DAILY CArtTAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1007. J L. STOCKTON Tf ) . : OF SPECIALS Great Clearance Sale Itemurkablo soiling dttrlng tho last few weeks Is indicative of the confidence tho people hnvo In our business methods. Everything Is done on tho square, mid no per son Is ever lured to disappoint ment who conies to us. Wo In nugurnto thfh sale In order to closo out wliat's left of our fall goods. BARGAINS WILL ABOUND THROUGHOUT THE STORE Dress Goods Reads Rainproof Rcadona crepes, Serges, Mohdclnlucs, Panamas, etc., nil reduced, Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats This entire stock without re serve Is cut to tho quick. Profits nro of no consideration. STOCKTON'S beauties above, whlld wo looked about us and uttered half-hushed words ot appreciation as ho rattled on, lisping through his grizzled mus tache. Thon ho suddenly turned, and in the" midst of ij stood a kittle smiling man not much ovor fivo foot Avo inches tall. Jlttlo black eyes Bpark llng out of a whtto face, on which grow a little board tlnd mustache. OUr guldo Introduced us as tho Jefo of all this wealth, tho "unlco duono do la casa." Ho greeted us with a certain gentlo dignity, and invited us to como upstairs and soo tho houso, at tho solicitation, indeed, of our guide. So up tho onyx stairway wo climb ed past half a dozen peons who work ed and scrubbed to mako It shinb as tho day, and rose rocpectfully as wo passed. Tho upper corridor was a repeti tion of tho lower, with tho windows of tho beautifully carved stone, and very ovldontly planned by a mnstor hand and executed by much labor, well paid. Tho dining room Is at tho Rio Cute in II atttoQ9 tuto. I bnck oC th0 patl0 and horo wo wcr0 UiS "IS III LdUIS OUIldt j flrat Kllml)go of th0 ,ntor- lor of tho houso. Tho room was fur nished In light oak furniture, made, 'Don Pedro told us. In San Luis jPotosi, for everything In this rich peon's houso was made, as tas as possible, la his own country. It was not particularly beautiful furniture, and Its pBeudo-old-Engllsh lines woro The feasy place where they are not afraid to give 1 a,nioa' 1BrIoto"a,MC, bUt th TTr 1 r ' . n were niled with tho many goblote of tho finest crystal, and tho windows hung with rich ourtalns, quite- too gaudy, n particular lady might say, and on tho too of tho tablo was a Bheot of well-worn oil cloth. But It was Don Pedro's dining room. Next wo woro load to tho famous chapel of tho houso, which rumor has it Is hung In cloth of gold nirtl whero Incenso burns night and day. It was not at all as it was advertised, but tho effort to mako it suporbly elegant was apparent. It was not built in chnpol form, ns might hnvo boon expected, but was merely ono of tho rooms of tho houso fitted up for tho purpose. Don Pedro Is a de vout Catholic; and ho has lavished horo all ' that ho could woll do In crowding his chnpol full of all that could pleaso him. Tho altar occu pied tho mlddlo of tho outsldo wall wai WINTER STYLES THE HANDSOME WINTER STYLES IN CLOTHING THIS YEAR PLEASE ALL NEAT DRESSERS. The Coats are cat long with the loose form fitting back, straight and pointed lapels. The trot sers are cat fall in the hips and taper to a neat fit over the instep. Let as show yoa the right style to wear. SUITS - $0.00 TO $25.00 I ROBERTS $3.00 HATS There isn't anything more needed to set yoar appearance off in good style than a Hat. We have fast received a fall line of Black Stiff Hats. Roberts shape. a bargain. Salem Woolen Mill Stoe. I FLKl) TO F.SCAPH MAllUIAGK tinge Gancn J. A. COOPER FRESBNTING THE wpet- Belmott Company ajfo Dark Nights LTURDA1 MATINEE 2:30 P. M. Out of Proportion. p ' You don't mean to say," protcst- tho cat, "that you're- going to kill u lust iit-rauHc i ato.your canary ilrd" "I am, indeed," ropllod tho houso- jfepprr "I believe In 'a Hfo for a lf ' ' "Out j on re taking nine Uvea for life ' -Philadelphia Pross. o Magazines at "Wholesale I tales. Tho Bobbs-Morrill Company. tho look publishers, havo Issued a hand- ioraoly illustrated 36-pago pago mag- izlno catalog, which they havo of fered to Bend to any roador of our paper absolutely froo. This catalog Bhows how our read- ers can buy their next year's supply )f magazines at prices that havo nev- r ooioro neon equauoa. una 01 their offers Is tho Cosmopolitan, Tho Home Maeazlno and tho