DAILY OAl'ITAIi JOURNAL, SALBM, 0RBG.0N. SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1807. LU.l-.LJJj You May Need It TEDDY FOR THIRD TERM A Democrat Thinks He Will Be the Man Other Items of Interest About Life at Washington D. C. ft Washington, Jan. G. Tho hollof Hint President Roosevelt will yield to tho importunities of hln frlonds and admirers and accept tho nonilnntlon for the next presidential election flcems to have spread to tho Demo cratic ranks. Representative) John Wosloy Qnins, ono of ho"stu'unchost Democrats In tho land, and an un compromising opponoot of the third term Idea, has expressed hrmsolf as being convinced that tho Republicans will renomlnnto Mr. Hoosovelt In 10 OS. Mr. Gaines says ho bases his prognostication on 'tho tnlk that ho hears In his contact with his Republi can colleagues in congress, and is suro that Mho Roosovolt star is yet la tho ascendency. Congressman Gnlnes says that Republicans, espe cially thoso from the western states, aro practlcnlly unnnimous in their prlvato and somi-cqufldontial convcr cation that unless Roosevelt Is re nominated, tholr party will stond no show whatever asafnst "William .Ten- nings urynn, wnom tney nro suro will bo tho next Democratic candi date While Mr. dailies, as a Btrcn uous statesman, is a warm admirer of Proaldent Roosovelt, ho feels that with tho rcnomlnntlou of tho pres ent President the Democrntlc party will have a inuclc hrfrdor fight than wojild other wlso bojh'o case, for ho fours that oven tho third term Ibhuo rinlghtllibC bo Htrons dnough to head ; tho uco'ilo off from tho President. Senator Tillman Is ngnln In hot wnter in ills homo stato. Tho pitch fork senator, it (HVuiaTnitMffiy his po litical onomles nt homo has been dodglng-Mio Income tnx imposed by Ills statf uvcniiiiont.jLlt sooiiih that they point tollfypwulnrlty through out tho countrTiB a lrturor as proof Uaajtlvo that ho Jm$ft much larger income Uwtyi th uoughty llro-ontor will admit, j Sojfio months ago, it will lo rtin(flpby. a newHpapor paru grupnoT&nllon estlmato of tho amounts putS-down" by various publicnuon from tho Chautuuqua loc turo couPsVach yenh Senator Till man woa. credited with tho fat sum of f 25 Jtfnr 'As lo this "chnrgo," $S?!ilu Carolinian has Mits ci , as "liars nnd ucclares that his iipw& m j x . . Ly tnx. 112J. ' ,. lrd.. if ' h - r The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which hag boon, iu uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of - and lias heen mado under his bot- VjT sonal supervision slnco itsiniwiey. V0tC7Z 4-C6CCA4ZZ Allow no ono to deceive you In thl. All OouHterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-Krood" ar hut Jforpcrlments that trlilo -with and oudnnger tho hea' -t off inijiato and Children Experlenco agalut Kxieri mU What is CASTORIA a''CJastoriA'la a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Par gorlc, Drops and Soothliig Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcutto substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys WorxM Hud allays Fevorislmcss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wlad Oelic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlimtlon Had Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stoa;h aud Dowels, gh lug healthy and natural tdeey The Children's Panacea- The mother's Friend. GKMUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bri the (a&zUA2 TJhe Hnd You Eaye Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Year A-k your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it's all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. WmvHO MtreMI Wo publlrt J.O.JLTSrOe., tiieforTHaliiofllourprHrlo. Lewell, M. lectures do not net him anything like this amount, nlthouch ho does not Plato any figure on his Income this source. Ho declares that his enemies are rnlslng tho question for the solo purpose or "gagging" him, Just as the negroes of Chicago recontly