-.4 hM 4--- -" h m M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Jli' IIOFKR IUtOS., I'uUdicrs nnd Proprietor. SUIISCIUITIOX ItATHS. llr Mail. rtojiv Innrnnt. one month . . . . 30c DaHy Journal, three monthi , .$1.00 DHr Journal, ono yonr MO Wookly Journal, ono year .... 1.00 Hjr Carrier. Dairy Journal, por month .... 60c MAY0RR0DGERS' MESSAGE (Continued from page thrco). tho city, or bothi" while acctlon 2G provides that tho coat shall bo borno by "adjacent proptry'and then fol lows a scnoral modo of procoduro under which tho work ahatl bo dono A provision of auch Itnportanco as ono relating to tho pormancnt lm proroment of streets ahould bo defl nlto and lenvo no room for prefer ences or legal entanglement. Whon atrcots aro permanently Improved tho adjacent property ahould pay for all or a share of tho oxpencs. I don't llko a plan that pormlta n fa voritism. If ono atrcot must pay for Its own Improvement, lot us require nil to do tho aotno. "As a general thing. I think tho city's rovouiiea should bo doroto.l ex clusively to current expenses of gov ernment, tho malntooanco and repair of streets, bridges and other utilities, nnd not to auch extraordinary Items ns tho 'permanent Improvement of Bt reels and tho construction of large rolnfnrcod concreto bridges, and the general fund should not bo drained for this purpose, unless It be for very s.;;i structures. "I favor good bridges. Reinforced concreto bridges nro very desirable, but until our property owners fool that they can afford better streets, I bellovo wo should mako our prcsont bridges do. With tho addition of sonio piling and timbering a num ber of theso ran ho restored to good order. I am fully naro of tho largo maintenance -toil of wooden bridged und their llnblllly to wash out, um demonstrated by the experience of a fow days back, but let us take up our Improvements lu the order of their, urgency, f'oncrt'to bridges nnd mud street don't mix well together. "Nearly one-; '.If of our revenue from general luxes go for the pay ment of Interest ou bonds. This Is un abnormal!) -uwvy ehar itgnltul tho city. Are we to go on refunding and refunding ' rrever? A elty that, eonitantly borrows from I'eter to pay I'aul Is no iiHtrs to b eo mm en (11 than tho man who doea the same thing. Ordinary prttdenee would sug gest that we lay uu a little some thing each year to reduoe these debts nnd a sinking fund should eerialnly be created lur the purpiwe. Our bonded debt amounts to about $100 for every taxpayer In the ell', Inrg und small. "The polloo department should be a porfMt working unit. Under riur prosent system tin people altot tho chief of police. Tho polloemeu whu nro presumed to servo under blm nro chosen by a council of 14 men and a presiding offlcor They may consult tho chief In selecting men, and they mny not. Men may be choen who aro entirely out of harmony with his policies, and who may lm.Ut upon a propaganda, of their own, fooling as tired they will have the protection of n friendly council. Nothing can bo expected of such a system but luef flolenny. The whole plan, to my mind, I looio and Indefensible. What we ahould have Is concentrated authority and responsibility. It things ko wrong In tho polloo depart ment, people dnu't want ot appeal to The Bank Habit Possibly you who read this have uerec kept a bank account. It aot, lot jus auggost that you try the akpvHMent. You will and It helpful In many ways. Aside from the fad that your money will bo safe from theft and Ore, auch a habit tends (o thrift and economy, discipline and a general understanding ot business princi ples, all ot which ara essential to bucoms. It also affords a conve nient method for the payment ot Mils; and, at tho chetks aro al ways prewvd and returned to you, they aorvo as receipt tor the amount paid. Wo will be pleased to servo you aa your banker. Coma In and open a bank account. Sk State Bafc I BW. HAZARD. Cmtat 1)A. cat, r hn ftinof twice a month. and who are all a Innocent aa babes, but they want to point tho finger of criticism at ono man who will glvo them quick action, nnd who will not be nblo to say 'tho othor follow did It. "1 think tho charter should be nmonded so that when the present marshal ha hare served tho term for which h J elected his office be filled by appointment by my