Roador The House of Don Pedro Alvumdo. Tho namo of Don Pedro Alvara-1 do, tho peon millionaire? of Parral, Mexico, is ono to conjuro with, and many havo already found In it basis for legend and romance. Little Is roally known of this interesting char actor oxcept that, although a man of unbounded wealth, he Is utlll n friend of his old friends, and although ho might set himself up us ono of tlih great men of tho earth, ho is still ono of tho peons who woro his friends lu tho old days and are now his devoted ad m Iters. On tho. vjslt of tho excursion of tho geologists to Parrel, a fow woro luriuiuuu unoiiKii 10 uo iuiowbu 10 f tho rooU nnd n wi,m0w on each outer tho famous houso and to talk B,do BftV0 ,t UkUL TnB altar wu8 with Its more famous owner. Rnudy am, wom,orri in gold nnd Tho house of Don Pedro stand Just 8nVor and silks and velvets, and not abov'o tho bank of tho Parral rivor, unliko tho oxnonBlvo altars to bo Fight In Lodging Houso Reveals Sex Now Sho Is a Nun. and far from bolng tho gaudy, ovor dono palaco which It Is genorally sup posed to bo, la, on tho outsldo, a wull bulancod houso of cousldornblo pro portions, of course, bUt enrvod rlohly and artistically, with ltttlo or tho "glugor-broad" which ono would ox poet from tho roports of It. It is elogant to a considerable dogreo, and tho carvings of tho whlto native stone, on which GOO of Don Pedro's frlonda worked for many months, nro very handsome. It wns whllo standing watching p found In favored shrlnos of almost any of the church oh of this country. In tho contor of tho room wns grant pyramid of black volvot and sllvor, In memory of Don Pedro'H wife, dend now somo yonrs. This was hung with cloth of sllvor, which dr&pod Its baso on nil Bldos, and tho sllvor ornnmonta woro costly and numorous. On ono sldo of tho room was a throne whero tho bishop Bits 'whon ho comes to mnss for this do (jyout son of tho church, and on the other walls woro palntluKB of ro- tho houso and tho crowd of workmon llgloua scones and tho tiny stations nnd beggarB waiting about it on this of tho cross. In ono conor wns an calm Sunday morning for thoir pay automatic parlor organ, covorod with and alms, that an old gentleman, 'a gundy velvet curtain, dressed lu "storo clothes" and walk-1 on tho wholo, tho chapel wbb no ing with an imposing cane, camo up ,noro than any other, except that it to tho party and Invited them, with1 wn8 furnished more gaudily and all tho cordiality possible, to como tner0 8oomed to havo been an at- uagazineregumr pneo u.uu, " nI,H . Iiniinn Tin lmhhln.l nlnni? ..'.. .i...,m . nMJ, ,a nffor lOHIIH IU WUWU WllU IIIIO 1UUI1I cnuub" UCSiaOS IQ13 OUOr ,.. ....l..nl.r nnlnln, nn li - - . . ..,.. o nnery mlf prlco, $2.50. thoy quote prices on all loading mag azines at bargain prices. If you Intend to subscrlbo to any magazine for tho coming yoar, you rill savo tlrao and money by send ing for the beautiful catalog. It is freo for the asking. Simply address postal card today to The Bobbs-i Merrill Company, Magazlno Agency )opartment, Indianapolis, Ind. 12-21-3w ,ln front, garrulously pointing out the RUITS, NUTS, MINCE MEAT Groceries ! bltB of the exterior which woro of in terest, and led tho way into tho main patio of tho house. Here, ho said, was as far as ho could take us, but ho stood for a quarter of an hour pointing out tho beauties of tho patio, the really handsome carved pilars and Corinthian capitals, tho figures on keystono of every fairy arch, and the paintings which lined tho walls. Tho patio corridors were full of materia) for the furnishing of tho new hotel which Don Pedro is building on one of tho plazas of tho town, which, when It Is finished will bo ora of the handsomest In tho republic. An onyx stairway, led to tho upper flnnra of tho house, and tho self- j appointed guide rippled on garrul ously with his wonderful taleB of the for a whole Francisco Loader. ... o- cathedral. San In fact everything in tho line of reasonable holiday goods and deli cacies may be fpund In stock at our store. Don't overlook. SARRINGTON HALL COFFEE GUe us a call and be convinced ot the superiority ot our service. H. ML Branson l26Sttesk Otir Optical Department Will resume its normal condi tion again, and the best of atten tion will bo given those who need our services. We ara equipped with the latest Instruments for tasting tha eyes, asd our price are the moat reaoaall. Chas. It Hinges. Grwfaate Oftkwn. