Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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JAXL'AHV I), 1007.
PACT OAZ'igAL JOUIMW """. " - ,,. T A T
if c PeTrlto I tllftt co"1'1 b0 "Hired but 8lnc taX"3 "m' with JSrtTOMBW rox- i
-.,-.-. tc Pfcfsfiers ane Proprietors lth.1111)oa 81irl,iii8 with wiucii a" g i mil
HOFER BROS., p. am? ftogwog
development, good
THE ""'iiA Nl Q ,,KCIIlAIBI laiMUI.
There l
(Uy Ella Wheeler Wllcr-..!
much that roakee me wry m I Journy down life's way.
to tan more pathos In poor numan n-ie m,v ,.
Ana 1 seem iw "" ; ' .... ... . . , ., ., harm.
I'm ony frif (ho ulrong. brave men wn,o . . .
jl"l wbiTta their on !WMM hour And no protecting nn.
I'm sorry or the victor. ! "" """""J1 '" ,tSf,a
Am target for I he arrow shot by envious failure n hand.
I'm wrry for the generous Heart- who freely shared llirtr wlnt.
tint drink alone tho nail of team In fortune's drear decline.
I'm sorry for tho souls who build their own fame's funoral pyre,
Derided by tho scornful thronB like Ire derldlnic Aro.
I'm sorry for the conquering ones, who knows not Bin s detail.
I)ut dally trend flero diwlru 'nontb scortohod and blooding foot.
I'm sorry for tho niigulidied lierl that break with pamloti'M "train.
Hut I'm Mirrlor for tho poor, starved miiiIi that never know love's pnln,
Who hungers on through barren yours, not lanlliiis J' MOT ""
For soddor far Is such n lot than weeping o'or n grave,
I'm sorry for tho souls that come unwojoomod Info birth.
I'm sorry for the unloved old who cumber up tho mirth.
Fm sorry for tho suffering poor In life's grout maelstrom hurled;
In truth I'm sorry for them all who would moko this milling world.
Ilut underneath whatovor Beoms sod. and li not understood,
1 know thoro lies, hid from our sight, a nighty Krm of flood.
And yili belief stands llrm by me. my sermon, motto, text
Tho sorriest things In this llfo will scorn urunilosl In tho ntxU
Mayor Hnriger Is right In saying the Salem city obnrler needs revi
sion. '
Charters require overhauling overy ttvrjjgp, ajid thero li room for
Improvumout on the Balem charter.
Hi Is also rlRbl In tmylhg that provlglou eliouhl be made for wiping
out the elty debt.
Mayor Water reoouiiHeiiiled that twIeeUut ho HtlenUon hai been given
the matter
The charier has stuod the leal of llllfpUlun hs to IU eflHelltiillnnnllty.
It will be found a Koud substantial document to build Hpou and It
should be utlllted aj a fmiiulutlou.
In addition to revlelnit the charter there afauMkl be eo plea of the
samo published.
The onltiiiiiieee of the elty should ntgp be rerbwd uttd wltb tbe elmr
lor printed In tdienp and ooiireiitlent fore..
stop Krone wathiuxg.
The suit brought In Mlnaeeota lo elon tbe Qreat Northern rallroed
from tMiiltiK sixty inlllluu doUare of addltloMl eteek ought to win.
Theip Is no areoter Initially lo4ay (ban tbe prartleos of the railroad
kings KettliiK control of one sytfeiH IIV ISSl'HOF STOCK O.V AX
(IT 1 1 Hit.
Thai U tbe way the llurrluina proeerttee have nearly all been ac
quired, and hi tees li Is stopnjHl all tbe railroads will be lu bte baud.
If !muk were allowed lo do Ibai tlire wonW be eo way to atop one
lnrue niuewru SUAI.I.OWINtl I'P A 1,1. THIS HMAM. HANKS IX Tlllt
Hut a lak eeeaot exist sad do besieges end prartte stock -wtterlag
on the smm s tile Ibal tbeee terge nubile eervfew rorpomlloMe do.
