Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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LV" s
Unrest of the Pacific.
rIifeT ad Protrletofs.
srascmrno.v bates.
itf yiM.
DtMf Jcnrsal, on month .... 39e
DMr Jours!, three fflonUn . .$1.00
r Journal, one yar 4M
Weefely JdHrnil. oo year l.
H- Crrkr.
DMf Joarnal, per month .... 60c
TJ Hard May Be Forced to
. Cowc Nearer to the
W. f. Vawter Says Bourne
Lieutenants Opposing
, (t U staled thai trial preisuro Is
Jielnc bronchi to bear on the talc
,. otl! to bar Und (or the feeble
. salaried Inttltuto wr the city.
There l a demand that the inuto
school bo tuorcd into the oil)', and
that the fcvtilo minded Institution be
, located with a view to making that
Tho board may be lmtucd to
abandon their orlelnal plan of buy
in ft large tract of eliouper land
with an Imtuunso fuel annul on
them, to anrv a large sum annually,
land will ton all tho way from
1150 to 1260 iur aero within a mile
er in of tho olty limit
Tho stale board hni offem of land
with fufl BiitUilloM that furnlih tho
' state with firewood nnd fencing ma
crlnl for nil Ita liiHtltutloii for
yparft to com and jny for the land
Itself In a few year
"Trh slate may bo compelled to
oast nway all these ndvuntneM tu
overcome tho drawback suflereh on
nccount of bndlv-lix-altfd Inaii
tutloni. the work of jnt hoardf.
Hon. W. I. Vawter. or Medferd.
passed thrown th city last night.
He Is Joint refrentallve of several
ef th iarscai coiiiUm la Southern
awl Central Orm, and la now cor
tttK the field for weaker of tb
hoM of rwesentaUvee with Hon.
Frank Davey, of Salem, of whom he
sneaks Ib complimentary terms as to
hli ability und sbrcwdnosa as a poll
tletan. Mr. Vawter l a successful
banker In Jackon county, waa n mem
,br of the lait house, and swved aa
chairman of the committee on ap
propriation. "It tho senato had en
acted my llll to put the normal
sohool under ohp board of regents,
and cut off acme of thorn and put tho
rout on a basis of professional work
only, the pcoplo would nevor have
domanded the referendum on their
ganlritlon of the legislature. 1 re
allie that be cannot control the ac
tions of his friends, but Just the same
It hurts my case. But it will not in
terfere with my keeping my pledges
in th noonle who elected me, and I
shall do nil in my power to see their
will carried lata effect, and thin me
Bnatorsh!p should not be mixed up
In the matter of the organization
fight. 1 na ade a clean contest,
and I believe I shall win. The fight
ha only began. I do not under
stand that the Southern Pacific la
taking any hand. At least the head
officiate aesnrtd me they would give
aapport to no candidate, and I have
had none from that source If my
opponent H th choice of the Repub
lican caUBtts I hll b th flnrt to
tender my congratulations."
While be refused to comment on
the action of the Lane county delega
tion, In going solidly to Mr. Davey,
there wan a Hhnde of disappointment
crept over his features, and he saw
. niia in the abso-
are not omj- euu
lute, but they are barely In eaulllb-
. . . -j itti nil wiuu
The scanty reports which nave rlum wnen comnareu
been brought from New Guinea of basos of continental mount n
devastation wrought by earthquake mas8e8. Through these extruded
. -nr,f ..... niin mnftfil" IB Sllll
upon 1U northern ami eastern masses uie ".
nnd uDon the adjacent
amhlnelaKO may reasonably be ac
cepted as Identifying tho record made
on October 2 at various observator
ies Violent tremors were recorded
In the erly raoralnx honn of that
aw o Rrrinpv. New SohU Walea,
forcing Its war to relieve the luner
pressure, and at the edges of tnu
tract the shock of silo and fault is
commonly manifest.
So far as it is permissible to at
tempt the explanation of phenomena
yet In the oarly observational stage,
day at sraor, . "" ",:. appears i)OBiblo to trace onm-.
and at Perth. Western Anstralla elation subsisting between
Prom European observatories concor- outbreak9 ot Misinlr
dent reports were received from the , & hM of th,8 J9flr
Me of Wight and from Lalbach, recorded. The disasters of April,
observer at the latter place determln- J A marke(1 a dl8.
the seel of the turbanc u, of e(lge ot tho
9002 miles irom urn uiBmuw, -,
bach and New Guinea. ,,.., 00rori now noise of enull-
U Is impossible to consider the die- - . ba8,n
. f . i i- nn.lAa nt tn1pnt new
e&iarnin nntiiii. il bci iud v - --
measure which 7nd8 ? 'adJuBtmenU of tho pelagic foundation
closoly with the space between Lai-, J continental mass
crept over nia ieaiarw. aim . , " . ..,...-.- - -- ibrlum at ono vorge, tne peiagic uasi..
w had expected dlfferont treatment turbanoes of the lacluc In tie cur , ,, b under lntGrnal
there, as he was a graduate of the rone year as lacking some sort oi in- i communicated
Stat. DBlmritr. and had stood sol- terrolatlon. The h,ad of that grea t.J" in. M attach.nont
Idly for their Interests.