succes sor, an Meet to iwiQrmatlon by tho eouac.ll, lt "ot "' removal In the bands of th mayor. Hi aunoroi nates should be chosen by himself, aubject to tho a!wr-,val of the mayor or council, with power of removal In tho hand ot th? marshal. This would throw the responsibility for tho proper conduct of tho police de partment whore It should rest, on the shoulders of the administration. "Our policemen should liavo uni forms. Tho sooner wo get curod of somo old-fashioned notions, tho hot ter. "I would rccommond that tho council provldo a moro methodical system of accounting for the office of recorder nnd treasurer. I bolleva tho treasuror should not rccolvo n cent of money until It Is first chnrgod up against him In tho recorder's of fice, Tho recorder's books nhould bo a ported cluck upon tho treasurer. A ledger nccount with ench fund ahould be kept In both tho offices of recorder und treasuror, so that n glance nt tho records at any time will reveal tho correct condition of any fund. "Tho council should deslgnnto tho fund ngnlnst which onch claim shnll apply, nnd not leave ft mnttor of such Importance to tho discretion of tho recorder, ns nt present. "There ahnuld be no such classifi cation of claims ns 'Miscellaneous.' This word has no place In any city's records. Each claim should be placed under somo definite bead. "All vouchees ahould bo num bered, recorded nnd sworn to. "Tho recordor should submit n re port to tho council nbout onco n month, showing receipts, disburse ments nnd condition nf oach fund. "Tho presont recorder and treas urer nro eminently competent men, nnd It Is only Justice to thorn that they be furnished with the Imple ments for the proper conduct of their work. "It Is next to Impossible to find what the law of tho city Is ou any given subject. Tho records ot ordi nances are t Jumble, Incompletely Indexed and loosely nnnotntcd. A councilman In Introducing an ordi nance, should know what tho exist ing law on the mibjett la, and not be required to spend bourn rummaging through i mas of records In what frequently prove n fruitless sen roll I hope our laws will bo eodlfled at an early date ami published In ia: pklat form for the um of the public and olUelal. "Our park commission la surely to lie eommmdetl for Its share in tho ettj'a pmgreea. Marlon 8uare, the aittat beautiful natural square In the I'alted States .has Itean made mora attractive, and Wlllson Avenue has been filled, parked with planslug wnlks, tiled and made to grow beau tiful tlowers, when hay grew before and all this with a remarkable small expenditure. I am a Orin believer In fine parks aa a good Investment any way you view It. "Among the measure passed by Initiative lust June was our amend ing nrtlele IV. of the state count It u lion, granting to tho people ot cities ami towns the aauM Initiate and ret erenduui power over municipal leg Illation as enJod by tho people of the state over state legislation me amendment also recites that eltlea may provide for the manner ot exercising such powers. In order thon, to make this privilege avail able In Salem.-1 would recommend that this council pass an enabling act providing a mode ot proeecduro under whloh our people may take ad antug of their rlahts la the mat ter. Itenpeetfully submitted. "OKQ. F ItOIHlHItg. Mayor o 8tnte ot Ohio. City of Toledo. I.uoas County, a: Wank J. Cheney makw oath that he la senior partner ot tho firm of F. J. Cheney ,t Oo.. doing business In tho City of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay ttio sum of ONH HUNDKKD DOI. ItAHS for each and every case ot Catarrh that cannot be oured by tho uo ot Hall's Catarrh Cure. Kit AMI J. CHUNKY. Bworr to before me and subscribed lu uiy prenonco this 6th day of I)- jcember. A. 1)., 18SC. I A. W. OLKASON. (Seal! Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter- j nally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials tree. K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 76c Take Hair Family rills for cob-sltpatloa. jnnnKA saw ghecon. COOPER TALKS OF WORK Young Philantnropisi win Remain in St. Louis Thirty Days St. Louis, Jan. 8. I,. T. Cooper, or tho "Great CoopOr," as ho Is called, was seen In his hotel this morning by a roporter, nnd proved to bo n comparatively young man, aa ho Is llttlo ovor thirty yours of age. Mr. Cooper Is tho man who is sam to havo created a sensation In east ern cities by his oxtenslvo charitable work and tho enormous Balo of two preparations of which ho Is tho own er. Wlillo talking his faco lights up with n smile, almost boyish In Its ex pression, and ho seems vory young to hnve ncqulred tho enormous fortuno he M laid to possess. When asked about his plans for his visit to St. Louis, ho eld: "I shot remain In this city about four weeks. I havo como hero to In troduce my preparations lii my usunl way, nnd I will glvo tho public nmplo opportunity to ascertain whothor tho clulmi I mako for thoeo medi cines enn bo vorlfled. "It Is ono of my beliefs that ov- ory successful man should devote a pnrt ot his resources In nl.llnc tho unfortunate. I roly to n great ox tont on tho public for Information concerning fumllloe, or Individuals who are In need, nnd I will, thoro foro, bo vory grateful to nil who will send mo tho nanio und nddross of people who are dostltuto." Upon bolng nsked nbout tho public removals of dontnoss, which ho has made In Pittsburg and othor cities, Mr. Coopor seld: "I havo oppearod each night In the cltloa I havo visited before audiences that ranged from two to ten thousand people, nnd havo stated that I would romovo In loan than threo'mln.utoa' time, dentness ot yenra' standing." "I havo treated In public In this mnnnor over n hundred people ench night. I shnll do this work In St. Louis to somo extent, nnd I will then prove whether I nm successful or not. It will bo time to discuss this work nfter I hnve given one ot those demonstrations, us my claims would now seem oxtrnvngnut. "The preparation with which I gKe thaw demonstrations Is not tho one to which I owe my succeee, ns my New Discovery Is my principal return!)'. This1 preparation Is fur the removal nt all forms of stomach trouble. "I have not yet decided where my liBHilqwHi (era will be while here, hut will know within the next twenty four hoHra."" o A number of buelnaw men of IlHrna, Ore., have orgnnUod them salve Into a company nud will open a borax mine. They have 2,200 ucree of alkali land which Is rich In boras und sal soda mlnornl. A llnmil Statement. This aunouneement Is made with out any qunllllontlon. Ilsm-Itold Is the ono preparation In the world Unit guarantees It. Dr. Leonhnrdt's llem-Ilnld will euro Piles. It U In the form of n tablet. It Is the only Pile remedy used In ternally. It Is Impossible to curo nn estab llshed ease of Pllea with olntmonts. supporltorlo. Injections or outward appliances. A guarantee is Issued with every package of Dr. t.eonhardt'a Hem Itold. (lo and talk to our druggist about Dr. Uxiiihardt Co . Niagara Falls, N. Y . Proprlstors. Sold by Dr. 8. C Stone Balem. EVERY DAY GOODS. 10-lb hk Whito Corn .Meal :Ov UMtt hk Yellow Corn Moul title 10-lb Vlilt or Yellow lo bulk .ic tO-lb kk Stivl Cut Oats . .doc U Package of Forc Uftc a Packngva Cmpo Nuts . .'Mc I Piirkago lOVd ieo . . . oc a Pkjr Toasted Cum Flake J!3c 10 dluYrvnt brand of Hour from U3c to $1.4.1 a sack, Theso good aro guaranteed fctrlrtly frcli. Moir Grocery Company 4M State St. Pftono tl& TUjiSLai5L STRIMGENT TRUANCY' LAWS Proposed to be Enacted by the Coming Legislature State Superintendent Ackerman has Just completed the draft of a bill for n compulsory education law that ho feels. If Judiciously enforced will havo the desired effect. The bill B now In the hands of the attorney ceneral for examination and correc tion of any llttlo defects or dlscrop ancles that may havo eropt In Inad vertently. The bill Is Blmllar In many re nort to tho compulsory education law now In effect, but Its provisions .1- ...1 fn.