WJrtssTTI sjt-- DAILY CAPITAL JOUIUVAL, SALEM, OREGON'. VHWAY, JASlW -I, 1007- i 13111." A cood way out of the difl1-, culty would be to pack and at 11 P'lrv food. I r r Iij - And see bow quickly it will warm a cold room or hallway. The Per fection Oil Heater take the place of furnace and other notes between seasons, and in midwinter enables you to warm any cold spot in the house that the other stoves fail to heat. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smoktku Device) is the handiest oil healer made. Does not smoke or smell. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Perfectly safe and as easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat at small cost. Every heater warrant ed. No household should be without the Perfection Oil Heater. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. The R&tfo Lamp ST "S other lamps for tllround household use. Ifauipped with latest im proved burner. &tfe( simple, satisfactory, llrau throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dinlnc-room, parlor, or bed room. livery lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's, STAMBAXD OIL COMPANY. liTfi?Tfl1 Ql'I.VCV AIHAMS SAWYKIt. was the universal Famous NYw Jlnulani) Ktory mi tli 8tK t I ho (trnutl Opera IIiiiim .Monday, January 7. About five years ago, "QHHier Adams flawyer," a star? of Now lfin land llfit, by ClmrlM Helton I'lagln, rondo lu appearance In attractive book form. Directly It achieved oiiorinoiis popularity. Hvwybody was reading it and talking about It. The sales continued for a vwir with no play ever seen verdict. Tlic play closely follows the book. No attempt was made to enlarge on the plot. "Quitter A llama Sawyer" Is a wealthy yonac Itostou lawyer, who goes Into tho country for hit health. He meets a blind rirl whose love he wine. Their courtship Is the mala theme of the piny, but It la not on hrt one feature of the drama that Interest center, for at far na love nmkltiK Koe. there are alx full llodned love stories In progress all the time. It la the realistic portrayal of rharnrter nnd scene that has won the ilay Its dUtlnrtlon The world The public enjoyed the vafjUrn congress took aa much at th n ' r -hers. The new year begins in 'llscoir ,- in manner In German i.rraf trust formed. Funny how Rfrls t'i nk t1' clothes are not fit to bo td a d;u. but they can always get l.adj fi a dance out of the same wa drol Harvey Scott and Bourne hue lunched with Teddy. That ought m settle the matter of who is to e l next senator from Oregon. a While the city council wrani!' over places on the polled and Arc d pnrtment, the bridges are im if - slide and the streets are ttnlmpi( ' Here's sood evening Captain Mm phy and Captain Poland. a Now let us have a uniformed po lice force nnd aomo more men add ed. Washington schools own 1.731,07' acres of valuable lands. It would be a good plan to make some of the millionaire syndicates give up tho lands stolen from tho Orogon school" The police should bo uniform d when the Klks are In town. Nom- ' the B. P. O. IC. crowd should be in In by a plain clothes man. Pure people are quit as lmpi tsnt as pure food. A man Is deflb ' not by the food he oats, but frtni within, says the scripture. Why mak eth platter clean only on the outside Iet's be clean (m the Inside. Why don't co n arees act? NX'S. easoris uld use sv D;The source of COTTOLENE is in -.;t.: ,,. tn h smirfe of lard. Lard is made from hoe-fat-and COTTOLENE from pure, refined cotton seed oil. Lard contains animal fat and possible impurities; COTTOLENE is essen- tiallya vegetable produetjand is pure, wnoiesomc aim ucaiimu.. 2-PalatablonO8S-C0TT0LEWZ makes more palatable food than lard. It makes food rich, crisp and flaky and at the same time free from that "greasy" taste of lard-soaked food. 3-Dlgostlblllty-Eog lard food is greasy and indigestible; COT TOLENE food fa easily digested and will agree with the most deli cate stomach, as COTTOLENE contains not an ounce of hog-fat. 4-Coannoss-Lard comes in bulk and insecurely sealed tins, which permit its coming in contact with dirt, dust and con- . taminatlmr odors. COTTOLENE is sold only in pails with a patent air-tight top which protects it from the air, dirt and odor and insures it reaching the consumer iresn ana wnoiesome. 