' '., ffAIIl TONIGHT AND WEDNKSDAY J CONTINUED COM), FitKSII NORTKAHT IIHKEZE. DAILY OAPITAX JOURNAL. VOI;. XVII. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1007. NO. 7. TER G lOLOJKLADO OVERNS IVJU JC9 iYJIJLJLiJi SINNERS ARE CONVERT MINISTER BECOMES GOVERNOR Inauguration Like a Religious Function Will Listen to Silent Pleadings of the Common People Denver, Jnn. 8. Henry A. Duch td, chancellor of tho University of Denver, and n Methodist Eplscopnl minister, wnB Innugtirntod governor of Colorado today In Trinity M. E church. The ceroinonloa hnd nil tho npnearanees of a ministerial func tion, as tho lnnueurnl pnrado pro ceeded. There will ho no lnaugurnl ball, hut a rocoptlon tonight nt tho capltol. Ho recommonJa n rail road commission to rogulnto rntea ghlng tho roads just consideration and having authority to permit spe cial rates to aid now Industries. Ho. wants tho Inllucnco of lobbyists min imized, school teachers pnld moro, favors convict labor, and Bnys ho will pay moro attention to tho silent pleadings of tho common pcoplo than to all tho pleadings of thoso who nro always seeking something from tho state. Q1IGAG0 PEOPLES I5ARGAIN HOUSE MIGHTY BARGAINS OFEERED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A GENERAL CLEAN-UP SALE SEE THE LITTLE PRICES WE ASK LADIES COATS and SUITS This season's latestjgar- ments. Priced away down. S1M0 Suits, aalo prlco... J 8.90 U8 00 Suits, sale prlco. .. 10.00 20.00 Suits, salo prlco... $12.50 129.50 Suits, salo price... $15.90 $15 00 Coats, salo price. . .$ 8.90 $18 90 Coats, salo prlco. . . $10.90 $20.00 Coats, salo prjee. ..$12.50 Children's and Misses' Coats, Half Prlco. Kino Furs, About Half Price. $7.90 Silk Petticoats, prlco $4.60 $100 White Lawn Waists, price G9c 11-50 White Lawn Wnists, price 75c II 75 White Lawn Waists, Price 98c 1000 yards 3-Inch wide em broidery, yard 4c FINE DRESS GOODS This season's latest styles Priced away down. 50c Dress Goods, prico yd ,25c 75c Dress Goods, prico yd.. 45c $1-00 Dress Goods, price yd..G5c $1 50 Dress Goods, price yd..9So Outing Flannels, Calicoes and Ginghams All Reduced. HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS Prices cut away down. Blankets, Comforts, Table Linens, napkins, Towels. Bed Spreads, Draperies, Tickings and Silkallnes BOc Bleached Table Linen,.., 29c 600 dozen Towels 4c, 5c. 6Vic, 8 l-3c, 10c and 120 SALEM'S FASTRST GROWINQ STORK. McEVOY BROS. PRESIDENT WILL WIN VICTORY In the Discharge of Colored Troops In Texas J' Washington, Jun. 8. Tho ques tion of tho President's authority In tho Brownsville affulr will not bo discussed In tho sonnto committee. Tho Piosldont Is victorious to tho prosont, and it Is certain that now tho Lodgo resolution, ordering u moro thprough Investigation of tho nffrny at Urownsvillo will bo ndopt od. o Kiuimih Governor TnlkB. Topoka, Kan., Jan. 8. Oovornor Hooli In his moBsago today rocom monds canal surtrngo at all elec tions, continuation of prohibition laws and largor appropriations for oxohiBlvoly nogro schools. Ho snyB the race question is ono of education. Ami'iiil Chinese Laws. Washington, Jan. 8. A sub-corn-mlttco of tho houso on foreign affairs today rocommonded thnt tho Ohlncso exclusion lnw bo so amended ob to provldo for tbo Inspection of Chl noso who wish to entor this country beforo leaving tholr homo port in China, and to provldo for agents through tho department of commorco and labor. feWl il'A JWU FINE DRESS SILKS Prices away down. 85o Flno Taffeta Silk, yd 49c 45o India Silks, yd 25c 8 So Fino Pongoo Silks, yd... 4 9c 75c Plaid Silks, yd 49c $1.50 yard-wldo Taffeta Silk. 98c $1.35 Black Silk, Poau do Solo.35o Romnants of Silk, Half Prico. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR A mighty strong line to select from. Prices cut away down. Ladles' 39c Underwear, prlco. 