It It fortHMte hemeee sock leaadoe would deetroy all AaaaeUil ate
Ulllty and Itt'lX 't'llll (iltllllir OF TDK WIIOMI ATI O.V.
The leeUUlttree of tbe verloH slatM sboeM eee lo M tbat wkoleoale
rullroad siork-waierleg la prablblted.
The aiate aad tbe iieople should bave aoeae coetred beer laMMt erf etock
and should kHWM w hat la doee b tbe asaaey.
It reaMrkuhle tbai a ay peoeto eboaM bave to tab tor tbe rtgbl
to arrow nay bled of a rmp m eartb.
Mr William HedaaoiMJ. M I1 . ba rwaeated to tbe prime mlalater a
bune (HNltloe dewaHdlug tbe repoai of ibe lew I'ltOllllUTIXn TOUAC
It Is alKued by MVry meMber of parlbmebt la Iretaad ( every ebade
b( polltttM aed Hevr bfwre baa tber bM suck MMalestiy aeioag tbf
Irish HtMber.
Tbe petlitou aeweaailaee tbe it teat to as tar a lobar growtag Is rm
It elatias ibel tbe Irtah are Mserely table; tor a. prtvttoge wbkh was
OF UlttHUlK III wbcN Um ifvwlNs f loiwera In ibe roantry waa a pros
peroen sad progressive iMdajglrf.
KueeM twd be aebievwl uhI funbw deealupgmt gaawred wbeei a
demaHd nue la ItogtetHt tor Ma aepgMto gad tbe) (be lodeetry wea
NHPrt! wttbtiM tbe aUgbteet eoMUhwgibM of tbe ajery ladleted oa
Tbe petMbMi la4 up wHb a repeal of lb nojeet prohtbitlmi gad
instate et ibm tbe people ttt lreeaaa are of one oUed m tbe ewbjeri
Tbe prlHM wtoteier proeiWl to tw Ue aMttor bte atteerttoa and li Is
ptbbte tbat tbe atailer Ut bt. MUcit la tbe boose of eeeaaMns la
a fww day.
9a tons a tbe Irtab people gee tatowea it u to be bop tbr kuu be
allowed to geou Ibeii ew
Hee ul tbe boaie grown artteto SMIJI.l.s l.lKll lU'itXHD WOOI.UX
IWOS, Hot it ts eo were eoleoaopg Uma tbe ineet lesportod anlele
I.VrHttllST OX irI.U ?rvit&
Mr. 0 0 tenetatrtt. etodraMa of ibe atu beard of
utflb. mv. reeeteed a lettor (row uvrar aoodfeu. 1.1.1
ho vpretl ble wttro egUslacMaH wiu ibe biw la tu Mt UlIOifiHIXa
, TIIK LltKlllXil llirTIIH WMlUf FfXIIS. IMV'NTV S JvHI.1. "
KTATIt, a) tenOeoc tbo pre reeds Uio tbe vebtb ireaeerlwa.
ttlab l la lte tor tbe adwpiUa m, Uw qwJry
the (sk OMt uore tbao a de at.u of ibe uJo have tblTar
maeeiw.t lor Wodtitc pubibr MM 0 tojbit a,(lJ., u
to be M Ibe nmii. a aw orotsiog U ia4 MrtKeUr A UWV OFllii
Vmn lemaiero l reapooee lo a prog oe by betb perttoi to ibe
last oatapaleu
.Vaturally wsM of tble bua of lo mmtA N
ralwJ Uy umUn 1 KKIT TO TllH UiWIkST ITOSii11.1t FIOUUllTad
It 1 sjot Ibo laieatloa of togtetailvo uedtos to have aay iBr nmirr?r
.,,,.- . rmv,nw, ,w in. awr um r-telranntn of tbe aaato aoin
tbe twt levy It Is gvpiNtoad tbat a y k !" tuTT
sbsll In. M idle woaay h ttr ireary tihsT
Tbe leiidlKK ol publlo lud to ai A ,, to
II wou'd be eun If jlbh J0u-i Uxt a A rrf ruV.r t4ait
tliai COUIU uu oimn.-, ' - , . ,j.icl, jo JIKK- .Jv
followe that at times there will bo a surplus with which
TIXOBXCIKS UNTIL TIIK """ ,ug collld be left
It would bo more profiltablo to ho pool lo tl Is aurpiu
, their hands until needed, but since thl h . tapo ble
FIT. Hut the money ehould be scattered throughout tne
favor. Pendleton Tribune.