0. k. ..B k. Kw n. !"T" ;,T" 0.r
:of nlastlc convuisicn unn i Buuim i , , . tf. ,.t
VOS. Sfllll IBB HO ini'liunmi iu
me laet nluln."
I i 0 ..! Minitnninnta
niAtt rn inn miivi iiiiii in
..j... A.nl.. l, nllnnt nn t,i , IIIIUII w llltu tu """"" ""
I r,,,.r" ; ;.,, of macI- of the earth, yet It would not proc
The idea!" oxulalmod Jews. "On ,ufflclont to challenge the atten-j surprising should other earthquakes
his knc. f suppose" ,,, we havt. lhe fol,owlng record for occur upon this western verge before
"01 you mean thinu! t was not! on0.h,if 0f tho year: San Francisco the Pacific basin has assumod a new
At least not until aftorwtml." wm, 0nring down on April 18. On poise and new attachments above Its
... .. . i. i ... . ... Iiiiwtnrlvlnf. imip'inn Vnu nrk Sun.
In the Uosoelof Islands In the Alas
kan sen. On August 1G Valparaiso
crumbled In ruins On October 2 the
nnnronrlatlons. Nov thcr fool Hint
' - .k wwov .
tnoy nam neon onuoriou. aim u is I'lillndoluhta l'ress.
going to bo hard to hold down the( 0
appropriations for hlcher education. ,, , .
I have no pledge- to make, beyond S.a.e o Ohio City of Toledo
. I.iifn f!nnn!v. Mi:
ailnrnirbNt endeavors to now Mountain, of New flulifa were rent
down all appropriations o an eco- J J To thtw t niovomont8
nomlcal l.n.lnoM "Islration ( on or partn 8mniier
nad 1ST: I : ih. ar ,f To.o. county and state evidences or the Inner might and
mom r of u" owT ..raforesaldand that said iirn, will pay throes of the reel.n. earth. Maugaan
working on a narrow margin In the, ' 'u" "riCtnnu
Catarrh that cannot be curd by the hae burst forth with violence hlther-
une of Hnirs Catarrh Cure. to unknewn: Japan line, been fnlrly
FltANK .1. CH15NKY. aqulver.
Sworn to before me and subscribed , One scarcely needs Professor
In my pretane thin Gth duy or l)e- Pickering's theory that tho Pacific
oeuiber, A I). ISSfi. bel represents the cavity left whon
A. W. GI.KASON, the moon was thrown off to recog-
( Seal J Notary Public, ulie that this Is a region or torros-
MuH's, Catarrh Curo Is takon inter- trial adjustments as yet fur from
imlly, and acts directly on the blood stable. Whereas the bods of other
und mucous surfucos of tho synlein. sens are pructlcally plane In tholr
Send for tastltnoulals freo.
F. J. CIIWNliV & CO..
Toledo. O.
SoM by all Druggists. 75p.
cninr umi it-ring; uunn uh ni" .-
.Bly 10 the new Island was cast up underlying mngma. Now lork Sun.
Dlds for Ideualk.o.
Ulds will be rorelvod by the undor
slgned up to 5 o'clock p. in. on Mon
day, January 7, 1907, lor construe-
state at large, and. unless we have a
fnlrlv ilhjiuiit mfcadlnn if Mia tai'latn.
tu re to no before the people with,!
there hi dancer of tho party getting
h knockout nt the next election I
am a statement No. 1 man, and ex
pect to vote for the senator, chosen
b) the peoplQ, wliother I am speaker
or not Uut I do not like tho way
some of Mr. Hourno's lieutenant aro
dlpplug Into tho speakership light.
At Portland yesterday Mr. Burke
wont with one of tho Bourne mom-
hers of the house and tried o take
n member's support away front tne.
nnd IhW In the fan- ot Mr Bourne's
solemn amim-oho that that he was
noi going to tak nn hand In " r I nt lft Ion
peluglc deiiths. the bod of the Pacific
Is yet raw and deeply sculptured.
Measured from Ita abysmlc valloys.
th deeiH-at known on earth, to Us
Take Hall a Fnmll Pllla for run- kiiow clad Hi'iiuults of 14 0000 foot
and hlghiM l masses of extrusion
of Salem. Oregon, as follews:
Across front lot U, block 1, Bolses
1st addition on Winter street.