5-fconomy-C0TT0LENE being purer than lard or other shortenings, one-third less is required. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago ft y The poor In Oregon nre always preferred They get tho olllces atrl appointments The rich do not favor their own families, but always belt) their poor neighbors. The poor aiej nt Salem recently, it is said, and it oven proforred for legislative clerk ship. A meeting of prosperous nnd weal thy people, mostly officials, wns hel.' was decided that none of their rela tives would wk for more than one ifflco each nt the hands of the legis lature o" in the new state government Silvortou Going Ahead. On top of a now brick high sck Silverton is to hnvo a largo new hi mill, with n logging railroad Into ti timbor. Nl.n U'MU( IMMsHUtlll. nbateinoiit. Abot tat uw,, ,h, parties wmcwmM la ih book saw In tho story all the eletu of a sue iMful play To be sen. It Wwke.1 vIUIhii. u miHod Ktrl. h lost win, wort, ana a rmel rte. but tt rontaiaed ploaty of i1t or people nil dlMlart HMd HatHial AuU so the (ItaitMllaaltou w msui If the hook wa- sutteeael the py wn (toably m iloaaes rrow4eJ to lha door ttutrked Its etety appear- XX) YOU GST UP WITH A LtAMIS HACK? KWncjr Tronic MaVtt Yw MIwhiIjI, "! '" ' wo.. nw.bUH ur JMptft M Kile w kaoe o tjc WliWrful Ca-d i i:flu c? BKrt. tor gtMt kJf . Hwr mm! laW- .. aSJ " " ! IktH. tlwiievsUMiffjsl m kl it.iMHfh ef Um ty wr. Ktbswr, ihej IIMilll tLI. ft u.1.1.. .... .. . " ."-'' ? wmhict nnmim. M tfsMllt(tfy !lovn thins aniuli... " '" ,h, I'dlli! !! ,.v.r Hillteu j Toe rumvU) -eu... art- .m.,.g ,( ;ay. aaJ lu tendir strlouaueM of , eBttwmteJ pontons belus only He.1 .ontent aa.l aiUf.ctlou uu , ! with reret or Milaees. I The iilay la Meitallv .u.....i. !"-. a will be the .rc4oB at , He UraiMi opera bouse am Minla ,JMilat.Jaauary 7 , lbv on ili.wP. Mud.y u,or. " v riors. fp$ A wvli t J,5 DSfff m jStw'SBjjgr M ! fi fijftfflffif wU$m$ S 1! ' tFsmyui3 in siisiihi, PH IBK ; he I - M my Thousands Are jtfA I nlinHliMM !. 1 1?' ading and Ta,king dJ 1 ro, a w? i i sfci u - . - x e m I-i BALANCE ( I iTti s t jr.. $AM ll g ucpsm i is: I I H I 1 i v I v 3 I VVkV - ssV STL. ;8 I I Ikv. - $: O.Sr ! S 7) VA S,' J s ksa.- Smiles Tuater l,,,, w..U TJZ "" n,,,u" ' as, .t. T ay thiMM M -. w . rti i. -Vor so ilei(ui MMI4 u ot pr4lajiy. that V' Kaw.samrRoot u a re. VWwy UtM r vMIm ismiIiW ii mil c ouo4 )mm ike iVoed w wmt. ft t, Ut trMl lo H. MS) .,,, , JhwmuI vV aod i fmt ? ili rl wKeMiU Ui . ,- lh-, HMMl UtunjMMOUt Im Nttt Mtttfe by Mrk i rm& ul t ptt. bu Uae Hot At?wl.v Utd tt. ITWt H . wuim) tt(li iMt iMim bw m-.i) ...... I . '.. Ksaw ( )Imu.K,h 4 ,u MM4NU I 4M T t, taiur i t-UVWi I rou We. H ,tt wMta mwuuoh ir. u tu WWHWiSlif tolkMuiirt.u,!., i. Hwiiit ikitMwr rr WMtaH KrrMlU4. rSLi'A1': l'ttwU hs .'Tv'Tn5' r f?r MMtesMUmw, ' Mttue, JM raMSM ee realty owl lata -wsj ViKUwakoi, j tosaknw,, a,. iwga HMom4.KMrttw i,w. mmU -. . . - " ! I am TLr...y 'Men Tb WO Itllf e avr nr un i... ... . K.u. . - wr iu "- --.. nipii h ih .. .K- .... . ' "' "MK.rM.in,, " wm irar ''. Mr J J HIU...4 He esjtffct a kaew --) lointiHD ED a AAjjir... . iuB k .7.. ",...T". w "' ", HidaiBq jm "If icaw Amcrican,, "Full of rare humor" "A Notable Novel" "A Success" "Great in Its Characters" OF POWER RV ADTNlin niuiiuii vjuudkich Pronto A'?gorS.nOVC,-As An,Cri Thanksgiving Day-San j. 2tet?e so7c:nGo0uordprich-sn h"3,1' novTeifeis' ". "roushonUhcbookUmrrinSsot fn.'. There is n,"ch "Lole-soulcd genial, hcnUhyTo'k wo S, rtfe-, Llis " "It is bound h .i "tuning. -Pittsburg Times R. Lighton, in Omaha WoridXaW. Crary art-" William Even;;TefehaSSPC,,ed h letter,...NewYork especially3 " nttfS?nJf ft characterldraw.ng cat stnde tnw.nf :--s-' V ' treat,?n of John G hpr , t 9i Va :& & cXl 'C QJ, r Snrt voftRbr tbr miwv I i t K.lwt jtmp-KweI I 'tutw aro mul . .1 a, jrv,f h Uteme,a,io JJ? sol 1 ' tvi mw-pwiimSS "A Rne Love Storv" "Wholesome" "Arthur Goodrich has u,. ihm:,.u .. ,,U1 nas Yntten a nnvoi taZr. jm - ..MJ u uimiice to flap h (w '"' to be congratulated" rh- , Hc ,s " ! ---i3Chicago Tribune. 4th &lbn-.20Ui Thousand.