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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
i' " i -J - ion; i ch Npw York Fashions i the front ctico ni i'uuu-,... I)A1, OAHTA, ir.. - SAggji! Rheumatic .mFj Mew York. Jnn.5.-Frtms.oir will lako the "Plain clothes for .MMort planned on tno Hunt correct advices from the era And milliner wo ."- u.A Ain.ii-irnii ly nmlenunnn - j wmiiL. To be tor- thrrt' uliould l ono dros ull- for tho '- " Jar """'" itOM ucu a IIMI Parties, teas. lHfcH reception, H I""" . arms, n uhlrl wowt sun. a .- . . . . Uftrhnnft flir n mm rnnM'uiviii " .. .,.. ,.( horn III Ijliy (111 of hw fwrf now ft she may haw an old or two which mav nwm - :Hed to good advantage or ue over by Hit niu or iih " ,,ii,Ho I shall horn Rlvo her. fw. m--F - Mwi. wtu WRt our Kin iiii j reed well even though she mny t oronomun. nor iirm it must be slvcn to tho street , for of nil her Kownn nonu nKirn rorrect nut and nnimi. W powlble do not mint horn hut R to n termtnblo man or wui.i- tailor- '' ,I" V,M" w""m,mf( tSV two (HtlH'f sowrm even i n.... yoiiwclf If nereswiry. tor mow .. iicifoct n dret of mns rHlfk'it, hut whim It co.nos to nn MIoh tnllor cut" ft woman f.lii her und not ono of u m Jo wear It, wo would rather an old hut correct one do nn- J tkr winter. WtillP wariy now goods nro on uw -- " fnf utrooL bowiih, nil In good Si, nint quite correct, yet for the whh of moderate means who ron 4 hut ono In n enii mien to as broadcloth, imnninii. vono- ... ...I-...-.... lik n .tnll lir iLMw er wooi numn- " ;SHtlini JMiauu ui niiiM . .fur Id IiqIUt tuito nn.l ludther ho fjMr h" friend will tiro of It o UMkikl)'. Chiffon titttuio eloth would , (W irl dovoloped hy a new plaited ; WkWl In whlrh tho rloae nmnotli lmp iW nvor tho hl;H nro th nrlme o- jfSmtUt t" II" 80d "ly'- Tim Eil '" roiMriictd from unrK IHH rhllfon hrondnioili lor mo HKin im4 relvel or tu Jni-kft- A AUHhlo hox-tilolt of tint Inverliil ffcwkty at tho front and tho hack U tki4 .on tli idseti nearly hnlf the twtftk from tho ton, itud hclow thev t rrwvt to tho foot Hni'li f HHi two Hhlo uorcs Imf nil extonnlon im tm mmk ipju yMM 0'!.. C, T , Vnthreo DUlti Madod I; . narrow pointed strap with ay huttorm- An important coMldorotlon I,! tt wnlklns .klrt "l0,I,rP" lenKtli. tliln ono bolnB In dcnrlng ..... .i m. inwnr lno measures about v yards and ono-fourlh with Uio alalia drown out. '" j " of Intermediate loncth and tho do- MKn rnlh for tno bssibiuiiku ... o.uv front nnd slde-bncK nomun ... n-.-r Ing nnd tendi to accontimto Blcnder- no8 of ( A notched co.inr nuv- Ing Inscf. of velvet or biik B.vt. flnUh to tho neck; but a flat cnllar-fncln c-ould ho "scd If pro- ferred nnd Indeed l a convonieni mode when furs nro to ho worn with tho coat. Cont Minpinc onarnciui- Ues tho nleoves, nnd tho closinK . with a fly. with vlslblo buttons en,. hii.irtnlmleH. or with cord loops This deslK.i Is also n Reed ono tor me extra coat for wear betweno seasons or In mild weather, which could ho developed In biscuit or Inn covert or other Riiltnhlo clothnu. A lint of vol nt nnd cloth with cocUfcnthcra would ho n correct accompaniment while tho Klovej. aro of heavy vnrlety win. board stltchlns on tho hnck. The waist would holler bo of whlto linen finished with n brlclit, tlo, tho belt mny bo of whlto lino., thoiisht the newest Idea h a leather belt In tho Hamo shndo as tho cow.., very con spicuous In mnko and finish. The veil mny ho whlto or blnck or net dyed to match Iho rostumo, but fash ion decree Hint tho vol! for B.ich n Kown ami lint should bo very plain of dotted net and fastened closely to tho hat no llowlntf ends: In case of ono bolus worn for warmth then n Ionic chiffon veil Is used cathored ho hind and ncaln at tho nnpo of tho nook nnd hrousht round In fronL Hhoos must ho of tho regular walking stylo nnd heavy. Thus Is Reed tnsto untuned. A second costumo Hint Is perhaps a llttlit moro drewy In cut tliounh It In no lei Htyllnh In effect, consists of n hnloro Jacket nnd corslet Blilrt. A feature of the coat Is Us fanev Inlaid billions four of whloh fasten the coat down tho left side. An In verted box-plait nt end. seam In tho I mole and front Is stitched to