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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
i $"? rt ErV iw K: i&t" TiHTui OAPlTAIi JOURNAL, SALESf, OKKfiON. WKlXKSAr. JASlTAItl' 2. 1"T , SAILx1 OAPlTAIi JOUHXAL, SALKM, OKKfiON. WKlXKSAr. JANUARY i.. lu.. , . CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDlTORIALRAGE.. a-' " "" '" -' Insurance In California. A RJCW V C A Tk9 A Hi-fT IJUlfi HOFER BROS., PMlshcr ? Proprietors TKK JOl'K.VAtj 8TA.MW FOR l'JIOCHtKSS, JKVKJ,OIMKXT, fjovi:uNMi:xT, ami .no Kmifii i,.inon. coon th m . I' ivc irttr.itri.ti) rmiiiiKmriv. Till Btato should have a firsts lags railroad commlwlon or else lot the matter go entirely. h v. Thn fotiiiiiimKin should be ant)olntlvc by the governor, nnd IX should be made JHiKCTlVK I. FlTt'ICB 111 THIS J'KOI'LK. It u honored that the nresent governor can ha trusted to appoint a ! .miuliiii tlm will loo1 fnlrft w flio tntj fl nil (tin nnriidraMniiB Huoli a commission would have three rears to mako a record to go be fore the ni-onle. Tin; rixiriji; uiju jik Timnriiii ju iwrnt ux I'M KM, With direct nomlnntlon and direct election the people could havo nn even cnancfi Willi nw corponiuuiis in weening '"i improper canumuius On ley of that the commission should have the power to carry on lnvcs tlcrnilAnu HtiI fn nt thn hnllnm fnrl nf Ihn nrnlilpms ... ..-......-. . . i.... I. .. ... ... & . i. . Tile WMRingion coinmusiun iihd uuitii iiiun m worn ai nu expense ui ahnn( rn nfio fnr ttifl total work of the rnmnilmilnn. For Orf con to got results In holding trade that deponds on transpor tation anvawngce nun nuiiiv inum n nn nuim iiimiiiiuiiiji. T5i eoinmlftslon should btcomo en authoritative body of bucIi fairness ' , and ability that IU word would not bo questioned from nny standpoint ei HUWllf or KnuwicuKO ui inu luuuuiuuumi mum. v Such a commission would be worth all It cost. Nono other would bo : worth Imvlns unJor present conditions. o . ' TIIIJ flltCATKIt HAMUI l'OMOK. Cbinf (Jlbmiti will be able to glvo this city a first-class pollco survlco, If he I backed up rightly by the council. He was tho first official to give this city A MOUNTIM) CHI UK oi" Tho tlHio ha now romo In tho development of arcalcr Snlom to havo the rosulnr.forro put In uniform. The sliihl of an uuirormcd pollcemman at tho B. I. station would ad vortlso to tho world THAT TIHH 1H A CITV. An unlforiiiftd linlleetnan would liavA tiriivnniml Mm tnrrlliln ulmnHnw aown ot wio innocent uorinan lauorur at trio station recently. Vltli Hie city pollco Judco and the c'hlof of yollco worklue In porfoct harniony, and a perfectly harmonious rolloo force, nnd about two mon added to tho force, this city would have A VKRV CRIiDITAIIM: reMCi: AU.MINIHTUATIUN. Tho i-l-lit mon nw at tho hood of tho department. Thero Is splondld urn tor la I to solvcl n iiollro force from. With ward polities cut out of the situation tho City of Uroator Salem oould hnvo a very edlcltrnt Kunrdlanshlp. waawiiiiiwii " iamsmMMlM. - JDCuvri m m n n Mm I II &Jv&yo m 1 sl j7sC m I aA uaas Lmj I gsrafflS WWiBiH lIHiMlli MMrmlf.