:...i iit2ffiu.u;. .ijftA'-Vj- .. j....-.... . ,, '. .""- . ! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1007. SOCIAL EVENTS Turner Sew Year Party. .. . n i. 0. Smith of thla town U tho door. o her bcutltal ma again to a jony " " " L n tho now year. Tumor's '.." nM.nto enjoyed tho pleasures ',,h tho evening brought. A dc Mf.,l tlmo wns had inconvorsn ;htrui in" ,i.i. B a games ami m " w....b ... ' . .... i.iio nt Turner ranc tho t, AS mo " " r out. tlicso nappy young iiuo- L ang the new year in. WWW uvii Known People Wed. A Tcry pretty wedding took placo the homo of Mr. nnu wrs. i. u. ndrlcks Thursday ovoning, when Iiss Ada was uniicu m """i. chard Shoro Smith. Tho Rov. J. McCallum. or mo i-irai onnu lurch, performed tho coromony. ' i..M wna nttondod by hor sister, L nuby, as mold of honor, and hor jcte, Miss Mary Chnmoors, as .M'.mnid. Tho bridal party was let at tho altar by tho groom, at- nded by Luko L. Goodrich. Horo e brldo was given away by nor ra- ier. TnO ring cuiviuuu " i'u- ,rmpd under a canopy of illusion A smllax, and on cither sldo rorns ,t wilms wero banked. Tho brldo oro a princess gown of Lousono silk er taffeta, trimmed in duchess lnco a rnrrlod lilies of tho vnlloy. Tho Idal veil was hold In Dlnco by a utter of tho samo flowers. Miss Norma Hendricks, cousin of n urldC. ninyeu iiiuiiuomuiiu eddlng march. Tho parlors and hall ero decorated with Oregon grnpo, Ijtlctoe, smllnx and ferns. Tho 11- rary and dining room decorations ero dainty ferns, ribbons and carna- 0D9. A luncheon was Borvcd, presided vcr by Mrs. II. H. Dearborn, Mrs. harles nurden, Mrs. P. E. Snodgrnsa id Miss Link, of McMlnnvlllo. Mr. nd Mra. J. S. Luckcy welcomed tho tiwts at tho door. Favors bcnrlng ho monogram "II. S." wcro tlls- msed at tho closo of tho ovoning. The'brltlo will bo missed by a largo umber of friends. Sho hns boon romlncnt In social and musical dr ies, lloth brldo and groom aro erad iates of tho Unlvorslty of Oregon r. Smith has won laurels for hlin- j Bolt on tho athletic Hold at homo and at Columbia unlvorslty, Now York .City. After a two months' trip in California and Arizona Mr. and Mrs. Smith will mako their homo at Klam ath Falls, Eugene Qiard. Doth tho brldo and Mr. Smith aro well known In Snlom, having visited horo many times. THE RED HOTTEST GAME Of BasketballiFor This Season Other Amateur Games Thoro was a rod hotj gamo of bas ketball Saturday night, In which tho Portland Y, M. 0. A. tonm downed tho Salem Y. M. C. A. team by a scoro of 2G to 22. Tho gamo was fast and furious from start to finish, both toaniB playing their hardCBt, but tho Portlnndcrs soomod to have a llttlo tho best of it, and conse quently won out. Tho flame. At tho ondof tho first mlnuto of play tho Bcoro stood 2 to 2, Rhodos throwing n bosket for Snlom, which was quickly followed by soma fast playing by Portland, and a basket for them by Hartmun. This fast" pneo waB kopt up tho whole game, mnklng It nn excellent exhibition of good basketball. At tho close of tho first half tho scoro stood 1 1 to IB in fuvor of Portland, llnrtmau and Forbes throwing tho fouls for . tlioin, and Rhodos and Unalier dolus this work for tho local team. In tho second half each team added 11 points to tholr score, lcnvlnz tho flnnl Snlom 22, Portland 2G. Rhodos nnd Jones ralBcd Salem's score, whtlo Iiartman, RubboII ami Olney mado tho baskets for Portland. Tho winning points wero mado in tho last eight minutes of piny, tho scoro standing n tlo at 20 points. This puts Portland Y. M. C. A. ahead of tho Salem organiza tion In tho raco for tho stnto cham pionship. M. A. A. C. Next Saturday. Next Saturday ovoning tho Multno mah star team from Portland plays A SQUARE DEAL 4 Is assured you when you buy otic of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines for all the ingredients entering into them are printed on the bottlc- ivrappers and their formula are attested under oath as being complete and correct. You know just what you are paying for and thnt the in gredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native, medicinal roots found growing in our Ameri