. H. U. Thlelaeii went t Portland thla morNlMR. Unit MeCialH waa ataonx the lortlund HaaeuKttA-H thla morning. Mr. aad Mr. Htmer Kuseoll. of JeAorwiH. aro In the city on bualnoae. Mr. and Mr. ilrtl Hlraoh left thla mornlHu for a vieit In Portland. Itx-Maj'or Water )it this Hiorulni? roruwHH. where he wilt attj for CASTOR 1 A Tor laiwaU and CMldrwi. Tl M m Kavi Always Bough! nwo o w6 Ue frnlt growers' meet!. u. ,M. iAe toll today for an ox leaulwl trtn In tUe . He will Malt In Nortk l)ku. U Chloaso and cuiea further ttaat. than no will re tnm to ike omk. Muiir liu-i lime In aa PmncUco. ana win . rive kwo aVnt Marck it Jokn Mlnnor. tke mnaon, went to Porthtnd tkto morning yoto k kaa keen OMsncod to orV on eome Wnild b8 wkltk aro Weinc nwatmrted. Utdoon iHolu M 1BMNie u,. . er kowml (or letiaMi lHlt MMM-nlMR. a p. KJMknlt Wft tar Pouktnd tnls mornlnif. wkoro k m tow, u a4on. State Sokool Serl4oodeni J. . Ackernmn kaft tkie morji. r i.-... mnd on knlne. C A. Jn, of Lo Ancelen. wk kaa Im? vUltins kia , p A Button, and fount. iftt lhll wora" in iur rorunmi on bualneaa. He chief detective In his home citv, and rnniv to Ore-on to take poaeeaalon of a man held in Portland, who la want ed oh lovernment liualuoos. Harry Voh, tho well-known leetrlrta. newt to Portland this morning. I)r. v. s. Mow, on of the state Mmrd of xamlMera, went to Portland tkU mornlnic, wkr he will hold ex amlmttlooa thla afternoon. 1 ortlnnd. here tkey m Btt0IM, th kortlcultMrai meeting. Ur. Alton, f jMwt9n wa- s km Meltor, ArvJilo Jormnn onnia n frow Port Injid hut eronhiK. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Wlfcon ana ; ; ; - y -. J Mr. It. h. OUeo, of MarJflni . tke e4ty u attend tke funoral of lies- M OllbOH. 11. D. IAUUV nt t.v tk city tkl. mornlns boat. Jt 2"W W. fatker. Hy lr. X. M larrtn. of Portland wn tkm morning. ' tktetJ!f,,,a MeHartea roturn! land. 'H4lt l Vort' nanphter. Xoe. who a ! ,v. side, arrive u Salen, tkte morning and aay that Oran u .. ,. " ?B' them. Tk renort tkat U. thoro ku ben dwr and mu i ' f Willamette ,U8fc,8e ,;t IU In (utuw? remam B satom to en Jov it Stato Tronsuror Mooro this morn ing Issued his semi-annual statement of the condition of tho sevorul funds In tho treusury, showing thoro wns a totnl of $4SS,G95.23 on hnnd Decom ber 31, 1UO0, ns against $1,140,017. 42 on duly 1, the date of tho Issue of tho last previous report. Of this amount there U $201, ":''. ."in in the gonernl fund. The Ki' a; t amount beaidea this, $113, 4 lit. 74. belongs to the common ac'iiit fi-nd. Interest. Tho nmount Of tile 8l'll(l(ll f tt Till nrliwllinl !,...! I... . " ' VM'"" '" up io uecemuer 31, was $3,703,2S1. S!t, on 0 per cent Interest, and tho amount of the school fund loaned on school district bonds, at 5 and C per cent Intereat, wns $334,223. There now remains $73,762.44 In the school fund, principal, not loaned out, but It Is Rolng rapidly, and will probably be all lonnod out within three months. In the estimation of Treasurer Mooro. The amount loaned out of the Ag ricultural College fund principal up to December 81st was $1C9.013 10 and from the Unlvorslty fund, prlnel WU. $05,45S.44. all on Q uar cont bunds. How lo Cure Chilblains. "To onjoy froodom from chil blalns." writes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me.. "I apply Bucklon's Ar nloa Salve. Havo also usod It for alt rheum with oxcollent results Quaranteed to cure fever sores, Indo- frost bites and skin dlseasos; 25c at J. C. Perry's drng store J- nrjan to make a stop at their town and Klvo thorn an address iho S. P. company has purchased ..Pnr 1 " at for maohlno shop. w Athena, Ore., has a siege of scar- fevor. and the schools have not 8 opencl sine the new ear. The Ilight Name. Mr. August Sherpe, the n0nulftr axatte Guaranteed to euro bilious. n8 d """tipation; 25c at ? C Pttrry'a drug store DOCTORS ADi That They Can Do Nothing your Stomach Than si jjy4sieism xnuicts Am I...