Iots 7 and S In Waldo's addition,
State street.
The north half of lot 2, block 30,
on Liberty street.
And for construction of woodon
sidewalks as follews:
Lots 5. C, nnd 7, block 41, Univer
sity addition. Bellevtto street.
Lots 5 nnd C, block 42, University
addition, Bellevue street.
Part of lots 7 and S. block 42,
University addition, Bellevue strcot.
Lots 3 and 1 block 41. North Sa
eom, Broadway street.
Date of first publication, Dec. 2S,
12-2S-1H Recorder.
Salem People Are Doing All They o,,
Tor Follow Sufferers.
Salem testimony has bcon publish ,
to nrove the merits of Doan's KfdV,
Pills to others in Salem who auffor fro j
bad backs and) ludnoy his. Lost an;
sufferer doubt that tho cures mado b
Doan's Kidney PHte arc thwoueh aal
lasting, wo produce confirmed proof-.
atfltementa from Salera people, sayUg
that the cures mwy turn ui years agj
wero permanent Horo's a case'
William M Spayd, living on Winttr
street, southeast corner of D street
Salem, Ore, says: "It is just about
threo years sinco I rccommeadoj
Doan's Kidney Pills through our local
papers I said that woTda couldn't ei
press my good opinion of Doan'a KM
no)' Pills or describe tho TcmaxkabU
effects they had' on me. My kldnoyi
had been a sourco of nnnoyance for a
number of years arrdi I suffered e
verely from backacho and pain acrosi
my loins. I couldn't go out and split
a piece of kindling wood without my
back paining mo. TUo kidney seer
tions wore irregular and my rest it
night waa disturbeU on account of tholr
frequency and there was a scalding
pala in passage I was advised to
try Doan's Kidney Pills and procured
a supply at Dr. Stono's drug store. By
tho timo I bad used a littlo over om
box I was entirely free from tho back
ache arid tho action of tho kidneys'
eoorotions was rcgulatctl so that I could
rest tho wholo night without being dis
turbed. My kidneys wore toned up
and strengthened and my health waj
improved in every way. Threo boxei
of Doan's Kidney Pills mallo mo feel
express my gratitudo for what they riil
like a new man. I am always glad to
for me."
Tor sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho Unitd
Remember tho name Doan's and
tako no other.
Soottle Defeats Multnomah.
Seattle defouted Multnomah lu tbe
Now Year's gniuo nt tlitit city by a
score of G to 4. The enino wan
hot ono rrom start to finish but Se
nate soomed to bavo a crip on vic
tory from the sturt. MulLuomah
mado bovornl bad fumbles, but wa$
fnlrfo beaten In a gruelling contest
You may match
the prices but nev
er the values
If falling prices i
could be heard our estab
lishment would sound like a
boiler factory.
Quality, Durability and Low Prices are combined in this Great Clearance Sale.
You cat help being swept along by the current in the direction of economy and
10c Best Grade Muslin
in Mill End Remnants.
Now is your time to lay ?n a
supply of goed muslin.
Sale Price 6 1 -2c
Lace Curtains
$t.25 xrde, 3 yds Iok, now, .8c
$1.50 sMfc,3 yds long, now. $1.00
$2.50 xmk 3 yds long now $U25
Men's Wool Underwear.
We have a large lot of odd
shirts and drawers in all wool. Reg
ular $1.25 and $1.50 values,
Now 75c.
Bed Spreads
$ 1 KKuk:, large sue, no w. . , , , . 69c
$1 .25 srode, large she, now .... 90c
$1.75 sr(k', heavy size, now$i.25.
Ladies' Underwear
Good weight of flcecc-lincd cot
ton underwear, cream colon an un
matclmblc value at our clearance
Price Now 20c
Boys' Suits
Have all received their share of
slashing in prices
$6.00 Suits, now ', . .$3,75
$4.50 Suits, now $3.00
$3.50 Suits, now $2.35
$2.50 Suits, now $1.25
Standard 20c grade during this
50c Table Cloth
Mill end remnants; a double
value for your money at the
Sale Price 25c yd
Only 15c yd
12 1-2c heavy twill, now.. 9 1 -2c yd
Curtain Swiss
Now is your time to buy from a
large display of patterns at sale
1 0c grade, now, yd 8c
15c grade, now, yd lc
18c grade, now, yd. .7!..., 12 1-2c
20c grade, now, yd
Ladies' Skirts
$1.75 skirts, now $1.10
$2.00 skirts, now $1.25
$2.50 skirts, now. 575
$3.00 skirts, now. .'.... ZUQ0
$4.00 skirts, now $275
Drummers' sample lines
at half price.
' -