can forests. While potent to cure they are perfectly harmless even to the most delicate women nnd children. Not n drop of nicohol enters into their composition. A much better agent is used both for extracting and preserving the medicinal principles used in them, viz. pure triple-refined glycerine of proper strength. This agent possesses intrinsic medicinal properties of its own, being a most valuable anti-septic nnd anti-ferment, nutritive nnd soothing demulcent. Glycerine plnys anslmportant pnrt in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, "heartburn," foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach, biliousness nnd kindred derange ments of the stomach, liver nnd bowels. Besides curinir nil the above distressinr ailments, the "Golden Med ical Discovery" is a specific for nil diseases of the mucous membranes, u catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or iwic organs, uveu in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sover eign remedy if its use be persevered iu. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course of treatment generally cures even iu the worst cases. In coughs nnd hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except consumption in its advanced stages, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those obsti nate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bron chial mucous membranes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to cure con sumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all " obstinate haug-on, or chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consumption, it js the best medicine that can be takeu. the Sweet taste of tllP r)Ianwrv mhw.1 Uv Him n1vmrlim ia !w ' a feW P3 of lemon juice, orange or lime juice, added to each joose will make it agreeable and pleasant and will not in the slightest interfere with its benefical effects. j Its an Insult to your intelligence for a dealer to endeavor to I . ff UP11 you some nostrum of unknown composition in place of Dr. I Jerce s world-fatned medicines which are oi known composition. j t dealers recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines because they know ! nat they are made of and that the ingredients employed are among he most valuable that a medicine for like purposes can be made of. ! e same k true ot leading physicians who do not hesitate to reconi- . end them, since they know exactly what they contain and that their ST ms arf thc ver' bes known to medical science for the cure of e fjeral diseases for which these medicines are recommended. With tricky dealers it is different. tumSv U'"5 else that Pa'3 tl,em a little greater profit will be urged Sent a t JU5t 0S g0od'" 0r cven &tter' You cau hard-y afford to tecorri a!"UUbt4tute f unknown composition and without any particular cwLir'reS mJPlace of Dr. Pierce's medicines which are" op known ftjsfcrm u aud "" tt rccord forty vears of aires behiud them. &? W7at you waat and U ls the dealer's business to supply that ul insist utxsH it. ' ' i Women as Well as Men Are Mado miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon thc mind, discourages niullcssciisambitioii; beauty, viyor ami cneertiu. itcss soon disappear when the kidneys arc out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born nflliclcd with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if thc urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an ngc when it should be able to control thc passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wct-ting, depend upon it, thecause of thc difli cultys's kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards thc treatment of these important organs. Tills unpleasant trouble is due to n diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder nnd not to o habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men arc made miser able with kidney aud bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Thc mild and the Immediate effect of Swamn-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in iifty cent and one-dollar sire bottles. You may