Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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.. ,.,vr. S.AI.BM. OIlKGON MI.X1.AV. JAXWAnr 7, 1007.
DAI Lii UAi-im ,ym.', -- - ' -
miliiii " mm MBWHHBiW m
" " ' Sti" . .j ItT !.
i i11 ; y Black Niik waists i
XJ jK'flarjnm 4 W rvwSrVi A An exceptional offer to sc h.
I mwli S MJ? JFSw ffJErSAP si s Sm f sfur MJr1 , n ... iir H
i mati mr mm mm-m amr imm.r i jsii vz i'ifj run one oi ' b'1 "
! m.FlAMl i AsMLSUAJ? S VSfisa Vf J ffl
yt n yff sains. They are !
ft ,.mm....,,r JIJlllllHFJB7J7TnmX
W WTflStASaSMIwSftflwa1 -----
I , --- I
Mtislm Wear
Don't fall to sea this iln' ,
that U kept out during tbl
great sale.
Reduced -3
the w
Practically every department Is Interested in this sale, as Every Article in the Es
tablishment, contract goods alone excepted, FORCEFULLY REEUCED. And "Under
Regular" with THIS Store means undit what such goods actually sell for-no fictitious
valuations enter into our advertising.
Ladies' I &&
At Ridiculous Prices
A great bargain feast In
which the early comers will get
tbo cholco morsels. Ho among
tho cnrly ones for the beat val
ues will ho chosen first.
Indies' short Jaokets of Cov
ert and Kersey Cloth In popu
lar lengths and colors. Iteg
luar G and 10.50
values; cloranee rj f(
prlco 4C!jU
A lino of ladles' skirts In
wanted materials and styles.
Values rungo up to $16. Choose
during Clernnco tj-
Halo $2.50, S3 and 4D.UU
.SPF.CI.Wj SAI.K NO. ill I
For unit next Wednesday liar
unlu Mile M offer a bargain that
A lino of ladles' suits In the
most popular shades. Stylo
are all that could ho desired
A great opportunity to get n
knock-about or dreee suit for
lltllo They won't last long at
this price Value tT-IA
tip to fio, price 4) I U
! Wool Waists.
1 A llm- of wool waists Just
1 what you hwnl now --all of the
I litNit material and style
Bargains in
(Irunt savings In your drnpery
needs nre to bu had during this
great sale. Clioosu quickly. A
line of table covers nnd portlers
and couch
covers. . . .
Half Price
Lace Curtains
Ilrokon lots of lnco curtains In
which thoro aro one, two or thrco
pairs of a kind at much low than
tho real worth.
fl.Sfi Value-- 0
Clearance Pi Ice. . . . OjC
$1,110 values n
Clearance Price. . . . Zp I UU
fS.ftO value , m
Clearance Price 4) I .O
M u vnluee ttl AA
ClearaHee Price . . JJG.UU
H.00 values-- fry
Clearance Price . . p&U I
t&.OO value .j m
Clearance Price !j)J,J4
ft.OQ VIUf- ff. M fvrv
Clearaar Price. . . v4.UU
$6 All Value tfA A
Clearance I'rlie IpfiJT'
Hill 1o north uniting for.
Silk Petticoats
In late styles. In colors green,
brown, white, pink, blue nnd
black, Values rnngo up to $15
Wednesday only. None sold until
8 30 a. in. No. rt ac
phone orders. .... . JtHO
During this snto groat bnrgnlns
abound throughout this depart
ment. Prlostloy's oravonettos nnd
black dross goods nro Included at
spuclnl prltfos.