- "'B veiy jjj. u Costs Xothlng to Try. ' App.nrrilnir tn nvi.i , " n 1M:lt mi oi Kuvuiiimuiii, auinorlttes United atntes and Groat B Stimrf.'R DvSneDHln Tnl.i, ." 7 7 '"""" cm tno oxaci ciumouis provided turo for digesting food in tho hi siomncn. Stuart's Dyspopsln Tablets miivu ov.i-..o Hum oiomajij i clers minions or dollars by Alan lat Mi rt-t nil fl f uii'iiii i" uw oiimii uu cent pltt more relief thnn countless treatu by physlclana would bring abeB: ?3 per visit. Perlmps you aro afillctPd with popsin or somo kindred d. arising from a disordered dip It may bo headaches, hiartbum, pitotion, liver trouble, insomnui vous debility. Tiiey all have beginning in n stoninch which not socroto tho Juices or erlnj food which Is tnkon into it If so, we urge you to send fol freo trial package of Stuart's Dj sin Tablets. It will cost you ti Ing and surely will bring us no unloss you find, nfter using It you are benefited and feel that need a full-sized iiacknge. Tliore is absolutely no danjtt using Stuurt's' Dyspepsia Tab Xothlng is contnined ln them hns not boon subject to tho eh scrutiny by the government odd; Stuart's Dyspopsln Tablets win gest your food without denrndj a careful diot. Ono grain of tb Tablets has power to digest 1,1 grains of ordinary food. You liu suro tnoreioro tnnt no nx what your condition, these little U lots tnkon uftcr onch meal wllltl ly rostoro your stoninch to Its v mnl condition nnd rondcr it capil of dolus its work unassisted. Wo withhold tho nnmes of dreds who hnvo written us vol tnrlly expressing their gratitude this simplo subBtltuto for nature. Sond for trial package today. A. Stuart Co., 70 Stuart Dldc.Xi shall, Mich. Fifty cent size pnekngo for sale t; druggists everywhere. 10 ; CURRENT TOPICS TODA " Propnred for tho Public Scho nnd tho Fnniily Circle. Tho British bnttloshln Dri! naught Is boing tnkon on a crra across tho Atlantic to the We dloe. This Is tho largest battle yet built. In tho Ynklma vnlloy 200 poofl boarded a coal train and carried i COO tons of coal. Tho coal f contlnuos in tho northern st Tho Shnh of Pereia died at ftl hornn, tho cnpltal of that countrr. China may undortnko to recow the torrltory or Manchuria that lost to Japan In tho war with Hus Skallop. ono of tho Umatilla dians, has roached tho century rau o Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder rheumatic trouble; Bold by all dn BlEts, or two months troatment I mall for i. Dr. B. W. HfllU Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. for testimonials. Sold by Stoafl drug Btoro. dw-ljr - ,Tho annual mooting of the antf nomera or the Capital National w of Salem will bo hold at its bankl uOUSO in Salem, nrnenn. on T day the eight day of January, H1 oaiem, urcgon, Dec 8, ie JOS. H. ALBERT, 12-10-imo Cashier. Monev to lLnan THOMAS IC F01 Over Ladd & BubIi's Bank, Sal.w Norwfch lAikm Fire fa" aace Sbdsiy. Office with Wm.' Brown & Co., 11 129 Commercial Street NEW TODAY For &ile .At 3G5 Smith Elcnteest street, a Durham milch cow, w can ono week old. 1-9-si For SaleFirst class new nve-r. cottage on Commercial street. " North Salem. A bargain. EnojjW of R. c. James, motorman oa It V 1 Krounas car. 1-9-iw-