: ?-..( - I -. s. J--.l t. holiday vacation with hla par- Old People enta here. George Itudolph loft this morning for a business trlr to the towns on the west side. Miss Bertha Jennings, of Spring Valley. Is visiting Miss Claudia Lynn, ot East SRletn. JIlss Edna Bertsen, who lias been visiting Mary GIddlngs, returned to Springfield today. Miss Lillian Hardwlck. after a vUlt at her home In this city, has returned to Cove. Oregon. MIsj Helen Oleaton returned Inst THE WORLD Of WHITE i: f issflvii ft JH1- AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE WITH OUR $ WHITE even Ing from Oregon uuy, f . 5JV.LC r?WhU. AM 6fljtrtw IB 1 ?3P -&' . B AH. ka .atl(l!l W: v K rR' , ft BEGINS THIS MORNING EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS THROUGHOT THE ESTABLISHMENT Every article In the house, except a few contract goods, will be forcefully reduced during this sale ...l.!.l. !.-.-. H. : l r .1 r c - whh.ii uesiiib uus mummy, ncarc unginuiors 01 uiese uimous sales lor uregon. eg MUMMiggngm2jnh i fin f. ijiAy TODAY ONLY OUlt Mil COXHKCUTIVK WKPNKSDAV SPKCfAL. AS A GRANT) OI'HNINO IIAItGAI.V KVK.VT FOIt 11)07 AND ALSO TUB SEVENTH ANNIVIJIWAItY OP OUlt IIU8IMISS IN' THIS BUILDING, WIS OF rmi A. M.VK OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES mulitlng of tlio neurit styles In miuiUhI nmu-rlnl anil color. A rrnnd opHirtiinlly to protldo for the girl nt a ridiculously low llgure, N'ono Hold until Wrrinrxlny, January ii, nt H:!IO n. in. No trlrnliono orders received. Half Ladies' Coats The clovorfit eontelt of the mien in the host material. Thor nr numerous bargain In till vtetien tltat Insures ewHbln t yNr itklnpc. and at prise much under the ordinary Handkerchiefs A wide nod varied rtltJoti of handkerchiefs uh pretty corner design f ihww mate rial worth nrarly dnuUin whet we ask SPECIAL PRICES UttWJAM Umbrellas , Tlmo to think of umbrellas. Plenty moro rainy days eomlng. Our line comprises tlio best and latest nurelUe and staple handles with dependable covering. All ralHe are the best to be (oh ad at the prlee. Special Prices Overcoats No matter what your Idea may be of the becoming overcoat for yen, we can show It to you from the "regular" modol to the ultra fashionable garment, and every one of the beet materials nad col ors. Special Prices Men's Clothes The best assortment, beet values shown In the city; lowest prloes for equal trade la the entire story briefly told. Could you expect more? Special Prices IMa MmmmtimmmimimtjmmmmmMmm House Coats of fine vurl.'ty to soject from The -m .r i-ta.ii. ,1,1.., and 00ior, Th8 lltllf lot IS REDUCED ONE-POURTH F iliiB to OkUhouu. Frank 8 HamillOH. the ll-' Vttowa clerk is the eiplr tf llurtmi A HamlUe. Uti yesterday tor lte- rrka, Kaas&s. where he wtu vtu rel-1 auivi iw X4Ms te UWahama to engage lu buMaMx. Frank ha the hst wlhe f ht many friends he far sucrft. Newport Agates CITY NEWS i i i t I.N iird hi mav df.l.m-d "Hun Juji... A-ttii ri... Una I art-omit or Sili. Ikium and """' oeiR. cv-txeutocs of the estate f Theodore His, dtttfa!. wan afc ftMKoved. L A. l'llc chief clerk U the at!loe f ftg Uhlud ha. WiM H tk ,Jty jptHda- a. Umdlng: the fuHeral ti the utstltak. rt M. ThOHiwn. Ntr iKfor have tlwe so popular Ju Balcm. 8ts Z i-" utui can juo by trtldflt and oretary. I lt.il.i. u. . i ---. w nave urn ih ..i.. . ...... . i , , .. , (MSUI ,vr (vllMt. Irk and rt rpared to polUh 4 mewat them on short soUm. This will be w KmttmYWiiMio b vWtftw t rfuwf a they caa haw ier scsiie mmthM at houio at any A DoUcHjon of Iiuoortunt Far. graphs fcr Yonr CVKtKkWratiun Von Cn Ort Sun t Wtxnl At the sawmill BB shwt noU. 1'hoa, $S. lM7f. Uee tell HuiU write Jehu nuv . ... .. -,-- ....,,. sooerat delivery. envor. 1 :!. N'otlw ef Annual .Mcx-Uhk The aauual wteUur of the Mutual Canning Company will be held at the cannwy on January g ige; at l o'clock p. ru. All luotubor. r...,-.. .. .. .i . ..... .. ---."-- xoiuifi, n, i, T. jr , w iveitBu Mutual Canntnir ri.u m.. . i - -..