25o Ladies' 85o Underwear, price. 49c Ladles' 18c Black Stockings. .10c Ladies' 20o Black 8tocklngs.l2c Better Ones at Small Prices. Childron'B 20c Underwear. . . .10c Children's 25c Underwear. . . .15c Children's 35c Underwear. .. .25c Children's ISo Double Ribbed Hoso lOo Splendid lines at 12 &c, 18a and 25c MEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR 65o Fleece Lined Underwear, price 39c 75o Fleece Lined Underwear, prico 45c $1.50 Heavy Wool Underwear, prlco , 98c Men's 25c Wool Sox. price,. 15c 15o Heavy Black Sox, price.. 10c BARGAINS I BARGAINS In the following departments: Lace Curtains, Ribbons, Laces, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, etc. Corner of Commer cial sad Court Streets CTPA m nf PORTLAND PAPERS EXPLAIN Situation in Which the , Speakership Is Left General Belief That Vawter of Jackon II. s Clear Field The return of Frank Davey to Portland has renewed interest In tho speakership fight, and below Is print ed what the Portlnnd papors say about it. The Vnwtar following Is very nctlvo. -nnd claims to hnvo a clean Hold. Following Is comment of Portland papers: (Tho Orogonlnn). Mr. Dnvey mot his ilvo sunjiorters In this county in tho onlco of Ropro sontatlvo Coffey. Ho wont to bod early last night, Baying ho would bo out early this morning to ronow tho light. Beforo retiring ho gave out tho following Intorview: Went to Seaside for n Rest. "I cannot soo thnt thoro was any thing strango about my going to Sea side. I wont thoro for rest from tho pulling nnd hauling of politics and from tho labors of my newspaper work, which had boon sovore In the last few wcoks. Last Thursday night, whllo wnltlnc for tho train that did not go to Salem, on account of tho Hoods. I stood In the rain, from tho effects of which I beenmo 111 In tho course- of tho night. Whon morning camo I decided on a trip to tho beach. My affairs at homo wcro In such shapo that I could easily got nway, and as the contest for speakor seemed ended. I thought I would spend tho noxt two or threo days In rost nnd qulot. A lettor which I sont to my family at Salem, tolling of my departure, did not roach Mrs. Dnvey, on account of Interruption of tho mnll servlco by floods, until today, whon sont back to Portland. Tho thought novor entorcd my head that my absenco would make n furor." (Portland Tologram). Ropro8entntlvo Frank Davoy, of Marlon county, who was supposed to havo mystorlously disappeared, re turned to Portlnnd from Sonslde, whero ho had been slnco last Fri day. During Davey's absenco It was feared that ho was tho victim of somo political conspiracy, having for its object his defeat as speaker of tho houso and injuring tho causo of Jonathan Bourne. ! Mr. Davoy, who was In Portland Thursday and Intended returning to ! his post as managing editor of tho Statesman that evonlng, wired Thursday night that, as the trains I were demoralized, owing to the storm, ho would return Friday morning. Thero woro no Southern Pacific trains Friday foronoon, so (Davey decided to tako a trip to tho beach. "I was worn out," explained Mr. Davey, "and concluded that slnco I could not go homo tho best thing for mo to do was to run down to the coast and rest two or three days. It was tho only way I could get out of Portland, and I needed tho rest. "No one was moro astonished than I when I learned, coming up from Astoria, that I was being hunted for high and low in Portland a nd that my so-called disappearance had caused a commotion In political cir cles." appeared at noon, Mr. Davoy hUS.. From Friday morning until be appeared at noon, Mr, De.vey bad been searched for In Portland In (Continued on page eight.) Dr. J. F. COOK MOVED TO S JO LIBERTY STREET, WHERE HE WILL MEET ALL OLD AND NKW PATIENTS. FOR ANY IH8SA8H CALL ON DR. COOK. CONSULTATION