n short iliitikiiro from Iho lower edge, nllow- E USE ELECTRIC SIGNS ! Electric light is the magnet that 4ttws trade. Keep your store britht ttt4 you'll be kept busy. A show window brilliantly illtm buittd with Electric Light makes many a sale. It attracts attention, makes it easy for your display to be txaaftiaed and shows your goods to tkc Wit advaatage, Aft electric sign will make a same foe you and when your nam is auci it will burn it in the public's tyt ami naiads. It is an investment tiat fys tog dividends. Our repre sentative will explain how. Inc tho romnlnlnB fulness to fall free: this Idea accentuates tho slend- erness of tho waist. The sleeves nro cither plaited or gatnereu oj i -h. tho lower part belnB finished with plain cuffs which can bo omitted K tho fancy pointed outllno Is pre ..n,i a rnllnrles'5 effect la frequent ly given, then tho neck opening has .lMni nniah nf braid or nassemen- ..i ..M. iiprmitfl tho wearing of. a fluffy neck-pleco of chiffon, mallne or n fur cravat. If the co.inr .h re tained It mny bo faced with velvet. Tho nklrt Is ft simple design but moat aervlceablo in Its incK oi iieum and for Us simplicity. w nine tores which nro ii plaits stitched to kneo depth, it is one of tho most comfortable models of the season and permits of perfect freedom in walking, nnd giving the skirt a width of about Ave nnd a half yards at tho lower edge. An In verted box-pluit Is nrrnnged at the back. A suit of this order would be particularly attractlvo in mons green v..,rf ninth trimmed with enameled buttons nnd collar and cuffs of brown caracul. As an nceomnnnlmont to this suit li worn a lint of velvet to match ir lamented with brown fur and wings. For ti houso drew silk nnd wool Henrietta In n warm shade of light brown wns used nnd decorated with hands of laco dyed In dcopcr shado. Tho eight plcco foundation of rose satin henthorbloom may bo substi tuted with good effect, gives tho nec essary body and tho length Is thnt known in sweep-length, tho train be ing a popular featuro for dressy house gowns. The regulation bodice or ovcrbloiiHO shows various develop ments. It is cnthored nround the top to lit Into n baud-yoko nnd bands of tho samo width finish nnd arm holes, whon It la In ovorbtouso style, anthers ndjust tho fulness nt tho waist. Tho full-length sleeves hnve long cuffs of lnco nnd a hand above tho elbow, whllo tho shorter sloovos aro finished with n narrow band Tho colllar Is In 'dnlii or pointed outllno and when nn opon nook Is desired tho slip Is so arranged that It may ho slipped out. Tho skirt wlilflh measures nhout llvo nnd ono half yards around tho bottom Is at tached to Iho wnlst In a pretty Up ward ourvod offect at tho back and tho Joining Is concenled by n soft silk glrdlo. I'or ft moro olnbornto costume ono could ubo somo of the pretty Dresden silks and Cluny lnco with nn underblouso of ticked chif fon. Anolhor dainty gown could bo constructed Irom somo of tho lighter shades of foulard with trlmmlngslof lac and pan no velvet. A charming llttlo gown for houso or evening wear wiih .undo from blue voile over a green lining. Tho skirt was fitted to tho figure hy many tucks falling free about tho foot with much fulness. The bodlco Is mount ed ou a lining nnd ban n pointed yoko of fine 1'nl. loce of Insertion and ronton to which the tucked bodlco Is attached. Tho populnr throo-quar-tor length sleovut. aro ftntshod with bands of Insortlon und narrow ruf fles. Tho fashionable wide glrdlo Is laid In up-turning folds, und tho fas tening at the luiok Is made with n hnndsomo pourl buckle. Pains "I have suffered terribly with great relief. I have spells i of ter rible pains in my rib;, and n e small of my back, .and the S-Pain Pills help me right away. I am now wll of the rheumatism Jnd think Anti-Pain Pills done n.e more good than all the other medi cines. I first heard of . them through the following c.rcum stance that happened at our home two years ago. A friend, Mrs. Brown, of Orion, Mich., came to visit us. She had not been able to dress herself or comb her own hair for months. A friend of.ours came in and seeing her suffering offered her some Dr. Miles' Ant -Pain Pills. She laughed at the idea of relief from such a source after doctoring for so long, but took one one of the tablets with the remark that it would at least do her no harm. She took another that evening, and the next morning she was so elated that she went to the druggist's and got a package and took them home with. her. Ke cently she was here again, and told us that she continued taking the pills, and that one box cured her, and she has not had a symptom of rheumatism since.' 