- .....muvuc im ei the w. n T. M., .Vo, 6. will Install offloers,"thN veH,aB m melr hall on State tlW Personals m a HLNStL hMsfct You Will IiikIi If you eaJay hmur. sparkling vU, fine elMl0jOn, hwr Jlly toMsht at S p. w. af the r irsv Aietnodist Qhartjh. I Portland. to her We ai have n hd a suull stock of :Mluhed Hent for alx u lUrUr Htio-. " it. M-it Jflly Timlsht "" The he eiuertaiiiweot e the Jr hMlrM ai the Meth4 ehiireh. . tc sM 14. BARR'S HEWELRY STOW - l a$. J JSiJ E lLlWUllA Il..lMll.afl ... . w MMSIJllHleiM itJ .f;,, thte ev. . x-.-. IWUMM r aa.u it iUAE cipaie4n w4eme. FroUto ltudttf )l attendanco doslred. Huncral nt I O'clock The funeral of th Uto ii J ley wW be hehl from IV ir 'C.M Jrt wv thle atteriiMn L ! DuiU for OnoiH 0Ytr Ohawberlaiu ikia .k. l atpolid A. m. IuV- - nf f WiNMrt the state of qsoa : vr. Colorado JaMary M a- At St. Louis to.ini' mi.. .. r.S-7SCM2 ;; r. ..:.9" ' . ).. m " today. J!5T Uttl '" this "weiiitg to Turner. " a M. Par r " m this omnE .nu .m. sho returned home In Turaor today. "a,w K. yatoh of s Mrs. William TavW i vIMe to i, (SLkM Bone t0 Cor- MLu i ...- .:.7"r l th oJtv T ! - iT . b -4 a2s & A IkfSSM.' JT . .-4. sTP ISF 7W MM LJt .juiu siww i. MtiBrfiuiM.' -i rv i i .'Twxiy p . ' r u m WJBf sPl. JBr MLS I -ft ir ik vkyKBI I I TlaraS9 'JraLMiKMKrJ " J1 'WziHxifim? I I nJip "a 4 3KTSJW I Miss Jessie McCorwIck and sister, Miss Jnanlta. left Uiui morning for a visit In Portland. -.. -!- n Penlr returned yes- terday from Portland, where fhe has ben visiting menus. Mrs Austin, the medical student, returned last evening from a visit at her home In Kalrvlew. Mr. J M. Ditrette, Mrs. T. G. Hall- and Mrs. n. P. Boise lett tnis ey && I A I .mm, i ssfSsWeMF I i:rtOBvl jralyffcx H r imslStl )T,JrtK3lleWvN4ifLrA. H-RrfJSEWSi 1 VffStBSrfirHSft mms&au&Mr i igsisair'' i wrixsm01 ik Price Ji I i morning for Portland. Chester Murphy, the skating en thusiast, is in the city on business pertaining to the new rink. Miss Ellen Teter returned to Ore con City this morning, after visiting friends and roiatlvos hero. Mrs. J. X. Groshong, of Gorvals, is under treatment at the Willamette sanitarium, and Is Improving. Frank Rhodes, formerly of this cltv. now of Antelope, is visiting friends nnd relatives In this city. Miss Prudence Goodhue, who has been visiting friends here, has ro turned to her home in Portland. D. B. Wation returned to Pendle ton yesterday, after having trans acted business hero for sevoral days. Mrs. M. E. Howard, who has been visiting Salem friends nnd rolatlves, has returned to her home In Port land. Mlse Gladys Riches, of Tumor, ar rived In the city this morning to re sume her work In Wlllnmotto Uni versity. L. L. Robinson, who has boon vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robinson, left last evening for Brownsville. Fred Lcgg, tho nrohitoct, nftor spending News Years with his family hore, returned this morning to his ofllco in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Goorco Burrls wont to Jefferson to visit friends. Mr. Burrls is the well known candy makor of tho Spa. Mrs. Charles Slopor nnd children, of Ralnlor. who has beon visiting In this city, left this morning for Wood burn, en route to nor home. Rev. C. C. Evans, of Albany, camo down this morning to visit frlonds He was formerly pastor of the First Christian church In this city. George A. Prlchard, formerly of The Journal, but now city editor of the Albany Horald, spent laBt oven Ing In this dty visiting old friends. Mrs. Bmnm Nettleton and daugh ter, who have been visiting the for-mer-g parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sol Worden. left this morning for their home in Portland. Miss Dortha Enslend slater, Mies Anna, after spending the holidays In this city have munil to their home in Albany. Rev. and Mra. Reynoida and little ou. who have been visiting rela tlves here, have returned to their home In Philomath. Mrs. Qeorge Ijrnes and femiiv who have been viattine mm i u Kouand. left thia moraine for their home in Jefferson. Mrs. Lvm t. . shrter of Mrs. Holland. Mra. Claude Knight, of Tk ruii who hu been spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fawk, of Fan-mount Hill, returned home this morning. Prof. Albort Manning tv-), i been visiting his parents, Mr. and ."m. wni. .Mannlnsr. of thto .. i-.. this morulas for Portland .. to Palo Alto, where ho Is engaged as ...v.or m me science department of Stanford University. -Miss Burtha Hewitt, after spond ng the holday. with relatives and iZ ?", 0r' l6U th,a ,norn,DS r Drain to resume her v , ..... In the state normal school. Need VINO l- rti-onorfVino onrl -..Ii-f 'I With old ago conies feebli ne .. loss of nower; tho organs art qJ slowly and less effectively, thebia Is weak and food Is not nimlijiJ as it used to be. Vlnal repairs worn ti .,. '., checks the natural decline it to up the dlROstivo orgnns, aids aisf( Ilation, mnkoB rich, red blood. .1 strengthens every organ In the bo? In this natural manner Vlnol .