T1I8 Wlllfimotte and the thormometer dropped togtlhor. .
Tho first drop of paper railroads folM7 Is showing above the ground.
Lighting Are. these frthHy mornlngg I- rgoommendid as good physical
culture for younie ladlos.
LlM won't holp you In tho noxt wold and not much In this.
Now that the Panama oannl has been Inuieoted by the President and
h cmipoMIoiihI committee, lot tho dltoh be dug.
The gpgnkonihlp In not Involved In tho election of U. S. senators, nor
vice verge.
It I. vroaiimod that Jim Hill wishes to Issue GO,000,000 now stock to
help tho farmors.
Oh. yea, The puro food law Is In effect. About all wo arc dead
sure or Is' potatoee and home-made krnut.
Tho Snnllnni News In nn editorial on knookors saya: In Stnyton. our
nearest Marlon rounty nolshhor we are told thoro aro n numbor of
knookors men who oppose the building of tho oloctrlc road from Saloni
to that city. They aro opposed bocauso thoy four that Stnyton people
might go to Saloni to trade occasionally. Such Ideas nro nonsensical. If
Stnyton merchnnta will koop tho same quality of goods that Saloni mer
chants do, and sell them ns cheaply, aconsumor would bo a ninny to pay
enr fare down to tho capltnl city and return to buy his goods. The mor
cliiuil that wishes his homo' town to remain Isolatod In order that tho
people will be compelled to pntronlxe him. N certainly n bnck numbor
and a detriment to his community. So let us hope that our Stnyton
knookors will see thomsolvos iib others see them and get out of tho way
of progress. --
Our great sale, which is saving
money for ail clothing buyers, is
progressing satisfactorily. Bargains
are offered in every department,
but they are especially attractive in
heavy goods these cold days. See
They are being sacrificed with the
G.W. Johnson & Co.
Magnetic Talking Machines to
Make Records of Speech
and Music
New York. Jaw. !. Aiuimeut
nreadea Uirougbt the country are (0
be equUuied with a new device Into
which anyoae can tajk or alng and
Immediately bear his owu voice re
produced. The apiwtratiia which I
lo be ueed for this purpoae la known
aa tbe Poulson telegraiihoue. a ina
rblue tbat makes a tterrct reproduc
tion of tbe human voire, tiiatrumen
tal weatc or any other sound aad also
recorde convreatlons carried ou
over telephone wires.
la tbe Hutchlaee lo be placed In tho
arredea tbe reconls are made oh a
circular abeet of thin steel by h
nusfeeilt: aoeille. Anyone who waate
to hear what hla voice eoHuda like
talks or sings Into a transmitter at
taehed to tbe rvrordlng magaeta.
II then pbtcee a rentiver to hla ear
aad at once baa the unique expeil
uHre of hetirlUK the sound of hla own
xolr rprotlHrl without any of thi
beaslug (hat usuall mar "talking
MarhlHrs ' If he doalrt-s he ran se
tari th disk u;4ii which his voire
Get Rid
of Scrofula
Reaehfts, witkmi. lnanimtlons, sore
ni t tho yUls ami pari, dlwa ot the
ix, rkfttt. tlyimnnw. ,trih, wiitln,
am twly hu u( the trvubtM It caujea.