- I Wj2S5fiSf I mMWMM I II I I B W, AN ANNUAL EVENT In Salem Is Our Great Clearance Sale Editor Chronicler Sir The edl ,.ioi n itio niiPAiton of fraternal life Insurance appearing In the Chron ii, nn cjnn!p". Dpcember ICth, ' t. - ,nl.ini.ii1iiinalvo knnu'lPllL'L' of iBJIUwo u wun'K""""""" life Insurance In senerai anu iruiw- nr.1 llf-. Inmimnri) In tlrtrtlclllfir. TllO editorial call attontlon to some of the wnitneFsM In tho procent irn ternnl pvstem of home protection nnd I ....-.... r iiimii. susestd a jonniie piusiuw " "" i ..... ,..,,.,. , .,.," .. dial lr..Klatlon. That the defects "- -"". uus ur spoken of exist In the fraternal so-' ortl ; anu ' a in ue" 'or cu cletles to a grater or less extent no "i"' I'HKe.stlo Costl. , .. . I... ness, Colds, or leinalo Ills, finf one conversant with the present situ-' ' r,,. ., "" uJt t knn ftf r rlSM 111117 illllir... II uu J3 wi jk w &iiihiiiiiL' iro RESOLUTION Slop i'.perlmentliig with tinkno remedies and stick to the Hitters, has a 53 years' record of cures ba of It. Therefore make HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Now in progress at this big rlothlm? More. Hnrgnins for MEN, YOUTHS, CHILDRKX. I'rlces are slashed Mllhout mercy, as nil goods must he olenncd out ready for new stock We never carry goods over. G. W. Johnson & Co. SS rf : i..: u",,5 '" ... domnnd than any other country China Is producing Inrge quanti ties of cotton, but tho ciunlltv Is not good, and has to bo mixed with nlihnr ..-.- i uuuui ii nil ti us irrifii st tin iir irS1"0"!0; -" which things to a'sk I good fabric Japan ubcb largo quan tities of Chlnoio cotton In tho manu facture of toxtlles. nnd will no rimiht book control of tho supply. She Is t'tt'-lMf llltf ill llln lllimr Inlinli. It. niiiiili.. n.i.l i.. " '" "' ' - n' I ' iii.tuwi llliu llWBUIIIIUi; III It cecuir absurd to upend oxreslvoJln'rcut to the time llmllatioiiH of . ... ... !!. .. . siiiiih of money In tho couatructlan idiid operation of steaiiishlps for the wore purpose of clipping a fow hours front tho actual time of crossing, whon so iiiuoh tlmu which might irosdlly ho saved M w heedlossly Wastpd at tho terminals. I havo spoken of this mutter before, but It the pnnUKors, prooeed to examine Hit trunks, hags and bundles. TIiIh Hiiio-wnstliiR operntlnti over, the Im pediments mtwt be transferred to wagons, whllo tho oasseiiKor lilmsolf uiidertakes a walk of n quarter or an hour's duration to reach Uib placo where, after n wall of tiidAdniio -rlLl'.l'.--" of hor own In Coron In ordor to mnko horsolf Indepondont of tho forolmi sujiply. It Is Interesting In this connection to noto tho sourcou from which Jnnnn obtains hor raw cotton. From re llable itatUtlcs for tho half vnnr ending Juno 30, 1000, It Is shown that tho cotton mills of Japan used -,rH,GC2 pounds of raw rniinn Of this amount. India annulled the greatest quantity, 7r,,C73,C83 peunds: Ulllnn. 