-.AnfOitni?. are moro arasuu mm -- - ifndnr this proposed act nil cniioron between tho ages of six nnd fourteon nro compelled to attend school, ex cept In certnln cases of oxomptlon, In tho district In which they Hvo, hut. Instend of punishing tho chil dren themsolvoa for negllgency, It contomplntes that tho parents nro to ha hold resnonslblo for their chil dren's non-attondnnco nnd prosecuted for contributory negligence. It also provides that the school clorks, teachers, principals nnd superintend ents nro subject to n penalty for fail ure to do their duty In tho matter or mnklnn ronorts, etc., nnd tho ponce officers of the district ovor which they have Jurisdiction to net as tru ant officers. "In one respect," said Superintend ent Ackermnn. In discussing tho merits of his bill, "this bill goos n llttlo farther than any othor compul sory education bill that I havo ovor seen, nnd thnt Is In penalizing tho School authorities for non-fulfillment of their dutlos. Bach school clork Is required to furnish tho superin tendent of the county In which his district Is located with n copy ot tho census of fnmlles with children In his district, giving nil of tho nnmoa ot tho members ot tho families, their nges nnd resldonco. "When n child Is seon on tho streets that ought to bo In school ho Is not molested but tho truant officer finds out who his parents nro, and then goes quietly to them and ascer tain why tho child Is not In sohnol. If the explanation Is not satisfactory to him, he orders tho child sent to sohnol with books ou the following Monday morning, nnd cautions the parents ot tho pennlty,to which they are subject for failure to heed tho warning. "The great trouble with the pres ent law Is tlmt no particular officer or class of ofUcertf Is designated t( enforce Its provisions, nnd the result ot It I that the law Is practically a dead letter. Under my proposed bill. In case of a rural district, which this bill I designed to cover partic ularly, tho constable acts as truant o Ulcer, and lu tho city the police of ficers perform this duty, or n spoclnl truant officer mny be appointed. In brief, this contemplated compulsory education law will be compulsory In fact, nnd It will not Intorforo with tho child labor law now In effect, and which Is a good ono, but It only has the desired effect In cities." Tho penalty prescribed for viola tion ot the ltd Is n flno ot not less than J8 nor more than $20 for onch separnto offoiiEO, or Imprisonment In tho city or county Jail not less than two nor moro than ten days o WImj Counsel front tho South. "I want to give somo valuable ad vice to thoso who sufTor with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. It Ulankenshlp, of Deck, Tonn. "I have proved to un absoluto cortaln that Electrlo Hitters will positively curo this distressing condition. Tho first bottle gave me great rellof and after taking a few mora bottlos, I was com pletely curod; so completely that It becomes a pleasure to recommond this great remedy." Sold under guarantee nt J. c. Perry's drug store Price 50c. Flod Baker, tho 14-jear-old .,n of Mr and Mrs. Q. R. Maker of Tba Dalles, accidentally shot himself in tho left leg Monday, but was not wounded fatally. Ho was out by himself In the woods, and crawled a long distance boforo aid came to him. The Joy. Of living la to havo good health Use Herbtno and you will have bush els of Joy. You need not bo blue, fretful and hn th.t k.j ..... . your mouth. Try a bottlo of Her bine, a positive cure for all liver Complaints. R. Hnrratl l.,..i .. writes: "I hava nui t.vi over a year, and find it a fine regula- iur i Eiauty recommend It aa a fine medicine for Dyspepsia" Sold br D. J, Fry r , V fc- V? IUIT . GROWERS MEET Tho State Horticultural Socloty will convene in Portland for tho reg ular annual convention this after noon. Marlon county will bo well represented by many of the leading fruit men of this section. -This county," eald Secietnry Armstrong to a Journal roporter, "has 100 members In tho society, ...ma, i. h lnrcoat nuxlllnry mom- fionhlp of any county. Our section will bo woll ropresontcu mis jem, nnd wo Intend to let tho rest of tho fofo bnmv nf tho croat resources of our orchards, and thnt wo aro work ing to devolop them In a mnnnor commensurnto with the needs ot n great commonwealth. "We all havo badges, nnu inicnu to wear them so that tho dolegntc? from this section can easily bo found." Among thoso going down this mnmlnir wcro B. C Armstrong, Pnul Wallace, W. J. Hadley of Marlon, William McOllchrlst, T. Noot, Robert Afrfjiirhrlat. Clinton Kurtz, J. N Skalfc, Lloyd Reynolds, II. K. Olio nnd Governor Chamberlain. Cnrrlo Nation . . Cortalnly smnshed a hole In tho barrooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Horohound Syrup has smashed nil records ob a curo for coughs, bron chitis, Influenza nnd nil pulmonary dlsonsos. T. C. II, Horton, Kan., wrltes: "I havo never found a modi- clno