It U a vary active evil, wklu tuvoo ot
the whale tyMui.
KniUaatiM It. -wtt all iU mnlfettlou,
ami tmtkli uh iUo wltui tyiUtu.
JW-aot no uVltutl.
has been recorded and tako It homo
In his pocket.
If you want to send a vocal loiter
to a distance, talk Into tho nearest
telographono, roolve the record and
mull It In the ordlnnry way. The
recipient places It In another tole
graphonu or takes It to one of tho
arcades and hears his correspondent's
voice. He ran then wipe out tho rec
ord with a magnet and send his re
ply iiihiii the wuiie disk.
The telegrHplinno will also he used
for reproducing impulsr songs and
music The recurds made by tho plum
ograph ' which has heretofore been
the only devise for recording sound
have always been too mechanical to
be entirely satisfactory. Moreover,
a phonograph record of a song which
la very popular la soon worn out.
The telegraplione records, however,
being made by the anion ot localized
megnetlam on steel wire or disk re
produces sounds m clearly aa from a
human throat, and can be ueed thou
aanda of limes.
Harry Allen, charged with embez
zling $7000 from tho local temple of
Slirlners, wus held to tho criminal
court thlH morning, nnd released on
a ?1 0,000 bond, at Kansas City.
Into ouch llfo Borne sorrow must fall;
Wlso people don't sit down nnd bawl;
Only fools suicide or tnko to llight;
Smart peoplo tnko Rocky Mountain
Tea ut night.
Sold nt Dr. Stone's storo.
A bold attempt was niado to rob
the rosldonco of P. C. Illnton at Can
by Tuesday night, but tho family
heard tho nolso and tho prowler was
caught red-handed and turned over
to tho marshal.
to euro any cnao of Itching, Dllud,
Blooding or Protruding Piles In 6 to
14 dnys or monoy refunded. 50c.
If You Were Discharged Today Coald Yoa Get
Another Job?
WImi Counsel from the South.
"I want to gtve abme valuable ad-
vloe to those who suffer with lamo
back and kidney trouble," SAys J. U.
Hlaakenablii, of Dock, Teun. "I have
proved to an absolute certain that1
ICIeulrlc Itinera will positively cure
this distressing condition. The first
bottle gitve me great relief nnd after J
taking a few more bottloe, I was com
pletely cured; so completely that It
becomes a pleasure to reoomtnend
this ereat remedy." Sold under'
guarantee at J. C. Perry's drug store
Price 80e.
Till l thi' Ihi tumult in i
)eir to trt 11 Mttlug itevmuit.
Vmi mu kiHy It gruwlm: ltul.
Hjfibj tiiiiliiK mr it fu iiM'ltfes
tuul uiimt'wMry rvHdliuru, mid
Uiforv lone ju will m Mf,
kiim (0 um' wIihh Hp)Mtrtuiilif
kiuH-U nt )ur di It will nuuo
i(Mfnl mmh Viy.
In tho iiHfttiiltme xery Uellttr
tHmiliiK Inlurvet.
Savings Department
Cf4tatl National Baafc
Dtt'dN IteniMhul.
The folio Ins real eetate trans
fers haw been placed on record In
tho ottlrw of tbe Marto cohmIv recorder-
W A. Irwin, ot ak. to H. C.
Uroasier. land, In MaHoa
county. ux deed $
A. I.. Thomas, et lx., t0 mw
Hacbel Neleoa, tot t. bleok T.
ew park Annex to Salem
V M. and A KeHey is J. .
Ilartman. lot 4. bieek It,
MUI City
C C. Mai key. ot l g q'1
Urowa. et al.. I5t.il seres
la t 8 a, r l a, w d
O- t aad tt. Fottrftto to Utoiy
Berolaji. land in t e aad f.