Hero's how gooda nro belngsac
riflced: $1.00 vnluos Cfs
Clonronco Price OUC
$1.25 vnluos q
Clunrunco I'rlco D3C
$1.60 values 7fT
Clearance I'rlco O C
$1.75 valuoH o n
Clearance I'rloe OOC
I'rleetley lllnck Dreea Qoods lit
the following prices:
$1.00 value f-r
Clearance l'rlce O UC
$1.50 value s r
Clearance I'rlc DOC
$1.76 value rj f-
nearsHC l'riee. ...... . sDC
Changeable Silks, Chiffon nnlsh
Sac. $1.00 and $125
value rj o
t'learanett I'rloe OC
AfWr,rZ mi
wmi& rms&Mim a
m mwm '
m ' ti ws&n 1 n
rsx A mJslw Hi- Pi
Copyrlghl 1 906 by
I Tart Schaffner iJ Mux
Your Clothing
Can be looked nfter very profitably
during this sale which affects the
entire useortmont of highest grade
clothing carried lu this city.
'Twould be well to see what
great value we offer for little
At Clearance Prices
(iallooiiH from l"ic to $2. so
A tVillo.'tlon of lmiHrtot l'r
graphs for Yonr nisllerUun
A rlupvrlor Itolaurntit
The Weuy Hen Law coniiany eon
duct a Chinese restaurant at IMSt
High street, aud keep a tlrst elae
house. They re all kltM of dell
carle usual at an American reuur
nnt, at well the tilth pecullur to
Never Wore lavo tae agate
boon so popular lu Kaletu.
We have put In a iaHt fcr itotMt
Ing agate and are pretwiwl la tUek
and wotiut tkewi hi abort naUeo,
This will be a great ruaeulencM to
Tlsltom at New(tert. a taey can have
their agatea poiuhwl at home at any
We also hare on hainl a small
stock of polished stone for uo.
State and UbtttySU.
(heir natlonalltv Tiny keep a clean
r'ii.'ialtlt plar and hate a larg'
Iradu of tialvni's beet people
U tell 8t wrtto Juhu Henry,
general a el I very, l)vr. U-iCIw'
Itnifr-IIoxd) -
County Clerk Mm btw Wowed a
marriage Ueeuee to ileary a. Hrwer.
agel 1. awl Qikh Hoiey, td it,
lUKh yuHHi people reaWr la ttMytoa.
where they ore well ad favorably
Vou On (Set Htmo Woixl
At the sawmill, on tbert aetlee.
Phone SS. ll-17-tf.
CoiuiHlttiM to A)lum
lwter rMe a lS.jreurMM boy, of
Hood Klvor, wa brought to this rlty
HaturJay. aud olaosd la the baeoJtal
for the loeaoe. The uarty loft Html
Itlver laet TtHrlai, but, owUg to
delayed trotes. dkl uttt rath Saleoi
hhiII Katurday evenlug. The unfor
tunate boy. at Uhmh. om the trio ho-
earn very 1ott, acroamiiig Ilk aa
aaiMiai, aittl at WootlbMra. whore the
train rewalaed over Night, II wm
tieseesary to strao hlw ad out him
In the city jail.
Team for Sale
A good v.orlc Warn, weight 1160
eaeh. wtth haruaaa. A trcIn. Cii
on P. A. Kurt. M7 North Commer
cial street. lMt.
Making Itroilj- for Soloue
In order to make room for the
coiulrg vauion of tho leglslattirv
icmrorary quarters have bei pro
vided lu the ilirth end ot tho o'd li
brary room, o 1 tho upjwr floor, north
vtlng. of tho stato Iioiihc, for tlu roi
point Ion depaitnifiit. thf secn-tarv
of thu uli' library roiumlsslon and
the slate vnslneei. Tlieeo depart
ment were niovt-d Into their new
quarters yesterda The room for
merly occupied by Corporation Clerk
W'rlgbtwan la that set aside for the
headquarters of the sneaker of the
houeo of repreeealatlvw whit tbo
formerly oecuoled by tho other do
partmeut or used committee
I. 1. Ikmk. hood fOMul W. 0. W..
will speak la Molwau hall. TuotHlay.