332 Third St., Detroit, Mich. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pill are sold by your drugaltt who will guarantee that IhVflrtt package will benefit. If It fallt, ho will return your money. 25 doiet, 28 centa. Never .old In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind .... a inA nrta build- 1)pcn decided t i -.."--gallery will be reserve Vhltuey, the patroness, HI hold ro ceptlons and aho Intends to Rlvo ly entertainments worthy of ha salon. Tho main rooms of the building will ho laid out as a art garden, with an appioacn U ough a driveway. The proposed Sn will allow for tho Won of fountains, statues, sun diastase. B,en seats and ha.,, tra de. n d tho details boionginB pardons In tho world - INDIAN'S CKLKBKATK. Avoid Appendicitis It is caused by the clogging of the bowels and intestines. Keep the di gestion active, the stomach right, the bowels healthy and open with Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes IQe. and 25c. Potato Itllght in Nebraska. Lincoln, Nob.. Jan. 4, According n hn latest figures 5,984,221 bush els of Irish potatoes Woro produced In Nebraska during tho present Benson, giving nn nverngo yield of 73 91 bushels to tho ncro. A sovore blight has affected tho potato crop in prac tically every section of tho state, which has resulted in n fur below normal crop. Though tlio crop is Hold Holhbiy Festivities on Umatilla rti nrvnt Ion. . . .. t lllrt I The holiday 'f1'"" '" u";ilt.'over 21 per cont below tho average country were not entlrcl) monopo It over i nt $2 93 nn i,t. the whites. According u u- . - - East Oregonlan several hundred In dlnns from tho Ynbln.n. Ncx Perce and Umntllla reservations met nnd held evorelses nnd services during tho holiday week nnd ''recognized tho Christmas annlvorsnry as appro priately ni tholr white brethren." Tho festivities woro hold ou the Umntllla reservation under the au spices of tho Presbyterian Mission, and among those present were sovernl fold Indians who wero acquainted I ...... v....,n Wlillnmn. Mlft mlsslotl- WIWL .IIUIUUO H iiiiuii - ary who founded the present terlnn Mission In 1837. over given in tho United States. Como In and obtain full particulars. CAPITAL JOURNAL. o Ciiirle N'ntlou . . Certainly smashed n hole In the barrooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Iforehound Syrup hns smashed nil records ns a euro for coughs, bron chltlB, Inlluenza nnd all pulmonary dlBoases. T. C. II . Horton, Kan., writes: "I hnvo never found a medl clno that would cure a cough so quickly as Unllard's Horohound Syr up. 1 have used It for years." Sold by D. J. Fry. . o ' Sculpture Salon for N'eiv York. New York. Jan. 4. Plntm wore completed today for tho proposed Bculpturo salon which hns beon ot tractlng so much attention In nrt circles during tho past month It has -o- Ja pnn's Aic-rcnntllo Fleet. San Francisco. Jan. 4. A great Bhlpplng combino hns been formed in Japan, hnvlng alrendy a fleet of nearly 200,000 tons. Its capital Is $1,000,000, of which half represents tho valuo of tho existing fleet. Tho romninder is to bo devoted to pur chasing second hand cargo steam ships la England. A number nro al ready being negotiated for. Tho company hns established sorvlcos to Formosa, Hokkaido. Java. Vladivos tok, North China, Hong Kong, Manila Hawaii, An.oricn, tho South Sea nnd India. Tho operation of tho com pany's Hoot is suro to hnvo a sorious effect on Brlttsh steamship compan ies, as tho Jnpnnwo aro already re ducing freight charges from tho far east to British and tho other conti nent nl pqrts. Tho Itlght Name. Mr. August Sherpo, tho . popular overseer of the poor at Fort Mndtson, In., Bays: "Dr. Kings's New Llto piitq nro rightly named: they act morn