that would curo n cough bo oulckly ns Ballard's Horohound Syr up. I havo used It for years." Sold by D. J. Fry. -o IIOTKIi ARRIVALS. Wllbimctti'. V. C. Kolb, Portland. O. R. Ballon, Portland. L. C. Ross, New York. H. A. nrowor, Portland. J. M. Thompson nnd wifo, do. J. K. Wcathorford, Albnny. Joo Illrons, Jefferson. Frank Wall, do. Ooorge W. Averlll, Portland. It. W. McLeod, San Francisco. William Romacly, Portland. J. It. Norrls, Chicago. J. It. Flynn. Portland. J. C. Wolf. Sllverton. Mrs. J. C. Platz, Jefferson. C. K. Corby, St. Joseph. W. S. Dunlway, Portland. George Soronsen, Portland. II. O. Van Dusen, Astoria. J. J. Cosart, Salem. Salem. I). Conner, St. Joe. W. II. Moore, Jefferson. Mrs. H. Clarke, do. 8. Merten. St. Paul. Klmer Russell, Jefferson. Peter Connor, Seattle. J. C. Lee, Portlnnd. Cottage. H. L. King, Ontario. II. D. Looney, Jefferson. II. J. Armstrong. Portland. Frank Dooley, Portland. O. W. Holcomb, Portland. Oeo. M. Tolomln, Now York. I HUIE WING 6 NEW GOODS SALE AT BOTTOM PRICE Ail kinds of Silk Embroidery and Laces, oil kinds of Dress Goods, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Stits, Coals, Pants and Shoes; all kinds of Underwear, Skirts, Blankets, Comforts Hose; all kinds of Overalls, Shirts, KrUnks' c..l!)?kc P a ncvv nc of Wrappers, Waists, Kimonas and White Underwear. Silk Dress Goods $3.50 Pants $2.40 $12.50 Overcoats.. $9.50 $1 .35 Comforts $1 .00 $2.00 Comforts .... $1 .25 75c Blankets 5qc $3.75 Blankets ....$2.75 $3.25 Shoes 2 50 $1.00 Silk Hdkfs.... 65c 50c Silk Hdkfs 30c J5c Hose ioc $1.25 Fancy Box... 65c I. Ctincsc and Japanese Baaa 346 Coort Street SaIeflJ c Smiles Ouns for mashors is too serious, niopo of decnyed pumpkin Is aboa right. (J " Paying Johnny Dnrrctt, a tnert: .....n.i.nimui imiHinllnt. Xlft.nnn $ ni,nnt mid hot-air chainliom ti commetce nbout South American reM ... . - .. 1... ln 1 J PUUIICS IB UHB ui um iuuuiuscj qi our government. ; - " What dlfferonco does it mako toi . ... ..... . . iiV! nn alderman now no uoois ousincss i men, so lona ns ho Is judgmenl liroofv Drinking nnd business do not go j together, uno or mo oiuur win am. for, nnd it Is goncrally tho latter. w Coos Bay Mall: Tho Capital City I Journal hns published a special Now Year's edition of tho pnpor setting ! forth tho facts nbout Snlom, tho cap ital city of tho stnto, From a news, pnpor standpoint it Is a nlco piece of work, nnd tho fncls nnd figures given nro certainly credltnblo to tho prettr city. Tho matter is of Interest, be. causo Salem Is tho cnpltnl of the stato, and a it Is tloacribcd in this edition neither tho rcsldonts ot Sa lorn nor tho people of Oregon need to bo ashamed of tho seat ot the state's government. Mr. Vnwtor for speaker would do. He Is n man ot high character and ! stability If such things nro of any ac-1 count In Orogon. Col. Hotcr. you nro off, as a toncbjOr of children. You should novor, novor, never ton n cnuu tuai tho plnco for a drlvor of nn ox-tcam HhnulJ bo on tho off-sldo. unless the oxon should bo cows nnd must be nillkod.tnon ioko mo on-siuo. oner- innn Cnuntv ObsorVOr. IS Truth Is, wo mndo a guoss. We never drove oxon. Thnnks for the correction. LADIBS' DKIIATB LAST N1011T. Tho Di'lmtlng Toam to .licet Mr- Mlnnvtlle Is Chosen. After n vory closoly contested de- linto on tho municipal ownership, I ait night, In' tho University chapel, ludlofl' team was chosou to roprosont Old Wlllnmotto In dobato ngntnst the fair co-eds of McMltmvlllo. The de bating trio will ho composed ot Mill Mabel Glover, Miss Clarn Mays and Miss Melon Smith. Miss Caldwell was chosen nlternnto. The Judges were ProfosBors Bayer, Coghlll nnd Kirk. Mis Iva West delighted tho audi- onoe with a. violin solo, while the Judge were preparing their decision. Reconstructs your wholo bodr. makes rich red blood. Drives out lm- pulrltlea that havo collected durln; the winter. Holltstor's Rocky Moun tain Tea Is a family tonic; 3C ccnti, Tea or Tablets. For sulo at Dr. Stone's store. o CASVOTtTA. Bmh tu j Un Kind Yoa VmkMjt toU fettie "fit . .1 IjZsrXt SANG CO. $1.25 Kimonas $1.00 $3.50 Kimsnas 2.25 $2.25 Heavy wrapper 1.50 $1.75 Heavy wrapder 1.25 $9.50 Silk Skirt 6.56 $7.50 Silk Skirt 5.9 $4.85 Wool Skirts... 3.1 $2.75 Waists 1.5 $.5.50 Waists 4.0 75cyd Silk 50c 15c Hvy cotton goods. 1&1 ST06K 0gj r