evening. o'clock, l'ablle cordially
Uvttotl. 1-T-IU
Ailoptt Now- S)-.(m
Tho WllUmett hotel hereafter
will Im rH o both tho American
aud UuropeaM plan. Hotm will ho
b9 nu asd upward; room and
meal. $1 and upwarda. The hotel
being remodeled andnew fural
tore added, and eevoral Important
rhaagw aro being made. Tho owe
is being cahmmlned and painted, and
the entire struct are It botnc over-
oauied. tt.
iO. A. H, Attention
Sttectai Htoniag for laotnlmtlon of
ottleer. Tnatdajr. January S. Joint
InataUNUon with Itollef Oorp. All
member of both orders aro expected
to lo preoont. Hy revest ot oom
maader. Qldeon Siolg.
. B. CHtehlow, of San Jose. Cal
la In tho elty vtettlae Mr and Mrs
C. T. Mrlntlre on South Coanueroini
street. Mr Crluhlow formerly lived
m inn w many v.jrs am nn.i 1. m.
lovlug bis vn t hero v nwlng old nc
quaiutainrc l is Min.,i i ...
furnJturo builnew In San Joso.
Hon. Claud aatch left this morn
ing for I'ortlaud.
Itev. father Mooree went to
Urooke this morning.
Mls Ida Smith, of Astoria is the
lueet of Salem friends.
Mr. Orln Mtle left this morning
for a visit in Roaeburg.
Ure Uwla, tbo mualeiaa. wont to
Albany yeetenlay to visit friends.
Mian Amanda Uullook, of Oregon
City, Is viettlng In the elty today.
Men Tamplln. the HuotyphM. of
I'oHland. spent Sunday vtaltlng In
thla elty.
Arthur Hoeecbon waa among tho
Wtaeesgori bound for Portland tbU
Mies Klla Uambley ft today for
Us Angoioe whom the will spemi
the winter.
Suporiatendont cmbreath.0f tho
.nn.. m.,lvm, rvvuraen irom Port,
land Saturday.
. St. rHorra. ebaplala at tho
tat prison, has returned from a
inii iu ronmnu.
Mr. W. I). Holding, after vwltiag
relative hero, baa returned to her
homo In Portland.
Mr. Alice H. Dodd wont to Al
bony today to vWi frledt a ra.
tl"e for a few iayi.
Ml Hattl Hlggu,. t4.n ,B tfc
Summit sobool. wa h.mi ..... ..
in this elty yeoterday.
rroeidont w. K. N,well o( u
Horticultural coeltr u . o..-. .
n . ' ' w aam vis
itor from Poreet Grove.
Mtea Deesle Naie of Albany, who
has been vlsittnc Saim .i.i. ....
thu morning for PerHnmi
Mr nnd Mrs lizard Mclson. of
Sllvcrton. aro visiting relatives and
I friends in tho city. Howard Is a son
'of Mr. and Mrs. George Molson. of
. . -...1 r,..iviiar1i' re-
the Chicago store, ami i"
aided In this city.
Miss Kthel Mack left this morn
ing for Portland, where she wilt visit
friends and relatives.
Fred Legg returned to Portland
this morning, nftor an over-Sumlay
visit with his family hero.
Hev Esra Maurer went to Albany
Saturday to hold the quarterly meet
ing of the Mvangellcal church.
Mrs Aril- Anderson has returned
from nor home la Spokane, where
she spent Lor holiday vacation.
James Mott left last night for
Stanford fnlverslty, which opens nf
ter holiday recess on January Uth.
S. . Stewart, the real estate mnn
from Wootlburn. was In Salem Sat
urday, looking after business Inter-
MtB- ,. .
Mrs. Theresa Savago went to Port
land Saturday to attend the bedside
of her daushter, Mrs. Itobblns, who
Is very 111.
Mrs. Frank Allen returned this aft
ernoon to her home In Similiter,
after spending the holidays wth her
parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hunt.