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools and tho Family Circle. Governor Hughes, of New York, and Governor Pennypaker, of Penn sylvania, have bee nlnaugurated. Wealthy men of Cuba are petition ing for an American protectorate over tho island, Columbia University, of Portland, and Chemawa played a scoreless foot ball garao'at The Dalles. A trainer of lions at Toledo, Ohio, was attacked and badly lacerated by tho animals In his chargo. There wero 187 marriages In Linn county In 190G. A great snowstorm swept ovor Great Britlan nnd all northern Eur ope the past week. Agulnaldo, tho leader of tho insur gent Filipinos a few years ago, has become a successful farmer. The natonal assemblage of Persia has adopted a constitution, and that country ceases to bo an nbsoluto monarchy. There is a strong movement to wards establishing a Republican form of govera&etit In Ipaia, Xa v grflt gM of Jtuyby foot baUMha itonford md Yaacouvtr teams played a tia tajae. Madrid, Jan. 2. Truly an amaz ing Btory Is that of Sonorltn Esporan 7.0. Vnsquez, a wealthy merchant's daughter, who,, nftor bolng mlsBCd for three months, wns found mas querading ns a male tramp, uud Is now u nun In a convent. Sho Is only 19, and her father Is a lending citi zen of Snntnudor. Tho sonorltn wns cnrotully brought up and educated. Sho Is a tall, good-looking and fine ly formed girl, nnd wbb known ns a regular daredevil and tho horolno of muny merry escupados. With men and women nllko Bho was IntonBoly popular. Ono night three uroliths ago the Vasquoz mansion was ablazo with llgth, na a grand ball was- bolng glvon to colohrato tho botrothal ot tho St.'iinrlta Esporauzu and tho Honor Palilo Uerdn of Ullhoa. Tho next morning tho Hcnorlta was missing. Day nftor day paBsod and thoro wns no word of lior; no clow by which hor wheronhouts could bo dlscovorod. She hud simply vanished. It was known In tho family tht sho did not take kindly to hor lover or tho thought ot marriage. IMvors and ponds In tho neighborhood wero dragged; a gonorul pollco nlnrm wus sent out, and finally a roward was of fored for nows of hor. For sovoral wooks tho girl's dls- nppoarnco wns tho flonsatlon of tho district. Thon her discovery causod an oven grentor sensation. Disguised tin n man, Bho wan found last weok In a tramps' "refuge," a typo of lodg ing hoiiBO run by tho municipality of Paula Christina. In a district of Madrid. Clad In rough mon's clothes, tho girl had beon a lodgor for three days. On tho night boforo hor dis covery a dispute uroso between hor nnd a burly giant, tho bully and terror of tho place Tho bully struck her, knocking hor- BonsoleBs When tho police ruBhed In a doc tor was sent for, and thus It was found that tho tall, comely lad wns in reality a girl. Thon it camo out that she was tho much-Bought Espor anzo Garcia Vesquez. Tho girl was reconciled to hor family nnd hor lover pleaded for nn Compressed YEAST The best and most reliable yeast on tho market. It you have any trouble making bread we advlso you to try it. We are sole agents for It, and make It a point to always keep it fresh. Ono cake and a tick et for 6 cents. Moir Grocery Company a3PW arlaiW Jt WWJ AJ Immediate marriage, but, instond, tho sonorlta has Just takon tho voll In tho Hormnnas do Carldad convent In Madrid, nnd swears sho will Bpond hor llfo as a sister of mercy, tending tho poor nnd nursing tho sick. Sho told a romnrkablo Btory of hor wnndorlngs In tho throo months. It was bocniiHo of tho dlstuBtctul be. trothal that sho determined to loavo home. Tho Iiouro hold, In tho early morning, tired out with tho ball, was soundly nsleep. Tho girl, dressed In hor roughest clothes nnd taking only such money nH sho hud In hor purse, quietly walked out Into tho street, mado hor way to tho railway station nnd boarded a milk train bound for nilbon. From thoro Bho took an other train to u lonely country sta tion and uogiiii a tramp ovor tho high way to Madrid. Tho first night sho Blopt with tho female servants in a cottsmo bnuk of a big mansion. On hor second day sho foil in with u ninlo trnmp, who suggoetod that she ussumo male nt tlro nn'd Join an advouturoiiB band of which ho wus n mombor. She agroed and ho Introduced hor to the chief, who gnvo her n man's