ED O SEATTLE TRIPLE MURDEB TwoAten Stot and their Slayer Attempts , Suicide Seattle, Jan. 8. General C. W. Turner, aged CO, a promlnont at torney, wns killed, and Andy E. Russell, n Hnloon mnn, was' wounded In the shouldor nt 10 o'clock last night in Rotzol & Mlxo's saloon by D. W. Emmons, proprietor of a clgnr tore. Emmons then turned the pis tol on himself nnd shot both oyos out, but Is still alive, though his death Is expected. Emmons recently enmo from North Dakota, whoro he was manager of n ranch, nnd Invosted in n cigar storo, which ho rented from Russell & Mix. ownors of the saloon, who, through Tumor, or dered him to vacnto. All tho partlos wore drinking together, whon, with out warning, Emmons oponod fire. Tho men woro tnlklng whon Em mons whipped out a rovolvor nnd shot Turner, and as Russell sought safoty In (light, ho was shot In tho back. Emmons then looked In tho big mirror nnd shot himself In the head. It was for tho purposo of disclos ing tho lenso that Russell called on C. W. Timer, a lawyer, and tho trio woro' sitting nt a tnblo when "Em mons pulled a rovolvcr nnd fired tv.o shots nt Turner. Ho nnd Russell ran for tho door, but Turner dropped be foro reaching there. Russell got out, but was shot in tho back, and ran to n nearby hotel. Tumor was dead whon picked up. RubboU Is now undor an oplnto, and tbo doctors oxpect that ho will rc covor. Doputy Coroner Austin found n letter In tho clothos of Emmons, tho Inst proscrlpt being dated nt 8:40, Just two hours boforo tho shooting. In this letter Emmons sets forth his wholo troublo with Russell, nnd told of his intontlon to "givo him n cock tail of lead and powder" at tho first opportunity. Whon Emmons was taken to tho morguo a breath of llfo wns found In tho body nnd ho wns hurried to tho hospital, but Is again sinking rapid ly. Gmmoik in Saloon. Seattle, Jnn. 8. During a row nt a saloon at Ravensdalo, tho coal min ing town, laBt night, Lawrenco Por zulsk shot and killed Alex. 8kroupn and mortally woundod his brothor, Mlko Skroupn. Porzulsk was brought to Scattlo to prevent violence LISTENING FOR THE MESSAGE A Methodist Revival Reach ing People by Wire Bloomlngton, III., Jan. 8. FIvo hundred telephones are connected overy evening with tho receiver along side tho pulpit of tho Methodist church In Neponsett, whero revival services are being conducted. Neigh boring towns and farmers of tbo dis trict avail themselves of this oppor tunity of listening to the sermons Tho roadslare so bad from tho open winter that transportation into town ' Is almost impossible. Reports of a ' number of conversions by telephone aro coming in. o Don't Ho Too Sure. Chicago, Jan. 8. Gregory Gor shunlo, a Ruslsan refugeo and ter rorist, predicts the death of the Czar. lie cays he -wishes to be on band to assist at his demise. Ho says ho thinks little of Roosevelt, but says that American popular opinion will prevent tho President from send ing him to Russia, VER TEL 4TTACKS STATES RIGHTS Californians Forcing Fight On Japs. Congress Seeking to Pass a General Two Cent Mile age Book Law Washington, Jan. 8 Senator Overman this morning defended states rights In discussing tho ten dency of tho federal government to override tho prerogative of tho pco plo. Ho tald federal rgulntlon or child labor or question ct admission of uogroos or orlontnls to white sohoolB, nnd other proposed legisla tion Is ontlroly outsldo tho province of tho nntionnl govornmont. Ho said local conditions must bo mot nnd rogulnted by pcoplo of tho local ties affected: that Intorferonco of tho federnl govornmont tried to UBiirp tho powor of tho stntes by unwarranted ly assuming that tho peoplo would stand It, nnd this piogrcss toward centralization must bo stopped. Vlghtlng tho Jap. Sncramonto, Jan. 8. Tho first business of tho