Ilnve you the (iiiullllcatlons that make your services so valuable to
an employer that you could secure n good position anywhere, at any
time? Or would you have to take anything you could got, at whatev
er they would pay, and he glad to get that In order to provide food
and clothes for yourself and family? This is the predicament that the
majority ot men would find themselves In If they lost their present
Ksltloiis. Tho iiiru of this class has no special ability no special
ti'ttlultiK for Home definite trade or work. Thousands of men can do
the same thlnn that h Is doing, and do .hint as well. Ilia work li of
small value; he accordlnnly receives low wases; nnd his place ian bo
tilled ut a mluute's notice.
There Is an easy way by which you can obtain n special trnlnms
that will enable you to qualify for a responsible position nnd n good
salary anywhere you may go; n way Hint will mnko you Independent
of employers' favor, and work-by-the-day Jobs. Mor thnn.thnt, It will
help you advance to the highest positions In your trndo or profession
or to change to a more congenial occupation whore thoro Is opportu
nity fm advancement; or If you are a young mnn, It will onnblo you to
secure a start in your chosen work or profession thnt will put you on
a quick and sure road to success.
Kill out the coupon, mall It to me.snd I will, without' any obligation on
your part, show you how wo can do all this for you. In your spare
time, without imposiug any condition that will be hard for you to
You owe It to yonraoir to mark and mall the couuou so ns not to
neglect any possible chance for advancement thnt will mnko ou In
dependent and capable of securing a good position nt any time or pla
e. r l w. w 4 . . .
" . ueinrpb. et Sh to
Hary Probet, let 1 aad 3.
ek U, ttagloHood add to
Salem t
0 M. (Jr. by shwIK. to j. C
8iecuad. SO rrs In t S .
r t d
The Joy.
" t Wod health
. Ygodaot be Wee.
frttfel aad bave that bad taete in
mr rmlh. Try a bottbj of nr.
Wae. a poeidre for , ,
eepuiau. M. HarrelU AaMm. T .
writ- "7 h.W WM wb,;e f0;
ovr a year, and find k a flae regula.
t I sudly recommend It as & flne
medicloo ror Djrrcp.a " Sold by
u J Fry ,
Window Trimmer
Coinmerclal Itw
1'orvnuui Toolroom
Forvnmii Itbicksmlth
Forvnuin Machinist
Uyiuimo Foreman
Forenvin IlumtHr
IhiRlMi IJrauchfs
Miiclilno Do.sipipr
Tclophono Hngiiieer
Telegraph Kiiglncor
structural RiiKiner
PIumblnR Inspector
Hridgo Kiiginccr
Munlciivil Engineer
ll)draut!c KiikIikht
Murine KiiRliuvr
Traction KiiginHr
General Ulustmtor
Linoleum Iltlprn'r
Wnllpapcr lWIpu-f
lt(H)kco or Desipior
St.it louni-y Engineer
Foruiiuiu Mohlcr
Dyiionm Tender
Carpet Dohiuer
MJ110 Surveyor
Mine Forenum
Toxtllo EH.,t
Fire Doxs
flvll Eimliiet
(as HiiKlueer
AU Writer
Sign Pnlutor
Shoucjird Writer
Ocean nnd liiiko Pilot
Newspaper Illustrutor
Persectlvo Dniftsniau
Ornamental Designer
ItefrlRenitlon Engineer
Moclmnicul Draftsman
Foreman Pattern Maker
Civil Service Exam?
Sheet-Metal Worker
Electrical Engineer
Electric Mnch. Designer
Electric Lighting Supt.
Electric Railway Supt.
Architectural Draftsman
Ilulldlng Iusiector
Contractor nnd Builder
Heat nnd Veil. Engineer
It. R. Construction Eug.
Mining Engineer
Library of Technology
French j With Edison
German ..Repenting
Spanish ) Phonogmpk
Occupation .
2!L State.. Z'.'Z
R. G. HUNTER. RM.MM4..4.eW.
Laid S, Busk Btmea.fr Room h, SALEM, O
',aMMaaagggaasiiii 1