tried to do. Washington likes a good JokoJ So does every othor city and town for that matter. Rut Washington Just at this time thinks It has tho best Joko of tho season nnd consequently almost ovorywltpro you will find groups of officials and clerks chuck ling over tho latest. For, bo It known, that Satnnntha. tho vonornblo and revered sovea-toed White Houso cat. on Christmns day ushered twin klttoiiB Into tho world, much to the delight ot the youngest of tho Presi dent's children, who looked upon tholr ndvent as a Christmas gift. Nothing would do but that their fa ther, to whom they immediately took tho llttlo creatures, should glvo them appropriate nnmos. Ho at first tried to shift this responsibility to tho children, but finally gave In to their insistence. With ono of his In scrulnblo grins, ho declared that the mnlo kitten should bo known bb "Bellamy" and Its sister ns "Maria." The llttlo felines nro thrlvlnz nnd glvo every ovldonco or living to rlpo old age, dosplto their names. Still another Joko which hns tickled tho risibilities of Washington Inns Is tho ono perpetrated by Sec retary Shaw tho other day on n dele gation of PlttBburgors who wore hero In an effort to lnllucuco his depart ment in tho location of tho now post-t offlco building which congress au thorized for tho Smoky city nt the last session. Somo weeks ngo Sec retary Shaw decided upon a site for tho now building, but his decision created such a storm of disapproval from advocates ot other locations that ho decided to reopen tho enso. Ho spout tho ontlro dny, from 10:30 a. m. to -1:35 p. m. listening to tho arguments of the three or four hun dred factions represented by some fifty delogntes, and when they thought that ono faction had won, they wero surprised to hear him say: "Well, gontliunen, como 'round again tomorrow morning nt 7:110.." They" ono nnd" nil stood 'agh tt8t, and questioned him ns to tho rcuHon for such a roquest. "Well," bo said, "you haven't glvon mo u chance to havo my say today, so I will havo to put it oh 'til tomorrow, but bo suro to como 'round onrly as I don't want tho intorviow to break Into my regular working dny, which begins at 9 o'clock." Most of thoni showed up botweon 7:30 ami S tho next morning, though it is rumorod thnt several had to sit at poker all night In order to be awako at that unearthly hour. o- Itrnlllau Coffee Markets Glutted. Santos, Brazil, Jan. 5. Though careful platm woro mado to curtail Sijaature of r MtMUMMT aVMT, MWMMM deliveries of coffee here nearly' 2,000,000 bags wero sent down, and yesterday the San Paulo railway sta tion here had in store nearly 250,-' 000 bags, ot which 22,000 wore pay-, lng demurrage. The crop for San Paulo alone la now calculated at 17,- ( 000,000 bags and tho next crop at 8,000,000, or 25,000,000 for the two seasons. The estimate for the Rto crop this season is 3,500,000 bags Tho loan for $5,000,000 for valori zation lins now boon arranged nnd will recelvo tho endorsement of tho government tomorrow. The two season's crops which will bo dealt with at Rio Do Janerlo aro estimalei' to como up to 25,000,000 bngB. o ... Cured of Lung TroHblc. "It is now olovon years Blnco I had a narrow oscnpo from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a lending business man ot Kershaw, S. C. "I had run down in woiuht to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant both by day and by night. Finally I began- tak ing Dr. King's Now Discovery, nnd continued this for about bIx months, when my cough and lung trouble wore entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons healed every year. Guaranteed at J. O. Poery's drug store; 50c and $1.00. Trinl bottlo frco. o Smiles Salem hns gono without uniformed pollco long, enough. ? Cut out appendicitis by cutting out tho operation. Old eggs nro n poor orgumont. oven against holy rollers. Nover cot cold feet. Cool and hot-foot win any fight. head Don't lighten your