- places weakness with strength. Vlnol contains all tho medlr! elements of cod Hvor oil In a c3 contrnted form, taken from I cods' livers, the useless oil iliralnjtl nnd tonic Iron added. It 1 because wo know so wellJ what Vlnol is mndo that wr ofTer'tJ return money If It falla to benefit! W. Putmnn Co.. druggists. Xote. While wo are sole am. for Vlnol in Salem, It is now for a, at the leading drus store la netf every town and city In the pounb Look for the Vlnol agency In ye: town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN nneMr Pnrfin Tntlr AnftiAnlti. . necessity In the hygienic care of & person anu jor togai treatment a lemmme ills. As a wash its cleansoj rrrfn?rltal r1in,1nritncr nnrl IiaIim qualities are extraordinary. Fcr 11V m rir.Mt., CnmnU f.-.. A JJ.U It V t ULUigi kJatllJ& AC. lUUiCS itic t. iuiuii vu., jjosiun, iiiaa. Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder m rheumatic troublo; sold by all drup gists, or two . months' treatmest ! mall for $1. Dr. B. W. HalL 2114 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Soft for testimonials . Sold by Stosi'J drug ntoro. dw-lp JUHOItS KKI'KNT ACTIO.V. HnviiiR Convicted James White SIuiiikIuiHiir Tlioy Would Hare liiin Pni-doned. l'roniinont among the nameii the sljjnors of a petition for the Hl don of Jamos White, convicted of & kidnapping of Buren, in 1903. UtU Of Unltod Stntos Rpnntnr .Tnhn H Gearin, of Portland, tocethcr irii about two-gcoro other prominent f Z0I18 anil hllBlnODa mnn nt that fit! Beside tho petition of tWso cltlift a separate petition was filed lfiii the governor this mornlnc slcncdl' ten of the 12 Jurors who sat x.pontt' White case who fool that an inj Uce hns beon nornotrnted upon hi: and aik that executive c t no I extended In his favor. home in Tne Oailee W. K, Wann. the . raed last r.;;'""" p.-u... -'.-5 irom a aan, trip to Mr. and Mra. Ar.ir e. . traed from a setW JKe b&ve ro" Mf- ad Mr Charts tv, returned tkls aorXg nf f7 la Portland. K frqm a Tls" J. A. Ungford left this ttftP. r wrwito to resume Ma Tt7t Have you lndlirftsiiAn .. .. make you well, if ,t fB, t '" monoy baok. That's fair tU blotsform. UX. Circuit Court UusIin. Jndge Burnett hold n fusion t' circuit court In department X" ihls morning and transacted the J lowing business: The suit of Mrs. Anna Baker nj Milwaukee Mechanics, was m tied. In the oase nt nnaaall PntllB John R. Linn ncntnst r v .TnnM.i demurrer to amended complaint 11 'nou and a motion to strike o Part of answer tn nin,wini to Plaint was overruled. Slides Down Ho. R)' SlIdlnCT llntvn nn l,.lnr thyee stories to tho basomont. AK uper Hunter, an insane contk escaped from the asylum yester wa3 recaptured boforo bo gone five miles from the lnstltut School FunilOmu. Clerk G. c. , . !. land board thl. . stato Ws report 0'rfiE Cmpletetl board for tho JIT ' "06, which shows that rmb6r' 534.010.28 , ?i h.at a total ot state treasurer !ivcr t0 the which was fnr T VIiWiPu "em of lands. Thaftpub"cschool 500.32. atnUnt mr Machines Must an. Slot machines worn nnii.d not! me saloons and cigar stores by or h. G. CauOold at Oretron QSi January l. The order went Into i ect at midnight. Reconstructs your whole ho4fj "axes rich red blood. Drlvea mpurities that have collected dor iu winter. Hollister's Ilocky W 'am rea is a family tonic. 35 et a or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Stort-. Mo Qcy to Loan Tiinxr 4 o xr VC Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Sales, Norwich Ualoa Fk aace Soeltv. Frank Meredith, Resideat AKH vueee Wltli -W. n a. On. " Coie4 8trt.