acrcoably, do moro good aim mnko ono feci better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to euro bilious ness and constlpntlon; Elic at J. C. Perry's drug store. Magazines nt Wholesale Itntes. Tho Bobbs-Morrlll Company, tho hook mibllshors, havo issiiod a hand somely Illustrated 3C-pago pngo mag azine catalog, which thoy lmvo of fered to sond to any reader of our papor absolutely freo. ' This catalog bIiowb now our renu ors can buy tholr next year's supply of magazines at prices that havo nov- or before boon equalled. Ono of their offers Is tho Cosmopolitan, Tho Home Magazlno and tho Reader Magazine regular prlco $5.00, for half prlco, ?2.G0. Beatdos this offer thoy quote prices on all lending mag azines at bargain prices.. If you Intend to Bubnorlbo to any magazlno for tho coming year, you will savo timo and money by send ing for tho beautiful catalog. It Is freo for tho asking. Simply address a costal card today to Tho Bobbs- Morrlll Company, Magazlno Agency Dopartmont, Indlannpolis, Ind. 12-21-3W Portland General Electric Company 240 Omamtdud St., SUm, 0c. imuavrio.VAii advantage School Tenchem Should Invcstlgute tho Freo Trip to Jaiiicntowii, Wo would call to tho uttontlou of Marlon county school tonchora now with us tho oxcontlonal value from an educational standpoint of our trip to tno Jamestown opposition Durlug tho year 1U0T this treat International military, naval, histori cal and-Industrial oxponlttou will ho held on and near tho water of Huuipton Roads, Virginia. In com luuuioratlOR of tho Ihreo hundrudth anulvenmry of the first nermanent 'HuKlUh settleiMtmt nt Jumostown. Vlrslnla. lu 1C0T. Tho Jamostown Trl-contennlal ex position will differ dlstluotly from other oxnosltlflus. as it will Iibva n iKreat international navl rmdtaToua m iiiiniary oneampmeiit. to which ( Invitations havo been oxtendod by (the President of the United States. Many countries have ncceptod and will not only participate in tho naval and military feature but will also nuko Induitrlal dlnplaya as well, i DurliiK ordinary timet tho vicinity borderlns on Uamptou Roads so famous In history, poetesses sufficient attraotloM to warrant Its seleotloa as ft weeUKK lace. while during the ex IhwRUm iwrled lu natural advan. tasea wlli he wonderfully angmeHted. I We wouhl be Rlad to have the teaehew call dnrin their stay In the elty that wo may explain how thli trip an U ohtatna. SoMe oung lady from Marlon county win uavo th time or her life and help give ur eouuty muh advewlstag as it has never received before. All expenses will be paid by The Capital Journal and the l'4olfle Northwest, with vhlch The Journal has aMoohti la what will prove to be the biggest loaiteet and bet ampa escusloa SOW WESTERN SEEDS IN WESTERN SOIL Here's a SPECIAL OFFER to make New Friends for LILLY'S Northern Grown Seeds fU.VS Vegetable seeds are LjDEEji' grown on and adapted to this coast. These 10 varieties are WW1 W& Hi., arinincrats of the kitchen-car den. They represent the acme of Lilly effort, the result of years of careful seed selection and cultiva tion. This Special Offer gives you $1.50 in these seeds for $100. Read the descriptions, all of which are carefully and conservatively made. Living up to the catalogue descrip tion is what has built up the rep utation of Lilly's Best Seeds. PUGET SOUND SPECIAL TOMATO. This immature, from a photo graph, gives you an idea how the tomato produces 1s an early dwarf, stmds free frem the Brund, with h.ird, rm, round WAV. Y i i I il . large duster ..I rmnd, firm, lus cious fiuit, brautit'ul rich color, free from blemish, stands shipment splendidly A three-season leader; popular eerywbere. Perfected by us on our experiment grounds at linghton Ucaeli, aud can be obtained solely from us Sold only in sealed pack- ets. Ounce, 60c; packet, 10c, GOLDEN JERSEY WAX BEAN. Brittle, tender, broad, thick the best of all the yellow pod buah beans. Strmgless. Beautiful golden color and delicious avor. Vigorous, reliable, and an abundant producer. lb . 85c; packet. 