Miss Ornce Oliver has roglsteicd
ns a student in the Pendleton Ilusl-
uess college nnd Is Inking n stenog
rapher's course. Pendleton Trlbunsj.
John HolJeri, of Chicago, who hus
been vlsltlns his cousins. Mr. nnd
Mrs. George Melson, litis gone to Se
attle on business.
Koynl I). Ulshee, who Is attending
the Kimball theological college, re
turned nfter spending his vncntlon
nt his home In Spokane.
W. H. Moon, John Wold, John
Jones, Ilert Miller, Dan Donnhue, U.
WItherlte nnd others, of Jefferson,
are In the city attending court.
ltalph Polntlexter, nfter spending
his holiday vacation here, hns re
turned to Corvnlli. whero he Is at
tending the Oregon Agricultural Col
Mrs. D. S. Yoder nnd daughter loft
this morning for Albany onroute for
their homo In Sun Fernando, Cull.
Curtis Mnrtln went to Albany to
day on business.
Hev. nnd Mrs. John P. Cornier have
gone to Portland on route to Contrn
lln, whe-o Itov. Condor will conduct
ovnngellstlc meetings. They will
thon visit points on tho Sound.
Jnmcs E. Godfroy, foromnn of tho
stnto printing omco, returned Inst ev
ening from Portland, whore ho at
tended tho funornl of Frank C
Ilakor, formor stato printer.
August Huckstoln, tha cigar manu
facturer, nnd A. T. Molllt, tho houeo
mover, went to Portland Snturdny to
nttend lodge uxerclsos. It Is roport
el that they delivered two eloquent
ail J dresses which they had been drill
ing on for some time.
Mrs. Levy Card, who has been vis
iting In Portland, passed through the
city this morning enroute for San
Francisco, where she will Join he.
htisbanJ. Ievy, the well known
hardware man and musician vWio
went to San Francisco recently where
he a c td a position with the hard
wore Arm of Itrltton & Co. He lis do
ing nicely In his new position and
sends word that 'Frisco is full of
J. II. Cradlebaugh. who has been
connected for several years with The
Capital Journal, as telegraph editor,
Wt last night for Goldfield. Nevada,
where be will reside with his son,
who l Interested in the mines at
that place, awl has accumulated
quite a fortune. Mr Cradlebaugh
will be very much missed from the
Salem newspaper i-itrele, hut ha
promised to send The Journal some
letters and a Utile verse now and
New Stomack
CIHK To the wlf of Dr. D. 0.
Clark. In Sllverton, January 1,
1997, it daughter.
The proud father Is a former Sa
lem man, being a graduate of the
eollego of medicine here. Sirs. Clark
was formerly Mtes Itoxlo Thompson
of this city.
CItOWl.HY-SOHN.-At the home of
the bride's father. J. A. Sotin, six
miles northwest of Salem, on tho
Marlon county side, across tho riv
er from Lincoln Miu ianni t
Sohn to Walter Leo Crowley, on
Saturday, January 5, 1907,
Itov. G. M. llreeley, of the United
nrothren church at Hopewell, of
delating. The newly married pair will live
at Pltner. Tillamook county, where
Mr. Crowley has a home.
Tho Joy.
Of living Is to have good health
Use Herblne and you win tun ..i.
ola of Joy. You need not be blue,
ifuuui ana nave that bad taste in
your mouth. Try n. wn f m
bine, a posltlvo euro for all liver
complaints. B. Harrell. Austin, Tex .
wrltesr "i havo used Herblne for
over a year, and find It a fin rogula-
iur. i B1aaiy recommend It as a fine
medldno for Dyspepsia." Sold by
D. J, Fry.
Btunrfa Dyspopsla Tablets Rhj,
Lneiess urgaus to xiormti
Many 11 stilforer from Fpep,
Indigestion and kindred n'n.entr
the digestive organs carrl 1 aro,
nn absolutely useless sromarh
dead load, nnd n cesspool for e
Increasing disorders, li mnK;
nre seemingly worn out, ih maw!