07.9a0.9r4 noiindH. t....i Amorlcn, B8.B4fl,r,89 pounds. From from tho youngest to t'io oldest, know nna acted on tho knowledge thnt fa ther and mother wero of two minds about whnt wns good for us. Wei.., I ' fa- mors pormlsslon about and which mother's. For Instnncos, If Harry wnntod to so fishing or swimming, ho wont to fnther: whon It wns a one which Uonmnd Interested and '"Kth. he may consider hlmsulr t Htl"0. tL SI? VTTX Klei-Wlo atlvnllnn. At the ..resent rtlly In tho eontral of hi. uwn .,, '' 1 '""T " .C wieniinn atlontlon. At the presont Htne, both In Ktwuimhlp mid railway wrvlcu, nearly all effort to gain time Is vinomlwl upon tho most dlfllcult nnd costly portion of the trip. wlih. out giving a thought to the time- wiving KiKslhltltlee to the passenger at the ud of the run. At tho pre. - t time the great sttamshtii. tak ing hw pilot off Snudy Hook, slaok mm hw wrned. vtovs at quarantine, slowly proeecde up the itvw. bud is laboriously nnd leisurely warped In to bur beilli The turnum .-.. ara lltU ,.t.llu. . ... . uunseu in wait ror all lURgage to ha brought off, and nre further deUlned. until a bo.h of customs In glWtPr. luumiv woefully inade. Catarrh otn k foiwrt Moo4 mrimK ooiirtkiitioinl $ ctfeg throngk S1 ""WNE ti Moo for m nmom m4 mmmtmmt wmn to Ukt HcwiStrstpiirilla Nti4sr)c4llWM4ftr-j..n.W iji j- .... ct j Ji "T 7 v ik.IlZr-TT.T' "r.Jwcw, r ' cSSCilT1 ,-a---ry e. tuu. TTHi NOTICE tmm iu:f.tKTMR,vr op thf ttAHTAI, XATK.V.lf IU.VK WKA t'UJASU IWSK.VTTHKIR r.m ihkjkh lim thi; run. nmm. sr l,Y.a niUlHTUI) fUt IsMMfaNM'Al, lXTtmKST WmV WiTtHMtAWX Tim mtmmm wtu, m Amm m MxwxtJMmaRixm movemontu. Purely wo have here as lit a Hold for the application of Bclnntlllo moth ods to tho sating of time as oxlsts In tho addition of (IioummhU to Hm horse-power of the engine, ami him. dreds uf tons to tfce dally coal eon sumutlon while in mldoeean. u ought to be !wx,u t iiv, i, ,, eusuinw luspertians made on bonnl uie met), after which all patteuRtrs eouW U traiiBferred. with a miui. mum of deho. to swift int- i,.-i. lied by destination, and delivering persons and belonging directly to Piers utwn which waiting trains of iiri!my urnMUIed obw oould re wive them, leaving the ureal vai to reach her pier with nil the present oxiuperAtlng deliberation. (- from the prenot of a slmcle The ease and facility with whleu this simple program could be onrrled out was most olearly shown in- iu manner In which It wiu notnniiv ,,. oompllihed for the daughter of the President of Uit. init. e.... .. nhort time ngu. g0 ar ug U(ft .. .Howneo. it require, oaly a W te comuuitttlnn to demunrnte that the nucwHftry expenditure would he but u fraction of that mnmi .. save the same amount of tiivm i.v i.. erwnstng the spee.1 of th0 niM, at wi. Similar amilteiMiutiii f -!..... tine mthhls t the ytnmtiiation uf msnufaoturlag and ooimnarolal opratons have mad n h .u. fnc bttwedn prortt and lo. and It wuuia be e slniHle turnip. n Of the OXUllUB kteanikl.1.. ii ... heat the new Cinardew In the effe- "" ',UUIIK 0l 'em lu this way Without H.l.ltn -. - J - -,fc ti ou a thn iu "" pnuutis wero used. With three cuptlons nil tho mills In Japan used American cotton. Flvo mills did not use Indian cotton nt nil. and live did without any of tho Chlnwo product. The total number of snlmiiM in operation lu tho cotton mills of .In-' If we might go. Wo lenrnod onriv that the way to provnll ngnlnst her wns not to nrguo with hor, but t got father's consorft first for the thing wo didn't think she would an-1 i-w.v ui, uiiu mon lei n m io t ho arguing for us. Wo know, too, that when he consented, ho know oulto as well as wo that mother wouldn't llko It. On tho other hnnd, whon mother had nsreed to