have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a pamphlet telling all nbout Swamp-Root, Including many ot tlictuousanus ot icsu monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., lllnghamton, N. Y be sure anil mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the. ad dress, Binghamton, N Y , on every bottle. - Home of Bwtmp-Rool. hero aealnst tlioY. M. C. A nnd if. will undoubtedly bo n good game, ns they liavo been holdlns tholr nn'ino high In tho league Saturday night Coach Qrannls nnd Physical Director Uastor watched, tholr mon closely, nnd expect to strengthen n few weak points before next Saturday's gamo. TIn Mnciip. Portland Snlom Iiartman f Rhodes Russell f Bashor Forbes o Stolnbach Oatos k Jonas Olney g Slmonton Iloforco, Cnto, of Illllsboro. Halves, 20 minutes each. Pn'llniluury Giimc. A preliminary gamo was plnyed bo- tweon tho Salem high school and tho Capital Iluslnoss Collect1, In which, nt tho ond of two 15-mlnuto hnlves. tho score stood 10 to 9 In favor of tho high' school. Tho high school has n strong llttlo team this yoar, anil ono that Is going to rank woll among tho high aud prop, schools of tho Rtnto. o l)i:i(A'il.(i TKA.MK CIIOKK.V A spirited contest for a ploco on the dobatlns teams which will rep resent tho Willnmotto University ngalnst Whitman ami tho Orogon Ag ricultural College was hold last Sat urday evening, nnd resulted In tho aeluctlon of tho strongest tonnis which 'have upheld tho honor of Old Wlllamctto for several yonrs. Dr. Wushburno. of tho oollego of theology, presided over tho meeting mid tho program was oponod by Miss Alma Ilnlos. who sang In hor usual ploaslng inannor. , Tho Judges of tho contest woro Prof. Mnrlntto. of tho Salem high school; District Attoinoy J. II. Mc Nnry und Dr. G. K. Cojjjll, of Willnm otto Unlvorslty. Tho subject dobatod wns: "Resolved. Thnt tho Monroe doctrliio should be discontinued nu a permanent foreign polloy of the United Stntos." Aftor an onthiiBlnstlc contest tho Judgos awarded plncoa as follews: Walter Wlnslow.. first; II. 7.. Parcol. second; Ooorso Wilson, third; Roy Shields, fourth; John Relchon, fifth: Churlo McKnlght. sixth, and Harry Spauldlng. seventh. Tho tonm to debate Whitman was chosen as follews: 'Walter Wlnslow, II. Z. Parcol nnd John Relchon, whllo George Wilson, Roy Shields and Charles McKnlght will uphold tho honor of their alma mater against O. A. C. Whllo tho Judsos wero preparing tho doclslon Mr. Robert Eakin, Jr., pleased the audlenco by rondorlnR a piano solo, and was compolled to re spond to an encore. i o Try fop Scholarships. Examinations for the Rhodes scholarship will be held in Eugene at tho stato-nnlverslty on Thursday and Friday, January 17 and 18. Only four contestants have BlgnlileU their Inten tion of entering tho tryout, Cecil Lyons, Lorls and WIstor Johnson and Dolton Hamblo. nil ot Eugene. Tho examination Includes a com prehensive survey ot Latin and Greek, tho whole .of arithmetic and either the oldments of algebra or tho elements of geometry. The Rhodes scholarship Is of tho valuo of 300 pounds per year for three years or In all ls worth about $2,700. The mero election to a Rhodes scholarship does not, however, admit the candidate to Oxford university, for It is necessary to pass tho special requirements made by whatever col lege the student desires to enter. MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Bnlem n Good Home Blarkct." Tllf iMlllMlt mtlOfllfrWf HHf-W CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT SALES! MARKET. Stciner's Market. Dcaters in flsh, gamo and poultry. Highest cash prico -paid for eggs, Prompt dollvery. Stnto street. Local Wholcsnlo Market. Whoat 57c. Local wheat C5c. Oats 32 c. Barloy 24. Flour 3.25. Mill food Ilran, $18.00; shorts, $20.00. Hay Cheat and clovor, $6.00 per ton; timothy, $10.00 por ton. Eggs 27c. IIons--10c; young chickens, 10c. Ducks 10c; geeso; 8c; turkeys, 13lCc. Buttor 35c; buttor fat, 33o. Onions 5575o cwt.; potatoes, COc cwt. Hops Choico, He; prime to cholco, 13 (013 Vc; medium to prlmo, 1012c. Chittim bark 5V46c. , Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5&o