olothos, out hor hair and taught hor to walk swagger, talk from hor chest and put hor hnnds properly lu hor poukotK. Sho was treated with great consideration, nnd finally a position wns secured for hor ns footman in a noblomun'H houso. Tho suggestion wns that sho furnish plans nnd Information of tho houso, so that tho baud could rob it Tho girl declaros sho did not intend todQjthis.butsoemingly ngreod to tho ordor to enjoy tho oxporlonco and adventure. But sho only stnld ono day. Tho robber baud was nugorcd nt hor bohavlor. so sho oscnpod and bo enmo a waudorer in tho land a tramp. Frankly sho says alio did not onjoy horsolf und is glad of tho haven of rest nnd peaco which tho convont has now given hor, o . PKEPAHE FOIl IIItYAN. GANS'HEIIMAN FIGHT. Lasted Kljjlit Rounds Jiut Hccnuse Gnus Allowed It TO. Tho Cans-Herman fight nt Tono pah Tuosday nftornoon was a one sided afTalr. Tho Journal received full roports of tho battle, but too late for publication. Hormnn was outclassed and never had a show.; GaiiB playod with him until tho eighth round whon, Herman leaving an opening, Guns whipped his left to the Jaw, followed with a terrific blow with his right squnro on tho point ot tho chin nnd nil wns ovor. Herman dropped llko a log with his face ia his hands nnd nftor tho count was carriod to his corner whore ho lay threo minutes boforo ho regained consciousness. Democrats of Wlllanietto Valley on ookout for William Jennings. DomoorntB of Sulom and Marlon county, nnd in fact Linn, Lane and othor adjoining counties, are begin nlng to prepare for tho reception of their leador, William JonnlngB Bry an, who is expected to nrrlve In this city on Januury 23 of tills yoar. State Senator M, A. Mlllor, of Linn county, arrived this morning nnd to gether with Chairman W, II. Down ing, of tho Domocrntlc county con tral commftteo, took preliminary steps for his recoptlon in this city. It is thought that tho Auditorium roller rink, tho iargost auditorium In tho city will bo secured for his accommodation for tho oveulng ot tho 23rd and, it Is presumed, ho will bo Invited to address tho Joint as sembly of tho leglslaturo on tho fol lowing day. .0- " ' CanJo Nation . . Certainly smashed a hole In the barroomn of Kansas, but Ilallurd'u Horehound Syrup has smashed all records as a euro for coughs, bron chitis, Influenza and all pulmonury diseases. T. C. II , Horton, Kan , writes: 'T have novor found a medi cine that would cure a cough so quickly as Ballard's Horehound Syr up. I bava uei It tor years-" Sold by b, J. rty. The ltlght Name. Mr. August Shorpo, tho popular ovorsoor of tho poor at Fort Mndlsou, In., Bays: "Dr. KIngs'fl Now Mfo PlMs nro rightly named; thoy nee moro ngroonbly, do moro good anrr mako ono fool hotter than any othor laxative." Guaranteed to euro bilious ness and constipntiou; LTiu nt J. C. Porry'8 drug storo. o Iteport of Public Library l tW(HI. No. using rending room 2980 Dally average 09 Now membors 08 Total membership 1302 Now Hooks. PurohuHod 8 Gifts I Total , 9 Number of Loans. Books 1302 PorlodlcalB 189 Total 2051 No. of volumes In library ....3821 MAIIY PARMKNTI3R, Librarian o " How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chil blains," writes John Kemp, East OtlBfiold, Me., "I apply Ducklon'B Ar nica Salve. Have also used It for salt rhoum with excellent results." Guaranteed to euro fever soros, Indo lent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bltos and skin diseases; 25c at J; C. Porry'B drug storo. ADOPTS NEW 8Y8TKM. Willamette Hotel on American oif European Plan. Tho Willamette Hotel horonftor will bo run on both tho American and European plan, Ilooms will bo 50 conts and upward; room and meals', 2 and upwards. Tho hotel is bolng romodolod and now furnlturo added, and several Important changes nro boing mado. Tho ofllco Is bolug cal somined and painted, and tho entire structure Is being overhauled. ,. . o i - - All tho World. Is a stago and Uallnrd's Snow Liniment plays a most prominent part, lis hus no superior for Rheu matism, Rtlft Joints, cuts, sprains, aud all pulnB. Ruy it, tryJt and you will always uso It Anybody who has u&od Ballard's Snow Liniment Is a living proof of what It does. Buy a trial bottlo; 2Cc, COo and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. ' (h " ' OAliVOVlXA.. XmmiW tbl IU4 Ywt jut iKiajj TCA&m&t