burdens, doubling tho load for others. by Nose-bleeding Is often thu rosult or not minding your own business. Pcoplo nro sonornlly most sensi tive in tho weakest sjiot In tholr char acter. Many a man you think throws a straight ball, will bother you to got onto his curves. Z KW-iw " . ' J - To jirovont diverce: Learn to seo faults in your Bwcothonrt but none In wlfo or husband. It is not so much tho quality of ono's Now Year's resolutions ob tho keeping or them that counts. This Is n good senson to think about tho mistakes of last year, to avoid repenting thorn this year. "Lot well enough nlono" would bo all right ir a "woll enough" woro possiblo this sldo or tho mllloulum. It may bo moro blessed to glvo than to receive, but tho other way round sconm to bo tho most popular No I bo is nothing, it neither helps nor harms; thunder la harmless; 'tis tho silent lightning bolt thnt de stroys. Tho cost of fertilizing land bus boon roduced and the convonlonco of It increased by mnnuro-cnrriorB-and spreaders. Good books may bo nn nntldoto to tho poison of bad associates, but there is no nntldoto for tho poison of bad books, Many a man thinks ho has no real homo this sldo of heaven becnuso his wife makes him go' Out In tho buck yard to smoko. A man ought to bo willing to llo to almost anybody soonor than his wlfo. But lota of men seem willing to rovorso that. A reader wants to know If wo bo llovo In tho health cure. Yos, wo do. Walk" four miles every morning, ns soon as you aro dressed not before Returning, breukfast upon a small dish of evaporated bran and Bklmmod milk. and a cup ot imita tion coffeo with condensed cream. This Is a wonderful flesh-reducer, and is said to stimulate the digestive apparatus immeasurably. It will mako you a child again, and bo whets ino appemo tnac witiun tinny sec . .... ... . onds you will feel as if you had nover eaten a thing in your life. If (hut don't fix you, try snuorkrnut and boiled potatoes. '- m Recotrict your wltole body, makea rtek r4 11oo4. Drive (; IwuritlM that kav eo)ie4 darlatt tk winter. Hol)Wr'a Scky Mon tala Y k a fajaUly toi, SI at, Tan ar Takeate. Dr, Maae! itar. iHlMllUmilM MIMIH1IHHIMIMHIHHHIII Men Ate. Well Dressed If They Har Their ClothtK Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera Hotwe MERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning:, Pressing and Reoairintr. f MiMlMtUMf aaaaw-aa t a i a is i GET Wo have sampled the city with Wild Rose Flour, get a sample, call at tho office mid G1CT ONK. When you buy flour bo suro it is like tho sample. WILD ROSE FLOUR $1.00 a sack nt all grocers. Mado from old wheat, too. t 1 I t aaaa-Hira 1 mi On the Stool of Repentance Ib where a man finds himself that takes his llnon to nny laundry but tho Stilom Steam Laundry. If your cousclonco don't prick, your collars and cuffs may and mako you appro- clato tho smooth edges, soft button holes and exaululto color and finish that you can always roly on' getting nt the Salem Steam Laundry, nt low prices. SJILEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phono 25. 1.1(1.100 8. Liberty St. OUR MEATS ARK ' ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako ospoclal caro to buy nono but.tho host, and our customers can always dopond upon getting the bost in tb a market at right prices when they buy at our market. E. O. CROSS, Stato Street Market PIioho 291 DR. KUM Womlerftrf CHINESE DOCTOR t7ill treat you with Orieatal herb aad cure aay dlseaeo without operatioo or pals. Dr. Kuni la known everywhera la 8alam, and lias cured many prominent peoplo here. ITo has lived la Salem for 20 yerae, and caa. be trueted. He bm many aedicinee unkaowa to white doetora, aad with them caa cure eatarrh, aathraa, lung trouble, rheu Katlsaa, somacb, liver, aad kldaey dia- Dr. Ku makea a epeeialty f dropay aad feaale troablea. Hie reaedlee eare private dleeasee whea everything else faile. Me haa haadrede ef teetl awaiala, aad give