something fa atlon will deny:. Neither Is thero nnv division of opinion as to the necessity for action on tho part of the fraternal life Insurance societies thnt will retnovo tho probability of exccsslvo assessment rates In the future. Tho only question, therefore, with which wo have to do is n question of method. How can tho needed re forms in tho matter of assessment rates bo brought about? This is a matter that has beon engaging the attontlon of leading fratornnlists for years nnd tho Knights of Pythias Is, so fnr as I know, tho first society to recommend that fraternnl lifo insur ance societies bo nlncod iinilor fhn Jurisdiction of state insurance com missioners. Tho last session of tho National Fraternal society wont on record as being apposed to nny leg islation 'whatever nffectlnc frntornal lifo Insurance nt this time. Tho best ny to brim about tho needed re forms In the frntornal societies Is to lot them nlono nnd lot them work out tholr own prohloms. Tho frntornal societies dlffor from tho old-lino life insurnnco compn- nios in tnnt tlio frntornal Insurnnco nny Druggist. John Hay's Versatility. John Hay, statesman, riuthor an poet, excelled In all three lines, a a statesman ho had fow equals an no superiers: ns nn author his chit achievement wa3 In writing the III of Lincoln. As a poet, howovor. fet npprecinto that his sons wns loft- and well sustained. His reputatloi in this line has depended on hi lighter productions, such as "Jin Biudsoe," "Uttio uroecnos," etc. but the following In a more serious vein shows power and depth: "j i A WOMAN'S LOVK. A scntlnol angel sitting high in glory Heard this shrill wnil ring out from purgatery: B "Havo mercy, mighty angol, hoar bl storyl "I loved nnd, blind with pnsslonatl love, I fell. Love brought mo down to doaibl and death to hell. For God Is Just, nnd death for slal Is well. " "viiiiiiii III-I .-.,,, iM ou luo tlior did not wish us to do, sho would ! n0CO8ltV f a chnnso In tho rato of Ont' in lllm I IINHAIinm .L 1 mdhiiibiiiuiii. loroxnmnio contract can be rlmniroii nni. i... n. supromo Inw-mnklng hodv ro.nnRo,i J (, not rftB nsn'nst Ills high d of delegntos elected by tho inomhora of tho society. Tho fraternnl rocloh- thnt Is representative In government. must tnko tho membership Into Its confldonco on nil questions portnln Ing to tho socloty. and tho probloni confronting tho frntornal socloty Is io sot tno momborshlp to seo the ay to him 'I lyust keep my pronilso to tho girls. You should hnvo sni.t Bnnnr. Hint you didn't want lhom .,. whon ixior fnthor hadn't hm! n oim.,. to rofuw us, ,i Wo all know ho hndn't. Ono of the thinW i.n i..., always boon most punctilious about is Keeping promlsos. so whon mothor mn laet Jiilr rU1.....i i ,. ft ""'" ' I'ronilsed the girls.' she knw ml he cotton coaaumed that month ! ' hd hU"'' " Hvr-hody'g Maa le.Kll.lIC pounds. Tlitet ilraa fTHienr m rattld ttrlden the cotton immsiry it mnklag lu Jajmn. N'enr ly overy mill lucreaeed u nin.iiM. nu enlarged lu capital gtook. and very mill showed u eatlsfnctory llnanclnl condition. There was talk of building a cot ion mill In Dalny. but condition, fn nevernl years lo come will not war rant the outlay. The cost of living I more than double what It