lining has lost Its secrHU jiOT
nnd food taken Into the h r afhl
there nnd fermonts. cuuJg
eructations, belchlnea, li arthrj
dizziness timl other dlstn 'ng k;
dltlons. Many Bttlforers haf gt
up In despair until they ha been 1
dticetl by some Interested Mend;
try k bo. of Stutiri8 Ujgpef
Stunrt's Dyspepaln Tablets are i
dyspoptlc's Biiro nnd only bono Tt
nre n nnturnl reatorntlvo of h!:
nctlon to tho stomach nnd small l
tostlnes, bocnuso they supply ft
tho oloments that tho weuk stomi
Incks popsln, dlnstnse, golden J
and other dlgostlvcs.
If you nro nflllctod with nny oil
symptoms nbovo doscrlbed, bo air.
od that your dlseatlvo orgam t
losing power; they need help 1
there Is no more seuslblo help toa
given them thnn to supply dene
which will do the work ot digest!
for them.
Stunrt's Dyapepsln Tablets bi
been found by tho tost of ropuUi
physicians In tho United States r.j
Grent Iirltlnn to havo remnrkabletl
gostlvo powers, 0110 grain of thei!
tlve prlnclplo of these tablets bet
sufflcient to digest 3,000 gralni
ordinary food. It Is plain that J
mnttor what tho ordinary rondhk
of your stomach, or how far ra
dlscnso has prosrossod, one onlj
Stunrt's Dyspopsla Tablets taktt
moal time will do tho work f
your stomach an opportunity to H
gain Its lost powors, tho muscles r
bo strengthened, the glands IdtIr
atod, nnJ you will bo a now mil
It costs nothlns to provo th i
foctlvonoss of this euro. Send for
freo snmplo pnrkngo today. F
Stuart Co., 78 Stuart Dldg., Marib;
All druggists sell Stuart's Dw
sin Tablots at GO cents a box
Rloncy to Loan
Ovor Lndd & Hush's Hank, Salem, t
Norwich Union Fire Ins
ancc Society
Frank Meredith, llosldent Age
Offlco with Wm. nrowu & Co.,
129 Commnrclnl Streot.
For Sale Typewriter hns r
a few weekB,' S35. Mnchlu" In
fAt .finflltlnn n I.1.I linrrnlfl.
2H N. Commercial St. l'W
Wanted. Gentlemnn or ladv oil
education to trnvel for m rca
house of largo capital. Terrlf
at homo or abroad to suit W
salary of J1000 por year andt
peuses. AdJross Joseph A A'r
under, Salem. Or. ""
For Sale, Ono McCormlck ooH
one reversible Pitts harrow, H
H-lnoli Oliver plow,, nil gooii
new, nt n bnrcaln. Call at 0
of Oregon Sienna Taint Conn!
Salem. 1-7-W
.Wanted General agents for M
publishing house. Salary l '
week, oxpenses advanced. CIM
room -I Cottage hotel from l"!
P. m. 1 7-5i"
For Sale Goo.l 7-rooin house
barn, 12 acres land with wm
anrinir nnlnr. .im linuSf"
goods Including piano. J C B1
747 South 12th St.
I'm lt,i Cr,,n ... t. -llHfl -
' -- -.-,.. uutcii-iuum ,.---- .
basement Good woll water. P'n
In nnd out. Inquire 560 N- 1
St. 1-7-HP
Nicely Funilslioil Itooms For
during legislature, at 695
SlrfAl -A'liTnln lnn lillolfS of
House. l-Mt'l
AVnntwl a Fosltlon Aa cock
woman of cxperionco. Pbc-n
I'laco WnntMl An eldcrlf
wiuld like a placo whero he
mores and work for nis r
He is a clean, sober man of I
habits and oeds a homo.