OBealtattea tta. Prleea for medlciae very Moderate. Peraeaa la the eeaatry caa write far Maalc 8ea4 ataaap. If yea waai Mm extra iae tea, go k fraw aa. DK. KUM VOW WO OO.. UtT gevtb. MIA etreet. Balew. Orae. ' -w- Woven Wire Fencing pt all klaila. Hop Wlro, Pickets, Posts, Gate, Mhlugh aad P. B. r4y ra4Ui. A)) t ktwaat prtef. Walter Moriey 290 Cmtri St Sate, Oft JgBt JBB luV )w. . wsMJft " J MlMtMHMtMMttMKg i 4 a ?. zmW9ii t- ONE? If j on did not 4mim9tmmm4m-t-mm To pay n fair p?Ico for Lumber, when that urlco canlcs with it 100c worth of satisfaction for ovory dollar oxponded. Soo as for prlcos on sldo walk lumbor. Voget Lumber and Fuel Company. CAPITAL COMMISSION 2fi7 rummntrinl Ci- Phone 179 CO. Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. Served to Queen's Taste And always oTEAMINO HOT aro the wayfl upon which you can do pond iu getting your meals whon you eat at tho Wm. McCllliiirlHt Ai Hon. Props. Wliite House Restaurant Win. MeUllohlrBt & Son, Props, H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Greecrs and Com nitssfjon Merchants In tho market at all times for driod fruit ami farm produce of all kinds. Special Wo havo for suio a fow applo par ing and Bliclng mnchluos; equipment for a largo dryer; will ninku a low price. FOR JOIST AND FIXMIING Tho best place to buy is whoro the bost stock of lumber iu carried. Tho entlro building trado know that thero is not a iluor stock of lumbor thH that carried by us. We are re4y to fill the largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep the build er waltlag. That's a very lwprtat bpotat. Near S. K paHKer depot Fktw SI Mala, qetare -rMf1 Oik, j h II t 'fl B) JBn VR LJJ 'Uiysl S5sBv&HSaWjy -"- n ii i izzziiZ-- ,i THE HEN That scIqiico 1ms persuaded to lay soveti tlmea her own weight in eggs a year. The ar orago hen lays only CO eggs In a year. Hut now comes the sclontlflo mixed feed that will keep hor in perfect health and mako hor produce seven times hor weight In eggs ovory ynr, Coulson's Improved Mash Food will do it, Coulson's No. 3 Condition powders for poultry nlso keeps them in good health For circular and full explana tion call on TILLSON & CO. 151 High a Housewife's Best Friend Nothing Is moro desirable for the houBOhold, from tho houne wife's point or vlow, than a pure, wholesome and satisfactory ar ticle In tho lino of linking powders nnd In Eppfey' Perfection Baking Powder Which is ns near perfection as It can bo made. Besides rotting your money's worth In tho weight and quality of tho article Itsolf, you also recelvo a nlco glass fruit Jar, and, nt tho snmo time you nro holplng to build up a home in stitution. C M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh, a&d Stark 8trftL, Portkiwi, Oregea. m The Mir aad sedera hotel of the eity 2ut(ir particularly to rWta ot Ba eiu nnd otkor Oregoa eltiea. Baropai olau. Froo bus. Rate 41,00 per day ind upward. Haadeoweet (frill la k Woot, and pricoe as low m la plaeea 083 Attractive Dally Capital Jowntal n. (llo. WTUOirr-DIOKENSOK HOTB& OO. The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's VtaVlea. Uptodato llvory and eb 11m. Fun oral turnouts a ipeclalty, Tally ho for picnics and cxcuraloaa. "PaftM 44. 0IIA8. W. YANNKB, Prop. 247 aad 240 UlKk Btrt. Spont wlsoiy la the aourca of muck datlsfaction. Why not spead a little of it wlsoiy now buying groeertoa ot us? Baker, Lawrenct & Baker Socceaeers & Harrftt Ac Lawrese. B B Order a package of tbki famous huultk and brain building Hour and enjey somo good old fashioned New KHglaml Itrows llrt'Hil, A chance at a right hot loaf will make you think you are la DostOH. With Allen' Self-iIsiHg 11. B. B. Fknur you can mako bread Juit like the Puritans used to make. 3.R PaHcake Flow is also a pure food; aelf- Trado rising and alt ready to Mark mix with water and bake oa a hot griddle. ALLEffS B B B flOUR CO. PelM CtMMi Faceuev, Im CJ. Ytmtmru YmtUrr, Wttie Wall afJUc, MaaaMMt Wis. .Aa Q: lb