Is In 4 mm ii, anil thore n. n bkhk.. i hor. which would make such nn Instl- mwon almost Iniuogelbla in ni,a..a ntauront. o- . The Clslltl Willi Two Famits. "I Bupyose it u beonuso I taught BchiMil before I was married that I reed every article I ee about tho atv of 'the parent' (I notloe these artlclu I....... ... .. . .. "farm ii(IK ni inrt niiruiil I.. m inguiari to co-Qnorute wuj, th() teacher In the education of the child I ilea And In the inngasinee many URttve ou the training nnd government of children. To read these articles one wouM . . ...-. Mother brought up their rhlldraa Mfllng Pig Inm Willi Magnets. The primary Idea underlying the design of this magnet was to produce acu n (lensa nnd woli dlroctod mng etlo iiux that the material to be Hftwl would rise to moot tho polos of the magnet, in actual service nn ulghty.pound pig of iron will Jump vertically from four to six inches to union ueeir to the center pole. The load which Is lifted form- .. ....... the armature of the magnet, but portion of the core ng well. A gront r weight of detached matorlal Is. therefore roqnlrod to satisfy the mag net circuit than wnni.i i. ,. ine load formal mami.. , "re so that the lifting mmeHy " the magnet Is correspondingly . creasotl. To lirlllir about n phango In tho assessment rnto oi tno Modern woodmen of America not only Is It nocossnry for tho mnn- ngoment or tho socloty fo seo the I nocosslty for n chnnso. hut n mom horshlp of moro than SOO.000 must nlHo ho mnde to seo the necessity for .... ..uiiiie in uieir pnvmonts. Edu cational cnmiifllens. th ni.i i. niemborshln to go tho necessity for change in assessment rut h. i... oarrlwl on by some of the lending (jptwnal society lrlnr tlio past wvernl yonrs and T have no doubt that wo shall seo all (ho fpni.., ratios colloctlng ndoqunto rates with n n fow vears. Thin rn,im.. ...... '; hrought about, however, by ovo- ...m.mi, nui rovoiution. The legislation Riit.rrttc.1 ,... .. Chronicle would ombnrraes nnd hnm- e v. . 0r"nl 8C,0t,8 wt"0'" ,!!."?: ",,r"OBo. Should : """H'ce comm us oner bo clven Jurisdiction over the fr,.lT 5', n creo, iur ior niAseu uo usk tnat grow shall be; Hut for my love on onrth who monrni for mo. il Gront spirit! Let me nguln And comfort him ono hour, and i wero fuln To pay a thousand years of flro and1 . .pain." seo my .2 lore t Thon said tho repent Thnt wild vow finger's bont Down to tho last hour of thy punish';! mont!" Dltylng nngol, "Na Look,, tho dial l But still slio wnllod, "r pray theo, l(t mo ge: I cannot rise to peacond leave him o, Oh, lot mo soothe him In his bitter ll'no " VI .. wii ,?, M8t wh,ch ,8 t0 hwdlo from """ vu vv ns of Iron por day it evident that the ros.gtofuhe m'ag nic circuit Is not tho only thing ,0 b eonsldored. ,t ,. douf whethor any one pow of olectrloa apparatus , called ,,.,.,.. , !r" " ' under such oxtrem 8evereU,coIi UynvV!,,th,OOXerC,SOon,,8n'''''or- lu a m n mum mi. .. by th fM, 0,m'fiOd " uie fratornnl snnio... ..., ... . tiia nn., . ' maio , wwn ot mat rato a condition "I'on which a license oould bo 2 cured, untold ini.. . uo so" v i ""' "uuiii result No ohango could bo made l the s J".t rate until tho cov0 no the law-making i.,i , ... K UI ,, " """j. uim we woiilil 'ven0as,urancot h0 lawlmaw: sinnP .,. u "....". '"" commis- .