10c. JACK FROST SWEET CORN. Plump, milky kernel;, that melt in your meuth: tender, sweet, pro lincreally phenomenal. Dwarf variety permitting close planting Very hardy. Jack Frost seed lwi been perfected by ourselves on 1 ugct bound, is thoroughly accli mated and peculiarly adapted to Pacific Coast conditions. Not only season's earliest, but longest and lateat producer. We can not say too much in en dorsernent of this corn. Ux2t packet, 15c, fc LILLY'S GLORY CABBAGE. Glorious in flavor, gloriouslv sound, a glonous grower and a I VvU per L MP ton oC this cabbage seed across the continent, as tki writy. perfect ed on Paget Sound, is admhted to Soi h"lbb'Ke grown. Even rounder and more solid than the Danish Ball Head, and infinitely better adapted to Pacific coast con- unions, true to type, every head like its neighbor, sym metrical, white inside and solid to the core. Mb., $1.25; 1- or., 35c; packet, 10c. PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC CUCUMBER. Almost a seedless cucumber, the seeds being small and few. Per fectly smooth, very dark green, beautiful white flesh, perfect cu cumber flavor, exceptionally firm, crisp and delicious. Grows 10 to 18 inches long, always straight, and dark green until ripe. Vine hardy and vigorous; enor mously productive; yields early and late in season. J-lb., 65c; -oz., 40c; or , 85c; packet, 10c, ENGLISH FORCING LETTUCE. Large, crisp, tender; best vari ety for home culture, because eas ily grown outdoors or in frames: nch color, ideal for garnishing. Hotels gladly pay one-third more for this lettuce. Stands more neOlpft Ml .... S 1 .1 "",v""iii Ju uoes not quickly run to seed. Most profitable for market purposes because quickly ready in fine large bunches of beautiful light green, which never spot. Mb . 50c 20c; packet, 10c. ' C' MT. RAINIER PEA. Dark, rich green, well-filled pods creamy and delicious; enormously productive Propagated in Wash ington, and the best early pea ever offered to western growers. Especially valuable for mar- the; T".,' ?.m"andin8 son. Large packet, 10c. CRIMSON GLOBE BEET. s-'vac urain uesii, with white sea. ,i -"" mii, very sweet tender. Wood red. delicately zoned lVr4lnnl.. surfac, Wn ; motn inlJ, i , ,urm' "aVOr and color. Wee from woody fibrous roots. Grows unT 80od cultivation yields J dg tonsperacre. ReadyfortablJ t al times durin J i? uquauy valuable for atC" "vonte. Mh UT. CRIMSON GIANT RADISH. The larger it grows the solider it gets; twice the ordinary size. As hard as a bullet, while tender and deliciously crisp. Retains goodness long after ma turity. Mb., 40c; packet, 10c. SPECIAL PRICE OFFER. $1.50 worth of above seeds for $1.00. $1.00 worth of above seeds fone packet of each variety, with packet of Old Fashioned Flower Garden Seeds thrown in free) for 75c. Six 10c packets, with Flower Garden packet, 50c. Three 10c packets, 25c. Above prices are postage paid. Hrrmr (IJJS. SEEUS AND VJrOW jLjJSjJ GROW RICH Plant T ilK.'c n.t XTn. !....- Grown Seeds, grown on this wjst for this coast, and be sure of prcAt. You will find that the saying, "Best for the West" is true in every case, and that Lilly's Best Seeds will give you best results. The above are only ten varieties of Lilly's Best vegetable seeds. For infor mation as to the full line, write for LILLY'S 1007 SEED CATALOG, Which will be sent free, postpaid, on request. Lilly's 1007 catalog surpasses all prewous books in at tractiveness and completeness of Plant information. It is thorough ly dependable, and besides contain ing descriptions, price lists and culture directions of thousands of varieties of seeds, bulbs, roots and cuttings, it is a handbook of in tormation on poultry foods, poultry supplies, stock foods, fertil izers, garden supplies, sprays, horticultural supplies, etc. tn U w,a.nt one- fr. mark an X in the white square. HOW TO ORDER. Mark an X in each white square opposite the variety of seed you wish to order, mark the quantity !iJ squar,c or on margin, figure up tne total, clip out the ad., and re mit in same envelope with the dipped ad. Be sure and write your name and address plainly, filling in the following blank; A rnirWf packet, iftc. Mb., Mc; Clip ad. and mail to VtZHflULVCO. Seattle, Wash. Enclosed is $ for which Piiendme worth of Lillys Best Vegetable Seeds, as marked above. Name Addfew i-.ljfl jfjjm-jj-M, i MP .. 1TKL