por lb. Oranges $3.00 $4.00. Lomons $4.00 $5,000. Retail Market. Flour $1 per sack. Bran G5c por snek, $20 $21 per ton; Bhorts, 90c per sack, $22 $2-1 por ton. Hay Timothy, C5o per cwt.; cheat and clover, 45c por cwt., $8 por ton. Oats $1.15 por cwt.; whoat, 75c: rollod barloy, $25.00028.00 por ton. Eggs 35 c. Apples 50c to $1.00, according to qunllty. Butter Country, 25 27c; cream ory, 40c. 1,1 vest ock. Cattlo 110001200 lb staers, 3Wc. Lighter stcors 2 k 2 9i c. Cows and holfors 900 1000 lb, 202&C. t Stock hogs 5 ft Cc. Hogs 1750250 lb, fat, $0,000 $0.25. . Shoop 4Mc Lambs 5c. Veal Dressed, CV4 07. Hogs Dressod, 8c. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club, C5 0CCc; valley, G7c; bluo stem, 07 008c, Oats Cholco white, $25 $25.50. Mlllsturr Bran, $1C. Hay Timothy, $11 $12; alfalfa $11.50. Vetch $7 $7.50. Potatoos 8590c. Poultry Avorago old lion, 7 08c; mixed chlckoiiB, 11012c; young roostor, 12 13c;. dressed chickens, 12 0 13c; turkeys, lio, 10 17c; tur koys, dressod, 1920c; geese,' llvo. 10c; ducks, 15010c; pigeons, $1.00 1.25. Pork Dressed, 0 000. Beof Dressed, 6 05,4c Mutton 0 07c. Hops 11014c lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarao to modlum, 20021c; eastern Orogon, 13018c. Mohair 20 028c. Butter Fancy Creamery, 300 35c; storo butter, 25 027c. o Southern Puclflo Co. Time card No. 46, effective Novem ber 25, 12:01 a. m. Toward Portland. - J No. 1G 5-:23 a. m., Orogon ex- press. No. 188:30 a. m., Cottage Orovo oxpress. No. 122:58 p. m., Oregon ex press. No. 149:28 p. ra., Portland ex press. No, 222 11:03 a. m., departs at 11:30 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 220 11:55 a. m Departs at 12:45 p. m., way frolght. Toward San Francisco. No. 13 1:31 a. m., San Francisco express. No. 11 11:08 a. m California oxpress. No. 17 C:32 p. m Cottage Grove express. No, 15 9:50 p. m., California ex press. No. 221 2:33 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 225 11:25 a. ra., departs at 11:55 a, m., way freight. wnnifiiiiin !! It4ffiiaftaiam-Mnn DRAYMEN. PROFESSIONAL. R. O. Cuiiinilns Successor to White ' Cummins, oxpress, delivery and transfer lino. Prqtnpt sorvlco Is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving a spoclnlty. Stand at 150 South Commercial Btrcot. Phone 175. Restdenco phone 908. 8-4-tt HOLUSTen-s Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BSr HkUjIas Ur Buy Fwiilt. Bilajl Qoldts Hssltli tad BtivM Vigir. X pelfle for Con(lpntlou, InlIj(tUoD, liit n4 Klunr Trouble, llmplet. Kczcraa. Impur Ulcxx? Hail Ureal h. MuireUh )(owfJ, UradMbt acl llacluobOb It'i Rocky llouaUla Ye In tub. let form 3t emu hor. Oron:o laxA hi llpLuirtn Dsi'o Courier, MiUlnou, Wu, iiJLDEM miSZVl T2.1 SAlLWf KWjs FOR RENT. Rooms Furnished for light house keeping,. 730 North Front stroet. ' 1-3-tf rOS RAXB. Fresh Cows for Snlo Or trado for driving horso. Phono 21. l-5-3t. For Snlo Cheap. -Two cholco build ing lots noar Lincoln school, South Salem. Enquiro S. C. Klghtllngor, at 1211 South Liberty street, or at water company ofllco. l-3-3t For snlo now ono-horao dollvory wagon; cheap for cash. 827 Broadway N. Salem. l-4-3t. LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No. 19. Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato stroet U. S. Ridor, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. - Castle Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Llborty stroots. Tuesday ot each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Uiunrd. C. 0.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 6240, MeoU ovory Thursday ovoning at 8 o'clock 4n Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C.: F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. FR. Capper, C. S.; P. L. Frazlor, Clerk. MISCELLANEOUS. K. It. Cutter! Ill & Co., havo removed tholr real ostato ofllco to 373 Stnto St., Goo. S. Downing, can also bo found ut tho samo plnco. l-4-3t BUTTERNUT BREAp It Is worth moro thon nny other bread, yet tho prico ls no higher. For sale nt your grocor'a. CALIFORNIA IJAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Hutle & Wunderotli Flno wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo the colobratod Kellogg and' Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commorclal streot 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds ot sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot tho Salem Iron Works Hpp Press. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl dont and ponslon Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, aupromo organlzor, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secroctary, 540 Stato Btrcot. NEW AM) SEOTNIMIANDGOORH. Now nnd Becond-IIniid Goods. Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es', granlto and tinware of all kinds Glvo us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commorclal St. 8-13-ly OSTEOPATHB. BN Dr. II. If. White Graduate ot Klrks vlllo, Mo., under founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breyman building. Commercial streot Phono 87. Restdenco 390 Summer street, corner ot Center. Phone 1219. Troats acuto and chronlo dlsoasos. Examination freo. 11-17-tf PLUMBEB5. Tlieo. M. Hurr Plumbing, hot water and steam boating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phon Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, Fetzel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. SuccMsor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street 'Pbose Main 17. A, L. Frazsr Suceetjor to Burrougai & I'ttitr, plumber and tinner. Mag faeturar of eSppAr and glvnitJ lra eoraIe, tad tsl skyllgitf, 1W etat ttrt. 'PkM 1611. Doctor Grintn, tho Specialist on Mor- phlno All drug nnd liquor habits which ho euros in from 48 to 72 hours, asks no money until cured. Is now located at 214 Trado St. (first houso west of S. P. freight depot) Salem, Oro. Note My; partnership (In thla lino) with Dr. D. F. Lane, has boon mutually dis solved. D. D. Grlflln, A. M., M. D.r John Doyons, Bus. Magr. 12-10-lmo. Dr. Lauo'n Privato Institute For tho euro of tho drink and drug habit. A Buro and painless cure for all unfortunates, 901 Mill streot, Salem, -Orogon. Phone 647. 12-14-lm SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer o eash, dtors, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hard wood werk, ? Front streot, bet. State and Court. VETERINAKY BUEOBON. I r. B. J. Young. Veterinary Surgeoa and dentist, 33 years' experience All work guaranteed. Difficult iur gieal operations a spocialty. Phon 581. Ofllco at Club Stables. Phone Salem, Orogon. 3-9-tf WANTED. iSViinted Cliambormald; Btcady job. .' Enquiro Wlllamctto Hotel. j 12-20-tf. " Wanted. 1000 chlckons nt Wlllam otto Hotol. Tho hlghost cash price will bo paid. 11-19-tt Wanted Immediately A good boy nnd pony to deliver papers. Apply; at Journal ofllco. 11-9,-tf Wanted. Flvo to ton cords of good fir wood. Apply to E. Hofor, Jour nal ofllco. 12-20-tf Wanted To engngo 10 or 12 wait resses for loglslaturo In January. Apply at onco at Wlllamctto Ho tel. 11-19-tf Wanted Stock hogs for focdlng, chickens, ducks and all kinds of poultry. Hlghost prico paid. Hop Loo Co., 181 Commorclal streot, Salem, Or. " 12-5-tt Wanted Portor. Good wages and stoudy Job. Wlllumolto Hotol. 12-28-tf. Wauled A woman to do hoimowork nnd care for 3 chlldron; widow lady proforred. Address "J," enro of Journal. 1-5- 3t. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OITY HALL. For water service upply at office, Bills payable monthly in advance. Mnke all complaint nt tbe nfllee. Served to Queen's Taste And nlwnys STEAMINO HOT aro tho ways upon which you can do pond In gottlng your moals whon you oat at tho Win. McGllclirUt & Hon, Props. White House Restaurant Wm. Mcatlchlrst & Son, Props. I O. C T. CO .STEAMERS- pomona AND ORKGONA LEAVH PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT fl:0O A. M. FOf CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT 6 P. M. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt MM Gold Dust Flour ' ' r 1 1 i i : EMudo by TID3 SYDNEY FOW EB COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for family uie. Ask your grocer for it. Bran ana enoru ajwhys on band. P. B. Wallace AGENT MitmxmmMHi "C