-..-. ., 8I10UW tlloy fall 'he fraternnl Bnni.i . . so r"- ground sullenlrj The hrnzon gatos ajar, And upward, Joyous, llko a rising star, ' Sho rose nnd vanished In tho ether fii t iafl-t Helenoe" In The Fo,MW, o ii JOS. H. AliBtfT, Thl U't at all the wav the lhM. and r.lhw wh "have In real Ufa. w. .?. lirr Wlw that iuZ """ rw line- until h ... -oeh lt Iw u jw luMiMuws of married people. Z re thU. most r tk. V.! - . HtK lJTT ' K! HJ, " u,W8ct "-. to dm "Onp IwmodUte reeult of th rsaitiofl ot tu tJ V..:r - ---- UHHKlHg so-the JauV iii.. t , " "wuwciurtiin Induklry ei wuau k Johm. of Dalny rc- wsmeuu to &, .l. , w or unmfc, Hwrtw: I)rit.s th M months th Wllk U Jajmr tMrea thei. ...... ! W,U tth W HI in view. Jmt wwwmx ,Mk,Bg Kh uc to th devetomuut 8f kto ,n. daMry. jMR at lahbv ... m Me fvr u tbu JZZ:T? !tc,fci.iifrw2..: linn, 4- ... . i " ' .. l -! I HIBI III 1IBIV HI n !.. mi nione. If It wr- m , . r , , uunea. pigs "" artlcdee on the .... ". -,Tvr ..."v .:"., :.J l'mp 8evero 'hee to A" a fratornallst I nm , . i,B.,.iu "-". ui iius- ""., iHemsoiVea to the ,.... Interferon .. " ""i-waeu io - """ w"" i know that thore , v M,,J i ail in the world, or .... . "v "uiHiiitirincr 1 ovu ,on3 ' "Mb pigs, and. in ,,,-, the iinii frt tki. t- .. "t- ;;;..: :. , wnB. tho 1"" iiaou IS Irlnunml.. . :7C2 -. iw u uiluU. Thfl -,-,... . "'"'I'm l nttach ,h Z T ,nChM t0lntVrf Uatwn I m oppose- of SOO tons rtf.M. ..,'. ;" "s ..." ""-. na as a namlMr California innljint. stroniin0i.. ",u,ro l shall " Al'lznn.i , .. "D u .u9rauug tho magnotlted wind,,,; Woodmen otVmn.iT Modert tJuZ ' "u,.',raWMng u from Hut soon ndown tho dying sunset sail mg, And llko n wounded bird her plnloui trailing. Sho fluttered back, with brokon heart ou wailing. She sobbod, "l foUna him by tho buib- nior son "oclinod. his head upon a malden'i neo Sho curled his hair and kissed him.! woe- is me!" She wopt, "Now let' my punishment: uugini I heve boen fond and foolish. Let wo in To expiate my sorrow and my sin." ' The angel answered, "N'uy, sad soul, bo higher! To bo deceived In your truo heart's uusiro Was bitter than n thousand years of flro!" IIU ta our t,n...; " "w, to dre4 us. and w.. ....." our frw ; .v '" """ ainmt moUturoMd vii ZT" " Irom he: m" lUf6 "T l oa J uthe face of the wagiwt mus; he provide.! for, ust Iw masuet has t,wn reduced to a Pttcai uud dependable d1v,c0 ,t I feting ranldtv h.-j """co, it faeturew and ms J IT "i .Banul Brothi.i U...I. .... . uu antl stool -.-.vt n ,u IIItA IHIkAj..... . .t . : '"""uucuon Mbtruttn.1 i. Wife-Kan, .., n , - "-ms Q try that wine that your cousin sent you on your binh.i...... Husband I aon't v - la return for tL T' JPU S?e him ist n!,. Clga,-S I sent Blattor. :.'"' i sent Christmas. -FHegend piles cuitED i.TT7T m w PASO mv.."" TO 1 DAYS, m V latroducuon of to cure aay T ,3 guaranteed WT la tho cost of handling r.:anycaso of Itching ,...? - Jean Hay, Always R.eek,r tfce Fid NM Lixative Bfomo Tablets f.rf Mag4,Jn& uTavTor m?lfUd,DS " T C to -J - ,tVWflPitita v, reiunde 60c Cow in on Dy Curt Gri fc'x p.y. i tes: ."Siyi o , there era four ss 5S ,TUB NekW v- t&du&t 4r Q " cry fcoit, ast SJL, iw such materials. (. VLr '" -ftr