general assembly this morning wns tho reception of Gover nor Pnrdoo's farowoll message. Na than Coghlon, lender of tho San Francisco dulogntlon, proposod reso lutions asking mombors of congress of this stnto to immediately present nn act excluding all undcslrnblo na tives of Japan. I Two-Cent Mileage Hook. Washington, Jnn. 8. Roprosontn ttvos of railroads today protested to the lions commltteo on commerce against amendments to tho Sherman bill, oidorlng n uniform mllengo book at two cents, good on all roads with out returned dosposlt. Thoy claim that what was fair to Eastern rondH would ho unfair to tho West, on nc count of tho diversity of conditions flmcrnnr Grants Respite. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 8. Tho govornor today asked tho attorney general for an opinion as to whothor It wns necessary for him to grant a rcsplto to Agglo Meyer, or whether nn appeal granted to tho supromo court would act ns a rcsplto. Ho granted Frank Hottman, Mrs. Mey er's pnramour, an additional 90 dnya this morning. o .ii After Rnllrond Olllrluls. Chicago, Jan. 8. Officials of the Harrlman and Hill lines aro here to dny to testify. Tim Intcrptato com mission Is trying to ascertain If com petition has boon stifled since Harrl man gained control of tho various fronds. NEW NUMBER 1227 Takes that beautiful diamond ring. If not catted for in one week another drawing will take place. Save your coupons. They may stiH be valuable. GOOD WEATHER FOR DENTAL WORK DROP IN. Dr. B. E. Wright. The Pahless Dentist Stewloif 114&, Comrt Street.. Hews: Jtauiays: 10 a. .. 12 so. EPHONE WEATHER GROWING COLDER Wild Animals Are Driven In to Cities Up North Vancouver, D. C, Jnn. 8. Intonso cold weather In tho prnlrio provlncos Is killing hundreds of cattle, nnd driving wild animals to tho city. Wolvos and lynx woro killed on tho main streets of Winnipeg. Vancouv er Is experiencing tho coldest wcath or In years, and thoro la murh suffer ing on account of Bcarclty of fuel. Tnconui People Slilwirlug. Tncoma, Jan. 8. Monday was tho coldest day of tho year. The ther mometer registered 24 dogroee. In moio exposed plncos In the city n tompornturo ns low n 10 degrees was recorded. Tho Northorn Pacific railroad tracks nro open. Though thero has been no further snowfall In tho mountains, constant slides ninko op erations of rotary plows neccssnry. ColdcHt in Heu'll Years. North Yakima, Wash., Jan. 8. This is tho coldest in Ynhlnm In sev en years. Local Weather Olmorvor Scudder, who kocps tho records for the govornmont In the Moxco valley, near here, roported that th tomporn turu wns well down to 10 bolow zoto last night. Sleighing nt Hood River. Hood River, Jan. 8. Mondny was tho coldest day so far this1 winter, tho thermometer keeping' bolpw the freozlng point. More' snow fell last night nnd today and Blolghs havo boon brought Into gonernl tine for the first time In sovoral years. Hitter Cold nt AHtorJjt. Astoria, Jan. 8. Monday wns tho coldost day of tho Benson, thus far. and this morning tho thormomotor registered 24 degrees nbovo zero. Tho wenthor Is cloar with a strong east wind blowing nnd tho Indica tions nro that tho morcury will bo von lower tomorrow morning. Idaho Governor Talk. Bolso, Jan. 8. In his moBsago to tho loglslnturo today Oovornor aood tnc recommends n rnllrond commis sion, with power to fix rates and rog ulnto trnfllc, urges ennctmont of n nrlmnry law. employes' llblllty lnw. eight-hour law for mines and em ployment of convicts on state work Much spaco Is devoted to tho assas sination of Stounonberg. Uo urges thnt provisions bo made for tho ro leaso of Canyon county from tho ox penso of tho prosecution of Moycr, Haywood and Pottlbono. Chicago Market. Chicago, Jan. 8. Cash whoat, 70 75 corn 43, oats 30. 8 s, m. to 6 j. &; 7 to 8 p. n. rhOM 300 Main.